Food identical to natural. Recipes for tasty and healthy food for cats. Strictly prohibited

Let's look at the list of products that are advocates healthy eating not recommended for use.


What type of food do you refuse? Peas, tofu, liver or onions? Either way, it's probably because you don't like how it tastes, not necessarily because it contains the ingredients supposedly causing cancer or because farmers wear protective suits when processing it. However, there are still many products on store shelves that representatives Food Industry, knowing what is happening behind the scenes, refuse to eat. We asked some of these representatives - people who know their stuff and work every day to remove pesticides, genetically modified organisms, animal cruelty, social injustice and junk food from the food chain - to find out what they know about dark side“convenience” foods and what they eat.
Take note to avoid the worst that grocery stores have to offer.

1. Non-organic strawberries

Robert Kenner, director of food company Inc. and founder of

While filming The Inc., Kenner says he wanted to film strawberries where farmers apply pesticides. "The workers wear these suits to protect themselves from the dozens and dozens of known dangerous pesticides used on strawberries." "When I saw this, I thought to myself, if this is the way the berries are grown, I will stop eating it."
Strawberry production in our country by private entrepreneurs is sufficient profitable business and this profit is mainly achieved precisely by the amount of pesticides added to strawberries, as well as the use of high-yielding modified varieties.
Sometimes the tester does not show exceeding the standards, but such strawberries can be called useful very, very conditionally.
Solution. Choose organic strawberries. Grow it yourself or buy it from friends.

2. Lemonades

Problem: Dr. Isaac Eliaz suggests avoiding any sugary water and diet soda, candy, and chewing gum that contain artificial sweeteners such as sucralose, aspartame, acesulfame K, and neotame, among others.
“The safety data for these sweeteners is shrouded in controversy and conflicts of interest with the manufacturers of these chemical compounds,” warns Dr. Eliaz.
“Independent research suggests that when these sweeteners are metabolized in the body, they can cause metabolic issues and problems and lead to weight gain, neurological diseases, joint pain, digestive problems, headaches, depression, inflammatory disease intestines, chemical toxicity, and cancer in particular."
Solution. If you're really craving lemonade, and want to avoid the shady sweeteners, fake food colors and preservatives found in popular brands, try a bottle of Steaz green tea zero calorie or Bionade, a fermented lemonade popular in Europe.

3. Everything from McDonald's

Joel Salatin, sustainable farmer
Problem. When we say McDonald's, we're not talking about food, we're talking about food mentality.
"McDonald's economic model is entirely dependent on shareholders seeking dividends without regard to farm profitability or soil development." Fast food is usually filled with all sorts of ingredients, genetically modified corn, food coloring, artificial sweeteners, and other bad ingredients in food. The type of farming that this type of food industry supports relies on harmful chemicals that are not only dangerous to human health, but also to the health of the soil.
Solution: Learn to cook! You may be surprised to find that country chicken can be cheaper than buying pre-made fast food chicken. For example, cooking chicken and then broth can provide up to three meals for a family! Find a sustainable farmer in your area or a farmer who grows without chemicals.

4. Canned tomatoes

Problem: Polymer can linings contain bisphenol-A or BPA, a synthetic estrogen that has been linked to diseases ranging from reproductive problems with heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Research shows that BPA levels in most people's bodies exceed normal levels and suppress sperm production or cause chromosomal damage in animal eggs. "You can get 50 micrograms of BPA per liter of tomato, and this is a dose that will affect people, especially young people," says Dr. Frederik vom Saal.
Solution: Choose tomatoes in glass bottles.

5. Bread

William Davis, MD, cardiologist

Problem: Modern wheat has nothing in common with the grains that your mothers or grandmothers consumed. Today, wheat barely resembles its original form, thanks to the extensive genetic manipulation of the 1960s and '70s that increased yields. "You can't change the basic characteristics of a plant without changing its genetics, its biochemistry, and its effect on people," notes Dr. Davis. "If there is one food that provides extravagant, unusual and unexpected benefits, it is bread," says Dr. Davis. "And I don't mean White bread; I mean all bread: white, whole wheat, whole grain, sprouted, organic, French, Italian, fresh, stale... all of it.”
Solution: Try eliminating bread from your diet for a few weeks and notice how your health improves. When choosing grains, look for plants such as quinoa, buckwheat, millet, and wild rice, but small quantities(less than half a cup) because they may also cause high level blood sugar, says Dr. Davis.

6. Hamburgers

Michael Pollan, author of numerous books and articles on the food system

Problem: Large cattle, raised in unsanitary conditions, filled with growth hormones and feed consisting primarily of genetically modified corn - three main reasons why the best alternative for your hamburger is ground beef, which can be obtained from a humanely raised, free-range, pasture-raised animal. But that's not all, says Pollan.
While a steak or regular roast comes from a single animal, ground beef processors combine meat from hundreds of animals. "This greatly increases the risk of contamination," he says.
Solution. Make minced meat yourself

7. Kukurudza

Maryam Henein and George Langworthy, directors of the documentary Vanishing Of The Bees

Problem: Today's corn plants are more like little pesticide factories with roots. Most of the country's corn supplies are genetically modified or the producer has its own source of pesticides or heavily sprays chemicals that fly into food. This is problematic not only for bees, but also for people. “I avoid corn because most of it is genetically modified, and most of the seeds are systemically treated with pesticides that kill our bees,” Henein says. “And let’s not be fooled - the sublethal effects of these pesticides are also slowly deteriorating ours.”

