Vasodilators are vasodilating drugs. Which tablets to choose to dilate blood vessels in the brain Light vasodilators

In modern medicine, drugs that lower blood pressure are used for drug therapy of hypertensive crises and chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system. These medications include vasodilators - vasodilators, which widen the lumen of blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure. These medications are taken for headaches, dizziness, and general weakness.

What are vasodilators

Vasodilating agents are drugs that cause relaxation of the muscular structure of the vessel, expanding its lumen. This lowers arterial and venous pressure throughout the body. Tablets for vasodilation include a wide group of drugs that differ from each other in the mechanism of action on the muscular element of the vascular wall. This group also includes drugs for dilating cerebral blood vessels during strokes and ischemia.


The prescription of vasodilators is indicated for patients in the treatment of disorders of general and cerebral circulation, hypertension and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels (angina pectoris, atherosclerosis). Some vasodilators should be taken on an ongoing basis to maintain normal blood pressure, for example, Timolol, while others are prescribed only for a course or are used for first aid to a patient (Stugeron).

Calcium antagonists

Medicines (for example, Cinnarizine) from the group of calcium antagonists are substances that block L-type calcium channels and slow calcium channel blockers. This is a group of pharmacological drugs that have the same mechanism of action, but differ in some properties, especially in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. In addition to ischemia, the indication for taking calcium antagonists is cardiac arrhythmia.

Herbal preparations

Natural herbal medicines are used to restore the vascular wall and blood pressure. Medicines based on extracts of periwinkle, hawthorn, motherwort and other plant components are widely represented on the pharmacological market. It is no less effective to use some homeopathic preparations made from natural raw materials for arterial spasms. Plant-based tablets and tinctures have the following properties:

  • expand the lumen of blood vessels;
  • reduce the tone of the vascular wall;
  • increase vascular permeability of the endometrium;
  • have antioxidant properties.

Drugs for vasodilation

Vasodilator medications affect the speed of blood flow and the force with which blood passes through arteries and veins to tissues and organs. Drugs of this pharmacological group are widely used for drug therapy of hypertensive crises, chronic heart failure, and atherosclerosis. Tablets for dilating blood vessels are also used when there is insufficient blood supply to the organs.

For hypertension

Currently, for chronic hypertension, during episodes of sharp increases in blood pressure due to various reasons, the following drugs are used for drug therapy:

  1. Dimecoline. A drug from the list of ganglion blockers, used for peripheral vascular spasms, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is recommended for use to relieve attacks of sudden increases in blood pressure; they have contraindications for use (hypotension). The cost of the medicine varies from 80 to 145 rubles.
  2. Kamphonium. Medicine, biostimulator of cardiac activity. Used to treat persistent hypertension in the elderly. The main advantage of the drug is the small number of side effects with long-term use. The price of the medicine is from 110 rubles.

For lower limbs

Vasodilator drugs for the lower extremities are used for chronic diseases of peripheral vessels that cause disruption of the trophism of cells and tissues of the lower extremities, such as endarteritis, Raynaud's syndrome, diabetic angiopathy, trophic ulcers, atherosclerosis. At the moment, in the complex pharmacological therapy of tissue nutritional disorders caused by narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, the following drugs are used:

  1. Dipyridamole. The drug is used to prevent thrombosis of deep veins, capillaries and arteries. An effective remedy against tissue ischemia of the lower extremities. It is one of the strongest medicines that affects the vascular wall. The cost of the drug starts from 80 rubles.
  2. Chimes. The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of cerebrovascular accidents and the formation of blood clots in the lower extremities. In children, severe forms of DIC are treated with Curantil. The price of the drug varies from 130 to 350 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

For osteochondrosis

To treat lack of blood circulation in osteochondrosis, the following vasodilator tablets are used:

  1. Amlodipine. The medication is a mixture of 80% theophylline and 20% ethylenediamine. Bronchodilator, antispasmodic. It is used to relieve bronchospasms, cerebral vascular spasms and circulatory disorders in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The price of the medicine is about 240 rubles per package.
  2. Pentoxifylline. The product improves microcirculation and is an angioprotector. The mechanism of action is to inhibit phosphodiesterase and deposit (accumulate) cyclic adenosine monophosphoric acid in cells. At this moment, the concentration of calcium molecules in the muscular element of the vascular wall decreases and relaxes. The medication is used to treat migraines and chronic headaches caused by osteochondrosis. The cost of the drug is from 200 to 450 rubles.
  3. Cavinton. A medicine for vasodilation, from the group of selective adrenergic blockers. Used for neurological diseases of the brain, mental conditions associated with pathology of the cervical spine. The medicine is effective for dizziness and the initial stages of glaucoma. The average price of the medicine in pharmacies is 217 rubles.

