What does rectal administration of suppositories mean? How to properly insert a suppository into the rectum

Many diseases can be cured with rectal suppositories. But not everyone knows how to insert suppositories into the rectum correctly.

Today in pharmacies you can find similar remedies for literally everything: for temperature - with paracetamol, for hemorrhoids - with shark fat, there are sea buckthorn suppositories, ichthyol suppositories and others. Rectal medications have a gentler effect on the body than oral medications, but treat diseases no less effectively. That is why doctors prescribe them in combination with other medications. But for the effect to be positive, you need to insert the candle correctly. Most often, the doctor explains how to insert suppositories correctly when he prescribes this remedy. However, if he has not done this, then the process may seem very difficult to a person who is faced with this for the first time. But that's not true.

1 Instructions for use

The best time for treatment with rectal suppositories is the evening, just before bedtime, because the medicine will be completely absorbed during the night. First you need to wash the anus well with soap. Hands should also be thoroughly washed before opening the package with the candle. It is advisable to store suppositories in the refrigerator and administer them chilled. When they are hard, they do not melt in your hands, and the insertion process becomes easier. In addition, in the refrigerator the rectal preparation will retain its medicinal properties longer. You should not hold the candle in your hands for a long time; try to do everything quickly before it melts.

It takes some time for the suppository to completely dissolve in the rectum, so it is advisable to perform a bowel movement before administration, because if this happens after, the medicine will not have time to be completely absorbed and will be released along with the feces.

Regardless of who you are administering the suppository to - an adult or a child - it is necessary that the rectum is relaxed. There is no need to apply force to insert the suppository so as not to injure the mucous membrane of the anus. That is why all rectal suppositories have one pointed tip. If necessary, you can lubricate the anus with vegetable oil or baby cream before insertion.

2 Rectal suppositories for adults

After all hygiene procedures have been completed, the package with the candle is opened, the body must take a relaxed position, otherwise pain may occur. You can take the following poses:

  • standing, slightly leaning forward;
  • lying on either side, while the leg that is on top must be bent and pressed to the chest, or both legs must be brought to the chest;
  • stand in a knee-elbow position;
  • lying on your back with your legs raised high, for example, with your legs thrown over the back of the sofa;
  • lying on your back, slightly raising your pelvis or placing a pillow or cushion under your pelvis.

The choice of position is determined by the patient himself, based on age and comfort. But many consider the most comfortable position to be lying on your side with your knees drawn to your chest.

It is advisable to insert the candle at once, in one go; you can use your free hand to move one buttock to the side, and with the other hand, holding the candle by the wide tip, insert the sharp end into the anus.

Next, you need to calmly and carefully push it with one finger deep into the anus, but no further than 5 cm from the hole itself. If you insert the suppository not so deeply, it will be pushed out as soon as the sphincter contracts. After it is installed at the desired depth, you need to close your buttocks with your hands and fix them in this position for 10 seconds. At the same time, the body should also be relaxed and the pelvis raised. If after the introduction of the suppository the urge to defecate appears, it is necessary to suppress them and wait until the medicine is completely absorbed into the intestine. After lying down for half an hour, you can get up and wash your hands with soap.

Do not be alarmed if you see the remains of a suppository in the stool; not all components are completely absorbed, for example, paraffins, fat and petroleum jelly can remain in the rectum and come out with the stool or on their own. Therefore, to avoid unpleasant situations, it is better to use disposable pads or napkins. Do not forget that the doctor may prescribe the use of a suppository in a smaller dose than its standard, then it is necessary to cut it lengthwise with a knife.

3 Use of suppositories for children

Any mother knows how to administer suppositories to a child, because during the first year, when the child has a fever, paracetamol is administered, but if this is the first time in your practice, then these instructions are for you. The preparation and hygiene of a child for the insertion of a rectal suppository is the same as for an adult. You must thoroughly wash the child's anus and your hands with soap. Then you need to put the child on his back and lift his legs up with one hand, and insert the candle with the other hand. Do not forget that the drug must be administered to the baby after defecation.

It is best to do this when the baby is sleeping. If it is recommended for an adult not to warm up the candle before inserting it, then for a child it is still better to hold it in the package in his palms for a while so that it warms up to approximately 18 degrees, and only then open the package. The candle is inserted into the child to a depth of no more than 2 cm. Then the buttocks are also clamped for 10 seconds. Try not to cause discomfort to the baby, otherwise the next procedure will be viewed with hostility. Think of something to distract the child while inserting the suppository. If the procedure was not done at night, then after half an hour the child will be able to get up.

If you insert suppositories into a baby, it is better to do this when he is sleeping, but if the child screams, and therefore the suppository leaves the body within 5 minutes, then it must be inserted again very quickly, because during this time the medicine is not completely absorbed into the intestine.

Helpful Tips:

  1. Before placing candles, carefully read the instructions so as not to make a mistake in the dosage of the product.
  2. Long nails should be cut off before the procedure, otherwise you may damage the mucous membrane.
  3. Place the candle quickly before it melts in your hands. If this happens, it is better to take a new one, because inserting a melted candle will be problematic.
  4. If it is more convenient for you to insert the suppository while standing, then as soon as the suppository is inserted, immediately lie down.
  5. You can lubricate the oil not only the anus, but also your fingers, with which you will push the candle deeper into the intestine.

