Supplements are dangerous. BIOactive additives: benefit or harm

A dietary supplement is a product that many people need to include in their diet. Why is there so much controversy surrounding it and how to choose a quality supplement?

Biologically active additives(dietary supplements)- special food product, intended for inclusion in the diet in order to ensure normal functioning or restore impaired body functions. Dietary supplements are a source of essential food nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, plant products and the vital activity of microorganisms.

Even the highly developed Israeli medicine uses them in its practice. Which indicates their effectiveness and benefits. It can be argued that high-quality dietary supplements that are suitable for a particular case will provide tangible benefits. First of all, they will help eliminate the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, which explains their positive action during the reception.

Hypovitaminosis is a problem for people whose diet is dominated by a large number of bakery products, potatoes. Modern man did not eat less, on the contrary, he consumes an excess amount of foods, but their composition does not provide normal amount vitamins and microelements. Quality also affects. Most fruits and vegetables have long lost their vitamin content due to transportation and storage. That's why dietary supplements are needed.

What benefits do dietary supplements bring?

Dietary supplement replenishes the deficiency of nutrients necessary for good nutrition. As a result, immunity and the body’s protective properties increase. Due to dietary supplements, metabolism, binding and elimination of toxic waste products are accelerated. Behind last decades our diet began to lose significantly in the quality and composition of food. Toxic substances, radionuclides, salts enter our body with water and food. heavy metals, carcinogens, pesticides, herbicides. To neutralize and remove toxins, it is necessary to accelerate the human metabolic process, the catalysts of which are vitamins and minerals. Regular appointment additives can solve many problems. However, the prescription of dietary supplements is an individual process; the selection of dose and quantity is calculated in each individual case, without causing harm to health.

Harm of dietary supplements

Although, as mentioned above, correctly selected and quality supplements can bring health benefits, but very often, you may not get any effect or even suffer. Dietary supplements are not medicines, that is, they have not passed numerous tests for side effects, contraindications, etc. And often manufacturers are completely disingenuous about things.

Why are dietary supplements not medicines?

To assign drug status chemical product it is necessary to undergo a series of studies. Each stage of testing must confirm the expected medicinal properties. If the result is not obtained, the product does not enter the medicinal list. It is dietary supplements that are outsiders in this relay race; they do not show high results. The scheme for their development and production is simplified, the path from creation to release is very short.

Unfortunately, dietary supplements remain terra incognita (“uncharted territory”) for testing authorities. Dietary supplements, unlike medications, do not undergo quality control before entering the market. That is, they do not have objectively described contraindications and side effects, so they may be in in some cases useless or harmful.

What kind of testing do dietary supplements undergo?

These additives are still tested before they are released for sale, although the procedure is simplified. Each dietary supplement must be tested for the presence of declared substances and their specified quantities. For vitamins and minerals, it is allowed to exceed the required daily dose by no more than 3 times.

Difficulties arise when the ingredients stated in active ingredients and their active principles are not identified at all. An example would be the Chinese herbal teas, consisting of 5-6 components. Not only the components and physiological norm, but also their effect on the body. In such cases, it is necessary to check their functional activity under experimental and clinical conditions. To not only prove the benefits of dietary supplements, but most importantly, to prevent possible harm health.

How can dietary supplements cause harm?

The results of using dietary supplements can be unpredictable. After all, there are cases when they are sold without any registration documents. Due to the lack of quality control, dietary supplements may contain not only an overestimated or underestimated amount of ingredients indicated on the label, but also dangerous chemical components, narcotic substances. The accompanying instructions often do not indicate contraindications for their use, as well as the date of manufacture.

In addition, many supplements that in reality only have a placebo effect are dummies. You need to be careful in your choice and buy proven names.

Sometimes dietary supplements are practically medical preparations in their chemical composition and action. It’s just that manufacturers in this way greatly simplify the procedure for bringing them to the market. Therefore, by using additives that guarantee too much and quick effect, you should be especially careful.

Natural dietary supplements, or dietary supplements, were invented in order to compensate for the body's needs for vitamins and microelements.