For eyes

Vasodilator drugs for the capillaries and arteries of the eyes are used for diseases such as glaucoma, constant increased intraocular pressure, and circulatory disorders in the retina. The following vasodilators are used for drug therapy of increased intraocular pressure and glaucoma:

  1. Myrtilene forte. The medication in the form of drops or tablets is used to treat intraocular pressure. Contains a high concentration of active substances that help improve the functional state of the eyeball. The form of the drug to be used should be selected on the recommendation of a doctor. The cost of the medicine in tablets is about 320 rubles, in drops about 400 rubles.
  2. Lucentis (another name for Visudin). A drug for the prevention and treatment of a disease such as macular degeneration of the retina in old age. The medication improves blood circulation in the microvessels of the eye, significantly improving tissue trophism and preventing their depletion. The price of the medicine varies from 350 to 850 rubles.

For heart

The following medications are currently widely used for heart diseases:

  1. Nitroglycerine. A medicine that dilates the coronary vessels of the heart. Used for coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis. In addition, Nitroglycerin significantly reduces the volume of venous blood that returns to the heart. Effective for Raynaud's disease, chronic endarteritis, arthrosis. The cost of the drug is from 70 to 110 rubles.
  2. Adalat. Refers to antihypertensive drugs with antianginal activity. The main component of Adalat is a calcium channel blocker that causes a decrease in the intracellular concentration of calcium molecules in vascular endothelial smooth muscle cells and cardiomyocytes. In addition, Adalat helps reduce blood pressure in the pulmonary artery system and improves cerebral circulation. Long-term use of the medication provides an antiatherogenic effect and prevents thrombus formation. The average price of the medicine is 270 rubles.

For diabetes

A person with a disease such as diabetes suffers from blockage of the capillaries by formed elements of the blood, which have been subjected to deformation and have lost the ability to pass through small vessels. In addition, glucose, which is contained in high concentrations in the blood, reacts with substances located on the walls of blood vessels, forming plaques, which is why microcirculation is impaired. Among the huge range of vasodilator drugs for diabetes mellitus, the following are used:

  1. Norwax. This drug belongs to the blockers of slow calcium channels. Channel blocking occurs due to the binding of calcium ions to dihydropyridine receptors. With a decrease in the intake of calcium ions into the cell, relaxation of the smooth muscle tissue of the vascular wall is observed and an antihypertensive effect develops. The cost of the drug varies from 270 to 560 rubles.
  2. Nifedipine. A vasodilating agent dilates coronary and peripheral vessels and significantly reduces myocardial oxygen demand. Unlike Verapamil, it does not have a depressing effect on the conduction system of the heart and has a weak antiarrhythmic effect. Significantly reduces vascular resistance, resulting in a strong and rapid decrease in blood pressure. The average cost of a medicine is 340 rubles.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, many vasodilators are prohibited for use due to the fact that they have a negative effect on the development of the fetus. To treat preeclampsia in pregnant women, an antiphospholipid symptom, doctors prescribe the following medications in small dosages:

  1. Nadolol. The medication has anti-ischemic activity and is used for the treatment of coronary heart disease. In addition, it is effective in hypertensive crises in the early stages of its development. Nadolol is prescribed to treat heart rhythm disorders, migraine attacks and to relieve symptoms of thyroid disease. The medication is used to relieve eclampsia in late pregnancy and during childbirth. The cost of Nadolol is about 1,500 rubles.
  2. Pindolol. A medication from the group of non-selective beta blockers is used for antianginal and antiarrhythmic effects in pregnant women with chronic heart disease. The cost of the drug is about 350 rubles per pack.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Vasodilation is the process of relaxation of the muscle layer of the vascular wall. A drug that has a similar mechanism of action and is used in the treatment of heart failure and hypertension is called the corresponding term - a vasodilator. What is it and what drugs are classified as vasodilators, we will consider further.

General information

The decrease in cardiac output that develops in heart failure activates the adrenergic nervous and renin-angiotensin systems, resulting in the release of angiotensin II and norepinephrine. Active substances bind to receptors, which leads to vasoconstriction.

The first stage of heart failure requires a similar mechanism, since it allows maintaining the required level of blood pressure. However, prolonged narrowing of the veins leads to the development of congestive processes in the lungs and a decrease in cardiac output.

Vasodilators are drugs (a list of names can be found in specialized medical and pharmacological literature; in addition, below we will list the most popular drugs in this group) used to dilate blood vessels. The result is the development of a hypotensive effect. Another important indication for prescribing this type of medication is cardiac cough. How can vasodilators help with this condition? Cardiac cough medications are used to dilate the coronary vessels.

Classification of drugs

Depending on which parts of the vascular bed are affected by the active substances, three groups of vasodilators are distinguished:

  1. Arterial:
    • "Hydralazine";
    • calcium antagonists.
  2. Venous:
  • nitrates;
  • sydnonymines.
  • Mixed type:
    • ACE inhibitors;
    • alpha1-blockers;
    • sodium nitroprusside.
  • Venous vasodilators

    Venous vasodilator is a drug that causes a decrease in the tone of the venous vascular wall. Venules respond to lower concentrations of active substances than arteries. In such cases, nitrates are used, which help relax large veins, increase the volume of the bloodstream, reduce the load on the heart, and reduce the need for oxygen in the myocardium.

    Name of venous vasodilator Route of administration Duration of action Reception scheme

    Sublingual (under the tongue).



    From 30 minutes to 1 day depending on the form of administration

    Sublingually - as needed.

    Other forms - up to 3 times a day.