Despite the fact that not a single case of overdose with rectal suppositories has been recorded, it is still better not to abuse them, but to adhere to strict recommendations and dosages.

Thanks to the rich blood supply in the rectum, there are all conditions for the effective absorption of medications used locally. Therefore, rectal suppositories are widely used to treat various diseases. They are popular among doctors and patients for their convenience and ease of use, quick results and affordable prices. However, not everyone knows how to correctly insert suppositories into the rectum. Doctors talk about this when prescribing medications, however, everyone should know how to use medications on their own - in case they come in handy.

Almost everyone knows what rectal suppositories are. These medicines are made from natural or synthetic raw materials; they differ in composition, name, intensity and duration of action. What does rectal mean - literally, this is the insertion of suppositories into the anus.

Rectal suppositories are used in proctology, gynecology, urology and other areas of medicine where analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antiseptic, regenerating, laxative or other effects are needed individually or in combination.

The most popular are suppositories with a multicomponent composition, which allow them to cope with all the main symptoms of the disease at once. They can make a patient’s life much easier if they are used as prescribed by a doctor, inserted correctly into the rectum and the following requirements are met:

  1. Always store suppositories in the refrigerator, take one at a time in individual packaging immediately before use.
  2. It is better to place candles in the rectum at night; first you need to empty your intestines, wash yourself with cool water and wash your hands with soap. If you use suppositories in the morning, then after the procedure you need to lie on your left side for at least 20 minutes.
  3. To avoid staining of underwear and bed linen with dyes, it is recommended to use sanitary pads or napkins during this time.
  4. The use of the medicine must begin by studying the instructions, while not forgetting to follow the doctor’s recommendations.
  5. For patients with a history of allergies, it is advisable to conduct a sensitive skin test on the inner surface of the elbow before starting treatment.

Features of application

Not everyone knows how to use rectal suppositories correctly, where to insert them, and how deep a suppository can be inserted. If you take a candle and immediately insert it into the anus, it will fall into the lower ampullary section of the rectum and will only affect the mucous membrane of this area. This can be done if rectal administration of a medicine is required for a general effect on the body, for example, to reduce body temperature, relieve pain, etc. How to insert suppositories rectally for proctological diseases? To do this, you need to take one suppository, remove it from the individual packaging, lie on the left half of the body, relax and carefully insert the suppository into the anus. In this case, the sphincter muscles will begin to actively resist, in this position you need to hold the suppository for 35-40 seconds so that it melts a little, then you can push the suppository inside the rectum. If rectal suppositories are used to treat cracks in the anal mucosa, then it is better to first warm the suppository in your hand to soften it. In this case, you cannot push it right away; you need to hold it in the anus for several minutes.

How to administer suppositories rectally to children? The child should be placed on his left side, the anus area should be lubricated with baby cream and the suppository should be carefully inserted into the rectum; it is better to do this after the child has gone to the toilet. If the baby needs half the adult dose, then the candle is cut lengthwise with a sharp disposable blade. For infants, candles can be placed in a supine position with the legs raised up; after insertion, the buttocks must be squeezed for a few seconds. It is advisable to hold an older child in a lying position for at least 15 minutes. In all doubtful cases regarding the use of a particular drug, it is better to seek advice from a specialist.

From the video you will learn what rectal suppositories are:

To treat diseases in modern conditions, there are many medications. One of them is anal suppositories (or rectal suppositories).

Purpose of rectal suppositories

Suppositories are a medicine, but they are not taken enterally (that is, by mouth with water), but are injected into the rectum. Inside the body, the medicine from the suppository is absorbed and continues to act, just like other types of medicines.

Medicinal suppositories are used if the patient suffers from hemorrhoids or an inflammatory process. Also, suppositories are used for low immunity, high fever, as an anesthetic or laxative.


Suppositories do not harm the stomach and liver (unlike tablets that pass through the gastrointestinal tract). Candles are easy to use, they have a convenient pointed shape, and can be used at home. Children do not like to take medicines because of their bitter taste, and they are afraid of injections. Introducing suppositories is neither painful nor bitter. Since it is easy to insert a suppository into the rectum of a child who, for example, is sleeping, this is the treatment method most often chosen by parents.

Pregnant and nursing mothers are often contraindicated to take medications; using suppositories is the best option for them. Absolutely all people at any age can be treated with rectal suppositories.

If there are cracks or wounds in the intestines or anus, then rectal suppositories will have a healing effect on them as well.

What are candles?

Rectal suppositories are oblong cylinders (resembling the shape of a torpedo), pointed on one side and blunt on the other. They include medications and auxiliary products. The pointed end makes the insertion process easier, since it is easier to insert the candle into the rectum with the pointed end, and to push it further too.

Candles are sold in special packaging (each candle is individually packaged). The entire set should be stored in the refrigerator. At room temperature, candles melt and soften; they cannot be used in a softened form. Before use, you should read the attached instructions, which describe in detail, the rectum. If, according to the doctor’s recommendation, the dosage of one candle is too large, then you need to divide it in half (only along, not across) with a clean disposable blade, and put the unused half in the package and in the refrigerator until next time.


