Calming set of 5 components. Calming tinctures: the effects of medicinal plants on the body. A captured Russian spoke about a scheme to deceive Ukrainians with the exchange “Their side will definitely try to fool ours”

Treatment for high blood pressure affects every fourth person on the planet. Factors such as the duration of therapy, high cost and side effects of medications force us to look for alternative ways to effectively combat this disease. An excellent way out of the situation can be tinctures for hypertension based on medicinal herbs. Traditional medicine offers a variety of recipes, among which it is easy to choose the right one.

  1. Valerian.
  2. Motherwort.
  3. Peony.
  4. Peppermint.
  5. Eucalyptus.

Each of them individually has amazing properties, and combining them in one bottle significantly increases the hypotensive (pressure-lowering) effect and compensates for the shortcomings.

To prepare a popular folk remedy for hypertension, five tinctures: take 25 ml of mint tincture, 100 ml of tinctures of the remaining components, 10 sticks of cloves and mix all the components in a glass, well-sealed vessel.

For two weeks, the product is infused in the dark without shaking. Take the finished medicine (strained) three times a day, a dessert spoon, a quarter of an hour before meals. The monthly course ends with a ten-day break.

A well-proven mixture of tinctures for hypertension is used successfully in the treatment of insomnia, neurotic disorders, depression, and tachycardia. It can be prepared either from ready-made pharmaceutical preparations or from home-produced products. The second option is preferable due to confidence in the quality and safety of raw materials and compliance with all requirements of the manufacturing process.

The most effective tinctures for normalizing blood pressure

Each tincture included in the recipe for the famous combination remedy can be prepared independently and taken separately.

Properties of valerian for hypertension

It was not for nothing that Valerians appropriated the epithet “medicinal”. One of the most famous plants in folk medicine has been used to relieve the symptoms of various diseases for many centuries. Valerian's ability to lower blood pressure is successfully combined with sedative and antispasmodic effects. After all, increased nervous excitability or spasms of smooth muscles themselves contribute to increased blood pressure. Having a beneficial effect on all these processes, valerian tincture for hypertension is an indispensable remedy.

The root of the plant is used to prepare the medicine. It is crushed, poured in a ratio of 1:5 with seventy-degree alcohol (10 grams of rhizome and 50 ml of alcohol), and left in a warm place for a week. Then the liquid is filtered and 1-2 tablespoons diluted in 100 ml of water are consumed 3-4 times a day. The therapeutic effect of valerian, although persistent, occurs slowly, so it should be used for at least a month. Store the prepared tincture in a cool place (preferably in the refrigerator), protecting from sunlight.

Motherwort in the fight against hypertension

The hearty herb motherwort has healing properties similar to valerian. This is an excellent sedative that reduces heart rate, relieves spasm of blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. Its hypotensive effect is quite mild, that is, you should not be afraid of a sharp drop in pressure. But people who have a slowdown in cardiac activity should not use motherwort.

Dried leaves (10 grams) are poured with alcohol or vodka (50 ml) and left for a month in a dark place, shaking off the bottle every day. After straining, take the tincture three times a day, diluting 5-7 drops with a tablespoon of water (preferably boiled) on an empty stomach. Before starting treatment, you need to be patient, since the full course lasts 2-3 months.

Peony tincture to normalize blood pressure

Peony is popularly known for its ability to normalize the activity of the autonomic nervous system. This functional component of the body is responsible for the correct tone of blood vessels and their adequate response to external stimuli. With a similar effect, together with its calming properties, peony tincture fights hypertension well.

The medicine is made from roots collected at the end of May. 50 grams of raw materials are crushed, poured with 50 ml of vodka, shaking occasionally, and left for 14 days. A tablespoon of the prepared product is diluted in water (half a glass) and drunk twice or thrice a day before meals.

Eucalyptus and mint tinctures are prepared in a similar way. Eucalyptus take 15-30 drops, mint - no more than 10 drops three times a day.

Calendula tincture to protect health

This bright flower, rich in essential oils, is successfully used for both high and low blood pressure. Treatment of hypertension with calendula tincture is safe and can be carried out for a long time without harm to the patient’s health, since the plant has almost no side effects or contraindications.

A tablespoon of petals (dried) is infused in half a liter of vodka for a week. To lower blood pressure, drink the tincture 30 drops three times a day. The drug is taken pure or diluted with water. The healing properties are increased by adding honey (1 tablespoon), which is also very useful for hypertension. A noticeable and lasting result should be expected no earlier than after a month of treatment.

Healing herbs on moonshine

The folk tincture for hypertension using moonshine is popular not only in villages, but also in large cities. Moonshine is considered a mandatory component of the multicomponent medicine in the original recipe, but 55-proof alcohol can also be used.

To prepare the tincture you should take:

  • 3 liters of homemade moonshine;
  • a sprig of St. John's wort;
  • a tablespoon of oregano;
  • thyme (a couple of stems with flowers);
  • a few mint leaves;
  • half a glass of dried chokeberry, rosehip, and hawthorn fruits;
  • half a glass of pine nuts;
  • dried irgi flowers (also half a glass).

All components are infused in a glass vessel with moonshine for 14 days in a place protected from light. After this, the tincture is filtered, poured into smaller, well-closed containers and consumed twice a tablespoon before meals. Already two weeks of treatment I am pleased with the positive results.

Treatment of hypertension with folk remedies

We must remember that even traditional herbal medicines may have contraindications, so it is best to consult a cardiologist or family doctor before treatment.

Every 5th person in the world struggles with high blood pressure, half of them are the working population. Treatment of blood pressure should begin at the first symptoms of hypertension - pressure surges. The main method of therapy is changing your life by switching to a healthy lifestyle, eliminating nervous tension and taking medications. A common method to effectively and efficiently combat hypertension is tinctures for high blood pressure. This medicine contains natural ingredients with an active substance.

Tinctures for hypertension will help stabilize high blood pressure, calm a nervous state, improve vascular function, which will undoubtedly affect a person’s overall well-being.

The most effective recipe is five tinctures for hypertension. They are based on herbs that strengthen the central nervous system, lower blood pressure, and help with insomnia. They can be used mixed or separately.

Folk tinctures, decoctions, extracts do not lower or increase blood pressure, but stabilize it to a normal level. It is recommended to use them only after consultation with a doctor. Reception should be started with small doses, literally with a few drops, and in the absence of undesirable consequences, gradually increased to the recommended dose.

Blend of 5 tinctures

Five tinctures is a proven folk remedy for hypertension, which can effectively lower blood pressure. To prepare a mixture of 5 components, you should buy ready-made alcohol tinctures at the pharmacy: peony, corvalol, motherwort, hawthorn, valerian. Mix 25 ml of each product in a glass container until the mixture is homogeneous.

In some recipes, hawthorn and eucalyptus are replaced with peppermint and eucalyptus, and 7-10 cloves are added to the mixture (infused for 2 weeks). Both recipes are relevant and effective. Take 5 tinctures for hypertension before meals, 15-30 drops dissolved in water, three times a day. Course – 30 days, 10 days break.


For many centuries, valerian has been used to alleviate various diseases. Having an antispasmodic and sedative effect, it can also lower blood pressure. To prepare a medicinal tincture at home, use 20 grams. pour 100 ml of alcohol over the rhizomes and leave for 7 days. Strain well and consume 2 tsp. dissolved in 100 ml of water.


The healing qualities of motherwort are similar to valerian. The herb perfectly calms, relieves vasospasm, and lowers blood pressure. It also reduces heart contractions, so it is not recommended for people with bradycardia. You can buy the infusion at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself: 20 g. leaves, pour 100 ml of alcohol or vodka, leave for a month. After filtering, dilute 6 drops in 1 spoon of water, drink three times a day, in courses of 2 months.


