What is the FSB doing? Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation: powers. Arrested General SK made accusations against the FSB

Among the most highly professional special services in Russia, and possibly in the world, are the Russian FSB and FSO. What does each of them do?

What does the FSB do?

FSB- a federal service that performs various law enforcement functions. Mainly - related to ensuring the security of citizens of the Russian Federation. The activities of the FSB are regulated by a separate federal law.

In order to fulfill its functions, the FSB has the right to initiate investigative measures, inquiry, and carry out operational-search, counterintelligence activities. The FSB solves tasks related to countering terrorism, protecting borders and protecting information, and carries out anti-corruption measures.

As part of counterintelligence work, the FSB is engaged in detecting, preventing and suppressing the activities of foreign intelligence services and persons accountable to them on the territory of Russia - if these activities are aimed at causing damage to the security of the Russian Federation.

It can be noted that in the structure of the FSB there are separate special forces that specifically oppose the CIA - the largest intelligence agency in the United States.

As part of the intelligence itself, the FSB obtains the information necessary to solve a variety of tasks. This area of ​​activity of the FSB is carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation. While foreign intelligence is under the jurisdiction of another federal structure - the SVR.

As part of countering crime and terrorism, the FSB is engaged in such areas of activity as:

  1. conducting operational-search activities aimed at revealing the facts of terrorist activity;
  2. identification of persons related to criminal structures and terrorist organizations;
  3. detection and suppression of the activities of armed formations;
  4. detection and suppression of the activities of various persons aimed at illegally changing the state system of the Russian Federation.

The competence of the FSB is the protection of state borders. Within the framework of the relevant area of ​​activity, the federal service in question:

  • exercises control over the crossing of the Russian border by citizens of the Russian Federation and other states;
  • ensures that citizens and organizations comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, which regulates the procedure for crossing the country's border;
  • protects the economic and other interests of the Russian Federation within the territory of the Russian Federation, the exclusive economic zone of the state, as well as within the continental shelf of the country.

In the field of information security, the FSB:

  • contributes to the solution of state tasks in the field of information security, while using available technological means - engineering, cryptographic;
  • ensures data transmission over secure channels - also when using cryptographic and other special solutions;
  • carries out licensing of certain types of economic activities related to ensuring the protection of information, issues certificates to the relevant organizations.

Consider the main facts from the history of the FSB.

Until December 1991, the functions corresponding to the FSB were performed by the KGB of the USSR. At the end of 1991, the KGB was abolished, and instead 2 structures were formed - the Inter-Republican Security Service, as well as the Central Intelligence Service. By that time, the Federal Security Agency of the RSFSR was functioning in the RSFSR, which was formed instead of the KGB of the RSFSR, established in May 1991.

In 1992, the AFB and SME were abolished, and their functions were transferred to a new department - the Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation. In December 1993, this structure was abolished, at the same time the Federal Counterintelligence Service was created. In 1995, the FSK was transformed into the FSB.

It is noteworthy that the personnel structure of the FSB provides for both military and civilian positions. This service reports directly to the President of the Russian Federation, who, as you know, is both a civilian and the Supreme Commander of the Russian Armed Forces at the same time.

What does the FSO do?

FSO It is also a federal service of the Russian Federation. Its functions are mainly related to the implementation of the state protection of persons holding the highest government positions in Russia. In the exercise of its functions, the FSO may conduct operational-search activities.

The main tasks that the FSO solves are as follows:

  • ensuring the safety of various objects under state protection at their locations, as well as on the routes that lead to them;
  • monitoring of threats to the interests of objects under state protection, implementation of measures related to the prevention of relevant threats;
  • prevention, detection of encroachments on the security of protected objects, suppression of the activities of violators;
  • protection of objects through allowed methods;
  • counteraction to terrorism - within the powers established by law;
  • providing secure communications for government authorities;
  • ensuring the protection of information used by government structures - including state secrets;
  • countering foreign technical intelligence;
  • information and technical support for government agencies, the introduction of the necessary resources to improve the protection of data used by government agencies;
  • information and technical support of situational centers formed during emergencies;
  • ensuring your own security.

As in the case of the FSB, the personnel structure of the FSO provides for both military and civilian positions.

The history of the development of the FSO is noteworthy. As in the situation with the FSB, it originates from the times of the USSR. Functions that generally corresponded to those that we examined above were performed by the 9th Directorate of the KGB.

In 1990, this structure was transformed into the KGB Security Service. In 1991, it was removed from the subordination of the KGB and became an independent entity - the Security Directorate, accountable to the Office of the President of the USSR.