The main ingredients are painkillers (analgesics). In addition to them, the composition includes: hyaluronic acid, shark fat, a combination of zinc and bismuth, propolis, hormonal drugs. The specific composition depends on what disease the medicine is supposed to fight.

How to prepare for the procedure?

Using a candle requires compliance with hygiene rules. First you need to wash your hands thoroughly (preferably in cold water so that your fingers become cold) and dry them. Wash the anus with soap and wipe dry. Prepare paper handkerchiefs and pads in advance (you can just use dry, clean rags). Have Vaseline, rich cream, or vegetable oil on hand.

Remove the suppositories from the refrigerator right before the procedure; they should be cold. If suppositories are to be used for children, their intestines must be cleansed (you can do an enema, or simply wait for the natural process of bowel movement). Before inserting a candle into the baby's rectum, you need to warm it in your hands. This must be done in order to relieve children from unpleasant sensations.

The absorption process in the intestines occurs in approximately 15 to 60 minutes. The therapeutic effect depends on how the candle is inserted into the rectum and how long it remains there.

Basic Rules

To achieve the result, the suppository must be inserted into the anus, pushed into the rectum, this is where the process of absorption of the medicine occurs (except in cases of treatment of hemorrhoids). Ideally, the body should be relaxed.

The main thing in the process is not to damage the mucous membrane of the anus and intestines. To do this, it is best to coat the anus (and the tip of the candle) with Vaseline (greasy cream, oil). This will ensure easy and painless administration of the medicine into the intestines. It will facilitate the procedure and correct body position. Under no circumstances should you push it with force; the shape of the candle is specially made such that it should move quite easily.

How to insert a suppository into the rectum? First, spread the buttocks and insert the candle into the opening of the anus (its muscles should be relaxed) and gently push it with your finger until it passes the anal sphincter and moves into the rectum. After this, squeeze your buttocks and lie in this position for about a minute. Immediately after the procedure, you will want to go to the toilet, but you need to be patient, since the medicine will come out in the feces without having time to be absorbed. If you were unable to do this, the procedure will need to be repeated.

After inserting a candle into the rectum, it is better for an adult to lie down for about half an hour. If you immediately start walking and moving, the candle may leak out and the therapeutic effect will not be achieved.

Injecting the medicine into the anus is not recommended for women with long nails. If there is no one to do this, then it is better to trim the nails to avoid damage to the mucous membrane.

Correct body position

For the process to go quickly, painlessly and without negative consequences, you need to take the right position. In adults and children they are not always the same. There are several options.

  • Lie on your back, raise your legs up (you can put a pillow under the sacrum), relax your body. The candle will slide easily. There is no better pose than inserting a candle into your own rectum.
  • The knee-elbow position is also comfortable.
  • You can stand leaning forward when inserting the suppository. But the leg muscles become tense and painful sensations may occur when inserting and pushing the candle. In this position, the patient may involuntarily push out the candle; the procedure will have to be repeated to achieve success.
  • Lie on your left side in the fetal position, knees resting on your stomach. You can lie on your left side, left leg extended, right leg bent, knee pressed to your stomach.

Treatment of children

When administering suppositories to children, one must act with extreme caution so that the child does not retain memories of unpleasant sensations. Otherwise, next time, whenever you try to introduce a candle, he will resist and be capricious.

The procedure is basically the same as for an adult. Open the buttocks and insert the suppository very carefully. After inserting the suppository into the rectum, close the buttocks and sit the baby down. Then put him down for about 20 minutes. It’s best to distract him with something during this time (you can turn on cartoons at this time). It is best to carry out the procedure before putting the child to bed. Then the medicine will be absorbed overnight and will have its therapeutic effect.


A well-defined diagnosis will allow using rectal suppositories to cure external and internal hemorrhoids, wounds, defects in the rectal mucosa, and stop bleeding. There are some features of how to insert a suppository into the rectum for hemorrhoids; you need to know and follow them in order to be cured. It is best to administer the medicine at night before bedtime.

Before inserting the suppository, do an enema and then wash the anus with soap and wipe with a dry cloth. Lie on your stomach, insert a candle and push it inside.

With hemorrhoids, severe pain may occur, then you will have to insert the candle in an upright position, leaning slightly forward. Afterwards, be sure to lie down until the medicine melts and is absorbed.

If there are external hemorrhoids, the swollen nodes are outward and it is painful for the patient to sit, the medicine should be administered in a lying position. The suppository does not advance deeply; it should be located close to the anus, while the anus should be covered with a napkin (it is better to hold it with your hand). If the medicine is deep in the rectum, it will not reach the inflamed areas, and there will be no benefit from the procedure. In this case, it is enough to hold the medicine for 5-6 minutes.

The pharmaceutical industry produces a huge number of different drugs, involving different routes of entry of active substances into the body. Thus, some medications are produced in the form of suppositories specifically to be administered through the anus for the purpose of absorption of the latter by the blood vessels of the rectum, which is why people who have not previously used such drugs often have the delicate question of how to insert suppositories rectally. Read the simple rules for this procedure.

What are candles

Suppositories belong to a group of medications intended for administration through the anus. The suppositories have a solid base, which facilitates their passage into the rectum. Almost all currently produced rectal preparations are shaped like a “torpedo” or “bullet” with a rounded end. Some of them have a universal pharmacological effect on the body, and therefore are prescribed for the treatment and prevention of a wide variety of diseases. Compared to conventional medications, suppositories have a number of advantages:

  • performance;
  • no negative effect on the liver, gastrointestinal tract;
  • prolonged effect.