Solution: In one form or another, corn is present in the vast majority of processed foods. food products. In ketchup, and even in bread, it is difficult to avoid corn ingredients. "I always try to avoid foods that contain a lot of corn syrup," Langworthy says. "Not only is it unhealthy, but the pesticides used in corn production are harmful to bees and other pollinators." To avoid genetic engineering corn, which has never been tested for long term consequences For human health, choose organic or uninspected products.

8. White chocolate

Problem: The right look Chocolate serves not only as a sweet treat, but as an increase in brain activity, too. The problem is, white chocolate is empty. "The evidence for the health benefits of cocoa is quite surprising," says Dr. Ramsey. “Much of this has to do with a set of amazing phytonutrients that can increase blood flow to the brain, protect blood vessels and improve your mood. White chocolate lacks all this goodness.”
Solution: Want to treat yourself to chocolate? Look for organic chocolate.

9. Artificial sweeteners

Problem: Anecdotally, there is plenty of evidence suggesting that the suggestion of using artificial sweeteners, which have zero calories, is just as bad for your waistline as high-calorie sugar. Not only is it bad for your health, scientists have discovered artificial sweeteners in treated wastewater that pose unknown risks to fish and other marine life.
Solution: Refined white sugar is not healthier, but you can replace it with small amounts of nutritional sweeteners, including honey, molasses and maple syrup, all of which have high levels of vitamins and minerals.

10. Sprouted sprouts

Doug Powell, Ph.D., Professor of Food Security

Problem: Sprouted seeds have been the source of so many nutritional complications that they're not worth the risk, Powell says. Whether beans or broccoli, alfalfa or peas, cabbage has been at the center of at least 40 major foodborne illness outbreaks over the past 20 years. Salmonella, E. coli and Listeria; they are vulnerable to contamination because the seeds require moist, warm conditions in order to germinate - conditions that are ideal for bacteria to multiply.
Solution: Get crispy sprouts—without added bacteria—by shredding cabbage or carrots into sandwiches. If you really like the taste of cabbage, cook it first.

11. Food colors

Problem: Defenders healthy food and medicines have been trying for years to ban food colorings based on small studies linking them to hyperactivity in children and cancer in animals.
Red 3 has caused cancer in lab rats, and Yellow 5 and Yellow 6 may contain carcinogenic contaminants.
For example, juices often do not contain berries and juice, but a lot of artificial coloring.
Solution: Read labels every time you buy packaged foods. Food coloring may occur in some really unexpected places, even healthy foods like cheese and yogurt.

12. Ice cream with fruits in restaurant chains

In restaurant chains, often in addition to regular milk, sugar and vanilla, for some reason corn syrup, cellulose gum and margarine are added, says Dave Zinchenko, author of the book “Eat This, Not That!”
Besides being unhealthy, these additives typically come from genetically modified corn and soy.
Solution. Switch to local, small-batch ice cream, not produced using fast food technologies, or make it yourself.

Your opinion.

What foods do you think should be avoided on a daily basis? What foods do you no longer eat from this list?

Unlike ready-made feed, natural feeding is a labor-intensive method. The owner of the animal will have to spend time cooking and carefully consider the diet. Before choosing this method, you need to study all the nuances of how to properly feed your dog natural food.

Some owners confuse natural feeding with table food. This is wrong. Even best food“for people” is harmful for pets. Prepare separately for dogs.

On the straight side they stick following rules:

  • components are prepared separately and mixed in a bowl before feeding;
  • the dog should eat a portion in one “lick”: if the food remains, it means the dog is overeating, and over time he will develop obesity;
  • provide constant access to clean water;
  • vitamin complexes are introduced into the diet - calculate the amount yourself useful substances in the daily menu is almost impossible;
  • Fermented milk and meat products must be given in different techniques;
  • meat and offal are given raw, after freezing in the freezer for 2 - 3 days;
  • vegetables are grated or chopped;
  • Boil the cereals, or in broth;
  • the meat is cut into pieces of different sizes, taking into account the size of the pet - so that he can chew them;
  • foods are not salted or peppered;
  • Do not mix natural and dry food - this will lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

All food must be fresh. It is stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

The dog is transferred from dry food to natural food gradually, over 2 weeks. Additionally, probiotics are given, otherwise the functioning of the digestive system can be undermined.

Advantages and disadvantages of “natural” nutrition

It is believed that natural food is cheaper than dry food. This is only partially true. For large breeds, feeding natural food will actually be cheaper. They eat a lot of food, and most of the daily “natural” menu consists of cereals, vegetables, and offal.

