Insulin isophane human genetically engineered. Insulin Isophane is a human hormone made using genetic engineering. Insulin isophane release form

Insulin therapy is the administration of insulin-based drugs for therapeutic purposes. There are a large number of medications based on this hormone, which are divided into several groups depending on the time of onset of the effect and duration of action. One of the representatives of medium-duration drugs is Insulin-isophane. More details about its use are described in the article.

pharmachologic effect

Insulin-isophane (human genetically engineered) is synthesized by changing the DNA of the hormone by adding a strain of single-celled fungi that belong to the class of Saccharomycetes. When the substance enters the body, it forms specific complexes on the surfaces of cells, which activate a number of reactions within the cells themselves, including the synthesis of important substances.

The hypoglycemic effect of Insulin-isophane is associated with the acceleration of the flow of sugar from the bloodstream into the cells of the human body, as well as the slowdown of glucose synthesis by liver hepatocytes. The drug also stimulates the formation of proteins and participates in the metabolism of fats.

The duration of the effect after administration of the drug depends on the rate of its absorption, which, in turn, is determined by a number of factors:

  • dose of the substance;
  • method of administration;
  • injection site;
  • the state of the patient’s body;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases (primarily infectious);
  • physical activity;
  • patient's body weight.

Endocrinologist – a specialist who will help you choose an insulin therapy regimen

According to statistics, the activity of Insulin-isophane appears within 1.5 hours from the moment of injection, the duration of action is up to 24 hours. The highest level of the substance in the bloodstream is observed in the period from 2 to 18 hours after administration of the drug under the skin.

Important! Isophane insulin does not bind to proteins that circulate in the bloodstream, except those that are antigens to insulin itself.

The medicine does not pass into milk during breastfeeding. Up to 75% of the substance is excreted from the body along with urine. According to studies, the drug is not toxic to the reproductive system and human DNA, and does not have a carcinogenic effect.

When is the substance prescribed?

Instructions for use indicate that the indications for the use of Insulin-isophane are:

  • insulin-dependent form of diabetes mellitus;
  • non-insulin-dependent form of diabetes mellitus;
  • partial resistance to the action of tableted hypoglycemic drugs;
  • the presence of intercurrent diseases (those that occur by chance, but aggravate the course of the underlying disease);
  • gestational diabetes in pregnant women.

Mode of application

The release form of the drug is a suspension for injection, 40 IU per 1 ml. The bottle contains 10 ml.

Isophane insulin is used exclusively as a subcutaneous injection. The dosage is selected by the treating specialist, taking into account the patient’s gender, age, body weight, sugar levels and physical activity. As a rule, 0.5-1 IU per day is prescribed per kilogram of body weight.

The drug can be administered:

  • in the thigh;
  • buttock;
  • anterior abdominal wall;
  • deltoid muscle of the shoulder.

The drug is administered exclusively subcutaneously, constantly changing the injection site

The location needs to be constantly changed. This is necessary to prevent the development of lipodystrophy (a condition in which the subcutaneous fat layer atrophies).

Important! It is prohibited to administer the drug into a vein. When injecting subcutaneously, the temperature of the injected solution should remain within room temperature.

Carrying out insulin therapy using Insulin-isophane, like any other drug based on a pancreatic hormone analogue, should be combined with checking the glycemic level over time.

The dosage of the drug must be adjusted in the following situations:

  • chronic insufficiency of the adrenal cortex;
  • hypofunction of the thyroid gland;
  • severe pathologies of the kidneys or liver;
  • infectious diseases that are accompanied by high body temperature;
  • elderly age of the patient.

Contraindications and side effects

Isophane insulin is not prescribed for insulin therapy in the presence of increased individual sensitivity to the active components, in the presence of a hormone-secreting tumor of the pancreas and in cases of decreased glycemic levels.

Administration of a larger dose of the drug than necessary may cause a hypoglycemic state. Its main manifestations are headache and dizziness, pathological feeling of hunger, and increased sweating. Patients complain of trembling of hands and fingers, nausea and vomiting, fear and anxiety.

Important! Upon examination, memory loss, lack of coordination, disorientation in space, and speech disorders may be detected.

Hypoglycemia is a low level of sugar in the bloodstream, which can be caused by an overdose of pancreatic hormone

In addition to overdose, etiological factors of low glycemia can be skipping the next meal, changing one insulin drug to another, excessive physical activity, changing the area of ​​administration, and simultaneous treatment with several groups of drugs.

Another side effect that may occur due to non-compliance with the drug administration regimen or an incorrectly selected dose may be a hyperglycemic state. Its symptoms appear as follows:

  • the patient drinks and urinates frequently;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • sensation of acetone odor in exhaled air.

Both conditions (hypo- and hyperglycemia) require immediate medical attention and further revision of the insulin therapy regimen.

The drug can also cause allergic reactions, which are manifested by the following syndromes:

  • hives;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • anaphylactic shock.

Swelling, inflammatory reaction, redness, itching, hemorrhage, and lipodystrophy may occur at the injection site.

There are also situations in which the use of Insulin-isophane impairs the ability to control transport and other mechanisms. This may be due to initial use of the drug, switching from one drug to another, stress and significant physical activity.

In some cases, dizziness may develop, which is an obstacle to driving.

Pregnancy and lactation

The active substance of the drug does not pass into breast milk and through the placental barrier, so Insulin-isophane can be prescribed to women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is important to accurately calculate the dose of the administered drug, since a critical increase or decrease in sugar in the mother’s blood when using the wrong dosage is fraught with harm to the fetus.

Important! In the first 12 weeks, as a rule, the amount of insulin administered is less than in the second and third trimester.

