Is it possible to get pregnant 10 days before your period? About ovulation and “safe” days. Other causes of unplanned pregnancy before menstruation

It is well known that immediately before the onset of menstruation, the probability of conceiving a child is almost zero. However, a woman needs to know when the so-called “safe” days begin.

This information will help a representative of the fair sex who dreams of becoming a mother and seeks to accurately plan conception. It will also be useful for a woman who is afraid of an unplanned pregnancy, as it will help avoid surprises. Let's talk about whether it is possible to get pregnant 10 days before your period, and how high the probability of such a development of events is.

Ovulation calculator

  1. Pregnancy calculator
  2. Chinese calendar for determining the gender of a child
  3. Calculation of the sex of the child by blood renewal
  4. Weight Gain Calculator
  5. Calculation of due date

About ovulation and “safe” days

According to the widely used calendar method, “safe” days are calculated based on the fact that ovulation occurs exactly in the middle of the cycle. That is, if a woman’s menstrual cycle lasts, for example, 28 days, then she ovulates on the 14th.

This is the most favorable time for pregnancy. Besides,

You can conceive a child as a result of sexual intercourse that occurs in any of the five days before ovulation or within five days after it.

In other words, ten days before your period starts, you may well become a mother.

The likelihood of pregnancy ten days before your period is especially high if:

  • menstrual cycle women shorter than 28 days;
  • the menstrual cycle is unstable;
  • two eggs matured during the cycle;
  • the woman recently stopped taking oral contraceptives;
  • the woman has recently experienced stress (even pleasant stress).

So, if you are not planning to become a mother yet, it is better to give preference to safe sexual contacts. And if, on the contrary, this is your goal, pay special attention to the period of ovulation, as well as the five days before and five days after it.

It is well known that immediately prior to the monthly probability of conceiving a child is practically zero. However, a woman needs to know when to begin the so-called "safe" days.

This information will help the fair sex, who wants to become a mother, and seeks to accurately plan conception. It will also be useful for women who fear of unplanned pregnancy as to avoid surprises. Let's talk about the same whether it is possible to become pregnant for 10 days before menstruation, and how high the probability of such a development.

ovulation calculator

See also:

  1. pregnancy calculator
  2. The Chinese calendar determine the sex of the child
  3. Calculation of the child's blood updating sex
  4. Calculator weight gain
  5. Calculating the date of birth

On ovulation and "safe" days

In accordance with a common calendar method, "safe" days are calculated, based on the fact that ovulation takes place exactly in the middle of the cycle. That is, if the duration of a woman's menstrual cycle reaches, for example, 28 days, her ovulation takes place for 14 minutes.

This is the most favorable time to pregnancy. Besides

to conceive a child can be a result of sexual intercourse that occurred in any of the five days before ovulation or within five days thereafter.

In other words, ten days before the beginning of the month you may well become a mother.

The probability of pregnancy for ten days prior to menstruation is particularly high if:

  • woman's menstrual cycle is shorter than 28 days;
  • the menstrual cycle is not stable;
  • matured in two eggs during the cycle;
  • woman recently stopped taking oral contraceptives;
  • woman recently experienced stress (even enjoyable).

So, if is not planning to become a mother, it is better to prefer safer sexual intercourse. And if it is, on the contrary, it is your goal, focusing on the period of ovulation, as well as five days before and five days after that.

It is obvious that right before the start of menstruation, the likelihood of conceiving a child is practically zero. However, women need to know if the so-called “safe” days begin.

This information will help the representative of a wonderful woman, who is becoming a mother, and will definitely plan to conceive. It will also be dangerous for the woman, who will be afraid of unplanned pregnancy, lest she allow her unsatisfied spouses to disappear. Let's talk about those that can develop 10 days before menstruation, and how high the likelihood of such development is.

ovulation calculator

Marvel also:

  1. vaginity calculator
  2. Chinese calendar for the purpose of birth
  3. Development of a child's status based on new blood
  4. Vaga recruitment calculator
  5. Rozrakhunok dates canopies

About ovulation and “safe” days

According to the widely expanded calendar method, “safe” days are determined based on the fact that ovulation occurs exactly in the middle of the cycle. If a woman’s menstrual cycle lasts, for example, 28 days, then she will ovulate on the 14th.