Small pets eat little and are very picky. You will have to literally “dance” around them to persuade them to eat a piece healthy food.

However, natural feeding, in comparison with dry food, has important advantages:

  • independent control of product quality;
  • natural – as close as possible to the natural, “wild” diet of animals;
  • variety – the menu can be varied daily, which is especially important for small breeds.

This type of food is well suited for dogs prone to allergies. They often have negative reactions on industrial feed components. By preparing your own food, you can eliminate the allergen.

Natural products have several disadvantages:

  • high cost - in most cases it is cheaper to feed with industrial feed;
  • a lot of time and labor - you will have to cook every day not only for yourself, but also for your pet;
  • It’s easy to deviate from feeding rules - owners may make mistakes when calculating required quantity and product ratios.

But the main drawback is revealed when you have to leave and temporarily leave the dog with friends or in a hotel. The attorney is unlikely to want to cook. Therefore, the animal is gradually transferred to industrial feed, and then return to their previous diet.

It's even worse when the trip is unplanned. The owner has no choice but to hastily hand the bag to the “nanny” ready-made feed and hope that the pet’s digestive system is not severely damaged.

What can and cannot be given to your pet

Natural diet should include:

- Dairy products. They give kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese with a fat content of 2% to 9%. Low-fat milk is not included in the menu, as it is poorly digestible.
- Meat. Beef, veal, turkey, rabbit. It is better to give not tenderloin, but stringy meat. Chicken is added carefully - some dogs are allergic to it.
— By-products. Liver and lungs (uncommon, they provoke diarrhea), udder, rumen, heart, stomachs.
- Cereals. Buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, barley.
— Vegetables and herbs. Any, with the exception of potatoes, legumes, cabbage. They provoke gas formation.
- Fruits and berries. All unsweetened varieties. Rarely added as a treat.
- Eggs. Chicken or quail, raw, 1 – 2 times a week.
— Sea or ocean fish. Administer once a week. Pre-boil, remove sharp bones.
- Bran. Add to finished liquid food, best of all – in kefir.
— Rusks or biscuits. Only as a treat.
- Vegetable oil. Olive, sunflower, pumpkin, flaxseed. They flavor the portion. For small breeds– a few drops, for large ones – 1 tbsp.

Fish is not as nutritious as meat. It has half the protein. Therefore, they give it 2 times more.

Breeders and veterinarians have different opinions about bones. Some recommend giving raw spongy bones and moslaks to chew on. This will help train your jaws and clear plaque from your teeth. Others prefer only artificial bones sold in pet stores.

One way or another, you can give bones to dogs with a full-fledged chewing apparatus and no diseases gastrointestinal tract.

You can also sometimes pamper your pet with unsalted hard cheese, nuts, and special treats for animals. It is useful to occasionally introduce a little seafood, seaweed and sauerkraut.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to feed the dog the following foods:

  • sweets;
  • bakery and pasta products;
  • onion and garlic;
  • grapes and raisins;
  • smoked meats;
  • pork;
  • fried, spicy, pickled, peppered, salty food;
  • corn, semolina, soybeans, pearl barley;
  • tubular bones;
  • river fish.

An adult dog, starting from 8 months, is fed twice a day - morning and evening. Usually they give fermented milk products for “breakfast”, and meat with vegetables for “dinner”.

The animal should not be overfed - this will lead to obesity. The pet must eat a portion at a time. If food remains in the bowl, reduce the amount.

The approximately required daily volume of food is calculated as follows: 6 - 7% of body weight for puppies, and 3 - 4% for adults.

Calculation for an adult dog weighing 15 kg: 15 * 0.4 = 600 g of food. For a puppy 15 kg: 15*0.7=1050 g.

When choosing a menu, you should observe the following proportions:

  • Meat – 30%;
  • By-products – 20%;
  • Cereals and vegetables – 35%;
  • Fermented milk products – 10%;
  • The rest is 5%.

These are average values. Calorie content for domestic and elderly dogs daily menu are being reduced. For a young, active, pregnant or working dog, the amount of food is increased.

The rules for natural feeding can only be formulated in general outline. Each breed has its own characteristics, which are taken into account when preparing the diet.

Natural food is considered to be as close as possible to the dog’s natural diet. Its main ingredients are meat, cereals, vegetables, offal and dairy products. Although this method allows you to control the quality of your food yourself, it takes a lot of time and effort.

The information in this article is outdated; current information has been added to the site.

For a cat, as a strict predator, the most balanced diet in terms of nutrients, vitamins and minerals is mice, rats, birds, etc., that is, everything that it eats in the wild. Cats growing up in our homes do not have the opportunity to get everything they need from food. Therefore, we have developed a diet for our (and your) domestic cats that best meets their needs.

The recipe is not binding on all its parts; If the cat categorically does not eat any of the listed products, do not worry and do not insist. Almost all products on our menu are interchangeable. All meat products are well frozen and then, after defrosting, served raw, without any heat treatment.

