Lugol instructions for use for children from what age. Lugol's solution in the form of a spray - correct use

Is Lugol spray effective? Patient reviews of this drug will be presented at the end of the article. From it you will learn about what components are included in this product, how much it costs, for what indications it should be used, how to use it correctly, etc.

Composition and packaging

What substances does Lugol spray contain? Reviews report that the active element this drug is elemental iodine. As for the auxiliary ingredients, they use glycerol and potassium iodide.

Also in pharmacies in our country you can find a similar medication called “Lugol Vialine”. A spray with this name additionally includes triclosan, sea salt, sodium saccharinate and kelp extract.

The medication in question is available in dark glass bottles. They are placed in a cardboard box, which includes a special applicator designed for spraying the drug.

Pharmacology of medicine

As mentioned above, the drug “Lugol” (spray), the price of which will be indicated below, contains the following active ingredient, like molecular iodine. According to expert reviews, this element has antiseptic and local irritant effects. It has a bactericidal effect on gram-negative and gram-positive flora. It should also be noted that the drug exhibits particular activity against pathogenic yeasts and fungi.

Maximum resistance to elemental iodine is observed in staphylococci and pseudomonads.

During the treatment of large areas of the skin, a resorptive effect is observed. It should also be noted that this drug is capable of taking an active part in the processes of synthesis of T3 and T4.

Due to the presence of potassium iodide in the spray, its active substance dissolves better and faster in water. As for the element glycerol, it has a softening effect.

Pharmacokinetics of a local agent

What kinetic properties does Lugol spray have? Reviews from doctors report that when this drug is used correctly, the resorption of its active ingredient through skin completely excluded.

Upon contact with mucous membranes, 30% of this drug is converted into the form of iodides. Ingestion of this drug leads to complete absorption of iodine, which subsequently accumulates in the thyroid gland.

Metabolites of the drug in question are eliminated through the renal system and sweat glands, and also together with feces.


What does the drug “Lugol” (spray) help with? The use of this medicine as an external agent is indicated:

It should also be noted that quite often the medication in question is used topically. This is done in the following conditions:

  • infected burns;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • ulcerative varicose lesions;
  • purulent otitis;
  • fresh thermal burns.

It should also be said that in otolaryngological practice this drug is often used for sore throat, especially in young children.

The antiseptic properties of this product allow you to locally combat inflammatory processes that accompany the mentioned disease.

How is the drug “Lugol” (spray) used for sore throat? The use of this antiseptic is indicated for initial and mild forms of the disease, as well as for purulent inflammation. By the way, in the latter case The medication in question is recommended to be combined with antibiotics.

In addition to the above, Lugol can also be used as an oral medication. This medication is indicated for atherosclerosis (for treatment and prevention).


Now you know why the drug “Lugol” (spray) is needed. From what age can it be used on a child? This question interests many parents of young children. According to the instructions, it is not advisable to use this drug for a child under 5 years of age.

It should also be noted that the medicine in question should under no circumstances be used by a patient with individual hypersensitivity to the elements of the medicine.

As for oral administration, in this case the medication is contraindicated:

  • with furunculosis;
  • acne;
  • pregnancy;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • adenoma;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • neuroses and nephritis;
  • chronic pyoderma;
  • hives.

How can adults use Lugol spray?

Reviews from experts report that after using this drug, a kind of protective film is formed on the mucous membranes, which has an antiseptic effect.

The medication must be sprayed 5-6 times a day, treating the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx and pharynx. To do this, you need to gently press the spray head. This procedure will promote uniform irrigation of the entire mucous membrane of the throat.

While using the drug, you should hold your breath and also protect your eyes from getting the spray on them. If the medication does get on the mucous membranes of the visual organs, it is recommended to immediately wash them with sodium thiosulfate or regular warm water.

The drug "Lugol" - spray for children

The price of the product in question is not very high. According to the instructions, it should be used on a child who has reached the age of 5.

As a rule, Lugol for children is prescribed three times a day. It is used until all catarrhal symptoms disappear.

Adverse reactions

When using the spray as an external or local remedy, you can expect the following adverse reactions:

  • acne;
  • lacrimation;
  • drooling;
  • rhinitis;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • hives.

