Side effects from Viferon. Antiviral suppositories for children Viferon

It's so nice to be in feeling good and believe in the strength of your body, at a time when everyone around you is sneezing and changing handkerchiefs. This happens, as a rule, only to those who switch to healthy image life and prevents the development of diseases preventive measures. And if you combine this with taking medications based on interferon, especially Viferon, to prevent the flu, then you can forget about colds for a long time.

To begin the fight against acute respiratory viral infection, you must have strong immunity. Many medications can not only relieve unpleasant symptoms illness, but also cause considerable harm to the body. Therefore it is best to use safe medicines, which, in particular, include Viferon candles for children. They are also prescribed for the prevention of acute respiratory infections and flu.

What is the drug?

Acute respiratory viral infections occur due to the penetration of pathogenic bacteria through the mucous membrane and lesions respiratory tract. If a person’s immunity is weakened, then this happens in geometric progression, because they do not feel any obstacle in front of them. If the body’s protective functions are strengthened and it is able to resist, then the disease manifests itself as a mild runny nose or is completely absent.

There are a lot medicinal methods treatment of acute respiratory infections and flu, but among them you can also find those that not only help you recover, but also benefit the body. More from early years Everyone knows that the immune system is the body's main defender against disease. And interferon is considered an important component produced by the human body. It follows that drugs based on it, including Viferon, are perceived by the body as something native and do not cause negative reactions and rejection.

According to the instructions for use, Viferon suppositories for children are based on recombinant interferon, which is obtained using genetic engineering methods from E. coli bacteria, and it corresponds to that produced in the human body. Blood and its components are not used in the production of the drug.

Why candles?

In case of ARVI, you need to act quickly. The faster we fight back the virus, the less it will multiply and spread throughout the body. Even based on this, it is recommended to give preference to the rectal route of drug administration. After all, the active substance reaches its target faster through the rectal mucosa than from the stomach.

In the case of Viferon, the absorption rate at rectal administration equal to the arrival rate medicinal substance into the blood when parenteral administration, and this is very fast. The second point is that a cold is a complex of symptoms (fever, cough, malaise, runny nose), therefore, the doctor prescribes a number of medications, which are certainly necessary, but at the same time they are a burden on the stomach. The doctor can relieve it slightly by choosing an antiviral drug in the form of suppositories.

Why Viferon?

When prescribing Viferon suppositories for children to prevent ARVI, the doctor must proceed from the basic rule - do no harm. That is why competent doctors select a drug with a minimal list side effects. In the case of Viferon, this column only includes allergic reactions, disappearing within three days after stopping use of the product. Unfortunately, this cannot be said about many others. antiviral drugs.

Another important point is the versatility of Viferon: it can be used not only by adult children, but also by children, pregnant women (from the 14th week of pregnancy) and the elderly. And besides, it is the rectal method of administration that largely avoids side effects, which are so typical for parenteral forms of interferon (chills, headache, general malaise, muscle pain). The indications for Viferon suppositories for children are described in detail in the annotation.

Can the drug be used for allergic diseases?

Unfortunately, every year more and more children are exposed to allergic diseases. Pick up medicinal product It’s very difficult for these kids. In this case, Viferon suppositories for children for the prevention of ARVI can be recommended not only due to their good tolerability, but also to their unique composition.

The fact is that it contributes to the normalization of immunoglobulin E - one of the central links in development allergic diseases, so if you have allergies, the drug can be used.

How do Viferon candles help?

None respiratory infection It is not scary for those who have protected immunity thanks to interferon. The substance is released by the body's cells in response to the invasion of the virus. But if the synthesis of the substance is inhibited, then it is very difficult for the body to resist infection.

The problem of reduced interferon production is observed in those babies who are on artificial nutrition, elderly people, pregnant women, and those who have suffered serious illnesses.

Viferon suppositories for the prevention of ARVI

Children, unlike adults, are not as easy to treat. Hard to imagine small child understanding that the medicine must be taken because it is vital. You have to adapt to the temperament of the kids, and in order not to disturb them again, you can use Viferon candles for children to prevent ARVI and strengthen the immune system. They are especially easy to use for the treatment of newborns, who cannot, let alone a pill, even swallow porridge.