Also in 1991, its own security structure was established by the President of the RSFSR. However, at the end of the year it was liquidated and gave way to a new structure - the Main Security Directorate, also under the jurisdiction of the USSR. Later, this organization became the State Educational Institution of Russia.

In 1994, the State Educational Institution of the Russian Federation was included in the federal authorities. In 1995, the structure came under the jurisdiction of the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation - in accordance with the provisions of a separate federal law.

In 1996, another Federal Law was issued, which established that the FSO becomes the successor of the GDO of the Russian Federation. The GDO has been renamed accordingly. The Presidential Security Service subsequently became part of the new structure.

In its modern form, the FSO has been functioning since 2004 - when the Regulation on the FSO was adopted in Russia as an independent legal act. It can be noted that the Special Communications Service, which functioned before, received the status of a structural unit of the FSO.

The federal structure in question, like the FSB, is accountable to the President of the Russian Federation. Normative legal acts that directly regulate the work of the FSO, the structure of this department are approved with the participation of the head of the Russian state.

The Government of Russia also takes part in the work of the FSO, coordinating the activities of the FSO in the process of interaction between the department and various federal structures.


The main difference between the FSB and the FSO is in the field of activity. The FSB is engaged in ensuring the security of the entire population of the country as a whole, and the FSO concentrates work within the framework of protecting mainly government officials. The FSB has a number of specific competencies that the FSO does not have, such as, for example, carrying out counterintelligence activities, ensuring border protection.

The FSB and the FSO are on the same level in the system of state power of the Russian Federation. Both structures are subordinate to the President of Russia. FSB and FSO - services that came out of the KGB of the USSR.

Having considered the difference between the FSB and the FSO, we will reflect the conclusions in the table.

It is not for nothing that Russia is called a police state: there are a lot of law enforcement agencies here alone. This is the Investigative Committee, and the Prosecutor's Office, and the FSO. However, most of the talk is about the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, because these bodies have an extremely wide range of powers and are represented by a huge number of employees. How do power structures differ from each other and what capabilities do they have?


MIA This is the Ministry of the Interior, the executive body of state power. Its main function is to maintain law and order in the country, to oversee the careful and strict observance of laws by citizens and legal entities. At the same time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs can bring to justice the subjects of legal relations both independently (drawing up administrative protocols) and indirectly (initiating criminal cases with their further transfer to the Investigative Committee for investigation).

FSB is the Federal Security Service, an executive body reporting directly to the President of Russia. Its main task is to ensure the protection of the state from external and internal threats, that is, the suppression of terrorist activities, counterintelligence, protection of the external border, and information security.


The Ministry of Internal Affairs consists of internal troops and the police, whose tasks boil down to one thing: maintaining law and order on the territory of Russia and suppressing any crimes and offenses. The actual number of employees exceeds 900,000 people, but if we add here the civilians who help in the implementation of the functions of the body, then we can safely talk about a million-strong "army" of defenders of the law.

The structure of the FSB is more modest: it is about 350 thousand employees. Tasks of a global scale: from the fight against terrorism to the suppression of corruption in the echelons of state power. The powers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are very wide: from drawing up administrative protocols, detaining a person to initiating a criminal case and conducting an inquiry. However, the FSB has even more extensive functions, including intelligence for the benefit of the state.

Findings site

  1. Number and structure. There are about 350 thousand people in the FSB, over 900 thousand in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, while the latter body has a broader structure.
  2. Functions. The FSB faces tasks of a national scale, while the Ministry of Internal Affairs has more local and generalized goals.
  3. Powers. The FSB is much more influential than the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and its activities are practically not accountable to other state bodies.
  4. History and traditions. The FSB is the successor to the KGB and, accordingly, the NKVD, dates back to the 20s of the last century. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is the direct heir of the Russian police, its history is much deeper.