How to use rectal suppositories

Inserting suppositories is quite simple. By adhering to certain rules set out in the instructions for the medicine, you can painlessly perform all the necessary manipulations. The procedure is absolutely painless and can be used without restrictions on small children. Rectal medications serve as a good replacement for medications in tablet dosage form.

Before using the suppository, it is recommended to empty the intestines: most medications have a laxative effect and there is no point in administering a “torpedo” without first having a bowel movement. Rectal use of medications is also justified for constipation in adults and children. In addition, suppositories have an immunomodulatory, anti-fermentation effect on the gastrointestinal tract. By using a product with an anti-inflammatory effect, you can eliminate bleeding damage to the rectal mucosa and get rid of pain in this area.

How to prepare

Before directly inserting the suppository, you must wash your hands thoroughly in cold water. This recommendation is dictated so that during the procedure the fingers holding the “torpedo” do not become warm and do not contribute to its softening. In addition, candles should also be stored in the refrigerator. If you have long nails, you will need to cut them off. For convenience, some doctors recommend inserting the “torpedo” while wearing disposable latex gloves.

How to insert suppositories rectally

It is better to administer the medication in a position convenient for these purposes. When answering how to insert suppositories rectally, doctors recommend inserting them lying on your left side with your right leg pulled up to your chest or pressed to your stomach. Regardless of the position you choose, remember to keep your anus relaxed during the procedure. You should not act actively if you feel even slight discomfort. In such a situation, it is better to pull out the “torpedo” and try to slowly reinsert it.

If you do not follow this rule, you risk damaging the rectal mucosa. To avoid such moments, it is recommended to lubricate the anus with Vaseline or soap before using the medicine. Rectal suppositories should only be inserted with the sharp end. After completing the procedure, the buttocks should be kept together for several minutes.

What does rectal mean?

In most cases, these types of questions do not arise in patients who constantly use suppositories. Meanwhile, for those who are encountering the use of such a dosage form for the first time, it is useful to know what rectal administration of suppositories is. This method of delivering a drug to the body involves introducing it through the anus.

How to put candles rectally on yourself

Self-administration of suppositories does not require any special skills and can be carried out by the patient personally. At the same time, if you use “torpedoes” as an additional means of treating constipation and other negative conditions, you should first consult with a specialist about the validity and acceptability of using this dosage form. Meanwhile, the answer to the question of how to insert suppositories into your rectum is a simple algorithm consisting of several actions:

  1. you need to lie on your side and press one leg to your stomach;
  2. lift the upper buttock and insert the candle longitudinally;
  3. push the “torpedo” inward 2 cm;
  4. squeeze your buttocks for a few seconds;
  5. to wash hands.

To another person

In this case, doctors recommend that the patient sit on a bed or any other horizontal surface. During the direct introduction of the “torpedo” to another person, actions similar to the algorithm for independently performing the procedure described above are performed. In this case, it is extremely important to try to push the suppository through the sphincter to a depth of 2-2.5 cm, which can be done using the index finger.

Failure to comply with this condition threatens that the “torpedo” may slip out. After completing the manipulation, you need to wait until the medicine dissolves in the rectum and begins to act. It is important to inform the patient that they need to lie down for a while, otherwise the product may not be absorbed properly. In case the dissolved medicine leaks from the rectum, you need to prepare a wet wipe and a clean change of underwear in advance.

To kid

Suppositories are widely used in pediatric practice as a means of reducing fever. The dose and frequency of administration are determined, as a rule, by the doctor depending on the child’s condition. The easiest way for a baby to insert the “torpedo” is when he is sleeping. This way you can carry out all the necessary actions without resistance from the little patient. It is important that the manipulation is carried out on an empty bowel. Otherwise, the medicine may cause the child to have a urge to defecate.

How to deeply insert suppositories rectally

In this case, the evaluation criterion is the index finger. Its length is the minimum depth for administration of rectal medications. It is important to note that children can insert a “torpedo” using a 1.5-2 cm little finger. It is worth saying that the suppository must be inserted before it softens. In a situation where the “torpedo” is soft, it is extremely difficult to insert it: the medicine simply cannot be pushed through the anal sphincter and it, having dissolved, will soon flow out.


Terms of use

Figuring out how to correctly insert suppositories rectally is not difficult. This means that they should be inserted directly into the anus. This procedure is facilitated by the special cone-shaped shape of the suppositories.

Basic rules of introduction.

  1. Before inserting the suppository, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap and dry them.
  2. Before using the suppository, it should be cooled: this will prevent it from melting in your hands and will facilitate the administration procedure. Many drugs in this dosage form should be stored in the refrigerator.
  3. You should carefully remove the candle from the packaging: it separates into 2 parts at the top.
  4. The candle should be taken with your fingers: doctors recommend using disposable medical gloves for these purposes.
  5. To facilitate insertion into the rectum, a water-soluble lubricant can be applied to the edge of the suppository. If there is no lubrication, it is enough to moisten the anal area with cool water.
  6. To insert the suppository, you should relax as much as possible. Some insert a candle while standing, leaning slightly forward, others prefer to do it lying on their side. You should spread your buttocks apart and insert a candle so that it goes behind the muscle sphincter. This means that suppositories should be inserted to a depth of 2-2.5 cm for children, and to a depth of 5 cm for adults.
  7. Having figured out how to insert candles, having completed this procedure, you should squeeze your buttocks for a few seconds. Try not to move for a couple of minutes.