Dietary supplements cannot replace a nutritious diet

They also cannot cure or prevent disease. And unreasonable intake of them in large doses can even cause harm to the body. What are dietary supplements, how are they useful and harmful?

Food, medicine or vitamin?

Not being medicines, dietary supplements are an intermediate link between them and food products. The official formulation defines them as a combination of natural (or identical) active substances intended to be taken together with food or included in food products.

How does a dietary supplement differ from a medicine?

When developing a drug, pharmacists partially “delegate” to it some of the “responsibilities” of the body’s cells. Most drugs are synthesized chemically. Procedure and duration of admission medicines are quite strictly regulated.

Dietary supplements are a “cocktail”, all the ingredients of which are predominantly of natural origin.

Regulation physiological functions And biochemical reactions Dietary supplements are carried out by eliminating the deficiency of a particular nutrient.

You will learn all the details about the difference between dietary supplements and medications from the video:

An important difference between them and medications is the order of prescription. Many medications eliminate the manifestations of an existing disease in a short period of time. Long-term use of dietary supplements helps to “delay” possible diseases practically healthy people.

How do dietary supplements differ from vitamins?

If we talk about artificially synthesized vitamin-mineral complexes (VMC), then, being medicines, they contain therapeutic doses of active substances, which, entering the body along with food, play the role of “catalysts” that spur biological processes that support vital energy.

In dietary supplements active substances are present in doses that do not provide a therapeutic effect.

In addition, supplements are not only VMC, but also liquid concentrates, instant teas, protein shakes and isolates.

What are they needed for?

Before answering the question, are dietary supplements good or bad, let us note the main purpose of their purpose - to add balance to the diet.

Judge for yourself: modern Agriculture, despite the depletion of the soil, it produces a good harvest, which is provided, to a greater extent, by numerous “feedings”. Depleted soil does not have time to “give” the remaining minerals and other substances to early ripening fruits. The same applies to cattle breeding using numerous compound feeds. The result is that the population experiences a majority deficit nutrients. And the benefit of dietary supplements lies in the ability to eliminate this deficiency.

For more details on why dietary supplements are needed, watch the video:

Subtleties of classification

Depending on the direction of action, the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences divided dietary supplements into:

  • Nutraceuticals. Recommended for people without diseases and people with chronic illnesses as sources of micro- and macroelements, amino acids and proteins, fats, carbohydrates;
  • Parapharmaceuticals. Complement drug therapy, support functionality individual organs and their systems, affect metabolic processes;
  • Eubiotics or probiotics– sources of living microorganisms useful for maintaining the gastrointestinal tract.

How does it work?

By supplementing food, drugs from each of these groups ensure the health of individual systems or the entire body.

Improvement and “cleansing” of the body

For women, men and children

Are dietary supplements harmful to health?

Despite the many advantages associated with saturating the body with nutritional components, dietary supplements also have their disadvantages. They are subject to certification, which only means the absence harmful substances. But with unqualified selection, seemingly harmless components of additives can cause harm.

Thus, preparations based on mint threaten miscarriage in a pregnant woman.
The extract of the herb ephedra, which is often present in dietary supplements for weight loss, is close in composition to narcotic substances - it poses a danger for hypertensive patients and people with cardiovascular diseases.

Some dietary supplements for weight loss can cause problems with the heart and blood vessels

Taking certain medications based on herbs with estrogen-like effects (licorice, red clover) can cause hormonal imbalance.

Are dietary supplements with vitamin-mineral complexes harmful?

What such dietary supplements will do for the body - harm or benefit - depends on the measure. Excessive doses of drugs with high content fat-soluble vitamins(A, E, D and K) inevitably leads to their excessive deposition in the liver.

Excess, for example beta-carotene, under the influence cigarette smoke triggers oxidative processes, the consequences of which can be compared to the harmful effects of smoking two packs of cigarettes per day!

And uncontrollably swallowing “water-soluble” ascorbic acid, instead of increasing immunity, you can get kidney disease.