If the drug was prescribed orally, patients may develop:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • diarrhea syndrome;
  • allergic responses on the skin;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • increased sweating;
  • nervousness.

If other reactions are observed, you should discontinue use of the spray yourself.

Overdose of iodine preparation

If a large amount of medication is injected, the patient may experience irritation. respiratory tract. When taking increased doses of the drug orally, hemolysis and hemoglobinuria are observed. Experts report that 300 ml of solution is considered a lethal dosage of this drug.

To eliminate the symptoms of overdose it is necessary intravenous administration 30% sodium thiosulfate, as well as gastric lavage with sodium bicarbonate solution.

The price of this drug is not very high. You can buy a bottle of Lugol for 100-120 rubles.

When storing this product at home, remember that sunlight, as well as air temperatures above 40 degrees significantly accelerate the breakdown of elemental iodine. Therefore, it is advisable to store the bottle of Lugol in a cool and dark place.

To quickly cure cough, bronchitis, pneumonia and strengthen the immune system, you just need...

At the very beginning of the development of throat diseases, they can still be stopped by using local means, which include a budget antiseptic Lugol , used in world medicine for about two hundred years.

Lugol is considered an external remedy and is used primarily for lubricating or irrigating the mucous membranes of the throat, although its use internally for the treatment of certain diseases is also justified thyroid gland.

The drug is available in two forms: solution and spray .

How to use Lugol, instructions for use are described below.

What is Lugol

The solution was named after the French physician Jean Lugol, who developed the drug in 1829. Lugol's solution is a thick, translucent liquid of a bright orange-brown color. It contains iodine as the main substance and glycerin as an auxiliary substance.

To be more precise, 1 part of iodine is used, 2 - potassium iodide, 94 - glycerin, 3 - water. Glycerin softens the effect of iodine, potassium iodide promotes more rapid dissolution iodine in water.

Lugol is produced in 2 dosages - with an iodine concentration of 1% and 1.25%.

As for ease of use, the solution produced in the form of a spray is much more convenient for use, especially in children, due to the fact that the therapeutic component is very simply and quickly delivered to hard-to-reach places in the pharynx.

Lugol, produced in the form of a solution, must first be applied to a cotton swab, which can then be used to lubricate diseased or affected areas of the body.

How does Lugol work?

The therapeutic effect of Lugol is due to the iodine included in the composition, which has an antiseptic effect against pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Lugol's spectrum of action is quite broad, but it is ineffective against staphylococcal infection and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Iodine, which is part of Lugol's composition, also acts as a local irritant, which is expressed in increased mucus secretion, as well as in provoking sneezing and cough reflex.

This beneficial effect for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes, as it allows a large volume of mucus to wash away pathogens.

Lugol's solution is absorbed into the bloodstream from the mucous membranes and skin. If Lugol is applied to large area skin, then iodine will accumulate in the thyroid tissues and will be able to take part in the metabolism of thyroid hormones.

Unlike antibiotics, addiction does not develop to Lugol.

Indications for use

Lugol is indicated for the treatment of:

  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat - sore throat, laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, etc.;
  • Purulent otitis;
  • Atrophic rhinitis;
  • Skin lesions - erysipelas, boils, purulent scratches and cuts;
  • Trophic ulcers;
  • Ulcers of varicose veins;
  • Fresh burns and burns with infection;
  • Myalgia.

Instructions for use of Lugol

Instructions for use of Lugol's spray

Directions for use: spray on affected and inflamed areas of the skin or mucous membrane of the throat, pharynx, oral cavity, nose 4 - 6 rubles. a day before the condition improves. After spraying, you need to not eat or drink anything for half an hour so that the medicine has a therapeutic effect longer.

If you accidentally swallow a little solution during manipulation, nothing harmful will happen.

How to apply the spray? First, you need to remove the cap from the bottle and put the sprayer on it, then make a couple of presses so that the solution enters the mechanism. The bottle needs to be given vertical position, point the spray tube at the painful area, hold it and press the mechanism once with your thumb.

Then the tube is directed to another area and sprayed as well. The spraying mechanism sprays the drug in a stream, so the diseased surface is treated in parts.

If a stream of medicine is directed to the throat, you need to hold your breath while spraying so that iodine does not enter the bronchi.