Hawthorn increases the body's resistance to stress, effectively normalizing the function of the heart muscle and central nervous system.

Alcohol tincture of hawthorn will help with atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, spasms, and will also improve brain function, remove excess fluid from the body and lower blood pressure.

For her it should be 70-100 g. pour a liter of alcohol over the fruit for 20 days. Strain, consume 20–50 drops, three times a day. Ready-made alcoholic extract or hawthorn powder in capsules is sold in pharmacies.

Hawthorn for blood pressure can be taken not only in the form of tinctures, but also as a decoction. To prepare it, you need to pour 10 g of fruits with ½ boiling water and boil for 30 minutes. After filtering, take - 1 tbsp. l., maximum three times a day. Course - 3 weeks.


Peony wonderfully normalizes the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. It will help restore vascular tone, respond adequately to irritants, and, along with a calming effect, stabilize blood pressure. For tincture: 50 gr. raw materials pour 50 ml of alcohol for 14 days. Then filter, dilute in boiled water (1/2 cup), and drink twice a day.


With the help of menthol, phenobarbital and bromoisovaleric acid, it has a calming effect, helps with insomnia, tachycardia, vascular spasms, hypertension, and nervousness. Sold in pharmacies.

Propolis and hypertension

To reduce blood pressure, it is recommended to use 40 drops of propolis tincture mixed in 1/2 cup of water. You can also dissolve 10 drops in 50 ml of milk. The drug should be taken before meals, three times a day, in courses.

Propolis is multifaceted in the assistance it provides. It is useful not only for stabilizing blood pressure, but also for the following diseases:

High cholesterol;

Increased susceptibility to blood clots;

Insomnia, central nervous system disorders;

Gastrointestinal diseases;

Reduced immunity;

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Propolis tincture for hypertension can be combined with other traditional medicines. For example, hawthorn tincture mixed with propolis in equal parts. A similar alcohol medicinal mixture is taken orally, 25 drops, three times a day.

Also effective in lowering blood pressure is a mixture of rowan, rose hips, hawthorn, and dill seeds. Place 3 tablespoons of the mixture in a thermos and pour 1 liter. boiling water Drink a glass, after adding 20 drops of propolis tincture.

Tincture on poplar buds

Mix 25 poplar buds with 200 gr. alcohol, and put in a dark place for a week. Strain and drink the medicine 20 drops dissolved in a glass of water for about 4 weeks. The tincture will help stabilize blood pressure and have an active bactericidal effect on the body of hypertensive patients.

Tincture for hypertension using moonshine

Moonshine tincture is a homemade folk medicinal preparation made from dried herbs: mint, St. John's wort, thyme, cedar nut, oregano, serviceberry. Mix all the herbs, place in a glass container, and pour in moonshine. After 2 weeks, filter the infusion well and drink 2 tbsp. l. before eating. After just 14 days of use, the blood pressure returns to normal.

It should be borne in mind that all folk remedies give results in the initial stages of the disease. For stage 3 hypertension, they can only be used as an adjuvant. In addition, hypertension is a serious disease with serious consequences, so you should not engage in uncontrolled self-medication.

Effective tinctures for hypertension

Tinctures for hypertension

Five tinctures - a folk remedy for hypertension:

You need to buy 5 tinctures at the pharmacy:

  • Peony tincture
  • Valerian
  • Motherwort (100 ml - 4 vials)
  • Eucalyptus tincture (50 ml - 2 bottles)
  • Peppermint 25 ml (1 bottle).

Take 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day, 15-20 minutes before meals, with clean water. After a month of taking it, take a 10-day break.

Some people who took this tincture even stopped reacting to changes in weather and temperature, their blood pressure returned to normal, and they got rid of insomnia.

Homemade tincture for hypertension:

In a three-liter jar of moonshine with a strength of 55 degrees, put:

  • 0.5 cups each of dried rose hips and hawthorn
  • chokeberry
  • pine nuts with shells
  • serviceberry flowers
  • 4 mint leaves
  • a small sprig of St. John's wort
  • oregano
  • 3 stalks of Bogorodskaya herb (thyme) along with flowers.

Close the lid tightly and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. Then strain and bottle, store in a cool place. Take 1 tbsp. spoon morning and evening before meals.

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“Five tinctures” - a folk remedy for hypertension

“Five tinctures” - a folk remedy for hypertension

A folk remedy for hypertension will also help you with high blood pressure, neuroses, arrhythmias, improves cerebral circulation, has an anticonvulsant effect, with venous stagnation, and with tachycardia.

You need to buy 5 tinctures at the pharmacy: peony, valerian, motherwort (100 ml - 4 bottles), eucalyptus (50 ml - 2 bottles), mint 25 ml (1 bottle).

Pour all the tinctures into a glass jar or bottle. Add 10 cloves there. It is good to close the lid or stopper and leave to infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place. Do not shake!

Medicinal properties of tinctures for hypertension:

1. Peony tincture

Pharmachologic effect:

Has a calming effect on the central nervous system.

Indications for use:

Peony tincture is used for neuroses - functional disorders of the nervous system. Peony tincture is especially effective for neuroses that are accompanied by anxiety, fears, including the fear of becoming seriously and incurably ill. A beneficial effect on the central nervous system and restoration of sleep leads to a significant improvement in the condition of such patients.

Peony tincture is often prescribed for vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD), a disorder of the innervation of blood vessels by the autonomic nervous system. Such changes are especially typical during menopause and certain types of menstrual irregularities. The main manifestations of VSD are sudden changes in blood pressure due to spasms and dilations of the smooth muscles of the walls of blood vessels. Peony tincture restores the normal activity of the autonomic nervous system, and blood pressure returns to normal.

Use the tincture for insomnia, to calm the nervous system, and for migraines. If you suffer from high blood pressure, you can use the tincture, but don't expect a significant reduction. In addition, valerian tincture has a choleretic effect, eliminates spasms of internal organs and has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, enhancing the secretion of glands. It is also prescribed for the treatment and prevention of early stages of angina pectoris. For certain liver disorders and stomach cramps. Sometimes it is recommended to use valerian tincture in combination with other cardiac, antispasmodic and sedative drugs.

3. Motherwort tincture

Indications for use. Increased nervous excitability. Hysteria, insomnia, cardiovascular neuroses, epilepsy, stage 1 hypertension.

Motherwort tincture is a herbal medicine that has a pronounced sedative and anticonvulsant effect. In addition, it has a diuretic and cardiotonic effect. The drug enhances heart function, lengthens and deepens sleep, and calms the central nervous system.

The presence of bradycardia or arterial hypotension is a contraindication to taking medications that contain motherwort.

4. Eucalyptus tincture

The herbal product has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and sedative effect.

Eucalyptus tincture is used for inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity, as well as for sleep disorders and mild forms of neuroses and neurasthenic disorders.

5. Peppermint tincture

Pharmachologic effect:

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5 tinctures for hypertension

Many people deal with such a common disease as hypertension every day. It is believed that within normal limits, tonometer readings should not exceed 120/80, and in some cases 130/90. But when the readings are higher, this often indicates the development of hypertension. Regular increases in blood pressure (BP) are considered primarily a disease of older patients, but hypertension is also common in young people. Treatment of this disease is a rather lengthy and expensive process that requires considerable effort and hassle.

Faced with this disease, some patients are trying to find methods of therapy based on natural products. An alternative to drug treatment is the use of herbs. Nowadays, such folk medicine as five tinctures is quite widely used. This remedy has proven itself quite effectively in practice and more and more people are using it to combat high blood pressure.

