Glozovaya. Lozovaya. Population of the city of Lozovaya

A very ancient trade route from the Sea of ​​Azov to the Dnieper. “Zalozny” departed from the ancient pronunciation of the word “iron,” since along this shortest route iron was transported in caravans, which in ancient times was a valuable metal and was delivered from China and other places in Asia. (Zabelin, Brun.) This name “Zalozny” was preserved in the changed name of the station “Lozovaya” (Source - explanation in the book “Genghis Khan”).

2. History

The city was founded as a railway station during the construction of the railway. In a short time, Lozovaya becomes an important railway junction - routes to Kharkov, Donbass, Poltava and Yekaterinoslav converge here. The village itself was divided into two parts - Avilivka and Zarudnivka. The first housed poor workers who worked on the railway or in small enterprises in Lozova. The second part, Zarudnivka, was a prestigious area where merchants, nobles, officials, etc. lived. It had wooden sidewalks, a cinema, and a market. The proportion of the Jewish population was significant.

9. Press

10. Religious life

It is known that at the beginning of the century there were Orthodox churches in Lozovaya, a chapel at the station itself, a Catholic church, a synagogue, as well as communities of Old Believers and Baptists. All churches were destroyed. The church was destroyed in 1928. The synagogue was closed. In 1942, an Orthodox church was opened there, which operated for some time after the Second World War.

Now there are two Orthodox churches and a monastery in Lozovaya, one church is under construction (all are UOC-MP), there are also individual believers of the UAOC and Protestant communities:

  • Evangelical Christian Baptists (two movements (“registered” and “separated”), each with one community)
  • Christians of the Evangelical Pentecostal faith - 2 communities
  • Seventh-day Adventists (2 congregations)
  • Lutherans - 1 community
  • charismatics (1 community "Embassy of God" and 1 "New Generation")
  • Jehovah's Witnesses ("Kingdom Hall" built)

There are also:

11. Famous people of Lozova

  • Bazaluk Oleg Aleksandrovich - Doctor of Philosophy, professor, scientist-philosopher, author of the modern scientific and philosophical model of the universe "evolving matter"
  • Berezhnoy Nikolai - Hero of the Soviet Union, artilleryman who participated in World War II as part of the Red Army
  • Berezovsky Efim - Hero of the Soviet Union, artillery participant in World War II as part of the Red Army
  • Belousov Vasily - Hero of the Soviet Union, participant in World War II as part of the Red Army
  • Bulgakova Lyudmila Petrovna - Ukrainian historian, researcher of Kostroma folk embroidery
  • Gladky Alexander - famous football player, player of the Shakhtar club
  • Dikiy Ivan - Honored Doctor of Ukraine
  • Dymshits Mark - Zionist movement activist, arrested in 1970 for attempting to hijack an airplane
  • Kalinichenko Ilya - Deputy Chairman of the KGB of the USSR, Commander-in-Chief of the Border Troops of the USSR
  • Alexey Kostenko - Lieutenant General of the USSR Aviation
  • Kucherenko Vladimir - Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Minister of Construction
  • Kucherenko Nikolay - one of the designers of the T-34 tank
  • Samuil Lozovsky - Soviet statesman
  • Vadim Manusov - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Novosibirsk State Technical University, member of the International Energy Academy
  • Wet Nikolai - Hero of the Soviet Union, artilleryman who participated in World War II as part of the Red Army
  • Morgun Nikolai Ivanovich - Hero of the Soviet Union, commander of a mortar platoon, participant in World War II as part of the Red Army
  • Alexey Murzhenko - Soviet dissident
  • Alexander Nartov - participant of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, multiple champion of Ukraine in high jump, silver medalist of the European Cup and the World Universiade
  • Oberemko Valentin Ivanovich - Soviet diplomat
  • Petrichenko Anatoly - Lieutenant General, Head of the Central Food Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
  • Rapoport Anatole - American philosopher, biologist, psychologist
  • Reus Valentin - member of the vocal quartet?Yavor?
  • Savenko Sergey ("Owl") - rock musician, member of the group "Che Orchestra"
  • Anna Saenko is an artist, participant of all-Ukrainian and international exhibitions, her works are in private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Switzerland
  • Skorik Leonid - born in Lozovaya on April 27, 1939) - Canadian singer of Ukrainian origin, bass-baritone Vsevolod Petrov and writer Vladimir Sosyura (Cossack of the UPR Army at that time). During World War II, the famous Ukrainian writer Yuri Klen stayed here for some time. Red Army General Alexander Noskov was in the prisoner of war camp. Before his brother, who lived in Lozovaya, came the outstanding philosopher, literary critic, dissident Evgeniy Sverstyuk. The Russian opera singer Lyudmila Magomedova spent her childhood in Lozovaya. The Soviet leaders here were Nikita Khrushchev. In his younger years, having accidentally fallen behind the train, Boris Yeltsin visited the station. Residential neighborhoods of the city were designed by Vladimir Kanevsky, now an American sculptor. In Kharkov and Lozovaya in 1937 they shot a film about Pavlik Morozov (directed by Sergei Eisenstein).
The city of Lozovaya is located on the territory of the state (country) Ukraine, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Europe.