The main thing is that it is worth remembering for those who decided to make dietary supplements a component healthy image life - their harm or benefit directly depends on the reliability of the manufacturer. Back in August 2013, Rospotrebnadzor banned the sale of several dozen food additives. Therefore, in order not to fall into the trap of dummies manufacturers, visit the official website Federal service on supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being and study the register of dietary supplements that have passed state registration.

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A World Without Harm has decided to join this discussion and invites you, our readers, to this discussion. Let's try to find out for ourselves What are dietary supplements really - a great creation of chemists, or is it still poison??

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Well, since dietary supplements contain minerals and vitamin complexes, and in their composition these drugs are almost similar to the content of vitamin complexes, is it not possible to put an equal sign between the benefits of dietary supplements and the benefits of vitamins and close the topic of the harm of dietary supplements at the very beginning of our research? There is no need to rush into such obvious conclusions, our dear readers. What distinguishes dietary supplements from vitamins that are sold to us in pharmacies is that they are full-fledged laboratory and clinical researches none of the sold groups of such dietary supplements have been tested, in other words, there is a medicine, but the manufacturers of dietary supplements cannot say how it will act on groups of people, what side effects it has, what the effect of taking the supplement will be today, tomorrow, because they themselves don’t know.

It is not enough to simply combine a complex of vitamins in one tablet and call it a useful dietary supplement.

By the way, according to the scientists themselves, they do not undertake to talk about the absolute harmlessness of any of biological additives, which are offered to you and me on the market today, only one version of the dietary supplement is considered by them as the one that has really proven itself. This… . Everything else, in their opinion, requires additional research.

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So, reading the composition of such additives, we see that they consist of harmless plant or animal components. In other words, we have before us a natural product, without a drop of chemicals, which simply cannot be harmful to you and me, since it has the safest composition in the world. However, manufacturers of dietary supplements insist that the inclusion of these drugs in the human diet is not only possible at will, but simply necessary, since otherwise the human body will suffer irreparable losses and losses useful substances and will not be able to function normally, this in turn will lead to malfunctions of organs and systems and to the emergence of new diseases and the progression of chronic...

However, if you carefully read the composition of dietary supplements, or take an interest in them, you can find out that all of them, in varying degrees, still contain chemical substances. Here's your first deception. Oh, supposedly increased concentration vitamins, which should enhance the benefits of the dietary supplement and raise it a notch higher ordinary vitamins is fraught serious consequences. Because, An overdose of even beneficial substances and components can cause illness. Do you have any doubts? Then what do you say to the fact that beta-carotene can provoke the development malignant tumors in the body of a person who does not smoke. A nicotinic acid in excess can destroy the liver, zinc causes increased fragility bones and becomes the cause, an excess of magnesium does not normalize the functioning of the nervous system, but leads to even greater disruptions in its functioning, and chromium is capable of slowly but surely destroying the health of a person who seemed to be treated with dietary supplements, but still died.

Groups of dietary supplements and their harm

In fact, all dietary supplements existing on the market can be divided into 3 groups, and each of them, unfortunately, contains potential threat for our health. We invite you to talk about this in more detail...

  • Food supplements– this category includes mineral and vitamin complexes designed to replenish the necessary reserves in the human body these beneficial substances. Moreover, manufacturers of dietary supplements promise to do this in the shortest possible time. short time, which means that such additives will contain horse doses vitamins And, you and I know that an overdose of vitamins also does not bring anything good to us. Moreover, the use even useful components, but in such uncontrolled volumes, can lead to the fact that a person simply loses the ability to absorb natural vitamins in adequate doses and quantities. Well, this, as you already understand, is a serious problem.
  • Cleansing dietary supplements– this category includes dietary supplements that help cleanse the body, its systems and organs, as well as those supplements the use of which can help you lose weight (for example,). Most often, such supplements include microelements and components that have a laxative or diuretic effect. And by regularly using such supplements, you simply constantly remove excess liquid from the body, drive away swelling (find out here) and cleanse your intestines (find out here). However, the “cleansing” effect unfortunately does not apply to everything else. Moreover, constant appointment Such dietary supplements lead to serious irritation of the intestinal wall and stomach, which in turn over time can lead to increased blood pressure, blockage of blood vessels and other irreversible disorders in the human body.
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According to experts, people’s health depends 12% on the level of healthcare, 18% on genetic predisposition, and 70% - from lifestyle, not last place in which food occupies. Medical views, while never generally stable, have been unanimous throughout human history on one thing: what worse nutrition, the more diseases. Experts say that the human diet today should contain more than 600 various substances(nutrients). Unfortunately, balanced diet Not everyone can afford all the nutrients.