Five tinctures - an excellent remedy for high blood pressure

Since ancient times, the benefits of some plants have been appreciated by our ancestors. In modern practice, various tinctures are also widely used by supporters of traditional methods of treatment. One of these remedies is the medicine five tinctures for hypertension. It is used to reduce blood pressure, normalize heart rate, restore the patient’s emotional balance, improve the condition of blood vessels, and much more. Anyone can prepare the product, knowing a simple recipe, which we will discuss below.

So, in order to make the product, you will need to purchase the following tinctures at the pharmacy:

  • valerian;
  • eucalyptus;
  • peony;
  • motherwort;
  • mint.

The proportions should be as follows: all tinctures except mint 100 ml, mint 25 ml. The ingredients are poured into a glass bowl, after which a few clove seeds are added. The medicine needs to steep for 14 days.

Important! When mixing components, it is not recommended to shake the container. The product should be infused in a cool place, protected from sunlight.

You need to use the product for 30 days, one teaspoon three times a day before meals. You can take the medicine with plain water. After the course of treatment, you must take a break of 7 days. Then resume taking the tincture again.

Proponents of this treatment method believe that with the help of this natural drug the following results can be achieved:

  • reduce blood pressure;
  • increase resistance to stress;
  • normalize heart rate;
  • improve sleep and general condition of the patient.

What is special about each of the tinctures?

The tinctures included in the medicine each perform their own function and complement each other perfectly. Each ingredient is very important to combat hypertension. Next, we will find out what the effect of each of the means is.

Peony extract

It is an excellent sedative. It is often prescribed for psychosomatic disorders. Peony tincture copes well with nervousness, helps get rid of feelings of anxiety and fear. The use of this extract helps relieve nervous tension, normalize sleep, and lower blood pressure. Peony tincture also works well for pathologies such as vegetative-vascular dystonia, which often provokes pressure surges and vascular spasms.


This herb is also widely used to reduce blood pressure. Valerian works great for insomnia, headaches, and many diseases associated with nervous tension. The herb can eliminate spasms, normalize blood pressure, and has a calming and relaxing effect. Valerian is an effective way to prevent angina pectoris and arrhythmia, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland. In tandem with other tinctures, its effect is significantly enhanced.

Mint tincture

Has a sedative and antispasmodic effect. Has antiemetic and choleretic properties. Peppermint is also an excellent natural analgesic. It has a pleasant taste, calms and normalizes the patient’s psychological state.


Quickly and effectively copes with cardiovascular nerves, helps with epilepsy, hysterical conditions and sleep disorders. Very effective in the initial stages of hypertension. Also has a mild diuretic effect.

Eucalyptus extract

It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, and also has sedative properties. Reliably fights hysteria and nervousness. Eucalyptus has a positive effect on the normalization of sleep and the psychosomatic state of the patient.

Important! Five tinctures are an effective natural remedy for hypertension, which has no serious contraindications and cannot cause side effects. The drug can be taken at any age and at any stage of the disease.

Other effective recipes

In addition to the recipe discussed above, there are many other effective recipes. Let's look at a few of them:

  1. To prepare propolis tincture, the following recipe is recommended: 2 tbsp. l. Propolis tinctures are mixed with a glass of water and 20 drops of lingonberry juice are added. The juice can be bought at a pharmacy; it is classified as a diuretic. Take a teaspoon three times a day before meals.
  2. A product based on poplar buds. To prepare 20-30 buds, pour 300 g of medical alcohol or regular vodka. Infuse the product for a week in a dark room at low temperature. The medicine is taken 20 drops twice a day for a month.
  3. They also use a remedy made from hawthorn and clover. Mix clover and hawthorn in equal quantities (1 tablespoon each) and pour a glass of boiled, cooled water. The product should be taken three times a day 30 minutes before meals. Then you should take a break for at least 2 weeks.

Important! These and other traditional medicines can cause the development of allergic reactions to certain components. To avoid complications, consult your doctor.

So, in practice, the use of tinctures based on natural ingredients has proven itself to be quite effective. By following the prescription, taking the medicine correctly, and also not forgetting about other rules for preventing hypertension, you can achieve a lasting effect, reduce blood pressure, normalize your mental state and good sleep. Take your health seriously and be healthy.

Many herbs have a sedative, calming effect. That is why specialists often prescribe pharmaceutical alcohol tinctures to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. The safest and most effective is a sedative tincture of 5 tinctures of medicinal plants. You can prepare it at home. Each component in its composition enhances the effect of the other. This helps to have a positive effect on weak points of the nervous system.

What does the tincture contain?

Herbal-based sedatives have a number of advantages over expensive antidepressants. A huge advantage of such products is the lack of addiction. Therefore, many patients try to choose natural medicines to restore the normal state of the nervous system.

A soothing tincture made from 5 herbal tinctures: hawthorn, peony, valerian, motherwort and peppermint will help eliminate the symptoms of stress and depression. There are also other combinations of sedative mixtures, for example, instead of mint, some people prefer to use Corvalol drops or eucalyptus tincture. But still, the first recipe is considered safer and more effective.

When should it be taken?

Modern life constantly presents various surprises (and they are not always pleasant), makes us experience worries and negative emotions. Every difficult situation is a serious blow to the nervous system. Problems with work appear in the form of insomnia, constant feelings of fatigue, and depression. Constant nervous tension leads to neuroses of varying severity. Of course, the most convenient option for eliminating the described symptoms is to take tablets with a sedative effect. But it is worth considering the side effects of therapy with strong antidepressants.

Soothing tinctures (alcohol), which can be purchased at any pharmacy, also have a pronounced calming effect. Their cost is significantly lower than that of sedative tablet drugs, and is available to absolutely every patient. It is recommended to use a mixture of alcohol pharmaceutical tinctures in the following situations:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • functional nervous system disorder;
  • depression;
  • sleep disturbance (insomnia);
  • stress;
  • constant feeling of fear and worry;
  • nervous excitability;
  • neurasthenic disorders of mild to moderate severity;
  • heart pathologies (arrhythmia, tachycardia).

Medicinal properties of tincture

Experts say that individually the therapeutic effect of pharmaceutical tinctures is weakly expressed. However, if sedative tinctures are mixed, the therapeutic effect (even if not the first time) will be more noticeable. Each component has a specific therapeutic effect on the central nervous system. The patient may feel a weakening, or even complete elimination of the symptoms of neurosis, depression, and psycho-emotional stress.

How does hawthorn tincture work?

The price of this popular pharmaceutical alcohol-based sedative is 18-25 rubles (25 ml bottle). Despite such a low cost, the tincture has a fairly pronounced sedative effect. The effect is due to the presence of beneficial substances in the plant itself. For example, the leaves contain various acids: caffeic, neotecephalic, acantholic, chlorogenic. The fruits also contain organic acids, tannins, pectin, fructose, and essential oils.

The greatest value of hawthorn is ursolic acid. It has antimicrobial, cardiac stimulating, vasodilating, anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective effects. It has also been established that this substance is part of collagen and can stimulate the process of skin regeneration. With high levels of glucose in the blood, allergies, atherosclerosis, weakness of the heart muscle, and nervous exhaustion, hawthorn tincture can help. The price of a sedative is 120-140 rubles.

Unique properties of peppermint

In addition to the incredibly fresh aroma of mint, the medicine has unique healing properties. The leaves of this plant contain useful substances such as ascorbic acid, menthol and carotene. The medicinal herb can relieve spasms during colic, stop the development and growth of pathogenic microorganisms, eliminate allergic skin reactions, disinfect surfaces, relieve headaches caused by worries and stress, and increase performance.

You can purchase mint infusion at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. To do this, crushed fresh leaves of the aromatic herb are poured with alcohol in a ratio of one to two and left in the refrigerator.

