Large blood clot during menstruation. Why are there large blood clots during menstruation? Why do my periods come in clots?

From about 13 to 14 years old, girls begin menstruation. Bloody discharge recurs monthly and stops during pregnancy or with the onset of menopause. Their intensity depends on the individual characteristics of the woman and on the processes occurring in the body during the monthly cycle.

Sometimes liver-like clots appear with menstrual flow. Why do my periods come in clots? Is it necessary to treat the pathology?

What is menstruation and what does the discharge normally look like?

Menstruation, menstruation or regula is a period of a woman’s monthly cycle when the uterine layer is renewed and an unfertilized egg is expelled. At this time, a small amount of blood is released. Normally, up to 250 ml of blood comes out during the entire period.

The mechanism for the formation of blood clots lies in the specifics of the menstrual cycle. During the first period of the cycle, the hormone estrogen prepares the woman's reproductive organs for fertilization. Under its action, the endometrium of the uterus thickens.

If fertilization does not occur, the upper layer of the endometrium begins to peel off. During the detachment process, the integrity of the blood vessels is disrupted, causing blood to be released. Normally, the discharge is red or light burgundy. Along with the blood, an unfertilized egg, small clots of dried blood, and mucus are separated.

In the first day or two, blood is released little by little. It has a dark color. In the following days, the intensity of blood flow increases. By day 5–6 there is only spotting. It is considered normal if menstruation is not accompanied by severe pain, and the secreted clots are small in size and appear several times during menstruation.

Why do blood clots form?

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Small blood clots during menstruation are layers of the endometrium or caked blood pieces, since the blood does not come out immediately, some of it is retained in the uterus and coagulates. Sometimes the clots are large and are released continuously throughout the menstruation.

This phenomenon may indicate the development of pathology. Regulations that differ from previous ones should cause particular concern.

Individual structural features of the reproductive organs

In some women, heavy periods with clots are caused by congenital pathologies of the reproductive organs. Structural anomalies include:

  • Bicornuate uterus. With this deviation, the organ is divided into two cavities.
  • Unicornuate uterus. One of the fallopian tubes is missing or poorly developed.
  • Dividing the uterus into parts by a septum.
  • Curvature of the vagina and uterine cavity.
  • Underdevelopment of the reproductive organs (uterine cavity, vagina, cervix).

If the structure of the reproductive organs is abnormal, menstruation is accompanied by heavy bleeding with blood clots, pain in the abdominal area on different days of the cycle, and disruption of cyclicity. The atypical shape of the uterus leads to the fact that blood is not released from the cavity in time. Menstruation comes with clots that are released during uterine contractions.

The duration of regulation in the presence of congenital disorders usually exceeds 7 days. Pathologies reduce a woman’s ability to bear children. If structural anomalies prevent pregnancy, they are corrected surgically.

Gynecological pathologies

Gynecological pathologies are one of the most common reasons why menstruation comes with clots. They develop under the influence of various factors. The following reasons lead to diseases:

  • abortions;
  • violation of the integrity of the reproductive organ during caesarean section;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • colds;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • late birth;
  • bad habits;
  • poor nutrition;
  • stress.

Uterine fibroids

Many gynecological diseases at the initial stage do not have obvious manifestations. Most of them can be suspected by the way their periods go. The table lists the pathologies that cause menstruation with clots that look like pieces of liver.

Disease Description Associated symptoms
Endometriosis Pathological growth of the inner layer of the uterus.
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • excessive bleeding during menstruation;
  • menstrual cycle disorder
Polyposis Formation of growths - polyps - in the cavity and on the cervix.
  • irregular menstruation;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation
Myoma A benign formation that develops in the uterine cavity. Capable of growing quickly and reaching large sizes.
  • sharp abdominal pain regardless of the period of the monthly cycle;
  • menstruation takes a long time;
  • increased urination;
  • brown discharge after sexual intercourse;
  • increase in abdominal volume with stable weight
Oncology Degeneration of cells into a malignant tumor. In most patients, primary cancer develops in the cervix. If not treated promptly, it spreads to other reproductive organs. At the initial stage it occurs without symptoms. Over time, brown, foul-smelling discharge, pain and discomfort appear during sexual intercourse.
Ovarian cyst The appearance in the ovarian tissue of a cavity filled with liquid contents.
  • heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • painful spasms of the abdominal muscles;
  • causeless increase in body temperature;
  • nausea;
  • change in the cyclicity of menstruation