To the question Question) What is higher? What is more important? who has more power!? Who is closer to the government of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office? answer plz) given by the author _Vitek the best answer is depending on which side to approach - the prosecutor's office has pens and forms and a protocol, there really is nothing - sometimes it is also divided into the prosecutor's office and the investigative committee - there is always a lot of noise from them, and there are opportunities to cover up their sins - they still supervise compliance with the laws (although they don’t supervise shit, they do what they want), the FSB has the most nebulousness, and they go around hiding behind certificates (like we catch spies), although they probably haven’t seen spies for a long time, so they always attach themselves to high-profile cases, where they seize drugs (such as together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs), then the customs officers will be imprisoned (fighting corruption), the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it’s clear in plain sight, who else hasn’t spat at them, there probably isn’t such a person left, but given the fact that Comrade Patrushev, the former head of the FSB, was engaged in trade in general ranks and positions, and Comrade Nurgaleev from the FSB, like his deputy Edelev, who was recently expelled in disgrace, I think that the FSB is closer to power, taking into account the fact that the prime minister is from there, and the prosecutor's office plays the role of a scarecrow - beat your own so that strangers are afraid, especially since the most arrogant and corrupt prosecutor Ustinov was driven from his place

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Question) What is higher? What is more important? who has more power!? Who is closer to the government of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office? answer plz)

Answer from Yergey Barinov[expert]
In my opinion, the most important thing is the prosecutor's office, then the FSB, and only then the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
I can explain by the fact that the prosecutor's office oversees the activities of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The FSB has more important and more complicated cases than the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Answer from Yeoenya Doesn't matter[guru]
The question is completely childish. From the series: Mom, who is more important in the zoo - an elephant or a tiger?... Each service has its own terms of reference and powers. The prosecutor's office - supervision over the observance of the law + preliminary investigation on a number of articles of our jurisdiction. Supervision, including for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and for faces ... FSB - broad powers, an even wider range of interests. Everything - from counterintelligence, and ending with the fight against organized crime. Ministry of Internal Affairs - work "on the ground", with people, with ordinary citizens. - it is quite natural that the most complaints ...
hierarchy cannot be clearly defined. if we talk about power - then the prosecutor's office. if about the operational side - then the FSB. if about direct orientation "on the ground" - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as the service closest to the people ...

Answer from DJ AMSTER[newbie]
Oleg Feoktistov, who until 2008 held the position of head of the 6th service of the CSS of the FSB, gained fame directly engaged in the persecution of General Alexander Bulbov of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation. As you know, having suffered for many months, Bulbov admitted to petty crimes and was released from punishment on account of the time already spent in the pre-trial detention center. In gratitude for the excellently implemented special operation, the head of the FSB CSS, Alexander Kupryazhkin, made Oleg Feoktistov his first deputy.
A career and general's epaulettes are, of course, good, but you won’t earn much money with this. But the position of the internal security of the FSB is unique in that the chain of corruption has always closed on them.
It is known that in our country, law enforcement agencies are paid by merchants and "persons involved", with whom, as a rule, the lower link of the law enforcement "food chain" - operatives and investigators of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs - is in direct contact. The ideal option is when the operative services work out material for dishonest businessmen (and we have practically no others), go to them and offer to pay for its closure. The Department of Internal Security (DSB) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which in its work obeys and listens to senior colleagues from the FSB, should look for and catch such dishonest employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (and there are practically no others we also have). For the most part, employees of the DSB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are wealthy people and do not interfere in their own affairs without special instructions.
The Chekists, in turn, have a special Directorate “M”, which is engaged in counterintelligence activities to identify bribe-takers and criminals in the ranks of employees of all law enforcement agencies, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Justice and others.
In turn, the employees of the “M” department are supervised by the CSS of the FSB, which there is no one to supervise. Interestingly, the Chekists themselves call the same system in the prosecutor's office "protection."
You just thought of something, they already know what you want to stir up ...))

Answer from Alexander Smirnov[newbie]
They themselves do not know who and over whom they have. From them now there is more disorder, since they both provoke this disorder and track it. Very few chasers are caught for violating both rights and rules. They cover each other. They only dump the ones they don't like.

Answer from Yaga Omarov[active]
Control over the activities of the bodies of the federal security service is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and judicial bodies within the powers determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws and federal laws.
Deputies (members) of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, in connection with the exercise of their deputy activities, have the right to receive information about the activities of federal security service bodies in the manner determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

As we know, any country is a vast organization that provides an adequate standard of living for its population. Thus, the welfare of a country directly affects the quality of life of its inhabitants. The latter, in turn, are obliged to ensure the protection of their state. This fact was recognized by people in ancient times, which led to the creation of armies. Its representatives have always had honor and popularity in society.

However, in addition to the usual military formations, in each power there were security agencies that fought with the intelligence activities of other countries on their territory. Such organizations in most cases carried out their activities in the shadows in order to hide the methods and methods of work from prying eyes. Nevertheless, today the existence and functioning of many state security structures is not surprising, since they exist in almost every country.

