What kind of cough occurs with lung cancer? Effective ways to reduce cough in lung cancer

Cough is the first symptom of lung cancer. The causes of such a cough are the cleansing of the airway from foreign substances, as well as changes in cells and tissues.

However, a cough may indicate other diseases. For lung cancer, such features of its development as frequency, pain when coughing, color and amount of sputum, and nature of strength are taken into account. It is important that the cough in lung cancer is constant, regular, and the person’s well-being worsens.

Causes of coughing:

  • decreased efficiency of the bronchi;
  • tumor growth on the respiratory organs;
  • increase lymph nodes and, as a result, compression of the bronchi;
  • the presence of fluid in the respiratory organs;
  • inflammatory processes in the bronchi.

This condition is exacerbated by shortness of breath, which makes breathing difficult. Doctors distinguish a classification of cough that is characteristic of lung cancer.

It will be discussed below.

Types of cough

Depending on the nature, frequency and sputum, the following types of cough are distinguished:

  • short;
  • strong;
  • dry;
  • wet;
  • with blood.

A cough of short duration is characterized by fast contraction muscles abdominal cavity. This sign is very common, but, unfortunately, few people pay attention to it. But in vain, because this is one of the first symptoms of lung cancer.

A severe cough occurs with constant frequency. Occurs at night and is accompanied by convulsions respiratory system. The person feels as if he is suffocating. He begins to convulsively swallow oxygen, so this condition is also characterized by frequent breaths. The cough may be complicated by the urge to vomit, dizziness, and mental confusion. Doctors note that during the next attack a person can completely lose consciousness, and the heart rhythm becomes disrupted.

A dry cough without mucus production is one of the symptoms of lung cancer. It is characterized by tearfulness, muffledness and hoarseness. It can also be silent. This type of cough is the most severe and painful, because it signals the beginning of changes in the respiratory system. A person with this condition should immediately consult a doctor to relieve their condition and reduce their cough.

A wet cough is characterized by big amount secreted sputum, which is caused by increased work of the bronchi. It can manifest itself in the morning or at night, when the resulting clots of sputum move into the bronchi. The sputum from this type of cough may be bloody or yellow-brown in color.

Coughing up blood is very dangerous symptom, which indicates structural changes in the lungs. It is the most difficult for a person, because it causes shortness of breath and bleeding. Accompanied by pain, discomfort in thoracic region. Causes of coughing up blood can be increased pulmonary pressure, the presence inflammatory process in other organs.

Ways to relieve a cough

You can relieve a cough by eliminating the cause of its occurrence. To do this, we need to find out what provoked it. If this is the presence of an inflammatory process in the respiratory organs, then it needs to be cured or stopped. To do this, you need to consult an oncologist.

In addition, you need to monitor the indoor air quality. It should be cool and moist. This can be achieved using special devices. Plays an important role in the fight against cough psychological condition person. For complete psycho-emotional relief, you need to relax, listen to music, or take a walk.

A cough can also be caused by fluid accumulation in the lungs. To alleviate the condition, you need to remove it with medical intervention. During treatment, as well as in the future, you need to stop smoking and not be passive smoker. Needs to be strengthened immune system with the help of vitamins and herbal treatments.

Oncological diseases are a problem of our time, one of the types is lung cancer. Mortality statistics are up to 90%. Insidiousness of this disease- in its similarity with common cold, in the first stages of an already growing tumor. The only symptom that should alert the patient is a cough with lung cancer. Timely consultation with a doctor is a guarantee for more successful treatment.

Cough in lung cancer is the first sign of all the main symptoms of this pathology. When diagnosing lung cancer, all features of cough are taken into account:

  • how often does it occur;
  • depth, sonority;
  • whether there is sputum production;
  • duration;
  • soreness;
  • feeling after a coughing attack.

A cough with lung cancer has a deep sound, frequent repetition and characteristic regularity, and the patient’s condition worsens.

Manifestations of a tumor in the lungs

Frequent cough is one of the important symptoms indicating something serious. And although doctors note that in 10% of cases there may be no cough in lung cancer, you need to know what symptoms and types stand out.

During the first stage of the pathology, the cough has a constant, dry character, worsening in the morning and subsiding in the afternoon. The body tries to reject the tumor, causing the muscles of the larynx to contract and compress the cough receptors.

As the size of the tumor increases, sputum production is added to the cough. In the first stages it is in small quantities and has a gray or transparent color.