This is the most pleasant hour for the current situation. In addition,

It is possible to conceive a child as a result of an act that begins five days before the start of ovulation or five days after it.

In other words, ten days before your period begins, you can completely become a mother.

The prevalence of pregnancy in the ten days before menstruation is particularly high because:

  • a woman’s menstrual cycle is shorter than 28 days;
  • the menstrual cycle is unstable;
  • During the cycle, two eggs matured;
  • the woman recently stopped taking oral contraceptives;
  • The woman recently experienced stress (admittedly).

So, if you do not yet plan to become a mother, rather give priority to safe sexual contacts. And this, by the way, is your method, to give special respect to the period of ovulation, as well as five days before and five days after it.

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Not every woman can recognize the first signs of pregnancy before her period. The thing is that all of them (toxicosis, growth of the uterus, etc.) become more pronounced the longer the fetus’s gestational age. But nevertheless, knowing this information will be useful for every representative of the fair sex.

The first signs of pregnancy before a missed period appear at least 1 week after “successful” sexual intercourse. Before this period, no such things happen in the woman’s body. significant changes that could provoke certain symptoms interesting situation. During the first week, the fertilized egg completes its long journey- from the fallopian tube to the uterus (in the case of a non-pathological pregnancy), then attaches to the wall of this organ. And from this moment, hormones that help maintain vitality begin to be intensively produced. ovum. A woman feels their effect as minor ailments. What are they?

Temperature increase

The first sign of pregnancy before a missed period is an elevated basal temperature. If you are making a schedule, you should know that the highest values ​​​​on the thermometer can be seen on the day of ovulation; over the following days, if conception has taken place, the temperature will remain subfebrile - that is, 37-37.2 degrees. Some women perceive basal temperature as one of the clear indicators of how pregnancy is progressing. Allegedly, if it is below 37 degrees, this means there is a threat of miscarriage or the fertilized egg has attached outside the uterus. This is by no means always the case. Firstly, not every woman takes measurements correctly (you need to measure your temperature according to certain rules). Secondly, the thermometer itself may not show exactly exact values. But this small error should not be scary. Modern gynecologists do not recommend measuring basal temperature at all, so as not to have unnecessary reasons for worry. There are more accurate methods for determining how well the process is proceeding, which do not rely on the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation.

An increase in body temperature may also occur in the first 2-4 weeks. This is due to the production of the hormone progesterone, which somewhat slows down heat transfer. Up to 37.2-37.3 degrees - this is normal phenomenon, if there are no other symptoms similar to the disease. You should not take medications to normalize temperature values. On early stages In general, you need to be very careful with medications, take them only when strictly necessary and on the recommendation of a doctor. You can improve your condition a little by walking on fresh air, regular ventilation of the room and light, loose clothing.


Of course, until the climax of this unpleasant condition still quite far away. But there are sensitive women who feel the first signs of pregnancy before a missed period in the form of a dislike for any previously favorite foods and dishes, nausea (especially in the morning), feelings of fatigue, irritability, insomnia, and low blood pressure. In general, these symptoms are very similar to premenstrual syndrome. Toxicosis is not a dangerous phenomenon if its course is not severe, that is, if there is no frequent, debilitating vomiting. In such cases, the woman is usually recommended to undergo treatment in a hospital, since constant vomiting interferes with the absorption of essential nutrients from food and can lead to dehydration. Sometimes, on the contrary, there is an increased appetite.

Chest pain

In the second half of the menstrual cycle, many women, regardless of whether they have the prerequisites for early motherhood, experience painful sensations in the chest. The chest becomes very heavy. If you are large in size, you cannot do without a bra that supports heavy breasts well. The nipples become quite sensitive. Some call such phenomena mastopathy. In fact, these are ordinary, absolutely normal cyclical changes For female body. During pregnancy, discomfort usually becomes even stronger. In some cases, already at such an early stage, a whitish or yellowish sticky liquid begins to be released from the nipples - colostrum. These first signs of pregnancy before a missed period are associated with increased production of the hormone prolactin.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Unpleasant tugging sensations experienced by expectant mothers who do not yet know about their situation are often perceived as harbingers of menstruation. But pain occurs periodically, but there are still no periods... If unpleasant, pulling sensations occur frequently and are quite painful, this may be due to the tone of the uterus. You can alleviate your condition with the help of No-Shpy tablets and rectal suppositories papaverine, which quickly relieves spasms of the uterine muscles. And often it helps to just lie on your side for a while.