Drug interactions

There are drugs that can enhance the hypoglycemic effect of Insulin-isophane, and there are those that, on the contrary, weaken it, leading to an increase in sugar in the patient’s blood.

The first group of drugs includes:

  • tableted hypoglycemic agents;
  • ACE inhibitors;
  • sulfonamides;
  • some antibiotics;
  • anabolic steroid;
  • antifungal agents;
  • Theophylline;
  • lithium-based drugs;
  • Clofibrate.

Representatives of the tetracycline group are able to enhance the hypoglycemic effect of insulin

The second group includes:

  • adrenal hormones;
  • COCs;
  • thyroid hormones;
  • heparin;
  • diuretics;
  • antidepressants;
  • sympathomimetics.

Important! When combining any of the drugs with Insulin-isophane, you should consult with your treating endocrinologist about the need for dosage adjustment.

Trade names

Insulin isophane is the active ingredient of many analogues of human insulin, so its trade name has several types (synonyms):

  • Biosulin-N;
  • Protafan NM;
  • Protafan NM Penfill;
  • Rosinsulin S;
  • Khumodar B 100 Rec;
  • Humulin NPH.

Insulin is considered a prescription drug. Self-medication with such a remedy is unacceptable.

Last updated: April 18, 2018

Prescribed to control blood sugar and normalize work processes in the body. Can be used for full and partial treatment.

Composition and action

“Insulin-isophane” is a human genetically engineered hormone (lat. Insulinum isophanum humanum biosyntheticum) a hormone whose effect on the body is identical to natural and is medium-long-term.

The composition of the medicine contains 100 units of the active ingredient in 1 ml, as well as additional substances, including water for injections, protamine sulfate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, crystalline phenol, metacresol and glycerol. Available in the form of a suspension. Has the following actions:

  • enhances lipogenesis and gluconeogenesis, thereby lowering blood sugar levels;
  • increases the absorption of glucose by tissues;
  • activates intracellular metabolic processes;
  • reduces glycogen breakdown;
  • after administration, it begins to act within 1-1.5 hours;
  • effectiveness lasts for 11-24 hours.

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When is it prescribed?

Indications for use:

The drug is prescribed for diabetes in pregnant women.

  • diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2;
  • the stage when the body resists antidiabetic drugs taken orally;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus in pregnant women (in the absence of effect from diets);
  • partial resistance to sugar-lowering drugs as part of complex therapy;
  • complications of the disease;
  • surgical interventions (as part of complex or single treatment).

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Instructions for use of "Insulin-isophane"

The medicine is administered subcutaneously, sometimes it can be injected intramuscularly. The average dosage per day is 0.5-1 IU/kg. When performing manipulations, the drug should be at room temperature. The injection is given 1-2 times a day 30-45 minutes before breakfast, 8-24 units at a time. The location of the procedure is changed each time (thigh, buttock, anterior abdominal wall). The dosage is selected individually, based on glucose levels in the blood and urine, as well as the course of the disease.

The instructions recommend that children and adults with hypersensitivity use a daily dose of up to 8 IU, and with low sensitivity it may be higher than 24 IU. Patients who received 100 or more IU with hormone replacement should be hospitalized. If a patient is using a drug substitute, blood glucose levels should be monitored. According to the instructions for use, intravenous injections of medium-long-acting insulin are prohibited.


In addition to its beneficial qualities, the drug has the following contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the medicinal product;
  • reduction in blood sugar during pregnancy;
  • the presence of a pancreatic tumor leading to excessive production of the hormone insulin (insulinoma);
  • Use cautiously in patients over 65 years of age and with liver and kidney problems.

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Side effects

Although Insulin is an important medication for diabetics, it has the following side effects:

  • allergic rashes in the form of urticaria;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • temperature increase;
  • Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock;
  • feeling cold and shortness of breath;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • swelling and itching at the injection site;
  • visual impairment;
  • feeling of fear and hunger, lack of sleep, depression and others.

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There are medications that enhance the properties of “Insulin-isophane” when taken together, these include:

  • hypoglycemic agents in tablets;
  • inhibitors of monoamine oxidase, angiotensin-converting enzyme, NSAIDs;
  • sulfonamides;
  • selected antibiotics;
  • assimilative steroids;
  • remedies for fungal diseases;
  • "Theophylline" and "Clofibrate";
  • medications with lithium.

Nicotine reduces the effect of the drug, alcohol enhances the hypoglycemic effect. There are also medications that increase and decrease the effectiveness of “Insulin-isophane” - these are β-blockers, “Reserpine”, “Pentamidine”. Drugs that reduce the effect include:

  • hormones of the thyroid gland and adrenal cortex;
  • "Heparin";
  • diuretics;
  • antidepressants;
  • "Danazol" and "Morphine";
  • oral contraceptives.

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Overdose symptoms

If an overdose of a medicinal product occurs, changes in the mental state may be observed, which are manifested by fear, depression, irritability, and unusual behavior. And also the occurrence of hypoglycemia - a decrease in blood sugar levels. Treated by administering dextrose or glucagon. In the case of a hypoglycemic coma, the patient is given dextrose until the condition stabilizes. Then foods high in carbohydrates are recommended.

Precautionary measures

Before injection, you need to make sure that the solution is clear and free of cloudiness. If flakes, cloudy or sediment appears, the drug should not be used. If the patient has a cold or other infectious disease, it is recommended to consult a doctor about the dosage. The temperature of the medicine should be brought to room temperature before the injection. It is necessary to constantly change the injection area.