Viferon candles for newborns

Parents of infants use interferon-based medications for colds, flu, and also for the treatment of various infectious diseases skin, inflammatory processes, papillomas. In addition, the drug is very effective in the weakened body of a premature baby for the treatment of ARVI, hepatitis, etc.

If there is an urgent need to directly affect the mucous membrane, use a gel that is applied to cotton swab and lubricate the baby's neck. To treat any infectious disease, it is necessary to undergo a double five-day course of therapy with a break of 5 days.

Viferon suppositories are administered carefully and only in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. It will be better if the child lies quietly for a while after the injection. It will also not be superfluous to lift the legs up so that the drug passes through the rectum better. Take a similar medicine for prevention respiratory diseases only after consultation with a doctor. This is confirmed by the instructions for use for the Viferon candles for children.

Children will stop being afraid of it unpleasant process, if you learn to place a candle correctly. To avoid painful sensations, it is necessary to place the child on his left side, bring his bent legs to the tummy and fix them with one hand, and carefully insert the suppository with the other hand. To make the procedure easier, you can use a little cream or Vaseline oil.

Is it possible to take Viferon simultaneously with other medications?

The drug is compatible and goes well with most medications used in the treatment of various diseases (antibiotics, chemotherapy, glucocorticoids). Moreover, it allows you to reduce the doses of antibacterial agents required for treatment. Therefore, it is often used in a complex scheme during the treatment of severe infections.

So the question of whether Viferon suppositories can be used for prevention in children disappears by itself.

Does the drug suppress the child’s immunity?

The drug does not suppress the child’s immunity, because the medicine in the form of suppositories not only has an antiviral effect, but also activates factors that improve the production of antibodies, and it turns out that it restores immunity and helps the body fight infection. However, it does not perform work instead of immunity, it only helps it.

The dosage of Viferon suppositories for children for the prevention of ARVI must be strictly observed.

Is it addictive to use?

Interferon in therapeutic doses does not have a suppressive effect on the immune system, so it does not suppress the ability of cells to independently produce their own interferon. "Viferon", if necessary, can be used for ARVI, including influenza, again, 5 days after completion of the previous course of treatment.

Is it important to comply with the storage conditions of Viferon?

Oddly enough, many mothers do not know the rules for storing Viferon, and yet this is very important question. In fact, interferon is very sensitive, so it can only be stored and transported in the refrigerator.

When colds overcome our body, the immune system needs help. This is especially true for children whose protective functions of the body are not yet fully formed.

IN in this case Pediatricians prescribe antiviral drugs that can not only put the baby back on his feet, eliminating symptoms and relieving fever, but also strengthen the immune system.

Composition, active substance, description, release form

The active ingredient is interferon. The product is available in the form rectal suppositories oblong shape white-gray shade. On the cut of the suppositories you can see a small depression. The diameter of the candles is 10 mm.

Main components of Viferon 150000:

  • polysorbate;
  • confectionery fat;
  • sodium ascorbate;
  • α-tocopherol acetate;
  • cacao butter;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • benzocaine;
  • edetate disodium.

These substances are safe for children, infants, newborns and premature babies.

In pharmacies you can find the drug in the form of ointments and gels., there are also suppositories in dosages from 150,000 to 3,000,000 IU. For children, it is better to take suppositories with a minimum dose of interferon.

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Candles Viferon 150000 – a drug that has an immunostimulating and antiviral effect . The drug, in combination with other drugs, fights all diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature.

Suppositories can be used at any age, starting from the first days of life. Medicine is often prescribed for premature babies to stimulate protective functions body.

Suppositories are used in the treatment of diseases caused by bacteria, and when:

In complex treatment, Viferon 150000 is also prescribed for hepatitis types B, C, D, and hepatitis viral origin with simultaneous liver cirrhosis.


Viferon 150000 is among the most safe drugs for children (including premature babies).

IN in rare cases a reaction may develop to the components of the suppository in the form of an allergy. There may be redness and rash on the skin, which can cause unbearable itching.