As for Russia, our state also has a special agency called the Federal Security Service, or FSB. What this organization does, its structure and functions will be discussed later in the article.

Department structure

The Law "On the FSB" in many ways gives an understanding of the structure of the service presented in the article. This question is extremely interesting today. After all, the structure shows the priority of certain areas of activity of the service. Thus, today the system includes the following departments, services and departments of the FSB:

  • directly the apparatus of the department;
  • services of counterintelligence and protection of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation;
  • economic security service;
  • border, personnel services and own security;
  • investigative department;
  • department of military counterintelligence.

There are also other, more insignificant units that are part of the FSB. What each structural department does can be understood by analyzing the regulatory framework and other official information about the service.

Special units

FSB officers perform completely different tasks when working in various structural units of the service. However, there are units that have special goals. Such a formation is the FSB Special Purpose Center. It consists of two departments: "A" ("Alpha") and "B" ("Vympel"). Units are engaged in the performance of special tasks. For example, Alpha is an organization created to fight terrorism, free hostages and solve other important tasks. Alpha fighters often perform tasks in Chechnya, Dagestan, etc.

As for the Vympel unit, it is one of the most secret to date. The number, command and personnel of the department are unknown. The activities of the organization are also shrouded in mystery. Its functioning can only be judged by rumors, according to which Vympel is used for activities abroad.

Features of the staff

Any state department of employees selects carefully. FSB officers in this case come to serve in the body as military personnel or as civilian personnel. At the same time, people who already have education in certain fields of activity are welcome in the department. In addition, there is a special academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. This educational institution trains representatives of officers for certain departments of the department.


So, we tried to analyze the features of such a structure as the FSB. What this body does, the features of its system and personnel were also described in the article. It remains to be hoped that in the future the department will only improve in its work, since its activities are directly related to the security of Russia.

Explore the most closed state corporation - the FSB: an expensive state structure that is outside the zone of public control, with a mass of corrupt employees who consider themselves to be the elite. Who and how generally controls the "office"? Who decides on additional funding? Who checks where the money went? As for money, this is a completely different story, since the corresponding line of the budget is secret and inaccessible to the taxpayer and public organizations. Meanwhile, spending on special services is growing year by year - let's try to compare this dynamics with the successes of the Chekists.

What do we have in reality?

According to the Constitution and the Regulations on the FSB, Chekists are subordinate to the president and the government. How this submission takes place and whether Medvedev and Putin give them a beating is not known. From year to year, we are shown well-lacquered television pictures, when another FSB director sits opposite the next president with pieces of paper and cheerfully reports on achievements. At the same time, the taxpayer is not in a position to verify how these releases correspond to reality.

And it turns out a kind of theater of the absurd: a terrorist attack - reports on the destroyed militants - financial injections - another terrorist attack. Judge for yourself.

2004: then-Prime Minister Fradkov (now head of the SVR) announced additional subsidies allocated by the government for the maintenance of the FSB.

In February, an explosive device went off in a Moscow subway car. Killed - 41, wounded - 250. Then the bomb exploded near the metro station "Rizhskaya" (10 dead and 33 wounded).

On June 22 of the same year, more than 500 militants attacked administrative buildings and objects of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Ingushetia: 78 people died, 114 people were injured. Among the dead were 35 police officers and five prosecutors.

September 1: the seizure of a school in Beslan by militants, and then the incompetent release of the hostages - hundreds of deaths. The operation was led by FSB generals Pronichev (now the head of the border service) and Anisimov. None of the officials was punished, and Pronichev, on the contrary, was awarded by Putin's secret decree.

2005: Finance Minister Kudrin announced that spending on the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, SVR, FSO will increase by 50 billion rubles, which will be spent on technical equipment and training of specialists.

June 12 - an explosion in the Moscow region on the railway tracks - 4 cars of train No. 382 Grozny - Moscow derailed. 42 people were injured.

July 1 - an explosive device with a capacity of about 7 kg in TNT equivalent was activated in Makhachkala - 11 servicemen were killed, 26 were injured.

October 13 - 180 militants attacked security forces in Nalchik: 12 citizens and 35 policemen were killed.

2006: Speaking at the FSB board, Putin thanked the leadership and rank and file for the conscientious performance of their duties and promised to increase security spending by 27%.

2007: Putin's decree increased the funding of the FSB by a third, and the salaries of employees by a quarter. The President also said that the purchase of weapons for the FSB will increase by 20%, and the cost of capital construction - by 73%.

