Dr. Hammer problems with blood vessels. New medicine and a systematic approach to the study of emotional and mental causes of illness. What use is all this knowledge to us?

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Famous German oncologist, Dr. Ryke Hamer(Ryke Geerd Hamer), fell ill with cancer in the late 70s. The disease developed shortly after the death of his son.

Thinking as a professional oncologist, Hamer came to the conclusion that there was a direct correlation between the stress of his son's death and the development of the disease.

He later analyzed brain scan samples from his patients and compared them with corresponding medical-psychological records. To his surprise, he discovered a clear connection between shock (stress), blackouts in various areas of the brain damaged by a specific type of shock and the corresponding organ where cancer developed, depending on the type of psychological trauma.

Shock or strikes completely instinctively on the human body, automatically involving deep biological mechanisms; moreover, evolution specifically created these mechanisms to adapt to difficult circumstances.

For example, a woman's mammary glands immediately begin to malignize (produce malignant cells) when her baby is injured, increasing milk production in order to protect the baby. In the case of refugees, due to fear and the risk of dehydration, bladder cells begin to malign.

Based on more than 40,000 case reports over many years, he developed a theory that the basis of each disease is a certain type of injury.

Ryck Hamer formalized his views within the framework of a holistic worldview (philosophical and medical ideas that connect all phenomena in nature, including processes in the body, into a single whole) in a system of views called “New German Medicine.”

From his own experience with the death of his son and subsequent illness, and the experience of others, Reik derived the concept of a syndrome that causes cancer. This is not even stress, but severe mental trauma. In 15,000 case histories, he was able to document the relationship between this initial syndrome and the subsequent development of the disease.

He named it DIRK HAMER SYNDROME (DHS), after his son Dirk, whose tragic death in 1978 caused his illness. The experience of thousands of stories helped Raik formulate the so-called Iron Law of Cancer, which, in his opinion, nothing can resist. Every cancer begins with DHS, which is expressed in an extremely brutal form of shock, the most dramatic and acute conflict that has ever happened to a person, experienced by him alone.

What is essential is the type of conflict or mental trauma expressed at the time of DHS in its characteristics, defined as follows:

Hamer's focus is a specific area of ​​the brain that, under the influence of mental trauma, suffers from serious disorders and, as a result, induces the proliferation (reproduction) of carcinogenic cells in the organ associated with this area of ​​the brain.

Localization of cancer in a specific place. There is a direct connection between the evolution of conflict and the development of cancer on two levels: brain and organic.

The second and third conflicts with DHS may be related to the first conflict. For example, a diagnosis of cancer can cause a sudden fear of death, which will be reflected in round spots in the lungs, or self-deprecation followed by cancer in the bones: according to Hamer's theory, these are not metastases, but new tumors caused by new locations of Hamer's focus, formed under the influence of new mental traumas .

At the moment when the conflict is safely resolved, the polarity inversion occurs and the brain disturbances are corrected, forming a certain edematous area, while the anarchically multiplying cells, due to the incorrect coding of the brain computer, are no longer innervated by this incorrect coding, and tumor growth stops . The reverse reversal process is accompanied by swelling in the tumor area, ascites (fluid accumulation), and pain.

Obeying the restructured nerve signals, the body begins a long phase of restructuring with the formation of edematous areas in all problem parts of the body, returning to normal sleep and appetite, although weakness and fatigue, typical of vagotonia (disorders of the autonomic nervous system), can lead to incorrect diagnosis.

During the recovery period, various types of cerebral complications may occur, depending on the duration of conflict resolution and the location of Hamer's focus. During the period of swelling, you should completely avoid alcohol, cortisone drugs, diuretics, and coffee. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used, and sometimes ice is applied to the neck or forehead. During this period, you should limit your fluid intake.

Until today, doctors have observed an unwritten law that patients should not suffer. The symptom of pain immediately preceding death, considered the worst and most terrible, in this healing process seems unbearable for four to six weeks, stopping spontaneously after two to three months. It is important to realize that the pain syndrome is purely individual for each patient, and if a person understands that this is an intermediate part of the disease, then one can refrain from taking medications, psychologically strengthening oneself in thoughts about the light at the end of the tunnel.

Hamer considers the use of morphine one of the most terrible principles in modern medicine in the treatment of cancer. Even in relatively early stages of the disease and relatively little pain, the use of a single dose of morphine, or similar drugs, can be fatal.