So, meat component – ​​80% of the total diet . These include:

  • offal: heart (pork, turkey), chicken livers, necks (without skin!), heads (without beak!), stomachs, backs with cartilages, turkey stomachs, beef tripe, pork nickels, lung, rooster combs.
  • meat itself: beef (cuts from the head, peritoneum), red chicken meat (thighs, drumsticks), turkey, rabbit meat.

Supplements – 20% of the total diet . These include:

  • fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, yogurt;
  • hard cheese;
  • cottage cheese 4%, 5% or 9%;
  • vegetables: zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, broccoli;
  • olive oil;
  • Sesame oil;
  • wheat bran;
  • dried kelp;
  • quail eggs.

If your cat eats fish well, you can have a “fish day” once a week. Fish component:

  • sea ​​fish fatty varieties, for example, bellies of salmon, trout, Pacific herring (a little), mackerel, etc.

Now let's talk about each product separately: what is useful, how much to give.

Actually meat– source of protein.

Heart– an excellent source of taurine. It is better to give pork or turkey heart. Beef heart is harder to digest and is therefore not recommended. Heart is one of the most useful products; the share of heart in the total volume of meat component is 30-40%.

Liver– a source of vitamin A, as well as amino acids necessary for cats. To avoid an overdose of vitamin A and the laxative effect that the liver can have, we give it approximately 1 tsp per serving.

Necks, heads– a source of calcium and many other useful substances. Very high in calories. Natural teeth cleaner. Only the fangs are not involved in the gnawing process; To clean the fangs, once a week we wipe them with a bandage soaked in good tomato paste, or brush your teeth with tomato skin.

Gizzards, beef tripe- source healthy microflora intestines, are very useful for digestion (tripe is a very high-calorie and fatty food, it should be given in small quantities).

Pork nickels, rooster combs, chicken cartilage– a source of collagen. The nutritional value of this protein is small, but it is a building material for bones, cartilage and tendons. We recommend cutting these products into thin strips into the meat mixture.

Lung- has no nutritional value, but is valuable as a source cartilage tissue. Simply an irreplaceable product during active growth, but only as a small addition to the main meat menu.

Dairy products- the most valuable products in cat nutrition. In addition to bacteria beneficial for digestion, they contain B vitamins, which are very good for the skin and coat, as well as micro- and macroelements. It can be kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt. Yogurt (natural, without any additives) is especially useful.

Cheese, cottage cheese– a source of calcium. You need hard cheese, such as Parmesan. It is made from unpasteurized milk, is very easily digestible, relatively low-fat, contains beneficial lactic acid bacteria for the intestinal flora, essential amino acids, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, vitamins A, B2, B6, D, i.e. its value is much higher than others hard cheeses. Quantity – approximately 15 g. per day (this is an ordinary slice, like for a sandwich, grated into the meat mixture).

Vegetables- zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, broccoli. About 10% of the total mass. It can be given raw, or it can be stewed in olive oil (then exclude oil from the diet). Improves intestinal motility and aids digestion.

Olive oil– source of valuable fatty acids and vitamin E, antioxidants, oleic acid, has a beneficial effect on the skin and coat, normalizes fat metabolism in the body. Very useful for the gastrointestinal tract, improves the functioning of the stomach, intestines, pancreas and liver. 1 ml per day (kittens 0.5 ml per day). The oil must be UNrefined.

Sesame oil– rich in calcium, vitamin A, it (in this recipe) is responsible for the exchange of calcium-phosphorus in the body. Once a week, INSTEAD of olive oil, 1 ml for an adult, 0.5 for kittens.

Wheat bran– a source of fiber. Improves digestion and helps cleanse the intestines. “Salt” the meat mixture with bran. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or are prone to constipation, bran can be steamed.

Kelp- stimulates the digestive system, removes harmful substances, even lead and radionuclides from the body. Has sorbing properties.

When consuming seaweed, a mild physiological stimulation of intestinal peristaltic movements occurs, the correct rhythm of digestion is restored and eliminates congestion in the intestines. This is a real storehouse of microelements and biologically active compounds. “Dust” a portion of meat with kelp.

Fish component— the fish must be sea fish, fatty varieties. It is a natural source of vitamin D. Examples of fish varieties are given above; This is what a fish day menu might look like:

  • Example: fatty sea fish of inexpensive varieties (Pacific autumn herring, mackerel) 85%, vegetables 15%, dried seaweed(powder), 1 quail egg, you can also “powder” with dried and crushed shrimp shells.
  • Or: salmon (belly), tuna, anchovies 75%, squid or whelk 10%, shrimp (meat) 5%, vegetables 10% seaweed (kelp) to taste.
  • Or: tuna, anchovies, 90% shrimp meat, ground avocado into paste (ripe, i.e. soft). You can add a few drops of canned tuna oil.

If the cat fishes in pure form does not eat, you can add a piece of the above fish to the meat diet every day.

A small but very useful product for pregnant cats, supplementing the main diet, is a pinch of crushed dried leaves raspberries.