    Plaster - 1 time per day.

    "Isosorbide mononitrate" From 10 to 24 hours depending on the form of administration1-2 times a day
    "Pentaerythrityl tetranitrate"InsideUntil 10 o'clock3 times a day
    "Isosorbide dinitrate"


    Aerosol (orally or cutaneously).

    Intravenous drip.

    From 1 to 6 hours depending on the form of administration

    Sublingual and oral aerosol - as needed.

    Other forms - 1-4 times a day.

    "Molsidomin"InsideUp to 6 hours2-3 times a day

    Venous vasodilators are drugs (names, doses are described in the table) that are considered the safest of all antianginal drugs. Side effects are rare and short-lived.

    Arterial vasodilators

    An arterial vasodilator is a medication whose active substance helps relax the muscle tissue of the arterial wall.

    For example, “Hydralazine” is a drug that increases the heart rate, increasing blood flow in the kidneys and brain, which occurs as a reflex response to relieve vascular spasm. Used for various forms of hypertension, hypertensive crisis in combination with other drugs.

    Side effects of Hydralazine:

    • cephalgia;
    • facial redness;
    • the appearance of edema;
    • worsening symptoms of angina pectoris;
    • a condition similar to systemic lupus erythematosus.

    "Diazoxide" is a vasodilator that is used exclusively to relieve a hypertensive crisis. Administered intravenously, it reduces blood pressure within 2-3 minutes. In addition, the remedy causes strong relaxation of the uterus and water retention in the body.

    Calcium antagonists are a group of arterial vasodilators, including the following drugs:

    1. "Nifedipine" - eliminates spasm of coronary vessels, lowers blood pressure, and reduces the work of the heart muscle.
    2. "Verapamil" - reduces myocardial contractility, restores heart rhythm and blood pressure.

    Mixed drugs

    A mixed vasodilator is a drug whose active substance relieves spasm of arteries and veins. One of the most effective is sodium nitroprusside. Its mechanism of action is similar to nitrates. Intravenous administration of the drug causes a quick and strong effect, but it is short-lived.

    A vasodilator is used in cases of acute and chronic heart failure, a hypertensive state against the background of myocardial infarction, encephalopathy against the background of hypertensive manifestations. Administration may cause dizziness, headache, loss of consciousness, nausea, and tachycardia.

    ACE inhibitors are a group of drugs that block the formation of angiotensin-converting enzyme, as a result of which angiotensin II is not produced. At the same time, the effect of diuretics is enhanced. The classification of ACE inhibitors is based on their chemical structure:

    1. Containing a sulfhydryl group:
      • "Captopril".
      • "Zefenopril."
      • "Benazepril."
    2. Containing a carboxyl group:
      • "Lisinopril."
      • "Enalapril."
      • "Spirapril."
    3. Containing a phosphinyl group:
      • "Fosinopril."

    The drugs have advantages in asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction, carotid atherosclerosis, microalbuminuria, atrial fibrillation, a history of myocardial infarction, and nephropathy not associated with diabetes.

    Pediatric vasodilators

    Vasodilator drugs for children are used exclusively for severe pathologies. As a rule, myotropic drugs (Dibazol, Papaverine) and ganglion blockers (Benzohexonium) are used.

    Children receive vasodilators for neurological treatment. The drugs are aimed at improving cerebral circulation and are used in conditions of “white” hyperthermia and hydrocephalus.

    Any of the medications is selected individually, it depends on the patient’s condition, the severity of the disorders, the form and course of the disease. Self-medication is strictly not recommended.

    In this article you will learn about medications such as vasodilators. This large and versatile pharmacological group can be used to treat many diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

    Vasodilation agents (or vasodilators) are represented by an extremely diverse group of drugs. They can be taken in the form of tablets or injection solutions, and their main goal is to expand the vascular lumen and improve blood circulation in a particular organ or part of the body. These drugs have different mechanisms, types and localizations of action.

    Each vasodilator is capable of affecting different types or sections of blood vessels. There are agents that have an effect on small, medium or large vessels localized in a particular organ or tissue. For example, there are substances that specifically affect the coronary vessels, or drugs that cause dilation only of large and major vessels. This means that there is no universal vasodilator, and the choice of such a drug should be based on the clinical case and carried out only by a doctor.

    Classifications and types

    Since an extremely wide range of drugs are classified as vasodilators, several classifications are used.

    According to the mechanism of pharmacological action, vasodilators are divided into several groups depending on which enzymes, peptides, receptors or areas of the vascular walls they affect. However, such a classification is difficult to understand for people who are not doctors and cannot determine which organ or system will be affected by a particular drug. This division into groups is understandable only to doctors. They are the ones who can choose a vasodilator, taking into account not only the indications for its use, but also other individual indicators of the health status of each patient (concomitant diseases, the severity of a particular symptom, age, pregnancy, etc.).

    Considering the lack of information content of such a classification for patients, we will not consider it in detail within the framework of this article. After all, even with the same disease, patients can be prescribed drugs from different groups.

    In addition, vasodilators are divided according to their ATC (anatomical-therapeutic-chemical) action. This classification is the most universal and understandable for patients, since it allows you to take into account several parameters of vasodilators:

    • chemical structure of the active component;
    • for what pathologies is it used;
    • which areas of the circulatory system or organs the drug acts on.

