How to find out the queue for sanatorium-resort treatment. Electronic queue for receiving vouchers to sanatoriums for recreation or treatment for beneficiaries

Every year in the district, more than 15 thousand beneficiaries receive free trips to sanatoriums and free travel to and from the place of treatment. The geography of recreation is wide - the Moscow region, regions of Central Russia, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. And the average wait time for your turn is a year or a little more.

“So, an elderly person will not have to urgently master the Internet in order to leave a request for sanatorium-resort treatment there,” Yulia Kirikova, chief specialist of the Department of Social Protection of North-Eastern Administrative Okrug, tells the correspondent of the newspaper “Starry Boulevard”. – In order to register to receive a voucher, he will still have to personally contact the State Tax Service in his area. Another thing is that now everyone can see how their turn is moving at any time.

Dszn queue for vouchers

Every year, in the Alekseevsky district health care center, free trips to sanatoriums located in the Moscow region, regions of Central and Southern Russia, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and the North Caucasus, as well as free travel to and from the place of treatment are provided to more than 1.5 thousand beneficiaries. The average wait time for a trip is a year or a little more. By the way, vouchers are given priority to disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War.

In order to ensure the availability of information about the progress of the queue for sanatorium-resort treatment for citizens of preferential categories, an “Electronic queue” is being introduced, allowing citizens to monitor the progress of their queue on the official website of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow.

You can follow the queue for a free trip to the sanatorium on the Internet

Please explain the upward movement of the queue. If the number registered was 689, then the one who received and then refused the voucher standing in line before you was put at 600 should be reduced, and then again restored in the same order to the queue 689 (689-1+1). An increase is possible only if someone is put in in line before you. In addition, the legislation does not provide for a person on the waiting list to refuse the allocated voucher. Judging by the numbers 689 and 709, the refusal is widespread. In order to exclude further complaints, I ask you to write clarifications on this issue.

A mess and a mockery. in February the queue number was 434, in March 562, and in April 721. HOW can this be. the girl on the hotline is babbling something about how people are presenting documents and the line is only moving in the direction of increasing! She couldn’t say anything more intelligible and rudely hung up, saying that not getting a ticket for two years is NOT A TIME! how is this so? How many years does a disabled person have to wait for a ticket? (and will you wait?) what are these numbers needed for then? where can I get a clear answer and not boorish excuses?

Queue for social vouchers to sanatoriums for retirees in Moscow

Additional requirements are established for people with disabilities. In this case, it is necessary to submit an ITU conclusion, which indicates the applicant’s disability group, and also contains a recommendation from the commission body on the need to undergo sanatorium-resort treatment.

  • standard application for a travel package on a preferential basis;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • applicant's passport;
  • SNILS;
  • papers confirming the existence of grounds for granting benefits;
  • medical certificate in form 070/u-04, which is pre-issued by the attending physician or local physician.

Who and how can get a free trip to a sanatorium for treatment?

The provision of sanatorium and resort treatment for privileged categories of citizens in Moscow is carried out by the social protection authorities. The decision to issue vouchers is made by commissions created under the departments (departments) of social protection of the population with the participation of representatives of public organizations of veterans and disabled people. They take into account medical indications (season, place, treatment profile) according to the conclusion of the medical institution and the date of registration for receiving sanatorium-resort treatment.

Vouchers are provided by regional departments of social protection of the population at the place of residence, subject to the preservation of the right to receive a free sanatorium-resort voucher and in accordance with the profile recommended by them, the season and place of treatment, as well as taking into account the date of registration for the provision of a voucher.

Why are people with disabilities not given vouchers to sanatoriums?

Let us remind you that sanatorium and resort vouchers are provided to certain categories of the population, among whom the majority are disabled, in the presence of medical indications and only if the federal benefit recipient has not refused a set of social services (social package).

Funds for them are allocated from the federal budget in the form of transfers. In this case, the amount is calculated from the number of beneficiaries who did not refuse the social package. Unfortunately, in the regions every year there are more and more people who refuse the social package in favor of “real” money - its cost. Accordingly, the number of funds for sanatorium-resort treatment decreases.

The state provides additional support to people continuing treatment in the form of the right to health improvement in a dispensary. It’s no secret that such a trip is an expensive pleasure.