Now let's talk about those products that are not included in our list:

Chicken breasts (fillets). Are dietary product, nutritional value small Good for losing weight in an overweight animal. Red meat is much healthier for a healthy animal.

Brain— contain a large amount of phosphorus, so it should be given to actively growing animals with great caution.

Kidneys— kidney fat contains a lot of vitamin A, which is absorbed very well from kidney fat. To avoid an overdose of vitamin A, you need to give a little, after soaking the kidneys in cold running water.

Testes— you shouldn’t give it in large quantities; constant feeding of testes in unlimited quantities may well disrupt hormonal levels.

Udder- contains a lot of easily digestible protein and fats, you can give it, but little by little. In addition to diarrhea, it can cause obesity and liver dysfunction.

Milk thistle meal– a very beneficial product for the liver. We salt our food for a week, then take a week off.

Olives- Very useful product. You can and should give it after soaking it in water.

Now the most important thing. How to transfer a cat to natural nutrition:

We begin the transition gradually, always under the guise of probiotics.

Probiotics– for example, lactoferon, lactobifid. They are given half an hour before meals, alternating, i.e. Lactoferon in the morning, Lactobifide in the evening. Give half a tablet of one and the other for 5 days. You can apply Vetom 1.1 on your tongue half an hour before meals.

It’s good if you already know what product your cat will eat with pleasure. You start with it, completely removing drying from your diet.

Prepare for the worst. A cat may refuse new food at all for a long time. Be patient and don't indulge her. Offer meat again and again. According to our observations, no one went hungry for more than five days, and five days of a starvation diet will not affect a cat’s health in any way.

After making sure for a couple of days that the cat eats the offered product well, and everything is fine with the cat’s stool, you begin to gradually add something else to the plate, small pieces at a time. In a couple of days - the next product. And so on.

The liver can be ground in a blender and mixed with fermented milk and added to the meat mixture.

Don't be discouraged if your cat categorically refuses to eat something you offer. Our recipe is universal, all products are interchangeable. If he doesn’t eat beef, he will eat turkey, if he doesn’t eat turkey heart, he will eat pork, etc...

Many cats don't like butter. In this case, you will have to give the oil from a syringe without a needle. Catch the cat, lift its lip and pour in 1 ml of oil. You can do the same with kefir. It is very possible that your cat will eventually get used to the taste of butter or kefir and begin to eat it all on its own. I would also like to note that cats are nocturnal hunters, and often at night they eat everything that is left in the bowl, although they categorically refused to eat it during the day.

Regarding vegetables, I would like to say that zucchini is the most harmless. It has no smell, the cat may simply not notice it in the general mass meat products. Although many individuals love both pumpkin and carrots. Vegetables can be finely grated and given raw, or grated vegetables are stewed in olive oil for several minutes (in this case, pure olive oil is removed from the diet).

If your cat categorically refuses to eat raw foods, you can attract its attention with oil from canned saury, for example, or tuna, or cod liver. Many cats like this smell, and they happily eat foods “marked” with it; it is enough to drop a couple of drops on the product offered to the cat.

Bon appetit and health to your pet!

Sofya Davidovna Frankfurt is the actual founder of the Irish Terrier breed in our country.

In the 60s of the last century, her bitch Mink became the foremother of the domestic livestock of this breed in the USSR.

At S.D. Frankfurt was very serious approach to breeding and maintaining breeding stock.

The book on keeping dogs, written by Sofia Davidovna and printed on a typewriter, is a real find.

It is compiled based on her experience and analysis of international literature of those years.

Reading it today, one might be surprised that many modern authors are reinventing the wheel. However, it is important that this book was written BEFORE

mass distribution of industrial feed, and there are no comparisons or preferences in this regard.

We present for your consideration the main theses of this book.


1. Correct, natural RAW feeding. Posts.

2. Lots of sun and fresh air.

3. Minimum TWO hours of daily movement on fresh air(walking only on a leash is harmful).

4. Hygiene: clean place, walking on fresh soil, grass, snow. Scratch and brush daily, never wash with soap or shampoo.


Puppies raised in conditions close to nature have greater resistance to all diseases. They have strong bones, strong muscles, no fat, strong nerves. They simply do not have the usual diseases for puppies!

In the middle 4th week(23rd day of life) puppies begin to be fed with warm, raw MILK (not pasteurized, not powdered) with HONEY (for 1 glass of milk, 1 teaspoon of honey). Feeding is daily.

At first 5th week(29th day) they begin to give raw rolled oats, soaked overnight in raw cold milk, kefir or yogurt. Just before feeding, add HONEY. Food is given warm. Feeding in the morning and afternoon.

ONLY IN THE MIDDLE 5th week(32nd day - the puppy’s stomach is able to digest meat only from this day) begin feeding with RAW MEAT, preferably scraped meat, at least for the first few days. Feeding at 4 pm. Meat from an old animal or frozen meat is NOT SUITABLE for puppies. The meat should be lean.

In the morning and evening they continue to feed milk with honey, with pre-soaked rolled oats. Cottage cheese with milk and honey. All food is given in a semi-liquid state, warm.