Constant irritation of the respiratory tract and the growth of cancer promotes damage small vessels, and the sputum becomes bloody. They are invisible at first glance, but can be detected when diagnostic method– microscopy. Over time, the patient can independently observe bloody streaks in the secreted sputum.

The abundance of sputum, with a purulent yellow consistency, indicates the accession bacterial infection, and the smell of the discharge becomes foul.

The growth of the formation intensifies, it puts pressure on the walls of the blood vessels, destroying their structure - the sputum becomes very thick, with a crimson tint.

Once the tumor begins to destroy the arteries, the patient experiences pulmonary hemorrhage. This often leads to fatal outcome, in which a sharp muscle contraction releases a large volume of arterial blood.

Cough with metastases in the lungs has the same characteristics as with the development of cancer in the lung area.

Types of cough with cancer

There are strong, squeezing, continuous contractions of the muscles of the respiratory tract, becoming more frequent at night, with coughing and periodic vomiting immediately after the attack. Possible heart rhythm disturbances or fainting.

Without sputum production, but with a hoarse or almost silent voice (more often manifested during development) voice.

Cough wet- with increased secretion of sputum, which, with advanced pathology, has the consistency of jelly, often mixed with drops of blood.

The cough may often be accompanied by severe shortness of breath, discomfort or pain in the area chest.

Signs of pulmonary hemorrhage

A wet cough mixed with blood does not always indicate the presence of cancer in the lung area. There are other diseases in which hemoptysis occurs. These include:

  • tuberculosis (on last stage);
  • pneumonia;
  • ischemic myocardial necrosis;
  • abscess of tissues of the respiratory organs (infectious).

In addition to the above diseases, there are other factors that can provoke coughing up blood. IN active period growth of lung cancer, sputum with blood may indicate vascular damage and depressed condition of lung tissue.

The danger of bleeding is the threat of rapid death. Of particular danger is internal bleeding. It can be identified by the following factors:

  • When you cough, bright red sputum appears;
  • the pulse has a thread-like, weak beat;
  • During an attack, the patient experiences a severe loss of strength.

Intensification of cough with cancerous formations becomes regular, with frequency and increasing amplitude muscle contractions, which contributes to a sharp weakening of the patient’s condition.

Help during a seizure

In fact, coughing is the body’s protective reaction to disruption of the lungs due to the presence of an irritant in them. The work of the muscles of the larynx is to clear the respiratory tract of substances accumulated in them, through frequent contraction and relaxation of the muscles.

The appearance of hemoptysis indicates the impossibility of getting rid of excess phlegm in this way; we can say that the protective reaction of the muscles begins to work against the body, causing ruptures of blood vessels and aggravating the person’s condition. Therefore, during the active period of the disease, knowledge common methods and medications to relieve coughing attacks are necessary.

To reduce the amplitude of coughing, the following methods are used:

  • A person suffering from lung cancer must avoid places with strong, irritating odors (smoking rooms, grocery stores household chemicals or perfumes);
  • it is important to monitor the cleanliness and humidity of the air in the room;
  • use methods of breathing relaxation and psychological relaxation;
  • try to take a sitting position at the first sharp attacks of cough to improve the expectoration process;
  • desirable complete failure from using tobacco products;
  • the use of psycho-emotional relaxation (constant walks on fresh air, listening to classical music, other creative directions);
  • If there is a large accumulation of fluid and it is difficult to get rid of sputum on your own, it is important to have it removed by your doctor.

To reduce the cough reflex, you can use relaxation techniques ( breathing techniques, conscious relaxation before an attack). Thus, the department medulla oblongata, responsible for coughing, receives a signal about forced relaxation and works less intensely, in some cases the attack stops.

Drugs for treatment

Reducing the intensity of cough during treatment for lung cancer can improve the patient's health. One effective method is the use of medications:

  • Group opioids (codeine, morphine). Inhibition of the strength and depth of the cough reflex, due to the influence of the components of the drug on the respiratory rhythm.
  • Anesthetics local application(bupivacaine, lidocaine). Reduces cough frequency.
  • Antipsychotics (haloperidol). Has the property of drying out the respiratory tract of a cancer patient.

All antitussive drugs require careful handling and are used according to the suggested regimen of the attending physician and under his direct supervision. It is important to take into account any new symptoms (increased chest pain, frequency of attacks, deterioration in health), which must be described when visiting a doctor.