    According to this classification, vasodilator drugs are divided into the following groups:

    • for the treatment of heart diseases;
    • for the treatment of arterial hypertension or hypertension;
    • to treat cerebrovascular accidents or eliminate headaches and dizziness;
    • for the treatment of eye diseases (glaucoma or increased intraocular pressure;
    • for the treatment of peripheral circulatory disorders (vascular pathologies of the legs, complications of diabetes, arthritis, osteochondrosis, etc.).

    This classification lists only the most widely used and well-known vasodilators, which can be sold under different names in the form of tablets or injectable solutions.

    Heart diseases

    Nitroglycerin should definitely be on hand for a person suffering from angina pectoris.
    • Organic nitrates - Nitroglycerin, Isosorbide dinitrate or mononitrate, Pentaerythrityl tetranitrate;
    • adrenergic blockers – Carvedilol, Propranolol, Atenolol, Nebivolol, Nadolol;
    • calcium channel blockers - Verapamil, Nitrendipine, Nifedipine, Nimodipine, Amlodipine;
    • nitric oxide donors – Serelaxin, Corvaton, Nicorandil, Molsidomin;
    • angiotensin II antagonists - Valsartan, Lorista, Losartan, Diovan, Candesartan;
    • – Captopril, Accupro, Enalapril, Enam, Ramipril, Fosicard, Lisinopril;
    • other means - Instenon.

    or hypertension

    • Ganglioblockers – Azamethonium, Camphonium, Pyrilene, Benzohexonium, Dimecoline, Trepirium;
    • substances that depress the vasomotor center - Clonidine, Physiotens, Clonidine, Rilmenidine, Albarel, Methyldopa;
    • sympatholytics – Reserpine, Octadine, Guanethidine;
    • adrenergic blockers - Nadolol, Carvedilol, Acekor, Timolol, Prazosin, Labetalol, Egilok, Bisokard, Sotalol;
    • to eliminate pulmonary hypertension - Tracleer, Bosentan, Ambrisentan;
    • potassium channel activators – Minoxidil, Cordinic, Diazoxide;
    • calcium channel blockers - Diacordin, Octidipine, Nifedipine, Verapamil, Plendil, Amlodipine;
    • ACE inhibitors – Captopril, Envanse, Enalapril, Hopten, Ramipril, Stopress, Lisinopril;
    • renin inhibitors – Aliskiren;
    • angiotensin II antagonists - Valsartan, Naviten, Giposart, Losartan, Cardosal, Candesartan;
    • a nicotinic acid;
    • Sodium nitroprusside;
    • Apressin;
    • Isosorbide dinitrate;
    • other agents - Vincamine, Bencyclane, Naftidrofuriol.

    or to relieve headaches and dizziness

    • Ergot alkaloids – Sermion, Ergoloide mesylate, Nicergoline;
    • calcium channel blockers - Stugeron, Betagistin, Dilceren, Nimodipine, Nimopin, Cinnarizine;
    • purine derivatives – Pentoxifylline, Xanthinol nicotinate;
    • adrenergic blockers - Korgard, Talinolol, Betalok, Acebutolol, Cordanum, Propranolol, Acekor, Atenolol;
    • correctors of cerebral circulatory disorders - Cavinton, Niacin, Avamigran, Pentohexal, Instenon, Vinpocetine.

    Eye diseases (glaucoma or increased intraocular pressure)

    Persons suffering from glaucoma require local use of vasodilator drugs.
    • Dipivefrin;
    • Betak;
    • Pilocarpine;
    • Timolol;
    • Travoprost;
    • Proxofeline;
    • Carbachol;
    • Betaxolol;
    • Latanoprost;
    • Clonidine.

    Peripheral circulatory disorders (arthritis, etc.)

    • Adrenergic blockers – Phentolamine;
    • myotropic antispasmodics – Papaverine hydrochloride;
    • ganglion blockers – benzohexonium;
    • ergot alkaloids – Vasobral, Sermion, Nicergoline;
    • agents with an adenosine mechanism - Parsedil, Sanomil-Sanovel, Dipyridamole;
    • ACE inhibitors – Captopril, Enam, Bagopril, Renitek, Enalapril;
    • purine derivatives - Pentyline, Xanthinol Nicotinate, Coplamin, Pentoxifylline;
    • calcium channel blockers - Nifedipine, Dilceren, Felodipine, Nitrendipine;
    • leukotrienes and prostaglandins - Ventavis, Edex, Alprostadil, Muse, Iloprost;
    • other agents - Dibazol, Enduracin, Naftidrofuril, Oxybral, Bencyclane, nicotinic acid, Vincamine.

    Mechanism of action of vasodilators by group

    Calcium channel blockers

    The mechanism of action of such drugs is aimed at inhibiting the penetration of calcium ions into vascular muscle cells. A decrease in their concentration leads to the expansion of peripheral arteries, arterioles and a decrease in pressure.

    Different drugs in this group may differ in a number of properties or in their pharmacokinetics; their prescription should only be carried out by a doctor.