Usually during this period the mother still feeds the puppies if they have not forgotten to pinch off the claws on their front paws (10th, 20th and 30th days of life).

Often when the mother stops feeding completely, milk with honey causes diarrhea in most puppies. Then you need to replace it with liquid cottage cheese with honey and meat broth with raw rolled oats.

AT FIRST 6th week Each puppy is given a separate bowl. This is especially important when feeding meat, because the strong take away from the weaker. At first, the meat should be without veins, fat and films. Every three days the portion increases. More large puppies a little more is given.

Well-fed puppies switch to 4 feedings a day earlier than 2 months: at 8, 12, 16 and 20 hours.

· At 8 and 12 o'clock - semi-liquid food: cottage cheese + honey, rolled oats soaked in broth, grated carrots with vegetable oil, buckwheat, rice, barley porridge with vegetable or butter.

· At 16 and 20 hours, raw meat is FULL, in small pieces. After a week, raw meat can be replaced with raw cod or meat on the bone (break the bone and meat with a hammer).

For the game, give large bones with leftover meat, carrots, turnips, cabbage - a head of cabbage, twigs, sticks, stalks.

Feeding the puppies from 2 to 4 months (4 times)

· 8 am: cottage cheese + milk + honey. Cheese. Semi-liquid food at room temperature. Every other day, part of the yolk. A little butter.

· 12 noon: raw rolled oats soaked in broth and fermented baked milk or fresh grated carrots, lightly salted with vegetable oil. I eat porridge no more than once a week.

· 16 and 20 hours: raw lean meat, in pieces, to fill. The pieces get larger as the puppy grows. Transition from pieces to meat on bones. Brisket, neck, shoulder blade are ideal. For small bones, you can break them with a hammer. Beef and lamb. Trimming fat, fat for puppies is the path to colitis and gastritis. Replace raw meat with raw cod once a week.

Feeding the puppies after 4 months (3 times)

· 8 (11) hours.

· 13 (16) hours.

· 21 (22) hours.

Liquid DO NOT INCREASE. Increasing liquid (soup, milk) will lead to sagging of the abdomen and arching of the back.

Increase meat, cottage cheese, carrots.

From now on, fasting is once a week.

Feeding the puppies after 7 months (2 times)

Feeding twice - AFTER morning and evening walks.

Liquid is limited. The dog must satisfy its need for fluid with water. The main thing is raw meat.

The dog should tear the meat from the bone, but if he is given a piece without a bone, he needs to cut it. The size of the pieces depends on the size of the dog.



carrots (with added different vegetables) grated with vegetable oil

· cottage cheese, feta cheese

· buckwheat, rice porrige with vegetable oil

raw rolled oats in any broth

· cheese with bread and butter


· Raw lean meat in pieces or meat on the bone. Sometimes raw cod. Even less common is herring.

Bread and meat do not need to be given at the same time, rolled oats, vegetables and meat are allowed.

The peculiarities of dog digestion are such that when a dog eats something that is not digested in the stomach, it vomits. Dogs can induce deep vomiting. This type of vomiting (not to be confused with vomiting indicating dangerous condition dogs - infection or vomiting blood) can be foamy, yellow color- this is gastric juice. The dog can eat again what it vomited.

The dog needs weekly fasting. You can't force food. If a healthy dog ​​refuses to eat, it means its stomach and intestines are clogged, and you shouldn’t feed it for 24 hours. So she's overeating.

A puppy under 1.5 years old should fast half a day a week, 1 full day a month.

Quantity meat and meat products per day:

· Large (great Danes) - 900 - 1500 g

· Medium (shepherd dogs) - 400 - 600 g

Small (fox) - 200 - 400 g

· Dwarf - 100 - 250 g

A good appetite is the key to health. For many dogs, one feeding per day is enough. The main thing is that the animal must “EAT”, i.e. eat, swallowing food with pleasure and greed.

Movement is the key to proper digestion of food. An adult dog walks at least 2 hours after eating, a puppy - immediately after eating.

If your dog doesn't eat well, it means you're not feeding it correctly and not walking it enough.


MEAT - this is 2/3 of the diet. There is no need to be afraid that the meat may come from sick animals. The stomach of a predator, in particular canines, is specially adapted to this. In nature, weakened, often sick animals are killed.

The dog's entire physique, and especially its digestive tract, is designed for meat feeding. She has a SMALL MUSCULAR STOMACH, A SHORT RECTUM and, most importantly, she, like all meat-eating animals, has an UNUSUALLY STRONG GASTRIC JUICE, which is able to digest even bones. Meat should be given in pieces - not minced meat (for a healthy adult dog, minced meat is a transfer of valuable food; it is for sick animals and one-month-old puppies). The best thing is a PIECE OF MEAT ON A BONE (this also strengthens your teeth and gums). Pieces of meat saturate the dog and are completely absorbed by the body.

The dog's body is created in such a way that it produces almost all vitamins from RAW, UNFROZEN meat.

