Melon: benefits and harm to the body. Melon is a natural medicine. Meals look like this

The end of summer is marked by the appearance of fruits such as melons and watermelons. There is not a person who does not love melon. Therefore, they try to prepare them for the winter, in the form of preserves, jams, or simply by freezing. Let's take a closer look at how healthy melon is, its calorie content, its medicinal properties, and also learn how to prepare amazing smoothies and fresh juice, and prepare melon jam for the winter. Today we will take a closer look at how melon is beneficial for the body.

Chemical composition of melon

Melon contains folic acid, B vitamins, beta-carotene, alimentary fiber, zinc, calcium, iron, magic, iodine. Melon contains about 0.7 grams. proteins, 7, 3 gr. carbohydrates, and only 0.3 grams of fat.
Such a low calorie content is a reason to enjoy the summer fruit as much as possible. The chemical composition of watermelon and its benefits can be found in the article.

How many calories does melon contain?

Depending on the variety. Melon can contain from 23 to 38 Kcal per 100 grams of ripe product. Dried melon already has many more calories. The riper the melon, the more calories it contains.

What are the benefits of melon for the body?

The benefits of melon are expressed in the amount of minerals that are found in the melon. By the way, they are found not only in the pulp, but also in the peel. Therefore, it will not be superfluous, after the melon is washed well, to try a little peel. Melon has truly rejuvenating properties.

It helps the skin look healthier; there are even special melon-based masks that improve complexion, remove redness and bring out blackheads.
By the way, melon has the ability to mattify the skin; this property can be achieved by regularly applying a melon mask to the skin.

Medicinal properties of melon

You can write about the medicinal properties of melon for a very long time, but all because great content macroelements and minerals. For example, melon, both in the peel and in the pulp, contains a large number of silicon, which is necessary for hair, nails, for everyone internal organs. In addition, melon contains a lot of folic acid, which pregnant women need to form a healthy baby.
Melon contains more vitamin C than many other crops. Many people know the beneficial properties of vitamin C; it has a positive effect on human immunity, while a deficiency leads to lethargy, apathy, and bleeding gums.
Melon pulp is good for the stomach; it can remove cholesterol from the body.
The high potassium content in melon promotes its use for anemia, liver and kidney disease, and rheumatism.

What are the benefits of melon for pregnant women?

Large amounts of melon are not recommended for pregnant women. That's the whole point. That due to the large amount of fluid, the legs may begin to swell, and this will negatively affect the condition of the pregnant woman. In addition, if a pregnant woman suffers from diabetes or diseases gastrointestinal tract, it is better for her to refrain from eating melon. Pregnant women, like other people, are not recommended to eat melon after a hearty lunch or dinner.

Melon is recommended on an empty stomach. The thing is that it improves intestinal motility. But if it was consumed after a hearty lunch or dinner, it may, on the contrary, delay withdrawal feces from the body. But in general, due to the content of folic acid, B vitamins, and many other elements, melon is very useful for pregnant women.

The benefits of melon for children

Melon is very healthy for children, like most fruits and berries. The main thing is to make sure that the child eats high-quality melon. To do this, you need to keep track of where the melon was bought. You should not buy melon on the side of the road, as it can absorb harmful exhaust gases. Melon, which required a lot of fertilizers and nitrates to grow, is also not considered healthy.
The melon should be a uniform color, without green spots. There should also be no dents or damage to the peel. It is recommended to buy only from trusted sellers and only during the melon ripening season - from mid-August. Children under one year of age are usually not recommended to consume large amounts of melon. Usually this is a very small piece. Children from one to 3 years old can consume no more than 100 grams per day.

Harm to melon. Contraindications

In order to determine the contraindications of melon, you just need to become more familiar with its chemical composition; due to the huge sugar content, eating melon is not recommended for people with diabetes. All kinds of gastritis are also considered a contraindication for consuming melon, as it causes various disorders and deterioration of the condition. Women who are breastfeeding are also not recommended to eat melon, as this will negatively affect their health. digestive system child. Stomach upsets can also be caused by consuming melon along with dairy products, alcohol and pickled vegetables.