The spray can be used to irrigate:

  • Nasal passages - once a day every 1 - 2 days for 2-3 months in a row;
  • Ears - in the same dosage for no longer than one month;
  • Skin - depending on the severity of the disease: if the inflammation is minor, Lugol is applied directly to the cleaned surface for 15 - 30 minutes 2 - 6 times a day until recovery. If the inflammatory process affects a large area, then napkins are placed on the affected area and moistened with Lugol. Wipes need to be moistened several times a day.

After the first use, the spray nozzle is no longer removed so that the solution does not dry out inside it.

Instructions for use of Lugol's solution

Lugol's solution is also used for external application to inflamed skin, mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, and ear cavity. The spaces in the tonsil area are also washed with the solution. To apply Lugol's solution to the mucous membranes, it is poured onto a swab, which is used to treat the affected areas.

The mucous membranes are lubricated with the solution up to 6 times a day until the condition improves.

While processing mucous membranes, you need to hold your breath to reduce the irritating effect of iodine. One swab should be used to treat one area. If you need to apply the solution over a large area, you need to use several swabs.

This is necessary to avoid transferring germs from one area to another. After treating the throat, it is recommended not to drink or eat anything for half an hour so that the drug is as effective as possible.

To use Lugol's solution to rinse spaces and lacunae in the tonsil area, the solution is drawn into a syringe, which is used for rinsing. Washing must be done every 2-3 days. One course involves 5 washes.

To treat the inflammatory process on the skin, Lugol's solution is used in 2 ways, depending on the area of ​​the lesion. If inflamed small area skin, the solution is applied to the affected part cotton swab, having previously removed pus and mucus from the wound.

After tamponing, the treated lesion is left open for half an hour so that the Lugol is absorbed. The wound can then be covered with a bandage or left open. You can apply the solution to the wound up to 6 times a day before recovery.

If the inflammatory process has affected a large area of ​​skin, such as with burns, injuries, or if there is postoperative suture, then cover the affected area with napkins and pour Lugol onto them. Then the napkins are re-wetted, keeping them well soaked.

Instructions for using Lugol in children

For children, instructions for use with Lugol remain the same as for adults. The only limitation that requires parental caution is that children cannot hold their breath, so the drug is not recommended for the youngest children.

Instructions for using Lugol during pregnancy

Since iodine crosses the placental barrier, pregnant women should be treated with this remedy with caution.

The course of treatment with Lugol for pregnant women should not exceed 4 days in a row.

Instructions for use: special instructions

  1. Do not allow the drug to come into contact with the eyes. If Lugol gets into your eyes, you need to rinse them big amount water, then sodium thiosulfate.
  2. Lugol's should be stored in a dark place, as Sun rays and temperature increases above 40 degrees lead to the destruction of iodine, which reduces the effectiveness of the drug.
  3. During processing large surfaces Lugol, iodine is absorbed into the bloodstream and retained in the thyroid gland. Therefore, the drug should be used with caution by people suffering from thyroid diseases. Iodine can also pass into breast milk, and with it into thyroid gland a child who may not be able to cope with such a quantity. Therefore, women with breastfeeding should refuse to use this treatment method or use it under medical supervision.



An overdose of Lugol develops with its frequent and long-term use. It is typical for her following symptoms: bronchospasm, laryngospasm and burn of mucous membranes.

If Lugol is ingested in large quantities, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, destruction of red blood cells, and hemoglobin may appear in the urine. The lethal dose of Lugol when drunk is 300 ml.

If symptoms of overdose are observed, you need to rinse the stomach with a 0.5% solution of sodium thiosulfate and a solution baking soda. Then a 30% solution of sodium thiosulfate is injected intravenously, which inactivates the effect of iodine. Next, symptomatic treatment is carried out.


Some drugs have an effect similar to Lugol's:

  1. Vialine does not contain iodine, and its antiseptic effect is provided by the antibiotic triclosan.
  2. Iodinol contains iodine and alcohol in its composition. Alcohol prolongs the antiseptic effect of iodine, but the absence of glycerin reduces the analgesic effect.
  3. Yoxa contains iodine in a complex with polyvinylpyrrolidone; in addition, the drug contains an anesthetic component and alcohol, which prolongs the effect of iodine. When choosing Yox or which is better, you need to take into account the cost of the drug, which is higher than Lugol's.