Peony tincture

Another component of the soothing mixture of pharmaceutical tinctures is peony evasive. The plant is known for its unique abilities to restore good mood and eliminate the slightest signs of psycho-emotional stress.

A sedative tincture of 5 tinctures almost always contains this ingredient, which increases the production of endorphins, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, and has a positive effect on the general condition. The pharmaceutical product also has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, sedative, antispasmodic and analgesic effects.

How to prepare the tincture?

A soothing tincture made from 5 tinctures of pharmaceutical herbs is easy to prepare. First of all, you should purchase bottles with alcoholic infusions of medicinal plants. The products must be mixed in a separate container. This could be a bottle with a screw cap or a small dark glass jar. Each drug will require 20-25 ml. After mixing the components, the infusion should be placed in the refrigerator for several hours, after which the product will be ready for use. Apply the tincture a teaspoon at a time, mixing with a small amount of clean water. It is recommended to start therapy with 10 drops and gradually increase the dose. Duration of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

It should be remembered that medicinal alcohol tinctures have their own contraindications and are not suitable for every patient. Therefore, it is recommended to first consult a therapist, neurologist or cardiologist regarding sedative therapy.

Benefits of a combination of four alcohol tinctures

The widely known mixture of tinctures of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, and peony has only positive reviews. What is the secret of the popularity of the combined anti-stress remedy? The annotations for each component of this mix of inexpensive pharmaceutical drugs indicate that they help against insomnia and chronic stress, improve heart function and relieve nervous excitement.
The wide range of effects of these drugs is due to the properties of valerian, which relaxes the central nervous system, hawthorn, which improves heart function, motherwort, which normalizes sleep, and peony, which not only reduces the level of emotional excitability, but also stimulates the synthesis of endorphins - joy hormones, which helps restore a person to a good mood. People call this medicine for nerves one of the best drugs, since alcohol tinctures help a person calm down and relieve tension faster than any decoctions and water infusions. At the same time, the ingredients, interacting with each other, complement the healing qualities of each of them, increasing the effectiveness of the mix. In addition, Corvalol and peppermint tincture, cloves (spice) can be added to this basic composition, enhancing the therapeutic effect of the drug.

What ailments does the popular cocktail - a mixture of tinctures of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, and peony - help with?

Reviews from the majority of those who have taken this complex remedy indicate not only relaxation and calm after using it (from a few drops to a teaspoon of the mix). It helps normalize sleep, relieve an attack of tachycardia and lower blood pressure. The drugs relieve migraine attacks and cerebrovascular accidents, nervous disorders and tinnitus, as well as high intracranial pressure.
A mixture of these tinctures has a positive effect in case of malfunctions of the digestive tract, thyroid gland, and menopause. The antispasmodic and anticonvulsant effect of the herbal cocktail gives a good therapeutic result for venous stagnation and varicose veins of peripheral vessels. This medicine for nerves improves hematopoiesis, stimulates cerebral circulation, prevents blood clots, reduces the level of bad cholesterol, and also has an antitumor effect. Elderly people note that after consuming a mixture of these tinctures, they are no longer bothered by dependence on weather changes, dizziness, headaches and heart pain go away, and their blood pressure normalizes. Judging by the reviews, a mixture of tinctures eliminates the consequences of stroke and heart attack, but its use in complex rehabilitation must be agreed with a doctor.

Valerian and motherwort: properties and reviews

Catroot (or valerian) is an herb that is found in numerous anti-anxiety and cardiac medications. These are “Corvalol” and “Valokormid”, “Cardiovalen” and “Valedrin”, “Valocordin”, “Valosedan”, Zelenin drops and “Validol”, carminative and gastric preparations. Its name, according to most versions, comes from valere(Latin “to be healthy”) and is associated with the healing effect of the plant. In medical practice, valerian is widely used for mild forms of neurasthenia and psychasthenia, and for chronic coronary circulation disorders. Valerian is also used for migraines, neuralgia, chronic functional disorders of the nervous system, neurodermatitis, epilepsy, hysteria and convulsions.
A decoction, infusion, tincture or thick extract of cat root is effective as a sedative for nervous excitement, cardiovascular neuroses, as well as for relaxing the smooth muscles of the walls of the digestive organs during gastrointestinal spasms. Valerian is a herb that can be found in any sedative mixture.

Motherwort has an inhibitory effect on the central nervous system and brain, reducing its response to any stimuli. Motherwort tincture has a beneficial effect on the autonomic nervous system, eliminating vascular spasm and thereby improving blood supply to internal organs. Relief and mild relaxation already in the first days after taking this drug, comfortable sleep and improvement in overall well-being - these are the feelings of all the people who left their comments on the drug.

Hawthorn and peony

Hawthorn is popularly called a healing plant that helps with many heart ailments. A tincture based on it strengthens the heart muscle, improves blood circulation in the myocardium, reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, preventing the risk of the occurrence and development of coronary artery disease, as well as myocardial infarction.
In addition, hawthorn acts as a general tonic, strengthens the nervous system, has a mild sedative effect and increases immunity, vitality and mood of the patient.

Tincture of peony evasive not only has a positive effect on the human nervous system, eliminating excessive emotional excitability, but also improves mood by stimulating the production of endorphins, restores performance, and improves health in general.

The popular mixture of tinctures of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, and peony also receives reviews from grateful people because its complex effect on the body turns out to be many times more effective than taking these drugs separately.

For hypertension

The folk remedy for high blood pressure, neurosis, and arrhythmia contains five tinctures: valerian, peony, motherwort, mint and eucalyptus. Anyone can purchase these inexpensive drugs at the nearest pharmacy, regardless of their financial capabilities. Pour 25 ml (4 bottles of each type) of valerian, motherwort, eucalyptus and peony into a darkened glass container, adding 25 ml (1 bottle) of mint tincture. To prepare this medicine, you need to pour 10 clove buds (a spice used in everyday life) into a container with tinctures. Then you need to tightly close the bottle with a lid or stopper and place it in a dark place for a couple of weeks without shaking.
These medicinal tinctures for hypertension are taken one teaspoon or dessert spoon three times a day (starting with 10 drops), at least 20 or 30 minutes before meals. The full course of treatment lasts a month. You can repeat it after a ten-day break. In addition to stabilizing blood pressure, most people who have completed one or two courses of treatment note relief from insomnia, symptoms of response to temperature changes and weather changes.

Instructions for use

Reviews recommend preparing a mixture of tinctures of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, and peony from pharmaceutical preparations. It is not only very simple, but also safe. We pour the contents of four bottles (the volume of each is usually 20-25 ml depending on the manufacturer) into one bottle with darkened glass and keep it in a cool place.

You can store this medicine either in the refrigerator or in a cabinet or medicine cabinet, in a bottle with a tightly closed lid. Take this healing “cocktail”, starting with 10-15 drops, dissolving them in a quarter glass of boiled water. If there are no signs of allergy, then you can increase the dose of the medicine to one teaspoon for the same amount of water. The course lasts from two to four weeks, then you need to take a break of 10 days.


Alcohol tinctures based on valerian, peony, motherwort and hawthorn should not be taken by pregnant women or during breastfeeding. In addition, it is not recommended to use this medicinal mixture for people suffering from alcoholism and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. With caution, taking into account the schedule, you can take this relaxant for those whose work involves quick reactions and driving. After taking the tincture, there is often an irresistible desire to sleep, so it is recommended to use it at night.

In order to prepare this wonderful healing cocktail for blood clots and heart disease, we need to mix several pharmacy tinctures in one bottle (preferably made of dark glass). All components are taken one part at a time. And another mix of tinctures of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn and Corvalol. At the pharmacy I buy one bottle of tinctures: valerian, hawthorn, motherwort, mint, peony, eucalyptus.