This is where biologically active additives (BAA) come to the rescue - concentrates of natural substances isolated from food raw materials of animals (including marine), mineral, plant origin, or obtained by chemical synthesis substances identical to natural analogues. The vast majority of them have various medicinal properties, if it enters the body in certain quantities, proportions and combinations. The main difference from medications is that dietary supplements help the body to “self-adjust” and eliminate disorders that lead to the development of a particular disease. Dietary supplements do not work “instead” of the body’s regulatory systems, but eliminate the deficiency or excess of any compounds in the human body. Their use allows you to consistently restore the body without causing damage to it, without the destructive side effects characteristic of many medications.

Dietary supplements are produced, as well as dosage forms, in the form of balms, extracts, tinctures, infusions, creams, dry and liquid concentrates, syrups, tablets, powders, etc., present in the vast majority of most regular products- from yoghurts to sausages. There are more than 500 of them used in the world, ranging from the native vinegar to the unpronounceable “tert-butylhydroquinone.” You can identify the presence of dietary supplements in a particular product by the letter “E” on its packaging. Within the European Community, the index “E” (from Europe) usually denotes the presence in a food product of any food additives identified according to International system classification (INS). Each such additive has a specific “face”, that is, its own chemical composition, tested for safety: E100 - E182 - dyes E200 and further - preservatives E300 and further - antioxidants, as well as acidity regulators that slow down oxidation processes E400 - 430 - stabilizers and thickeners E430-500 are emulsifiers, i.e. preservatives similar in their effect to stabilizers; support a certain product structure; E500 - E585 - leavening agents that prevent the formation of lumps and “caking” of products; E620 - E642 - additives used to enhance the taste and aroma of products E66642 - E899 - reserve indexes E900 - E1521 - substances that reduce foaming, as well as sweeteners.

Dietary supplements are divided into nutraceuticals, parapharmaceuticals and eubiotics.

Nutraceuticals- essential (irreplaceable) nutrients (food components), such as vitamins or their precursors, polyunsaturated fatty acid, minerals and microelements, individual amino acids, some mono- and disaccharides, etc. As a rule, these are natural food ingredients, but they cannot be deposited in the body for future use, so they must always be in the diet. Nutraceuticals are used for correction chemical composition food. This is a kind of intermediate product between food and medicine, which saturates the body with nutrients, but cannot completely replace food. With the help of nutraceuticals, you can adjust the diet, improve the health of the body, and prevent the development of the disease, but the disease cannot be cured!

Eubiotics- biologically active food additives, which include live microorganisms and (or) their metabolites, which have a normalizing effect on the composition and biological activity microflora digestive tract. Created on the basis of natural microorganisms of the human intestine (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, etc.), they limit reproduction pathogenic microorganisms, are used to normalize the composition and functioning of saprophytic intestinal microflora. Great value these dietary supplements are for prevention and treatment adjuvant therapy widespread dysbiosis.

Parapharmaceuticals used for prevention, auxiliary therapy and maintenance of the functional activity of organs and systems within physiological limits. They, in most cases, are sources of natural food components that do not have nutritional value, however, related to essential nutritional factors. This organic components food and medicinal plants, seafood and animal tissue components. As a rule, these are minor food components, such as organic acids, bioflavonoids, caffeine, biogenic amines, regulatory di- and oligopeptides, etc. Daily dose parapharmaceuticals or, in the case of a composition, its active principle must not exceed a single therapeutic dose defined for them as medicinal products; They must be taken at least twice a day.