What can you cook from melon? Recipes

You can make a delicious fruit salad from melon. To prepare it you will need one ripe melon small size, apple, a little kiwi and liquid yogurt. All fruits must be peeled, grated on a coarse grater and poured with liquid yogurt. You can place the salad in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes. So vitamin and low calorie salad The most sophisticated gourmet will like it.

Melon can be used to make an amazing melon-flavored jelly. To prepare it, you need to boil several pieces of melon in 200 ml of water mixed with sugar and cinnamon, and then strain and boil again with the addition of 3 tablespoons of gelatin. After the jelly has cooled, it must be placed in a cool place to harden as quickly as possible.

Melon jam recipe

If the melon harvest turned out to be good, and it’s simply not possible to eat everything, recipes for melon jam will come to the rescue. They usually do not require any other ingredients other than water and sugar. But more about this below.

Recipe for classic melon jam:

Peel the melon, cut into small pieces, prepare 1.5 liters of water, add the melon there, boil, add sugar, for 1 kg of melon you will need approximately 800 grams of sugar, 1\\4 tablespoon citric acid, and cook first over high heat, and after boiling over low heat, for an hour. The main thing is to stir the contents regularly. After an hour, the jam can be rolled into jars, and in winter you can enjoy the unusual taste of melon jam.

Melon jam

There is another amazing recipe for melon jam. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:
1 kg of peeled and chopped melon, sugar - 800 g, vanilla sugar, juice of one, a pinch of cinnamon.
1. In a large cauldron, mix 2 liters of water, sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon, vanilla sugar. Bring the contents to a boil and turn off. After complete cooling, turn on the gas again and wait until it boils over low heat. The procedure is repeated 2 times, and after that the jam is poured into jars.

Fresh melon

To prepare a delicious fresh juice, you can mix melon with a sour apple or an orange. More precise recipes are given below. To prepare fresh melon with apple, you will need a small, sweet, ripe melon, one apple, honey and lemon.
1. Peel the melon, cut into pieces, prepare a large container, put the melon pieces in it.
2. Peel the apple, remove seeds, cut into small pieces, and place with the melon.
3. If desired, peel a few slices of lemon and place in a container.
4. Also mix one tablespoon of honey with all the ingredients.
5. Grind all the contents thoroughly with a blender and pour into glasses. There is nothing tastier than delicious fresh juice on a summer day.

Fresh melon recipe No. 2

Another wonderful fresh recipe, for which you will need one orange, one melon and a little vanilla sugar.
1. Peel the melon, remove seeds, cut into pieces, place in a large container.
2. peel and remove excess veins, cut into pieces and place with the chopped melon.
3. Add a pinch of vanilla sugar, beat the contents with a blender or mixer and pour into glasses.
This simple delicacy will please all guests.

Melon smoothie

There are many recipes for melon smoothies, but I would like to write recipes for the most delicious ones. For the first recipe you will need one small ripe melon, several mint leaves and 2-3 slices of lemon.
1. The melon needs to be peeled and seeds removed and cut into small pieces.
2. After this, place pieces of melon and lemon slices in one container and beat thoroughly with a mixer.
3. Beat the contents with a mixer, pour into glasses and garnish with mint.
4. It will be better if the smoothie is slightly cooled in the refrigerator before drinking. You can also add a few ice cubes. This smoothie perfectly tones the body, and also saturates it with the vitamins necessary for a quality continuation of the day.

Smoothie with melon

Another amazing melon smoothie recipe with grapefruit pulp and orange juice. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients: ripe melon - 1 piece, grapefruit - 1 half, Orange juice– 100 ml.
1. Peel the melon and cut into pieces.
2. Peel the grapefruit and remove excess veins, add to the melon pieces.
3. Pour in orange juice and beat the fruit with a mixer until smooth.
4. Pour the smoothie into glasses, add a few ice cubes.
The smoothie is ready, all that remains is to enjoy its aroma and taste.

Healing properties melons Of the numerous varieties of melons, the most widespread is the common melon, or table melon. Melon fruits contain sugar, up to 15-18%, fiber, vitamins C, P, PP, provitamin A, folic acid, pectin, mineral salts, especially a lot of iron, essential oils and other substances beneficial to the body. Melon contains the enzyme superoxide dismutase, the antioxidant properties of which prevent the process of damage to body tissues - the so-called intracellular oxidative stress.