According to New German Medicine, the body goes through several stages during illness.

After the initial initiation of DHS, a period begins in the conflict-active phase of the disease (CA-Conflict Active phase). This phase is associated with sleep disturbances, appetite disorders, and various autonomic disorders leading to many diseases. The CA phase, due to unresolved conflict, can last for years, eventually destroying the organism in one way or another.

Hamer called the conflict resolution stage CL (Conflictolysis). Here the CA phase ends and the recovery period begins. The phase starting with CL is a period of complete tissue restoration of all organs.

Hamer called this stage PCL (Post Conflicolytic phase).

During this period, the body carefully gets rid of useless cancer cells or cells necrotic as a result of peptic ulcer disease (Hamer’s theory considers many diseases in addition to cancer in its plane).

This general cleaning occurs thanks to microbes. During PCL, microbes attack us, leading to infections, while actually acting symbiotically, ridding the body of unnecessary junk. What conventional medicine calls infectious diseases, Hamer called the “Epileptic Crisis.”

According to Hamer's theory, cleaning microbes cannot operate in an organ that receives incorrect encoding of brain signals, since stress prevents them from entering the tissue.

Returning to the above, one dose of morphine during the EC phase can be fatal, since, according to Hamer's theory, this dose changes the functioning of the brain, paralyzes the intestines and completely disrupts the restorative functions within the body. A person, plunging into a lethargic state, does not realize the deadly effect of morphine just at a time when he was on the way to recovery. Second period pain is actually a very good sign of the recovery process, but modern medicine does not realize this.

It is likely that two-thirds of DHS-initiated cancers were arrested before they were suspected and diagnosed due to prior conflict resolution. The only danger in these cases may be misdiagnosis associated with the interpretation of encapsulated cancer. When diagnosed with DHS cancer, the trauma of panic can cause spots in the lungs. Thus, the patient, who had a chance to avoid the disease, is thrown back into the cycle of general therapy.

Acute leukemia is also a result of DHS injury.

CT scan shows DHS brain injuries as spots with concentric circles. Radiologists may misinterpret the results as brain metastases, meaning, according to Hamer, that a huge number of people have undergone completely unnecessary surgeries with incorrect diagnoses of brain tumors.

Hamer attaches great importance to physiotherapy in the process of resolving a conflict situation. On the other hand, toxins and drugs act destructively, interfering with conflict resolution.

The paradox of the “New German Medicine” lies in the acceptance of the fact that the mechanism of malignancy as a result of shock at a certain stage is even beneficial for the body, but radio and chemotherapy enhance this process, interfering with the resolution of the conflict situation and the restoration of the body.


Professor and doctor of medicine Rijk Hamer worked for 15 years in conventional medicine, and he also devoted part of his time to the development of specialized medical instruments.

Following the tragic 1978 shooting death of his 19-year-old son Dirk by a mentally ill man, Ryke developed testicular cancer within a year as a result of the trauma. His wife later also developed cancer. Despite the colossal shock, he had the strength to begin the fight against his own disease and begin a critical review of all theories of the origin and development of cancer.

All the various factors of the disease, including environmental carcinogens, in his opinion, do not cause cancer, but only aggravate it. All cancer treatments, including radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and many tumor removal surgeries, according to his theory, are at the top of the list of causes that aggravate the development of cancer.


On September 9, 2004, Rijk Hamer was arrested in Spain and then extradited to France. The 70-year-old professor was sentenced to three years in prison. Formally, he was accused of conducting a private medical practice without an appropriate license, in addition, he was required to renounce the main provisions of the “German New Medicine” (someone in history has already been demanded to renounce scientific theories), was accused of causing damage to the health and death of many people treated using his method.

Numerous protests followed, including by large medical institutions and organizations. The German New Medicine method has been tested in institutions such as the Universities of Vienna (1986), Duesseldorf (1992) and Trnava / Bratislava (1998), where very convincing and impressive results were obtained. Following public pressure, Dr. Ryke Hamer was released from prison in February 2006.

Which create disease in the human body are described by the famous doctor Ryke Hamer. How did the idea of ​​New German Medicine come about?

The story of Hamer's discoveries begins with the death of his son Dirk.