"Pros and cons" in the use of biological food additives so far sound, perhaps, equally loud. Specialists who have experience working with dietary supplements or who monitor general patterns their impact on health is of concern to a number of important issues; several main risk groups have been identified, negative points arising from prolonged and uncontrolled use of dietary supplements:

  1. Insufficient knowledge of their actions, and therefore the existence of dietary supplements with unconfirmed effectiveness.
  2. Side effects, which are provided by the components included in dietary supplements. St. John's wort prolongs the effect of anesthetics, which means it should be discontinued during upcoming anesthesia. Ginkgo biloba reduces blood clotting, so it is dangerous for pregnant women, as well as for those who are undergoing surgery. Mint when used by pregnant women threatens miscarriages. Senna - dehydration and intestinal atony. Ginseng included in the composition large number Dietary supplements of the “tonic group”, contraindicated for hypertension and. Chromium, which is present in many dietary supplements intended for weight loss, can cause kidney damage when used in large doses.
  3. Insufficient knowledge of the compatibility of incoming components
  4. Risk of overdose
  5. Contents of potent dietary supplements medicinal components
  6. Unpredictable interactions of dietary supplements with other medications that a person takes
  7. Adverse effects of dietary supplements on the fetus during pregnancy
  8. Vague doctor's recommendations on the use of dietary supplements.
  9. Some dietary supplements use components of animal origin, which may pose a certain risk of developing prion-type diseases (“mad cow disease”, bovine encephalitis).

In Russia, Ukraine and other countries former USSR There is a constant discussion about the benefits or harms of food supplements (dietary supplements). That is, vitamins and minerals that should replace what we supposedly get from food.

Some say it is harmful, others say it is beneficial.

Those who say that it is harmful believe that if you need vitamin C, eat an orange; you need carotene, eat carrots and so on.

Those who say that it is useful claim that in order to get daily norm vitamin C, you need to eat more than one kilogram of oranges. It’s the same with carotene, especially since it’s not clear how this carrot was grown.

There is such a range that I don’t know whether to take dietary supplements or not.

Supplements - reviews from doctors

Alexey's review Kovalkova nutritionist

Dietary supplements are not only vitamins and minerals, dietary supplements are substances that catalyze a certain action in the body and act very smoothly and gently.

Let's imagine. You are driving a car and your oil light comes on, what should you do?

There are two possible answers: the first is to go to the service center, and the second is to unscrew the light bulb. You drive on and nothing is on fire, nothing interferes. We understand that harm is being done.

So here are all the medications that drugs act exactly like this: you have a headache, they give you a headache pill; you have blood pressure, you are prescribed a pill for blood pressure, a fever - for fever, a stomach ache - for the stomach, that is, they are treated symptomatically.

Now tell me, if you take the antibiotics from the doctor and hormonal drugs what can they cure?

Most diseases are not cured, but are transferred to chronic stage. A person lives and constantly uses medications. And now there is a huge war between manufacturers of dietary supplements and medicines. And, depending on how much money was paid, our medicines are either fake or dietary supplements are all poison and deception.

The way dietary supplements work is that they work very slowly, gradually. They work by aligning the body’s internal cycle and metabolic processes so that a person recovers.

That is, we can say that this is an element of preventive medicine that doctors forgot about a long time ago; we simply no longer have it in Russia. When we went to resorts, took vitamins and supplements, we forgot about it. Medicine now treats based on the fact: what hurts, we inject it there. If it doesn't help, then we amputate.

Many people say that dietary supplements are some kind of nonsense.

I always bring very interesting example, there are all two medical drugs, for the discovery of which they were given a Nobel Prize.

One of them is statins for prevention cardiovascular diseases and the development of atherosclerosis, which fights bad cholesterol, and the second is a dietary supplement called ubiquinone, an excellent substance that affects blood vessels, improving their elasticity four times.

And (fatty acids), recognized throughout the world, Americans now consume them every day because they restore the vascular endothelium damaged by carbohydrates. When ulcers form from carbohydrates (from sugar), omega-3 is the only remedy in the world that can restore the endothelium.