    Correctors of circulatory disorders in cerebral vessels

    This group of vasodilators includes drugs with different mechanisms of action, but their distinguishing feature is the ability to act primarily on cerebral vessels.

    Ergot alkaloids

    These drugs are able to block alpha-adrenergic receptors and cause dilatation of peripheral arteries. As a result, blood circulation in the affected tissue area improves and blood pressure decreases.

    Myotropic antispasmodics

    Such vasodilators reduce the tone of vascular smooth muscles and cause dilation of the lumen of the arteries. This action of the drugs leads to improved blood flow. In clinical practice, the most commonly used myotropic antispasmodic is Papaverine hydrochloride.

    Adrenergic blockers

    Some of these tablets or solutions can be used both for continuous use for various ailments, and for relieving hypertensive crises. The active components of such drugs act on the receptors of the vascular walls that are sensitive to adrenaline and norepinephrine, block them and ensure expansion of the vascular lumen. The choice of such remedies is extremely wide and can only be performed by a doctor.

    Agents for suppressing the vasomotor center

    These drugs suppress the vasomotor center located in the medulla oblongata. As a result, the tone of the vascular walls decreases, the vessels dilate, and the pressure decreases.


    Such drugs act on the nicotine-sensitive nerve receptors of the autonomic nervous system. As a result, the impulses causing vascular spasm are interrupted, the tone of the vascular walls decreases and they expand.

    Potassium channel activators

    The active components of such drugs cause the opening of potassium channels in the membranes of vascular smooth muscle cells. As a result, potassium ions leave the cells and interfere with the penetration of calcium ions into the vascular walls. A decrease in calcium levels in the smooth muscles of the walls causes relaxation and dilation of blood vessels. After this, blood pressure decreases.

    ACE inhibitors

    These vasodilators can block the action of angiotensin-converting enzyme, which causes vasoconstriction. As a result, the tone of the vascular walls decreases, and the lumen of the vessel expands, causing a decrease in pressure.

    Renin inhibitors

    These drugs inhibit the activity of a blood pressure-raising enzyme called renin. As a result, the lumen of the vessels expands, and hypertension is eliminated.

    Angiotensin II antagonists

    These drugs neutralize the peptide angiotensin II, which has a pronounced vasoconstrictor property. As a result, the lumen of the vessels expands and the pressure decreases.


    The active components of such drugs eliminate the effect of sympathetic innervation that increases vascular tone. As a result, the heart begins to contract less frequently, the muscles of the blood vessels relax, their lumen expands and the pressure decreases.

    Drugs for pulmonary hypertension

    For the treatment of pulmonary hypertension, endothelin A receptor antagonists are used, which disrupt the mechanism of development of pulmonary hypertension and lead to a decrease in pressure specifically in the pulmonary vessels. In addition to them, other vasodilators (for example, calcium channel blockers) can be used as a supplement.

    Organic nitrates

    Especially often such drugs are prescribed for treatment. Under their influence, the flow of venous blood to the heart decreases, the smooth muscles of peripheral vessels relax, and the pressure in the right atrium and pulmonary artery decreases. This unloading of the myocardium reduces its need for oxygen and helps normalize coronary blood flow.

    Nitric oxide donors

    This group of drugs, like nitrates, is most often used specifically for the treatment of heart diseases. Nitric oxide helps relax vascular smooth muscles (especially venous ones) and expand the vascular lumen. As a result, coronary blood flow improves, and the load on the myocardium and blood vessels is reduced.

    Purine derivatives

    Such agents help reduce calcium levels in vascular smooth muscle cells, block adenosine receptors, normalize microcirculation and improve blood flow. As a result, the vascular walls relax, the lumen of the vessel expands, blood circulation improves, and pressure decreases.

    Drugs with adenosine mechanism of action

    These vasodilators not only relax the smooth muscles of blood vessels and expand their lumen, but also prevent the formation of blood clots in the veins and arteries. They are capable of stabilizing microcirculation in various parts of the bloodstream and are used in various branches of medicine.

    Over time or under the influence of negative factors, the vascular system gradually wears out. The lumen of veins and arteries narrows, the amount of waste increases, resulting in irreversible changes and even diseases. Folk remedies will no longer help here - you need to take medicine. Vasodilators for the brain are useful because they improve blood supply and increase the lumen in the arteries when there is nowhere to narrow it.

    Do you know what medications have this effect? The instructions below will help you figure out how to dilate blood vessels with medications.

    Types of vasodilators to improve memory and brain function

    The mechanism of action of vasodilator drugs on the brain is characterized by some features. What is common to all is one drawback, such as the effect on other vessels in the human body. This often causes a decrease in blood pressure, which has the opposite effect - the blood supply to the brain deteriorates. This phenomenon is typical for older people and can even lead to a stroke. For this reason, the medicine must be selected individually on the recommendation of a doctor.