In such cases, everyone can help themselves find peace of mind and get out of the state of internal imbalance. Valerian. This is a sleeping pill that has been known for a long time. Valerian wonderfully relaxes the body, promotes easy sleep, relieves fatigue and heart spasms. Valerian tincture is widely used. Peony is an antidepressant plant.

Plus, hawthorn fruits taste very pleasant. Medicine uses both the fruits and inflorescences of the plant for collection. Valerian has a calming effect on the central nervous system, motherwort has a fight against insomnia, and hawthorn has a strengthening effect on the heart. Tinctures can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The components of the mix tincture are safe for the human body. Individual intolerance to the components of tinctures. Those. drink a few drops of each tincture separately. This way you can determine whether the body tolerates valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peony, and Corvalol. The tincture has a sedative effect. Pregnancy and lactation (due to the presence of alcohol in the composition).

A “cocktail” of tinctures added strength and completely improved

No special skill is needed, just mix these alcohol tinctures in a 1:1 ratio. This medicinal cocktail is taken three times a day, 15-20 drops. If you have low blood pressure or bradycardia, then the combination of these tinctures is contraindicated for you. In no case should you add peony tinctures in larger quantities than required.

For rapid heartbeat (arrhythmia), coronary artery disease, heart failure, menopause, and problems with the endocrine system, it is recommended to use a mixture of hawthorn and Corvalol tinctures.

By mixing 2 parts of valerian tincture, the same amount of motherwort, 1 part of hawthorn tincture, 10 drops of Corvalol, you will get a sedative, which is called Morozov drops.

All this is mixed in one bottle, 10 buds of cloves are added and placed in a dark place for two weeks. And a miracle happened! The recipe for the miraculous “cocktail” is quite simple. All tinctures that are included in its composition can be purchased at the pharmacy. You need to take the tincture daily for a month, then take a week break, and then continue taking it. And take such courses until the condition improves.

As a sedative for neuroses (in this case, it is better without cloves). This tincture reduces intracranial pressure and strengthens the nerves, which has a beneficial effect on the health of all body systems. And many, tired of fighting it, resort to sleeping pills.

healing cocktail - The most interesting things in blogs

Therefore, as she went to bed, she continued to think about what she had heard and seen. Going to bed no later than 10 pm. And before bed, instead of pills, I took a mixture of tinctures, which I recommend to you as a sedative. I still use it now. I close the jar with a lid and put it in a dark place for 10 days, but not in the refrigerator.

This is wrong. And my experience proves the opposite. For those who work, I advise you to arrange a “quiet hour” for yourself on weekends and during vacations. I will add a pinch of baking soda to this water. When the broth has cooled to a comfortable temperature, I pour everything into a basin and place my feet in this “porridge” for half an hour.

And one last thing. Some sanatoriums began to use aromatherapy to treat insomnia and neuroses. It can also be used at home. You can, of course, buy it at the pharmacy, but it seems to me that it’s better to do it yourself. Thanks to all this, at first I managed to sleep normally for 2-3 hours. But I also perceived this as an achievement. In this case, there are practically no side effects, as, for example, when taking tranquilizers and cardiotonic drugs.

Some of these plants (lemon balm, St. John's wort, mint, hawthorn) are practically harmless, so they can be used constantly; when taking others, it is advisable to periodically consult a doctor. The complex tincture must be kept in a dark place for 2 weeks, after which the drug is ready for use. To keep blood vessels in order, use folk remedies for therapeutic and preventive purposes.

Pour all the ingredients into a bottle (preferably made of dark glass) and add 10 whole cloves. Seal the bottle and place it in a dark, not cold place for 2 weeks, shaking its contents periodically. To do this, pour 1 teaspoon of alfalfa seeds with warm boiled water in an amount of 100 ml and drink before meals, about half an hour. To prepare an effective and high-quality tincture, only the fresh root of the plant, or rather its soft tuber, is selected.

To do this, wash 2 oranges and 2 lemons thoroughly and, after removing the seeds, pass them through a meat grinder. Add 2 tbsp to the resulting mass. spoons of honey, mix and leave for a day at room temperature.

Harm and contraindications

After 2 months, pour the contents of the jars into an enamel pan and heat to 60°C, pour it into the jars again and leave the tincture for another 1 month, shaking daily. Thus, the mixture is taken for 10 days, followed by a five-day break and again taking the tincture for ten days. The second break is already 10 days. Alternating between 5 and 10 day breaks, drink the entire tincture.

The life of a modern person is fast-paced and requires an adequate response to external influences. Not many people can withstand the frantic pace of life and often experience anxiety and stress.

Moreover, nature has generously endowed us with its medicinal herbs, which are indispensable helpers in stressful situations. Peony. People gave it a beautiful name - Maryin root. It is no coincidence that the word “root” appears in the name.

As a rule, two tinctures of the plants listed above are mixed, for example peony and motherwort. After this, the mixture is transferred to a jar and stored in the refrigerator. A mixture of hawthorn and motherwort is a blood pressure lowering agent. Hawthorn. This is a plant for heart patients and hypertension.


The modern pace of life often exposes us to numerous stresses, resulting in neurotic disorders and accompanying insomnia. Valerian has long been known as an excellent sedative, but in combination with some other plants it produces an even stronger effect. You can perfectly help yourself in a stressful situation with the help of a simple calming complex, which contains only natural ingredients - peony, hawthorn, motherwort, valerian, corvalol. The last ingredient added to this mixture very well complements and enhances the sedative properties of the plants.

This soothing mixture is easy to prepare at home, stores well and copes well with the ailments of a weakened nervous system. Each medicinal plant in its composition has its own sedative qualities, and their combination provides an unsurpassed effect of relaxation, tranquility and healthy sleep.

Characteristics of components

  • Peony evasive, popularly called marina root, is a natural antidepressant that really helps the body with increased irritability, despondency, despondency and depression, loss of physical and mental strength, and insomnia. Peony root is used to make medicines.
  • Hawthorn is known for its ability to relax blood vessels, lower blood pressure, reduce excitability and at the same time increase contractions of the heart muscle, and prevent tachycardia. Not only the fruits, but also the flowers of the plant have medicinal properties. Recipes always indicate which part of the plant should be used to prepare the desired preparation.
  • Motherwort does not exhibit a pronounced hypnotic effect. However, it deepens physiological sleep and facilitates its onset. It works especially well for mild sleep disorders. Herbal preparations reduce irritability and increased emotional excitability without causing addiction or mental dependence.
  • Valerian is a legendary natural sleeping pill, proven over thousands of years. It relaxes, makes it easier to fall asleep, improves the quality of sleep, ensuring the correct alternation and normal duration of its phases. The healing properties of valerian root are pronounced. Preparations made from it are used for increased excitability, spasms of smooth muscles, neuroses, neurotic palpitations, psychophysical disorders, fatigue, and heart disease. There is hardly a person who has not at least once used valerian, a tablet form of the medicine, to relieve stress.
  • Corvalol is a sedative drug that affects the central nervous system and has antispasmodic properties. Neurosis, insomnia, tachycardia, increased irritability, spasm of the coronary vessels - this is an incomplete list of indications for taking Corvalol.

Together, these natural medicinal products provide an amazing calming effect: they relieve nervous tension, stress, anxiety, irritability, vasospasm, intestines, and help you fall asleep quickly and easily. Awakening is not accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and fatigue, characteristic of many traditional drugs of this type.