According to the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance”, a person can apply for a free voucher for sanatorium treatment, especially if he is related to one of the preferential categories, that is, he is:

  • participant of the Second World War;
  • disabled;
  • military veteran;
  • victims during the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident;
  • a resident of besieged Leningrad;
  • a home front worker during the Second World War;
  • a non-working pensioner.

If the applicant wants to receive subsidies from the state, that is, partial payment for a discounted voucher, then he must be:

  • military pensioner;
  • labor veteran;
  • reserve officer;
  • a citizen dealing with his illness after completing the basic course.

Benefits for spa treatment vary depending on regional laws. This is partial or full compensation for travel to boarding houses, a discount on treatment costs, or completely free treatment, accommodation and travel expenses. The amount of discount for partial repayment of the tour price can vary from 25 to 50%.

Preferential vouchers to the sanatorium are financed from the federal budget, treatment of victims at work is paid for from the Social Insurance Fund. For example:

  • contract military personnel - 100%;
  • family members of deceased military personnel - 50%;
  • military pensioners transferred to the reserve after 20 years of service - 25%;
  • Heroes of the Russian Federation, USSR, holders of the Order of Glory - 25%.

Registration procedure, list of documents

The question arises, how to get a ticket. To obtain the right to health improvement, it is not enough to belong to the category entitled to benefits. To get a referral to a medical boarding house, you need to take the initiative and collect the necessary papers: passport, SNILS, pension or other certificate, medical certificate from a doctor confirming the need for sanatorium-resort treatment, application. With a package of documents, you need to go to your local doctor so that he can prepare a certificate for sanatorium treatment in form 070/U-04. Then the beneficiary, armed with direction 070/U-04 and an application, will go to the local Social Insurance Fund.

Electronic preferential queue

The preferential queue for obtaining a voucher to the sanatorium is conducted exclusively in electronic form. Registration in such a queue takes place in the 4th quarter of a given year. The service is located on the official website of the Social Insurance Fund. To find out your place in the queue, you need to go to the “Search for the queue of beneficiaries to receive a voucher” tab on the website, enter your SNILS number without punctuation marks in the window and start the search. Queue status information is updated on the 1st of each month.

In addition to the Social Insurance Fund, you can obtain information about your place in the electronic queue on the official website of the Department of Labor and Social Protection. The website has a tab “Informing about the status of the queue”. To see your queue number online, you will have to enter the beneficiary’s details:

  • day, month, year of birth;
  • SNILS number.

The electronic queue for receiving preferential referrals moves very slowly and differently for different categories of beneficiaries. Purchasing a ticket to a sanatorium is not the most difficult thing compared to waiting. For example, retirees may wait several years for this event. Nevertheless, this service has proven its worth, saving FSS inspectors and beneficiaries from live queues and countless phone calls.

By the time a person ends his working life, he often accumulates a large number of diseases. Many people still want to talk to their grandchildren, work at their dacha, and see the world. The state's social policy involves providing pensioners with vouchers to a sanatorium to receive medical and social rehabilitation. It’s worth figuring out who has the right to purchase them for 2018, how the queue is formed, what documents need to be submitted and where.

Conditions for obtaining a voucher to a sanatorium for pensioners free of charge

Before carrying out the planned sanatorium-resort treatment, you must obtain a certificate in form 070/u-04. You should visit a doctor at a city clinic. Local therapist:

  • will give directions for tests and examinations;
  • conduct a medical examination;
  • will evaluate the indications for carrying out therapeutic and health-improving sanatorium activities;
  • determine the diagnosis of the underlying disease;
  • will note contraindications for health improvement;
  • will give recommendations for performing procedures;
  • will send the patient to a medical commission for a final resolution of the issue.

During the consultation of therapists:

  • a study of the medical history of the pensioner-beneficiary will be carried out;
  • the main diagnosis and concomitant pathologies were assessed;
  • the possibility of sanatorium recovery will be established, taking into account the location of a certain climatic zone;
  • the results of medical and social examination for disabled people will be taken into account;
  • they will issue a certificate 070/у-04 with a validity period of six months;
  • make a note in the medical record;
  • will determine the profile of the institution for the treatment of the underlying disease.