After completing all steps, you should wash your hands, throw away the suppository packaging and gloves, if you used them. Now you know how to insert medicinal suppositories correctly.


Some patients, having looked at the annotation for the medication, begin to become interested and ask about what it’s like rectally. Ideally, when prescribing agents for such administration, the doctor should explain how they should be used.

Any rectal suppository is inserted into the anus, in other words, into the butt. They should be administered after a bowel movement, otherwise they may come out in the stool without having time to dissolve.

They should be placed at such a time that at least 20-30 minutes remain free. During this period you should just lie down. After all, some of them begin to leak spontaneously when walking. Some even advise using disposable pads to avoid possible troubles.

When administered, you should try to relax as much as possible. If this fails, then it will not be possible to light the candle normally. It can only damage the inner mucous membrane. Does it hurt to insert candles? If everything is done correctly, the procedure is absolutely painless, only minor discomfort is possible. But if the anus is tense and the mucous membrane is damaged, painful sensations cannot be avoided.

If the dosage in one suppository is too high, you can divide it into 2 parts. An incision is made along the suppository with a sharp blade. To place a half, you should follow the rules described above.

How long does it take for a suppository to dissolve in the rectum? The duration will depend on the components included in the composition. The average duration is about 15-60 minutes. This is the time required for the dissolution and absorption of the active components into the intestinal walls.

Please note that candles should be inserted deeply. Otherwise, the anal sphincter will try to push out the foreign body. If you don’t place it correctly the first time, it may begin to melt. In this case, it will no longer be possible to enter it. Therefore, it is better to understand the method of application in advance and immediately try to introduce it to the desired depth.

Important nuances

Adults can insert candles for themselves. The main thing is to choose the most comfortable position and relax. With children the situation is worse. Often the process of introducing suppositories becomes a real problem. It is difficult for them to explain why they should use medications in this form.

Where should rectal suppositories be inserted for children? Nothing changes for babies, just like adults, they need to be inserted into the rectum. To facilitate the process, it is advisable to lubricate the anal area with cream before using the candle.

It is difficult to place children in the correct position most suitable for inserting a suppository. Parents should think in advance about what measures will have to be taken to minimize the pain that will arise due to tension. If the child spins, it will be extremely difficult to insert the suppository.

Often, after the drug enters the ampoule of the rectum, the urge to defecate appears. Adults are advised to lie down and hold back at this time: it should be understood that this is a reaction to irritation of the sphincter. Time must pass for the active ingredients to be absorbed.

It is more difficult to explain to children how and why they should restrain themselves. It is advisable for them to put candles after bowel movements. This means that you should wait until the child goes to the toilet and empties the rectum. If you follow all the rules, the urge will be tolerable. You can try to distract an older child.


How to insert rectally correctly

Before inserting suppositories, be sure to wash your hands and dry them. They must be cold, because... The suppository may soon melt. It can be administered in many ways, for example, standing up, bending over a little, lying on your side, bending your knees, lying on your back with your legs raised, etc. In various positions, complete relaxation of the anal muscles is necessary: ​​if they are tense, it will hurt. It is impossible to insert the medicine using force, because such an action will damage the inner lining of the anus. Therefore, the anus should be lubricated with petroleum jelly, creams, and regular oil that is used in cooking (vegetable), so it will be easier to insert.

These actions must be performed quickly so that the suppository does not have time to turn into a liquid mass from the warmth of your hands. We take the drug with one hand, and with the other hand we spread the buttocks. Carefully inserting the candle with its sharp end into the anus, immediately connect the buttocks, as the candle may come out. This medicine is recommended to be administered after bowel movements. Immediately after the drug is administered, it is recommended to lie down for 25 minutes.

Rectal suppositories can leak because they contain substances such as paraffins and oils. Due to body temperature, they liquefy and, not having time to completely dissolve in the rectum, begin to flow out. If you start using suppositories, you can use disposable pads to avoid discomfort.

Proper use of candles for children

It is easier for children to administer them when they are sleeping, because... will not have time to refuse such a procedure.

Medicine for children needs to be warmed (if it is from the refrigerator) to approximately +18+20° (room temperature). Suppositories must be placed after bowel movements so that they are not removed with feces.

When the child is sleeping, spread the buttocks with one hand, and with the other, inject the drug with the sharp end, while holding it with a finger or connecting the buttocks for a couple of minutes. To make it easier to insert, you need to use baby cream.


How to administer the medicine to achieve a positive result?

The main rule for the successful use of rectal suppositories is bowel movement. To do this, you just need to go to the toilet in a big way. Unfortunately, this is not always done “to order”, so a cleansing enema may be necessary. Alternatively, you can use a special medicinal laxative, which comes in the form of a microenema. The desired effect occurs within 20–30 minutes after using the drug; you don’t have to wait long.