Combination options

  • Paired complexes of peony-motherwort, peony-valerian, motherwort-valerian, and motherwort-hawthorn are often used. An alcohol tincture of each plant is taken at a 1:1 ratio. But here we must take into account that motherwort can lower blood pressure, hawthorn is prohibited in case of low heart rate (bradycardia), and peony at excessive doses can have an stimulating effect instead of relaxation. Therefore, follow the recommended dosage and frequency of administration. Usually 15–20 drops are prescribed for one dose, of which 3 are taken per day. Wash down with water.
  • Taking motherwort hawthorn reduces blood pressure well. If there are no problems with the pulse, but arrhythmia, heart failure, coronary heart disease, problems with the endocrine system or menopausal syndrome occur, you can take hawthorn-Corvalol (10 drops of each) with a small amount of water instead of motherwort.
  • Valerian tincture with the addition of Corvalol has a much stronger effect on the nervous and cardiac systems, relieving nervous tension and improving coronary circulation. Valerian and Corvalol are combined at a ratio of 20:10 (in drops).
  • A mixture of peony-motherwort-valerian tinctures is prepared at a ratio of 0.5:1:1 (in parts). Take 10–30 drops in water three times a day.
  • Morozov's soothing drops are made from Corvalol, tinctures of valerian, hawthorn, and motherwort. The ratio of tinctures is 2:1:2 (in parts), and Corvalol - 10 drops. They differ from pharmacy ones only in the absence of diphenhydramine in the composition. A mixture of valerian, hawthorn, motherwort, and corvalol has a powerful relaxing effect on the entire body.
  • Valerian, motherwort and Corvalol will relieve stress, spasms of the stomach and intestines that arise from nervousness, heart pain, and neurotic palpitations. Corvalol, valerian, motherwort are an effective remedy for arrhythmia and cardiac neurosis.
  • Two more ways to combine medicines are peony, motherwort, valerian, Corvalol and valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, Corvalol (1:1:1:1).

Valerian as part of the complexes exhibits a hypnotic, calming effect, having a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. This is the best medicinal plant, which has virtually no contraindications or side effects when used correctly. Proof of this is the centuries-old experience of using valerian and the official recognition of its medicinal qualities by doctors around the world.

A mixture of components relieves intestinal spasms caused by stress

If it is impossible to use alcoholic tinctures, they can be replaced by a decoction of each herb, but it is suitable for use only for a day, so it is prepared daily. The ratio of components is taken the same. A mixture of decoctions acts similarly to a complex of alcohol tinctures, only a little slower.

A folk remedy for hypertension will also help you with high blood pressure, neuroses, arrhythmias, improves cerebral circulation, has an anticonvulsant effect, with venous stagnation, and with tachycardia.

You need to buy 5 tinctures at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself:

  1. peony (100 ml),
  2. valerian (100 ml),
  3. motherwort (100 ml each),
  4. eucalyptus (100 ml),
  5. mint (25 ml).

Pour all the tinctures into a glass jar or bottle. Add 10 cloves there. It is good to close the lid or stopper and leave to infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place. Do not shake!

Take 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day, 15-20 minutes before meals, with clean water. After a month of taking it, take a 10-day break.

The medicine has long been tested both on myself and on my loved ones and friends. Some even stopped reacting to changes in weather and temperature, their blood pressure returned to normal, and they got rid of insomnia.

Medicinal properties of tinctures for hypertension:

1. Peony tincture

Pharmachologic effect:
Has a calming effect on the central nervous system.

Indications for use:

Peony tincture is used for neuroses - functional disorders of the nervous system. Peony tincture is especially effective for neuroses that are accompanied by anxiety, fears, including the fear of becoming seriously and incurably ill. A beneficial effect on the central nervous system and restoration of sleep leads to a significant improvement in the condition of such patients.

Peony tincture is often prescribed for vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD), a disorder of the innervation of blood vessels by the autonomic nervous system. Such changes are especially typical during menopause and certain types of menstrual irregularities. The main manifestations of VSD are sudden changes in blood pressure due to spasms and dilations of the smooth muscles of the walls of blood vessels. Peony tincture restores the normal activity of the autonomic nervous system, and blood pressure returns to normal.

2. Valerian tincture

Use the tincture for insomnia, to calm the nervous system, and for migraines. If you suffer from high blood pressure, you can use the tincture, but don't expect a significant reduction. In addition, valerian tincture has a choleretic effect, eliminates spasms of internal organs and has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, enhancing the secretion of glands. It is also prescribed for the treatment and prevention of early stages of angina pectoris. For certain liver disorders and stomach cramps. Sometimes it is recommended to use valerian tincture in combination with other cardiac, antispasmodic and sedative drugs.

3. Motherwort tincture

Indications for use. Increased nervous excitability. Hysteria, insomnia, cardiovascular neuroses, epilepsy, stage 1 hypertension.

Motherwort tincture is a herbal medicine that has a pronounced sedative and anticonvulsant effect. In addition, it has a diuretic and cardiotonic effect. The drug enhances heart function, lengthens and deepens sleep, and calms the central nervous system.

The presence of bradycardia or arterial hypotension is a contraindication to taking medications that contain motherwort.

4. Eucalyptus tincture

The herbal product has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and sedative effect.

Eucalyptus tincture is used for inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity, as well as for sleep disorders and mild forms of neuroses and neurasthenic disorders.

5. Peppermint tincture

A mixture of soothing tinctures. Why is it useful?

Several years ago, a doctor prescribed me such a sedative mixture when my heart began to play havoc. The week of taking it had a pretty positive effect.

A mixture of tinctures of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn and peony with the addition of Corvalol has excellent calming properties, helps with insomnia, stress, relieves nervous excitement, irritability, regulates vascular tone, lowers blood pressure, improves cerebral circulation, prevents the formation of blood clots, useful after heart attacks and strokes , with hypertensive crisis, with tachycardia.

This benefit is due to the fact that the mixture contains tinctures of beneficial herbs, which in themselves have a good calming effect, and together their properties are enhanced.

Let's look at them briefly.

Valerian. This plant has been used for medicinal purposes since the 1st century BC. At that time, valerian was used as a diuretic and against suffocation. Already in the Middle Ages, valerian became a popular remedy for calming the nervous system.

Nowadays, it has been experimentally proven that valerian relaxes smooth muscle spasms and reduces excitability. That is why it is so actively used as a sedative for severe experiences, stress, nervous excitement, insomnia and epilepsy.

Hawthorn. It is useful primarily for the heart, as it dilates the coronary vessels, as well as the vessels of the brain, normalizes the rhythm of the heart, increases its supply of oxygen, eliminates various unpleasant sensations in the heart area, reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood and the excitability of the nervous system, and improves metabolism.

Hawthorn is also used for shortness of breath, dizziness, insomnia, and is also useful for women in menopause.

Peony. Peony preparations are also an excellent sedative, and also have an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, analgesic and tonic effect.

In Chinese and Tibetan medicine, peony is used to treat nervous and cold diseases, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, metabolic disorders and even tumors.

Motherwort. Motherwort preparations are very similar in their effect to valerian preparations and even surpass it.

Motherwort herb enhances the calming, anti-inflammatory effect of the other components of our mixture. It lowers blood pressure, regulates housing and communal services, and is useful for cardiovascular neuroses, heart defects, neuralgia, and cough.

Corvalol. Corvalol has an additional sedative effect. It relieves spasms and is indicated for neuroses, insomnia, tachycardia, and increased excitability.

How to take a mixture of tinctures of valerian motherwort peony hawthorn

All of these listed tinctures are sold in pharmacies, they are always in stock and cost a penny.

Usually the volume in bottles with tinctures is the same, and we need to take them equally.

We pour the tinctures of valerian, motherwort, peony, and hawthorn into one jar, and add Corvalol there. Close the lid tightly and our medicinal soothing mixture is ready. This cocktail is medicinal.

It should be stored in a dark place at room temperature.