For human health in nature there is a large number of various substances and components on the basis of which they are produced pharmacological agents. At the same time, a group of diseases such as throat diseases is quite common. There are a large number of forms and types of such ailments, for the treatment of which local medicinal preparations can be used. For example, since time immemorial, Lugol's solution has been used for sore throat and pharyngitis. Today, therapy using the described product is also common and popular. However, the question of whether such treatment is effective and safe remains open.

Composition of the solution and mechanism of action

It must be remembered that Lugol's solution is a common drug that is used for a variety of purposes. Because of this, on pharmacy shelves you can find a drug with different concentrations and composition. The solution is found in two forms: aqueous and glycerin. Depending on the solvent, not only the specific action of the product changes, but also its consistency. Thus, a glycerin product has a thicker composition, while an aqueous product is, accordingly, liquid.

The main active ingredients are iodine, the percentage of which can be 1-5% in the drug, as well as calcium iodide - it usually contains twice as much as iodine. Distilled water in glycerin agent has about 3% of general composition, the rest of the contents of the container are glycerin. Accordingly, in aqueous solution Lugol's main volume is water (85 percent or more).

As for the mechanism of action, iodine concentrate oxidizes and subsequently destroys the bacterial environment, implementing the disinfection process. Due to the special properties of the drug, it is actively used for local treatment, as it has antifungal, antimicrobial and irritating effect, which allows the use of Lugol's solution for throat diseases.

What does the solution help with: indications for use

As described above, Lugol's solution is quite effective drug, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal effect. It is successfully used to treat the skin and mucous membranes, which allows local treatment, reduce the severity of symptoms, as well as implement minimal preventive measures.

Purulent tonsillitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis and rhinitis can be successfully treated with Lugol. It should be remembered that gargling with the described remedy does not solve the problem. This is rather a procedure that ensures the destruction of infection at the local level, which is only appropriate in individual situations. However, many argue that with the help of a specific drug you can get rid of the most various diseases infectious and fungal etymology, which affect the mucous membrane of the pharynx and throat.

Instructions for use of Lugol's solution with glycerin

Depending on the purpose for which the drug is used, its method of use is determined. It is known that Lugol is quite simple and at the same time effective means to fight throat infection. Therefore, there are several ways to use the product, such as rinses or lubricants. At the same time, there are certain restrictions, as well as rules regarding the methods of using the drug to treat a sore throat.

How to lubricate and gargle

As you know, there are two main ways to use Lugol's solution, the first is to lubricate the tonsils, and the second is to rinse. This form of product release is also popular, which is very convenient to use. As for lubricating the throat with the solution, everything is quite simple. First, you need to prepare a long stick, which should be treated with alcohol or other antiseptic, and then secure a cotton swab at its end. The cotton wool must be moistened in Lugol, and then the tonsils must be treated. Carrying out the procedure on your own is quite inconvenient, so it is recommended to seek the help of a neighbor.

Regarding rinsing there are no pharmacological instructions, described in the instructions for use of the drug, therefore, recipes are used that are compositions that have been verified over the years. To prepare the rinse you will need a glass warm water dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda and table salt, and then pour 15 drops of Lugol into the solution. It is recommended to use this remedy at least 5 times a day, which will allow for the most effective therapy.

Internal use

In the previous paragraphs it was described that Lugol's solution has a local disinfecting effect, implementing local treatment of damage or inflammation of the mucous membrane and skin. For this reason, the use of this drug internally will also only fail local impact. Thus, some experts claim that Lugol improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, increasing the secretion of the hormones it secretes.

As for using a specific solution internally to get rid of a sore throat or sore throat, such a process is not effective. On the contrary, the use of iodine solution internally can lead to a number of operational problems. internal organs, leading to the most undesirable consequences.

How to use for children

Such medicinal drug as Lugol has a number of restrictions and features regarding its use in childhood. In this case, it is worth noting that treating the throat and tonsils of children under one year of age is prohibited. Several decades ago, when necessary medications was not, doctors could advise using Lugol to treat sore throat in children 5-6 years of age. Today, pediatricians recommend abandoning the described product and using more effective and safe means. For children over 6 years old, full treatment with Lugol can be carried out, lubricating and gargling at least 5-6 times during the day.