Why do you need to cleanse your intestines? When a rectal suppository is introduced into the lumen of the rectum, irritation of the sphincters and mucous membrane occurs. This may cause a bowel movement and eventually the medication will come out. Thus, the result of its use will be zero. Even if this does not happen, the suppository will dissolve in the feces and mix with them.

It will be almost impossible to achieve a therapeutic effect from the use of the medicine, since the suppository will reach the rectal mucosa in a minimal amount.

Preparation includes mandatory hygienic procedures for the anorectal area. This is very important, especially if the rectal mucosa is damaged and there are cracks in it.

Algorithm for administering a rectal suppository

How to properly place suppositories in the rectum? There is a certain scheme of actions that the patient must strictly adhere to. This guarantees not only a positive result from the treatment, but also ensures that the procedure is completely painless.

First of all, you need to wash your hands with soap and put on disposable medical gloves.

If the candle is stored in the refrigerator, it must be pulled out in advance and left at room temperature. This little trick will help avoid discomfort during the administration of the drug, since the sphincter may involuntarily contract in response to the penetration of a cold foreign body.

If it is necessary to use half a candle, it must be cut with a sharp knife or blade. This must be done immediately after you take it out of the refrigerator. This way the candle can be divided as accurately as possible, and it will not have time to melt in your hands. If the medicine was stored at room temperature, it should be placed in the refrigerator for a short time to cool slightly. And cut only after that.

If the candle must be administered entirely, it is advisable to remove the wrapper immediately before use. Moreover, it must be immediately inserted into the rectum, otherwise the suppository will begin to melt. This is due to the fact that the drug contains additional components that ensure rapid dissolution when placed in a warm environment.

Algorithm for administering a rectal suppository:

  1. Lie on your side, stretch one leg along your body and tuck the other to your chest.
  2. Gently spread the buttocks and lubricate the anus with cool water. This action will ensure easy advancement of the suppository deep into the rectum.
  3. Lubricate the tip of the candle with a special water-soluble lubricant without Vaseline. If it is missing, you can use improvised means: baby cream or vegetable oil, which will make its introduction easier.
  4. Take a candle and insert the narrow end into the rectum. Using your index finger, push it 2.5–5 cm deep so that it gets behind the sphincters and into the ampoule. This should be done easily, without effort. Otherwise, if the suppository goes at the wrong angle, it may hit the wall and cause discomfort.
  5. Squeeze your buttocks to prevent the candle from slipping out. 1–2 minutes is enough for this.
  6. Lie down without getting up for 5 to 30 minutes. This period depends on the type of drug and how quickly it dissolves and is absorbed into the rectal mucosa. It is advisable to place a candle before bedtime so that you can rest peacefully until the morning.
  7. Throw away used materials and remove gloves.
  8. If you feel the urge to defecate, it is advisable to refrain from doing so. Otherwise the medicine will come out.

The use of rectal suppositories for children has some differences. For babies, the candle is placed in a position lying on their back with their legs tucked to their stomach. It is advisable to do this after natural bowel movement. The drug should not be too cold; it must first be heated a little, leaving it at room temperature. The suppository should be inserted into the rectum and squeeze the buttocks with your hands for 1-2 minutes. It is best if at the end of the manipulation the child lies down for a while, but that’s up to you.

Using a suppository after bowel movements and following the rules for its administration will allow you to get the fastest possible therapeutic effect from using this dosage form.


Rules for using rectal suppositories

The suppository is administered to the patient according to simple but mandatory rules. It is optimal to carry out the procedure before going to bed. Overnight, the medicine is completely absorbed, its components last as long as possible.

The entrance to the rectum is kept hygienically clean (washed with cool water and soap), hands should be thoroughly washed with soap before handling the capsule package and candle. Suppository packaging should be stored refrigerated - this way they retain their medicinal properties. It is easier for the patient to insert a cooled suppository, then further insert it directly into the anus.

This should be done promptly, otherwise it will begin to melt from the heat of the body and hands. The administration of the medicine is preceded by the obligatory careful opening of the plastic protective shell where each candle is located. It takes time for the suppository to dissolve in the patient’s rectum, so to increase the effectiveness of the medicinal substances, you should first perform an act of defecation naturally or with the help of an enema.

Regardless of the patient's age, the rectal muscles should be relaxed. The suppository must be inserted without force, otherwise it can cause injury to the mucous membrane inside the anus. To facilitate the process, the administered medicinal suppositories (pointed tip) or the anus are lubricated with baby cream (vegetable oil).

For adults

You need to make sure in advance that you have scissors on hand (they are used to open the candle packaging), baby cream, new disposable gloves and similar pads. The algorithm for installing the drug in the form of a rectal suppository involves a simple sequence of actions. After performing hygiene procedures, you should take a relaxed position that is comfortable for the body (tension leads to pain):

  • on either side (the upper leg is bent at the knee, both legs are tucked to the chest);
  • on the back, raising the pelvis or placing a cushion under the sacrum;
  • on your back with your legs raised high;
  • in a knee-elbow position;
  • standing on your feet, but leaning slightly forward.

The patient determines a comfortable position for himself, based on preferences and age. However, it is believed that maximum muscle relaxation is achieved when the patient lies on his back (side). It is important to put the candle in one go. So, after taking a comfortable position, the capsule, freed from packaging, with a sharp tip, which is lubricated with cream (a water-soluble lubricant without petroleum jelly), is inserted into the anus.