Professor and medical doctor Rijk Hamer had been practicing for 25 years when his 18-year-old son Dirk was shot and killed by a mentally ill man in 1978. After this tragedy, the professor developed testicular cancer within a year. His wife later also developed cancer. Hamer logically assumed that if throughout his life his health was excellent, and after the death of his son cancer appeared, then this was the result of psychological trauma. Despite the severe shock, he had the strength to begin the fight against his own disease and explore all the theories of the origin and development of cancer available at that time.

As a professor of medicine, Hamer had access to the medical records of many cancer patients. Having examined their lives for stress, the doctor noticed that similar tragic events cause similar diseases. For example, all patients suffering from ovarian and testicular cancer experienced a tragedy or serious stress related to their children within one to three years before diagnosis.

This gave the professor the idea that the human body launches a certain program in response to a shock event.

Hamer's further research confirmed his assumption. Every disease begins with a severe shock, an acute conflict or a dramatic event that a person experiences alone. The disease, triggered by the brain, turns out to be a kind of biological defense, a program aimed at solving psychological stress.

The professor analyzed the results of brain scans of his patients and compared them with their medical histories. His discovery was that he discovered a clear connection between shock (stress), blackouts in certain areas of the brain and the corresponding organ in which cancer developed.

The dark spots in the brain noticed by Hamer were confirmed by later tomographic studies. These areas of condensation in the brain were called Hamer's lesions. When a traumatic event occurs in a person’s life, the emotions that arise in response to this event are “concentrated” in a certain area of ​​the brain.

The resulting focus affects the organ in the body corresponding to this zone, causing increased or decreased tone of muscles and blood vessels. A certain “closed circuit” arises - the brain influences the organ, the organ sends a signal to the brain. The system maintains itself.

The event that occurs completely changes life, the reaction of the brain and organ already exists. This maintains the disease.

Based on many case histories, many years of research, as well as the work of his colleagues who were engaged in similar research around the same time, Dr. Hamer developed a theory according to which the basis of each disease is a certain type of psychological trauma. He developed a table of the relationship between shock events, activation of brain areas and diseases, which can be used to accurately determine the cause of a particular disease.

Considering that GNM was based not only on his personal experience and research, but on the work of German, French, Belgian, and Dutch doctors, Hamer called the theory "New German Medicine", similar to Chinese or Indian.

GNM is primarily not so much a treatment as a system of prevention. All of which launch the appropriate biological program to solve stress. The GNM system allows us to identify shock, the cause of the disease and the body’s reaction. If the cause of the disease is known, then eliminating this cause relieves stress and starts the body's self-healing process.

Eliminating the cause of stress can be either real or objective - changing conditions, changing behavior, making a decision. So is subjective - a change in attitude towards stress, a situation, a memory. Processing can be a subjective process - a series of conscious work with the processor, as a result of which a person re-experiences and rethinks the cause that gave rise to the disease. A new perception of the source of stress gives a new experience, a person learns, his body finds a solution outside the biological program and the disease is no longer required.

The GNM does not consider all diseases described in medicine to be malfunctions of the body or disorders. , such as elevated temperature, is a healing process. Or leukemia is the recovery phase of anemia. According to Hamer's theory, people die not from diseases, but from fear and panic, as well as from treatment - poisoning with drugs, from weakening under the influence of treatment, from surgery, etc.

I don’t think you should believe the professor 100% and completely abandon medicine, as he advocates. However, it is useful not just to suppress the symptoms and swallow pills, but to figure out why the body reacted by triggering a certain disease, what shock caused such a reaction. And, having re-understood the cause of the disease, it is very possible to recover, without the participation of medicine, drugs and gross intervention. Of course, there are different diseases and some really need to be treated with the help of doctors. But many diseases go away following a change in attitude towards a traumatic situation, accumulated stress, or a solution to an existing problem.

Hamer is not the first and not the only scientist who claims that “all diseases are from nerves” (in other variations - from sins, living conditions, environment, karma, mental reactions...). But the idea that the body can repair itself if the cause of stress is removed is generally not new. Quite often we hear about happy healing, when people left their usual way of life, or parted with business (and with it stress), changed their attitude to the situation - and the disease left their body. Isn’t this a positive confirmation of the correctness of the ideas of Hamer and those who develop and continue to support GNM?

According to some sources, Dr. Hamer, using his technique, cured more than 6,000 people. Including yourself.

However, not everything is so smooth in the story of GNM.

