Characteristics of a person by appearance. Sexual potential - how to determine by appearance

Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to determine a person's character by appearance. There is a whole science - physiognomy, which tells how to determine a person’s character by the shape of his fingers, gait, eye color, and so on. Naturally, the conclusions that can be drawn by thoroughly studying a person’s appearance will not be able to fully create an accurate psychological portrait, but it is quite possible to draw some sketches. We will limit ourselves to the main characteristics.

A person's character by the eyes

Black eyes

People with black eyes are potential leaders. They cannot imagine their life without a goal and make every effort to achieve it. Black-eyed men and women are very temperamental, passionate lovers. Due to natural magnetism and great energy, such people always find themselves in the center of attention. However, the coin called “activity” also has a downside - dark-eyed people, unfortunately, often become obsessed with some idea.

Brown eyes

In addition to emotionality and temperament, people with brown eyes, more than anyone else, are characterized by a quick temper. It is extremely easy to piss them off - a minor reason is enough for this. However, they calm down just as quickly, continuing to communicate as if nothing had happened. The same applies to the love of “brown-eyed” people. The feelings that these people experience are usually very deep and vivid, but short-lived. In order for emotions to last as long as possible, a brown-eyed person must definitely feel the return.

Green eyes

This eye color is one of the most interesting. The fact is that green-eyed women and men have completely different characters. Ladies with this eye color are usually bold and decisive. In addition, green-eyed people have been credited with the ability to perform divination since ancient times.

Men, on the contrary, are very soft and pliable. They will make caring and faithful husbands. But the careers of green-eyed men do not go very well, since they are completely devoid of healthy stubbornness. The character of a person with green eyes means an owner and a jealous person, but very hardworking, who always strives to achieve their goals.

Blue eyes

People with blue eyes are very emotional. They can be considered constant fighters for the truth, which they will prove even to their own detriment. In general, blue-eyed people give themselves completely to anything - it’s very good to be friends with them, but you shouldn’t end up on the list of enemies.

Blue and gray eyes

Blue-eyed people are constantly searching for themselves, so they can change their occupation quite often, and they can move mountains for the sake of a loved one. Gray-eyed representatives of the stronger sex seek benefits in everything, close relationships with a woman can be no exception; these are pragmatic partners, lucky.


Owners of wide and thick eyebrows are usually generous; such a partner will not skimp on gifts. If the eyebrows meet on the bridge of the nose, then this is a man who really appreciates and loves his mother. Therefore, for a long and harmonious relationship with him, you will simply need to find a common language with his parent. Among men with fused eyebrows there are quite a lot of henpecked men.

If a man’s eyebrows are too thick, and they literally hang over his eyes, this means that you are looking at an adventurer who is used to getting what he wants, and he is unlikely to take your interests into account. If the eyebrows are narrow and not thick, their owner has a soft character, he is modest and may even be complex. You shouldn’t expect decisive action from such a man.

The character of a person by appearance: nose, cheekbones, ears and chin

To determine character, pay attention to the nose. Stubborn people, leaders and strong personalities have straight noses. If you are ready to unconditionally accept the leadership of such a man, it makes sense for you to consider him as a partner. Eagle noses are popular with women, but their owners are cunning and often cruel.

These are sexy and attractive men, but quite distrustful in relationships. These are not easy partners. Snub-nosed men are emotional and vulnerable in nature; money does not stay with them because of their innocence and impulsiveness. In general, if you are ready for constant changes in your relationship, this is your man.

A sharp and thin nose reveals a romantic and subtle nature; this man will fill your relationship with tenderness, but he is unlikely to be able to solve any problem when it arises. The character of a man with a potato nose is that he is a cheerful fellow, the life of the party, a little frivolous and flighty. Upturned noses speak of temperamental partners who live with momentary desires, but a nose with flaring nostrils indicates an amorous and lively nature.


The character of a person with high cheekbones means that he is power-hungry, is used to dictating his own terms in communication, and has a complex character. Low cheekbones, on the contrary, indicate a lack of will and courage. Such a partner will preserve the family until the last, and in most cases, in such a couple the leader is a woman. If the cheekbones are not high and not low, then you have before you a man who embodies willpower and strength of character and, at the same time, modesty and the ability to compromise. Dimples on the cheeks indicate good nature and the ability to rejoice; with such a man you will never be bored.