Infectious diseases

The nature of the regulation can be affected not only by genital tract infections, but also by diseases affecting other organs and systems. Clots during menstruation appear due to:

  • Salpingitis. Inflammation of the fallopian tubes is caused by bacteria and fungi that enter the body during sexual intercourse or if the rules for gynecological procedures are not followed. Abundant regula is accompanied by itching in the perineum. Menstrual irregularities and increased bleeding occur when the disease becomes chronic.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases. Infectious pathogens affect the state of the reproductive system. Many of them lead to disruption of the ovaries, reduce the contractility of the uterus, and change the structure of the uterine tissue. Most infections are accompanied by additional symptoms: impaired sexual desire, discomfort during sex, foul-smelling discharge throughout the entire cycle, fatigue, irritability, and instability of body temperature.
  • Colds. During menstruation, clots of clotted blood come out during the acute course of ARVI and influenza. Viruses cause fever, which affects the blood's ability to clot and increase the circulation of blood fluid. After recovery, menstrual symptoms return to normal.


Changes in the nature of discharge during menstruation are observed after taking hormonal contraceptives and installing an intrauterine device. Hormonal pills suppress the production of eggs and thicken the mucous secretion. Ovulation does not occur, which is why women do not get pregnant.

After stopping hormonal contraception, the body begins to produce hormones on its own. In the first months after withdrawal, there is a profuse release of blood and menstruation occurs in clots. However, if there are no other alarming manifestations, everything quickly returns to normal.

Very heavy bleeding and the appearance of pieces of blood are sometimes observed for 3 months from the date of installation of the intrauterine device. During this period, the reproductive organ adapts to the foreign body that has appeared. Menstruation lasts from 7 to 10 days. Some women notice bleeding mid-cycle.

After a few months, the discharge becomes less intense. However, for most women, periods do not return to the shape they had before the IUD was installed.

Miscarriage in early pregnancy

In the first weeks after fertilization, a woman may not be aware of the birth of a new life. If due to any factors the pregnancy is terminated, severe bleeding with clots and mucus will appear.

The bloody lump in this case is part of the expelled membrane. The clot has the shape of a ruptured bubble. Sometimes during menstruation it comes out in chunks. If the pregnancy is short, the uterus is able to cleanse itself.

However, sometimes particles of dead tissue remain in the body. In this case, after heavy bleeding, discharge with a strong unpleasant odor will appear. Signs of miscarriage:

  • periodic pain or sharp pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region;
  • small reddish discharge, which quickly takes on the character of intense bleeding with chunks;
  • blood when urinating.

In most cases, early miscarriages do not cause complications. The causes of spontaneous abortion pose a great danger. However, sometimes the fertilized egg attaches outside the uterine cavity. A miscarriage during an ectopic pregnancy poses a threat to a woman’s life. With an ectopic abortion, the following symptoms are observed:

  • pain from the organ to which the embryo was attached;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • bloody discharge is not intense, but with particles of dead tissue;
  • the discharge is darker than with regulation;
  • Once bleeding occurs, it is difficult to stop.

Beginning of menopause (45–50 years)

Before menopause, the level of female hormones in a woman’s body decreases. The uterus loses the ability to quickly renew the epithelium. Changes in the body lead to irregular periods.