Contraindications for use

Despite a number of positive action, the described remedy can negatively affect the body of both a child and an adult. For this reason, there are a number of contraindications that make the process of using the drug impossible. So, for example, Lugol cannot be used for:

  • hypersensitivity to iodine;
  • tuberculosis;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • dermatitis;
  • pregnancy;
  • in preschool age;
  • pyoderma;
  • diathesis, etc.

Usually, Lugol does not cause serious negative consequences for the body, but despite this, you should use it with caution, after consulting with your doctor.

Can Lugol's solution be used by pregnant women?

Once in the body, Lugol actively affects the thyroid gland, leading to some changes. As is known, iodine concentrate significantly affects the production of proteins and lipids, as well as some hormones. For this reason, using Lugol during pregnancy can be quite dangerous. Wherein, high concentration iodine can provoke a number of negative consequences for the child, affecting his further psycho-physical development. In this connection, it can be argued that it is better to avoid this remedy while carrying a baby.

Side effects from use

The main side effect that can be caused by exaggerating the dosage of Lugol's solution is hypersecretion of the thyroid gland. An overdose can pose a serious threat to life, especially for people who have problems with work. of cardio-vascular system. TO side effects should include all kinds of skin problems, such as acne and allergic rash. Irritation and burns of the mucous membrane of the throat and nose are possible as a result of treatment with iodine solution.

What analogues exist

As you know, Lugol is a drug that is used in medical practice for many years now. To date, the number disinfectants on pharmacy shelves has increased significantly. As a result, on this moment you can select a product included in the same pharmaceutical group and having similar therapeutic effect. It is worth remembering that the effect is achieved with the help of other active ingredients, but the effect is similar to all antiseptic drugs. Among medicinal products, which are analogues of Lugol, the following positions can be distinguished:

  • Iodovidone;
  • Octasept;
  • Aquazan;
  • Sulyodovisol;
  • Brownodin;
  • Yod-Ka, etc.

Komarovsky’s video about the use of the solution for tonsillitis

The video material presented for viewing is the doctor’s opinion regarding the use of Lugol’s solution for treatment chronic tonsillitis and others infectious diseases in children. After reviewing the video, one can draw fairly clear conclusions about the therapeutic use of the described drug.

Does Lugol's drug work effectively? Instructions for use and doctors' reviews of this product will be described below. You will also learn about what components the mentioned medication includes, in what form it goes on sale, whether it can be prescribed to children, etc.

Composition, form and packaging of the drug

What is included in a product such as Lugol? Reviews from experts report that the main active ingredient of this drug is iodine. It also includes auxiliary ingredients in the form of glycerol and potassium iodide. By the way, Lugol Vialine additionally includes such components as sea ​​salt, triclosan, kelp extract and

In what form can Lugol's medication be purchased? Reviews from doctors say that this remedy Available in the form of a spray solution. The medicine goes on sale in dark glass bottles placed in cardboard packs. The package also contains instructions and an applicator for spraying.

Pharmacological features

How does the drug "Lugol" (spray) work? Instructions and reviews of this medicine indicate that its active component is molecular iodine. It has an antiseptic effect and also has a local irritant effect.

This medication has a bactericidal effect on gram-negative bacteria and gram-positive flora. It is active against pathogenic fungi and yeast.

Staphylococci and pseudomonads exhibit maximum resistance to iodine.

When treating large areas of the skin, patients experience the active substance of the drug taking part in the processes of synthesizing T4 and T3.

Due to the presence of potassium iodide in the preparation, it active ingredient dissolves better and faster in water. As for glycerol, it has a softening effect.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

Is it absorbed into the bloodstream? local drug Lugol (spray)? Instructions for use, reviews from doctors indicate that correct use This product eliminates its possible absorption through the skin.

Upon contact with mucous membranes, this medication is 30% converted into the form of iodides. Intentional or accidental ingestion of the drug leads to its complete absorption active substance. In this case, iodine accumulates in the thyroid gland.

The medication in question may penetrate into mother's milk. Its metabolites are excreted through the renal system, as well as through feces and sweat.