Intermenstrual discharge

This first sign of pregnancy before your period is quite rare. Sometimes in the middle of the cycle, after ovulation, a bloody “smear” is found on the underwear. This may be nothing more than implantation bleeding, which is caused by a fertilized egg implanting into the wall of the uterus. By the way, since we are talking about bleeding, it should also be noted that sometimes during pregnancy there are “not real” periods, that is, very scanty, menstrual-like discharge appears. If the doctor does not see any abnormalities on an ultrasound, then this is not a pathology.

Increasing the number of discharges

We mean discharge that is not associated with any infectious disease or thrush. For many women, in addition to increased vaginal discharge, libido - sexual desire - also increases.

Intestinal disorder

For most expectant mothers, the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation appear in the form of increased gas formation and other intestinal disorders. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, as a result of which intestinal motility slows down. Some even feel like the uterus is starting to grow and the tummy is getting bigger. As you now understand, this is not due to the rapid growth of the fetus, but due to the slow functioning of the digestive system.

HG growth

HCG is the hormone responsible for normal course pregnancy. It is produced only in expectant mothers and in certain diseases. This hormone can be detected in the blood using laboratory research- urine and blood tests. The second method allows you to detect hCG in very small quantities. It makes sense to take the test regardless of whether the first signs of pregnancy appeared before menstruation or not - approximately 10 days after the expected conception, earlier - it does not make sense.


If you don’t want to donate blood, you can diagnose pregnancy at home using a test. Fortunately, it is quite inexpensive, accessible to every woman and extremely easy to use. Errors rarely occur, and only because of a poor-quality test or a woman’s violation of the instructions for use.

Each test, regardless of its sensitivity, has an inscription stating that it is recommended to use the test from the first day of absence of menstruation, but at that time other first signs of pregnancy will appear before the missed period. What if you “test” a little earlier than the recommended time? Theoretically, and practically, it is possible to obtain a reliable version 10-12 days after possible conception. You just need to use high-quality test strips with high sensitivity and it is necessary to “test” in the morning, and in order to achieve the maximum concentration of urine in hCG, it is advisable not to urinate for at least 6 hours before the test.

A positive result almost always indicates pregnancy. A negative result does not always indicate its absence. Also, sometimes women observe unclear results - the second stripe seems to have appeared, but it is very pale. In this case, you need to repeat the diagnosis after a few days.

Remember that all the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation are relative. You can only trust the diagnosis made by a doctor.

Is it possible to get pregnant a week before your period? We will have to look into this issue further. It occurs in many modern women - both those who are planning to give birth to a baby and those who do not want to get pregnant. What tips and tricks will help you become a mother as quickly as possible? And what to do to prevent this from happening? How does egg fertilization occur? The answers to all this and more will be presented to our attention further. In reality, everything is not as simple as it seems.

About menstruation and the cycle

Is it possible to get pregnant a week before your period? First of all, it is important to understand what period we are talking about.

The thing is that every woman faces the so-called menstrual cycle. It's different for everyone. This is the time that passes from one period to another. The countdown begins from the first day of the coming critical days.

WITH biological point In terms of perspective, the menstrual cycle is the period of life of an egg in a girl’s body. The first half is where growth and development take place. female cell, then it comes out and moves towards the uterus through the fallopian tubes. If fertilization does not occur, new critical days begin, and a new egg matures in the body again.

Average cycle

Is it possible to get pregnant a week after your period? And when is the best time to make love to conceive?

The average woman's menstrual cycle can last up to 28 days. Sometimes - 30 days. This is quite normal.

Why know what a girl's cycle is? The convenient time for conception depends on its duration. Accordingly, there is no single answer to the question being studied. It will always be individual, depending on the characteristics of the woman’s body.

About the life of sperm and eggs

Is it possible to get pregnant a week before your period? It is worth paying attention to the fact that male reproductive cells are quite tenacious. Their activity in a woman’s body can last up to 7 days, sometimes longer. The main thing is that there is an appropriate environment in the vagina.

If we talk about the egg, its duration of activity is relatively short. Only 2 days are allotted for fertilization. If, after leaving the follicle, the egg does not meet sperm, it will die within three days.

