How to use maple syrup. Maple syrup - what is it made from? Health benefits and harms of maple syrup, use in cooking. How to Select and Store Maple Syrup

One of the main factors of attractive appearance is well-groomed skin. If you don't constantly take care of your skin, no amount of makeup, even the most thorough, can hide fatigue, blemishes and blemishes on the face. But even with the most careful attention to appearance, every woman may develop spots on her skin for various reasons. Then cosmetics designed to whiten the skin will come to the rescue.

There can be several reasons for the appearance of pigment spots. Mature, age-related skin is susceptible to pigmentation. The processes occurring in the body during pregnancy sometimes contribute to the appearance of melasma - the “mask of pregnant women”. Some women simply have very delicate, sensitive skin, which in the spring “blooms” especially brightly with freckles. The consequences of inflammatory processes also leave spots on the skin.

One of the most effective ways to get rid of blemishes is to use facial skin whitening creams. If you choose the right good whitening cream for the face, the reviews of which are extremely positive, and use it regularly, the result may exceed all expectations.

Such a cream should gradually return the skin to its natural color and smoothness by combating the increased content of melanin in the skin layers. To solve this problem in a lightening cream Certain ingredients are present:

  • Hydroquinone. This substance can slow down cell activity. However, it is not suitable for everyone and can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Arbutin. Normalizes melanin production.

  • Beta carotene. Capable of neutralizing pigment production processes.
  • Licorice extract. Slows down the production of melanin.
  • helps neutralize the activity of melanocytes.

How to choose the best whitening face cream

What is the most effective whitening face cream? How to choose among the stunning variety? It is impossible to answer these questions unequivocally. After all The skin of a 20-year-old girl is significantly different from the skin of a mature girl women. Therefore, bleaching should be different from. However, you can choose the right product by carefully reading the composition.

Professionals recommend avoid products containing hydroquinone, arbutin or kojic acid. Until recently, these components were in most cases a mandatory component in whitening creams, but based on scientific research, it was concluded that they are highly toxic.

It is almost impossible to list all the components used in modern cosmetology, so you need to focus on those that in any case they will be useful. The use of products containing vitamins A, C, E will have a very positive effect on the skin.

Panthenol, lactic acid, almond oil are very useful. The presence of natural ingredients that can have a positive effect on skin whitening is very welcome. It can be extracts and extracts of parsley, angelica, aloe, Chinese boxwood, white mulberry and others.

How to use whitening face cream correctly

When using a whitening cream for the face, you must follow simple rules.

Which whitening face cream for age spots to choose and how best to apply

Some brands of face whitening creams, in demand:

  • Milk Skin– a universal whitening face cream that removes all types of age spots, it is also designed to remove scars. Can be used as a . Milk Skin whitening face cream also has a lifting effect. It is recommended to use morning and evening. After 10 minutes, rinse with water.

  • Clearvin– a whitening face cream, reviews of which are extremely positive. It not only whitens, but also significantly rejuvenates the skin. Works great on age spots, acne, stretch marks, scars, dark circles under the eyes. It is recommended to use morning and evening. After 10 minutes, rinse with water.

  • Himalaya herbals– whitening face cream enriched with phyto-vitamin complex. Whitens pigment spots, copes with circles under the eyes, evens out the skin, moisturizing it. It is recommended to use 2 times a day.

  • Siberian nature– whitening face cream, according to women’s reviews, it perfectly whitens age spots, freckles, and marks after inflammation. There is a day option and a night option.

  • Lately they have been popular korean face whitening creams, distinguished by quality and efficiency, especially the Snow White series from Secret Key and the Panda’s Dreams series.

Greetings, my wonderful blog guests. If you dream of smooth and snow-white skin, this article will be very useful to you. Today I will tell you about the most effective ingredients in cosmetics that perfectly lighten age spots, post-acne and freckles. And I will teach you how to choose the best whitening face creams.

There are many provoking factors due to which our skin acquires an uneven shade. Some causes lie within the body, these include:

  • hormonal changes (during body growth, pregnancy, taking contraceptives, menopause, etc.);
  • aging of the body;
  • problems in the liver and gastrointestinal tract;
  • cancer of the skin, etc.

Also, pigmentation can occur on the face under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Be sure to apply sunscreen at any time, be it winter or summer.

There are also seasonal freckles. The spots can also be marks from acne, called post-acne.