The convenience of this is facilitated by moving the buttocks to the side with your free hand, which facilitates the procedure. The candle should be held at the blunt tip (where there is no cream). It is better if this is done with disposable medical gloves rather than with bare hands.

It is carefully pushed with one finger, resting on the bottom of the candle, into the depth of the anus to the length of the index finger (but not less than 5 cm). If you do not insert as deeply, the intestinal sphincter may push the suppository substance back. Then the buttocks are brought together and held in this position for up to 10 seconds.

The pelvis remains elevated and the body is relaxed. Possible urges to defecate should be calmed as much as possible, otherwise the medicinal substances will not fulfill their therapeutic purpose. Approximately 0.5 hours after inserting the suppository into the rectum, you are allowed to stand up and wash your hands with soap.

The components of rectal products (vaseline oil, fat, liquid and white soft paraffins, etc.) may not be completely absorbed, so their residues may escape outside the anus. The associated inconveniences are eliminated by using disposable pads (napkins). Rectal medications may be prescribed at a lower than standard dose. Then the candle is pre-cut along the length with a new disposable blade.

For children

Drugs in rectal form are administered to children taking into account the above preparation and sequence of actions. Consumables and tools are the same. However, there are also age nuances that should be taken into account. So, before use, candles should be allowed to warm up to a temperature of about 18 degrees. They should be administered immediately following a bowel movement (natural or induced). The position for administering the medication is preferably lying down.

The position on the side with one leg bent is convenient because it is possible to fix the baby in it for a while. For children under 3 years of age, rectal medications are administered while lying on their back. Both legs are lifted with one hand, and the candle is installed with the other.

The procedure should be as gentle, painless and non-traumatic as possible, otherwise subsequent attempts will be associated with the child’s resistance and emotional distress. The upper buttock is raised in the same way, the anus is lubricated with cream, then a candle is carefully inserted. The depth of her finger accompaniment is approximately 25 mm.

Then the buttocks are brought together and held compressed for 5 - 10 seconds. The child should be helped to relax (distract attention). At the end of the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap (gloves are thrown away).

After 20 - 30 minutes, the baby can be allowed to move if the procedure was not done at night. For young children, it is advisable to place candles during sleep to avoid refusal. When the drug manages to come out approximately 5 minutes after the manipulation, it can be repeated, since the medicinal substance is not absorbed by the body.

Is it possible to get an overdose from using rectal suppositories?

It is useful to know that defecation after installation may require repeating the procedure. If a bowel movement occurs within the first 10 minutes, a new suppository is inserted. When more time has passed, this is no longer necessary to avoid an overdose, the consequences of which have not been recorded. In all cases of doubt, you should consult a doctor.


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2Rectal suppositories for adults

After all hygiene procedures have been completed, the package with the candle is opened, the body must take a relaxed position, otherwise pain may occur. You can take the following poses:

  • standing, slightly leaning forward;
  • lying on either side, while the leg that is on top must be bent and pressed to the chest, or both legs must be brought to the chest;
  • stand in a knee-elbow position;
  • lying on your back with your legs raised high, for example, with your legs thrown over the back of the sofa;
  • lying on your back, slightly raising your pelvis or placing a pillow or cushion under your pelvis.

The choice of position is determined by the patient himself, based on age and comfort. But many consider the most comfortable position to be lying on your side with your knees drawn to your chest.

It is advisable to insert the candle at once, in one go; you can use your free hand to move one buttock to the side, and with the other hand, holding the candle by the wide tip, insert the sharp end into the anus.

Next, you need to calmly and carefully push it with one finger deep into the anus, but no further than 5 cm from the hole itself. If you insert the suppository not so deeply, it will be pushed out as soon as the sphincter contracts. After it is installed at the desired depth, you need to close your buttocks with your hands and fix them in this position for 10 seconds. At the same time, the body should also be relaxed and the pelvis raised. If after the introduction of the suppository the urge to defecate appears, it is necessary to suppress them and wait until the medicine is completely absorbed into the intestine. After lying down for half an hour, you can get up and wash your hands with soap.

Do not be alarmed if you see the remains of a suppository in the stool; not all components are completely absorbed, for example, paraffins, fat and petroleum jelly can remain in the rectum and come out with the stool or on their own. Therefore, to avoid unpleasant situations, it is better to use disposable pads or napkins. Do not forget that the doctor may prescribe the use of a suppository in a smaller dose than its standard, then it is necessary to cut it lengthwise with a knife.

3Use of suppositories for children

Any mother knows how to administer suppositories to a child, because during the first year, when the child has a fever, paracetamol is administered, but if this is the first time in your practice, then these instructions are for you. The preparation and hygiene of a child for the insertion of a rectal suppository is the same as for an adult. You must thoroughly wash the child's anus and your hands with soap. Then you need to put the child on his back and lift his legs up with one hand, and insert the candle with the other hand. Do not forget that the drug must be administered to the baby after defecation.