On August 13, as a result of undermining the railway track, an accident occurred on the Nevsky Express train. The power of the explosive device was 2 kg of TNT. 60 people were injured.

In the next two years, at the expense of Russian taxpayers, the FSB purchased hundreds of expensive foreign cars, including executive class limousines Mercedes-Benz S-600 Long for 12.5 million rubles, Mercedes-Benz S-600 L for 7.5 million, Mercedes-Benz S 500L 4 Matic for 6.5 million (see No. 46 New 2010 for details).

2008: FSB director Patrushev was appointed secretary of the Security Council by presidential decree.

These were not the easiest years, but he coped with all the tasks with honor, - Medvedev noted.

At a meeting with the editors-in-chief of the state media, the now new FSB director Bortnikov reported on the results of the department's work: a lot of interesting things were told about Georgian spies and hackers who attacked the president's website 280,000 times.

August 7 - an explosion on the beach in the village of Loo, Lazarevsky district of the city of Sochi - two dead, dozens injured. November 6 - A suicide bomber blew up a fixed-route taxi in Vladikavkaz - 12 people died.

In the same month, four employees of the FSB were detained in St. Petersburg for extorting 1 million rubles.

In Nizhny Novgorod, the head of the investigation department of the FSB, Oleg Yefremov, was arrested. According to investigators, he, along with the former head of the investigation department, Obukhov, traded heroin confiscated during searches. Soon, Efremov was killed in solitary confinement by guards and convicted cops (for details, see No. 119 of Novaya Novaya 25, 2010).

2009: after being detained in Moscow, the head of the department for combating terrorism and extremism of the Federal Security Service of Volgograd, Colonel Pyotr Samarsky, disappeared without a trace. According to the official version, the colonel escaped. However, relatives do not rule out that Samarsky was killed by fellow security officers (for details, see No. 47 of Novaya Gazeta, dated May 5, 2010).

The head of the Federal Drug Control Service for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, General Alexander Karmatsky, went on the run (former head of the SEK of the Federal Security Service, in 2003 he was awarded the title of honorary counterintelligence officer). He is charged with Art. 188 part 4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (smuggling on an especially large scale in a group of persons).

Bortnikov proudly reported to the FSB board that as a result of counter-terrorist measures in the North Caucasus region, 67 bandits were neutralized and 233 bandits were detained. Two months later there was a terrorist attack in Nazran - 25 people died and 136 were injured. And on November 27 - another terrorist attack with the Nevsky Express. 28 people died, 90 were injured. On April 13, 2010, Bortnikov announced that 26 members of the terrorist group who had organized the bombing of the Nevsky Express had been killed and 14 arrested. Details are not reported.

On January 28, President Medvedev visited the Lubyanka. At the end of the meeting, he said that in 2009 the FSB neutralized 500 militants and prevented 80 terrorist attacks. Chekists were promised a further increase in funding.

On March 29, explosions occurred in the Moscow metro at the Lubyanka and Park Kultury metro stations. 40 people died, about a hundred were injured. And everything again went on a knurled track: instead of a detailed analysis and conclusions, there were reports on “soaked” terrorists:

On May 13, FSB director Bortnikov reported to the president that “all the members of the bandit group who were involved in the explosion in the Moscow metro were destroyed” (no details were given);

On June 2, at a meeting with the president, Bortnikov said that a year ago a man had been arrested for planning 12 terrorist attacks. It turns out that he was silent for a whole year, and before the meeting between Bortnikov and the president, he suddenly split (the name of the terrorist was not reported).

On September 9, another shock: a terrorist attack was committed on the Vladikavkaz market - 18 people died and more than 160 were injured.

On October 13, Bortnikov said that during the search, a sabotage and terrorist group that planned the attack was identified. The details and identities of the terrorists, as always, are not reported.

It is worth recalling in this regard that the investigation of a criminal case is a long and painstaking process, and even more so - criminal cases on terrorist attacks, in which hundreds of people appear. An investigation is always based on painstaking operational work: agents, interviews of neighbors, work colleagues, casual witnesses, detailing telephone conversations, billing ... Moreover, 70% of the information obtained, as a rule, turns out to be irrelevant to the case. How are terrorists calculated in such a short time? Or piss everyone indiscriminately?

How can such cases be investigated at all, if only to prevent subsequent explosions and hostage-taking, if all suspects are destroyed on the spot and called guilty without any trial?

Who controls the FSB?

In European countries, the secret services are under public and parliamentary control - if something happens, a parliamentary commission is immediately created to investigate the failures and even minor omissions of the special services. In our country, it is completely unclear who controls them and bears personal responsibility.

