How to prepare and conduct dry fasting. Therapeutic water fasting: preparation, implementation and correct exit


Realities modern life are such that, with an unusually high level of development of technology in medicine, the morbidity rate of the population is steadily increasing.

Every third resident of our country is obese, every second person dies from cardiovascular diseases.

Medicine is unable to influence such negative factors, as a way of life and human nutrition, polluted air and Low quality water, anthropogenic load and stress.

You are reading this article, which means you have already realized that it is time to take everything into your own hands. Let's figure out together how to restore health with simple things like food and water.

The first thing you should start with in the process of restoring health is CLEANSING THE BODY in the following sequence:


Cleansing the liver, lymph, kidneys, etc.

All this happens against the background of constant, daily rinsing with water. Because 80% of toxins are WATER soluble. Compliance with drinking regime, daily use his physiological norm water is one of the most important factors in restoring health.

Now let’s look at how to carry out therapeutic fasting to cleanse the body so that it is safe for health.


Preparing for therapeutic fasting at home is extremely important. Preparation and recovery from fasting is 50% of success.

You can't just suddenly decide - with tomorrow I haven't eaten anything for a week. Such fasting is fraught not only with headaches, nausea, unbearable weakness, but can also significantly worsen general state health.

So we need to fix drinking regime to ensure regular elimination of toxicants, to accustom the body to absorb sufficient amounts of water.


The norm of water for a person of any age is 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight

If overweight more than 20 kg, then we calculate approximately ideal mass body

In the morning after cleaning oral cavity We wash the body with water - 2-3 glasses on an empty stomach in several doses. Water at room temperature or warm.

We drink water 15-20 minutes before meals, an hour and a half after. We drink most of it in the first half of the day.

This is truly healthy water. It is structured, has a slightly alkaline reaction, negative potential, and low surface tension. Easily absorbed by the body, provides energy, normalizes acid-base balance, protects cells from free radicals(slowing down the aging process)

If you are just starting to get used to drinking water, start with a smaller volume.

Get used to drinking a glass in the morning on an empty stomach, a glass before each meal, a glass before bed. Next, bring the daily volume to the required norm.

This is an extremely important measure in preparation for fasting at home if you really want it to be safe.

Our task is to create unbearable conditions for uninvited guests so that they leave the body naturally. And this is the use of bitters, as well as alkalization of the internal environment.

Don’t hesitate to ask a specialist, we will help you choose supplements specifically for your needs.
Just contact us in any convenient way.


We reduce as much as possible the amount of synthetic food that contains preservatives, dyes, thickeners, etc. This is fast food, semi-finished products, various sweets(baked goods, sweets, cakes, ice cream, sweet soda, Tetra-Pak juices, yoghurts with fillings, etc.)

We reduce the amount of animal proteins and fats, eat more vegetables, fruits, and whole grain cereals. You can also eat eggs, fish, and dairy products. In general - the most natural food possible.

Let's eat in small portions 3-4 times a day. Focus on leaving a slight feeling of hunger, as if you were 80% full.


2. Coming out of therapeutic fasting is no less important than preparation. Introduce foods gradually, do not overeat on the first day, start eating fresh fruits and vegetables from the 3rd day of recovery, meat - at least from the 4-5th day. No fried, fatty, spicy food in the first few days of recovery.

3. Don’t set a goal to immediately fast for a week. This is a very serious burden on nervous system, and on health in general. Start with 24 hours, follow the principles of preparing for and exiting a water fast.

4. Don't drink ice water. Cold water narrows pores and blood vessels, complicates hydration, and impairs digestion. Plus, the body spends energy to bring water to body temperature.


During these 3-4 weeks, noticeable improvements in health should already occur. There is more energy, a feeling of vigor even in the evening after have a hard day, ease in abdominal area, sleep improves, headaches go away, swelling decreases, skin condition improves.

Now that the body is sufficiently cleansed, you can proceed directly to therapeutic fasting on water.

Let me say right away that I am not a supporter of dry fasting. Because to ensure the majority chemical reactions The body needs water. Cell cleansing and intercellular fluid occurs thanks to clean water. Water dissolves nutrients and oxygen and carries them to every cell of our body.


We significantly reduce portions.

We eat boiled/stewed food, mainly vegetables and whole grain cereals.

We increase the volume of water we drink by about 0.5 liters. Focus on your feelings.


Everyone chooses the duration of this stage for themselves. Start with 24 hours.

Then, each time, try to extend the therapeutic fast for another 24 hours. Choose the frequency according to your feelings - every other week, every other month. There is no need to fast before a week later; let the body recover.

The amount of water during this period can be increased, but do not overdo it. Drink approximately 40 ml per 1 kg of body weight. Wash down the feeling of hunger, it will be quite active.

By the way, coral water helps neutralize the feeling of hunger, because it is slightly alkaline and neutralizes gastric juice.

During fasting days, the body becomes intoxicated, so headaches, weakness, and nausea may appear.

Out of habit, it will be unbearable to crave food. Try to isolate it as much as possible so that the food does not become an eyesore. Spend more time on fresh air, go to the sauna for better cleansing, engage yourself in a workout (Pilates, yoga, breathing exercises) or any other activity that will distract you from dull thoughts.

If the weakness is very strong, drink warm water with half a teaspoon of honey. Or simply suck the honey with warm water.


The worst thing you can do is to pounce on food on the first day.

The exit from fasting should be gradual. We eat in small portions, boiled/stewed food.

On the first day - cooked vegetables and fruits, freshly washed juices. Next, introduce the porridge without adding salt. From the third day you can add cottage cheese, eggs, fish, and broth to your diet.

We do not consume fresh vegetables and fruits in the first 2-3 days, this is coarse fiber.

If the fast lasts more than 7 days, it is better to introduce meat into the diet no less than a week later.


Therapeutic fasting will help cope with overeating, and taste preferences will also gradually change. There will be less and less cravings for junk food.

Fasting on water triggers the process of autophagy, self-cleaning of cells. Defective proteins are utilized, or rather, they are broken down and reused.

The functions of the organs responsible for cleansing the body are restored: kidneys, liver, gallbladder, intestines

The condition of the skin, hair and nails will improve. Upon further travel simple principles Health concept, complete recovery will gradually occur

If you are doing therapeutic fasting to lose weight, then keep in mind that your body weight will decrease by about 1-2 kg per day. But not only due to adipose tissue, proteins are primarily broken down during the process of autophagy. Do not overdo it.

Therapeutic fasting is effective not only for improving the health of the body, it is also for strengthening discipline and strengthening character. An even more comfortable option for fasting on the program Kolo Vada Plus still requires patience and compliance with all recommendations. This is spiritual growth.

Modern medical experts are engaged in a constant debate with representatives alternative medicine– supporters starvation treatment. A complete refusal of food, even for a short period of time, can greatly change, and often not for the better, the work of everyone functional systems human body.

The other extreme, very popular in the last few decades, is complete failure from foods containing starch(bread, potatoes, rice, etc.), refined sugar, protein, phosphorus (meat, fish, eggs, baked and fried food), alcohol. Followers of this type of nutrition urge to eat only foods plant origin(vegetables, fruits, berries) and drinks made from them (freshly squeezed juices, compotes).

There are many pros and cons to both types of nutrition. Let us dwell in more detail on treatment with hunger or therapeutic fasting, which, fortunately, in reality bears little resemblance to the desire to starve out all the ailments in the body.

Therapeutic fasting able to cure many diseases or bring significant relief to the patient. Medicine and witchcraft (this is what it was customary to call alternative medicine for many centuries, based mainly on the experience of some representatives of the people who know how to use the sick) knows many examples of treatment by hunger, subsequently leading to complete or partial recovery.

Of course, first of all, such diseases of the gastrointestinal tract which are caused obese, severe physical labor, sedentary lifestyle. Such diseases include gastritis with low or normal acidity, stomach and duodenal ulcers(on initial stages), cholecystitis, intestinal disorder.

There are known cases where people were cured by starvation. anemia, hypertension, angina pectoris and even colds.

The prospect of starvation frightens many people. This, believe me, normal reaction an organism that lives largely by consuming a certain amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts.

But the treatment by hunger is completely does not mean a complete abstinence from food and complete exhaustion of the body threatening in the near future. If you approach therapeutic fasting seriously (be sure to consult with your doctor), then serious consequences, and they are quite real, can be safely avoided.

Rules for therapeutic fasting

There are several essential starvation conditions:

  • Keep your body warm, that is, avoid hypothermia.
  • Avoid strenuous physical activity that requires significant energy expenditure.
  • Alternate any stress (from physical to mental) with rest, that is, follow a clear and strict daily routine, compiled specifically for this period.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day.

If these simple requirements are met, the forced “hunger strike” will really be treatment, not self-torture.

Symptoms that occur during fasting treatment

It is impossible not to mention those symptoms that frighten many people, forcing them to abandon the treatment they have begun with starvation.

Many patients consider the most “scary” and painful part of this whole procedure acute feeling of hunger. But everyone forgets that a person experiences this painful sensation only for the first 2-3 days, then appears feeling of lightness throughout the body, all senses are heightened, the person begins think faster.

The feeling of hunger may occur again on the 5-6th day of therapeutic fasting. But this feeling is now easier to overcome. Later comes the feeling of some food aversions at one glance or mention of her. This sensation gradually passes after the end of fasting, and the person returns to normal appetite.

The first days of fasting may be accompanied by some unpleasant sensations(bad taste in the mouth, coating on the tongue, bad breath, etc.), which disappear after the end of treatment.

Maybe pulse quicken up to 120-140 beats per minute or, conversely, drop to 40. It also happens nausea, dizziness, weakness. All these unpleasant symptoms gradually disappear as soon as the body gets used to new form existence - short-term fasting. Of course, people who are emaciated and weakened by illness should not resort to prolonged fasting if they want to achieve favorable results. But for an old disease, sometimes there is no other cure other than a long “hunger strike.”

Transition from fasting to normal eating and the way of life should be gradual. Otherwise, not only will all your efforts be negated by one heavy lunch or dinner, but it will also cause irreparable harm to your body. Enter into your daily diet food (especially protein origin) must be done with extreme caution. It is better to start with very small portions of food, gradually increasing the amount eaten to normal sizes. Of course, if you were obese before fasting and could not control your appetite, we do not encourage you to return to your previous lifestyle. When we talk about a normal, usual amount of food, we meant the diet of a person leading a healthy lifestyle in all respects.

Now it's worth mentioning duration of healthy fasting. It depends on many factors, ranging from the age of the patient and ending with the severity of his disease. Let’s make a reservation right away, categorically Fasting is not recommended for teenagers, whose body is actively being rebuilt, and hunger can cause serious harm to a young growing body.

Starve prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, since they “nourish” not only their body, but also the baby. Prohibitions on therapeutic fasting also exist for some categories of patients (for example, duodenal ulcer requiring surgery, or serious endocrine disorders ), but these prohibitions come from the attending physician after a thorough examination.

Therapeutic fasting can last from 3-5 days to one and a half months. Short-term fasting Recommended for people engaged in heavy physical labor. Short-term “hunger strikes” are good because they can be repeated at intervals of 2 to 4 weeks, upon reaching necessary results. Many people tend to think that long-term fasting gives more noticeable results. This is not always true. As a rule, the body more severely affected by the disease requires a longer fast, but in suitable conditions, under the supervision of an experienced doctor and with the assistance of the fasting person himself.