Researchers claim that superoxide dismutase increases a person's concentration, eliminates irritability, relieves stress, and also relieves sleep problems. Melon is as good dietary product elderly people, for example, with anemia, atherosclerosis and children, especially weakened and exhausted.

How to use melon folk medicine? In folk medicine, melon juice has long been used for chronic cough, throat diseases, as well as how. Drink a glass of melon juice 2-3 times a day.Water infusion And alcohol tincture Cilician melon seeds are a recognized anthelmintic. Melon seeds are harmless to humans. A water infusion of seeds also has diuretic properties. It has long been noted that melon fruits have a calming effect, and therefore they are recommended for melancholy.

For kidney stone disease. Grind the melon seeds well in a mortar and pour into a glass. Gradually add cooled boiled water, constantly stirring with a spoon. Strain the resulting mass and consume 0.5 cups 2-3 times a day before meals.

For the treatment of gonorrhea. Grind the melon seeds, then 1 tsp. Brew 300 ml of boiling water of the resulting mass and place on water bath for 20 min. Drink the resulting decoction before lunch for 15-20 days.

Antihelminthic and digestive improver, for throat diseases and chronic cough, you need to drink freshly squeezed melon juice 0.5 cups 2-3 times a day.

For the treatment of vitiligo(disappearance of pigment in some areas of the skin), it is recommended to lubricate the skin with the pulp of ripe melon.

Diuretic for kidney diseases. Decoction: 1 tbsp. l. Boil crushed melon seeds in 250 ml of water for 10 minutes, then filter after cooling. Take 100 ml 2 times a day as follows. This decoction is also a good cosmetic remedy for spots, freckles, and acne.

How is melon used in cosmetology?A decoction of melon pulp is used as an external cosmetic product for acne, as well as for removing freckles and age spots. Even in Ancient Egypt, plasters were prepared from melon seeds, which were used to accelerate the ripening of abscesses.

Melon pulp is used for cosmetic masks: after washing warm water Apply melon pulp paste to your face, rinse it off after 12-15 minutes, dry your face with a towel and apply nourishing cream.

A melon mask will help against freckles. Apply the pulp paste to your face for 10-15 minutes.

For hair thickness and shine. Apply melon juice to clean wet hair and scalp. Wash off after 15-20 minutes.

Melon is rich nutrients. Iron improves blood composition; vitamin PP, eliminates dry skin, improves metabolism and normalizes digestion; folic acid and vitamin P prevent vascular fragility and normalize blood pressure; vitamin A improves vision, increases immunity and resistance to disease (especially in old age); B - nourishes the brain, B2 - eliminates tearing of the eyes and increases visual acuity.

But melon is contraindicated for diabetes mellitus, peptic ulcer stomach, intestinal disorders, nursing mothers.

Contraindications and possible side effects. Patients with stomach ulcers and acute gastritis Unripe melon is harmful. Melon is also harmful on an empty stomach - it is much healthier and safer to eat it separately from all other foods and only 2-3 hours after eating. It is not recommended to eat melon with honey, or drink it with cold water And sour milk. You can’t overeat this yummy food either - it can upset your stomach. The same effect will occur if you drink melon with alcohol. Melon seeds are harmful to the spleen. But their negative effects are eliminated by honey. Eat melon, make masks from it and be healthy and beautiful!

Melon. Medicinal (healing) and beneficial properties of Melon. What are the benefits of melon? Application and treatment.

First of all, melon is valued, of course, for its high taste and unsurpassed dietary properties. Difficult to find best dessert than fragrant, tender melon.

The juicy, fragrant pulp of the fruit contains easily digestible sugars, starch, proteins, vitamins, fiber, pectins, organic acids, and various mineral salts. The fruits are especially rich in iron and potassium salts, which is why melon is used in therapeutic nutrition for anemia, cardiovascular diseases, liver and kidney diseases, as well as gout and rheumatism.