There is a delay in menstrual flow of several months. When they appear, they become intense. Due to irregular cleaning of the uterus from the epithelium, the bloody fluid contains a large amount of mucus - the internal epithelium of the uterus. The onset of menopause is also characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the frequency of menstruation increases to 50–90 days;
  • regulations do not last long;
  • nervousness appears;
  • sleep deteriorates;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle and vascular system occur;
  • performance and ability to concentrate decreases;
  • unexpected attacks of heat (hot flashes) are observed.

Undesirable symptoms go away after the body is reconstructed and adapted to new conditions. However, the duration of the adjustment period is individual for all women.

Changes in hormonal balance

Hormonal balance is one of the main indicators of the well-being of a woman’s reproductive system. The frequency and nature of monthly discharge is influenced by estrogen and progesterone. The first hormone promotes the formation of the egg and the formation of a new layer of the endometrium of the uterus. The second is responsible for the processes that occur after the reproductive cell reaches the uterus.

If fertilization occurs, progesterone promotes pregnancy. In the event that the cell is not fertilized, the hormone initiates the onset of menstruation.

In case of a deficiency or excess of hormones, natural reproductive processes are disrupted, the monthly cycle is disrupted, and the volume and quality of discharge changes. With increased estrogen levels, an excess layer of the endometrium is formed, therefore the number and volume of mucous clots increases.

Lack of progesterone affects the ability to expel bleeding. They thicken and stand out in the form of dark clots. However, little blood fluid is produced. Excess progesterone leads to an increase in the intensity of menstruation.

Hormonal changes occur due to disruption of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, brain and pituitary gland. Failures in the production of hormones lead to infertility, the formation of tumors, the development of chronic pathologies of internal organs, spontaneous abortions and premature births.

Menstruation is a normal physiological process in women of childbearing age. More often it passes asymptomatically and unnoticed, without causing discomfort, and sometimes pain occurs. The nature and consistency of menstrual flow is different for everyone, but changes in color and density can signal pathology. Menstruation with clots sometimes indicates serious disorders and the development of a dangerous pathology.

Blood clots during menstruation can appear for a number of reasons related to disturbances in the genitourinary system, but they can also be the norm if this condition is not regular. To understand what is pathology and what is normal, it is important to understand what discharge looks like during menstruation.

Normal menstrual flow looks like this:

  • in the first days the blood is scarlet, and in the last days it darkens and turns brown;
  • the blood does not clot because it has other inclusions;
  • during one menstruation, up to 200-250 ml leaves the body;
  • blood clots may appear during the period of heavy discharge on days 2-3, but this should not be regular.

Blood clots during menstruation or blood clots are quite normal, but they can indicate a number of disorders in the reproductive organs or endocrine system.

During menstruation, blood clots can reach 3.5-4 cm; their occurrence is associated with the action of certain enzymes. Anticoagulants do not cope with clotting during heavy menstrual bleeding. The blood clots in the vaginal cavity and is released during menstruation.

To know for sure that such a phenomenon does not threaten a woman’s health, you need to see a doctor and also undergo a full examination, since sometimes clots indicate serious problems. If blood clots come out during menstruation, you should not hesitate, and as soon as menstruation stops, you need to go to the gynecologist.

Causes of menstruation with clots

Rare cases of clots in menstrual blood should not worry a woman too much, but if her periods come with clots and this has become regular, there is cause for concern.

- these are formations that include not only blood, but also the exfoliated layer of the endometrium. This process occurs in the female body every month after an unfertilized egg, capturing part of the grown endometrium from the walls of the uterus, leaves the body.

An increase in menstrual discharge indicates the development of disorders, so it is important for a woman to monitor the color of the discharge and its consistency. Normally, about 80 ml comes out per day during menstruation; if there is much more blood, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

There are many reasons for a blood clot and heavy discharge to occur, but with timely diagnosis they can be easily eliminated and the development of complications and health problems can be prevented.

Endometrial hyperplasia

One of the reasons for heavy menstruation, as well as the appearance of blood clots, is endometrial hyperplasia, that is, excessive growth of the uterine mucosa. In this condition, excess endometrium comes out in clots during menstruation. The reason for this pathology lies in untreated genitourinary diseases, hormonal imbalance, as well as previous childbirth, abortion or surgical interventions.

In appearance, the detachment of hyperplastic endometrium does not differ from thickened blood, but it is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, and the duration of menstruation increases by several days. Clots during menstruation continue throughout all days of menstruation. In advanced cases they become normal.

Benign hormone-dependent formations in the uterine cavity lead to changes in the consistency and nature of menstrual flow, hence menstruation with blood clots. Myoma nodes increase the normal size of the organ and at the same time the area of ​​the lining of the uterus. Clots occur when a myomatous node grows into a cavity, such a fibroid is called a submucosal fibroid.

The appearance of a new node provokes detachment of the endometrium with greater force, which causes blood clots during menstruation. In addition to discharge, a number of characteristic symptoms are observed, the main one being pain in the lower abdomen. While the nodule is small, there are no symptoms, but as it grows, the first signs appear, including heavy menstruation, and menstruation comes in clots.

Postpartum period

After childbirth, a woman’s hormonal balance changes and can cause the appearance of unusual discharge, including blood clots, as well as endometrial particles. Menstruation does not occur immediately after childbirth, and endometrial cells, accumulating, come out in various masses.

But also, the remnants of the placenta come out in the form of clots after childbirth, and this process has nothing to do with menstrual bleeding. They may come out in the first days after birth, but they may linger longer.

Hormonal imbalance

The most common cause of menstruation in the form of clots is hormonal disorders. They may be a temporary phenomenon, or they may indicate the development of serious pathologies and disorders not only of the reproductive system.

The menstrual cycle is regulated by hormones produced by the ovaries, adrenal glands, hypothalamus, pituitary gland and thyroid gland. Disruption of the functioning of these organs and the occurrence of tumor processes lead to the appearance of heavy periods of a dark color. In addition, pain occurs in the lower abdomen, as well as in the lower back.

In addition to excessive growth of the endometrium or tumor processes, benign polyps can change the consistency of the discharge. Single growths cause the appearance of copious discharge with blood clots.

And if this symptom is added either in the middle of the cycle, as well as pain and a change in the color of the discharge, this indicates the development of endometrial polyposis, when many polyps appear on the endometrial mucosa of the uterus.

Abnormal development of the uterus

Unfortunately, not every woman suspects a possible congenital pathology of the structure of the uterus before certain problems arise, and this happens more often than we would like. In 20 percent of women, due to chromosomal hereditary pathologies from birth, an intrauterine septum, double or unicornuate uterus can be corrected.

Before planning a pregnancy, a woman may not suspect the presence of a pathology, since, apart from heavy, thick menstruation, nothing bothers her. An incorrect structure leads to stagnant processes in the uterus and, as a result, the release of blood coagulated into clots of different sizes.

Spontaneous miscarriage

When planning a pregnancy, the appearance of blood clots may indicate a miscarriage. Pregnancy excludes menstruation from the first days, and the presence of bloody discharge should alert you. Blood clots with yellowish or gray inclusions indicate rejection of the fertilized egg by the uterus. This condition does not go away on its own; medical intervention is required.


Menstruation with clots and its release in large masses may indicate a disorder in hematopoiesis. Most often, the reason is iron deficiency anemia and, worse, menstruation of this nature only aggravates the problem. Large blood loss due to anemia leads to a significant deterioration in health.

Diagnosis and treatment

Timely diagnosis of disorders prevents the development of possible complications and consequences. At the first signs and appearance of clots during menstruation, it is important to immediately consult a doctor for a full examination and to exclude or confirm the development of pathologies and diseases.

At the first visit to the gynecologist, an anamnesis is collected with data on pregnancies, abortions, difficulties in pregnancy and childbirth, previous diseases of the genitourinary system and other chronic ailments.

It is also important to indicate whether the woman is taking any medications, as they can cause such disorders and. A gynecological examination reveals the presence or absence of an abnormal structure of the internal and external genital organs.

In addition to the conversation and examination, the following list of studies is prescribed:

  • ultrasound examination;
  • blood sampling for hormonal panel tests and infections;
  • sowing of vaginal microflora.

If necessary, diagnostic laparoscopy for the purpose of a complete inspection and taking a tissue biopsy. When diagnosing disorders, treatment is prescribed in accordance with the cause of the disease. Self-medication is dangerous and can only harm a woman’s health.

Most identified disorders are treated with medication. Drugs for each woman are selected individually according to her physical characteristics and test results.

Diagnoses such as polyposis and fibroids cannot be treated with medication; surgical intervention followed by hormonal therapy is required to prevent relapse. Minimally invasive methods for removing polyps and fibroids allow you to preserve all healthy tissue, and hysteroscopy is minimal.

For inflammatory processes and infectious diseases, antibacterial therapy is carried out. Physiotherapeutic procedures are also used in combination with it.

For endocrine disorders, specific treatment is carried out. If there is a lack of the required level of the hormone, synthetic analogues are taken, and to reduce the excess, drugs are prescribed to suppress secretion activity.

Endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia involves curettage of pathological growth and subsequent hormonal adjustment. For women who are not planning pregnancy in the near future, taking oral contraceptives and installing an intrauterine device are considered effective. Thus, the endometrium does not grow and, accordingly, blood clots do not collect.

Clots during menstruation periodically occur in the vast majority of women. Some of their manifestations do not cause any concern and are the norm for menstruation.

But there are times when the appearance and consistency of clots are alarming, especially if heavy and thick discharge is accompanied by pain symptoms. In this case, their appearance indicates a sign of a violation in the woman’s health.

Blood clots come out during menstruation

Since ancient times, women have been interested in everything related to the function of childbirth, and any unusual sensations caused anxiety and excitement: is everything okay?
This is still the case today; women are very careful and careful about their bodies, and they cannot help but worry about such a phenomenon as the presence of blood clots during menstruation.

Causes of clot formation

To understand the reason for this phenomenon, it is necessary to have at least a basic understanding of how the uterus is anatomically structured.
The uterus is a hollow muscular organ in which the fetus develops during pregnancy, consists of three layers: the endometrium - the layer lining the uterus from the inside, the myometrium - the muscular layer itself, and the perimeter - the membrane that covers the uterus.

During the menstrual cycle, the endometrium thickens and loosens, which is ready to receive a fertilized egg. And if pregnancy does not occur, then, as one of the scientists poetically put it, “the uterus cries bloody tears,” that is, the endometrium is rejected, accompanied by bleeding. During menstruation, a woman's body loses about a glass of blood. The discharge lasts from 3 to 5 days and its color varies from bright red, dark cherry or brownish and has a specific odor. With heavy discharge, clots ranging in size from 3 mm to 3 cm usually appear, which indicates that the enzymatic system responsible for blood clotting is not coping with its task, and the blood partially coagulates in the vagina. Therefore, most often there is no reason to worry.

If during menstruation clots appear that look like “liver, meat”, have an unpleasant odor, and at the same time you experience a feeling of extreme fatigue, then these may be signs of a serious pathology of the whole body, including the reproductive system - you need to undergo a TVUS and consult a gynecologist . If the clot is dense, oblong and you are sexually active, it may be a miscarriage.

The cause of clots during menstruation is also a miscarriage in early pregnancy, when it is still very difficult to determine. In this case, their color should be gray or slightly yellow. This is a fertilized egg that the body has rejected.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

1. If, in addition to heavy periods with blood clots, you feel general malaise, dizziness, decreased performance, and have pale skin, then you should think about the need to take a blood test and seek medical help. Most likely you have iron deficiency anemia. You should not self-medicate. Iron supplements adequately prescribed by a doctor will cope with the disease in 1-2 months.

2. If you are thinking about having a baby, you stop using birth control, and during your menstrual cycle you experience yellowish-gray bleeding with clots - this may indicate a miscarriage, rejection of the fertilized egg, that is, a miscarriage. In this case, it is also advisable to consult a doctor.

3. Normally, periods occur regularly, last 3-5 days, are moderately painful and moderately heavy. In this case, the appearance of clots is not a cause for concern. But if you are concerned about heavy bleeding with clots and severe pain, then you should consult a gynecologist, get tested and have an ultrasound, because this may indicate hormonal disorders, an inflammatory process, or the presence of a serious disease - endometriosis.

4. Blood clots can be observed in the menstrual fluid of women who are protected from unwanted pregnancy by means of an intrauterine device; they are part of a fertilized egg that leaves the uterine cavity during bleeding.

5. Bend of the uterus, an excess of B vitamins, increased thrombus formation can also cause the appearance of heavy menstrual flow with clots.

6. Heavy menstruation with clots can be observed in women in the postpartum period. This indicates a pathology such as incomplete rejection of the placenta or poor uterine contractions. In any case, you need to see a doctor and receive treatment.


The appearance of blood clots during menstruation can be caused by any reason, even an increase in body temperature due to colds, but if this worries you, then you need to consult a doctor, do tests and an ultrasound, which will help to exclude or, conversely, identify disorders, and get recommendations , treatment, as well as answers to all questions.

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You can get more detailed information about normal and pathological vaginal discharge by watching this video:

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If blood clots come out during menstruation, then you need to find out why this is happening. This doesn't just happen normally. There are diseases that have such a symptom.

Why do some women experience blood clots during their periods?

Every change during menstruation is a cause for serious panic for most representatives of the fair sex. Many women, trying to answer the question of why during bleeding, without hesitation, resort to popular advice and independently “prescribe” themselves potent drugs. But often the causes of this condition do not require medical intervention.

characterized by a gradual increase in the uterine walls, which prepares the uterus for possible fertilization. If this does not happen, the resulting layer of endometrium is shed during menstruation. This is how bleeding occurs.

Blood clots during menstruation do not always signal danger. Most likely, the processes proceed as normal, and the woman does not need to worry. It also happens that the shade of menstruation, like the consistency, changes daily.

Blood clots during menstruation are released when a woman, after lying down or sitting, begins to move. The appearance of clots is explained by stagnation of blood, which forms when a person is in a static position for a long time. The blood coagulates and pieces of different sizes come out. This phenomenon is not considered pathological. The clots are usually dark red in color. It is somewhat different from .


Every woman who wants to understand the reason for the appearance of clots during menstruation should observe how the “critical days” proceed. Doctors recommend keeping a diary where you can “log” the presence of pain and other symptoms. This will help the doctor correctly diagnose and prescribe appropriate therapy.

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A regular menstrual cycle is the key to the health of every woman, but sometimes during absolutely normal periods unusual discharge is observed, which frightens many. These include the appearance of blood clots. They usually come out in chunks and are very disturbing to women. Usually, if you experience meat-like symptoms, you should seek medical help. Sometimes the cause of such discharge is an inflammatory process in the body or gynecological diseases.

Approximately one in three women experience discharge in the form of large pieces of blood during menstruation. They can be divided into two groups, the first of which is normal and is not accompanied by other dangerous symptoms. The second type appears due to the presence of a gynecological disease in the body.

Throughout the menstrual cycle, the inner lining of the uterus gradually becomes thicker, thus preparing for possible fertilization. If pregnancy does not occur, the endometrial layer, along with the blood, is torn off and comes out of the vagina, sometimes in the form of pieces of exfoliated endometrium, which is not a pathology.

Menstrual blood has a dark red color and a characteristic odor. There are usually no clots present, but some women report the appearance of small pieces of blood as a monthly occurrence.

They appear when the enzymes responsible for its coagulation cannot cope with heavy discharge, so it can coagulate directly into the vagina. For this reason, pieces that look like meat come out, but in fact it is just coagulated blood. When a clot comes out of the vagina, like skin or tissue, it may just be separated endometrium.

Main symptoms

Despite the fact that discharge in the form of clots is considered normal, in most cases you need to consult a gynecologist about this. You should urgently seek medical help in the following cases:

  • the size of the isolated pieces is more than 3 cm;
  • simultaneously with the clots, the woman’s temperature rises;
  • weakness;
  • pain in the abdomen.

If during menstruation a clot comes out simultaneously with other symptoms, a pathological process may develop in the body.

Pathological changes

When a woman's periods are usually long and heavy, there is no need to worry about this. But there are other reasons for the appearance of atypical discharge.

The enzymatic system is responsible for the normal process of blood clotting in women, failures in which lead to the appearance of small clots, which changes the nature of the discharge. They contain particles that did not have time to coagulate in time. If a woman's blood clots too quickly, a clot will certainly appear during her period.

A lack of enzymes most often leads to poor coagulation and the release of meat-like pieces. Such discharge also occurs with anemia in women. If you experience weakness or high fever at the same time as clots, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

Presence of an intrauterine device

The intrauterine device, which is used to protect against unwanted pregnancy, also often causes bleeding in the form of pieces. After its installation, menstruation changes slightly. Clots appear due to the fact that a foreign body in the form of a spiral does not always take root well in the female body, as well as due to the rejection of a fertilized egg.

Almost always, when installing the IUD, the color, character and consistency of menstrual blood changes. A large piece also comes out due to the septum on the cervix, when the spiral does not allow the egg to attach to the walls of the uterus, and it comes out of the vagina in the form of bloody pieces. In this case, a large clot will appear every time during menstruation.

Adhesive processes

Changes in the structure of the uterine wall lead to the formation of adhesions. The uterine cavity is affected by the adhesive process and because of this, the normal menstrual cycle is disrupted. Menstruation can be quite scanty, but with the presence of clots, the size and number of which depend on the degree of development of adhesions.

Without treatment, adhesive formations often result in the absence of menstruation and infertility, so it is necessary to consult a specialist for any changes in menstrual blood.

Endometrial polyposis

When endometrial cells grow locally, polyps form. Because of them, a large clot may appear during menstruation. Endometrial polyposis is characterized by severe cutting pain. True, clots can come out at almost any time during the menstrual cycle. Discharge during polyposis increases, but its nature depends on the size of the polyps, which can separate and come out of the vagina as a clot.

Childbirth as a cause of clots

Women who have just given birth have no reason to worry, for whom heavy periods with pieces of blood are the norm. Childbirth is a complex process, which is why the female body requires a lot of effort to recover after it. After the birth of a child, excess epithelium comes out of the uterus simultaneously with blood discharge in order to best clean its cavity.

During childbirth, the uterus participates in the process of the birth of a child. It contracts intensely, and after the newborn comes the placenta. But blood clots still remain in the cavity of the female organ and then come out along with menstruation. Such discharge should not bother a woman unless it is accompanied by a rise in temperature and poor health.


Sometimes the discharge of pieces of blood or tissue can mean termination of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion or medical intervention leads to discharge of this kind.


After an artificial termination of pregnancy, women will always have within ten days. In general, this is a normal phenomenon, because the body needs to cleanse itself of excess clots in the uterine cavity. Such discharge is not considered menstruation, but a kind of body response to stress after an abortion. Their duration depends on the individual health characteristics of the woman.

The color and size of bloody discharge plays an important role in this process. Very large pieces of blood, pain in the abdomen, and fever should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor. The type and amount of blood released depends on the type of abortion. During medical termination of pregnancy, heavy bleeding is observed only in the first days after taking the drugs, and then they become spotting.

Vacuum and surgical abortion are characterized by copious discharge. The presence of any additional symptoms at the same time can be life-threatening for a woman.


A large blood clot in some cases means miscarriage in early pregnancy. Another characteristic sign of a miscarriage is the appearance of gray mucus with a yellow tint. Conception is interrupted for various reasons when the fertilized egg is not accepted by the body.