The shape of the ears can also tell a lot about a person's character. Powerful and even cruel men have large, fleshy ears. Pointed upwards are a sign of intelligence and prudence. The owner of tightly pressed ears is cold-blooded and cunning; perhaps the most ideal ones are ears close to a quadrangle; the owners of such ears are noble, kind and firm in their decisions. Men with long ears are stingy and envious, and protruding ears indicate simplicity and frivolity.


This part of the face attracts the same attention as the nose. Women like men with strong chins and this is absolutely justified. A well-defined chin really indicates willpower and the ability to achieve your goals. Men with a square chin have determination and a strong character. A protruding chin occurs in cunning, intelligent and sharp-tongued people. An expressionless chin indicates that the man is most likely weak-willed and you can twist ropes out of him.

Human character by lips

We all know that a person's character can be determined by appearance. One of the important parts of the face are the lips. It's no secret that the male part of the population almost first of all pays attention to the lips of girls. After all, the entire beauty of the face depends on the shape of the lips, their thickness and outline. In addition, as physiognomists say, a person’s attitude to life can be determined by their lips.

For example, owners of plump lips are characterized by passion and sexuality. At the same time, such women know their worth, they try to surround themselves with luxury, and love to receive true pleasure not only from love, but also from life. This also applies to men.

Those who have thin and narrow lips are very stubborn, withdrawn and suspicious by nature. Such people, in particular women, achieve their own sweat.

But, despite all these qualities, having made friends with such a person, you can be confident in him, he is very responsible about his work and will fulfill all his goals in a timely manner. But it is almost impossible to talk with this type of people, since they are silent and thoughtful.

There are people whose upper lip is slightly larger than their lower lip; such people, as a rule, are purposeful and self-confident. Unfortunately, they elevate these qualities to absolutes, that is, they become self-confident and feel superior to others. It is useless to get involved in an argument with such people, because they will never change their point of view, it will seem to them that they are 100% right.

And those who have a protruding lower lip are distinguished by selfishness, imbalance and unpredictability, they can change their mood at any time, and very often they do not know what they want.

Hands down human character

To determine a person's character by appearance, pay attention to the shape of the hands and fingers. Those with large palms with thick, short fingers, as a rule, have undeveloped intelligence and are prone to superstition and rudeness. A person who has wide palms (“shovel-shaped”) with blunt fingers is energetic, hardworking and determined. Cowardice is alien to him.

Flexible palms with long fingers are more likely to be found in sensitive, creative and impulsive individuals. Rough, square-shaped palms are characteristic of obedient, conservative people who have developed willpower but limited intelligence. A palm with well-defined, “knobby” finger joints speaks of restraint, hard work, honesty and developed thinking.

Long, pointed fingers are found in individuals prone to religiosity, daydreaming, and unadapted to life. But most often there are people with “mixed” variants, having a wide variety of characteristics.

How to determine a person's character by their hands, depending on their softness. As a rule, owners of soft hands are sensitive, pliable, careless and impressionable. If a person has hard hands from birth (and not acquired rigidity as a result of work), this indicates moderate sensitivity and receptivity, and sometimes bad manners.

The color of the skin of the hands and the expression of blood vessels. If the skin on your hands is too red, this indicates excessive nervousness. If the skin is pale, the person is weak and anemic. If the veins on your arms are too prominent, this may indicate health problems, such as alcohol abuse or kidney disease.

How to recognize a person's character by their hands, depending on the moisture content of the palms. Dry and depleted skin on the hands can also indicate health problems, in particular hormonal disorders. It also indicates poor nutrition and problems in the intimate sphere. Wet hand skin indicates excessive anxiety and pathology of the digestive system.

Palm temperature. Cold hands often indicate a person’s “cold” and harsh character, as well as problems with blood circulation and hormonal disorders. Very warm hands indicate tenderness, excessive sensitivity, as well as a lack of microelements. If the skin is prone to the appearance of “goosebumps”, this may indicate increased nervousness.

Admit it, it would be great if you could look at a person at the first meeting and already know what he is like, what he is like, whether you can trust him. In many famous films we can observe a similar scene in which a certain detective or psychologist demonstrates simply miracles of observation and lays out all the ins and outs of another person in just a couple of seconds. But is this really possible? Let's figure out how to recognize a person by appearance.