After the publication of his theory, official medicine took up arms against Hamer. This is not surprising, since he opposed classical treatment. Reik's revolutionary theory was received with hostility by the medical world to such an extent that he was subjected to criminal prosecution.

In 2004, Rijk Hamer was arrested in Spain and then extradited to France. The 70-year-old professor was sentenced to three years in prison. Formally, he was accused of conducting a private medical practice without an appropriate license; in fact, they demanded that he renounce the main provisions of the GNM; he was accused of causing harm to the health and death of patients who were treated using his method.

History repeats itself - someone has already been forced to renounce new theories - fortunately, everything happened with Hamer without being “burned at the stake.”

After his accusation, numerous protests followed in defense of the professor and his method, including from large medical institutions and organizations. The GNM method (“German New Medicine”) has been tested in institutions such as the Universities of Vienna (1986), Duesseldorf (1992) and Trnava / Bratislava (1998), where very convincing positive results confirming the theory were obtained. Following public pressure, Dr. Ryke Hamer was released from prison in February 2006.

Currently, in many countries around the world, more and more trained followers of Dr. Hamer are appearing and parallel directions are developing based on the ideas of German New Medicine. There are more and more successful stories of recovery, more and more research, and more and more clarity about the relationship between the functioning of the brain, body and psyche, which also affects a person’s physical condition.

This is a natural evolutionary process, since the modern rhythm of life requires new ways of restoration. Diseases become more complex due to the fact that the human brain develops, which means that the number of psychological traumas increases. If previously the danger was represented by wild animals or wars, now any information can affect a person as a shock. With the acceleration of our lives, a person receives many psychobiological shocks every day, they are layered one on top of the other, the brain does not have time to process them, as a result it reacts by launching a program of vasoconstriction, compression of internal organs, strengthening or weakening of the work of the endocrine, nervous and other systems, etc. . But with the development of new diseases, the possibility of self-healing, self-prevention and ways to reduce such causes of stress and restore health also develops. And in addressing this issue, German New Medicine is a shining positive example of advanced diagnostics and the possibility of healing.

Dr. Hamer

Biological Laws of Nature reflect the principles of functioning of any biological organism. Dr. Hamer called his discoveries the “Five Biological Laws of German New Medicine” because these biological laws apply to any case of “disease” in any person, giving a completely new understanding of both the disease itself and the dynamics of its development and the natural process of healing from it.

Briefly, the 5 Biological Laws are as follows:

1st Biological Law: any “disease”, which in fact is a completely logical and important reaction of the body to an unexpected conflict event, is part of a significant Special Biological Program (SBP). This reaction to conflict in the body occurs simultaneously at three levels - in the psyche, in the brain and in the organ.

2nd Biological Law: This Special Biological Program (SBP) always has two phases, provided that the conflict has been resolved (the active phase of the conflict and the recovery phase).

3rd Biological Law: All tissues of our body react to conflict in a very specific way.

Tissues controlled from the ancient brain (stem and cerebellum) react to the conflict with tissue growth (cell proliferation, tumor growth), and after the conflict is resolved, with the degradation of these now superfluous cells (they are eaten by bacteria).

Tissues controlled from the new brain (cerebral hemispheres) react to the conflict by reducing the number of cells (necrosis, ulceration), and after resolving the conflict by restoring the cellular structure in the same place (for this, the body pumps fluid into the ulcers in order to heal the ulcers, and doctors call this tumor).

The 4th Biological Law explains the beneficial role of microbes in the body in their relation to all types of tissues of our body during the work of any Special Biological Program (SBP).

5th Biological Law (quintessence of New Medicine): every “disease” is part of a significant Special Biological Program of Nature, created to assist the body (humans, animals, plants) to successfully resolve a biological conflict.

“All so-called “diseases” have a special biological significance. Many of us are accustomed to attributing to Mother Nature the ability to make mistakes and have the audacity to claim that she constantly makes these mistakes and is herself the cause of failures (malignant, meaningless degenerative cancerous growths and other “mistakes” ).

Now the blinders have fallen from our eyes, and we are able to see that only our pride and ignorance represent the only stupidity that ever was and is in this world.

Blinded by our own ignorance, we previously imposed this senseless, soulless and cruel medicine on ourselves. Filled with surprise, we are finally able to understand that Nature contains order, and that every phenomenon in nature is full of meaning in the context of the whole picture, and that what we call diseases are not meaningless ordeals that are used by apprentice sorcerers. We see that nothing is meaningless, malignant or diseased."