    New generation vascular drugs for the brain

    Today, scientists continue to develop vasodilator drugs for the brain, so there are drugs under the general name - a new generation. The most popular of them are:

    1. "Piracetam." It is produced in the form of tablets, syrup, capsules or solutions for droppers and injections. Can increase the rate of glucose utilization, improve cerebral circulation, reduce dizziness and pain. For adults, the dose varies between 30-160 mg, and it should be divided into 3-4 doses. The price of tablets is from 25 rubles.
    2. "Mexidol". You can find tablets or injection solutions at the pharmacy. Increases blood flow to the brain, increases metabolism, normalizes the membrane of red blood cells and platelets, reduces cholesterol levels, dilates blood vessels. The drug is taken orally at a dose of 0.125 mg up to 3 times a day. Therapy lasts from 2 to 6 weeks. The price of tablets is from 260 rubles.
    3. "Actovegin". Release form: tablets, ointment, cream, gel or solution to improve brain function. It is a gypsum agent and accelerates the removal of glucose from cells. Able to saturate tissues with oxygen and normalize cellular metabolism. Indicated for vascular disorders of the brain. You need to take 1 or 2 tablets up to 3 times daily. Price from 1500 rub.

    For the treatment of atherosclerosis

    Prevention of atherosclerosis and its treatment is carried out with medications that have the function of improving blood supply and expanding the walls of veins and arteries. The following drugs are effective and fast in action:

    1. "Papaverine". Presented in tablet form, solution or suppositories. Indicated for spasms and increased tone of blood vessels in the brain, as well as smooth muscles of the abdominal cavity. You need to take 40-60 mg up to 5 times a day. Cost from 20 rub.
    2. "Cavinton". Brain tablets or concentrate for infusion solution. Indicated to reduce neurological symptoms of insufficient blood supply to the brain. The daily dose has a maximum threshold of 30 mg. To take it, you need to divide it into several times. Cost from 240 rub.
    3. "Angionorm". The tablets lead to increased physical performance and reduced stress. Indicated for vascular disorders. It is recommended to take 1 tablet 40 minutes after meals three times a day. Price from 250 rub.

    For osteochondrosis of the neck

    This disease is characterized by decreased blood flow and oxygen saturation due to inflammation of the tissues surrounding the intervertebral joints. Dilatation of cerebral vessels in cervical osteochondrosis is carried out with the following drugs:

    1. Tablets: “Eufillin”, “Piracetam”, “Xanthinol nicotinate”.
    2. Injections: “Ketonal”, “Ketorolac”, “Milgamma”, “Diclofenac”, “Voltaren”.


    1. The drug is also available in solution form.
    2. Tablets cost only 9-10 rubles. They must be taken up to 3 times daily, the dose does not exceed the limit of 450 mg.

    Among the injections, Milgamma is especially popular:

    1. It is also available in the form of pills, and you can buy them at the pharmacy only with a prescription.
    2. The drug copes well with the neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis.

    Vitamins for brain vessels



    Products containing


    Vitamin A or retinol

    Dissolves fats, cleanses cholesterol

    Blood, pumpkin, milk, fish oil

    "Duovit", "Centrum Silver", "Alphabet for Children"

    Vitamin B3 or niacin

    Strengthens the walls of brain vessels

    Fish, buckwheat, nuts, legumes, eggs

    "Niacin", "Nicotinamide", "Niacinamide"

    Vitamin E or tocopherol

    Prevents vascular damage

    Egg yolk, vegetable oils, liver, nuts

    "Reoton Complex", dietary supplement "Antiox", "Vitrum Cardio"

    Vitamin P or rutin

    Strengthens vascular walls

    Apples, citrus fruits, raspberries, rose hips

    "Ascorutin", "Troxerutin"

    Vitamin B6

    Breaks down fats, reduces cholesterol

    Meat, fish, milk, legumes, rice

    “Napravit”, dietary supplement “Griffonia”, “Orthomol Mental”

    Vitamin B1 or thiamine

    Normalizes blood microcirculation


    "Eskuzan", "Neuromultivit", "Ortho Taurine Ergo"

    Drugs that thin the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels

    Drugs aimed at thinning the blood reduce its viscosity, which reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes, blockage of blood vessels and hypertensive crises. Such drugs are divided into 2 main groups:

    1. Anticoagulants. Reduce blood clotting, making it less thick. This includes drugs such as Zilt, Warfarin, Sinkumar, Heparin.
    2. Antiplatelet agents. They affect platelets, preventing them from sticking together. “Aspirin”, “Aspecard”, “Magnicor”, “Trombo ACC” have this effect.

    The following medications help strengthen the circulatory system of the brain:

    1. Antispasmodic: “No-shpa”, “Papaverine”.
    2. Reducing atherosclerotic growths: “Simvastatin”, “Levostatin”.
    3. Strengthening the walls of blood vessels: “Ascorutin”, “Dihydroquerticin”, “Cerebrolysin”.

    Medicines to improve cerebral circulation in the elderly

    Elderly people are characterized by memory impairment and decreased attention during mental activity, visual and hearing impairment. Drugs such as Nootropil and Phenotropil can improve the situation. These drugs even include Alzheimer's disease, which often occurs in people of advanced age, among their indications for use. Other effective drugs are Ginko, Tanakan, Memoplant. They affect age-related changes: improve memory, visual and auditory functions, vascular elasticity, and also restore speech and motor activity.