Short cycle

Is it possible to get pregnant a week before your period? The thing is that with a short menstrual cycle there is such a possibility. But why?

Ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. This is the most favorable time for conception. And if the intervals from period to period are too short, it occurs quite quickly.

Let's assume that a girl's menstrual cycle is about 3 weeks. Then, approximately 10 days after the start of menstruation, a favorable moment may occur. This is just almost a week before the new critical days.

And if we take into account that sperm can live in the vagina for up to 7 days, then even when making love immediately after the end of menstruation, fertilization can occur. Therefore, you should be careful.

Regular cycle and baby planning

2 weeks until your period? Is it possible to get pregnant? As we have already found out, sometimes conception actually occurs a week before the critical days. But women with short menstrual cycles are not very common.

Let's consider the average cycle. It, as we have already said, is about 4 weeks. Ovulation occurs on the 14-15th day after the first menstrual bleeding.

It follows that 2 weeks before the critical days there really are big chance get pregnant. And even in 10 days. Moreover, in this case the probability successful conception maximum. It is at this time that it is recommended to make love in order to soon become parents.

Long cycle

A long menstrual cycle is the period from menstruation to menstruation if it lasts more than 30 days. A period of 35 days is more common. What date will be the most favorable so that you can hope for a successful conception?

Is it possible to get pregnant a week before your period if you have a long cycle? Using simple mathematical operations anyone can do the math themselves. With a menstrual cycle of 35 days, ovulation will occur approximately on the 17-18th day. That is, 2 weeks before the critical days. Sometimes ovulation can occur on the 21st day.

Theoretically, getting pregnant in this case is also possible. Only the probability of fertilization of the egg is extremely low. This is due to the fact that male reproductive cells that enter a woman’s vagina simply will not live to see the release of a new egg from the follicle. It will take about 3 weeks until this point. Sperm cannot live that long under any circumstances.

Failures and pregnancy

Modern life- this is constant movement. Stress, joy, active actions, a sedentary lifestyle and even ordinary hormonal imbalance - all this leaves an imprint on the girl’s body.

Has it been a week since your period? Is it possible to get pregnant? Yes. It is worth remembering that there is almost always a chance of conception. And this is due to the possible survivability of sperm and disruption of menstruation.

At this time, ovulation shifts in one direction or another. As a rule, the girl does not feel such changes. It seems to her that everything is normal. Only critical days come unexpectedly quickly or there is a delay.

Delayed ovulation is quite common. In this case, intercourse after the supposed “day X” will most likely lead to pregnancy.

Non-standard critical days

Is it possible to get pregnant a week after your period? As we have already found out, yes, in most cases there is a huge probability of successful conception. What to do in non-standard situations?

For example, if a girl recently gave birth or is breastfeeding. Some people believe that it is impossible to get pregnant while lactating. But this is not an entirely true statement. The thing is that due to contractions of the uterus during breastfeeding, conception is slightly difficult. But it can still happen.

The main problem lies in irregular critical days. Some people do not ovulate until the end of lactation, others experience critical days just a few months after giving birth. And the duration of such cycles keeps changing.

Accordingly, if a girl is wondering whether it is possible to get pregnant in the first week after menstruation, provided that the menstrual cycle has not yet returned, she will have to face a positive answer.

Before critical days

From all of the above it follows that each case is individual. But how can we better clarify the situation?

Immediately before the "red days" conception is almost impossible. More precisely, if sexual intercourse took place 1-2 days before menstruation, subject to a medium or long cycle, you don’t have to worry about fertilization. It simply will not happen - the sperm will die before the finished egg is released from the follicle.

During the average cycle, sexual intercourse performed a week or more before the expected critical days, as a rule, leads to pregnancy.

Is your girl's menstrual cycle too long? Then the most Great chance Conception occurs during an act performed 11 days before the arrival of the critical days and a little more.

It is not difficult to guess that hormonal imbalance leads to either an increase in the likelihood of successful conception or a decrease in it. It all depends on when sexual intercourse occurred and in which direction ovulation shifted.

Doctors about conception

If your period is in 2 weeks, can you get pregnant? The gynecologist will confidently give a positive answer to such a question. Especially if the woman does not have any health problems.

Today, experts assure that without protection, fertilization can occur almost any day. It’s just that in the middle of the mentioned period of time the probability of success is maximum.