It is best to do this when the baby is sleeping. If it is recommended for an adult not to warm up the candle before inserting it, then for a child it is still better to hold it in the package in his palms for a while so that it warms up to approximately 18 degrees, and only then open the package. The candle is inserted into the child to a depth of no more than 2 cm. Then the buttocks are also clamped for 10 seconds. Try not to cause discomfort to the baby, otherwise the next procedure will be viewed with hostility. Think of something to distract the child while inserting the suppository. If the procedure was not done at night, then after half an hour the child will be able to get up.

If you insert suppositories into a baby, it is better to do this when he is sleeping, but if the child screams, and therefore the suppository leaves the body within 5 minutes, then it must be inserted again very quickly, because during this time the medicine is not completely absorbed into the intestine.

Helpful Tips:

  1. Before placing candles, carefully read the instructions so as not to make a mistake in the dosage of the product.
  2. Long nails should be cut off before the procedure, otherwise you may damage the mucous membrane.
  3. Place the candle quickly before it melts in your hands. If this happens, it is better to take a new one, because inserting a melted candle will be problematic.
  4. If it is more convenient for you to insert the suppository while standing, then as soon as the suppository is inserted, immediately lie down.
  5. You can lubricate the oil not only the anus, but also your fingers, with which you will push the candle deeper into the intestine.

Despite the fact that not a single case of overdose with rectal suppositories has been recorded, it is still better not to abuse them, but to adhere to strict recommendations and dosages.

How to insert suppositories into the rectum? In fact, it is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Naturally, anyone can insert a rectal suppository. But in order to achieve the desired result from the use of this medicine, certain rules must be followed. This applies not only to the algorithm for introducing the suppository, but also to the preparatory procedures.

How to administer the medicine to achieve a positive result?

The main rule for the successful use of rectal suppositories is bowel movement. To do this, you just need to go to the toilet in a big way. Unfortunately, this is not always done “to order”, so a cleansing enema may be necessary. Alternatively, you can use a special medicinal laxative, which comes in the form of a microenema. The desired effect occurs within 20–30 minutes after using the drug; you don’t have to wait long.

Why do you need to cleanse your intestines? When a rectal suppository is introduced into the lumen of the rectum, irritation of the sphincters and mucous membrane occurs. This may cause a bowel movement and eventually the medication will come out. Thus, the result of its use will be zero. Even if this does not happen, the suppository will dissolve in the feces and mix with them.

It will be almost impossible to achieve a therapeutic effect from the use of the medicine, since the suppository will reach the rectal mucosa in a minimal amount.

Preparation includes mandatory hygienic procedures for the anorectal area. This is very important, especially if the rectal mucosa is damaged and there are cracks in it.

Algorithm for administering a rectal suppository

How to properly place suppositories in the rectum? There is a certain scheme of actions that the patient must strictly adhere to. This guarantees not only a positive result from the treatment, but also ensures that the procedure is completely painless.

First of all, you need to wash your hands with soap and put on disposable medical gloves.

If the candle is stored in the refrigerator, it must be pulled out in advance and left at room temperature. This little trick will help avoid discomfort during the administration of the drug, since the sphincter may involuntarily contract in response to the penetration of a cold foreign body.

If it is necessary to use half a candle, it must be cut with a sharp knife or blade. This must be done immediately after you take it out of the refrigerator. This way the candle can be divided as accurately as possible, and it will not have time to melt in your hands. If the medicine was stored at room temperature, it should be placed in the refrigerator for a short time to cool slightly. And cut only after that.

If the candle must be administered entirely, it is advisable to remove the wrapper immediately before use. Moreover, it must be immediately inserted into the rectum, otherwise the suppository will begin to melt. This is due to the fact that the drug contains additional components that ensure rapid dissolution when placed in a warm environment.

Algorithm for administering a rectal suppository:

  1. Lie on your side, stretch one leg along your body and tuck the other to your chest.
  2. Gently spread the buttocks and lubricate the anus with cool water. This action will ensure easy advancement of the suppository deep into the rectum.
  3. Lubricate the tip of the candle with a special water-soluble lubricant without Vaseline. If it is missing, you can use improvised means: baby cream or vegetable oil, which will make its introduction easier.
  4. Take a candle and insert the narrow end into the rectum. Using your index finger, push it 2.5–5 cm deep so that it gets behind the sphincters and into the ampoule. This should be done easily, without effort. Otherwise, if the suppository goes at the wrong angle, it may hit the wall and cause discomfort.
  5. Squeeze your buttocks to prevent the candle from slipping out. 1–2 minutes is enough for this.
  6. Lie down without getting up for 5 to 30 minutes. This period depends on the type of drug and how quickly it dissolves and is absorbed into the rectal mucosa. It is advisable to place a candle before bedtime so that you can rest peacefully until the morning.
  7. Throw away used materials and remove gloves.
  8. If you feel the urge to defecate, it is advisable to refrain from doing so. Otherwise the medicine will come out.

The use of rectal suppositories for children has some differences. For babies, the candle is placed in a position lying on their back with their legs tucked to their stomach. It is advisable to do this after natural bowel movement. The drug should not be too cold; it must first be heated a little, leaving it at room temperature. The suppository should be inserted into the rectum and squeeze the buttocks with your hands for 1-2 minutes. It is best if at the end of the manipulation the child lies down for a while, but that’s up to you.

Using a suppository after bowel movements and following the rules for its administration will allow you to get the fastest possible therapeutic effect from using this dosage form.