    What dilates the blood vessels of the brain? Such information will be useful for both young people and older people. As can be seen from medical statistics, the need to use special medications arises in many people. You can prevent problems by including foods that dilate blood vessels in your diet - this will allow you to maintain your health in good condition without resorting to synthetic drugs. Let's try to consider what dilates the blood vessels of the brain, which options are more effective, and which are the safest.

    It is important!

    If a person suffers from diseases associated with insufficient blood supply to the brain, in certain situations the doctor may prescribe special tablets. You will need to follow his instructions very precisely, without adjusting the recommended program, without canceling it or replacing the prescribed remedy. But in the absence of a medical recommendation, you cannot abuse drugs. If you often experience a headache or other symptoms indicating a lack of blood supply, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible in order to identify the cause of the disease and fight it. Attempts to cure symptoms if they are associated with pathology using home methods will not lead to success; you should not count on it. You need to treat your health with extreme care and attention.

    Well, if unpleasant sensations rarely bother you, then you need to know what dilates the blood vessels of the brain, and have a suitable remedy on hand so that if such a situation occurs, you need to quickly provide yourself with first aid.

    Relevance of the problem

    Changes in the quality of the circulatory system of the brain are often observed due to age, which affects a variety of organs and systems. However, as can be seen from medical statistics, at present the problem has become significantly younger and worries not only middle age, but also boys and girls.

    Almost any person who abuses alcoholic beverages or tobacco products knows firsthand which pills dilate blood vessels in the brain. The problem is relevant for those who lead an inactive life, move little, eat salty, fatty foods, and are overweight. To summarize: an impressive percentage of our society, to one degree or another, faces the unpleasant consequences of impaired blood circulation. Doctors are calling: if you suspect serious abnormalities, there is no need to delay, you should immediately visit a doctor in order to preserve your health and quality of life.

    Vessels: what affects?

    What dilates the blood vessels of the brain, which contributes to the reduction of the lumen? There are quite a lot of factors associated with diet, physical activity, bad habits, the opportunity to relax and recuperate. Stressful situations have an extremely negative impact on the human body.

    To optimize the activity of the circulatory system, heart, brain, you need to exclude fat, fried foods, salt, add greens, vegetables, dairy, and fish to your diet. Vegetable oils (olive, flax, sunflower) will bring benefits - however, they are not suitable for frying, but are suitable only as a salad dressing. To improve the quality of your blood, you should pamper yourself with berries and fruits. If the body receives vitamins and minerals in the quantities it needs, this has a positive effect on all organs, including blood vessels, brain, and heart.

    Plant components for human benefit

    It has long been known how to expand the blood vessels of the brain using folk remedies - plants and herbs that have a positive effect on the condition of organs have been used by healers for centuries. Some are good as a long course, others can be used once. Perhaps the most popular option is drinks prepared with honey, lemon, and ginger. They activate blood flow, supply the heart muscle with the necessary components, have a positive effect on the immune system, and strengthen the body’s strength.

    An alternative option is tea brewed with valerian rhizome. The plant relieves spasms and perfectly calms. Take a glass of boiling water for a teaspoon of crushed rhizome, wrap it in a shawl and let it brew until the liquid cools. They drink gradually, all day, one sip at a time.

    Pepper ointment

    There are a variety of folk remedies for dilating blood vessels in the brain, and one of the good options is an ointment made from hot pepper. For three dried pods of the bitter variety (no need to separate the seeds), crushed in a mill, take half a liter of liquid hot pig lard (not boiling water!), mix thoroughly, let cool. The product will have to be stored in the refrigerator, using small portions for rubbing. Handles and feet are treated. It helps a lot if the limbs are cold and the blood flow is slow. At the end of the massage procedure, you need to wrap the treated areas with a woolen shawl.

    If you don’t want to prepare the ointment yourself, you can purchase a drug intended for external use that dilates the blood vessels of the brain at the pharmacy. There is currently a fairly wide variety of specific products available for sale without a prescription. Many are quite cheap and accessible to the general public. Please note: if the problem bothers you to the point that you have to use pharmaceutical products regularly, it is probably time to visit your doctor.

    Alcohol products and blood flow

    There are so many rumors and opinions about whether alcohol narrows or dilates the blood vessels in the brain! Some say that it only makes it worse, while others are convinced that this is the optimal treatment for any ailment, including those associated with the brain, heart, and blood vessels.

    Experts point out that under the influence of alcohol, blood vessels actually expand, and even a small amount - a tablespoon of the drink - is enough. But in larger quantities one should not expect a therapeutic effect; the result will only be toxic to the liver. Alcohol cannot be combined with most drugs, therefore, when undergoing a therapeutic course, resorting to such a folk method is strictly not allowed.

    Vitamin PP

    It is marketed as nicotinic acid. Known for its positive effect on the cerebral blood supply system. Under the influence of such a drug, which dilates the blood vessels of the brain, the flow of life-giving fluid is activated both to the limbs and to one of the most important human organs - the brain. In practice, the effect is felt by tingling of the feet, palms, head, and blushing the cheeks.