If such symptoms occur, use of the drug should be stopped.. There is no need to treat allergies, since all accompanying symptoms will leave the baby 3 days after stopping the use of Viferon.

The use of suppositories may cause swelling of the face, lower and upper limbs. Close attention is paid to this because of the likelihood of angioedema.

The mother should monitor her baby for 2 hours after using suppositories.

If the baby has difficulty swallowing and his tongue is swollen, an ambulance is urgently called, since there is a possibility of swelling of the larynx.

How does the drug work, how long does it take to see the effect?

Viferon 150000 – complex medicine, the effect of which is achieved thanks to active ingredients half an hour after use. The drug has antiviral and immunostimulating effects.

Ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol acetate increase interferon's ability to resist viruses and microbes, increase its immunostimulating effect, i.e. the ability of the immune system to fight back microbes that have entered the body. These components are antioxidants that can have an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect on the body.

Features of taking cough medicine in.

Dosage by age

Suppositories are administered rectally only. Suppositories are used in the complex treatment of viral and infectious diseases in children. For newborn and premature babies, Viferon is prescribed at a dosage of 150,000.

The drug is administered in the morning and evening. The interval should be 12 hours. The course of therapy lasts no more than a week. If the baby feels better after just a few days of treatment, you can stop using Viferon.

Serious diseases are treated in several courses. For enterovirus and herpetic infections, therapy with Viferon is 5 days. After this, an equal break is taken, then the treatment is repeated again.

For sepsis, cytomegalovirus infection, mycoplasmosis, candidiasis, such courses should be at least 3.

For chronic hepatitis with the presence of liver cirrhosis, before the plasmaphoresis procedure ( modern technique cleansing the body for cellular level) Viferon 150000 is also prescribed. Such treatment will quickly put the patient on his feet and strengthen the immune functions of the body. The product must be taken every 12 hours or before the procedure.

For viral hepatitis of viral origin, children under 6 months of age are prescribed suppositories in a dosage of 300,000-500,000 IU. From 6 to 12 months – 500,000 IU.

For children from one year to 7 years and above, the dosage is prescribed depending on body weight and can be 3,000,000 IU. Those over 14 years of age should take 5,000,000 IU. The daily dose is designed for 3-4 doses.

How to use

Before using suppositories anal passage It is better to lubricate with baby cream or Vaseline. For ease of insertion, the child should be placed on his side and his knees raised.

In this video you will learn in detail how to properly light a candle for a child:

Viferon is an antiviral, immunomodulating drug developed by leading Russian immunologists and virologists. The product has unique pharmacological properties, practically does not cause side effects and is approved for use by pregnant women and newborns, incl. premature Various dosages of medication help you choose the most convenient and effective form treatment, regulate its duration and courses.

The international name of Viferon is Interferon alfa-2b. The medicine is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company FERON LLC. According to the manufacturer Viferon, the drug has the following actions:

  • antiviral – stops the main life processes of pathogens, which leads to their death;
  • immunomodulatory (immunostimulating) – activates the production of killer lymphocytes that destroy pathogenic cells;
  • antiproliferative – suppresses the growth of viruses, stopping the processes of their cell division;
  • protective – protects the body from repeated attacks by microorganisms for a long time.

The advantage of the medication is the fact that antibodies are not formed to it, i.e. he doesn't lose his therapeutic properties even with prolonged and frequent use. This is very important in the treatment of severe viral pathologies, such as hepatitis B, C or D, urinary tract infections, herpes and others.

Antibiotics or not?

Viferon suppositories are not antibiotic drug, and therefore are completely safe for the body of almost all categories of patients - from pregnant women to older patients suffering from various chronic diseases.

Its task: to strengthen the body’s immune response to the penetration of pathogens through enhanced synthesis of interferon. This immunoglobulin is a unique natural protein compound that makes body cells immune to viruses, and therefore does not allow pathology to develop.

Pharmacological group

The medication belongs to the group of interferons, immunomodulatory drugs with antiviral effects.

Composition of Viferon suppositories for adults

The active ingredient of the drug is human recombinant interferon alpha-2b, the volume of which is measured in international units (IU). Viferon suppositories for adults may contain:

  • 500,000 IU;
  • 1,000,000 IU;
  • 3,000,000 IU.