Raw meat contains a lot the most valuable substances, which are destroyed when cooked and frozen. However, freezing is better than cooking. So, the liver can be given frozen, but not boiled. A cooked product is a dead product. Boiled meat is semi-digested food for the stomach, it takes away digestive tract most of his work, and he becomes sluggish and weak, i.e. sick. Such a stomach does not fight infections.

Meat - any except pork. Brains, offal, stomach, lungs, spleen, liver are useful.

RAW BONES. The dog's body takes calcium from the bones. For a puppy this is construction material for bones and teeth. An adult dog should be given meat on the bones; the bones should match the teeth, i.e. breed.

MILK. Boiled, pasteurized, and powdered milk are of little use and you cannot raise a healthy dog ​​on them. Pure milk will turn sour in the dog's stomach. Therefore, it must be given with honey and rolled oats (1 teaspoon of honey per 1 glass of milk). Yogurt and fermented baked milk are useful. Milk is food for puppies, sick dogs and nursing bitches. Milk derivatives - cheese, cottage cheese, feta cheese - are extremely healthy.

EGG- chicken, no more than 2 times a week. Only the yolk. You can use the yolk with the shell.

From CEREALS RAW required cereals. The flakes pass through hot rollers, so they are given raw and are easily digested by the dog’s stomach (sick people, puppies, and dwarfs are soaked in advance). Store-bought rolled oats are purified grains; they are a degraded but acceptable option. Hercules is poured with strained meat or vegetable broth (vegetable broth is very useful, boiled vegetables are useless).

BREAD- a slice of rye black bread, crackers, dried bread, wheat bran bread. Can you make bread from unrefined grains of wheat, the grain shell contains vital elements.

HONEY- a powerful remedy, it supports and strengthens the heart and nervous system.

GREENERY. VEGETABLES. FRUITS. Wild predators eat herbs, roots, tree bark, berries, nuts and everything that grows in the forest. They eat wild garlic greedily.

Greens - a finely chopped mixture according to the season - parsley, celery, lettuce, dandelion leaves, nettles before flowering, mint.

Carrots - the dog’s stomach is able to digest carrots and other vegetables only in crushed form. Given with butter.

Garlic. Cleanses the stomach, kidneys, blood. Give half a slice or a slice depending on the size of the dog twice a week. Crush and add to any food. Puppies receive garlic from their mother's milk. Worm eggs are found everywhere. They are carried by birds, flies, etc. Once in the body of a dog that feeds raw meat, raw carrots and systematically receives garlic, they find an unfavorable environment for development there and pass through in transit.

Fruits. In summer - fresh berries and fruits. In winter - dried fruits, nuts. Dates are very useful.

FATS- olive, corn, sunflower and butter. The fat requirement of most dog breeds is very small. Served with grated carrots and other vegetables. Fat is increased for kennel and working dogs.

SALT- the issue is solved with herring. Offer it to the dog. If she needs salt, she will definitely eat it. Lack of blood in meat can lead to salt deficiency.

VITAMINS. In nature, all carnivores eat the feces of herbivores. Fresh cow and horse manure is extremely necessary for a dog: it is a source of natural natural vitamins, which should not be replaced with pharmaceutical synthesized vitamins.

Calcium - raw bones, cheese. A puppy and a pregnant bitch can be given hard wood glue to chew on (these are melted horns and hooves). There must be meat on the bones. The weight of bones is 1/6 of the weight of all meat in the diet.


Pharmacy vitamins- the dog does not need them. Especially fish fat- Vitamin D is extremely dangerous. It extracts calcium from bones and destroys the dog's kidneys. It is prescribed only for certain diseases. Prevention of rickets - raw feeding and day walking. A dog needs all the vitamins; its body extracts it from wholesome raw meat and other foods.

Sausage, frankfurters, smoked and confectionery, sugar, leftover human food- not food for dogs.

In dogs that eat boiled, processed and synthesized feeds, appears favorable environment for worms, the body smells bad, they are tormented by shortness of breath, obesity, and vitamin deficiencies. They age quickly, and 70% develop kidney disease by age 7. They lose hearing and vision, but they are alive!

Bread made from refined grains, flour products like pasta and potatoes form a sticky mass in the dog’s stomach, which adheres to the walls of the stomach and causes digestive disorders. All this is an ideal environment for the development of worms.


Puppy and adult dog You need to scratch and brush every day, and wipe with a damp sponge in dirty weather. This cleanses the coat from street dust, increases blood circulation, promotes hair growth and strengthens nerve fibers on the surface of the skin.


Manufacturers of soap and shampoo are the provocateurs of dog health. And unscrupulous veterinarians who are interested in treatment.

Dogs and cats do not have sweat glands. Their body cannot smell. Dirty wool gives off a bad smell. To keep it clean, the dog should not be washed. Instead of washing, use a brush and comb. Dogs and cats have glands on their bodies that secrete a special fatty composition that covers the skin and every hair with a protective layer. Therefore, the coat of a healthy dog ​​that eats raw meat is tight and always shiny. This fatty layer creates insulation that protects against dampness, heat and cold. It is enough for a wet dog to shake himself off - he is dry. Cooling did not penetrate through unwashed hair and skin covered with a natural fat layer into the body. The fatty composition protects the hair from dirt sticking. Just touch it with a brush - dust and dirt bounce off. That's how nature took care. We will never be smarter than nature. The most we can do is copy it.