That is why any couple who does not want to give birth in the near future is recommended to use a variety of contraceptives. For example, birth control pills and condoms. Contraceptives are selected individually and only after medical consultation.

Calendar protection

Some women use the so-called calendar method of birth control. They clearly know when they ovulate. Accordingly, you can calculate which days will be safe. And during these periods make love. Some claim that such protection really works and does not fail. The main thing in this situation for a woman is to know the features of her cycle as best as possible.

Is it possible to get pregnant a week before your period? Yes. And, using the calendar method of birth control, the girl will have to take into account that this is not the most reliable way to prevent pregnancy. Quite often it fails. After all, ovulation can occur earlier or later. Doctors do not consider this approach at all to be contraception.

How to get pregnant faster

Now a few words about how you can increase the likelihood of successful conception. There are a lot of tips and recommendations on this matter.

Here are the best ones:

  • avoid stress;
  • relax and walk more;
  • lead an active and sporty lifestyle;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • Healthy food;
  • with active planning, have sex every other day;
  • after intercourse, rest quietly for about 15-30 minutes and do not move;
  • choose poses in which the woman will not be on top.

How to protect yourself

Is it possible to get pregnant a week after your period? Quite. How to protect yourself?

We have already said that contraceptives are selected on an individual basis. Today the most by successful means preventing pregnancy are:

  • condoms;
  • creams, suppositories;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • uterine devices.

However, even the listed options sometimes fail. This is exactly what some girls say, for whom pregnancy was a complete surprise. And this is quite normal. After all, the female body is a mystery.

This indicates that her body is already capable of fertilization and bearing offspring. This does not mean that at such a young age it is already necessary to become a mother, but physical level this option is already possible. Already starting from adolescence, girls should know about contraceptive methods, which will not only protect against sexually transmitted diseases, but also prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Some women believe that it is impossible to get pregnant during menstruation, others are of the opinion that sex is safe a few days before the period. In this article you will find out whether it is possible to get pregnant before menstruation, and what is the probability of conception in different days cycle.

Determining fertile days

Menstrual flow is exfoliated inner layer uterus along with blood. This process begins if the egg released after ovulation has not been fertilized. During ovulatory cycle the female reproductive cell matured in the ovary, and after full maturation was released into fallopian tube, in the hope of fertilization. The days most favorable for her fertilization are called fertile.

Each woman ovulates at an individual time, usually in the middle of the cycle, somewhere on the 12-14th day. If at this time in fallopian tube there is already a sperm, in this case you can get pregnant with a very high degree of probability. If there is no male seed, then the egg will still be viable for 24 hours, which means there is still a chance of conception.

The lifespan of a sperm is 3-4 days, which means there are about 5 days in the menstrual cycle with highest probability Conception: 3 days before ovulation, the day the reproductive cell is released and the day during which the egg remains viable.

If the cycle is 28 days, then theoretically, starting from the 15th day, a woman will no longer be able to get pregnant. But this theory does not work in 5% of cases, since there are many factors that can influence the chance of conception. Let's consider the most significant of them.

Factors affecting the chances of conception

You can use the calendar method of contraception only if the woman has a regular menstrual cycle. If the timing of ovulation is violated, then the likelihood of conception before the regulation increases. Violate normal course cycle can be due to the following reasons:

  • stress;
  • strict diets;
  • bad ecology;
  • change of partner or sexual preferences;
  • taking certain medications hormonal contraception, dietary supplements.

Ovulation may be disrupted due to age-related changes or due to chronic diseases, endocrine and gynecological diseases can cause its delay.

If it is no more than 2 days, then pregnancy can be excluded as the cause of the delay. Let's look at the factors that significantly increase the chance of conception.

Repeated ovulation Each healthy woman Over the course of a year, two or more eggs may mature 1-2 times per menstrual cycle. This is a completely normal phenomenon: 1 reproductive cell matures in the middle of the cycle, and the second is released on any other day. In such a situation there is high risk

get pregnant shortly before menstruation.

Repeated ovulation occurs much more often in women who do not have regular sexual relations. Thus, the body tries to use all available opportunities for conception.

  • This should be taken into account when having unplanned sex before your period arrives. There are some signs of re-ovulation:
  • the breasts swell, its sensitivity increases;
  • refers to basal temperature;
  • sexual desire increases;

lower abdomen hurts.