There is a method of palliative medicine. It includes not only drug elimination symptoms of cough, but also work on the part of a psychologist to support the patient during the severe stage of the disease.

The second most commonly used method is radiation exposure. This therapy works by applying radiation from ionizers (neutron, proton, gamma, beta) directly to the cells of the tumor center. Efficiency consists of a targeted impact on cancer cells. During the procedure, healthy tissue also suffers, but in a smaller percentage than pathological tissue. When making a diagnosis and moving directly to treatment for lung cancer, it is important to combine chemotherapy methods, surgery, radiation exposure.

Cough during the development of lung cancer is a frequent companion to pulmonary oncology, which is not specific symptom diseases, since it may indicate other pathological processes in the body. However, the cough reflex in cancer manifests itself characteristically for each stage of the disease and can be qualified diagnostics. How to recognize an oncological cough and alleviate asthma attacks in a patient?

Oncological cough as a reflex reaction of the body

Coughing in cancer manifests itself as a reflexive adaptive-protective reaction of the body, which helps cleanse the bronchi of foreign substances. In the case of bronchogenic carcinoma, the cough center is irritated for the following reasons:

  • compression of the bronchi due to enlarged lymph nodes
  • pleurisy
  • narrowing of the bronchial lumen
  • pathological change in the diaphragm
  • inflammatory processes of the bronchial membranes

Note! Lung cancer in medical practice called bronchogenic carcinoma.

Also, with the development of lung cancer, increased signs of respiratory failure are noted: shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, dry cough early stages development of the oncological process.

Characteristics of types of cough in pulmonary oncology

Bronchogenic cough varies depending on the stage of development of carcinoma and the severity of the pathology. Clinical picture Lung carcinomas have 5 types of coughing attacks:

  1. Short. Caused by strong contraction of the abdominal muscles, most often appears in the first stage of development malignant neoplasm. With a short cough, a powerful release of air occurs due to the reduction of the trachea.
  2. Strong. It is permanent and intensifies at night. It is accompanied by muscle spasms of the respiratory tract. Severe coughing attacks often end in vomiting, and in severe cases- violation heart rate and loss of consciousness.
  3. Dry. A dry cough is characterized by the absence of sputum, tearfulness and debilitation. It provokes the development of pain and indicates significant damage to the pulmonary structure. The attacks can be silent, barking, muffled and hoarse.
  4. Wet. It most often occurs in the morning and at night and is characterized by copious discharge of sputum and mucus, ranging in color from yellowish to brown. This cough characterizes damage to the bronchial structure.
  5. Hemoptysis. Indicates severe damage to large pulmonary vessels, as well as high blood pressure in the chest. It is permanent in nature with the release of sputum of a bright scarlet color. Accompanied respiratory failure, strong pain syndrome and a feeling of heaviness in the chest.

Note! If bloody sputum is discharged and coughing attacks occur during lung cancer stopped abruptly, this may indicate toxic damage to the body by metabolic products of the cancer tumor!

If lung cancer is diagnosed in time, this will significantly increase the patient’s chances of life. Therefore, when the first coughing attacks occur, you need to consult a doctor and also undergo a fluorographic examination.

Characteristic cough manifestations of irritated receptors located in the lung tissue

Cough with lung cancer has a specific character, which, when visiting a doctor, is diagnosed by the following manifestations:

  • strength of cough attack
  • frequency and periodicity of occurrence
  • sonority and tonality
  • presence of pain and nature of pain
  • presence of sputum discharge

Note! Frequent companion cough in lung cancer is consistently high low-grade fever, limited to 38°C.

Self-diagnosis regarding the manifestation of oncology is unacceptable, since you can miss and also trigger the initial stage of development of bronchogenic carcinoma. An examination to identify pathology should always be comprehensive and take place in a hospital setting.

How to relieve coughing attacks?

It is clear that it is impossible to cure cancer cough until the root cause of the pathological effect on the cough center is eliminated. That's why therapeutic regimen Treatment of cough for lung cancer is aimed primarily at relieving painful symptoms and restoring the patient’s respiratory function.

So, how can you relieve a cough with lung cancer with medication:

  • expectorants such as Mucaltin, Lazolvan, Prospan for wet cough
  • antitussives such as Stoptussin, Broncholitin for dry cough
  • herbal remedies based on: licorice root, celandine, marshmallow root, hemlock

Anesthetic drugs are used as part of palliative treatment local action, as well as opium drugs such as Morphine. This therapy helps relieve pain and suppress the cough center. Relaxation therapy and breathing practices are also prescribed symptomatically.