Pigmentation may vary in color. It can vary from a brownish tint to orange.

Lightening components

Cosmetics created to even out complexion contain special ingredients with a whitening effect. Their number varies. Naturally, this affects the effectiveness of the brightening agent.

Glycolic acid- one of the frequently used components. The action of this element is aimed at accelerating natural cell renewal. Under the influence of glycolic acid, old cells are exfoliated, and new healthy ones appear on the surface.

Hydroquinone- another frequently used component, although not everything is so simple with it. Hydroquinone is not actually a bleaching agent. It is considered a potent inhibitor of melanin synthesis. This component cannot remove melanin from skin cells. But it can limit its production. However, there is still controversy surrounding hydroquinone. Some cosmetologists consider him unreliable and unsafe, while others sing his praises.

Arbutin– can also be found in a lightening cream. This is a close “relative” of hydroquinone, but is considered a milder and safer remedy. The principle of action of arbutin is as follows: penetrating into cells, it suppresses the production of melanin.

Fruit acids- also have a brightening effect. They exfoliate the top layer of the epidermis, provoking the formation of new healthy cells. Contained in light peelings and exfoliants.

Cosmetical tools

You need to choose brightening cosmetics wisely. Pay special attention to the following points:

  • What type of skin is this product created for? Each type of epidermis has its own characteristics. Therefore, I do not recommend using universal cosmetics “for the whole family.” For example, in a cream for dry skin, the concentration of exfoliating components should be minimal.
  • Expiration date - carefully read the information on the packaging. My friends, do not buy cream if there are a couple of months left before the expiration date. Remember that as soon as you open the jar, this period will decrease even more. This happens when the cream comes into contact with air.
  • Study the composition of the cosmetic product - make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to its ingredients.

Be sure to use products with protective SPF at any time of the year - in winter with a level of 20, in summer with a level of 30-50 (the strongest if you are going to the sea)

For example, Vichy cosmetics have a sunscreen for age spots. Essentially this is a BB cream with UVA and UVB protection. I used their spray myself in the summer and liked it.

I advise you to buy any cosmetic products at a pharmacy or online store. It is produced by various brands. There are both mass-market cosmetics and professional care products.

Mass market cosmetics

Such products are characterized by low cost. This is perhaps the most compelling argument in favor of mass market products. Due to the low price of the product, it is more accessible and is purchased more often.

Even in a regular grocery store they sell whitening products for 150 rubles. If there is any effect from such means, it is very insignificant. They don't cope well with strong pigmentation. These are the brands Achromin, Belarusian Pharmacos, White Flax serum, Belita Vitex, Evelyn, etc. What do you want for this price?

Although, there are better products in this sector that are in demand. Therefore, it cannot be written off. I provide a rating of the most popular products in this price niche.

Natura Siberica White

The Arctic cloudberry present in this cosmetic product is rich in vitamin C. This element has restorative, whitening and protective properties. Vitamin C is also involved in metabolic processes - the speed of cell recovery partly depends on it.

This cream also contains Siberian ginseng extract. It improves the condition of the skin and accelerates the process of cell renewal.

In addition, the cream Natura Siberica White contains snowy cladonia. It speeds up the process of tissue renewal. There is also an extract from turmeric root. This component brightens the skin and eliminates existing imperfections.

This cream does not contain mineral oils, parabens or silicones. Judging by the manufacturer's statement, the product is hypoallergenic.

This cream has a delicate berry aroma. The consistency is light: the product is quickly absorbed without leaving a sticky film. This cosmetic product has a whitish color. The cream is packaged in a beautiful bright jar with a dispenser - it is conveniently and economically squeezed out. Volume - 50 ml.

The reviews are not as flattering as the manufacturers' statements. The skin becomes a little lighter, but age spots are still visible.

This product contains a phyto-vitamin complex, saffron and alfalfa. There are no fragrances or other harmful components here.

It has a delicate, pleasant aroma. The consistency of the cream is thick, but it is absorbed very quickly, without leaving a sticky film on the surface. This cream can be a good base for makeup. The product is packaged in soft tubes of 50 ml.

As for the reviews, they once again convince us that we shouldn’t expect a miracle. Yes, the skin will lighten slightly, but this product will not help you say goodbye to freckles and other spots.