Lifespan of sperm Most often, sperm retain their vital activity in a woman’s body for up to three days, but this figure may vary under some conditions. Most of them die in the uterine cavity within 2-4 days after entering it. This happens because the immune system

women destroys sperm as foreign biomaterial. If a woman lives with one sexual partner for a long time, then her body gets used to his reproductive cells and over time reacts to them less aggressively. In this case, the lifespan of sperm can increase to 5-8 days.

Use of hormonal methods of contraception Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives is indeed effective in preventing pregnancy, but abrupt refusal

taking birth control significantly increases the chances of conceiving before your period. This effect is explained very simply: the principle of action of oral contraceptives is based on suppressing the ovulation process by blocking the pituitary gland-ovary connection, when the drug is stopped, the girl can simultaneously mature 2 or more eggs ready for fertilization. If taken oral contraception

as prescribed by the doctor and follow the dosage regimen, the possibility of conception before menstruation will be significantly lower.

If for some reason a woman has ovulation, then not only regulation occurs chaotically, but also ovulation. In this case, it is quite possible that a relatively safe day in the last cycle will have increased likelihood get pregnant.

Even in women with regular cycle There are 1-2 failures throughout the year. They can be provoked by diseases, stress, medications, etc. During such cycles, ovulation is also delayed, so a woman can easily become pregnant 2 days before her due date.

Myths and facts

In medicine, there is a lot of evidence that it is quite possible to get pregnant before menstruation, but all known cases occurred due to women’s developmental characteristics of their body. Let's consider the main myths and their refutations regarding the fact that before the regulation there is no possibility of conception:

  • some women mistakenly assume that 9 days before menstruation occurs safe time, when conceiving a child is unlikely, so they calmly indulge in love pleasures, forgetting about protection. In fact, at this time there is a possibility of pregnancy, although quite small. This may help irregular cycle or a long period sperm life;
  • some representatives of the fair sex think that if they have been taking for a long time contraception, and then stopped drinking them for a while, they will not be able to get pregnant if they have unprotected sex 3 days before menstruation. The effectiveness of oral contraceptives decreases, even if a woman forgot to take only 1 pill, and complete cessation of taking the drugs significantly increases the likelihood of conception and provokes changes in hormonal levels;
  • There is an opinion that a virgin who decides to have her first sexual experience a few days before her period will not be able to get pregnant. In fact, it does not matter whether a woman has previously had sexual experience; any representative of the fair sex can become pregnant before her period. This probability is low, only 6%, but it exists.

What is the probability of getting pregnant on different days?

Let's consider what the probability of pregnancy is depending on the number of days left before the onset of menstruation:

  1. Per day. It is almost impossible to get pregnant just before your period. Even if fertilization of the egg occurs, there remains a minimal chance that the zygote will be able to implant into the exfoliated endometrium. Most often in this situation, fetal rejection occurs. If a woman wants to continue such a pregnancy, she needs to urgently contact a gynecologist.
  2. 2-3 days before the reg. Pregnancy before menstruation during this time is quite possible if a woman matures more than 1 egg during the cycle, her cycle is irregular, or in the case long term life of sperm. If these factors are present, you should not rely on the calendar method of contraception.
  3. 4-5 days before menstruation. Factors that increase the chance of conceiving a child 4-5 days before the regular cycle are irregular cycles, individual characteristics body and repeated ovulation caused by irregular sexual activity.
  4. 6-7 days before reg. If a girl has a regular cycle of 28 days, then days 10-16 of the cycle are considered fertile. A week before your period, and this is on the 21-22 day of the cycle, subject to regular menstruation and ovulation, it is almost impossible to get pregnant, but this is only if there are no hormonal imbalances and external factors that affect the condition of the female body.
  5. In 10 days. can be 21-35 days; if a woman’s cycle length is on the lower level, then 10 days before her period there can be fertile days, when the risk of getting pregnant is very high, but even with a longer cycle, there is a chance of getting pregnant any day before your period.

If you are not planning a pregnancy, you should not rely only on the calendar method of contraception, it will never be reliable, and external factors, hormonal fluctuations and various diseases further reduce its effectiveness.

To prevent unwanted pregnancy use barrier contraception or birth control pills prescribed by your doctor.