The composition is supplemented by auxiliary components:

  • alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E);
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • sodium ascorbate;
  • disodium edetate dihydrate;
  • polysorbate;
  • cacao butter;
  • confectionery fat.

Release form

The medicine is produced in the form of rectal suppositories (suppositories), white with a slight yellowish tint. The shape of the product is bullet-shaped, the consistency is mostly homogeneous, but color changes are allowed, which resemble a marble pattern. The longitudinal section is topped with a funnel-shaped depression that facilitates insertion. The diameter of the candle does not exceed 10 millimeters.

Suppositories are placed in blister packs of 10 pieces in a blister. Each cardboard box contains 1 blister and instructions for use.

Viferon for adults (rectal suppositories) 500,000 IU interferon alfa-2b

The product line also includes the following products:

  • rectal suppositories - 150,000 - 500,000 - 1,000,000 - 3,000,000 IU;
  • ointment for local treatment— 40,000 IU\g;
  • gel for external use – 36,000 IU/g.

Because the drug is often prescribed for viral diseases departments genitourinary system, some patients believe that Viferon is vaginal suppositories. No, suppositories are intended solely for administration into anal hole, where its active components immediately penetrate into the blood and tissues of the nearest internal organs. Thus, the active substance accumulates at the site of inflammation, and therapeutic effect spreads to the entire body. This is considered one of the advantages of the drug, as well as the fact that it is allowed during menstruation, when use vaginal tablets or candles requires a break.

How to store Viferon suppositories?

The shelf life of Viferon candles is 2 years from the date of issue. They should be stored in a place protected from light at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees, preferably in the refrigerator.

The medication must not be used after the expiration date or if the storage conditions recommended by the manufacturer have not been followed.

Recipe in Latin

The drug is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, but specialists usually give the patient a form indicating exact dosage and the form of the medicine, the rules for its administration. It is filled in like this:

Rp: Supp. Viferoni 2 – 500,000 ME
D.t.d: No. 10 in supp.
S: 1 sup. rectally 2 times a day for 10 days.

Indications - why are Viferon suppositories prescribed?

The drug is included in the composition complex therapy at:

  • and, including those complicated by bacterial infections or various types(viral, bacterial, chlamydial), sepsis;
  • Chronic viral hepatitis types B, C and D, including those that require plasmapheresis and/or hemosorption, have pronounced activity or are complicated by cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;
  • Primary or recurrent herpetic infection skin and mucous membranes of organs, including the urogenital form, which has a localized form and is characterized by mild or average degree severity of the flow.

Viferon suppositories are popular in gynecology and urology because... often included in complex treatment so heavy infectious pathologies:

  • Papillomavirus (PVI, HPV);
  • Cytomegalovirus (CMV);
  • Bacterial vaginosis;
  • Ureaplasmosis;
  • Trichomoniasis;
  • Chlamydia.

Indications also include:

  • enterovirus infection, better known as intestinal or stomach flu:
  • damage to the respiratory organs (laryngotracheitobronchitis);
  • intrauterine infections.

Contraindications to the use of Viferon

Suppositories are not prescribed only to those patients who have increased sensitivity to any of the components of the medication.

Directions for use and dosage of Viferon (suppositories) for adults

Suppositories are injected deep into anus. Before use, you should carry out the necessary hygiene procedures and free the rectum from feces. It can be done naturally or using a microenema.

When do Viferon suppositories begin to work? After complete dissolution of the product and penetration of the active component into the walls rectum, i.e. 15-20 minutes after its administration. In order for the absorption process to proceed correctly, the patient is recommended to spend this time in a horizontal position.

The treatment regimen depends on the diagnosed pathology. Administration is carried out 2 times a day with an equal time interval, i.e. every 12 hours.

For influenza, ARVI, incl. complicated by pneumonia or bacterial infection:

  • 1 sup. (500 thousand IU) for 5 days.

Treatment can be continued according to the doctor's decision, if necessary.