Melons are rich in silicon. According to scientists, human life, his health, regulation physiological processes closely related to silicon. It affects hard tissues, on the condition of the skin and hair. Silicon has a remarkable effect on the cerebral cortex; it is needed by nerves, intestinal walls, digestive tract and the entire system of internal organs.

Melon contains more vitamin C than other melon crops. Fiber from melon has a beneficial effect on intestinal microflora, promotes the removal of cholesterol from the body, improves digestion process.

Melon has excellent rejuvenating properties. In the East they say: “Melon makes hair shiny, eyes young, lips fresh, desires strong, opportunities fulfilled, men desirable, and women beautiful.” Dried melons are an exquisite delicacy.

Typically, melon is eaten in fresh as nature created it. But in addition, jam, honey, jam, marmalade, marmalade, compotes, and candied fruits are made from it.

Melon is rich in sugars (up to 13%), vitamins C, PP, carotene, folic acid, as well as iron and fiber. Due to its healing properties, melon is useful for constipation, atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids, diseases of the blood, kidneys and cardiovascular system.

The beneficial and medicinal properties of melon are widely used to strengthen the nervous system. Melon pulp contains substances that help the production of serotonin - the “happiness hormone”. If you feel sad, eat a couple of pieces of melon and your mood will improve! It also contains a lot of enzymes necessary for hematopoiesis, which helps to recover after operations, ulcerative exacerbations. Has a diuretic effect. But melon contains a lot of sugars; diabetics and liverworts should not rely on it.

Thanks to taste qualities melon is used in cooking. Ripe melon pulp, cut into slices along with the skin, is used for food. Different varieties Melons differ in different percentages of sugars, respectively, the higher it is, the sweeter the melon.

More often, melon is served fresh. It is customary to eat a melon by holding a slice with a fork, cutting the flesh with a knife in several places to the rind, and then, after cutting off the rinds, cut off a small piece and eat with a fork. You can completely free the flesh of a slice of melon from the rind and eat it by cutting off small pieces from the pulp. Small cantaloupe melons are served a little differently: they are cut into halves or quarters, the seeds are removed, and the pulp is eaten with a fruit spoon.

In cooking, not only the aromatic pulp is used, but also the skin, from which candied fruits are prepared with a bitter taste.

The homeland of most of the currently known melon varieties is India and tropical Africa. It is believed that the first melon plantations appeared several centuries BC in the territory that is now occupied by Northern India and the adjacent regions of Afghanistan. Over time, the crop began to be grown much further west - in territories in Central and Asia Minor. Thus, the Egyptians knew about the melon, the fruits of which were brought as a gift to the gods, more than 3 thousand years ago. Some plantations also appeared in China. Melon was brought to Europe only in the Middle Ages. In the 18th century, at the court of Louis VIII, it was considered the most exquisite delicacy. In England, at the end of the 19th century, melon began to be grown in protected ground.

Melon came to Russia from Central Asia, where some of the most famous varieties of melon in the world (for example, Chaydzhuyskaya) are still grown.

How to choose a ripe melon

There are several ways to determine the ripeness of a melon. First, pay attention to the stem. In a ripe melon it is usually thick in diameter. Then you need to press on the peel on the opposite side of the stem. An unripe melon has a hard rind, while a ripe one gives in slightly when pressed. But with cantaloupe melon it can be a little more complicated. Depending on the variety, the peel of a ripe melon may have a large mesh or even even coloring. First of all, you should smell the melon. Ripe melon has a strong aroma. Then you need to carefully examine it: usually there is a scar (a spot at the flower end), which gives slightly when pressed. The color of the pulp is no less important. The rich color indicates that the melon contains a lot of vitamin A. In addition, if you knock on a ripe melon, there will be a dull sound. If it appears without effort green peel when scraped, it means the melon is ripe and can be eaten.

The easiest way to choose a ripe melon: the main thing is that it exudes aroma. Fragrant melon - ripe melon. The melon should also be heavy and weighty and, when tapped, produce a dull, “dense” sound.

Common melon (Cucumis melo).