    The drug is intended for long-term use - daily after meals orally or injectively, the duration of the program is a month. For adults, the dosage of tablets is three times daily, 2 tablets (100 mg). Nicotinic acid should not be used for stomach ulcers and high acidity of juice.

    Aspirin, analgin

    Perhaps these are the most famous and currently actively used vasodilator drugs for the brain. Shows a positive effect for minor ailments. The dose must be selected individually, focusing on the general condition of the body and disturbing manifestations. It is recommended to seek help from a qualified doctor before starting a therapeutic course; it is strictly not recommended to prescribe program treatment for yourself.


    This vasodilator for the brain shows quick results - almost immediately after use. If a spasm provokes a severe headache, just take a pill, and after a short time the problem will disappear. If the situation repeats, you should consult a doctor to determine the cause - there is a possibility that the syndrome is caused by a serious pathology. An alternative remedy with a similar effect is Spazmalgon. Both have proven themselves well, have long been known, and are considered by many to be almost a lifesaver.

    Inexpensive and reliable

    A good option is Papaverine tablets. In pharmacies they charge only 10 rubles for one package, so the availability of the product is comparable to the analgin and aspirin mentioned above. The product is one of the indispensable ones; it is recommended to have it in your home medicine cabinet just in case. The drug helps eliminate high blood pressure, relieves spasms, and headaches go away under its influence.

    Not only Papaverine tablets are on sale, but also suppositories for rectal use, an injection solution and a drug intended for use in childhood - the concentration of the active component in one tablet is lower than in the usual release. The product has a number of contraindications; the manufacturer warns about the possibility of side effects. There is a possibility of developing an allergic reaction. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use to investigate the causes of vasoconstriction, determine which remedies will be most effective, whether it is worth using medications with papaverine, and whether they are suitable for a particular patient.

    Vinca alkaloids

    Many people know that Cavinton tablets have a good effect on vasoconstriction. The instructions for use of this drug contain a mention that the active ingredient is vinpocetine, that is, a vinca alkaloid. This group of compounds has long been used in the pharmaceutical industry. Medicines are made from natural raw materials. The effectiveness is characterized as antispasmodic, the walls of the vessels relax, due to which the lumen increases. Vinca alkaloids have a positive effect on brain tissue, activating metabolic reactions.

    Proper use in accordance with the instructions for use of Cavinton tablets and other medications containing vinca alkaloids can improve blood flow at the level of microscopic vessels, since platelets do not stick together under the influence of the medication. The use of the drug allows you to provide high-quality nutrition to the nervous tissue, which has a positive effect on the brain as a whole.

    Nootropics to help people

    Drugs in this group stimulate brain function and have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels. They can be used for a wide range of pathologies, including those associated with mental disorders. The most famous representative of the group of nootropics is Piracetam. Instructions for use (analogues of the drug - “Nootropil”, “Memotropil”) contain a mention of possible intolerance, therefore the medication should be used only with prior agreement with a doctor.

    The price of Piracetam varies around 40 rubles per package containing 60 tablets. A solution for injection is also available for sale.

    Combined and effective

    Perhaps almost any modern person who has at least once encountered such a problem knows exactly how well Citramon dilates the blood vessels of the brain. The medication simultaneously relieves spasms, eliminates pain, has a positive effect on blood pressure, increases the lumen of blood vessels and lowers the temperature if fever is observed. Therapy with its use is widespread not only for headaches of various causes, but also for colds.

    “Citramon” is quite cheap - about 10 rubles per package with a dozen tablets, sold in almost any pharmacy, and is included in the list of vital drugs in our country. Experts recommend always keeping at least one tablet of tablets in your home medicine cabinet in order to provide first aid to a suddenly ill person.

    Grains and beans against vasoconstriction

    Whole grains have a positive effect on the condition of the human body. Bread made from such a product is rich in dietary fiber, which helps remove toxic components from the body and cleanse the circulatory system of harmful cholesterol. In addition to bread, oatmeal, buckwheat, and brown rice will also be beneficial.

    Legumes - beans, lentils and other representatives of this class of plants - are distinguished by the abundance of fiber, protein structures, and iron. In addition, these products contain a lot of folic acid, but no fatty acids at all. Including dishes using beans in a regular diet helps prevent the development of atherosclerosis and dilate blood vessels. This is considered to be a good preventive measure against stroke. Fiber, which legumes are so rich in, has a positive effect on the peripheral circulatory system.

    Asparagus and cabbage benefit the body

    Asparagus is an excellent product that effectively cleanses the circulatory system and has a beneficial effect on the brain, including the blood flow in it. It is believed to be one of nature's most powerful arterial system cleansers. Long-standing inflammatory processes can be eliminated by adding adequate amounts of greens to your diet. The active components contained in the organic material remove minor blockages. Asparagus is a good side dish and has an exquisite taste, especially if cooked correctly. The product is perfectly digestible if seasoned with a small amount of olive oil before serving.

    Including dishes with cabbage in the menu will bring excellent results. All types and varieties are suitable, even the usual white cabbage, even exotic ones. All varieties are rich in minerals and vitamin complexes. Regular consumption of the product helps prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, therefore, the likelihood of blood clots is reduced, the circulatory system is kept clean, and the lumens do not narrow.