Washing dissolves the protective fatty layer of fur and skin, and the dog remains defenseless for 10 days, as if naked. The skin becomes sick, dandruff appears, hair loss, skin diseases, which are commonly mistaken for vitamin deficiency and eczema. The gates to infections are open. The environment in the skin is disturbed - acids are dissolved. And if previously it was enough to touch the hair with a brush for the dust and dirt to fall off, now the brush will no longer help - dirt and dust stick tightly to hair that is devoid of a fatty layer. Even a white dog should be washed with white powder.

Swimming in the sea or river is extremely beneficial. Riding in clean snow or grass is the same.

It is important to trim the nails.

If a dog loses hair constantly, and not just during shedding, then the apartment is too stuffy and hot.

A dog needs the sun, but it must walk in any weather - everything is good for it - rain, snow, wind, cold. Is it difficult for you? - you probably don’t need to get a dog, you can find a more “homey” hobby.

Walking only on a leash is harmful. The dog must run and jump, its lungs must fill with oxygen, its body must move freely. Only in movement is food fully absorbed. It is impossible to raise a healthy dog ​​if you do not give it the opportunity to run and jump freely every day. You can only release your dog in safe place, where there is no transport, and where it will not disturb passers-by.

In order for a dog to be released without a leash, it must be raised and trained.

Raising a puppy begins at 6 weeks. Important points:

· Do not push, do not kick the dog, never hit with your hand

· Don't deceive your dog - he won't believe you

· Do not let children pick up the dog

· If you have your first dog, it is important not to make mistakes with training - go to the training ground.

(C) Material from the personal archives of A. Veselova (Dogsity).

Of course, feeding NATURAL, properly balanced PRODUCTS is very useful. BUT! Assess your strength - are you able to provide your cat with 4-5 meals a day, prepare a complete diet for it, which will include meat, vegetables, vitamins and minerals?

Cats (and dogs), unlike humans, are carnivores, so we cannot eat the same. But in nature, cats eat not only meat, mice, for example, they catch and eat, not because they need a small piece of mouse meat, but because of mouse hair, which contains many minerals that a cat needs, and also, together with the mouse, they often eat the grain that is in the mouse’s stomach, thereby getting essential vitamins. Cat in the wild She can eat both the vegetables and the grass she needs, and she makes up her own balanced diet. Decide for yourself whether you can provide the same menu for your pet? If you see the opportunity and strength to provide your animal with a varied and balanced diet, then choose natural feeding.

British women should NEVER be given fatty foods- pork, cream and milk, fermented milk products only low fat.

Stool, when eating natural products, it will be softer than when feeding dry food, but it must be shaped.


  • Veal. It is better not to give veal to cats at all, since it is not known why this calf went under the knife: either because it was sick and was first treated with antibiotics, and then they decided to use it for meat. Unfortunately, the majority of veal that ends up on our shelves is forced slaughter veal; it is not infectious because the animal has been treated, but the content of antibiotics in it can go off scale. If the calf was originally intended for meat, then it was probably injected with hormones. Most often, veal is heavily overloaded with fragments of antibiotics and fragments of artificial hormones. In addition, veal, like meat, contains very high levels of uric acid, which is not absorbed by the cat, but accumulates in its body.*
  • Pork. Pork, like lamb, belongs to fatty meat, but it is better not to give it to cats in any form, because pigs can be carriers of herpesvirus type 7, which causes Aujeszky's disease in cats - false rabies. Moreover, pigs themselves are resistant to the action of this virus and never get sick from it, but very often they are its carriers. In addition, pork is poorly absorbed by the cat’s body, due to high content it contains easily melting fats, which, unlike lamb fat, quickly melt and the body does not have time to digest them, which in turn leads to disruption of the entire gastrointestinal tract and often leads to diarrhea.*
  • Chicken necks . The use of chicken necks in feeding cats is not recommended.* Chicken necks contain a lot of sharp and small tubular bones, this is very dangerous.
  • River fish
  • Shrimps . It is better not to give shrimp to cats, especially raw, as most of them are infected with sakulina, which looks like a gray web or wet gray powder. Sacculina is dangerous because it can grow into blood vessels.*
  • By-products (udder, lungs, rumen, kidneys)
  • Vegetables (onions, red peppers, tomatoes, radishes)
  • Greenery (onion, cilantro)
  • Dairy (milk, cream - there may be diarrhea and colic, allergies. Adult animals in nature have nowhere to get them, and the enzymes that allow milk to be fully absorbed cease to be produced when the mother stops suckling)
  • Baby food in jars containing starch and sunflower oil
  • Food from our table (cheese, sausage, sausages, baked goods, sweet, spicy, salty, pickled, seasonings, spices, fried, fatty).