Description. An annual hard-haired plant of the Pumpkin family (Cucurbitaceae). It has a highly branched root system that penetrates shallowly into the soil.
The stem is vaguely faceted, creeping, branched, up to 3 m long. The leaves are alternate, rounded-heart-shaped, five-lobed, toothed, 6-20 cm long. The flowers are unisexual (sometimes bisexual). Male flowers are on short stalks, collected in sparse axillary bunches. Female flowers are solitary. The corolla is five-parted, wheel-shaped, yellow. Blooms in June - August. Fruit ripening in August - September.
The fruits are berry-like, multi-seeded, with a layer of pulp. The outside of the fruit is smooth or wavy, covered with skin (smooth or rough). The color of the skin of a ripe fruit can be green, light yellow, golden yellow, or orange. The color of the pulp also ranges from greenish to orange. The shape of the fruit is round or elliptical. Ripe melon fruits usually have a peculiar pleasant aroma.
Presumably, the homeland of melon is South Asia. Asian melons are considered the most delicious. The Zard variety is one of them. The Kolkhoznitsa variety is one of the most productive and delicious varieties of melons grown in temperate climates.
Melon prefers light, fertile, air- and water-permeable soils with a slightly alkaline or neutral reaction, in sunny areas. Propagated by seeds. It is grown by sowing seeds in the ground or seedlings.

Collection and preparation of raw materials. Fresh melon pulp is used for food and medicinal purposes. For food purposes, melon is also dried, dried, and the pulp is made into candied fruits, preserves, and jam.
How to determine the ripeness of a melon in the garden. Ripe fruits usually have a pleasant smell and characteristic ring-shaped depressions around the place where the stem is attached. When you lightly press the stalk, it is separated from the fruit.
Melons with thick skin can be stored for several months. To do this, the fruits are harvested when they are slightly unripe. A tail of about three centimeters is left on the fruit, and it is better to tear it off rather than trim it. The fruits are kept in the sun for a couple of days, then turned over on the other side and kept for another couple of days. Next, the melon is stored.
The room in which the melon is stored should be moist and cool. The optimal air temperature is 2-4°C, air humidity is 80%. It is best to store the fruits in a suspended state (for example, in nets), but you can also lay them out on shelves in one layer so that they do not touch each other. It is advisable to put sawdust on the shelves. Melon fruits must be inspected periodically to remove those that have begun to deteriorate.

Useful material. Melon pulp contains sugar (up to 18%), pectin, fiber, vitamins E, B6, B2, B9, P, C, carotene, nitrogenous substances, fatty oil, nicotinic, pantothenic and folic acids, organic acids, minerals, among others. of which - potassium, sodium, iron salts.

Beneficial features melons
We can briefly talk about the significance of some useful substances, which are contained in melon.
Vitamin E protects body cells from free radicals, thereby warning premature aging body (antioxidant effect). This vitamin also improves blood circulation, brain function, and promotes hair growth.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is involved in the production of hemoglobin, red blood cells, serotonin, corticosteroids, promotes normal operation vision, maintains healthy skin, nails, hair, helps the body absorb iron and vitamins B6, B9.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is involved in the synthesis of basic molecules of the body, in the processes of carbohydrate absorption, supports the activity of the nervous system, and prevents unwanted inflammatory processes, including skin inflammation.
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) supports healthy condition new cells of the body, so this vitamin is especially important during pregnancy, when the fetus is formed and developing. Folic acid is also involved in hematopoiesis and sperm production.
The dietary fiber contained in melon cleanses the body of toxins, stimulates the evacuation function of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby helping to prevent constipation.
Pectin substances contained in melon help remove radioactive substances, heavy metals, and pathogenic microorganisms from the body, and also normalize intestinal function.
Melon contains iron salts, so consuming its pulp will prevent iron deficiency anemia. Melon also stimulates the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness), so its consumption helps improve mood.