Miracle Glow

It contains the following main components: lactic acid, kaolin, cocoa butter, panthenol, yogurt extract, betaine, vitamin E. Acid for faster renewal of the epidermis, kaolin (white clay) for cleansing the skin, well, brightens it a little. I didn’t see any strong whitening ingredients.

The product is packaged in a soft tube of 50 ml. The product is used sparingly, so it lasts for a long time.

First we need, of course, maple. Many people think that this overseas delicacy is prepared from the familiar maple trees with crown leaves. This is wrong. Regular maple sap is bitter and will not suit us. But we need Norway maple. This is what he looks like.

Sap flow in maple begins much earlier than in birch. Depending on the location, the sap can start flowing even in January! In Central Russia this is usually February, but in March maple sap flows best and is considered the sweetest.
The process of collecting sap is similar to the birch tree epic. I’ll tell you how my husband and I do this on the trees we inherited when we moved our house.
The barrel needs to be drilled with a screwdriver; you need a thick and long drill.

If you drilled a tree and saw that there is no sap yet, do not leave a hole in the trunk, take pity on the tree. You can do it like this, for example.

Then under this hole we drive grooves, pre-made from aluminum.

That's it, the design is ready, and now the first drop of juice is flowing!

In warm sunny weather, juice is collected very quickly. In three to four hours, about a half-liter jar. Six of these jars = three liters of juice.

We can stop there. Maple sap has a very unusual sweet taste with a light woody aroma; it is very useful, especially for frequent spring vitamin deficiencies. It contains a huge amount of useful substances, antioxidants, and has a mild diuretic and choleretic effect. Attention! The juice contains glucose and sucrose, be careful and do not drink liters of it, especially if your blood sugar levels are high!
And then I’ll tell you how to make maple syrup from the sap. Everything here is extremely simple - evaporation. Pour the freshly collected juice into a large saucepan and place over high heat.

The process of evaporating three liters of juice takes about an hour and a half. After boiling, you will immediately hear an amazing vanilla-caramel aroma. After the water has evaporated, a thick, cream-colored liquid will remain at the bottom - this is maple syrup.

To make 1 liter of maple syrup, you will need 40 liters of sap. Accordingly, from 4 liters of juice you can get approximately 100 ml of syrup.

At first, the maple syrup will be cloudy, you need to let it sit for several hours, then carefully drain the white sediment that has fallen.
That's all, try the syrup with pancakes or waffles, as they like to serve it all over the world - it's really very tasty! Bon appetit!

It would be fair to say that for the first time Belarusians began to look closely at maple syrup thanks to cinema. How many films where the characters generously pour a portion of pancakes on them for breakfast! Can't count. Fortunately, today this amazing product, given to the world by ancient Indian tribes who once lived in the territory of modern Canada, is available throughout the world. And in Minsk, it is increasingly offered as a topping not only for pancakes, but also for ice cream and other desserts. Let’s figure out the benefits and harms of this sweet “seasoning” and learn how to choose real maple syrup.

Maple syrup is produced from sugar-rich maple sap (sugar, black, red), which is collected in early spring (from February to April). Trees suitable for sweet production grow only in some regions of North America: New York, Vermont, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Nebraska.

Fresh maple sap is clear and does not have a distinct taste. The syrup's characteristic aroma, deep amber color and caramel taste appear during the process of boiling the water. Initially, maple sap is approximately 96% water, so it takes up to 40 liters of sap to make 1 liter of maple syrup. To get the syrup to the desired thickness, evaporation requires a significant amount of time.

By Canadian standards, maple syrup must be at least 66% sugar. We are talking exclusively about the sugar that remains in the syrup after the maple sap has evaporated. No other sugar, as well as preservatives, fillers, or other “synthetics” are used to make real maple syrup. Its main component is sucrose.

The hallmark of real maple syrup is its mild, woody flavor. Its consistency is close to fresh natural honey - transparent (translucent), thick and viscous. Depending on the degree of density and transparency, it is conventionally divided into Canadian and American (Vermont) syrup. Almost all maple sap is extracted in Canada and the USA, with the latter accounting for no more than 10%.


Many doctors come to the conclusion that in terms of its beneficial properties this product can even be compared with honey.

According to the latest research by American scientists, Canadian maple syrup contains 54 antioxidants and beneficial microelements. The chemical composition of maple syrup includes B vitamins, as well as minerals: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, etc. The antioxidants of this wonderful product are similar to those found in tomatoes, berries, red wine, whole wheat and flax seeds.