Dr. Hamer,

discoverer of the Biological Laws of Nature,

creator of New Medicine.

Dr. Hamer called his discovery German New Medicine, or GNM.
GNM has 5 biological laws:

1st Biological Law - Iron Rule of Cancer - IRC
Dr. Hamer discovered this law in connection with cancer and called it IRC because he thought he had discovered the cause of cancer. He later discovered that this law describes the causes of all other diseases, even multiple sclerosis, diabetes, paralysis, etc.

The IRC says that every cancer or other disease is caused by a severe, dramatic and isolated conflict perceived at all three levels of a person: psyche, brain and organ. In this case, a significant special biological program of nature (SBP) is launched, aimed at the survival of the organism (or group).

2nd biological law - two-phase course of each SBP for any disease
Each SBP has two phases if the original conflict is resolved. The first stage is called the conflict activity phase, which occurs after a “biological strike” or Dirk Hamer Syndrome (DHS). The second stage is called the “recovery phase”, which occurs when the biological conflict has been resolved.

3rd biological law - Ontogenetic system of tumors and cancer-equivalent diseases.
It states that the symptoms of any cancer or disease in both phases of SBP depend on the tissues of which germinal layer the corresponding organ is composed of.

For example, all organs (or parts thereof) consisting of tissues of the endodermal germ layer give rise to tumor growth in the active phase, and degradation (decomposition) of the tumor in the recovery phase. Dr. Hamer is especially proud of this 3rd biological law, because he discovered the connection between the content of conflicts and the symptoms that accompany it.

4th biological law - Ontogenetic system of microbes.
This law states that the type of microbes that are active (work) in the recovery phase also depends on the tissues of which germinal layer a particular organ consists of. Surprisingly, it is microbes that help us cope with cancer or other diseases! They are our little helpers and they do not cause illness!

5th Biological Law - Quintessence
This law is truly the most significant of all biological laws. Cancer or other bodily (or even mental) manifestation is not a “disease”, but a significant Biological Program of Nature (SBP) - in German Sinnvolles Biologisches Sonderprogramm der Natur, abbreviated SBS.
A shock event has occurred and the body attempts to resolve the biological conflict through “disease” or cancer (proliferation of organ cells).

This turns our conventional understanding of disease on its head. Cancer always has a reason! And it is inside a person, not outside!

Caroline Markolin

New German Medicine

New German Medicine(HNM) is based on medical discoveries made Dr. med. Ryck Gerd Hamer. In the early 80's Dr. Hamer discovered five biological laws, explaining the causes, development, and process of natural healing from diseases based on universal biological principles.

According to these biological laws, diseases are not, as previously believed, the result of dysfunctions or malignant processes in the body, but rather “important special biological programs of nature” (SBP), created by her to provide assistance to an individual during periods of emotional and psychological distress.

All medical theories, official or “alternative”, past or present, are based on the idea of ​​diseases as “dysfunctions” of the body. Dr. Hamer's discoveries show that there is nothing “sick” in Nature, but everything is always filled with deep biological meaning.

The five biological laws on which this truly “New Medicine” is built find a solid foundation in the natural sciences, and at the same time they are in complete harmony with the spiritual laws. Thanks to this truth The Spaniards call NNM “La Medicina Sagrada” - Sacred Medicine.

Five biological laws

First biological law

First criterion

Each SPB (Important Special Biological Program) is activated in response to DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome), which is an extremely acute unexpected isolated conflict shock, unfolding simultaneously in the PSYCHE and BRAIN, and reflected in the corresponding ORGAN of the body.

In the language of CNM, “conflict shock” or CSH describes a situation that leads to acute distress - a situation that we could not foresee and for which we find ourselves unprepared. Such DHS may be caused, for example, by unexpected care or loss of a loved one, an unexpected outburst of anger or severe anxiety, or an unexpectedly poor diagnosis with a negative prognosis. SDH differs from ordinary psychological “problems” and habitual daily stress in that an unexpected conflict shock involves not only the psyche, but also the brain and organs of the body.

From a biological point of view, "surprise" suggests that unpreparedness for a situation can lead to harm for the individual taken by surprise. In order to assist the individual in such an unforeseen crisis situation, the Important Special Biological Program, designed just for this type of situation.