For chronic viral hepatitis B, C and D

incl. in combination with plasmapheresis and/or hemosorption, with hepatitis of pronounced activity or complicated by cirrhosis of the liver:

  • 1 sup. (3 million IU) for 10 days;
  • then 1 sup. every other day (3 times a week), the course of therapy can last from 6 to 12 months.

The duration of treatment depends on the data clinical tests patient and visible therapeutic effect.

For infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the genitourinary system:

  • 1 sup. (500 thousand IU) course of treatment is 5-10 days and can be continued according to clinical indicators;

During pregnancy: Viferon is prescribed from the 2nd trimester (from 14 weeks) for the treatment of urogenital diseases:

  • 1 sup. (500 thousand IU) for 10 days;
  • starting from 11 days - 1 sup. (500 thousand IU) every 4 days for 9 days (3 times in total);
  • then every 4 weeks until delivery - 1 sup. (150 thousand IU) for 5 days.

If necessary, the course of treatment is also carried out two weeks before the expected birth, from the 38th week of pregnancy:

  • 1 sup. (500 thousand IU) for 10 days.

Side effects of Viferon

Side effects of Viferon suppositories have been recorded in rare cases. They manifested themselves in the form of allergic reactions - skin itching, rashes. In this case, there is no need to cancel treatment or take additional medications, because all symptoms disappear on their own as the body gets used to the immunomodulator, usually within 72 hours.

Viferon suppositories for pregnant women

The drug is not only approved for use by expectant mothers, starting from the 14th week of expecting a baby, but is also recommended as an effective and safe remedy for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory pathologies of a woman’s urinary and reproductive system. Such diseases often accompany girls who did not plan pregnancy and did not go through full examination and appropriate treatment before conception.

Also, representatives of the fairer sex in a delicate position often encounter other diseases of the genitourinary tract - cystitis, pyelonephritis, thrush and others, as well as classic seasonal ailments - influenza and colds. All these diseases are dangerous not only for the pregnant woman herself, but also for the unborn child, because may cause intrauterine lesions, complications during childbirth, delay or abnormal development fetus

The use of Viferon for cystitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane Bladder) can slow down the activity of the pathogens that cause it and alleviate the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms: discomfort in the lower abdomen, pain and stinging when urinating, frequent urge to urinate.

With pyelonephritis ( inflammatory process in the kidneys) the medicine will help slow down pathological processes and quickly cope with the infection without using potent drugs or antibiotics. Prescribing Viferon suppositories for thrush in pregnant women helps eliminate the symptoms of candidiasis and prevent infection of the fetus in utero or at the time of passage birth canal, without resorting to dangerous medications that are undesirable in a delicate situation.

Influenza and acute respiratory viral infections are also dangerous for the developing fetus: except pathogenic influence pathogens, their symptoms can cause harm to the baby. Thus, nasal congestion makes it difficult to supply oxygen to the child and can cause fetal hypoxia, and coughing provoke uterine tone and premature birth or spontaneous abortion. Therefore, Viferon suppositories during pregnancy are prescribed at the first symptoms of a cold, and can be recommended to a woman as prophylactic from many viral pathologies.

Viferon during breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is not a contraindication for the use of an antiviral agent.

About the compatibility of Viferon candles and alcohol

The official instructions for the medicine do not include drinking alcohol in the list of contraindications, but simultaneous administration these chemical substances prohibited. Ethanol is the basis of alcohol, slows down absorption active ingredients into the bloodstream and prevents their movement throughout the body, which is why the result of therapy can be reduced or reduced to zero.

Large-scale studies of the compatibility of ethanol and immunomodulators have not been carried out, so the development of side effects or serious complications also impossible.

Analogues of Viferon in candles are cheaper

Substitutes for the drug are:

  • Alfarekin;
  • Vitaferon;
  • Genferon;
  • Laferomax;
  • Laferon.

At the same time, two drugs are considered more affordable - Genferon and Vitaferon.

Which is better, Viferon or Kipferon?

Both pharmaceutical products are produced by a domestic manufacturer and contain recombinant alpha-2 interferon. But Kipferon has the following differences:

  • additionally includes an immunobiological component;
  • can be used both rectally and vaginally;
  • prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • more often causes allergic reactions.