In addition, maple syrup can be called a leader among other foods consumed by humans in terms of the amount of calcium and potassium stored in it. Just ¼ cup of maple syrup contains more calcium than the same amount of whole milk and a dose of potassium comparable to bananas.

It is also known that maple syrup contains 5 substances that scientists have never encountered in the natural environment until now. Of these five elements, Quebecol stands out especially, which has a sweet taste, but does not belong to carbohydrates, but to the phenolic group of compounds. Which in turn can be useful for people suffering from diabetes.

Thanks to a whole range of useful substances, maple syrup:

  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • helps fight cancer and cardiovascular diseases;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • reduces the risk of diabetes;
  • increases potency.

An important advantage of the product over other sweets (including brown sugar, stevia, agave syrup and even honey) is that it contains an extremely low amount of oxalates and purines, so it does not cause food allergies.

The harm that maple syrup can cause can only be attributed to individual intolerance and excess in food.


The biggest challenge for the uninformed consumer is distinguishing natural syrup from sugared imitations, which are typically made from corn with a little maple syrup or artificial maple essence added. They are made almost entirely of unhealthy high fructose corn syrup. These imitation products are illegally called "maple syrup" and do not contain the beneficial properties of the real natural product. Moreover, counterfeits are found in both the USA and Canada.

There are several criteria by which you can choose high-quality maple syrup:

Pay attention to its consistency and color. The syrup should be transparent or translucent, without any cloudiness, and have a medium oiliness.

Choose syrup that is made in Canada. The purity and authenticity of Canadian maple syrup is monitored at the government level by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. On all products produced in compliance with the technology, you can find a golden maple leaf - a guarantor of quality and that the product is truly made in Canada.

An important point: if the label says that it was produced in Canada, but is packaged in another country under the brand of a non-Canadian company, it is not a Canadian product. In this case, Canada no longer bears any responsibility for the quality and composition of this maple syrup.

Pay attention to the cost of maple syrup. Natural syrup is expensive - no less than $70 per liter.

The lighter the syrup, the more delicate its taste and subtler the aroma. Canada has adopted a special classification system for maple syrup: it is divided into three groups. Group Canada #1, which is considered the best, includes light syrups and is divided into Extra Light (very light), Light (light and light) and Medium (medium, the most popular due to its richness). Group Canada #2(mainly used in cooking) includes syrups of a darker Amber color (amber, tart and viscous). Group Canada #3(has a strong thick taste and is used almost exclusively as a commercial sweetener) - the darkest. Maple syrup grades are based solely on the syrup's ability to transmit light. The higher the degree of clarity, the higher the grade of maple syrup.

The most meticulous buyers should pay attention to the density indicator. In 100% natural maple syrup, the volume to net weight ratio should average 1:1.32.

Don't be fooled by labels like "100% organic." Maple syrups, by definition, are organic products because the maple trees that provide them grow naturally without the use of pesticides. And even the corn syrup that is added to the fakes is also a 100% natural product.


In Minsk, Canadian maple syrup can be found in online stores specializing in the sale of organic products. However, from experience we can say that not everywhere it is possible to familiarize yourself with the composition.

To avoid fakes, it’s better to go to the store and carefully examine the bottles of syrup yourself. Canadian syrups are available in the Corona shopping center, BIGGZ, Preston and Green hypermarkets, as well as in stores at United Company gas stations.

Sources:,,, Photo: by Google search.

Glad to see you on the blog pages)))

But this is understandable - the topic of sweets is topical and painful for me. Like most women, I love sweets, but I absolutely cannot eat them - my body reacts clearly negatively.

I suffer and envy while my family happily wraps and unwraps sweets for tea 😉

Therefore, another article for sufferers like me, and for everyone else, it will not be superfluous: “healthy sweets” is a soul-warming phrase :)

Maple syrup is often associated with the word “overseas”, so for residents of the countries of the former Soviet Union it has long remained a delicacy, only relatively recently appearing in our stores, and even then, as usual, not in all. Finally, I was able to purchase it (thanks to the Internet, as always))).

I bought the syrup not only out of curiosity, but also because it turned out to be a natural and healthy product with many healing properties.

  1. Large amount of minerals

It contains calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium, manganese, phosphorus.

Moreover, if you take the same amount of milk and maple syrup, then the calcium content in the syrup will be higher, just as the potassium content in it is higher than in bananas.