Indications for use

When should Lugol be used? Use for children (reviews of the drug are listed below) and adults is indicated for:

  • myalgia;
  • traumatic injuries;
  • infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the skin;
  • wound lesions.

All of these conditions require external use of the medication. If necessary, it can be used topically for:

  • infected burns;
  • ulcerative varicose lesions;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • purulent otitis;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • fresh thermal burns.

In what other cases is the drug “Lugol” with glycerin used? Reviews from experts report that this medication is often used in ENT practice (for example, in the treatment of sore throat).

The antiseptic effect of this remedy allows you to fight (locally) with various inflammatory processes occurring in the throat. It should be noted that “Lugol” is effective in initial and mild forms purulent sore throat. It can be combined with any antibiotics.

It should also be said that the medication in question is actively used for tertiary syphilis, as well as for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis.

Contraindications for use

Is it possible to prescribe the drug "Lugol" to children? Reviews from pediatricians report that this medication cannot be used on children under 5 years of age.

Also, the spray is not used for individual hypersensitivity. The drug is contraindicated for oral administration if:

  • furunculosis;
  • acne;
  • pregnancy;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • chronic pyoderma;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • neuroses and nephritis;
  • adenomas;
  • hives.

How to use the drug "Lugol" (spray)?

Reviews from experts say that this form The drug is capable of forming a special protective film on the mucous membranes of the throat, which has an antiseptic effect.

The medication in question must be used 5-6 times a day (topically) to treat the mouth, pharynx and pharynx. After lightly pressing the nebulizer head, the patient can ensure uniform irrigation of the entire mucous membrane of the throat. During the procedure, it is necessary to hold your breath and also protect your eyes.

If the drug gets on the mucous membranes of the visual organs, they need to be washed either with plain warm water or with sodium thiosulfate.

In what dosage is Lugol (spray) prescribed to children? Reviews from pediatricians report that this medication should be used by children from five years old three times a day until it disappears completely.

As a rule, the drug is used after meals.

Adverse reactions

The use of Lugol as an external agent may be accompanied by such undesirable manifestations, How:

  • lacrimation;
  • acne;
  • rhinitis;
  • hives;
  • salivation;
  • Quincke's edema.

If the medication was taken orally, the person may experience:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • diarrhea syndrome;
  • skin allergic responses;
  • increased sweating;
  • increased nervousness.

If the above and other reactions are registered, you must cancel the spray yourself.

Overdose of iodine preparations

What symptoms may occur if Lugol spray is used incorrectly? Reviews from doctors indicate effects such as irritation respiratory system, burn, laryngo- and bronchospasm.

If the medication is ingested, hemolysis and hemoglobinuria may develop. A lethal dose is considered to be 300 ml of solution.

As a treatment for these conditions, intravenous administration of 30% sodium thiosulfate is used, as well as gastric lavage with a solution of sodium bicarbonate.

Drug interactions

The drug "Lugol" is inactivated by sodium thiosulfate. This solution can quite easily lead to damage to metal objects.

Fat, blood, acidic and alkaline environment, as well as pus, significantly reduce the antiseptic activity of the drug.

The drug in question is incompatible with essential oils And

For children

Iodine preparations are often used in the treatment of ENT pathologies such as tonsillitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis and laryngitis. However, this medication can only be prescribed to those children who have already reached 5 years of age. For children 1-5 years old, Lugol's spray is not prescribed due to the presence of iodine, since it can be absorbed into the bloodstream and have a direct effect on the thyroid gland and general development child.

Price and patient reviews of the spray

Lugol spray is purchased for the treatment of sore throat and other diseases not only because of its high effectiveness, but also due to its low cost. For adult patients, as well as small children and adolescents, a single form of the drug is produced - 50 ml bottles. The price of this medication is not very high and amounts to 100 rubles.

What do they say about the drug "Lugol"? Reviews from patients say that they actively use this remedy for various diseases oral cavity, which are infectious and inflammatory in nature. Most people only mention this drug positive reviews. According to patients, Lugol spray exhibits high efficiency already after the first use. By the way, adverse reactions with the use of this medication, they occur extremely rarely.

Lugol is an iodine-containing drug, part of the group of antiseptic drugs, used to treat infectious diseases of the oral cavity.