Since these ancient, meaningful survival programs are inherited by all living organisms, including humans, HNM speaks of them in terms biological, not psychological conflicts.

Animals experience these conflicts literally as such, when they, for example, lose their nest or territory, find themselves separated from their mate or offspring, are attacked or threatened with starvation or death.

Grief at the loss of your mate

Because we humans are able to interact with the world in both literal and symbolic ways, we can experience these conflicts in a figurative sense as well. For example, “conflict due to loss of territory” can be experienced by us when we lose a home or job, “conflict due to an attack” - when receiving an offensive remark, “conflict due to abandonment” - when isolated from other people or excluded from one’s own life. groups, and “conflict due to fear of death” - when receiving a bad diagnosis, perceived as a death sentence.

Attention: poor quality nutrition, poisoning and wounds can lead to organ dysfunction(s) even without SDH!

This is what's happening in the psyche, brain and corresponding organ at the time of manifestation of SDH:

At the mental level: the individual experiences emotional and mental distress.

At the brain level: at the moment of manifestation of SDH, conflict shock affects a specifically predetermined area of ​​the brain. The effects of shock can be seen in the CT scan as a set clearly visible concentric circles. In NNM these circles are called Hamer foci - NN(from German H amersche H erde). The term was originally coined by Dr. Hamer's opponents, who derisively called these formations "Hamer's dubious tricks."

Before Dr. Hamer identified these ring structures in the brain, radiologists viewed them as artifacts resulting from equipment failures. However, in 1989, Siemens, a manufacturer of computer tomography equipment, gave a guarantee that these rings cannot be artifacts created by the equipment, because with repeated tomography sessions these configurations are reproduced in the same place when shooting at any angle.

Conflicts of the same type always affect the same area of ​​the brain.

The exact location of DV formation is determined by the nature of the conflict. For example, a “motor conflict,” which is experienced as “the inability to escape” or “shocked numbness,” affects the motor part of the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for controlling muscle contractions.

For lovers of psychosomatics, I have materials on German new medicine. These are 7 PDF files, a webinar and a paper book (I have two of them, almost identical, called the “GNM Scientific Map” - I can give one to someone in need).
I wanted to post the PDFs as pictures, but it looks like it will take me too much time. Maybe someone will find the time and can do this?

I warn you right away that this is “alternative” information, it’s hard for me to evaluate it from the point of view of modern science, but some things seem crazy, although in general I like the idea - to provide a scientific basis for psychosomatics.
It seems to me that this information is convenient to use for elaboration.

For now you can view the files

German New Medicine (GNM) is based on medical discoveries made by Dr. med. Reich Gerd Hamer. In the early 1980s, Dr. Hamer discovered five biological laws that explain the causes, progression, and natural healing process of disease based on universal biological principles. According to these biological laws, diseases are not, as previously believed, the result of dysfunctions or malignant processes in the body, but rather “important special biological programs of nature” (SBP), created by nature to assist the individual during periods of emotional and psychological distress. All medical theories, official or “alternative”, past or present, are based on the idea of ​​diseases as “dysfunctions” of the body. Dr. Hamer's discoveries show that there is nothing “sick” in Nature, but everything is always filled with deep biological meaning. The five biological laws on which this truly “New Medicine” is built find a solid basis in the natural sciences, and at the same time they are in complete harmony with the spiritual laws. Thanks to this truth, the Spaniards call NNM “La Medicina Sagrada” - the Sacred Medicine.

Every disease is part of an Important Special Biological Program created to assist the body (humans as well as animals) in resolving a biological conflict. Dr. Hamer: “All so-called diseases have a special biological significance. While we are accustomed to attributing to Mother Nature the ability to make mistakes, and have the audacity to claim that She constantly makes these mistakes and causes failures (malignant senseless degenerative cancerous growths, etc.), now that the blinders have fallen from our eyes , we are able to see that only our pride and ignorance represent the only stupidity that has ever been and is in this cosmos.

Blinded, we have imposed this senseless, soulless and cruel medicine on ourselves. Filled with wonder, we finally became able for the first time to understand that Nature contains order (we already know this now), and that every phenomenon in nature is full of meaning in the context of a holistic picture, and that what we call diseases are not meaningless ordeals, which are used by apprentice sorcerers. We see that nothing is meaningless, malignant or diseased."