As always, we should turn to science to understand how to determine a person's character by appearance. And she tells us that the behavior and character of the subject are inherent in his genotype. Some genes can influence both appearance and character at the same time. Moreover, in addition to genes, appearance can also tell about the habits of your interlocutor and other factors that we will discuss below.

What we need is observation, and an understanding of what to look at. Discreet observation can be done, for example, as part of a conversation, without arousing suspicion in the interlocutor. Few people will like an obvious head-to-toe inspection. And don’t forget that describing a character by appearance requires a deep analysis of all factors, and therefore what is not there is sometimes as important as what you see.


You know what they say - you meet someone by their clothes. And this is a very important factor that says a lot. The first thing you should look at is whether the clothes are expensive or not? Of course, this will tell you about the person’s wealth. Of course, there are rich people who like discreet clothes, but this is rare.

Next, you should pay attention to how well-groomed the clothes are, are they clean, ironed or not? This data will tell you a lot about a person’s character. Does he take care of himself? When clothing is looked after, it is usually a sign of discipline and a tougher character. If a person does not pay much attention to his clothes, this is often a sign that he is a creative person for whom material things are not so important.


From your figure you can determine not only how your metabolism works (which is more interesting to doctors), but also your character traits. Fit, athletic people are often distinguished by high self-discipline and strong character. This does not mean at all that a person is aggressive; often, on the contrary, strong and self-confident people do not feel the need for aggression.

On the contrary, thinner people can be somewhat insecure and vulnerable (not always). But this body type has its own characteristics. The less body weight, the more energy the body spends on the brain. Therefore, thin people are often somewhat smarter than large, strong or overweight people.


The most famous accessory is the finger ring. Look at the right hand at the first meeting, this will allow you to immediately determine whether the subject is married or not. Other things like chains or bracelets aren't as important as long as there aren't too many of them. But when jewelry makes your eyes dazzle, it speaks about a person’s character that he is quite narcissistic and, perhaps, somewhat insecure.

The structural features of a person’s neck, shoulders, hips and legs can tell about their character and habits. For example, a short neck is a clear sign of stubbornness and short-sightedness, while a long neck is characteristic of melancholic people. A “bull” neck speaks of a person’s courage. Well, those with thin necks can be considered romantics and intellectuals.


When communicating, pay attention to the person’s shoulders. Narrow shoulders usually indicate that you are a rather shy person. While broad shoulders are a clear sign of courage, sometimes aggressiveness.

Usually the first thing we look at is the face. And the fastest way we can recognize a person is by his forehead. The structure of the skull, as is known from anthropology, also characterizes the human brain. So look at the forehead. A high forehead is a clear sign of high intelligence. People with a narrow forehead tend to be quick-tempered. And if the forehead has a square shape, this may indicate the person’s honesty.


His eyebrows can also tell about the character of an object. Thin eyebrows are a sign of arrogance and great ambition. Fusing eyebrows are often a sign of rudeness and cruelty. Whereas wide eyebrows are characteristic of sincere and simple people.


They say the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Perhaps this is true. In any case, they give away a person no less than anything else. Deep-set eyes are characteristic of greedy and envious people. Whereas those with small eyes are usually inquisitive and eloquent. Narrow eyes reveal a cruel person.

The nose also treacherously reveals secrets about its owner. Thus, a sharp and long nose is characteristic of strict and hot-tempered people. People with an upturned nose are usually moody and frivolous. A wide and thick nose indicates rudeness.

A small mouth is often characteristic of weak-willed people. If the object's upper lip is slightly larger than the lower lip, then you have an egoist. And a protruding lower lip is characteristic of people who are used to getting what they want. A narrow mouth is a common sign of secretiveness. Well, plump lips show courage and a sense of humor.


You probably already know that strong and confident people often have a wide chin. This is a clear sign of masculinity, which is why girls love guys like this so much. More modest people have a less expressive chin.


His gait can say a lot about a person. And no matter how he tries to behave with you, just watch him walk for a minute and everything becomes clear.

A free and authoritative gait speaks of a strong character and self-confidence. On the contrary, a timid and nervous gait also eloquently reveals the character of the subject or his current state.


Pay attention to the handshake. However, men already know this, but it wouldn’t hurt to remind them. A strong hand and a firm handshake indicate a strong interlocutor. A barely noticeable handshake, on the contrary, means that in front of you is either a person who is not entirely confident in himself or a kind one. Watch which hand a person has a watch on, which hand he takes the handle and opens the door. This will allow you to determine whether he is right-handed or left-handed.