Additionally, auxiliary methods of cough reduction are used:

  • ventilation of premises
  • to give up smoking
  • strengthening the immune system
  • ensuring a semi-sitting body position
  • elimination of decompensation phenomena in the pulmonary structure

The optimal way to relieve cough attacks can only be selected together with an oncologist.

Hemoptysis and sputum as nonspecific symptoms of oncology

A patient with bronchogenic carcinoma should not be afraid of passing bloody sputum, this is a natural process in the body. The causes of hemoptysis are due to damage to small vascular plexuses and capillaries, and therefore do not always indicate the development of oncology.

Hemoptysis is not a specific sign of lung cancer. It may be a symptom of lack of elasticity blood vessels, and also manifest itself as a symptom of another pathology in the respiratory system.

Hemoptysis as a sign of other diseases

The reasons why blood is mixed into the exudate and sputum is coughed up may be the following pathologies:

  • tuberculosis of the lungs late stages course of the disease
  • myocardial infarction
  • abscesses in the structure of the respiratory organs
  • any type of pneumonia
  • chest injuries followed by internal bleeding

Any of the listed diseases poses a threat to human life and health, therefore, if bloody sputum appears, you should urgently contact a medical facility.

How to determine internal bleeding yourself?

Internal hemorrhage can be independently recognized by the following signs:

  • copious sputum with blood clots
  • the blood component is colored scarlet
  • general weakness, malaise
  • weak pulse

The appearance of such symptoms requires urgent hospitalization of the patient!

To summarize, we note that the cough reflex can only be used to diagnose the course of a pathological process in the body in principle. However, it is impossible to say with certainty that a cough is typical manifestation oncology in the lungs. Therefore, timely diagnosis and prevention of respiratory diseases always comes first.

Any cancer causes serious blow on health and is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms. Cough in lung cancer is one of the main signs of pathology and manifests itself at all stages. It constantly disturbs the patient, causes discomfort, and prevents him from concentrating on treatment. Therefore, in order to alleviate the condition, it is necessary to identify the cause of the cough and select suitable way its suppression.

Lung cancer is always accompanied by a cough

Manifestation of cough at different stages of cancer

Oncology of the respiratory tract always occurs with the presence of cough. The nature of this manifestation depends on what stage of development the disease is at.

If you cough up blood with lung cancer, this means that the disease has become severe form and is actively progressing every day.

Causes of cough

The intensity of a cough with lung cancer depends on the stage at which the disease is located. With absence proper treatment pathological processes develop in the body, and the manifestation of symptoms intensifies. The reasons for its occurrence are considered:

Types of cough

By the type of cough you can determine the processes occurring in the body. There are:

Symptom relief

To significantly improve your well-being and maintain strength to fight the tumor, it is important to know how to relieve coughing from lung cancer. Oncologists advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  • break up with harmful addictions, in particular, to cigarettes;
  • take medications that relieve inflammatory processes;

The patient needs to establish a drinking regime

  • undergo a full diagnosis to establish the main cause of coughing;
  • consume enough water and other natural drinks no artificial additives;
  • monitor the condition of the respiratory tract;
  • regularly ventilate the room, humidify the air, walk outside;
  • avoid stressful situations, try not to be nervous;
  • prevent the accumulation of sputum in the bronchi, use means that remove it;
  • create conditions for increasing immunity by strengthening the body and taking special medications;

Patients will need to learn special breathing exercises

  • master breathing exercises;
  • To reduce attacks, you need to take a lying position.

Treatment of cough in lung cancer

It is possible to alleviate the patient's condition only with the help of medications. On early stages products that are freely available in pharmacies help. They can be taken independently as prescribed by a doctor. At the last stages of cancer progression, it is possible to get rid of cough only by using strong drugs in a hospital setting.

Traditional methods are also welcome, especially on initial stages diseases.

Treatment is carried out using medications


The essence of the technique special means consists of eliminating the symptom in each specific case. Before prescribing the drug, the doctor finds out the type of cough, its intensity, general state cancer patient.

Before prescribing a medicine, it is necessary to determine its compatibility with other medications used in the treatment of lung cancer.

The drug must be prescribed by a doctor

For wet cough

To prevent mucus from accumulating in the bronchi, expectorant medications are used.