Analogues of the drug

The use of drug substitutes should be agreed with a doctor, because hormones are serious medications that can lead to unwanted reactions. Analogues of “Insulin-isophane” have been created, which have the trade names “Insumal”, “Humulin”, “Biogulin”, “Pensulin”, “Insulidd”, “Gensulin”, “Actrafan”, “Vozulim” and others. Drugs can only be prescribed to a patient by a doctor based on the composition, as well as the dosage, which is selected individually.

The information is provided for general information only and cannot be used for self-medication. You should not self-medicate, it can be dangerous. Always consult your doctor. When partially or completely copying materials from the site, an active link to it is required.

Insulin isophane: instructions for use and price of the drug

Treatment with insulin is of a replacement nature, because the main goal of therapy is to compensate for disruptions in carbohydrate metabolism by introducing a special drug under the skin. This medicine affects the body in the same way as natural insulin produced by the pancreas. In this case, treatment can be complete or partial.

Among the drugs used for diabetes, one of the best is Isofan insulin. The drug contains human genetically engineered insulin with an average duration of action.

The product is available in various forms. It is administered in three ways - subcutaneously, intramuscularly and intravenously. This allows the patient to choose the optimal option for controlling glycemic levels.

Indications for use and trade names of the drug

The use of the drug is indicated for insulin-dependent diabetes. Moreover, therapy should be lifelong.

Insulin as Isophane, a human genetically engineered drug, is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. diabetes type 2 (insulin dependent);
  2. surgical procedures;
  3. resistance to hypoglycemic drugs taken orally as part of complex treatment;
  4. gestational diabetes (in the absence of effective diet therapy);
  5. intercurrent pathologies.

Pharmaceutical companies produce human genetically engineered insulin under various names. The most popular are Vozulim-N, Biosulin-N, Protafan-NM, Insuran-NPH, Gensulin-N.

Other types of Isofan insulin are also used with the following trade names:

  • Insumal;
  • Humulin (NPH);
  • Pensulin;
  • Isophane insulin NM (Protafan);
  • Actrafan;
  • Insulydd N;
  • Biogulin N;
  • Protafan-NM Peniphyl.

It is worth noting that the use of any synonym for Isophane Insulin should be agreed with your doctor.

pharmachologic effect

Human insulin has a hypoglycemic effect. The drug interacts with receptors of the cytoplasmic cell membrane, forming an insulin receptor complex. It activates the processes occurring inside cells and synthesizes the main enzymes (glycogen synthetase, pyruvate kinase, hexokinase, etc.).

The concentration of sugar is reduced by increasing its intracellular transport, reducing the rate of glucose production by the liver, stimulating the absorption and further absorption of glucose by tissues. Human insulin also activates protein synthesis, glycogenogenesis, and lipogenesis.

The duration of action of the drug depends on the speed of absorption, and it is determined by various factors (area of ​​administration, method and dose of application). Therefore, the effectiveness of Isofan insulin can vary both in one patient and in other diabetics.

Often after injection, the effect of the drugs is observed after 1.5 hours. The highest peak of effectiveness occurs 4-12 hours after administration. Duration of action is one day.

Thus, the completeness of absorption and the onset of action of the drug depend on factors such as:

  1. injection area (buttock, thigh, abdomen);
  2. concentration of the active substance;
  3. dosage.

Human insulin preparations are distributed unevenly in tissues. They do not penetrate the placenta and are not absorbed into breast milk.

They are destroyed by insulinase mainly in the kidneys and liver, excreted by the kidneys in an amount of 30-80%.

Directions for use and dosage

Instructions for use with Isofan insulin state that it is often administered subcutaneously up to 2 times a day before breakfast (zamin). In this case, you need to change the injection area every day and store the used syringe at room temperature, and the new one in the refrigerator.

Sometimes the drug is administered intramuscularly. And the intravenous method of using intermediate-acting insulin is practically not used.

The dosage is calculated individually for each patient, based on the level of sugar concentration in biological fluids and the specifics of the disease. As a rule, the average daily dosage ranges from 8-24 IU.

If patients have insulin hypersensitivity, then the optimal daily amount of the drug is 8 IU. If hormone sensitivity is poor, the dosage increases - from 24 IU per day.

When the daily volume of the drug is more than 0.6 IU per 1 kg of body weight, then 2 injections are given in different parts of the body. Patients whose daily dose is 100 IU or more should be hospitalized if insulin is replaced.

Moreover, when transferring from one type of product to another, it is necessary to monitor the sugar content.

Adverse reactions and overdose

The use of human insulin can cause allergic reactions. Most often it is angioedema (hypotension, shortness of breath, fever) and urticaria.

Also, exceeding the dosage can lead to hypoglycemia, manifested by the following symptoms:

  • insomnia;
  • pale skin;
  • depression;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • fear;
  • excited state;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • headache;
  • confusion;
  • vestibular disorders;
  • hunger;
  • tremor and so on.

Other side effects include diabetic acidosis and hyperglycemia, which are manifested by facial flushing, drowsiness, poor appetite and thirst. Most often, such conditions develop against the background of infectious diseases and fever, when an injection is missed, the dosage is incorrect, and in case of non-compliance with the diet.

Sometimes there is a disturbance of consciousness. In severe situations, a precomatous and comatose state develops.

At the beginning of treatment, transient disturbances in visual function may occur. There is also an increase in the titer of anti-insulin bodies with further progression of glycemia and immunological reactions of a cross nature with human insulin.

Often the injection site becomes swollen and itchy. In this case, the subcutaneous fatty tissue hypertrophies or atrophies. And at the initial stage of therapy, temporary refractive errors and swelling may occur.