And of course the hair. For men, a factor worth paying attention to is excessive grooming and the use of nail polish. This indicates narcissism, often an aggressive nature and increased libido.

Of course, you need to understand that there are always exceptions, and therefore look at all the factors as a whole to determine the character by appearance. After some time, you will gain experience and will be able to learn a lot at the first meeting, just by looking at a person. After all, now you know where to look and how to evaluate.

Straight, straight and smooth hair indicates compliance. Their owner is usually a polite, good-natured and very smart person. Hair sticking up indicates a coward. Brittle hair indicates a weak constitution. Thick, heavy hair indicates a temperamental person who gets angry easily. Jet black hair is a sign of a strong nature, energy and thirst for thrills. White, flaxen-colored hair is evidence of good nature, honesty, disposition to a settled life, and unshakable fidelity in marriage. Light brown hair is found in hardworking and compliant people. Dark brown hair is evidence of intelligence and submissiveness. Red hair - people have vindictive, evil and insidious people, especially those whose hair has a reddish tint are especially evil; very coarse hair indicates some rudeness and stubbornness of its owner. Curly or tangled hair occurs in people who are whimsical, frivolous, and fickle. Those suffering from secret vices have hair that is always in disarray.


Eyebrows are black, thick, hard - a sign of gloominess, irritability and wild passion. Such people are credited with lack of determination and gluttony. Eyebrows that are black, thick, thin, and soft are a sign of a sensitive soul and conscientiousness, sentimentality, love of nature and poetry. Eyebrows are sparse and stiff in fickle, quarrelsome and vindictive people; if these eyebrows are arched, then this is a sign of slavish obedience, betrayal and deceit. Fusing thick, black, hard eyebrows are a sign of insatiable boundless passion; people with such eyebrows stop at nothing. High eyebrows are a sign of openness, humor, gaiety; low eyebrows are a sign of thoughtfulness, prudence and consistency of character. Light sparse eyebrows are a sign of moderate temperament, straight eyebrows are evidence of honesty, openness, arched eyebrows are evidence of deceit and pretense.


Thick eyelids occur in people who are dispassionate and drowsy; red, swollen eyelids are a sign of scrofula; they also indicate irritability and quarrelsome character. The thinner the eyelids, the more shy a person is, the less ability he has to lie.


Thick and long eyelashes mean dreaminess and sentimentality, while thick and short eyelashes indicate anemia.


Large and clear eyes, a calm and confident look - distinguish people of an honest, bright nature. If the iris of the eyes is of different sizes and is dry, this speaks of fussiness and vanity, and if it is wet, it speaks of prudence and endurance, eloquence. If the inner circle of the iris is green and the outer circle is black, this indicates a liar and a fraudster. Squinted and sunken eyes mean intelligence, great adherence to principles, and in some cases cunning, envy and suspicion. People with very narrow and sharp eyes and a gaze are cruel, envious, heartless. Shifty, dark eyes are found in cynics, liars, unscrupulous, impudent people; light eyes are found in young, cheerful, but nervous people. The worst eyes are yellow, narrow, expressionless, as if glass eyes. Red, watery eyes usually occur in people with a chronic runny nose. Eyes lowered to the bottom are a sign of shyness, a penchant for work; eyes raised to the top are a sign of daydreaming and fantasizing. Small dark eyes are a sign of eloquence. Dull eyes in young people are tired, in old people it is a sign of illness. Brown eyes with a light shine - energy, willpower, love of work. Gray eyes are a sign of kindness, honesty, and responsiveness. People with milky blue eyes have limited abilities, greenish-gray eyes in sociable people, dark gray when protruding - a sign of kindness and nobility. Black bulges with thick eyebrows in envious, greedy, vindictive people. Lemon-yellow eyes are a sure sign of treachery and double-mindedness. Cloudy eyes are a sign of physical abnormality, a yellowish color of the whites is evidence of excess. Large eyes protruding from their sockets are a sign of weakness of spirit. Dark eyes are a sign of energy, strength, will, passion, light eyes are a sign of timidity, tenderness, moderate passion. The eyes of evil people are bloodshot. Moving eyes with a languid look from under long drooping eyelashes are a sure sign of laziness, debauchery, squinting eyes are the eyes of people who are not trustworthy.