  1. Pertussin - syrup based herbal ingredients. Characteristics: thins and removes mucus. Used for tracheitis, tuberculosis, bronchial diseases and other pulmonary pathologies. Contraindicated in people with impaired liver and kidney function, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Optimal time treatment for ten days.
  2. Overspan – medicinal syrup based on plants with cherry aroma. Includes a number of biologically active ingredients. Characteristic:
  • It acts on clots of accumulated phlegm, diluting it and removing it from the body, and relieves bronchial spasms. Suitable for chronic course disease, and during the period of exacerbation.

Prospan removes phlegm from the body

  • Not recommended for people with sucrose intolerance or high sensitivity to the components of the product.
  • The minimum duration of treatment is one week.
  1. Lazolvan is a cough medicine in the form of tablets, lozenges, solution or syrup. Characteristic:
  • Helps with respiratory diseases with abundant accumulation of sputum and mucus. Reduces the thickness of secretions and transports them from the bronchi.
  • Take with caution to expectant and nursing mothers; not recommended for patients prone to allergic reactions with renal and liver failure.
  • Depending on the patient’s condition, the appointment lasts from five to ten days.

Lazolvan is effective for wet coughs

For dry cough

There are also remedies against dry cough. They are able to stop this reflex and alleviate the patient’s condition for a certain period.

If oncology has reached the last stage of development, only Morphine, Codeine and other opioids can help. These are serious medications, which are taken under the supervision of a doctor in the dosage prescribed by him.

Traditional methods

Since lung cancer is a pathology, threatening life of the patient, self-medication is considered unacceptable. Therefore, before starting traditional methods, the approval of the oncologist is required. A few common home recipes are presented below.

From badger fat prepare a cough remedy

The main component weighing one hundred grams is combined with fifty milliliters of cognac and preserved aloe juice. Mix everything thoroughly and consume daily for ten days.


Fifty grams of propolis are combined with a spoonful of soda and the same amount clean water. Heat over low heat, after boiling, remove and inhale the medicinal vapors for ten minutes. Such procedures can be carried out using medicinal fees and oil infusions.

Herbal decoction

Mix marshmallow, thyme, and strawberries in equal proportions. Poured hot water and let it brew for an hour. The drink is taken at least three times a day.

Cough at other tumor locations

This symptom occurs not only with lung cancer, it is a companion to many cancer diseases. When forming education in any organ and further dissemination metastases affecting the respiratory tract, its presence cannot be avoided.

Liver cancer is also accompanied by cough

What lesions will cause coughing?

  1. Stomach cancer is most often dry, in advanced stage in the form of attacks.
  2. Neoplasm in the liver and kidneys – wet, with the presence small quantity sputum.
  3. If there is a cough with blood cancer, it means that the respiratory tract has become infected. This may happen due to loss protective functions body.
  4. Pathology thyroid gland– coughing occurs due to a significant increase in the organ pressing on the trachea. It can be dry, irritate the throat, and be accompanied by a sore throat.
  5. A tumor in the esophagus causes this symptom when metastases reach the bronchi or larynx. There is hoarseness and the voice changes.

With the development of esophageal cancer, hoarseness in the voice is noted

Unfortunately, there are no people who do not have coughing attacks due to lung cancer. Its manifestations significantly aggravate the patient's condition. Therefore, therapy aimed at suppressing this symptom is important in the fight against a terrible diagnosis.

What symptoms appear with lung cancer will be shown in the video:

One of the most common manifestations of lung cancer is a cough. It worries patients most and occurs in virtually all forms and categories of lung cancer. This chronic symptom, which is often accompanied by the release of sputum and blood. People suffering from this disease must not only be able to ease their well-being by suppressing their cough, but also know and apply methods of treating this process in order to improve the general condition of the body.

Unfortunately, current medicine does not provide patients with a single and universal treatment regimen, but there are various effective methods detecting tumors in the initial stages, as well as different ways stopping the spread of the disease and alleviating the general physical condition.

Causes of cough in lung cancer

Cough with lung cancer can be described as specific defensive reflex our body to a kind of receptor irritation. This reaction is formed due to the internal or external influence of mediators on receptors that are located in all parts of the respiratory system.

Smoking is one of those bad habits, against which lung cancer develops.

Tobacco smoke leads to irreversible consequences. Once in the respiratory system, it disrupts the integrity of tissues and leads to the development of various severe pathologies, such as cancer.

People whose work is related to metallurgy, paint and varnish and chemical industry, as well as those who work in coal mines, are very susceptible similar disease due to contaminated particles entering the lungs. These particles often cause a cough with blood and phlegm.