In case of an overdose of hormonal drugs, blood sugar levels drop significantly. This causes hypoglycemia and sometimes the patient goes into a coma.

If the dose is slightly exceeded, you should take high-carbohydrate foods (chocolate, white bread, buns, candy) or drink a very sweet drink. In case of fainting, the patient is injected intravenously with a solution of Dextrose (40%) or Glucagon (s.c., i.m.).

When the patient regains consciousness, he must be fed food rich in carbohydrates.

This will prevent hypoglycemic relapse and glycemic coma.

The suspension for subcutaneous administration is not used with solutions of other drugs. And combined use with sulfonamides, ACE/MAO/carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, NSAIDs, ethanol, anabolic steroids, Chloroquinine, androgens, Quinine, Bromocriptine, Pyrodoxine, tetracyclines, lithium preparations, Clofibrate, Fenfluramine, Ketonazole, Cyclofosvamide, Theophylline, Mebendazole increases the hypoglycemic effect.

The weakening of the hypoglycemic effect is facilitated by:

  1. H1-histamine receptor blockers;
  2. Glucagon;
  3. Somatropin;
  4. Epinephrine;
  5. Phenytoin;
  6. oral contraceptives;
  7. Epinephrine;
  8. Estrogens;
  9. calcium antagonists.

In addition, a decrease in sugar is caused by the combined use of Isofan insulin with loop and thiazide diuretics, Clondine, BMKK, Diazoxide, Danazol, thyroid hormones, tricyclic antidepressants, sympathomimetics, Heparin and sulfinpyrazone. Hypoglycemia is also enhanced by nicotine, marijuana and morphine.

Pentamidine, beta-blockers, Octreotide and Reserpine can increase or decrease glycemia.

Precautions for using Isofan insulin are that a person with diabetes must constantly change the places where the insulin injection will be given. After all, this is the only way to prevent the appearance of lipodystrophy.

During insulin therapy, glucose concentrations should be regularly monitored. Indeed, in addition to joint use with other drugs, hypoglycemia can be caused by other factors:

  • diabetic diarrhea and vomiting;
  • drug replacement;
  • diseases that reduce the need for the hormone (renal and liver failure, hypofunction of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, etc.);
  • untimely eating;
  • changing the injection area.

Incorrect dosage or long pauses between insulin injections can contribute to the development of hyperglycemia, especially in type 1 diabetes. If therapy is not adjusted in time, the patient sometimes develops ketoacidotic coma.

In addition, a dose change is required if the patient is over 65 or has impaired functioning of the thyroid gland, kidneys or liver. This is also necessary for hypopituitarism and Addison's disease.

In addition, patients should be aware that human insulin preparations reduce tolerance to alcohol. At the initial stages of therapy, in case of changing the drug, stressful conditions, strong physical exertion, you should not drive a car or other complex mechanisms, or engage in potentially dangerous activities that require increased concentration and speed of reactions.

Pregnant patients should take into account that in the first trimester the need for insulin decreases, and in the 2nd and 3rd trimester it increases. Also, a smaller amount of the hormone may be needed during labor.

The video in this article will tell you about the pharmacological properties of Isofan.

Insulin-isophane: instructions for use of the suspension

Active ingredient: insulin

human genetically engineered isophane

Manufacturer: Novo Nordisk, Denmark

Condition for dispensing from the pharmacy: By prescription

Storage conditions: t within 2-8 degrees

The human genetically engineered insulin isophane is used to treat conditions associated with insufficient production of the body's own hormone through the insular apparatus. There is no drug with this name on the market, since this is a form of the active substance, but there are analogues. A striking example of such a substance on sale is rinsulin.

Indications for use

The main indication is the treatment of type 1 diabetes, but in some cases it can be prescribed in the presence of a non-insulin-dependent form of the disease. Any trade name of isophane is suitable for the treatment of a person who is no longer taking hypoglycemic agents due to complete or partial resistance. The medication is used less frequently in pregnant women with type 2 diabetes.

Composition and release forms

1 ml of solution consists of 100 units of active ingredient. Auxiliary components - protamine sulfate, sterile water for injections, crystalline phenol, sodium phosphate dihydrate, glycerol, metacresol.

Suspension for injection, transparent. One bottle contains 3 ml of the substance. One package contains 5 cartridges or 10 ml of the drug is sold in one bottle.

Medicinal properties

Insulin isophane is a medium-lasting hypoglycemic agent that was manufactured using recombinant DNA technology. After subcutaneous administration, the endogenous hormone binds to the insulin receptor complex, resulting in the synthesis of many enzyme compounds - hexokinase, pyruvate kinase and others. Thanks to the substance introduced from the outside, the intracellular space of glucose increases, due to which it is intensively absorbed by tissues, and the rate of sugar synthesis by the liver is significantly reduced. With frequent use, the medication triggers the processes of lipogenesis, glycogenogenesis and proteinogenesis.

The duration of action and the speed of onset of the effect in different people depends on many factors, in particular on the speed of metabolic processes. What this means is that this process is individual in nature. On average, since this is a hormone of medium speed of action, the onset of the effect develops within an hour and a half from the moment of subcutaneous administration. The duration of the effect is a day, peak concentration occurs within 4 – 12 hours.

The drug is absorbed unevenly and is excreted primarily through the kidneys; the severity of the effect depends directly on the injection site (stomach, arm or thigh). The medication does not penetrate the placental barrier and into breast milk, therefore it is allowed for pregnant and new mothers.

Mode of application

The average cost of medicine in Russia is 1075 rubles per package.