What is the composition of the medication Lugol (spray)?

The active ingredient of the drug Lugol is represented by molecular iodine in the amount of 1 gram per 100 milliliters of solution. Excipients: potassium iodide, glycerol and water for injection.

The drug Lugol is available in the form of a clear and thick solution with a characteristic brown and a specific smell. Supplied in dark glass bottles equipped with a dispenser cap. Sold without a prescription.

What is the effect of the drug Lugol (spray) on the human body?

The pharmaceutical drug Lugol is capable of having an antiseptic and local irritant effect. Used in dentistry and otorhinolaryngology. The mechanism of action of the drug is related to bactericidal properties molecular iodine.

Iodine, which is part of the medicine, has an antiseptic effect. Potassium iodide is intended to improve dissolution active substance. Glycerol has a softening and moisturizing effect.

Iodine is deadly poisonous. The effect of this substance on the bacterial body leads to the development of numerous metabolic disorders, arising in pathogenic organism, which leads to the rapid death of the pathogen.

Lugol's drug to provide bactericidal effect for most gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. In addition, the medicine can inhibit the growth and development of fungi that can cause mycoses.

Some common microorganisms are resistant to iodine preparations. In particular, staphylococci die only with long-term use of such medicines, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa is not at all susceptible to this medicine.

When applied to the skin, especially when treating large areas, molecular iodine is able to penetrate the epidermis and participate in the processes of biological synthesis of thyroid hormones.

Use of the drug within the recommended dosage rarely leads to significant iodine resorption. However, when swallowed, some of the active substance will enter the systemic circulation, after which it will be directed to satisfy the body's needs.

Iodine that enters the bloodstream penetrates well into most tissues of the body and is excreted mainly in urine and to a lesser extent in stool. Defined in breast milk and amniotic fluid.

What are the indications for use of Lugol (spray)?

The use of Lugol's medicine is indicated as antiseptic, intended for the treatment of infectious diseases of the oral mucosa and oropharynx.

It should be recalled that self-medication can be dangerous. The appearance of pathological lesions in the oral cavity does not always indicate the presence of infectious pathology. In a number of cases, the problem may be hidden much deeper in order to exclude similar conditions it is highly recommended to apply for medical care.

What are the contraindications for use of the drug Lugol (spray)?

The pharmaceutical drug Lugol (spray) instructions for use are prohibited for treatment only in cases of hypersensitivity to iodine or any other component of the drug.

Relative contraindications: serious illnesses kidney, liver failure, dermatitis herpetiformis, as well as thyrotoxicosis, lactation and pregnancy.

What are the uses and dosage of Lugol (spray)?

Lugol's drug is used to irrigate the oral mucosa. The frequency of treatment is 4 to 6 times a day. To do this, you need to press the spray cap once while holding your breath. The duration of treatment depends on the dynamics of the patient’s health condition and is determined by the opinion of a specialist.

Overdose from Lugol (spray)

As mentioned above, iodine is poisonous. Lethal dose The drug is about 300 milliliters. Symptoms of overdose: sore throat, cough, bronchospastic phenomena, laryngospasm, difficulty breathing. Treatment: gastric lavage with sodium bicarbonate or thiosulfate solution, symptomatic therapy according to indications.

special instructions

Do not get the spray into your eyes. If such an incident occurs, you should immediately wash the affected area of ​​the body with plenty of running water. If a burning sensation or distortion in the perception of visual images appears, you need to see a doctor, being sure to tell the specialist the cause of the illness.

What are the side effects of Lugol (spray)?

The use of Lugol's drug may be accompanied by the following: negative consequences, a complex of which is called “iodism”: nasal congestion, urticaria, peripheral edema, acne, and increased salivation.

If any of the above symptoms appear, you should stop using the medicine and consult a doctor. And we are on www.!

How to replace Lugol (spray), what analogues should I use?

Lugol's drug can be replaced with the following combination of drugs: iodine, potassium iodide and glycerin.


Treatment of infectious pathology cannot be imagined without integrated approach, which includes the following activities: good nutrition, vitaminization courses, refusal bad habits, especially smoking. In addition, after completion of treatment, it is recommended to return for a second appointment.