People gifted with great musical abilities have large, thin ears. Lack of musical ability is observed in people with small, thick ears. Large, thick ears are signs of complete indifference to all types of art, thirst for gross animal pleasures, and lack of compassion. Small thin ears are a sign of delicacy, refinement of tastes, love of order and neatness. Small, compressed, thick, ugly ears are found in people who are evil, petty, insignificant, vindictive and deceitful. Ears that are very thin to the point of transparency can be found in people who are very passionate, irritable, nervous, or have stomach or lung problems.

Long, narrow ears occur in dull people who are unable to concentrate on a task that requires mental effort. Fur-covered ears are a sign of a passionate temperament, promiscuity, and a tendency toward adultery. Too fleshy thick ears are a sign of gloominess and gluttony. Hard, hard ears are a sign of good health; soft, flabby ears are a sign of physical weakness, long narrow ears are a sign of stinginess and envy. Hairy ears are a sign of musical ability.


A long nose is a sign of a superficial mind, a sharp nose reveals fox cunning and deceit. The owner of a long, large nose drooping to the bottom is usually stingy, calculating and shrewd, prone to intrigue. A nose with a hump in most cases is observed in exalted people who are inclined to mental work; this type of nose indicates heartfelt affections.

A somewhat upturned nose is a sign of carelessness, natural cheerfulness and spiritual simplicity; an overly upturned nose is observed in healthy people who love to play with danger. A pointed downward, somewhat thick nose is a sign of stupidity, uncleanliness, and quarrelsomeness. An arched nose is a sign of noble pride, command, loyalty to duties and home.

A nose inclined towards the lips is a sign of pliability, tenderness, passion, gullibility and impressionability. A nose that is fundamentally narrow is a sign of dementia; a wide nose fundamentally indicates clarity of mind. A barely noticeable curvature of the nose is a sign of a commanding, firm, willful person. A wide nose with a depression in the middle is found in people capable of all sorts of meanness and lies. People who give in to drunkenness have thick, leaden-red noses. Ambitious people tend to have large noses. People with crooked noses have all the bad instincts.


Red thick cheeks are a sign of health, some rudeness and thirst for sensual pleasures, as well as innate cheerful good nature, heartfelt simplicity and imagination. Thick, pale cheeks indicate exhaustion, laziness, uncleanliness, gloomy disposition and chronic internal illness.

Dry yellow cheeks are a sign of irritability, stinginess and envy. Moderately full cheeks with a dimple indicate a passionate and fickle, impressionable character with some carelessness. Wide jaws expose greed, selfishness, and lack of compassion. A white, ruddy face is a sign of good health. Positive, serious people have angular cheeks; a moderately plump face is a sign of moderation in everything; a thin face is evidence of diligence and love for mental and physical work.


The shape and size of the mouth make it possible to determine the strength of a person’s internal energy. The general rule is that small-mouthed individuals are preoccupied with the struggle for survival. A thin line of closed lips indicates a scrupulous character. A person with a large mouth and drooping lips has a strong will and is difficult to influence. A constantly twitching mouth (“horse mouth”) is a sign of neuroticism.

A small, arched mouth (the corners of the lips tend to point down) is a sensitive nature. Protruding large lips are evidence of success. Symmetrical (without distortions) opening of the mouth indicates balanced emotions.

If facial wrinkles descend to both sides of the mouth and go to the corners of the lips from the wings of the nose, this is evidence of deceit. A mouth, one of the sides of which is lowered, often belongs to a stubborn person; the upper lip clearly protrudes above the lower lip - a sign of indecision; protrudes further than the upper lip - selfishness. Wrinkles above the lips are a natural sign of aging. Fine wrinkles often signal poor health. Wrinkles deeply etched into the lips sometimes indicate prosperity in youth and hardship in adulthood. Damaged teeth and tongue are an indicator of poor health.


There are usually seven lines on the forehead, four long from the right temple to the left and three short above each eye and between the eyebrows. The longest upper line under the hair is the line of Saturn, the second is the line of Jupiter, the third is the line of Mars, the fourth is the line of Venus.

Above the right eye is the line of the sun, above the left is the line of the Moon, between the eyebrows is Mercury.

Saturn - house builders, farmers, fishermen, miners and miners, parents are old people and skilled architects.