  1. Antioxidant repository

Including polyphenols, substances that eliminate free radicals, resist diseases, prolong youth.

  1. Contains vitamins

    Of the vitamins, the syrup contains A and C (in small quantities) and a significant amount of B vitamins, especially thiamine.

  2. Contains phytohormones

They are good not only for health, in particular for the functioning of the pancreas, but also help us stay beautiful.

Phytohormones improve skin tone, rejuvenate it, and relieve inflammation. Therefore, they are indispensable for the two most difficult types of skin: problematic and aging.

  1. And the main point for me

Maple syrup, despite its sweetness, has very little sugar.

There is less sugar in syrup than in honey (I also have a difficult relationship with honey: I respect it, but there are allergic reactions to it).

And instead of harmful sucrose, the syrup contains dextrose - an easily digestible source of carbohydrates that increases the body's energy reserves. Plus the syrup has a very low fructose content.

Unlike sugar and sweets, maple syrup does not raise your blood sugar.

Therefore, it can be consumed even by diabetics.

This product has no contraindications for use, so there is no need to talk about its harmfulness. An allergy to maple syrup is also very rare, unlike, for example, an equally healthy product like honey.

The only thing worth paying attention to is the large amount of glucose in the syrup. Therefore, despite all its beneficial qualities, it is clear that maple syrup should be consumed in moderation - anything in excess is harmful)

Maple syrup, uses

There are many options: you can sweeten porridge, cottage cheese, tea and coffee with it; it is delicious with pancakes, toast, and ice cream. Syrup can be used to replace sugar in baked goods.

But this is all theoretical)) I’m writing with what I tried the syrup with. At first I bought it to sweeten the cottage cheese that I eat in the evening and, which, unsweetened and without any additives, was already quite boring. It turned out very well.

The syrup itself is very sweet, but when you add it to foods, the sweetness is lost and the result is just the right amount.

I added it to coffee, which I can’t drink without sugar. Quite good, but the sweetness wasn’t even enough for me.

A huge advantage of maple syrup is that it does not lose its properties when heated.

For a long time I didn’t dare try it with pancakes, considering the sweetness of the syrup itself, I thought it would be too much, but with pancakes it turned out to be a wonderful combination, very tasty.

And if in porridge and cottage cheese the unique taste of the syrup is lost, then with pancakes it turned out fragrant and, for some reason, not at all sweet.

What I haven’t tried yet is using it in baking. When cooking, I always strictly and tediously follow the recipe, so I don’t risk guessing how much syrup needs to be added to replace the specified amount of sugar. But if I come across an interesting recipe based on maple syrup, I’ll definitely try it.

Maple syrup flavor

Very specific, very unique. I can say that at first I was not particularly delighted. But then I liked it))

It is difficult to compare it with anything; the closest would probably be honey, which has a strong taste of burnt sugar.

What is maple syrup made from?

The sap is collected from special types of maple - sugar, red or black.

Collecting sap from maples is very similar to the familiar collection of birch sap. It is produced in early spring from late February to early April.

The syrup is obtained by evaporating the juice on large heated surfaces, without adding sugar.

Since the juice is 96% water, it takes a lot of time to obtain the syrup, and the juice itself. To produce 1 liter of maple syrup, an average of 40 liters of sap is consumed.

The one I bought was made from 151 liters of maple sap(!).

In one season, a sugar maple tree produces 1-2 liters of pure syrup.

Which maple syrup should I try?

It must be said that maple syrup is divided into two types, “class A” and “class B.”

Class A is lighter and less concentrated.

Class B is darker, more concentrated and therefore has a deeper taste. Class B syrup is sweeter than A.

I bought both. I didn’t notice much of a difference in taste, apparently, to feel it you either have to be an expert in maple syrup 😉 or compare two flavors at once.

The first bottle of syrup I purchased was from Now Foods, which has been producing a wide variety of organic products since 1968. I tried the products, vitamins, and oils that they produce - I was satisfied with everything.

The syrup was no exception, the only thing is that this purchase will have to be repeated, since it was not possible to try it, the jar was the first and, accordingly, most of it was spent on treats and “tasting”))

The maple syrup came in a plastic jar, simple and cute in design, like most Now Foods products.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to take photos of the syrup itself.

Volume: 473 ml.

My rating: 5/5.

Where to buy maple syrup: