What sleeping position is suitable for pregnant women? How to sleep during early and late pregnancy? The best and worst sleeping positions

Being in an interesting position, a woman is forced to adapt to the new state of the body and its needs. This concerns not only nutrition, daily routine, physical activity, but also rest. An ever-growing belly prevents you from sleeping in your usual position and affects the nature and duration of sleep. How to sleep during pregnancy so that the painful night burden turns into a pleasant and comfortable rest?

Sleep and pregnancy

Every person has a favorite sleeping position in which they can deeply and sweetly plunge into the world of dreams. Most pregnant women have to get used to new positions, because a large belly prevents them from sleeping as much as they would like. And, in addition to the increased volume of the abdomen, there is a frequent urge to go to the toilet, nausea and many other signs of pregnancy that interfere with normal sleep. On the other hand, a woman is constantly overcome by a great desire to sleep, because a significant restructuring of the body makes itself felt.

So a certain imbalance of rest appears - you constantly want to sleep, but various pregnancy factors prevent this.

In this case, it is necessary to even out your sleep pattern by selecting suitable positions in which the least amount of discomfort is felt. Each trimester of pregnancy has its own prohibited and permissive positions.

First trimester

In the first trimester, you don’t have to worry about sleep at all. A woman can sleep in any position, since the fetus is still very small. Some people mistakenly believe that sleeping on your stomach is dangerous even in the early stages, but this is not entirely true. Until the belly begins to grow, you can sleep on it and this will not cause absolutely any problems for the fetus, because the embryo is provided with reliable “protection” from external factors: the pubic bones, the uterine wall, the amniotic and allantoic membranes. In the first trimester, there are other relevant problems that interfere with proper sleep: the urge to urinate, early toxicosis, breast enlargement, tenderness, etc.

It is recommended that already in the first trimester you begin to accustom yourself to new sleep positions that are favorable for pregnancy. Few people control themselves at night, and if you take an unsuccessful position, when the stomach is clearly visible, you can injure the unborn baby.

Second trimester

Starting from the 12th week of pregnancy, the belly gradually takes on a rounded shape. The fetus is actively growing and developing motor activity. Resting in a familiar position causes discomfort, so the time has come to change your nighttime habits, because not only the comfort of sleep is at stake, but also the safety of the child.

The greatest threat to the fetus is the mother's weight.

In the early stages, this did not matter at all, since the embryo was located in the pelvis and was reliably protected, but now it has risen to the level of the navel and protrudes beyond the usual boundaries of the mother’s abdomen. Therefore, starting from the second part of pregnancy, it is better to avoid sleeping on your stomach.

Third trimester

In the third trimester, almost all women experience sleep problems. The abdomen is already large, the fetus is actively moving and has its own day and night routine, different from the mother’s, the constant urge to urinate is disturbing, and another interfering factor appears - training contractions. All this makes it difficult to fall asleep safely and rest peacefully. Many women even experience insomnia.

At approximately 28–30 weeks of pregnancy, you will have to stop sleeping on your back.

In this position, a large belly puts pressure on the lower back, diaphragm, blood vessels and intestines. Compression of the veins impedes the flow of blood to the tissues of the woman’s body and the fetus. Oxygen deficiency can cause dizziness, low blood pressure, tachycardia, shortness of breath, etc. The child himself will feel discomfort: he will begin to move actively and for longer than usual. If during sleep you notice excessive activity of the fetus or numbness of the limbs, then you need to change the position.

Learning to sleep correctly

The best position for sleeping during pregnancy is considered to be on your left side with your knees bent. It is also recommended to spend daytime rest on the same side. Doctors believe that a certain position of the arms and legs affects the quality of relaxation of the whole body: the left arm should be placed at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the body, and the right leg should be bent at the knee and raised, placing a pillow under it. The position on the left side is considered correct and has a positive effect on some processes occurring in the body:

  • the functioning of the urinary system improves, which reduces the risk of edema;
  • the work of internal systems is aligned by removing pressure from the uterus and fetus;
  • blood circulation is stabilized, and the child fully receives all the substances and microelements important for development;
  • the liver is not compressed;
  • After sleep, neither my back nor my pelvic area hurts.

In the case of transverse presentation of the fetus, it is necessary to take a position on the same side where the baby’s head is located. This will help the child take the correct position in the future. Of course, you shouldn’t constantly lie on the same side, just because the doctors said so, intimidating you with scary stories about the consequences. This is a recommendation, not a requirement. Change body positions throughout the night, but focus on your left side.

How to improve the quality of your rest?

Many factors can disrupt the quality of sleep of a pregnant woman. Some of them can and should be dealt with:

  1. Use a special pillow. This attribute of sleep is now very popular, as it really creates comfortable conditions for resting on your side. The shape of the pillow is long and round in cross-section, somewhat reminiscent of a banana, so it can be placed under the head, under the stomach and between the legs at the same time. If it is not possible to purchase such a pillow, then you can “design” it yourself from ordinary pillows or blankets, and if you know how to sew, then it will not be difficult for you to make it yourself.
  2. Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea) before bed, and limit your intake of soda.
  3. The last meal and liquid should be 2-3 hours before bedtime. Try to eat right and not overeat, so that in addition to heaviness, heartburn does not occur.
  4. Make it a habit to ventilate your sleeping area before going to bed. If possible, go outside to get some fresh air.
  5. Set a clear sleep and rest schedule for yourself. Try to wake up and go to sleep at the same time.
  6. If the cause of insomnia is fear and anxiety, then you can start attending prenatal training courses, where specialists will teach you how to properly deal with anxiety and help you improve your sleep. Surround yourself with pleasant things and take up your favorite hobby. Positive emotions will help adjust the wave of anxiety in the necessary positive way.

Pregnancy takes a short period of life - only 9 months. You need to understand that in gratitude for all the torments of pregnancy, you receive an invaluable gift from fate, which will be with you for many years, giving joy and happiness.

Women wonder how to sleep during pregnancy starting from the first weeks. At the end of pregnancy, a woman may suffer from heartburn, insomnia, and nighttime calf muscle cramps. Therefore, the choice of position is very important for normal sleep, as well as for the comfort of the mother and fetus. How to sleep correctly so as not to harm the child? Sometimes you have to radically change your habits, especially in the 9th month of pregnancy, for this you can use the help of special sleeping pillows and other devices.

The daily routine and proper preparation for bed have a positive effect on the normal state of a pregnant woman in the morning. A broken state, as well as insomnia and lethargy, negatively affect the physiological processes that occur during this difficult period in a woman’s body.

  1. You can't get overtired. The expectant mother must take care of herself, because her fatigue affects the baby too. In addition, the result of such fatigue can be insomnia. Those who are tired also sleep poorly.
  2. Try not to sleep during the day. This is necessary so that your night's sleep is not disturbed. It is important that the woman understands that not only I am sleeping, but also my child.
  3. Physical exercise. Taking care of yourself does not mean sitting in one place all day. It is necessary to move, but for this it is advisable to choose moderate physical activity. Special exercises for pregnant women, as well as gymnastics and swimming, are suitable. A mandatory walk in the evening will help you relax before bed.
  4. Proper nutrition. There is no need to eat heavy and fatty foods, and before bed it is better to eat an apple or a glass of kefir - this is good nutrition. A full stomach does not contribute to normal sleep.
  5. Taking a warm bath. Ideally, add essential oils or calming herbs.
  6. Do not drink liquids. While pregnant, a woman has to empty her bladder more often. To prevent this from causing poor sleep, try drinking less before bed and more in the morning.
  7. Massage. A foot massage before bed is especially effective if you suffer from cramps.

If you maintain a normal sleep schedule and maintain a healthy lifestyle, sleep problems may not arise. Towards the end of pregnancy, inconveniences appear more often, but they are also easy to deal with. The main thing is that if you cannot sleep, go to the doctor and do not prescribe sleeping pills yourself. This can negatively affect your baby's health.