The principle of action of the medications is the same, but clinical effect Kipferon occurs a little earlier (this is due to the presence of immunoglobulin in the composition). But its product line is smaller - only one dosage of suppositories of 500,000 IU, which makes it difficult to select a dose for some severe pathologies or for treating patients younger age and pregnant women. Another important point– price: the cost of treatment with Kipferon will be almost 30% higher.

What is the difference between Viferon and Genferon?

Genferon is another new antiviral agent, but with a more expanded composition. Yes, except recombinant interferon it contains taurine (an amino acid derivative) and anesthesin (a local anesthetic component).

Available in rectal and vaginal suppositories and thanks to the expressed antibacterial effect prescribed for the treatment of serious infectious pathologies of the urogenital tract. At the same time, it not only slows down the activity of viruses, but also removes unpleasant manifestations ailments - itching, pain and others.

Genferon is recommended for treatment severe forms diseases and mainly of the genitourinary system. Not prescribed for pregnant women early, prohibited for children and nursing mothers. It can cause serious adverse reactions organism, requiring discontinuation of the drug and the use of symptomatic medications.

Which is better, Anaferon or Viferon?

– an immunomodulator based on affinity purified antibodies to human interferon gamma. The main indications for its use are:

  • state of immunodeficiency;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • encephalitis;
  • rotavirus;
  • bacterial complications (as part of complex therapy).

Photo of packaging of Anaferon lozenges for children 20 pcs.

Those. Anaferon is more effective against viral pathologies, while Viferon copes equally effectively with viruses and infections (including complicated ones) from the field of urology and gynecology. Anaferon is available in the form of tablets, which can negatively affect the condition of the departments digestive system and are not always convenient to use (requires adherence to a certain scheme).

Another important difference is that Anaferon is prohibited during breastfeeding.

IN modern world many of us are susceptible to viral attacks. The immune system is constantly under attack due to bad ecology, low-quality products and an unstable rhythm of life. Infections in children usually resolve with a significant increase in body temperature, especially if we're talking about about seasonal viruses. They quickly adapt and transform into new forms, so the child gets sick several times a season. If the child does catch the virus, then it is necessary to choose the right antiviral agent.

Not everything that is offered in pharmacies fits parents' parameters when choosing medicine for a child. Therefore, finding an effective and safe remedy for treating viruses is sometimes not easy. There is, however, a group of drugs that are optimal choice in this case.

To rid a child of a viral infection and strengthen his immunity, Viferon 1000000 suppositories are often prescribed. Instructions for use are included in each package. In this article we will examine in detail how this drug Is it safe, in what dosages should it be used and does it have side effects?

Effect of the drug

Suppositories "Viferon" for children consist of alpha-2b interferon, which is active substance. Polysorbate, tocopherol acetate and ascorbic acid are included in the composition of the suppositories as excipients. Alpha-2b interferon is created synthetically, it is called recombinant or genetically engineered. The candles are bullet-shaped, white with a yellowish tint. Uneven color is acceptable. The diameter of the candle does not exceed 10 millimeters. There is a funnel on the longitudinal seam.

Suppositories have immunomodulating, antiviral and antiproliferative effects. The effect of enhancing immunity is associated with increased cell activity due to interferon and an increase in T-lymphocytes. Vitamin C and tocopherol acetate contained in suppositories greatly enhance the effect of interferon. That is, “Viferon” stimulates the immune system to fight the virus, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The use of Viferon 1000000 suppositories normalizes the content of immunoglobulin E and restores the balance of its own interferon. The use of suppositories helps reduce the dosage of antibiotics and hormones, as well as the duration of their use. In the production of Viferon, cocoa butter is used rather than synthetic emulsifiers, which significantly reduces the risk of allergic reactions, and also facilitates the introduction of suppositories and promotes rapid dissolution.


According to the instructions for use, Viferon 1000000 candles have quite wide range Applications:

  1. They normalize the production of their own interferon.
  2. Increases the production of immunoglobulin.
  3. Reduce inflammation.
  4. Stabilize cell membranes.
  5. Activate regenerative processes.