The effect of therapeutic fasting

Therapeutic fasting has an effect on the body cleansing effect: all redox processes occur 2-3 times faster. From the body waste products are removed, the release of which was hampered by his overload with the endless digestion of more and more new food. Spent on digestion great amount energy, which means the load on the heart, liver, kidneys, skin and other organs increases.

Starvation relieves stress from all organs, as a result, they have to overcome less resistance to “pump up” more blood for internal washing of the body. Reduced load Helps the liver and heart recover and strengthen their function.

Preparation for therapeutic fasting for diseases of the digestive system

The question arises, how to start therapeutic fasting? If your consultations with a doctor and the results of the examination allow you to start fasting, then start by prepare your body for this treatment method. Here the already well-known to you will come to the rescue again kefir.

If you are suffering gastrointestinal disease, then we recommend 3-5 day diet, the basis of which should be weak (one-day) or medium (two-day) kefir. We suggest using the following dietary menu.

  • First breakfast:
    • a glass of weak (medium) kefir.
  • Lunch:
    • a piece of cereal pudding or 2-3 pieces of savory cookies (can be replaced with white wheat breadcrumbs).
  • Dinner:
    • a glass of weak (medium) kefir;
    • cottage cheese or cabbage casserole (preferably unsweetened).
  • Afternoon snack:
    • 1/2 cup weak (medium) kefir (can be replaced with non-carbonated mineral water).
  • Dinner:
    • a glass of weak (medium) kefir;
    • a small amount of raw or scalded vegetables (but not in the form of salad).
  • Before bedtime, as a last resort, you can drink 1/2 cup of weak (medium) kefir.

This diet will help empty the intestines a little and prepare the body for fasting, having previously provided a significant amount of the necessary nutrients. In addition to kefir preparation, we recommend frequent exposure to fresh air, since the sun promotes the formation of certain types of nutrients on the skin (in particular vitamins D) and helps the body in the process of cleansing toxins (through the pores of the skin).

Only after completing preliminary preparation can you begin fasting - for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

Preparation for therapeutic fasting for various diseases

In other cases, preparation for therapeutic fasting can be based on a fruit and vegetable (vegetarian) diet.

First breakfast:

  • a glass of freshly squeezed vegetable (carrot, pumpkin juice);
  • 2-3 pieces of savory cookies.


  • a glass of citrus fruit (orange, lemon, grapefruit juice);
  • soft-boiled egg;
  • a small sandwich with feta cheese or low-fat cheese.


  • a glass of vegetable “tea” (carrot or beetroot) or weak vegetable broth with croutons;
  • oatmeal cooked in water with a small amount of salt.

Afternoon snack:

  • 1-2 apples or pears (can be replaced with 200 g of strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries or black currants).


  • a glass of purified (filtered) chlorinated or mineral water;
  • a small amount of vegetable or fruit salad dressed with olive oil.

After 2-3 days vegetarian diet can be treated by fasting anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular system, night illnesses, colds etc.

The essence of therapeutic fasting

Therapeutic fasting involves complete abstinence from food, but not from liquids, without which the body risks dehydration. The amount of fluid you drink per day during therapeutic fasting may vary from 1 to 2 l. A completely logical question arises: what can you drink? Some healers - representatives of alternative medicine offer drink lightly carbonated mineral water . Others insist on ordinary water from the tap, which has undergone additional purification through special filters, which wide range represented by domestic and foreign industry. Followers of Slavic witchcraft recommend lactic acid products in limited quantities (primarily yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk).

The choice of drinks suitable for therapeutic fasting depends on the disease with which the patient will have to measure his strength. If we are talking about cholelithiasis, intestinal colic, gastritis, cholecystitis, then you can safely choose between mineral water(necessarily still or lightly carbonated) and kefir. If you are suffering chronic form lemon or grapefruit juice, alternating juices with slightly warmed mineral water. Total amount of water and juices at colds can reach 2 l to remove as much “painful moisture” from the body through the pores of the skin as possible.

For diseases of the cardiovascular system It is best to drink chlorinated water that has been passed through a special filter. water. Some cardiovascular diseases and kidney diseases are characterized swelling of the limbs. In such cases, it is recommended to drink filtered water mixed with honey(at the rate of 1 tsp per 200 ml of warm water).

As already mentioned, the timing of therapeutic fasting must be discussed with the attending physician and it is advisable to carry out therapeutic fasting under his direct supervision.

The dangers of self-medication with hunger

I would like to immediately warn you against self-medication by fasting. Despite its apparent simplicity, therapeutic fasting is quite dangerous procedure , since the consequences and the course of therapeutic fasting itself can be disastrous if you undertake it without consulting a doctor, without undergoing a special examination, without finding out the diagnosis with the maximum degree of probability.

Nowadays you can purchase a wide variety of literature of a dubious “medical” nature, which offers treatment without help and advice (consultations) experienced medical specialist, allegedly with the help of the knowledge of ancient healers and shamans. You should not easily believe everything that modern pseudo-medical books write. It is better to rely on laboratory-tested achievements modern medicine, which, by the way, never disdained the advice and recipes that came down to us from our great-great-grandmothers.

Fasting on - method alternative medicine, which is perceived by many as a diet. Hunger is often used not in medicinal purposes, but for weight loss. Several have been developed on water, varying in duration and procedures. To lose weight, without the goal of treatment, it is better to choose fasting that lasts a week - this is a good experience and preparation for longer periods.

How long can you fast on water? Is it good or bad for your health? Let's find out from the article.

Giving up food for 7 days helps. After cyclical repetition After a daily fast on water, a person must proceed to a seven-day abstinence from food. One-day fasting is easy to endure; although it helps to lose weight, it does not sufficiently cleanse the body of waste and toxins. Eliminating food for a week from your usual daily routine will help you lose weight and put in order the internal processes occurring in the body.

By Paul Bragg

The system of refusing food for - this is on the water - 7 days. The liquid can be mineral or distilled.

Bragg's 4 rules of hunger:

  • During fasting, drinking juices, broths and other liquids other than water is not allowed;
  • harmful;
  • Nature - the best place for a hunger strike. It is recommended to adhere to the method in solitude, maintaining an active lifestyle.
  • It is important to complete the fast correctly.

The scheme followed by Bragg:

  • One-day fasting – once every 7 days;
  • Seven-day fasting on water - once a quarter;
  • Fasting for 21 days - annually.

While a person is on a 7-day fast, he is allowed to drink distilled water with additives. It is allowed to mix 5 grams of natural raw honey and 10 ml of lemon juice. The drink will help remove waste and toxins from the body.

Fasting lasts 7 days, in some cases – 10 days or 3 weeks, the signal for completion is the appearance of appetite and the disappearance of bad breath.

One-day fasting has its own benefits; it will not help to thoroughly cleanse the body, but it will help restore the stomach.

There are results from the Paul Bragg method, especially for people who want to lose weight. There were reviews with photos about how people succeeded. You can overcome hunger in a way that consolidates your weight loss results using the Paul Bragg method. After a seven-day water fast, both the stomach and intestines decrease in size, so you need to return to your daily diet gradually.

Afternoon last day famine follows. To do this, you need to take 4 tomatoes, cut them and pour boiling water so that the water covers the tomatoes. There are no restrictions on the amount you can eat, but it is better to chew thoroughly.

For breakfast the next day, make a vegetable salad. To do this, take a medium head of cabbage, a carrot, grate it and season with citrus juice. The dish acts as a “brush” and is also beneficial for losing weight and cleansing the body. Afterwards you can eat thermally processed greens or 2 crackers. For lunch, cook carrots with celery and a couple of boiled vegetables. On this day you will have to skip the evening meal.

On the 2nd day after fasting, make tomorrow from fresh fruits with a little honey. Spend lunch similarly to the previous day. Dinner is allowed, but until 6 pm. It is advisable that the meal be served with lettuce leaves in lemon juice.

The way out of a famine that lasted 10 days is similar.

  • We recommend reading:

By Marva Ohanyan

Marva Ohanyan is an experienced therapist. The woman developed her own treatment system fasting, which has distinctive features. The method is suitable for losing weight at home without medical supervision.

Refusal from food, according to Ohanyan, should last up to 14 days and be accompanied by cleansing procedures, but to lose weight it is enough to fast for a week. One-day fasting according to the method will not give tangible results.

Preparing for hunger is accompanied by taking laxatives: and hay decoction. Magnesia is a saline laxative, sena is a herbal laxative. You need to drink both drugs that cleanse the gastrointestinal tract the day before the start of fasting.

Before taking a laxative, prepare a heating pad with water. You will need it to cleanse the liver. Immediately after consuming laxatives, lie on your right side and apply a heating pad to your liver. You will have to lie in this position for 60 minutes, without a pillow, moving as little as possible. You can move to drink a decoction of hay. Before the evening (8-9 hours) you need to consume a liter of infusion.

Great importance is given to biological clock: a person’s biorhythm must coincide with the solar cycle - wake up at sunrise, fall asleep before 9-10 pm. However, if you use hunger only for weight loss, this rule can be neglected.

The scheme of water fasting itself is clear: changes affect only the person’s condition, the regime remains the same.

Cleansing the body occurs by taking a decoction of herbs, rather than mineral or distilled water. The fast is partial; you can add honey and lemon juice to the infusion. Decoctions are made from various mixtures: mint, plantain, thyme, nettle, valerian, etc.

Daily regime:

  • Cleansing enema in the morning;
  • Take 250 ml of decoction every hour;
  • Walks in the open air;
  • Rubbing massage;
  • Easy activity;
  • Sleep from 9 pm to sunrise.

After the end of the fast, you are allowed to eat only fruits and vegetables in the form of purees for another 4 days. Be sure to continue taking the herbal decoction.

The exit is scheduled by the hour, again, due to the human biorhythm. Meals are taken in 3 sets - at 10, 14 and 18 hours.

Products are introduced into the daily menu gradually; on the 5th day of release, you can add vegetable salads seasoned with citrus juice. At 6 – vegetables and fruits can be cooked and thermally processed. Butter, sour cream and fatty foods It is allowed to be introduced into the diet only on the 15th day after fasting. Porridge - even later, after 40-60 days. Animal protein is added as desired, but not before cereals, nuts and legumes.

Getting out of hunger is sometimes more difficult than avoiding food itself, but the results are worth it. After fully completing the course, the body will improve; reviews talk about the benefits of the method for losing weight.

3 week fasting

According to Nikolaev

It is a water fast for 21 days. According to the author of the method, preparation for hunger is divided into 2 stages: psychological and physiological.

Psychological stage: you need to convince yourself that fasting is a natural process that will not harm the body, but will help cleanse it.

Water fasting, which lasts three weeks, is not an easy test for a person’s psycho-emotional state; it is difficult to get rid of cliches and cliches, and to accept the refusal of food. When there are no problems with this stage, you can move on to preparing the body.

Physiological stage: taking a laxative. A significant dose of bitter salt is injected into the body, after which food intake and medications are stopped.

The morning of the first day includes hygiene procedures and laxative enema. After the cleansing enema, other procedures follow: water and “pressure” massage. After the massage is done and the bath is taken, you can move on to “breakfast”. You need to take an infusion (decoction) of rose hips.

All these actions are repeated daily, in general, per day you need:

  • Give an enema;
  • Take a shower;
  • Get a massage;
  • Drink rosehip decoction;
  • Relax;
  • Take a walk in the fresh air, doing breathing exercises;
  • Drink rosehip decoction;
  • Undergo physical procedures (this item is not included in fasting for weight loss);
  • Do what you love;
  • Don't forget to drink the decoction before going to bed;
  • Take a bath and clean your mouth.

For three weeks, while the fast lasts, you need to exclude severe mental and physical work. Despite the fact that the body will be full of strength, give preference light activities– reading, drawing, etc.

The experience of fasting will be gained over time, while it is not there - it is better to follow the technique under supervision.

The room in which a person sleeps must be ventilated. Ideally, a new supply of oxygen is constantly introduced into the room. A hungry person may feel chilly, so you should sleep well dressed or bundled up. At the end of famine, when there are no resources and energy left to warm the body, people sleep with heating pads.

The man who passed through proper fasting, full of energy and active, able to cope with light physical load. The only one negative effect– unlike a non-starving person, appears increased sensitivity to the cold.

Appetite dulls or disappears completely after the first 3 days of fasting, reflexes associated with eating disappear. The person stops reacting to the smell and is indifferent to the clinking of dishes. Thoughts about food bother you throughout the fast, so your daily routine should be scheduled hourly.

One-day fasting according to the method will also bring results.

  1. On the first day you are allowed to take grape and apple juice, but not pure, but diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. On the second day it is allowed not to dilute. The 4th and 5th days of recovery are accompanied by the consumption of pureed fruits or vegetables. Porridges are introduced after a week of recovery from hunger. The grains must be thoroughly boiled in water. Drink the juice in small sips, hold it in your mouth, do not swallow immediately.
  2. From 10 to 30 days of release, the diet becomes more varied. But the diet excludes animal products: meat, fish, eggs. It is better not to consume nuts and seeds or limit them. The diet is based on plant products with high content.
  3. Nothing bad will happen if fresh vegetables and replace fruits with canned or dried ones.
  4. It is acceptable to use any fermented milk products, but preference is given to low-fat kefir.

Animal proteins can be introduced into the diet from day 40, but in small quantities and carefully, gradually increasing intake.

According to Suvorin

Accompanied physical training, cleaning procedures alone are not enough. Fasting is preceded by 3 preparatory days. In the first two, a person excludes animal protein (meat, fish, etc.) from food. Preference should be given to products of dairy or plant origin. The 3rd preparatory day is characterized by taking a laxative instead of dinner.

6 rules of the Suvorin method:

  • Eliminate food;
  • Drink distilled water - up to 2 liters per day, exclude other liquids;
  • Clean the gastrointestinal tract daily, like other hygiene procedures;
  • Get rid of medications;
  • Consult with your manager, because hunger in the water comes first therapeutic method. If there is none, then control it yourself. Summarize your results every 3-4 days and monitor whether you are following Suvorin’s method correctly.
  • Do not be afraid!

The duration of hunger is determined by the patient himself. Therapeutic exclusion of food lasts from 2 to 6 weeks, sometimes up to 9 weeks. For complete cleansing of the body and weight loss, 1 week to 14 days is enough.

A laxative taken at dinner on the third preparatory day acts on the intestines in the morning or at night. After this, a two-liter enema is given from drinking water, without impurities. The liquid temperature is close to human body. It is recommended to carry out cleansing using the Shchadilov technique.

The daily regimen following the Suvorin method includes:

  • Cleansing procedures;
  • Massage, rubbing;
  • Taking fluids throughout the day;
  • Walks;
  • Morning exercises.

After the cleansing course you will feel an appetite. The duration of the exit is from 1 week to 14 days. Exiting fasting correctly is important, it helps prevent a return heavy weight, loss of body cleansing or organ degeneration.

The author of the technique recommends that when you come out of fasting, do not stop cleansing procedures and enemas until 4 days of recovery. Laxatives should be avoided, but before each meal you should take a decoction of wormwood. It is recommended to take warm baths and do rubbing, all this will help prevent stagnation in the intestines.

Clear your mouth of bitter saliva before eating for the first time. A piece of black bread will help you with this, which you need to carefully worry about and spit out along with saliva and plaque. Do not swallow under any circumstances.

  • Days 1 and 2 – carbohydrate days;
  • 3, 4 – protein-carbohydrate. Protein can come into the body from both plant and dairy products;
  • Subsequent days - vegetable fats, proteins (as above), carbohydrates;
  • From the 10th day, you can introduce meat and fish into your diet.

According to Stoleshnikov

Fasting according to the Stoleshnikov method lasts 3-4 weeks, sometimes up to 40 days, the time frame for losing weight is reduced. 21 days is time for a complete cleansing of the body, one hundred percent removal of waste and toxins.

Fasting is one of the most controversial topics in nutrition. It has both its ardent supporters, who cite authorities like Paul Brega, and its opponents.

Some consider fasting to be a path to a healthier body and longevity, while others consider it an unnatural state for humans.

Benefits of fasting

  1. During fasting, the gastrointestinal tract rests.

    In the entire history of mankind, there has never been such food abundance and affordable food as there is today in civilized countries.

    For many centuries, people had to work hard to get food, whether by hunting or farming, which involved heavy physical labor. Now the only effort required is to walk to the refrigerator or store.
    Because of this, the digestive system experiences excessive stress. It's good to give her a rest from time to time.
    During this period, the digestive organs will rest and use the released energy for restoration.

  2. Fasting helps cure diseases. It has been proven that fasting helps treat diseases such as allergies, neuroses, and work disorders hormonal system, cardiovascular diseases.
    Fasting slows down the growth of tumors, and there have been cases of cancer cures. And for diseases such as colds or acute respiratory viral infections, you just need to start the fasting process, the symptoms subside and the recovery process takes only a couple of days.
  3. Fasting prolongs life. The same Paul Breg died at the age of 81, although doctors had been diagnosing him since his youth and making the most unfavorable prognoses regarding his health.
    It was a set of measures, which included therapeutic fasting, that helped him gain health and live a long life. active life, in old age look much younger than your age. Laboratory studies on rats also confirmed that animals that were systematically deprived of food for a period of time lived longer than their relatives who did not have food restrictions.

The dangers of fasting

You can learn about therapeutic fasting for prevention using the Paul Bragg method from the video.

How to fast correctly to lose weight and with health benefits

The main rule of preparing for the process is that the entry period should take as much time as the process itself, or at least half.

Preparation consists of reducing the amount of food - there is no need to reduce the meals themselves, it is enough to reduce the size of portions. It is advisable to go to plant foods, juices, let's say kefir, but low-fat. Other animal products, fatty and protein foods should be avoided.

If everything is done correctly, the process will be easier, without disruptions, and there will be no problems with appetite and digestive system after.

Rules for one-day fasting

One-day fasting is most beneficial for the body and does not pose a health hazard. At the same time, one day is enough for the digestive organs to rest and the intestinal microflora to improve.

Within a day, all putrefactive microflora dies, while the beneficial flora of fermented milk fermentation is preserved. It is easier to tolerate, even in comparison with a low-calorie diet, when drinking enough water, there is no feeling of hunger.

General rules:

  1. To prepare for a daily refusal of food, you must follow all the rules for entering fasting: give up heavy food in advance, do not overeat, drink more water, plan this process for the weekend. To enhance the effect, it is useful to do a cleansing enema on the first day.
  2. You should try to spend a lot of time in the fresh air; water treatments are recommended.
  3. Weakness, slight dizziness, headache, Bad mood, bad smell from the mouth and the formation of plaque on the tongue. These discomfort decrease or disappear if you practice fasting regularly.
  4. Recommended duration is 24-27 hours.

An improvement in well-being and a surge of energy and strength after exiting will be noticeable even after the first such experience; regular repetition gives a noticeable healing effect.

Three-day fasting

A three-day refusal of food is already more stress for the body than a one-day one; it requires careful preparation and compliance with all recommendations for entry and exit. It is better not to start without first trying several food refusals for a period of one day.

Practitioners also note a healing effect, improved skin condition, increased immunity - such fasting contributes to the complete disappearance of all symptoms of a cold or ARVI.

Eat successful examples getting rid of alcohol, nicotine and even drug addiction after three days of practice.

Over three days, changes occur in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, slowing down digestive processes, the body is preparing for the transition to the so-called internal power supply, the process of breaking down your own fat starts.

In general, this is not best time refusal of food is used, as a rule, to prepare for a longer week-long process.

Rules for a three-day fast:

  1. Preparation is very important. It is recommended to give up unhealthy and heavy foods and alcohol for a week.
    In 1.5-3 days, switch to plant foods, reduce portions, and do a cleansing enema on the day you start.
  2. Unpleasant symptoms such as headaches and dizziness are more likely. Short-term bouts of hunger are possible.
  3. You should drink plenty of water and shower more often than usual.
  4. Weight loss in three days can amount to several kg, however, half of it returns the next day after exiting. To maintain the effect, it is important to continue to exit smoothly and not overeat.
  5. If fasting is very difficult, you can stop fasting earlier; you should listen to your feelings. It's better to quit and try again later.
  6. A symptom that indicates that you need to immediately stop fasting - very cloudy or very colored dark color urine.

Weekly fasting

After seven days without food, the body completely switches to internal nutrition. It is during this period that the so-called acidotic crisis occurs, characterized by the smell of acetone from the mouth.

This type of fasting is used for medicinal purposes, since during this time diseased tissues are destroyed and the body’s ability to regenerate increases.

Weekly fasting rules:

    1. Preparation begins at least 2 weeks in advance. It is necessary to reduce the amount of animal products in the diet, eliminate alcohol, processed foods, harmful nutritional supplements, preservatives. Don't overeat.

  1. The day before the start, you should completely avoid meat and animal products.
  2. It is better to plan fasting for seven days on vacation, and preferably in the summer or autumn.
  3. In addition to cleansing the intestines, it is recommended to cleanse the liver in advance before fasting with an enema.
  4. Headaches, nausea, dizziness, mood swings are typical for the first five days. After the onset of an acidotic crisis, all practitioners observe an improvement in well-being, mood, and a surge of energy and strength.
  5. Sometimes the acidotic crisis occurs only on the seventh day or later. In this case, it is not recommended to immediately stop fasting.
    It should be extended for another 2-3 days.

How not to break down while fasting

Of course, it's hard to go hungry. Especially when it comes to practicing for more than one day.

In order not to break down, it is important to remember the motivation that prompted you to fast. It is useful to keep in mind the benefits of practice and the positive impact on health.

Drinking water will help you avoid feeling hungry. large quantities. IN cold period You can drink the water warm.

Frequent changes in activity promote switching. Walking, reading, music in the background depending on your mood will help you occupy your thoughts with something other than food.

It is important to avoid overwork and, at the slightest fatigue, lie down and rest.

Exiting fasting should be taken as seriously as entering it and should be given no less time.

During a one-day fast, it is better to plan your exit in the evening. At the first meal, eat a small amount of vegetables or fruits, vegetable salad with olive or linseed oil or stewed vegetables.

Until the evening of the next day, try not to eat meat and dairy products, follow a plant-based diet, drink a lot clean water. After breaking the fast, it is important to try not to overeat.

Only juices, fruits, vegetables, stewed. It is advisable to hold out for plant nutrition a week after practice.

From seven day period Without food, the exit is the longest and most responsible. During the first day, only juices are indicated; on the second day, grated fruits and vegetables are allowed.

Bread, soups, cereals are introduced into the menu no earlier than 3-4 days after release, and protein food and nuts only after a week. Then, for at least another week, they adhere to a dairy-vegetable diet and principles fractional meals in small portions.


Fasting is a serious health experiment, so this method should be used carefully and consciously.

It is better to fast for longer than a day for medicinal purposes under the supervision of specialists; there are special clinics.

It is strictly contraindicated for women to fast during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Not recommended for muscle atrophy, renal failure, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, heart failure.

Fasting can be beneficial for the body if you treat it responsibly, weigh the pros and cons, choose the right period for refusing food and follow the recommendations.

You can learn about the experience of a seven-day water fast from the video.

In contact with

The principles of therapeutic fasting must be followed by everyone who decides to abstain from food for a long time - both beginners and people who regularly resort to this method of getting rid of toxins. Proper preparation before fasting and recovery after fasting is the key to successful cleansing of toxins. If you do not follow the fasting technique, you can harm an unprepared body. Learn how to go in and out of a fast before you can abstain from eating.

Stages of therapeutic fasting by day

Research by scientists allows us to divide the course of therapeutic fasting into stages and phases. In accordance with the Russian school of therapeutic fasting (fasting-dietary therapy), the principles of fasting are based on strict adherence to cyclicity. The first period is unloading, the second is recovery. Each of these periods consists of three stages and three stages.

Let's present the stages of fasting by day in a structured form.

1. Fasting is a fasting period.

Stage of transition to endogenous nutrition.

The first stage of therapeutic fasting is the stage of food arousal (lasts 2-4 days). The second stage of fasting is the transition to endogenous nutrition, the stage of compensated endogenous nutrition. The third stage is the stage of adaptation and compensation. The stage is transitional.

2. Recovery period.

The stage of hidden compensation for spent resources lasts 15-20 days. The first stage is the stage of increasing food excitement, asthenic. The second stage is the stage of intensive recovery, the stage of overcompensation.

Third stage- stage of normalization, stage of stabilization.

Food arousal during fasting

The first stage is the stage of food arousal, or “anxious”. Lasts from 2 to 4 days from the start of fasting. With insufficient mood and self-hypnosis, a person experiences anxiety, restlessness, and doubts. To a greater extent, these feelings are characteristic of beginners. Characteristic for all starving people at this stage are heightened feeling hunger and salivation, slight hunger pains or cramps in the stomach and intestines, rumbling in the stomach, sucking in the pit of the stomach, headaches, worsening mood, sensitivity to the smell and sight of food. Talking about food and the clinking of dishes are annoying. Thirst does not grow. Blood pressure remains mostly unchanged. Respiration and heart rate increase slightly. After the enema - normal stool. Diuresis increases, urine density increases. The concentration of pancreatic and stomach enzymes that make up bile increases, and from time to time the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract makes itself felt.

After abstaining from food, after a few hours, the breakdown of glycogen is activated, resulting in the formation of glucose. On the first day of fasting, blood glucose levels are maintained due to glycolysis until glycogen reserves in the liver and muscles run out. Next, the body begins to adapt to the production of glucose from non-carbohydrate components during gluconeogenesis: glucose is formed from amino acids, glycerol, and fats. Gluconeogenesis is controlled by glucocorticoids - hormones of the adrenal cortex.

The most intense weight loss occurs - from 1 to 1.5 kg per day, less often - up to 2 kg.

Switching to endogenous nutrition during fasting

When switching to endogenous nutrition, hunger decreases and may disappear completely. People who are fasting may feel weak, lethargic, slightly dizzy, and nauseous. Rarely there may be vomiting. Exacerbation of disease symptoms cannot be ruled out. The tongue becomes coated with a gray-white coating, an odor appears from the oral cavity, lips and skin become drier. Decreases arterial pressure, heart rate decreases moderately. Blood glucose levels are reduced. The density of urine is increased, the content of acetone, ammonia, nitrogen, and leukocytes increases. After enemas, the contents of the intestines come out in the form of dark lumps, including food debris, particles of the intestinal mucosa, mucus, and bile pigments.

The body is reconstructed to produce energy from fats, but the oxidation of fats in conditions of carbohydrate deficiency is difficult, so under-oxidized substances - ketone bodies - accumulate. These include acetone, acetoacetic and 3-hydroxybutyric acids. Acidosis appears - displacement acid-base balance towards increasing acidity. To eliminate acidosis, the body uses the alkalizing properties of ammonia, which is formed during the breakdown of buffer components of the blood (bicarbonates, protein, etc.). Reserve blood alkalinity decreases.

Acidosis increases until about 7-9 days of fasting. Then a turning point occurs (peak), the starving person’s well-being improves significantly. The coating on the tongue decreases and the bad breath disappears. The density of urine decreases, it becomes lighter and more transparent, and the number of leukocytes decreases. The alkaline reserve of the blood increases and the level of glucose increases, and the level of acetone decreases. Weight loss is up to 700 g per day.

Spontaneous gastric secretion and digestive ability appear gastric juice weakens. The secretion released in the stomach contains 25% of the protein, which is reabsorbed. Due to this adaptive mechanism, the body receives a stable supply of amino acids used for protein synthesis important organs. The body switches to endogenous nutrition - internal, the blood is endogenously saturated with nutrients.

How to properly recover after fasting

The third stage - the stage of adaptation and compensation - lasts until 15-20 days after the acidotic crisis. The content of ketone bodies in the blood decreases and is compensated metabolic acidosis. The patient's condition is assessed from satisfactory to good. Hunger, headache, weakness are less bothersome, symptoms of exacerbation of chronic diseases are reduced, and mood improves. The body is adapted to fasting conditions, metabolism is stabilized, and energy costs are reduced.

Up to 90% of energy expenditure is covered by the oxidation of triglycerides, fat deposits and ketone bodies.

On days 18-20, a second acidotic crisis occurs. In its manifestations it is similar to the first, but it proceeds more mildly and may go unnoticed. The weight of a fasting person decreases by 200-500 g per day.

At this stage, it is extremely important not to miss the moment when reserve resources are practically exhausted, since the compensatory capabilities of the body are not unlimited and further fasting will no longer be therapeutic, but painful and dangerous. During fasting, weight loss of up to 17-18% is acceptable.

Signs of completion of the third stage and the need to end fasting:

  • the person begins to feel intense hunger;
  • the tongue is cleared of plaque;
  • the sclera of the eyes is cleansed and becomes whiter;
  • after the enema, the liquid comes out almost without inclusions;
  • the symptoms of diseases for the treatment of which the fasting course was carried out disappear or are significantly reduced.

Of all the signs, the most important is the appearance of hunger and appetite in a starving person.

During the recovery period, fasting is broken, food intake begins, and the body adjusts to endogenous - external - nutrition.

First stage- stage of increasing food arousal, asthenic. The duration of this stage is 2-3 days. A person coming out of fasting becomes full very quickly from a small amount of food. After a time of up to half an hour, hunger arises again. The mood is unstable, weakness and increased heart rate may occur.
Increased appetite appears.

Recovery period. Before recovering from fasting, reduce physical exercise, cancel massage, enemas. You need to stick to a restorative diet. The first meals are freshly squeezed juices diluted with water: apple, carrot, orange. First, the juices are diluted in a 1:1 ratio, then their concentration gradually increases. Meals are fractional, in small portions. When you come out of fasting, you should not eat salt, foods that are difficult to digest, or animal proteins.
Food is increasing in variety and quantity every day. The consistency of the food should be soft and homogeneous at first. The fruits are grated. Vegetables are first boiled, kneaded or grated, and prepared as a puree soup. Then you can cut the vegetables into pieces. The porridges are semi-liquid at first, and then crumbly.
A variant of a gentle diet at the end of fasting is proposed in the fourth chapter. If the stool does not settle, you will need to give an enema.

The second stage is the stage of intensive recovery. Its duration is determined by the duration of fasting: the intensive recovery stage should be equal to the number of days of fasting, but can be slightly shortened. A person feels full longer - up to 3-4 hours. The number of meals is reduced to 3-4 times. Appetite increases; overeating must be avoided. Biochemical blood parameters are normalized, weight gain begins, regular stool. Improves mood, physical strength and endurance.

Third stage- stage of normalization. All restored physiological functions. Appetite normalizes and becomes moderate. The mood is calm and even. The person is cheerful and energetic. No headaches, blood pressure is normal, cognitive processes improve: attention, memory, thinking, increases mental performance, neuroses go away. Body weight gain slows down. Are becoming more active protective forces body, metabolism improves. This phenomenon lasts up to 4 months and corresponds to the stage of overcompensation. At the stabilization stage, metabolism and work are normalized higher departments central nervous system.

Preparing for fasting for weight loss: a method of how to properly enter fasting

In the practice of therapeutic fasting, the most common method is complete fasting on water without eating any food. It includes preparation for therapeutic fasting (entry into fasting), fasting itself and the recovery period (exiting fasting).

Find out how to enter fasting so that abstinence from food will benefit you. Preparation for fasting (entry) can take from 1 to 7 days, depending on how many people are going to fast. You can prepare for a one-day fast for 1 day, for a seven-day fast - 2-5 days. Before you properly enter into fasting, prepare yourself for the fact that you will have to give up heavy foods (fatty, fried, spicy), spices, and animal protein. In preparation for fasting, appetite decreases, and the processes of unloading the digestive system and cleansing begin. When preparing for fasting to lose weight, you need to eat fruits, raw and cooked vegetables, cereals, fermented milk and dairy products.

On the last day of preparation before fasting, a laxative is taken in the evening. For a gentle entry into therapeutic fasting, you need to correctly calculate the dose of the laxative so as not to cause diarrhea. During fasting, laxatives should not be taken. After the laxative takes effect, you need to do an enema. For the first time fasting, if they have not cleansed the intestines in the near future, it is necessary to give 1 enema with a volume of 1.0-1.5 liters of water at body temperature every day or once every 2-3 days. Experienced fasting people who have managed to cleanse the body may not do enemas on this schedule, but once every 4-5 days or only at the entrance and exit from fasting. You can also cleanse your intestines using colon hydrotherapy.

Starvation. For drinking, use purified water. You need to take it to taste: cool or warm. A sufficient amount of water promotes better removal of waste and toxins.

You need to drink as much water as your body needs. On average, a person needs 1.5-2.5 liters of water per day. Both a lack of water in the body and its excess are harmful. You can calculate how much you need to drink. Depending on body weight, we need approximately 30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight per day.

Alcohol and smoking are prohibited during the fast. You need to follow a daily routine, go to bed on time, rest during the day in bed, regularly measure your blood pressure, especially if it deviated from the norm before fasting.

During the day, it is advisable to perform a light complex physical exercise, take a walk in the fresh air, have a massage or self-massage, do breathing exercises. During fasting, the clinic prescribes physical therapy methods such as reflexology, mud applications, laser therapy, etc. How long the fast will last depends on age, weight loss, and diseases. The duration of fasting is selected individually by a nutritionist. Now, knowing how to enter into fasting for weight loss and how to get out of it correctly, you can use this method of healing the body in practice.

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