Inject subcutaneously, once a day, in different places. The frequency of injections in one place should not exceed more than 1 time per month, so the injection sites for the medication are changed each time. Before direct use, ampoules are rolled in the palms of your hands. Instructions for carrying out injections are basic - sterile processing, needles are inserted subcutaneously at an angle of 45 degrees into the clamped fold, then the area is thoroughly disinfected. Dosages are selected by the doctor individually.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is approved for use during these periods.

Contraindications and precautions

These include: intolerance to a specific active ingredient and low sugar levels at a particular moment.

Cross-drug interactions

Reduce the effect of the drug: systemic glucocorticoids, oral contraception, estradiol and progesterone, anabolic steroids, diuretics, antidepressants, thyroid hormones.

Increase effectiveness: alcohol, salicylates, sulfonamides and beta blockers, MAO inhibitors.

Side effects and overdose

Hypoglycemia or lipodystrophy is possible if the injection rules and prescribed dosage are not followed. Less commonly, systemic side effects occur in the form of allergic reactions, shortness of breath, decreased blood pressure, hyperhidrosis and tachycardia.

In case of an overdose, classic signs of low blood sugar appear: a strong feeling of hunger, weakness, loss of consciousness, dizziness, sweating, desire to eat sweets, and in severe cases, coma. Mild symptoms can be relieved by taking fast carbohydrates, while moderate symptoms can be treated with intravenous injections of dextrose or glucose. Difficult situations require urgent calls to doctors at home.


Rinsulin PNH

Geropharm-bio LLC, Russia

The average cost in Russia is 1000 rubles per package.

Rinosulin is a complete analogue and consists of isophane insulin with an average duration of action. This dosage form is good because it does not require frequent subcutaneous administration.

  • Not the cheapest
  • Possible side effects.

Humulin NPH

Eli Lilly East, Switzerland

The average price in Russia is 17 rubles.

Humulin NPH is an analogue of medium speed of action.

Insulin Isophane is a human hormone made using genetic engineering

In maintenance therapy for both stage 1 and stage 2 diabetes, the hormone introduced into the body in a timely manner plays an important role. The new drug Insulin Isofan will help patients with diabetes live safely. Treatment of diabetes with insulin has a replacement property.

The purpose of such medical intervention is to compensate for the loss or excess of carbohydrates as part of metabolism through the subcutaneous administration of a special hormone. This hormone affects the body identically to natural insulin, which is produced by the pancreas. Treatment can be partial or complete.

Among the drugs successfully used to treat stage 2 and stage 1 diabetes mellitus, Isofan insulin has proven itself to be effective. It contains human genetically engineered insulin with an average duration of action.

This medicine, this hormone, is indispensable for a full life of a person who has problems with sugar in

blood is produced in different forms:

  • For guidance under the skin;
  • For injection into a vein;
  • For intramuscular administration.

This choice allows a person suffering from varying degrees of diabetes to keep their blood sugar levels under control by any method of introducing it into the blood, adjusting it when necessary.

Insulin Isofan - indications for use:

  1. Resistance to sugar-lowering drugs, which must be taken in tablet form as part of complex treatment;
  2. Diabetes 2 and 1 degree, insulin dependent;
  3. Gestational diabetes, if there is no effect from diets;
  4. Pathologies of intercurrent type.

Isofan: analogues and other names

Trade names for Isofan insulin may be as follows:

How it works

Human genetically engineered insulin Isophane affects the body, providing a hypoglycemic effect. This drug comes into contact with receptors in the cytoplasm of the cell membrane. This creates the insulin receptor complex. Its task is to make active the metabolism that takes place inside the cells themselves, as well as to help in the synthesis of the most important of all existing enzymes.

Reducing the amount of sugar in the blood occurs by increasing its transport within the cell, as well as reducing the rate of sugar production, helping in the absorption process. Another advantage of human insulin is protein synthesis, activation of lithogenesis, glycogenogenesis.

How long a given drug lasts is directly proportional to the rate of absorption of the drug into the blood, and the absorption process depends on the method of administration and dose of the drug. Therefore, the effect of this drug varies from patient to patient.

Traditionally, after the injection, the effect of the medicine begins after 1.5 hours. Peak effectiveness occurs 4 hours after administration of the drug. Duration of action – 24 hours.

The intensity of absorption of Isophane depends on the following:

  1. Injection site (buttock, abdomen, thigh);
  2. Concentration of the active substance;
  3. Dose.

This medicine is excreted by the kidneys.

How to use: indications for use

According to the instructions for use of Isofan, it must be administered subcutaneously twice a day: in the morning and in the evening before meals (one minute before meals). The injection site must be changed every day, the used syringe should be stored at normal, ordinary temperature, and the new one - in its packaging in the refrigerator. This drug is rarely injected into the muscle, and almost never intravenously, since it is an intermediate-acting insulin.

The dose of this drug is calculated individually for each person suffering from diabetes, in consultation with the attending physician. Based on the volume of sugar in plasma and the specifics of diabetes. The average daily dose traditionally varies between 8-24 IU.

In case of hypersensitivity to insulin, no more than 8 IU should be taken per day; if the hormone is poorly perceived, the dose can be increased to 24 or more IU per day. If the daily dose of the drug should exceed 0.6 IU per kilogram of the patient’s body weight, then 2 injections are given at a time in different places.

  • Hives;
  • Hypotension;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Chills;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Hypoglycemia (fear, insomnia, pale face, depression, overexcitement, sucking hunger, shaking limbs);
  • Diabetic acidosis;
  • Hyperglycemia;
  • Deterioration of vision;
  • Swelling and itching at the injection site.