In particular, vigilantly monitor the activities of the FSB is the task of the Duma Security Committee. Of the twenty-five members of the committee alone, there are 5 Chekists themselves (as is known, there are no former members), employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - 12, the Ministry of Defense - 3, the prosecutor - 1, the Cossack ataman - 1 and three civilians.

Particularly touching are individual members of the committee - members of the Liberal Democratic Party: former KGBist, Berezovsky's security guard and defendant in the British criminal case on the murder of Litvinenko Andrey Lugovoy, or the owner of construction companies, a network of restaurants and saunas in Sochi Evgeny Teplyakov (according to the Sochi media, an authoritative businessman wore surname Bagishvili), or Sergei Abeltsev, whose assistant Valery Belozer was convicted of extorting $300,000 from EPIN-BANK. During a search at Belozer, they found an official FSB letterhead signed by the then head of the SEB FSB Bortnikov (from Lefortovo, Belozer wrote a letter to Prosecutor General Chaika that he allegedly extorted money at the direction of Abeltsev).

How do all these people work? For example, when discussing the scandalous law on additional powers of the FSB, only deputy Gudkov tried to object (by the way, a former FSB officer). But Mr. Lugovoy immediately declared: “We’d better tighten the screws somewhere, and then we will turn them off, than we will calmly watch the explosions and everything that is happening now in the North Caucasus.”

It would be better if the people's choice sent a deputy's request and found out how many security officers and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are on the federal wanted list for the crimes committed? Then it would become clear exactly where to pinch.

Let's look at the payroll of the State Duma commission for reviewing federal budget expenditures aimed at ensuring defense and state security: former military - 9, Chekists - 3, policemen - 5, prosecutor - 1, cosmonauts - 3, customs officer - 1, civilians - 11 (out of there are 7 of them "edinorosov"). Have you ever heard of the members of this commission denying funding to the FSB?

The situation in the Defense and Security Committee of the Federation Council is no better: there are 4 former military men, 2 Chekists, 3 police officers and 3 civilians. So there is no one to ask Mr. Bortnikov uncomfortable questions. Well, except that a member of the committee and the “hero” of saving the Kursk nuclear submarine, former Admiral Popov, who told tales about a foreign submarine and a “third force” that allegedly sank our missile carrier, will oversee the activities of the FSB ...

There is also the Public Council under the FSB, but it, consisting mainly of former security officials and the rector of the church on Lubyanka, father Alexander, was not created to seriously control the special service. Already at the first meeting of the council in 2007, the then director of the FSB, Patrushev, formulated seven tasks. One of the first: "... Countering attempts to falsify the history of the Fatherland, security agencies and their employees." And only at number 7 (the last task): "The implementation of public control over the activities of the security agencies in the part related to the observance by the security agencies of the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation."

Not surprisingly, on the eve of the adoption of laws on additional powers of the FSB, this council expressed its full approval of the KGB initiatives. I quote the official website: “In the course of the meeting, information was heard about the draft federal laws developed by the FSB of Russia. It was decided to support these bills…”

The spending of public money in Russia is monitored by a special body - the Accounts Chamber. Power structures and special services fall under the responsibility of the auditor Alexander Zhdankov - the former head of the FSB control service, Colonel General, who in 2009 was elected chairman of the FSB Veterans Council. It is interesting to watch how the main veteran of the FSB, Zhdankov, conducts audits in his own department.

After Service

After the resignation, for many FSB officers, an interesting life does not end. Over the long years of service, they acquired the necessary connections and accumulated quite valuable material. Generals come to power, become deputies, or get jobs as advisers to large state-owned companies. Colonels and majors - in the security services of commercial banks or in the security councils under governors and mayors.

But no one needs captains, lieutenants and ensigns. After leaving the service, some of these characters huddle together, establish numerous anti-corruption committees, support funds for the KGB-FSB, and begin to “breed” businessmen.

Hundreds of scammers like Alisher Trifonov (Nazmiev), who presented himself as a general of the FSB, GRU, SVR, work hand in hand with them (see details in Novaya No. 7, 17, 22 of 2008). Moreover, for their machinations, the swindlers hire all the same Chekists, cops, military men, deputies, cultural figures, hyped actors and lured priests. For example, in the office of “general” Trifonov, a photograph hung in the most prominent place, where he is surrounded by employees of the FSB, SVR and the Ministry of Defense. How many such funds and how many merchants suffered from them - that's what I would like to find out ...