That is, there are unique substances that heal the body from the inside, normalizing its life cycle.

It is also very important that if you buy dietary supplements, it is very important that they bear the GMP production mark. This means that this drug is of the highest quality, that is, it is produced on luxurious equipment. The sign is assigned internationally, that is, they come from Europe, check everything, must be natural ingredients at their core.

Question. Are there safe supplements for weight loss? You remember all these scandals with Thai pills and so on. Everyone was passionate about it and the results were terrible. I have many friends who have gained dozens of kilograms and still can’t cope with it.

Answer. When losing weight, we limit our diet. That is, we already do not receive enough vitamins and microelements. And when we limit food, there is generally a meager amount left. And all our internal biochemistry begins to go haywire - this is not enough, this...

Therefore, dietary supplements are needed as a replacement component, as a complementary component, but it doesn’t happen that you take a pill, and in the morning your fat has resolved, keloid scars and unwanted pregnancy have gone away.

Review by Marina Ushenina- microbiologist, nutritionist

When you are young, you have a margin of safety, you have an advance given to you by God, and how you use it, how many years you spend it, determines how long you will live.

In a metropolis, where people often eat almost artificial food, breathe air that is not at all ecological, where they constantly encounter emotional stress, because they are sometimes required to do more than they can do in a working day, of course, talk about healthy people no need to.

To say that you can simply eat fruits and vegetables and thereby restore your natural balance is now, to say the least, naive.

Review by Lyubov Alimova- doctor systems medicine, head of the Valeological Center.

Now is such a social period that if you start to get sick, then you can’t keep up with this life, that is, life seems to push you to the sidelines.

You can imagine that our body is a factory that constantly needs raw materials. Correct, balanced diet– this is when your factory has enough everything for a full-fledged product.

What do we mean by youth, only external condition faces? Or we understand that we have an organism that functions like clockwork in our youth, when we are able to work, when we are energetic. Therefore, if we are talking about the youth of the body, then, of course, we need to work with internal tasks.

Eat different level technologies and, therefore, those dietary supplements that are simply obtained by drying herbs are not expensive. But where they are involved high tech, this increases the cost.

Review by Alexey Chizhov– Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation

This is primarily due to the fact that our body does not know how to adapt so quickly to colossally changing factors. external environment, which are developing at incredible speed.

Look, the concentration of toxic factors increases every year. You and I eat food in which great amount additives not needed by the body. That is, the body cannot cope, so we age much faster.

In general, the body of the majority, especially Russians, is, as I say, in the third state. This is neither illness nor health. This is an intermediate state and the slightest negative push pushes him into illness.

And if a person begins, for example, to exercise, take protective complexes, and so on, then his body can return to a state of complete well-being or health.

If a sufficiently large number of people synthetic vitamins react negatively, then accept natural complexes this doesn't happen. Everything is balanced there, and the body takes what it needs and what it lacks.

And when a person takes several pills of vitamins, microelements, non-pharmacological naturopathic class, along with food for breakfast, then, without a doubt, he provides himself with powerful support.

Review by Vladimir Startsev– Doctor of Medical Sciences, urologist highest category, oncologist, nutritionist

This is why there are dietary supplements, which contain many vitamins and microelements that we need every day.

They should not be confused with food additives, which are often taste improvers and preservatives.

Supplement is completely different, it is a small capsule that contains daily ration, the necessary components that need to be consumed.

One or two capsules may contain the optimal amount of minerals and elements for life throughout the day. And this is the work of the brain. This is the work of the heart. Joints. It is difficult to say which body system biologically active supplements do not affect.

Review by Svetlana Smirnova– infectious disease doctor, psychophysiologist

Naturally, if man is walking active, busy lifestyle, then the need for vitamins and microelements is... just air without which it is impossible to live!!!

About health with NSP products

Benefit natural vitamins, bad

The prebiotic inulin is beneficial for the body due to the selective activation of vital activity and the growth of beneficial microflora of the large intestine, takes an active part in metabolic processes human body. Inulin is part of natural herbal preparations(dietary supplement) NSP in capsules, tablets