An overdose of this drug can lead to hypoglycemia and coma. Excess of the dose can be neutralized by taking food high in carbohydrates (chocolate, candy, cookies, sweet tea).

In case of loss of consciousness, a solution of Dextrose or Glucagon should be administered intravenously to the patient. When consciousness returns, the patient should be given food high in carbohydrates. This will make it possible to avoid both glycemic coma and hypoglycemic relapse.

Insulin Isofan: can it be used with other medications?

Increases the hypoglycemic effect (bringing the volume of sugar in the blood to normal) the symbiosis of Isofan with:

  1. Sulfonamides;
  2. Chloroquinine;
  3. ACE/MAO/carbonic anhydrase inhibitors;
  4. Ethanol;
  5. Mebendazole;
  6. Drugs included in the group of anabolic steroids;
  7. Fenfluramine;
  8. Tetracycline group drugs;
  9. Clofibrate;
  10. Medicines of the theophylline group.

The hypoglycemic effect (bringing the amount of sugar in the blood to normal) is reduced due to the symbiosis of Isofan with the following drugs:

The amount of sugar in the blood decreases due to the symbiosis of Isofan insulin with thiazide and loop diuretics, with BMCC, as well as with thyroid hormones, sympathomimetics, Clondine, Danazol, sulfinpyrazone. Morphine, marijuana, alcohol and nicotine also reduce blood sugar. Patients with diabetes should not drink or smoke.

In addition to taking inappropriate medications together with Isofan, hypoglycemia can also be triggered by factors such as:

  • Switching to another medicine that maintains normal sugar levels;
  • Vomiting caused by diabetes;
  • Diarrhea caused by diabetes;
  • Increased physical loads;
  • Diseases that reduce the need for insulin (pituitary gland, hypothyroidism, liver failure, renal failure);
  • When the patient does not eat on time;
  • Changing the injection site.

An incorrect dose or a long time interval between injections can cause hyperglycemia (especially in type 1 diabetes). If therapy is not adjusted in time, the patient may fall into a ketoacidotic coma.

A patient using this medicine over sixty years of age, and especially one who has impaired functioning of the thyroid gland, kidneys, or liver, must consult with the attending physician about the dosage of insulin Isofan. The same measures should be taken if the patient suffers from hypopituitarism or Addison's disease.

Insulin Isofan: cost

The price of Isofan insulin varies from 500 to 1200 rubles per package, which includes 10 ampoules, depending on the country of origin and dosage.

How to inject: special instructions

Before drawing the medicine into the syringe, check to see if the solution is cloudy. It should be transparent. If flakes or foreign bodies appear, the solution becomes cloudy, or a precipitate forms, the medicine cannot be used.

The temperature of the administered drug should be room temperature. If you currently have a cold or any other infectious disease, you should consult your doctor about the dose. When changing the drug, you should do this under the supervision of a doctor; it is prudent to go to the hospital.

Pregnancy, lactation and insulin Isofan

Pregnant women with diabetes can take Isofan insulin; it will not reach the fetus through the placenta. It can also be used by nursing mothers who are forced to live with this disease. It is important to know that during pregnancy in the 1st trimester the need for insulin decreases, and in the second and third it increases.

Latest update of the description by the manufacturer 31.07.1998

Filterable list

Active substance:


Pharmacological group

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

Composition and release form

1 ml of injection suspension contains human insulin (biosynthetic origin) 40 IU; in bottles of 10 ml.


Neutral suspension of human insulin of medium duration of action.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- hypoglycemic.

Activates the phosphatidylinositol system, changes the membrane transport of glucose and ions, normalizes membrane polarization (increases potassium entry into the cell), activates hexokinase and glycogen synthetase, promotes the absorption of amino acids by cells.

Clinical pharmacology

The effect develops 1-2 hours after administration, reaches a maximum at 6-12 hours and lasts 18-24 hours.

Indications of the drug Isofan-Insulin ChM

Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: for allergies to other types of insulin, for intensified insulin therapy (needle-free injectors, standard and PEN syringes, etc.), in patients with severe vascular complications of diabetes, for devices with special purposes (artificial pancreas, etc.) ; non-insulin-dependent diabetes (combination therapy with oral hypoglycemic drugs, temporary insulin therapy).


Hypoglycemic states, coma.

Side effects

Hypoglycemia (feelings of hunger, fatigue, tremor); allergic reactions; lipodystrophy at injection sites.

Directions for use and doses

SC, IM, the contents of the bottle are shaken well before use and administered immediately after filling the syringe. The dosage is determined individually.

Precautionary measures

Should not be injected into the same place. When taken simultaneously with a fast-acting solution of human insulin, Inutral XM is first drawn into the syringe. Use with caution in cases of renal failure, infections, hypopituitarism, pregnancy, and in persons over 65 years of age.

Storage conditions for the drug Isofan-Insulin ChM

Refrigerate at 2-8°C (do not freeze).

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Isofan-Insulin ChM

2 years.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Synonyms of nosological groups

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
E10 Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Diabetes is labile
Diabetes mellitus insulin dependent
Diabetes type 1
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Insulin dependent diabetes
Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Coma hyperosmolar non-ketoacidotic
Labile form of diabetes mellitus
Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism
Diabetes mellitus type 1
Diabetes mellitus type I
Diabetes mellitus insulin dependent
Diabetes mellitus type 1
E11 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitusAketonuric diabetes
Decompensation of carbohydrate metabolism
Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
Diabetes type 2
Type 2 diabetes
Non-insulin dependent diabetes
Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Insulin resistance
Insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus
Lactic acid diabetic coma
Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism
Diabetes mellitus type 2
Diabetes mellitus type II
Diabetes mellitus in adulthood
Diabetes mellitus in old age
Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus type 2
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus type II

Isophane is a highly purified engineered insulin that is used for the treatment of patients diagnosed with diabetes. Human insulin, produced by genetic engineering using recombinant DNA technologies, is considered a medium-lengthening agent. In pharmacy kiosks it is sold in the form of a suspension used for injections injected under the skin. The price depends on the dosage, manufacturer and varies from 500 to 1000 rubles.