To get in line for a trip to a sanatorium for retirees in 2018, you need to meet a number of conditions. Applicant for free wellness:

  • must have the age established by law for retirement;
  • officially registered with the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • belong to a preferential category defined by law;
  • cannot continue to work - this will be an obstacle to receiving free treatment;
  • must not be a participant in other programs for beneficiaries, for example, separately for WWII participants;
  • a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense is undergoing rehabilitation in departmental sanatoriums.

You need to know - sanatorium treatment for pensioners is free in 2018, taking into account the legislation of the Russian Federation:

  • The allocation of a voucher is possible once every two years;
  • disabled people can take advantage of the benefit annually;
  • if there are special medical indications, sanatorium treatment may be provided more often than once a year;
  • the benefit includes free travel to and from the place - the pensioner purchases a ticket, and the payment is made by the state based on the documents presented;
  • a list of medical organizations, taking into account specialization by disease, is approved at the regional level.

Who can get discounted vouchers to a sanatorium for pensioners in 2018

The list of persons entitled to assistance from the state is stipulated by Federal Law-178. The federal law determines the circle of pensioners who can queue for discounted vouchers to sanatoriums in 2018. The service is provided only to those who have stopped working. Sanatorium treatment can be used no more than once a year:

  • disabled people of the Great Patriotic War;
  • participants in hostilities from 1941 to 1945.

Pensioners with benefits have the right to receive sanatorium-resort rehabilitation treatment:

  • employees of law enforcement agencies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the penal system, the military, participants in international and local conflicts in Russia, the USSR, including those who are retired and in reserve;
  • military personnel who did not participate in hostilities in the Second World War, who served for six months, and who had orders and medals during this period.

Citizens of Russia who have documented their benefits can get in line for vouchers to a sanatorium for retirees in 2018:

  • military personnel of motor troops and battalions delivering cargo to Afghanistan in 1979-1989;
  • citizens who worked at military facilities and transport ships during the Second World War;
  • those with a disability group, including children;
  • family members of deceased (dead) combat veterans, participants and disabled people of the Second World War;
  • residents of Leningrad who survived the siege;
  • liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, citizens equated to them who were exposed to radiation.

Pensioners who do not belong to any category, if they have a doctor’s referral, can receive social vouchers in 2018. To do this you need:

  • reaching retirement age, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • does not belong to the categories of citizens who have social support;
  • official registration with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • do not have benefits provided to former military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • not to work;
  • have a doctor’s certificate confirming the need for sanatorium-resort treatment.

Legal regulation

To get in line for vouchers to a sanatorium for retirees in 2018, you need to know what legislative acts regulate the provision of benefits. Social protection bodies of Russia are guided by Federal and regional laws, based on the realities of local budgets. The issue of providing benefits to people of retirement age is regulated by law:

  • Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal law on the provision of benefits;
  • By order of the Ministry of Defense - for military pensioners with benefits;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The main legal document regulating the issue of providing benefits to pensioners is the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On State Social Assistance” No. 178-FZ, in force since July 17, 1999. He stipulates:

  • the possibility of receiving a referral for sanatorium treatment if there are medical indications;
  • a complete list of available benefits for pensioners;
  • conditions and procedure for receiving them;
  • category of persons entitled to free sanatorium and resort treatment.

A normative act defining the principles and procedure for the implementation of social measures to improve the health of pensioners is Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 328 dated December 29, 2004. The document stipulates:

  • treatment is financed by the federal budget;
  • the referral to the resort is of a declarative nature - occurs on the initiative of the applicant;
  • the pensioner presents documents - indications for treatment, belonging to a preferential category;
  • the need, after a course of rehabilitation, to present a coupon about the intended use of the funds - stay for treatment.

How to get a ticket to a sanatorium for a pensioner for free in 2018

If sanatorium-resort rehabilitation is planned, the applicant must prepare a package of documents and deliver them to the territorial social security authorities at the place of residence. To get in line for a trip to a sanatorium for pensioners in 2018, a citizen must:

  • formalize an official refusal to receive money - compensation for state support, according to the system of monetization of benefits;
  • bring a package of documents to provide free sanatorium-resort treatment.

Social Security Administration at the place of residence where the pensioner-beneficiary applied:

  • ten days from the date of submission of the application, informs the applicant about the decision made to provide a voucher or refusal with an explanation of the reason;
  • issues a referral for sanatorium-resort treatment, observing the priority;
  • notifies the applicant about his serial number in the lists of applicants for preferential health improvement;
  • upon return from the sanatorium, will require you to provide a tear-off coupon confirming the fact of treatment.