Jupiter - technologists, lawyers, men of honor and wealthy spiritual judges.

Mars - warriors, doctors, all those who work with fire (blacksmiths, cooks) and shed blood (butchers, hairdressers).

Venus - musicians, dandies, artists, pharmacists.

The sun is court life, noble ranks, the splendor and wealth of the aristocracy.

Moon - travelers, hunters, wine merchants, ambassadors, messengers, wives and widows.

Mercury - philosophers, mathematicians, poets and secretaries, notaries and misers.

Curved lines mean excessive ardor and changeable temperament. Curved and oblique lines mean an angry and unhappy person. Many thin lines mean a life full of disasters; straight hair characterizes a simple and fair person.

A forehead with horizontal wrinkles located close to the eyebrows means deep intelligence, a forehead with horizontal wrinkles located close to the hair means pride and hard-heartedness. A forehead with perpendicular wrinkles means great intelligence, energy, pride and ambition. A large forehead is characteristic of slow, lazy, but brave people.

A square forehead indicates the generosity of a brave person, while a steep and tall forehead indicates an angry, deceitful and lazy person. A sunken forehead is often found in cowardly and weak people; a very small forehead is found in fickle and stupid people. A regular forehead is a sign of courage, wisdom and intelligence. Severe, generous people usually have wrinkled foreheads, while grumpy, drunkards and carefree people have smooth foreheads. The crescent-shaped forehead is a narrow-minded, routine person with hidden flaws, protruding brow ridges indicate observation, talent, and musical abilities.

After the appearance of the series “The Theory of Lies” (“Lie to Me”), where the main character, like a living “lie detector,” identifies the criminal by the slightest changes in facial expressions or body position, many dreamed of learning to recognize people’s emotions at first sight. It's time to take your lessons!

“The appearance of a person will give you many more clues than you might think, provided, of course, that you pay enough attention,” says French lawyer, author of the book “How to Understand and Counteract Deception and Manipulation Techniques,” John B. Domon.

Discreet observation can be done, for example, as part of a conversation, without arousing suspicion in the interlocutor. The obvious inspection from head to toe feels like veiled contempt. And do not forget that in physical analysis, what is not there is sometimes as important as what you see.

Sources of visual information

Gait and general appearance

"When you are planning to go to a meeting, it is worth following the golden rule: arrive about fifteen minutes before the scheduled time and position yourself in a place where the subject cannot see you. This will allow you to closely observe him without his knowledge. Take a politician, for example Sarkozy. Funny to see the difference in his body language before and during the interview - at first he has a nervous tic, and when the interview begins, Sarkozy tries his best to hide it. It's the same with Mr. X. Looking at him walking towards a meeting with you, "You will get the same amount of information as during a conversation. It's just that the two sets of data received will be very different. In the first case, Mr. X behaves almost naturally, and in the second he is trying to impress you."

“When we study the situation during a demonstration, we know a lot before the actual demonstration begins. This allows us to identify the leaders, photograph them, assess their potential to influence their supporters, the significance of internal problems, if any, defects in their organization "(from a conversation between the author and a former police general information officer).

It seems to me that after you read these statements, nothing more will need to be said. This is how professionals operate, so a good manipulator will begin his analysis even before the object of his interest understands it. He will begin his observation with gait.

Some examples of gait

Free, authoritative gait

This is a person who does not allow his surroundings to distract him from his intended goal, who has made an appointment and decisively goes to it. He has a specific goal: to arrive on time. Hypothesis: this is a person who is able to take responsibility in quite a few matters.

The gait is uniform, but the person constantly turns

This is the walk of people who stare at their shadow, let's "acquit the defendant for lack of evidence." Hypothesis: either he is a slightly absent-minded person, or he has a fairly high libido and is always ready for various love adventures.

A carefree, somewhat slow gait, a person walks with his head down

Hypothesis: the subject is thinking about something of his own, he is excited, passive or feels bad.

Nervous gait, useless movements, the person jumps at the slightest noise

The subject constantly tries to meet the gaze of other people. Hypothesis: This person is stressed or very tense and anxious.

When a person arrives at the meeting place, you need to greet each other. The handshake also provides quite a bit of information.

Making contact, shaking hands

Quite a limp handshake

Hypothesis: a tired, passive person, or if several people came to the meeting and you are the only one who said hello, it means that you are of no interest to the object at this meeting.