All of the above strengthens the child’s immunity during cold and flu season, which allows him to recover faster and recover from illness.


Thus, rectal suppositories “Viferon 1000000” are indicated for use in the following infectious and viral diseases:

1. Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), a severe form of influenza with complications in the form of a bacterial infection.

2. Infectious diseases inflammatory in nature in newborns of various etymologies (viral or bacterial meningitis, when the membranes of the spinal cord and brain become inflamed; sepsis, which is bacterial infection blood; intrauterine infections such as enterovirus, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, herpes, urea or mycoplasmosis; in complex therapy carried out to destroy the infectious agent).

3. In complex therapy in the treatment of chronic viral hepatitis in children and adults.

4. During treatment chronic diseases genitourinary system of an infectious-inflammatory nature (vaginal vaginosis, candidiasis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, etc.)

5. Skin infection of the herpes type, taking chronic form and prone to relapses, or with a severe clinical course of the disease.

6. Chronic bacterial infections of any location as a means of increasing immune activity. The instructions for using Viferon 1000000 candles confirm this.

The product combines well with antibacterial and hormonal drugs. It allows you to significantly reduce their dosage, which reduces the risk of intoxication and side effects.


The main contraindication is individual intolerance to the substances included in the suppositories. Although this feature is quite rare. Otherwise, candles are absolutely safe for all age groups.

Side effects

The drug has practically no pronounced side effects. In quite rare cases, allergic reactions, rashes and itching, headache, weakness, chills, nausea and loss of appetite may occur. However, just three days after stopping Viferon 1000000 suppositories, the symptoms disappear without a trace. In any case, when using suppositories, you need to carefully monitor the child’s condition.

Unlike interferon introduced into the body parenterally, suppositories help avoid most side effects, since there are no antibodies in the intestine that neutralize the effect active substance. "Viferon", like other groups, acts as an immunomodulator, therefore it is addictive. That is, after some time, the child’s immunity adapts to the fact that interferon fights viruses for him and ceases to be defensive.


With caution, according to the instructions for use, Viferon 1000000 suppositories should be used when treating a relapse of herpes infection in the following cases:

  1. Atypical, common, generalized types of herpes.
  2. Atopic dermatitis, seborrhea, eczema, etc.
  3. Malignant neoplasms on the skin.
  4. When taking antidepressants and tranquilizers.
  5. Neutropenia.
  6. Thrombocytopenia.
  7. Autoimmune diseases.

Many parents are also interested in the question: can children use Viferon 1000000 candles? Let's figure it out.

special instructions

During the period of use of the drug, you must stop drinking alcohol. Before prescribing the drug, blood must be taken from the patient for analysis to calculate leukocyte formula, calcium, electrolyte and creatinine levels.

If a patient has myeloma, then regular checks of the kidneys for dysfunction are necessary. If the indicators begin to increase, then the dosage of the drug is reduced or the suppositories are canceled for some time.

Patients with pathologies of cardio-vascular system may begin to suffer from arrhythmia and flu-like conditions, therefore, in combination with Viferon 1000000 suppositories, according to the instructions, a minimum dose of paracetamol is prescribed.

Application and dosage

Suppositories "Viferon" are administered rectally. The amount of active interferon in one suppository depends on the dosage of the purchased drug (from 150 thousand to 3 million IU). The dose of the drug and the duration of the course are directly related to the nature of the disease:

1. During acute respiratory infections viral infections, pneumonia, influenza and bacterial infections(viruses, chlamydia, etc.) the drug is used in the composition general therapy. The dose recommended by experts for adults and children over seven years of age is 500 thousand units twice a day with a twelve-hour break. Five day course in severe cases may be extended up to ten days. This is confirmed by the instructions for use for Viferon 1000000 candles. They are prescribed to adults less frequently.

2. For children under seven years of age, as well as premature infants (gestational age more than 34 weeks) and newborns, the recommended daily dose is 300 thousand units, divided into two times, with a course duration of up to five days. The break between two courses should not be less than five days. For premature infants (gestational age less than 34 weeks), the drug is prescribed three times a day, 150 thousand units, that is, every 8 hours. Therapy can also be extended, and the break between courses should be five days. This is confirmed by the instructions for candles for children “Viferon 1000000”.