Also, the main factors causing cough in lung cancer may be:

  • deterioration of bronchial function;
  • oncogenic formations on the diaphragm;
  • compression of the bronchi due to enlargement of lymph nodes;
  • accumulation of fluid in the lungs;
  • inflammation of the bronchial mucosa;
  • pleural pericarditis;
  • bleeding from lung cancer;
  • application in medicinal purposes radiation therapy.

Characteristics of the symptom

In lung cancer, cough has specific symptoms. It is annoying, greatly tires the patient, and appears for no particular reason. With development cancerous tumor it changes: attacks occur more often, become more painful and unbearable. Its type also changes: from dry it becomes moist, and sputum appears. At first, sputum appears in small quantities. Over time she gains yellowish tint with bloody streaks, becomes thicker, viscous and abundant.

Very often, coughing attacks appear for no apparent reason. For example, due to a change in air temperature or when the patient goes outside. Physical exercise aggravate the disease. Also, coughing can get worse when a person takes a horizontal position. This is due to the transformation of stimuli and a change in the type of their effect on the bronchial tree.

Types of cough:

  1. Coughing.
  2. In lung cancer it is spasmodic and regular. Its attacks can occur at night, representing a kind of spasms of the respiratory tract. Usually tremors during severe cough flow continuously one after another, interrupted only by long, deep, loud breaths. Sometimes such tremors are accompanied by vomiting. In the most severe cases, attacks can result in fainting, complete loss of consciousness, or disturbances in the rhythm of the heartbeat.

  3. Wet.
  4. This type is defined copious discharge sputum. During his attacks, the work of the surface of the bronchi increases, which provokes significant sputum production. Often this process occurs during awakening, and can also occur during sleep due to the increased movement of sputum clots in the bronchi. It is very important to watch appearance these secretions. They are bloody or yellowish in color.

  5. Moist, bloody.
  6. This is an obvious sign of cancer in the lungs. Coughing attacks are accompanied by the appearance of viscous, thick mucus with the presence of bloody streaks in it. They can also end severe shortness of breath. This is due to the fact that intrapulmonary pressure increases. During this, the person feels painful painful sensations in the chest area.

  7. Dry.
  8. Basic distinctive feature This type of cough is characterized by its hacking nature. A dry cough can be muffled or hoarse, and can also be silent. It is not accompanied by sputum production. This is one of the most painful and difficult types, which is a signal that in respiratory tract is happening severe irritation and transformation in cell structure.

Cough symptoms characteristic of lung cancer:

  1. Pain when coughing.
  2. Constant pain during coughing attacks occurs due to the fact that the tumor, being in the bronchi, affects their mucous membrane, which is very susceptible to painful bursts. During intense movements of the sternum, the pain may intensify. Also, if during auscultation there appears acute cough and noises similar to a splash, this means that fluid is accumulating between the lungs and the pleura.

    A silent, prolonged, chesty or weak cough is a sign sharp decrease elasticity of lung tissue, and also indicates the presence of pathological foci.

    It is divided into two types: with a constant release of sputum and with spitting out viscous mucus. Regular release of sputum indicates that a pathological process is acutely occurring in the lungs. The second type indicates the presence of a chronic disease.

  3. Abrupt cessation of cough.
  4. In such cases, you should immediately contact a specialist, as this may indicate the development of poisoning of the body with tumor decay products due to suppression of the cough reflex.

  5. Dry cough that makes breathing difficult.
  6. Often, a dry cough can be a harbinger of a wet cough or be its consequence. It is formed with constant receptor irritation and is a sign of a fluttering tumor.

Hemoptysis and sputum

Hemoptysis is the production of blood-streaked sputum. Hemoptysis does not always mean that a patient has cancer. Blood that is released along with sputum is not typical sign lung cancer. It (hemoptysis) can be quite long-lasting and, unlike pulmonary hemorrhage, does not worsen the patient’s condition. Hemoptysis occurs when the network of newly formed vessels is damaged, as well as due to the destruction of arteries as a result of tumor disintegration.

Cough with lung cancer is one of the most pronounced signs that you should pay attention to. If you experience a prolonged and persistent cough, you should immediately consult a doctor without waiting for other symptoms, such as sputum production and hemoptysis. Timely diagnosis And latest methods treatment will not only alleviate the general condition of the patient, but also timely application see a specialist and follow all instructions, they will help you cope with cancer lungs.