In what region (region) is the city of Lozovaya located?

The city of Lozovaya is part of the region (region) Kharkov region.

A characteristic of a region (region) or a subject of a country is the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements that are part of the region (region).

Region (oblast) Kharkov region is an administrative unit of the state of Ukraine.

Population of the city of Lozovaya.

The population of the city of Lozovaya is 64,627 people.

Year of foundation of Lozovaya.

Year of foundation of the city of Lozovaya: 1869.

Telephone code of the city of Lozovaya

The telephone code of the city of Lozovaya: +380 5745. In order to call the city of Lozovaya from a mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +380 5745 and then the subscriber’s number directly.

Here is a map of Lozovaya with streets → Kharkov region, Ukraine. We study a detailed map of the city of Lozovaya with house numbers and streets. Real time search, weather today

More details about Lozovaya streets on the map

A detailed map of the city of Lozovaya with street names shows all routes and objects, including st. Gagarin and Marx. The city is located near. Large railway junction in the region.

For a detailed examination of the territory of the entire region, it is enough to change the scale of the online diagram +/-. On the page there is an interactive map of the city of Lozovaya with addresses and routes of the area, move its center to find the streets - Oktyabrskaya and Kommuny.

You will find all the necessary detailed information about the location of urban infrastructure in the city - shops and houses, squares and roads. City st. Volodarsky and Ordzhonikidze are also in sight.

Satellite map of Lozovaya with Google search is waiting for you in its section. You can use the Yandex search to find the required house number on the map of the city and the Kharkov region of Ukraine in real time. Where is

Heraldry Coat of arms
Lozovsky district

The heraldic shield with gold edging has the shape of a quadrangle with rounded lower corners and a sharp point at the base. On the purple background of the shield there are two grain ears on both sides and a vine branch curved to the right in the center, which are united by a blue ribbon. In the center of the coat of arms is a graphic image of a falcon with arrows crossed in its paws, the points pointing to the right.
The shield is framed by a silver patinated cartouche in the form of ancient parchment scrolls (letters) and topped with an unfolded book.

Lozovsky district

The flag of the Lozovsky district is a rectangular two-color panel (width to length ratio 2:3), at the top there is a crimson stripe 2/3 of the width of the panel, at the bottom there is a green stripe 1/3 of the width of the panel. In the upper left corner of the flag there is an image of the district coat of arms.

Coat of arms
Lozovaya city

The coat of arms is placed on a heraldic shield, rounded at the bottom (Spanish). The shield is divided diagonally into two parts. The upper left corner is crimson in color, in which a golden vine branch is placed, explaining the origin of the city's name. The lower right part is green and features four crossed silver arrows, explaining the historical feature of the city, which is located at the crossroads of four important routes.
The shield is placed on a cartouche in the Ukrainian Baroque style. The coat of arms is topped with a silver stone crown - a sign of the city’s status. Outside the shield there is a crossed hammer and an adjustable wrench, as symbols of the industrial industry and the road - the leading industries of the city. The hammer and key are framed with a crimson and green ribbon. At the bottom of the ribbon is the inscription “Lozovaya” in gold.

Lozovaya city

The city flag is a rectangular panel consisting of two equal stripes of crimson and green. The top crimson stripe in the left corner features crossed silver arrows and a golden vine branch. The ratio of width to length of the flag is 2:3. The city flag is double-sided.

Lozovsky district

Lozovsky district(Ukrainian Lozivskyi district) is an administrative unit in the south of the Kharkov region of Ukraine.

The administrative center is the city of regional significance of Lozovaya, which is not part of the district.

Lozovsky district was formed in 1923.

It is located in the south of the Kharkov region. It borders in the north with Pervomaisky, in the east with Balakleysky, in the southeast with Bliznyukovsky districts of the Kharkov region, in the west with the Sakhnovshchinsky district of Kharkov and Pavlogradsky district of the Dnepropetrovsk region.

Population: 32 5 thousand, people.

Area: 1404 sq km

(Ukrainian Lozova) is a city in the south of the Kharkov region, Ukraine.

Lozovaya is a city of regional subordination. The second most populous city in the region after Kharkov. The center of the district is located in the south of the region, 148 km from Kharkov.

Lozovaya is one of the largest railway junctions of the Southern Railway.

Railway lines pass through the city: Kharkov-Donbass; Kharkov-Pavlograd; Poltava-Krasnograd-Slavyansk; a branch to the Smirnovsky quarry and two highways of republican significance: Merefa - Lozovaya and Izyum - Krasnograd.

Population: 71,100 people

Telephone code: +380 5745

(Ukrainian Lozovaya) – urban-type settlement, Lozovsky village council, Lozovsky district, Kharkov region, Ukraine.

Located 163 km south of Kharkov. Railway station on the Kharkov-Rostov-on-Don line.

The Lozovsky village council includes the villages of Internatsionalnoye and Sadovoye.

Population: 4939 people (2001)

Telephone code: +380 8-05754

Sights of Lozovsky district

Located on the left bank of the river. Bereki. One of the fortresses of the Ukrainian line. Original name Lozovaya. In 1738, it was renamed after the Slobodsky infantry regiment, stationed on the section of the line from Lozovaya to Alekseevskaya fortress.

The fortress is earthen, rectangular in plan, with four bastions. During construction, the ramparts of the fortress were about 6 m high. The area of ​​the fortress yard is about 1.4 hectares, in the center there is a trace of a well. The dry wide moat surrounding the fortress has been preserved. The southwestern curtain is reinforced with ravelin directed towards the river. Bereke. The Slobodskaya fortress was connected by a rampart and a ditch with the second Tambov fortress on the line and the fourth, the Mikhailovskaya fortress.

village of Pavlovka-Vtoraya

History of Lozova

The settlement of Lozovaya arose in the late 60s of the 19th century during the construction of the Kursk-Kharkov-Azov railway. Along with the construction of the railway, work began on the construction of a railway station in 1868. Builders' dugouts, shops, and taverns appeared. The station with a small wooden station was called Lozovaya. A settlement was founded near the station. On December 25, 1869, a locomotive whistle sounded over Lozovaya for the first time, announcing the start of railway traffic on the Kharkov - Rostov-on-Don line. Four years later, construction of the railway from Lozovaya to Sevastopol began, and in 1875 the Lozovo-Sevastopol railway was put into operation.

Lozovaya at that time was divided into two parts: Zarudnevskaya and Avilovskaya. The name of the first comes from the name of the landowner Zarudny, on whose lands merchants and traders settled. In this part, two-story stone houses, shops were built, and wooden sidewalks were laid. At the disposal of the rich were a garden, a cinema, and a merchant's club. Railway switchmen, stokers, wagon couplers, conductors and other working people lived in Avilovskaya, living in squalid mud huts and wooden huts. There were no shops or sidewalks here.

In 1902, the Lozovaya-Poltava railway line came into operation, connecting Donbass with the western regions of the country. Lozovaya became a railway junction.

The transformation into a railway junction contributed to the rapid growth of the economy and population of Lozova. Situated in the center of a large agricultural area, it also developed as a commercial center. There were large trading warehouses, many shops, permanent bazaars, several large grain warehouses and mills. Carts loaded with wheat pulled from distant and nearby landowners' estates and farmsteads to the Lozova bazaars. Labor also arrived here - men and women - in the hope of finding work for a piece of bread.