I usually pour part of the mixture into a Corvalol bottle with a dosed cap, it’s more convenient to use.

How to drink a mixture of tinctures of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peony and Corvalol?

You need to take a mixture of tinctures, 30 drops dissolved in 50 ml (one quarter glass) of water. It is not advisable to eat within half an hour after taking it.

The number of doses per day depends on your condition. Sometimes one dose in the morning or only in the evening before bed is enough.

I drink in the morning and evening, since it’s not very convenient to do this during the day at work.

The duration of use is from one to two weeks (just one bottle of Corvalol taken twice a day is enough for two weeks) to a month.

In principle, there are no time limits, only to avoid addiction, you should take a week’s break after a month of use and take into account contraindications.

A mixture of soothing tinctures. Contraindications

Since sedative tinctures containing alcohol are used, it is natural that they are contraindicated for people with alcohol addiction, children, pregnant and lactating women.

People whose profession requires special attention should use it with caution, as the mixture of tinctures has a strong sedative effect.

And as you probably noticed, since hawthorn and motherwort can lower blood pressure with long-term use, these tinctures are undesirable, or at least they cannot be used for a long time and regularly by people with low blood pressure.

Do you know how to measure blood pressure without a tonometer? I invite you to read it!

And also about how you can cure hypertension by changing your lifestyle and diet.

The mixture is not indicated for badicardia.

Naturally, moderation must be observed, as everywhere and in everything. If the mixture of tinctures is consumed excessively, the reaction may be the opposite: instead of calming, excessive agitation will appear.

In addition, you need to take into account that there may be individual intolerance or allergy to certain components. Therefore, if you have never used any of them before, it would be good to test them separately and in pairs first.


If you intend to make a sedative tincture yourself, pay attention to these recipes:

Recipe 1.

Tincture of five herbs in alcohol or vodka. Take 1 tbsp. hawthorn fruits, peppermint herbs, motherwort, crushed peony and valerian roots - put them in a liter jar, pour the mixture of herbs with 500 ml of alcohol or vodka.

Leave for 1 month, then strain and take in the same way as a tincture from pharmaceutical preparations.

Recipe 2.

For those for whom alcohol is contraindicated, you can make an infusion of five herbs in water. Water infusions have a much shorter shelf life than alcohol infusions, so the medicine will have to be taken frequently.

Boil 500 ml of water, put 1 tbsp into boiling water. hawthorn fruit and boil it for 5 minutes. Then add 1 tbsp to the broth. valerian and peony roots, peppermint herb and motherwort. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.

After 2-3 hours, the herbal tincture will be ready; you will need to strain it and drink 30-50 ml three times a day. The last dose of medication is before bedtime. Store the tincture in the refrigerator for no more than two days, then make it fresh.

Recipe 3.

A soothing tincture can also be made from other herbs. In the morning, take 5-6 hop cones and 1 tsp. valerian roots, brew them with boiling water in a glass of water. When the infusion has cooled, you can drink it 2-3 sips several times during the day, the last dose at night.

The next day you will need to make a new infusion - the course of treatment should last 1 month, then you will need to take a break.

An infusion with valerian and hops will calm the nerves, normalize sleep, and reduce blood pressure. In addition, hops, which have a diuretic and choleretic effect, will cleanse your body of toxins and waste. The advantage of medicinal herbs over synthetic drugs is that at the same time they cleanse the body, saturate it with useful vitamins and minerals, and relieve other diseases.

Recipe 4.

Soothing tincture of angelica root, valerian root, mint herb, chamomile and heather. Take 1 tsp. each raw material. Pour 500 ml of boiling water and let it brew. Then strain and drink 50 ml three times a day, regardless of meals.


It is necessary to take breaks during treatment with any drugs; it is important to observe the dosage and take into account the contraindications that plants with a sedative effect have.

Many of them are contraindicated for people suffering from hypotension, pregnant and lactating women, and young children.

For example, valerian can cause exacerbation of enterocolitis. Motherwort reduces blood pressure and can cause associated headaches; peony is generally a slightly poisonous plant, and this must be taken into account when consuming. An overdose of angelica can lead to paralysis of the nervous system.

Hops can negatively affect the functioning of the endocrine system; mint is safe, but it should not be taken without interruption. Chamomile, when used for a long time, “sterilizes” the intestines, destroying all beneficial microflora.

In addition, a person may develop an allergy or individual intolerance to each of the herbs listed in the material.

Video addition:

Attempts to calm frayed nerves or restore restful sleep by taking valerian or motherwort tincture are most often doomed to failure. The most popular sedatives - tinctures of hawthorn, valerian, motherwort and peony individually also affect the nervous system and other organs, but are not able to solve all the problems of a person facing nervous strain or prolonged stress. If you experience a constant feeling of fatigue, irritation, problems with sleep and appetite, and strong emotional arousal causes interruptions in the functioning of the heart or digestive disorders, it is worth trying a complex remedy - tincture of hawthorn, valerian, motherwort and peony “in one bottle”.

Tincture of hawthorn, valerian, motherwort and peony - what are its advantages and how it works

Each component included in such a tincture has its own effect, but together they strengthen and complement each other, simultaneously affecting all the “weak points” in the human body, with a weakened nervous system.

Hawthorn– a plant – a healer, hawthorn preparations strengthen the heart muscle, improve blood circulation in the myocardium and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, reducing the risk of developing coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction. In addition, hawthorn has a mild sedative effect, it strengthens the nervous system, improves immunity and acts as a general tonic. Hawthorn in the tincture helps reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, strengthens the immune system and increases the vitality and mood of the patient.

Valerian– an excellent sedative, its effect manifests itself gradually, due to the accumulation of the substance in the body. Valerine reduces reflex excitability of the nervous system, has a slight antispasmodic effect and has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, slowing the heartbeat and improving cardiac conduction. Taking valerian does not give a quick effect; the cat root contained in the tincture is a drug of “remote” action; after 1-2 weeks of taking it, the patient’s nervous system will stop reacting so strongly to any irritants, sleep and appetite will improve, and the heart and stomach will stop responding to stressful situations.

Motherwort– the main “sedative” component of this tincture. It has a rapid inhibitory effect on the brain, reducing its ability to respond to any stimuli. Motherwort preparations have another remarkable property - they are able to influence the autonomic nervous system, relieving vascular spasm and improving blood circulation in internal organs. It is thanks to motherwort that when taking the tincture, the patient feels relief and calm in the first days of treatment - his irritability decreases, sleep and general well-being improve.

Peony evasive– a plant that can restore the joy of life and good mood to anyone. Peony tincture not only affects the human nervous system, reducing emotional excitability, but also increases the production of endorphins - “hormones of joy”, normalizes mood, restores strength and desire to work and live on, and also strengthens overall health.

Thanks to the complex effect on the nervous system and the body as a whole, tincture of hawthorn, valerian, motherwort, and peony turns out to be several times more effective than each drug individually. Sometimes corvalol is added to herbal preparations to enhance the sedative and cardiotonic effect.

Festive video recipe:

For what diseases is the tincture taken?

This tincture can be taken for chronic stress disorder, constant irritation, hysteria, increased emotional excitability, nervous tension, chronic fatigue and depression, sleep and appetite disorders, cerebrovascular accidents, migraines, high blood pressure and other similar conditions.

How to prepare and take the tincture

The easiest way to prepare this tincture is to buy alcohol tinctures of each drug separately at the pharmacy and mix them. To do this, you need a dark glass container, into which 20-25 ml of each tincture is poured in turn and, if desired, another 15 ml of Corvalol is added, mixed thoroughly and left for several hours.