Medicinal properties of melon.
Melon pulp has diuretic, choleretic, and moderate laxative properties. For medicinal and therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, melon will be indicated for diseases of the urinary system, biliary tract, liver, kidney stones, gout, atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids, chronic cough, constipation.
Fiber helps remove excess cholesterol from the body, thereby preventing cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, vitamins P and C help strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
Due to its high content of vitamin B9, melon is recommended for anemia and during the rehabilitation period after blood loss.
In cosmetology, melon pulp is used for acne and to remove age spots. First, wash your face with warm water, wipe off the water and apply a mask of crushed melon pulp. The mask is kept for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with water. The facial skin is wiped with a napkin and after a few minutes a thin layer of nourishing cream is applied.

Warning. It is not recommended to use melon during an exacerbation of gastrointestinal ulcers, with chronic intestinal diseases, diabetes, on a very empty stomach, after a heavy meal, in combination with dairy or alcohol products, during breastfeeding, for children under 1 year.

Melon is a plant of the Cucurbitaceae family, a species of the Cucumber genus, a melon crop, and a false berry.

Africa and the East Indies are considered the birthplace of melon. Melon is a warm and light-loving plant, resistant to soil salinity and drought, and does not tolerate high air humidity. Depending on the variety and place of cultivation, one plant can produce from two to eight fruits weighing from 1.5 to 10 kg. Melon fruits are spherical or cylindrical in shape, green, yellow, brown or white in color, usually with green stripes. The ripening period is from two to six months.

The earliest information about melon dates back to hoary antiquity (Arabian Peninsula, Ancient Egypt), in the Middle Ages in the countries of the Muslim world (Central and Western Asia) it was perhaps the most popular food product, especially during the period of long fasting before the holiday of Ramadan, when the Koran prescribes only plant foods. Already in the XII-XIII centuries. melon is known in Rus'.

Calorie content of melon

The calorie content of raw melon is only 35 kcal per 100 g of product, so it is recommended for absolutely everyone, including people who are obese. However, it is worth remembering that it stimulates the appetite. Also, do not get carried away with dried melon, 100 g of which contains 341 kcal. Its excessive consumption can lead to excess weight.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of melon

Chemical composition melon depends largely on the variety. The pulp of the fruit contains sugar (up to 16-18 and even 20%), carotene, vitamin B9, provitamin A, large amounts of folic acid and iron (which largely determines the medicinal properties of melon), pectin, fats, and mineral salts.

Both the pulp and the seeds of the melon contain up to 30% fatty oil, which is quite suitable for use as food. In addition, melon has a beneficial effect on the digestion process, and folic acid is involved in hematopoiesis. Melon is very useful for atherosclerosis, anemia, and cardiovascular diseases.

How remedy Melon has been used for a long time and very widely. Ancient Russian herbalists recommended its pulp for stomach diseases, various mental disorders(in a state of depression), for tuberculosis, rheumatism, scurvy, gout, as an anti-inflammatory, antitussive and anthelmintic. Traditional healers prescribed and still prescribe a decoction of melon seed in milk for urinary retention and stones. Bladder, and melon juice - for constipation and hemorrhoids. A water infusion of seeds, which is famous as an effective diuretic and mild laxative, is very useful for diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder.

As you know, melon quenches thirst well, calms nervous system. Nutritionists prescribe it as a therapeutic food for anemia, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, kidney and liver diseases (the healing properties are explained high content vitamins B9 and C, iron and potassium salts).

The healing properties of melon depend on its ripeness. For example, insufficiently ripened fruits are not recommended for patients with stomach ulcers and acute gastritis. It is not recommended to eat melon on an empty stomach - it is considered safest to eat melon between meals so that it can mix with other foods eaten.

In folk medicine, melon has long been prescribed to debilitated patients, especially after past diseases liver, after operations. Melon is generally famous for its ability to cure ailments that are not usually advertised.

Once upon a time, gonorrhea was treated with a decoction of the seeds, and the stomach was cleansed with a decoction of the peel and roots.

Today, nutritionists recommend melon juice or its pulp to improve digestion. Moreover, this excellent remedy from helminths - primarily for children.

Nourishing and toning masks are also prepared from melon pulp. If melon masks (crushed pulp) are used regularly for a month, maximum one and a half months, the skin becomes elastic and takes on a white-ruddy color with a matte tint.

Dangerous properties of melon

Melon is contraindicated for nursing mothers (it can cause severe dyspeptic symptoms), with sugar