3. For the treatment of pathologies of infectious and inflammatory etymology in newborns and premature babies, such as viral and bacterial meningitis, sepsis, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, enterovirus, candidiasis, mycoplasmosis, Viferon suppositories are part of complex therapy. Newborns and premature babies (gestational age greater than 34 weeks) are prescribed 150 thousand units twice a day for five days. For premature babies with a gestational age of more than 34 weeks, the daily dosage will be 450 thousand units, divided into three applications every eight hours. The duration of treatment is also five days.

At various diseases it is possible to repeat the course multiple times, for example, sepsis requires 2-3 courses of the drug, herpes infection - at least 2 courses, enterovirus - 1-2 courses, mycoplasmosis and candidiasis - 2-3 courses, and cytomegalovirus - 2-3 courses. The interval between courses remains unchanged and is five days. In advanced cases, it is possible to prolong therapy with Viferon 1000000 suppositories according to the instructions.

4. They are also used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of hepatitis B, C and D, which are chronic viral nature. It is also possible to use it for complications such as liver cirrhosis in combination with plasmapheresis and hemosorption, when chronic hepatitis is in active phase. Adults are prescribed 3 million units twice a day with a twelve-hour break for a course of up to 10 days. Immediately after this, three times a week, every other day, until one year. Laboratory research and the effectiveness of use in this case determine the duration of therapy with Viferon 1000000 suppositories.

Children under 6 months are prescribed up to 300 thousand units per day, up to a year - 500 thousand units. From one to seven years, it is recommended to use 3 million IU per person. square meter child's body area per day. In children over seven years of age, this dosage increases to 5 million units. In the first ten days, the drug is used twice a day every 12 hours, then the amount is reduced to three times a week, the course can be extended up to a year, due to the effectiveness of the drug.

Body surface area for calculation daily dosage“Viferon” is produced by a nomogram specialist (calculation is based on parameters such as height and weight), and the calculated parameter is multiplied by the amount of the drug used at a given age. The resulting figure must be divided by two to obtain a single dose of the drug. The indicator is rounded up to the dosage of candles.

Before hemosorption or plasmapheresis in the treatment of viral chronic hepatitis or liver cirrhosis, children under seven years of age are recommended to use suppositories of 150 thousand IU twice a day for two weeks; children over seven years old - 500 thousand units. In general, Viferon 1000000 suppositories (the instructions for use confirm this) are suitable for children in most cases.

5. Pathologies in the urogenital tract caused by an infectious-inflammatory process, such as ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis, condidiasis, human papillomavirus, mycoplasmosis, etc. are also treated with the use of Viferon suppositories along with other medicinal prescriptions. Adults are prescribed 500 thousand units twice a day for up to 10 days, and the course can be extended according to clinical indications.

Starting from the 14th week of gestation, pregnant women are prescribed 500 thousand units twice a day with a twelve-hour break for 10 days, and then until birth every month, 150 thousand units twice a day, in a course of five days. In case of urgent need before childbirth, starting from the 38th week, it is allowed to use 500 thousand units twice a day for 10 days. How are Viferon 1000000 suppositories used during pregnancy?

6. In adults and pregnant women, the drug is used in the treatment of relapses of herpes on the skin and mucous membrane with moderate and severe course of the disease. Adults are prescribed 1 million units twice a day for up to 10 days; in case of relapse, treatment is prolonged. Therapy should be started immediately when the first symptoms (burning, itching and redness) appear.

Starting from the 14th week of gestation, pregnant women are prescribed 500 thousand units twice a day for up to 10 days, then three more times for 9 days. Before childbirth, prophylaxis should be carried out every 4 weeks using suppositories at a dosage of 150 thousand units, twice a day for five days. In case of urgent need before childbirth, starting from the 38th week, it is allowed to use Viferon 500 thousand units twice a day for 10 days.

Using candles is quite simple. The main thing is to remember about personal hygiene - wash your hands before and after the procedure. Viferon 1000000 candles (we already know for what indications they are prescribed) melt quickly, so there is no need to warm them in your hands.