A handshake where a person latches on to your hand like an eagle to its prey.

Hypothesis: He decided to break your fingers, a deliberate tactic, a social manifestation of confrontation. Mistrust.

Taking you by one hand, the person places the other hand on your shoulder

Hypothesis: either the object is evaluating you, or there is another manipulator in front of you. In both cases, great pleasure awaits you from communicating with him.

A man takes your hand with both hands

Hypothesis: he intends to ask you for something, to tell you something.

These observations, made at the very beginning of the meeting (and you have used many of the methods presented above to "scan" your interlocutor), will allow you to understand whether the behavior you analyzed without his knowledge corresponds to what he demonstrates to you in further.

If the behavior before and after the meeting is the same, you should check your first observations and can continue the analysis. Otherwise, it becomes clear that this person respects you enough (as an ally or as an adversary) to hide their natural behavior from you.

"Similarly, when you say goodbye, you shouldn't leave immediately, but you should go to your observation post and see how this person will behave after breaking up with you. Has his behavior changed? If so, how does this relate to your conversation? Has the subject returned to his usual behavior? All this is the daily bread of the intelligence officer, mentalist or illusionist - they all collect information without the knowledge of the other person.

If you are accompanied by an object of your interest, the method is the same.

Gait observations

A man walks next to you with his head down

Hypothesis: His behavior shows that he is a weak person or is hiding something.

The person walks at the same rhythm as you, looking straight ahead, nothing around him interests him

Hypothesis: the subject is excited, but does not want to show it. He thinks about something of his own or concentrates only on the conversation, perhaps his auditory memory dominates.

A man walks with his hands in his pockets

Hypothesis: Contrary to popular belief, hands stuck in pockets do not indicate a lack of self-confidence, rather the opposite. This person is relaxed and takes the most comfortable position.

A man walks, trying to impose his rhythm on you

Hypothesis: this is a person who is used to dominating, he is only interested in what he can get from you.

Watching the Eyes

Circles under the eyes will immediately tell you that a person did not get enough sleep. Meanwhile, bags under the eyes will tell a lot more. For some people, bruises under the eyes are completely unrelated to insomnia, while bags under the eyes will kill their owner. If they are “heavy” and, in addition, the subject’s face is swollen, not to say bloated, then most likely this indicates the use of one of two substances: alcohol or marijuana.

Alcoholism is confirmed by such recognizable signs as bad breath, a characteristic complexion and premature aging.

Of course, reddened eyes may simply indicate that the person has recently cried - "it's obvious, Watson."

In any case, the condition of a person's eyes immediately shows whether he is under stress, and whether he is taking toxic drugs or not.

If a person wears glasses, you should definitely pay attention to them. In the past, many people refused to wear contact lenses because they thought their eyes were too sensitive. The same can be said about body hair removal or Botox injections.

Dental monitoring

Due to the high cost of dental services, people with beautiful teeth come from fairly wealthy backgrounds whose representatives can afford it. On the contrary, a person with a pleasant appearance who is missing a tooth and who is forced to smile in order to hide this defect clearly does not have the money to go to the dentist.

Another important indication: which tooth is missing? It all depends on age. Let's take the example of a person in his mid-forties: natural evolution suggests that the back teeth will fall out first because they are more at risk of tooth decay or infection. If the missing or missing tooth is located in the front, you can almost certainly say that it was lost in an accident, fall or argument.

Surprisingly straight teeth indicate that the person has undoubtedly used the services of an orthodontist in the past. This relatively expensive intervention is most often performed in youth and reflects the financial capabilities of his parents. Naturally, black spots on the teeth indicate that your interlocutor is or was a smoker.

Hand Observation

The location of the wristwatch is very important and can give you some signs that, however, can lead you to the wrong trail, so do not rush to draw premature conclusions. For example, the classic postulate: a person who wears a watch on his right hand is left-handed. But if you encounter an accordion player (rarely, I know), be aware that a watch on his right hand will interfere with his playing. The same is true for some other musical instruments, such as the violin.

Naturally, cleanliness of nails is an important detail that cannot be missed. A person with a manicure has the means to take care of it. Sometimes, however, appearances are deceiving. For example, singer Serge Ginsburg dressed rather casually and dirty. But if you look at the pictures where his hands are visible, you will see that he has a manicure. Ginsburg invented the role for himself - this is no secret to anyone, but such small details make it possible to understand to what extent this person differed from the way he appeared to the public.