Isophane is an insulin that has a hypoglycemic effect. It contacts special ends of the outer cytoplasmic cell membrane, as a result of which the insulin receptor system is formed. It helps stimulate intracellular processes.

Due to the fact that the movement of glucose within cells increases, its amount in the blood decreases. A similar effect is achieved by reducing the rate of glucose formation by the liver and increasing the level of its absorption by tissues.

The drug acts for a long time due to the speed of absorption, which is influenced by several factors: how insulin is administered (it can be injected into the stomach, thigh or buttocks), method of administration, dosage.

After introducing soluble human genetically engineered insulin under the skin using an injection, its activation occurs after an hour and a half. The drug is most effective from the 4th to the 12th hour and is active throughout the day.

The important features of Isofan include the following factors: it is not concentrated in mother's milk. Distribution in tissues is uneven. Does not cross the placenta. From 30 to 80% is excreted from the body by the kidneys.

Directions for use

The instructions for use highlight the main type of disease for which genetically engineered insulin is used - insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Treatment in such a situation is carried out throughout life. It is important to follow the injection schedule. In addition, Isofan is used for diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2.

The doctor may prescribe the drug if there is no effect from medications that have a sugar-lowering effect. Then insulin is prescribed as a combination treatment.

An increase in blood sugar can also be a consequence of complications, for example, after surgery. In this case, insulin can also be prescribed as a complex treatment. It is also prescribed to pregnant women with the onset of diabetes.

Isophane is used only for diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2!

The drug is contraindicated in patients prone to allergic reactions and with hypoglycemia.

Malicious influence

The main side effects from taking Isofan are:

  1. Detrimental effect on carbohydrate metabolism. This is expressed in the form of pale skin, profuse sweating, rapid heartbeat, the appearance of tremors, a person constantly wants to eat, experiences nervous overexcitation, and frequent headaches.
  2. Allergy expressed by skin rash, Quincke's edema. In rare cases, the drug causes anaphylactic shock.
  3. Swelling may appear.
  4. After an injection, itching, swelling, and bruising may occur. If therapy lasts for a long time, lipodystrophy forms.

In this regard, at the beginning of treatment, insulin therapy can be carried out only after a doctor’s prescription and under his supervision.

Exceeding the permissible dose

If an increased dose of the drug is administered, the patient may experience signs of hypoglycemia. In this case, you need to eat a piece of sugar or foods rich in carbohydrates. These could be cookies, sweet fruit juice, candy.

Taking too large a dose of Isophane may cause loss of consciousness. Here it is recommended to give an intravenous injection of dextrose solution 40%. Glucagon can be administered intramuscularly, intravenously, or subcutaneously.

Precautionary measures

When using Isofan, it should be taken into account that if the drug is injected into the same place, lipodystrophy may form. To prevent it, it is recommended to change the injection site. When carrying out insulin therapy, you should carefully monitor your blood sugar levels.

The drug must be injected strictly according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor. Otherwise, hypoglycemia may develop. It can also appear due to untimely eating. In this case, a person develops a feeling of thirst, dry mouth, frequent urination, poor health, expressed by nausea, including vomiting, decreased appetite, and an unpleasant odor of acetone from the mouth.

The injected drug must be free of foreign bodies, transparent, and without sediment at the bottom. Its presence indicates insulin toxicity, so using the product can be dangerous for the patient.

Isophane should be at room temperature when administered. In case of infectious pathologies resulting from disorders of the thyroid gland, hypopituitarism, the dosage of the administered drug needs to be adjusted.

Isofan is prescribed by a doctor when there is no effect from treatment with sugar-lowering drugs.

Cross interaction

The instructions for use of the drug describe in detail the characteristics of the product and the nuances of its use.

Human genetically engineered isophane acts more actively if the following drugs are taken in parallel:

  • Hypoglycemic oral agents.
  • MAO and ACE inhibitors, carbonic anhydrase.
  • Sulfonamides.
  • Anabolics.
  • Tetracyclines.
  • Medicines containing ethanol.

The effectiveness of Isofan decreases when using: oral contraception, glucocorticoid drugs, thyroid hormones, antidepressants, morphine. If it is not possible to discontinue medications that affect the action of insulin, you must notify your doctor about this.

Similar drugs

Diabetes patients are interested in the question of what product can replace insulin. It is recommended to use the following analogues of Isofan for treatment: Humulin (NPH), Protafan-NM, Protafan-NM Penfill, Insumal, Actrafan.

Before changing Isofan to an analogue, you should consult with your doctor. Insulin therapy is a serious treatment. It requires discipline on the part of the patient and supervision on the part of the doctor.