Sleep is the key to the health of both mother and child. Therefore, it is important to establish it well and follow all parts of a healthy lifestyle; you can do light gymnastics to raise your tone and mood. Yoga for pregnant women may be the best option. It is important to know how not to sleep during pregnancy; this knowledge will help keep the body in good shape.

Each trimester of pregnancy is marked by its own characteristics. Therefore, sleep proceeds differently. Body position also affects the fetus differently, because the fetus itself grows and can be located in different directions. The position in which you successfully fell asleep and slept soundly before may not be suitable for you during pregnancy. How to sleep during pregnancy depends on the trimester.

  1. First trimester. Until 12 weeks pregnant, a woman may not even know she is pregnant. In the first trimester, no special changes occur, at least visible ones. I don’t even think about how to sleep. During early pregnancy, the uterus is not yet so enlarged as to interfere with sleep. The size of the fruit is also very small. True, breast sensitivity may already appear. In any case, you can sleep in any position; it will not harm your baby in any way. But, nevertheless, if you are a big fan of sleeping on your stomach, you need to wean yourself in the early stages, as it will be more difficult to do later. It is worth noting that the first three months are characterized by constant drowsiness, since the nervous system is depressed.
  2. Second trimester. In this trimester of pregnancy, the uterus is already enlarged and the belly is visible. This means that the size of the fetus increases. This begins to happen at 15 weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, the general well-being of the expectant mother improves. The nausea goes away, the mood returns to normal, and there are still no problems with weight or pain in the spine. In order not to crush the baby with your weight, you need to stop sleeping on your stomach. How can you lie on your stomach, realizing that your baby is inside? For many women, this position itself becomes uncomfortable, and they easily abandon it. In the second trimester, the ideal position is on the back, since the weight of the fetus does not yet cause discomfort to the mother. When the 2nd trimester ends, with a strong increase in the baby’s weight, as well as with the appearance of the first movements, you should lie on your side.
  3. Third trimester. How to sleep at 9 months? The most inconvenient period for a woman in terms of sleep. It is no longer advisable to sleep on your back, so you need to sleep on your left side. Sleeping on the right side may be uncomfortable for the fetus. Therefore, we sleep, which is good for both of us. Sleeping on the back is contraindicated, since the heavy weight of the child can lead to back pain and the development of hemorrhoids in the expectant mother. Mom falls asleep more and more difficultly and often wakes up. Blood pressure also decreases and problems with the intestines and digestion may appear. This happens due to compression of a large vein on the back while sleeping. You should also focus on the fetal reaction. If the child begins to push intensely, it means that he is uncomfortable or lacks oxygen. This is an indicator that the pregnant woman should roll over. This situation most often occurs if you sleep on your right side. At 33 weeks of pregnancy, the baby may well be born. This will be a premature birth, but the baby may be born quite healthy. At 33 weeks of pregnancy, children appear in multiple pregnancies. In order not to provoke this process yourself, you should be careful. At 35 weeks of pregnancy, training contractions may begin, which are preparation for childbirth. This may interfere with sleep. Also, at the 8th month of pregnancy, heartburn, lower back pain, and anxious thoughts appear. All this leads to poor sleep quality and frequent waking up. This characterizes the eighth and ninth months. At 35 weeks of pregnancy, childbirth can already lead to the birth of a completely healthy baby.

What position to sleep in during pregnancy should depend on the position of the fetus. If the fruit lies across, then you should fall asleep on the side where the head is located. If the baby has a breech presentation, it is also advisable to sleep on the left side. How to sleep when pregnant with twins? Exactly the same, only a little longer. In such a situation, recovery time is required. Whether it is possible to sleep in a familiar position, your intuition will answer you, since in most cases a woman herself feels the correct position, depending on the position of the baby, for example, on the right or left.

In any case, when you go to sleep on your side during pregnancy, it is important to consider not only your comfort, but also the safety of the baby. Your well-being also depends on the correct position of your body. It is better to sleep on your side during pregnancy, preferably on the left, but if you are more comfortable sleeping on your right side, this will not hurt either.

Sleeping in early pregnancy is not as difficult as sleeping late in the 33rd week of pregnancy. Most mothers say: “I can’t” in the last weeks.

To make you feel comfortable during any trimester of pregnancy and to learn to sleep in a comfortable position, you can choose a special pillow. You can sleep with such accessories, and then use them during the day to rest and feed your baby.

They come in several forms, each of which is convenient in its own way:

These pillows can not only help you control your sleeping position, but will also be a great help when feeding your baby after childbirth. If towards the end of pregnancy there are problems with heartburn, then it is advisable to sleep in a semi-sitting position. This is convenient if you have a high pillow.

Pay close attention to the mattress you rest on. Firstly, it should be of medium hardness, and secondly, for pregnant women it should be orthopedic so that you can get maximum sleep and relaxation. If during an interesting situation the expectant mother continues to sleep with her husband, then when choosing a mattress you need to pay attention to its filling. When the spouse moves, the mother should not feel uncomfortable.

Sometimes for a good night's sleep you just need to choose the right accessories, including clothes made from natural materials. This is quite enough to relax as much as possible.

For the proper development of the fetus, as well as for the mother to fully restore her strength and prepare for childbirth, it is necessary to rest. How can you sleep better these nine months?

To do this, you should follow several basic rules:

A walk, a warm bath, and a lack of stress before bed will help you get a good night's sleep. The main thing is not to eat fatty foods, but also not to go to bed hungry. At the end of pregnancy, you may experience problems falling asleep, and even insomnia. In this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Proper sleep management will help you get enough sleep and contribute to the full development of your baby.

Pregnancy is a joyful event, but for the proper development of the child, you need to monitor nutrition and sleep, as well as adherence to all the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

As the belly grows, a pregnant woman begins to experience discomfort during sleep. What position to choose in order to fully relax and not harm the unborn child?

A pregnant woman has the freedom to choose a position during sleep only in the first few weeks from the moment of conception, while the tummy is not yet visible and she can sleep as she pleases. But as the fetus grows, resting at night can become problematic.

Not recommended for a comfortable stay during pregnancy
sleep on a hard surface. The best mattress is medium hard.

The ideal sleeping position during pregnancy is on your left side. This position improves blood circulation in the uterine vessels, and the unborn child does not lack oxygen.

You need to place a pillow under your back to rest in a reclining position. This position also reduces shortness of breath, which often plagues the expectant mother in the last weeks of pregnancy. After all, a sufficiently enlarged uterus puts pressure on the diaphragm, preventing the lungs from breathing fully.

If you slept well on your back before pregnancy, you will have to get out of the habit. Sleeping in this position can cause significant harm to a woman’s health:

  • make breathing difficult;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • obstruct blood circulation and blood flow to the uterus;
  • cause back pain;
  • provoke the appearance or exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

Sleeping on your back during pregnancy is also dangerous for the unborn child. The greater its size and weight, the greater the pressure on the vessels located behind the uterus - the inferior vena cava and the aorta. And this is a risk of squeezing the inferior vena cava running along the spine, which can affect the lack of blood supply to the child. Therefore, in order for the baby to receive oxygen and nutrients through the blood in full, sleep on your back should be avoided during pregnancy.

Sleeping in this position during pregnancy can harm blood circulation from mother to baby. Under the weight of the uterus, the arteries run the risk of being crushed, and the unborn baby is left without a full supply of oxygen and nutrients.

The fetus traditionally reacts with displeasure if a woman lies on her right side. After 7-10 minutes of this position, he begins to “worry” due to a lack of oxygen. Active tremors are a signal for a pregnant woman that she needs to change her body position.

If a woman is used to falling asleep on her stomach, then during pregnancy this pose will have to be abandoned. Even when your tummy is not yet visible at all, it is better not to sleep on your stomach. The expectant mother should learn other sleeping positions.

Pillows for comfortable sleep during pregnancy

  • in the shape of the letter “U” - support the pregnant woman’s body on both sides at once, which helps relax the back muscles and support the tummy;
  • shaped like the letter “C” - designed for sleeping on your side and supporting a growing belly;
  • shaped like the letter “I” - designed for sleeping on your side and supporting a growing belly;
  • bagel-shaped - similar to a U-shaped pillow, but more compact in size;
  • in the form of the letter "L" - similar to pillows in the form of the letters "C" and "I", but differ in that they can be used without an additional pillow for the head.

Sound sleep for better health

During pregnancy, the expectant mother experiences great stress and becomes very tired. Therefore, good sleep is very important for her. And the habit of sleeping in the correct position will help you use your rest hours to recuperate during a full sleep without waking up.

Approximately 80% of women suffer from sleep disorders during pregnancy.
In the first trimester, psychological reasons predominate (anxiety, restlessness),
in the second and third trimesters, physiological factors begin to dominate in sleep disturbances
reasons (big tummy, active fetal kicks in the evening
and night time, frequent urination, shortness of breath, etc.).

Expert: Irina Isaeva, obstetrician-gynecologist
Elena Nersesyan-Brytkova

Photos used in this material belong to shutterstock.com

The correct sleeping position during pregnancy is not a whim of women or a requirement of doctors, but a necessity. It has been proven that the position of the body during night rest while expecting a child affects the physical and mental state of the expectant mother, the development of the baby, and the course of pregnancy in general. What are the most correct and safe sleeping positions during pregnancy? Let's look at them by trimester.

Pregnant woman sleeping on a special pillow

First trimester

In the first three months of gestation, the baby is so small that you can sleep in any familiar and comfortable position. The expectant mother does not need to worry about possible discomfort for the baby. In the very early stages, there are enough of your own worries: toxicosis, hormonal changes, fatigue, increased psychological stress associated with the upcoming months and childbirth.

You can also sleep on your stomach during this period of pregnancy. The fetus is reliably protected from any pressure by the bones of the pelvis and pubis. There is only one point that can affect this position during sleep and cause discomfort. This is increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.

Second trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy is calmer: manifestations of toxicosis, as a rule, have ended, the psychological state has returned to normal. However, sleeping became more difficult. By the end of the third month of gestation, the child begins to grow rapidly. The uterus, increasing in volume, protrudes beyond the boundaries of the symphysis pubis (at about 18-19 weeks).

Although the baby is protected by amniotic fluid and the fat layer, the position on the stomach can put unwanted pressure on him. Since it is impossible to maintain the same position while sleeping, you can lie on your right side or back. However, the correct sleeping position during pregnancy during this period will be on the left side of the body.

Third trimester

The uterus enlarges even more due to the increased growth of the child. Resting on your stomach is not only impossible, but practically impossible. Night rest on the right side of the body is also not recommended in the third trimester. The child puts pressure on the internal organs. As a result, congestion may occur in the right kidney, which will cause pyelonephritis. Such sleeping positions are undesirable for pregnant women at this stage.

Another, not very favorable position is on your back. The uterus, pressing against the spinal column, puts pressure on the inferior vena cava, through which blood flows from the lower part of the body towards the heart. This condition prevents the free flow of blood, it stagnates in the veins.

In the supine position, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the inferior vena cava

This can lead to the following:

  • development of hemorrhoids;
  • the occurrence of varicose veins;
  • impaired blood supply to the placenta (as a consequence - the development of hypoxia in the child);
  • pain in the lumbar spine;
  • disruption of the digestive process;
  • decreased blood pressure, which will lead to nausea, dizziness, and weakness.

This issue is often discussed on forums, because it is difficult to control oneself in a dream, and many women roll over onto their backs without knowing it. Among the most common pieces of advice you can hear is this: put a pillow under your back. However, in reality it helps very few people, and the most effective method turned out to be sewing a tennis ball onto the back shelf of nightwear.

The correct sleeping position during pregnancy during the third trimester is on the left side of the body. It is recommended to occasionally change position by turning to the right. But the baby has already grown up enough to let his mother know with pushes that he is uncomfortable.

The safest sleeping option for pregnant women is to sit on your left side

To ensure comfort, you can place a pillow, for example, under the knee of your bent right leg, straightening your left leg. This will relieve some of the stress from the pelvic area and also prevent swelling of the lower extremities. This position will be the best sleeping position during pregnancy in the third trimester.

How should you sleep during a complicated pregnancy?

Unfortunately, pregnancy does not always proceed without complications. For example, the baby may not be positioned quite correctly in the womb. If the presentation is transverse, it is recommended to sleep on the side of the body towards which its head is directed. If it is pelvic, then you should prefer to rest on your left side.

If you experience frequent heartburn or difficulty breathing, a pregnant woman should sleep in such a way that her upper body is elevated. In case of varicose veins or a tendency to swelling, the feet and lower legs should be in an elevated position.

Is it possible to sleep reclining during pregnancy?

The reclining sleeping position is more suitable for women in their last weeks. The belly is already large, the uterus puts pressure on all internal organs, so finding comfortable sleeping positions during pregnancy becomes increasingly difficult. You should put a large pillow (two small ones) under your back and raise yourself up a little. As a result, it becomes easier to breathe as the load on the diaphragm is reduced.

At the same time, you can place a bolster or another pillow under your feet. This position promotes the most complete relaxation, relieves stress from the spine, tension from the lower extremities, and ensures good sleep. The child will also feel comfortable.

Sleeping pillow for pregnant women

Maternity pillows come in different shapes

To provide pregnant women with maximum comfort and complete rest while sleeping, a special pillow was developed. The device can have different shapes and be filled with different materials, so each expectant mother can choose the best option.

What are maternity pillows made of?

There are several types of pillow fillings for pregnant women.

  • Holofiber. It is a hollow artificial fiber. Does not cause allergies, washes and dries well. The material is highly resistant to creasing and recovers quickly.
  • Expanded polystyrene. Reminds me of styrofoam. It has a fairly rigid structure, high strength and environmental friendliness.
  • Sintepon. May cause an allergic reaction in a pregnant woman. Loses its shape quickly. In addition, it contains harmful impurities (glue) that can harm both the expectant mother and the child. Typically used in cheap pillows.
  • The fluff is artificial. Keeps its shape for a long time, quickly recovers after creasing. Easy to wash and dry. Does not lead to allergies. Has elasticity. The product based on it is very light.

Maternity pillow shape

Bagel-shaped pillow with extra curve

Pillows that come in the form of an alphabet will help provide comfortable positions for pregnant women while sleeping.

  • G. Suitable for large bed. Performs several functions: it allows you to throw your leg over it, supports your stomach, supports your head, and prevents you from rolling over onto your back. Allows you to choose a comfortable sleeping position at 31 weeks of pregnancy and beyond, in a reclining position.
  • U. Functionally similar to the previous version. For a spacious bed.
  • V. Despite its compact size, the pillow can provide a comfortable sleeping position. It supports the head and stomach. It can be placed between your legs. Allows you to take a comfortable position when feeding.
  • L. Also has small sizes. It is placed under the head, while the long cushion does not allow you to roll over onto your back.

Type of pillow for pregnant women

  • I. Convenient in that it can be twisted as desired. Suitable for small size bed.
  • C. It has a dual purpose: it can be used for comfortable sleep, and also as a device to facilitate feeding. Elbows folded on the sides of the pillow relieve tension from the shoulder girdle. The shape allows you to leave the child unattended for some time by placing him in the recess. In the future, it will support his back while sitting down.

The choice of pillows that will help ensure a comfortable sleeping position during pregnancy is wide. If you don’t want to spend money on such a device, then you can easily get by with several ordinary pillows of different sizes.

You should not try to completely control your sleeping positions during pregnancy. This may ultimately result in insomnia. First of all, it should be comfortable for both the baby and the mother. Nature has decreed that the child will definitely let you know if he becomes uncomfortable. You just need to listen to it and your body, and a compromise will appear on its own.

Pregnancy is a special time in the life of every woman. During these nine months you need to be very careful with your health. Even the most ordinary little thing, for example, a favorite position while sleeping, can harm the baby. So how to sleep properly during pregnancy?

Sleep is very important for all people without exception. During sleep, our body restores the strength and energy lost during the day. The nervous system takes a break from everyday experiences. A woman should be more at rest during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, when the risk of miscarriage is highest. Pregnant women often experience increased sleepiness during the first few weeks. This occurs due to hormonal imbalance in the body. Over time, drowsiness subsides. You shouldn’t follow your body’s lead. You can tone yourself with green tea or a contrast shower.

In the second half of pregnancy, women experience discomfort during sleep due to a large belly. How can you get comfortable in bed so that you can get a good night's sleep and not harm your baby?

It is necessary to properly prepare for going to bed

  • Relax. To do this, you can use various aromatic oils in the shower and aroma candles in the bedroom. The husband can give a light relaxing massage. It is very important to relax, leave all worries and worries behind the bedroom doors, because nerves are the biggest enemy of healthy sleep. If a person’s nervous system is shaken, then he will have trouble sleeping. Hence the unhealthy complexion, constant fatigue and poor performance at work, even greater worries, and again unhealthy sleep - a vicious circle. Therefore, it is very important for a pregnant woman to be able to relax in order to sleep soundly and healthy.
  • Satisfy your hunger. It is difficult to sleep on an empty stomach. A pregnant woman should not fast at all. You shouldn’t overeat on all sorts of goodies at night; warm milk with cookies or a light sandwich will be enough.
  • Loose nightwear. It doesn’t matter what you prefer to sleep in – pajamas or a nightgown – your clothes should be comfortable and loose. It should not hinder movements. It is worth choosing pajamas and shirts made from natural fabrics: in them the skin “breathes”. In addition, natural materials do not cause allergic reactions, have a soft texture that is pleasant to the touch and does not cause discomfort during rest.
  • Cozy atmosphere. It is necessary to ventilate the room before going to bed, because sleeping in a stuffy room is not very pleasant. The bed should suit your needs: not too soft and not too hard. A blanket or bedspread is also at your discretion and depending on the current season of the year.

In the early stages, you can sleep in your favorite position, even on your stomach. Doctors do not see any risks in this. But you should still think about immediately getting used to the position in which you will sleep with a big belly. It is better to prepare for this in advance so as not to experience inconvenience and discomfort during your vacation.

Doctors consider the position of the body on its side to be the most comfortable and safest position. In general, doctors recommend that both men and women sleep on their right side. In this position, the human body evenly distributes the load. This pose has a particularly beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart.

For pregnant women, it is best to lie on your left side, bending your right leg and straightening your left. It’s even better if you rest your right leg on a pillow. Thanks to this position of the pregnant woman’s body, better blood flow to the fetus is ensured, the kidneys and liver begin to work better, as a result of which swelling of the lower extremities decreases.

Pregnant women should not sleep on their stomach. You can harm the fetus, because a lot of pressure will be put on it.

Sleeping on your back can be uncomfortable due to pain in the lumbosacral region. In this position, the baby puts pressure on the mother’s internal organs, so blood circulation slows down. This can adversely affect the functioning of the entire female body.

If sleeping in the “lying down” position is uncomfortable

Often pregnant women find it uncomfortable to sleep lying down. In such a situation, doctors recommend placing several pillows under your back: you get a “reclining” position. The back does not strain in this position, the spine rests. “Reclining” you can sleep on your back or side.

It should be noted that you should not sleep in the same position all the time. It is necessary to change sides so that the stomach does not become deformed. Being constantly in the same position, the stomach “gets used” to this one-sidedness, and the baby also gets used to it. It’s good if the amniotic space is large enough so that the baby does not feel this constancy. As a result of “one-sidedness,” the intrauterine space can be deformed, which can also affect the proper development of the baby himself.