White nails are often a sign of anemia. Yellow nails, especially on the index finger and thumb, indicate that a person smokes a lot. A purple tint to the index finger indicates problems with blood circulation. As well as unusual redness and coldness of the hands. Similar problems often occur in women. Nails dotted with dots may indicate some form of eczema or psoriasis.

Hair observation

Naturally, you can only take a closer look at the hair if it is visible. Fewer and fewer people wear hats these days, so covered hair may indicate a desire to hide baldness or, of course - this has become relevant recently - indicate a woman’s religious beliefs.

Women rarely hide their hair, unless, of course, religion requires it of them. Thus, if a person constantly wears a hat, this is most likely a sign of baldness caused by illness or medications.

You can determine whether a person's hair is colored, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, by comparing the hair color with the color of the eyebrows.

Shoe Watching

Many people who carefully monitor their appearance, paradoxically, neglect shoes. Mainly men. Therefore, if you see a well-dressed man with carefully selected and well-maintained shoes, know that he devotes quite a significant part of his time to creating an impeccable image. Especially if the back of the heels is not worn down. The average man forgets about them most often.

The condition of a woman’s heels will immediately give you valuable information about her financial situation, because heels wear out most quickly when worn; the leather on them deteriorates from any, even the smallest, scratch. It is much more difficult for women to keep their shoes in order and much more expensive.

These days, more and more women are wearing low-heeled shoes to take the weight off their feet, but high-heeled fashion is quickly making a comeback, so don't deprive yourself of material to analyze.

To be continued...

The first impression of a person plays a very important role. Yes, sometimes it is deceiving. However, it is by the first impression of appearance that we judge a person. And life experience often allows us to accurately determine character traits based on certain appearance features.

By the way, observations of the relationship between a person’s appearance and his character laid the foundation for physiognomy - a system of knowledge that allows us to determine a person’s personality type and his spiritual qualities based on an analysis of the characteristic features of his face and expression.

Physiognomy is the expression of a person’s face and figure, determined by the very structure of the face, skull, torso, limbs, regardless of expressive movements. Facial expressions are examined by physiognomy, allowing one to draw conclusions about a person’s emotional manifestations. Also separately distinguished are kinesics, which studies the totality of human body movements in the process of communication, phrenology, which reveals connections between the human psyche and the structure of the surface of his skull, etc.

The character of a person is determined by his appearance.

The structural features of the neck, shoulders, hips and legs can tell about a person’s character and preferences. For example, a short neck is a clear sign of stubbornness and short-sightedness, while a long neck is usually found in melancholic people. A “bull” neck indicates a person’s fearlessness. Well, the owner of a thin neck can be considered a romantic and timid person.


When communicating, be sure to pay attention to the shoulders of your interlocutor. If they are narrow, the person is clearly shy and prone to self-criticism. And broad shoulders will serve as evidence that he is extremely brave. Broad-shouldered people often inspire confidence and are able to win over people.


Massive and wide hips usually indicate an unyielding person. Round shaped hips have soft and weak-willed personalities. But narrow and strong hips are a sign of strong character and endurance. By the way, slender legs “speak” about the ability to achieve your goals.

Of course, people most often pay attention to each other's faces. Therefore, it is very important to know how to determine a person’s character by his facial features. So, an intelligent person is distinguished by a high and slightly convex forehead. But those with a narrow forehead are characterized by excessive temperament. High receding hairlines often occur in people with some kind of strong motivation. If the interlocutor's forehead is square, you are dealing with a pathologically honest person.


His eyebrows can also “tell” about a person’s character. Thin eyebrows indicate arrogant and ambitious people. Fused eyebrows are often a sign of cruelty and rudeness, while wide eyebrows are a clear sign of sincerity and simplicity.


Deep-set eyes characterize people as greedy and envious. True dreamers usually have wide eyes. And those with small eyes are distinguished by their eloquence and curiosity. By the way, narrow eyes can betray a cruel person, a usurper.

Some character traits can be identified by the shape of the nose. Thus, a sharp and long nose indicates the severity and hot temper of its owner. Frivolous and capricious people most often have slightly upturned noses. Well, a wide and thick nose indicates a person’s rudeness, notes