Included in the preparations


Included in the list (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2782-r dated December 30, 2014):




A.10.A.C Insulins and their analogs of intermediate duration of action


The drug is a genetically engineered insulin with an average duration of action, identical to human insulin. The drug interacts with specific receptors (consisting of two alpha and two beta subunits). Beta subunits have tyrosine kinase activity, that is, they phosphorylate intracellular substrates. The formed insulin receptor complex activates intracellular processes (increasing intracellular glucose transport, reducing the rate of glucose production by the liver, stimulating lipogenesis, glycogenogenesis, stimulating protein synthesis), including increasing the synthesis of some key enzymes, such as pyruvate kinase, glycogen synthetase, hexokinase and others. Synthesis of the glucose transporter (GLUT-4) ensures the uptake of glucose into tissues; hexokinases - locking glucose in tissues; pyruvate kinase and phosphofructokinase - increased glucose utilization (stimulation of glycolysis); glycogen synthetase - increasing the formation of glycogen (glycogenesis).


The onset of action is 30 minutes after administration, the maximum effect is between 2 and 8 hours, the duration of action is 24 hours. The rate of absorption of the drug depends on the route of administration, the distribution is uneven. Does not penetrate the placental barrier and into breast milk. Metabolized in the liver and kidneys under the action of the enzyme insulinase.Excreted by the kidneys (30-80%).


Diabetes mellitus type 1.

WITH diabetes mellitus type 2 (non-insulin dependent), including with complete or partial resistance to oral hypoglycemic agents (combination therapy); for intercurrent diseases, surgical interventions; during pregnancy (if diet therapy is ineffective).

IV.E10-E14.E10 Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

IV.E10-E14.E11 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

XV.O20-O29.O24 Diabetes mellitus during pregnancy





Age over 65 years.

Liver and kidney diseases.

Pregnancy and lactation:

There are no restrictions on the treatment of diabetes mellitus with insulin during pregnancy, since insulin does not penetrate the placental barrier. When planning pregnancy and during it, it is necessary to intensify the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Insulin requirements usually decrease in the first trimester of pregnancy and gradually increase in the second and third trimesters. During and immediately after childbirth, the need for insulin may decrease dramatically. Shortly after birth, insulin requirements quickly return to pre-pregnancy levels. There are no restrictions on the treatment of diabetes mellitus with insulin during breastfeeding. However, a reduction in the insulin dose may be necessary, so careful monitoring is necessary for several months until insulin requirements stabilize.

Directions for use and dosage:

The dose is determined individually by the attending physician. The average daily dose is from 0.5 to 1 IU/kg. Intramuscular administration is also possible. The temperature of the drug during administration should be at room temperature.

Inject subcutaneously 1-2 times a day, 30-45 minutes before breakfast (change the injection site each time) from 8 units to 24 units 1 time per day.

Intravenous administration of intermediate-acting insulin is prohibited!

Side effects:

From the immune system: allergic reactions (skin rash, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock).

Caused by the effect on carbohydrate metabolism: hypoglycemic conditions (pallor, increased sweating, palpitations, sleep disturbances, tremors, chills, hunger, agitation, paresthesia in the mouth, headache, decreased visual acuity). Severe hypoglycemia can lead to hypoglycemic coma.

Local reactions: swelling and itching at the injection site, hyperemia; with prolonged use, lipodystrophy is possible.


Symptoms: hypoglycemia.

Treatment: The patient can eliminate mild hypoglycemia himself by ingesting sugar or carbohydrate-rich foods (in this regard, patients with diabetes are recommended to constantly carry sugar, sweets, cookies or sweet fruit juice with them). In severe cases, when the patient loses consciousness, a 40% dextrose solution is administered intravenously; intramuscularly, subcutaneously, intravenously -. After regaining consciousness, the patient is advised to eat a meal rich in carbohydrates to prevent the recurrence of hypoglycemia.


Oral hypoglycemic drugs, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, non-selective beta-blockers, anabolic steroids, clofibrate, fenfluramine, monoamine oxidase inhibitors,carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, sulfonamides, tetracyclines, lithium preparations, preparations containing, enhance the hypoglycemic effect of insulin.

Oral contraceptives, thyroid hormones, heparin, sympathomimetics, calcium channel blockers, glucocorticoids, thiazide diuretics, tricyclic antidepressants, H1-histamine receptor blockers, diazoxide, weaken the hypoglycemic effect of insulin.

Reserpine and salicylates can both enhance and reduce the hypoglycemic effect of insulin.

Special instructions:

It is necessary to change the site of drug administration to avoid lipodystrophy. While taking the drug, it is necessary to monitor blood glucose levels.The causes of hypoglycemia, in addition to insulin overdose, can be: changing the drug, skipping meals, vomiting, diarrhea, increased physical activity, diseases that reduce the need for insulin (impaired liver and kidney function, hypofunction of the adrenal cortex, pituitary gland or thyroid gland), change of place injections, as well as interaction with others medicines.

Incorrect dosing or interruptions in insulin administration, especially in patients with type 1 diabetes, can lead to hyperglycemia. Typically, the first symptoms of hyperglycemia develop gradually, over several hours or days. They include the appearance of thirst, increased urination, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, redness and dryness of the skin, dry mouth, loss of appetite, and the smell of acetone in the exhaled air. If left untreated, hyperglycemia in type 1 diabetes can lead to life-threatening diabetic ketoacidosis.

The dose of insulin must be adjusted in cases of thyroid dysfunction, Addison's disease, hypopituitarism, impaired liver and kidney function, and diabetes mellitus in patients over 65 years of age. A change in insulin dose may also be necessary if the patient increases the intensity of physical activity or changes the usual diet.

Concomitant diseases, especially infections and conditions accompanied by fever, increase the need for insulin.

The drug reduces tolerance to alcohol.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and other technical devices

When transferring a patient to this insulin, a temporary decrease in the speed of psychomotor reactions is possible.

When using insulin for the first time, changing its type, or in the presence of significant physical or mental stress, the speed of psychomotor reactions and the ability to concentrate may decrease.

Exercise caution.