You can prepare such a tincture yourself; for this you need fresh or dried hawthorn flowers, valerian roots, motherwort leaves, peony rhizomes and 70% pure alcohol. All herbal preparations are taken in equal quantities, crushed and filled with 70% alcohol, at the rate of 1 part of the plant mass and 5 parts of alcohol. Then it is left in a dark, cold place for 2-3 weeks and then used for treatment according to the above scheme.


Alcohol tincture should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as by patients suffering from peptic ulcers or alcohol dependence.

Nowadays life is complex, full of information avalanche and emotional overload. In the village everything is calm and people only know about stress from TV shows. The “nerves” syndrome is so widespread that every person accumulates these tensions, which then certainly develop into diseases. The mind and body are inextricably linked, it is important to understand this.

In terms of money, it will be inexpensive; every pensioner can assemble all the components for himself. Well, even more so for a working person; by the way, pensioners are less likely to have to deal with neuroses and stress. Therefore, the calming cocktail is primarily intended for middle-aged people who are overworked and nervous. This recipe is also useful for the elderly - it normalizes blood pressure and heart function.

Calming cocktail VKPB

Compound: Valerian tincture, Corvalol, Motherwort tincture, Hawthorn tincture - all 30 ml (regular pharmacy bottle). In general, you can take any containers, the main thing is equally.

Preparation: Pour the contents of all bottles into one container, mix and store in the refrigerator. Use as needed, the infusion is stored for a long time and can be used without fear.

Application: Drink a sedative 1 teaspoon per 50 ml of water. Indications for use: stress, neurosis, insomnia, increased irritability, etc. It really helps when you need to be calmer and reboot, look at the situation sensibly, without nerves.

Note: It is recommended to drink the tincture in the evening, before going to bed. If you are at work, then your entire next day you will be very calm, your concentration will decrease, and it is better not to drive, as your reaction will be reduced.

Our village therapist, a woman with 30 years of work experience, says that the medicine is indicated for all adults, without side effects. And you can vary the dosage from a teaspoon or less if it is too soothing. Select the dose for yourself by diluting it in warm water before bedtime.

The life of a modern person is fast-paced and requires an adequate response to external influences. Not many people can withstand the frantic pace of life and often experience anxiety and stress. In such cases, everyone can help themselves find peace of mind and get out of the state of internal imbalance. Moreover, nature has generously endowed us with its medicinal herbs, which are indispensable helpers in stressful situations. These are peony, hawthorn, motherwort and valerian. Alcohol tinctures of these herbs are used both separately and in combination with each other.

Characteristics of components

Let's consider the characteristics of the tinctures of each plant separately:

  • Valerian. This is a sleeping pill that has been known for a long time. Valerian wonderfully relaxes the body, promotes easy sleep, relieves fatigue and heart spasms. Valerian tincture is widely used. Even the smell of the plant's root has a calming effect.
  • Peony. People gave it a beautiful name - Maryin root. It is no coincidence that the word “root” appears in the name. It is the underground part of the plant that is used in medicine. Peony is an antidepressant plant. This has already said a lot. Maryin root will help cope with depression and bad mood, the accompanying insomnia, and will give strength both mental and physical.
  • Hawthorn. This is a plant for heart patients and hypertension. It strengthens the heart muscle and prevents the occurrence of tachycardia, lowers blood pressure, and calms. In general, it relieves all those negative manifestations that appear against the background of increased irritability and nervousness. Plus, hawthorn fruits taste very pleasant. Medicine uses both the fruits and inflorescences of the plant for collection.
  • Motherwort. It is good because it does not cause drowsiness, but simply facilitates the process of sleep onset. It is not addictive. In addition, it enhances the calming effects of valerian.

The connecting link in this medicinal chain is Corvalol. A drug known for its sedative and antispasmodic properties. It is used to relieve anxiety, rapid heartbeat, sleep disorders, and irritability.


The advantages of the medicine, which is obtained by mixing tinctures of the above plants:

  • The most important thing is that the drug has a complex effect on the human body. The medicine will simultaneously relieve nervous excitement, improve heart function, and help normalize sleep, i.e. has a wide range of effects.
  • Each component has its own strengths. Valerian has a calming effect on the central nervous system, motherwort has a fight against insomnia, and hawthorn has a strengthening effect on the heart.
  • It is not difficult to prepare a healing elixir at home. Tinctures can be purchased at any pharmacy. They are also inexpensive, and the result is a fairly effective product.
  • An alcohol tincture has a much faster effect on the body than a decoction or infusion.
  • The components of the mix tincture are safe for the human body.

Harm and contraindications

  • Individual intolerance to the components of tinctures. If you don't know whether they will cause an allergic reaction, test each one individually. Those. drink a few drops of each tincture separately. This way you can determine whether the body tolerates valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peony, and Corvalol. If an allergy nevertheless manifests itself, then simply remove this tincture from the proposed mix.
  • The tincture has a sedative effect. Therefore, concentration is out of the question. If work requires its presence, then the mixture of tinctures can be consumed only before bed.
  • When using sedatives, you should not drive vehicles or operate complex machinery.
  • Pregnancy and lactation (due to the presence of alcohol in the composition).
  • Children's age – up to 12 years.
  • Alcohol addiction.

Combination options

  • As a rule, two tinctures of the plants listed above are mixed, for example peony and motherwort. You can mix peony with valerian, valerian with motherwort, motherwort with hawthorn. No special skill is needed, just mix these alcohol tinctures in a 1:1 ratio. This medicinal cocktail is taken three times a day, 15-20 drops. He washes it down with plain water. Pay attention to the characteristics of your body. If you have low blood pressure or bradycardia, then the combination of these tinctures is contraindicated for you. It is also important to maintain the correct proportions when mixing components. In no case should you add peony tinctures in larger quantities than required. This may have the opposite effect and instead of a sedative you will get an aphrodisiac.
  • A mixture of hawthorn and motherwort is a blood pressure lowering agent.
  • For rapid heartbeat (arrhythmia), coronary artery disease, heart failure, menopause, and problems with the endocrine system, it is recommended to use a mixture of hawthorn and Corvalol tinctures. Take 10 drops of each product with water.
  • Tincture of valerian and Corvalol will help relieve nervous tension and have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. For 20 drops of valerian take 10 corvalol.
  • Another sedative is a mixture of tinctures of peony, motherwort and valerian. When mixing, adhere to the following proportions: 1:2:2 (not drops, but parts). This composition is taken three times a day from 10 to 30 drops.
  • By mixing 2 parts of valerian tincture, the same amount of motherwort, 1 part of hawthorn tincture, 10 drops of Corvalol, you will get a sedative, which is called Morozov drops. A distinctive feature of this composition is the absence of diphenhydramine, which is present in the medical product. Overall, this mixture will wonderfully relax the body.
  • Very often, stress negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, causing spasms. A mixture of tinctures of valerian and motherwort with the addition of Corvalol will relieve them and accompanying heart disorders and arrhythmias.
  • You can combine tinctures from peony, valerian, motherwort, and corvalol. All components are taken one part at a time. And another mix of tinctures of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn and Corvalol. The proportions are the same.

The healing mixture should be stored in the refrigerator.

For the elderly

In old age and in the presence of concomitant disorders (high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, venous congestion), it is recommended to mix tinctures of the following plants: peony, valerian, motherwort, mint, hawthorn, eucalyptus. All this is mixed in one bottle, 10 buds of cloves are added and placed in a dark place for two weeks. This medicine is used for a month three times a day, a quarter of an hour before meals. Dosage – 1 teaspoon.

Mint gives the mixture a pleasant taste, while exhibiting analgesic and choleretic properties. Peony will be able to normalize a weakened nervous system and have a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels. Eucalyptus is a powerful antiseptic and will prevent the development of an inflammatory process.