Where to contact

How to get in line for vouchers to a sanatorium for retirees in 2018, where to apply? This depends on the source of funding for the benefits provided to a certain category of citizens. Free referral is provided by the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation:

  • the list of beneficiaries is established by Law No. 178-FZ;
  • financing comes from the federal budget;
  • For medical and rehabilitation activities, sanatoriums located in various resort regions of Russia are offered (referrals abroad are not provided).

You can submit an application and get in line for vouchers to a sanatorium for retirees in 2018 by visiting:

  • Social security authorities at the place of residence, MFC, if funding is provided by the regional budget. Vouchers are provided to restore the health of any pensioners after inpatient treatment. Preference is given to local sanatoriums.
  • The structures of law enforcement agencies - the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - which deal with social issues, preferential provision for military retirees, and organize financing. Treatment is carried out by departmental sanatorium-resort institutions.

Social protection bodies located in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are solving the same range of issues, including queues for vouchers to a sanatorium for pensioners in 2018. They are subordinate to the local administration and the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation. Territorial social protection bodies may have the following names:

  • Department;
  • control;
  • department;
  • ministry;
  • Committee.


In order for a pensioner with benefits to receive a free voucher for sanatorium treatment, he needs to prepare. The events will not take much time. It is required to perform a certain algorithm of actions:

  • visit your doctor;
  • obtain certificate No. 070/U-04, establishing the need to undergo medical and health-improving sanatorium activities;
  • prepare documents and their copies confirming identity, rights to receive a pension, benefits;
  • visit social protection authorities;
  • write an application for a trip;
  • wait for the outcome of the consideration of the issue.

What documents need to be provided

In order for the social security authorities to accept an application for free health resort treatment, the pensioner needs to collect a set of documents. Queuing up to receive a voucher is possible if you have a full set of required papers. You must bring:

  • application for a discounted voucher for treatment
  • a pension certificate confirming the registration of retirement, in accordance with the requirements of the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • work book;
  • SNILS.

In addition, social security authorities at the place of residence will require:

  • documents certifying rights to benefits;
  • certificate 070/U-04 about the need for sanatorium-resort treatment (its validity period is six months);
  • a health record issued by a physician at a local clinic;
  • additionally, if necessary, a certificate of the amount of pension provision;
  • conclusion of a medical and sanitary examination when drawing up a referral for the rehabilitation of a disabled person.

Preferential queue for a voucher to a sanatorium in 2018

Social protection authorities accept applications and documents from all pensioners without exception who have rights to preferential sanatorium and resort treatment. To ensure equal conditions, the issuance of vouchers to citizens is carried out according to the queue. Applicants are registered based on the date of application. An electronic queue for sanatorium-resort treatment is formed if the applicant provides:

  • personal data on the disease profile, according to a doctor’s certificate;
  • information about the application and the valid date of submission;
  • PFR data on the social services provided.

How to find out your turn

A person belonging to the preferential category of citizens who has submitted documents to receive sanatorium-resort rehabilitation must find out the status of his queue. For this he has several options. A pensioner with benefits can:

  • visit the social security authority where you submitted your application and personally find out your queue number to receive benefits;
  • go to the website of the Social Insurance Fund branch by entering SNILS in a special field, find out your place among those wishing to receive a referral for treatment.

Pensioners and Moscow residents who have benefits for free sanatorium treatment and recreational activities can save time by going to the website of the city Department of Social Welfare. It has a special form that you need to fill out and click on the “Search” button. The form for informing about the status of the queue includes personal data:

  • applicant's surname;
  • his name and patronymic;
  • date of birth of the pensioner;
  • SNILS number (filled in according to the proposed template).

The system can provide information online, a few seconds after filling out the form. The following will appear on the monitor screen:

  • personal appeal to the visitor;
  • his SNILS number;
  • date of application for preferential treatment;
  • disease profile;
  • the place where the applicant is located among the total number of applicants;
  • serial number when registering.

Features of preferential queue for military personnel and persons equivalent to them

There are 37 sanatoriums assigned to the Ministry of Defense for military pensioners, where they can receive vouchers. Each has a website where information about available places is posted. Veterans of law enforcement agencies can receive preferential vouchers if they are not working at the time of application. The application is reviewed for 30 days, after which a response is given regarding whether it will be placed on the waiting list or rejected. Family members of military pensioners have the right to treatment with partial payment for the voucher:

  • children under 18 years of age;
  • spouses;
  • children under 23 years of age – full-time students;
  • parents.

The formation of the queue of vouchers for 2018 began in November of the previous year. The authorities responsible for distribution compile lists that anyone can view in person or online on the website. To receive a voucher, a military retiree must:

  • choose a sanatorium that suits your profile;
  • find out availability;
  • undergo a medical examination;
  • receive a certificate in form No. 070/у-04;
  • provide a package of documents;
  • submit an application to the regional department for sanatorium and resort provision of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The regulations for preferential treatment of military pensioners are determined by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 15, 2011 No. 333. According to the document:

  • free sanatorium vouchers are provided to Heroes of Russia, the USSR, full holders of the Order of Glory, Labor Glory, heroes of Socialist Labor, and disabled people;
  • when flying to the place of treatment, an economy class air ticket is paid;
  • for road transport, a bus with soft seats is paid for;
  • in case of using a railway connection - a reserved seat ticket;
  • You can receive treatment once a year.


Russians who stand in a preferential queue to receive vouchers to a sanatorium are interested in how they are informed about the status of the queue. Our specialists explain all the nuances of this procedure in this article.

General information for preferential categories of citizens applying for a trip to a sanatorium

As every Russian knows, our country has a law on state assistance for certain categories of citizens. This assistance from the state also includes receiving preferential vouchers for treatment in sanatoriums. They are not provided just like that. For this, compelling reasons are needed, namely medical certificates confirming the presence of any disease in the beneficiary. In addition, the queue for receiving such vouchers is formed in the order of registration of documentation, that is, it is “live”.

Who can be provided with such preferential vouchers for treatment in a sanatorium? As already mentioned, these are citizens of our state who fall into one of the preferential categories:

  • disabled people (including disabled children);
  • WWII participants;
  • veterans who participated in battles;
  • liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, including affected citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • residents of besieged Leningrad.

We should not forget about the category of those Russians who continue to treat their disease, but after completing the main course of treatment. As for pensioners, they can claim such a privilege only if they do not work in retirement. Otherwise, they will not be provided with a discounted voucher to the sanatorium.

This benefit for receiving a voucher to a sanatorium for rehabilitation is regulated at the legislative level by local regional authorities.

The preferential conditions for such a voucher for sanatorium treatment are as follows (depending on regional conditions):

  • repayment of travel costs to the sanatorium (in both directions);
  • partial repayment of costs;
  • The discount amount for such redemption is from 25 to 50% of the initial cost of the discounted voucher.

How to apply for a discounted voucher to a sanatorium

To receive preferential treatment at a sanatorium, it is not enough to fall into a certain category of beneficiaries. According to Russian laws, you still need to prepare a package of official papers that will serve as the basis for obtaining the necessary travel document:

  • your personal documents: passport, pensioner ID, SNILS;
  • medical certificate about past illness;
  • statement in writing.

Having prepared all the papers, you should contact your local doctor at the local clinic, who, after the examination, will issue a referral for sanatorium treatment. This referral certificate must indicate:

  1. Recommended health facility.
  2. Sanatorium profile.
  3. Visiting time that corresponds to the season (for example, spring-summer).

Having received the appropriate referral from the attending physician, you should then contact the local branch of the Social Insurance Fund, where the final registration of such a benefit takes place.

How are beneficiaries informed about receiving a discounted voucher to a sanatorium?

The departments of labor and social protection are responsible for informing Russians who fall into the preferential category about receiving the appropriate voucher for sanatorium treatment. Thus, the website works for residents of Moscow. This is where you can get information online about the status of the queue for preferential treatment at the sanatorium. To do this, you need to enter your personal data:

  • date of birth (format DD.MM.YYYY, that is, 07/12/1975);
  • SNILS (format 000-000-00000).

In accordance with current Russian legislation, certain categories of citizens are given the right to receive a voucher to a sanatorium on a preferential basis. We will tell you how to get a ticket, who is entitled to it, and what you need for this in this article.

Legislative principles

Rules for the allocation of health subsidies

The foundations of regulatory regulation in this area are laid by the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 178-FZ). It is possible to formulate a number of rules in accordance with which preferential vouchers to a sanatorium are provided:

  1. To exercise your right to receive preferential sanatorium and resort treatment, you must contact the territorial authorities of social protection of the population.
  2. The right to arises from the moment a citizen is assigned the appropriate status: a disabled child, a Veteran of the Great Patriotic War, etc.).
  3. The benefit period is 1 year. In the first year after receiving the right to a benefit, the period begins to be calculated from the moment such a right is assigned until December 31.
  4. Benefits for sanatorium treatment are provided on a first-come, first-served basis as documents are completed and places become available in sanatorium-resort institutions.
  5. It is permissible to refuse to receive preferential sanatorium-resort treatment in exchange for receiving monetary compensation in the manner established by Art. 6.3 of Law No. 178 - Federal Law.
  6. No matter. no matter how many reasons the applicant has, he can take advantage of the benefit no more than once a year.

Categories of beneficiaries

Several categories of citizens can receive sanatorium and resort treatment on the basis of several federal regulations. This is about:

  • disabled people and/or participants in the Great Patriotic War;
  • combat veterans;
  • military personnel awarded medals and orders of the USSR during the Second World War;
  • military personnel in the army during the Second World War who were not part of the active army, but served for at least six months;
  • home front workers during the Second World War, defense participants during this period, crew members of transport ships;
  • residents of besieged Leningrad, awarded the corresponding badge;
  • victims of radiation exposure as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, tests at the Semipalatinsk test site and persons equated to this category;
  • disabled people of any group;
  • family members of deceased and deceased disabled people and WWII participants (for example, widows);
  • family members of people who died during the Second World War, hospital workers in Leningrad.

Regional authorities also have the right to establish benefits for certain categories of citizens. Thus, capital pensioners, orphans, and children from low-income families can relax in a sanatorium at the expense of the budget.

Unfortunately, the authorities of other regions do not respond so positively to the question of who is entitled to preferential vouchers to the sanatorium. In some regions, the list includes labor veterans and veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Which sanatoriums provide vouchers?

Sanatoriums that are part of the state healthcare system of the Russian Federation are intended for passing through.

This should take into account:

  • characteristics of the patient’s health status, including the presence of contraindications (sometimes, for example, pregnancy becomes a contraindication);
  • the presence of concomitant diseases;
  • the possibility of providing the patient with the necessary treatment (qualified doctors and equipment, specialization of the institution);
  • climatic factors that can positively or negatively affect the patient’s health;
  • transport accessibility of the resort, potential travel conditions;
  • previous treatment, data from existing tests and other studies on the patient’s health status.

The list of sanatoriums was approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation by Order 301n, the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 449n dated July 10, 2013. It includes 816 institutions. All of them are located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Despite the anticipation, this list has not yet been supplemented with sanatoriums in Crimea. This is largely due to the full workload of existing institutions in the new region.

Maximum stay period

The duration of a preferential stay in a sanatorium is determined by Art. 6.2 of Law No. 178-FZ. Its duration is directly related to which category the vacationer belongs to.

As a general rule, treatment will last 18 days. However there are exceptions for:

  • disabled child – 21 days;
  • disabled people whose status is associated with diseases or injuries of the spinal cord and brain - from 24 to 42 days. .

Previously, the duration of sanatorium treatment was established by the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation by Decree No. 64 dated August 6, 1997 and was, as a rule, 24 days. Now this document has lost force.

Prerogatives of certain groups of citizens

Despite the fact that the state tries to take care of all socially vulnerable categories of citizens, certain groups can count on priority receipt of vouchers. Among them:

  • disabled people and WWII participants;
  • WWII veterans;
  • home front workers;
  • victims of political repression (if the region provides benefits, as is done in Moscow).

In children's recreation, priority is given to orphans, disabled children and members of large families.

How to get this type of government support in 2018

The procedure for providing preferential vouchers to sanatoriums is determined by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation by Order No. 256 dated November 22, 2004 (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 256). It determines how to obtain and exercise the right of citizens to receive sanatorium treatment, and how beneficiaries are selected.

Where are benefits issued?

In accordance with clause 1.2 of Order No. 256, the first step on the path to obtaining the desired voucher is to contact your doctor at a medical institution at your place of residence. There is also a medical commission that makes a decision on the need to refer the patient for sanatorium treatment.

As a general rule, the attending physician himself can decide on the presence of indications and contraindications for treatment, but in controversial cases it will be necessary to involve a medical commission.

Also, on the basis of clause 1.5 of Order No. 256, only the medical commission of the clinic makes a decision when applying to persons entitled to receive a preferential voucher.

After this, you can safely contact the branch of the Social Insurance Fund at your place of residence with a package of documents to be placed on the waiting list for beneficiaries.

Collection of necessary documents

The list of documents for obtaining a discounted voucher is relatively short. It includes:

  • application for a travel voucher;
  • medical certificate for obtaining a voucher for sanatorium treatment, form No. 070/u;
  • identification document of the applicant;
  • a document confirming the right to receive benefits - a certificate of a WWII Veteran, a certificate of disability, etc.;
  • child’s birth certificate, for example, if we are talking about disabled children.

The list of documents may be supplemented depending on the grounds on which the applicant is applying for benefits; for example, non-working pensioners will need a work book as proof of dismissal.

In the capital region, in the social authority. defense will require a certificate from the pension department if the applicant uses federal benefits not through the Moscow or regional branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

If, together with the beneficiary, an accompanying person (for example, the mother of a disabled child or another adult representative) has the right to receive a voucher, his documents will also be required.

The validity period of the certificate in form No. 070/y is only six months!

In accordance with Order No. 256, the applicant, having received a voucher, must visit a local therapist no later than 2 months from the start of treatment and begin an examination to obtain a sanatorium card in form No. 072/u-04. To do this, the voucher must be issued no later than 2 months before departure, but in practice this period is often reduced to 1 month.

Separately, free travel to the place of sanatorium treatment is provided. It can be in the form:

  • free travel voucher;
  • monetary compensation for purchased tickets.

To receive a coupon you will need to provide the following to the social security department:

  • identification document;
  • application for a voucher;
  • certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the right to benefits;
  • a trip to the sanatorium.

The package of documents for receiving compensation for already purchased and used tickets will be somewhat larger. In addition to those listed above you will need:

  • certificate from the sanatorium confirming your stay for treatment;
  • purchased and used travel documents;

How to check your place in the electronic queue

When registering to wait for a preferential voucher, the applicant is entered into the database. After this, he will be able to check how the preferential queue for a voucher to a sanatorium is moving, and estimate at least approximately how soon he will be able to receive treatment.

The online resources of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation are available for tracking. In fact, they exist in every region. To check, just enter your SNILS number.

Often the queue moves rather slowly, because there are quite a lot of people who want to relax and receive treatment, and the number of places in sanatoriums of a suitable profile is limited.

Therefore, in practice, getting a free ticket in the summer can be quite difficult. But no matter how slowly the queue for sanatorium vouchers moves, sooner or later everyone’s turn will come. Most likely it will be autumn or winter, because in the summer, health resorts are in maximum demand by private vacationers.

Possible reasons for refusal

There are very few reasons to refuse a ticket. In fact, a person who has the right to it cannot be denied. Exceptions are possible if an incomplete package of documents has been submitted, in which case the applicant will not be put on a waiting list until the full package of documents has been received.

The question arises about the need to submit documents at the place of registration. Refusal due to lack of registration may well be lawful.

Thus, the Moscow region provides residents with an expanded list of benefits. They can get a ticket here without having a disabled person status or any other status provided for by federal law, but for this you must provide a passport with capital registration at your place of residence. Refusal in the absence of such registration is legal.

A long queue cannot be grounds for refusal. Let it be slow, but sooner or later it will reach every applicant and it is impossible to refuse on this basis, because the right of each beneficiary is in no way connected with previously submitted applications.

Financial compensation

In accordance with Art. 6.3 of Law 178-FZ, it is possible to refuse to provide a voucher at the request of the beneficiary. To do this, you must fill out and submit to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the RF Pension Fund) an application in the form approved by the Letter of the RF Pension Fund dated October 25, 2011 N LCH-28-25/12290.

Rules for submitting an application for refusal:

  • An application for renewal or refusal of one or more social services provided for by Law No. 178-FF is submitted for the next year no later than October 1 of the current year. That is, if the parent of a disabled child decides to refuse sanatorium treatment in 2019, then the application must be submitted no later than October 1, 2018.
  • You can submit an appeal directly to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or multifunctional centers located in most populated areas of the country. If technically possible, applications through electronic portals are allowed.