My teeth began to turn black, what should I do? Why do teeth turn black? Poor quality of oral hygiene

First you need to understand that rotten teeth are not independent disease. It with medical point vision, clear symptom the fact that the teeth, gums, and maybe some other organ or the body as a whole are being undermined by some kind of illness.

Rotten teeth, terrible photos of which can often be found on the Internet, can be the result of excessive smoking, alcoholism and the use of “hard” drugs (complex chemical compounds narcotic substances, especially those prepared at home, based on a solvent, acetic anhydrite or phosphorus from matchboxes). Therefore, before you start using drugs, it may be worth looking at such educational pages to be aware of the consequences.

Heredity is not the last reason that teeth rot, naturally not directly, but through inherited tendencies, which can become excellent risk factors against the background of which tooth decay will occur. For example, thin tooth enamel, “inherited”. It chips very easily, and the small hole is where food accumulates; it’s just a “Klondike” for bacteria.

Failure to observe personal hygiene and oral care rules that everyone knows by heart. Even food stuck between the teeth can cause tooth decay, especially in people with weakened immune systems, pregnant women, etc., but then what can we say about a hole in a tooth that is constantly growing? Yes, it's just teeming with bacteria.

Symptoms of rotting teeth

The main symptoms of tooth decay are:

cutting, bad smell from mouth:
periodic pain in the areas where the decaying tooth is located:
destruction of teeth to black, moth-eaten stumps;
dirty brown “edges”, ideally repeating the top of the crown chewing teeth,
small black holes under the gum.

Treatment of rotten teeth

For many patients who experience this clinical picture, the question of what to do if a tooth rots becomes urgent. First, determine the cause of the disease and begin appropriate treatment (taking antibiotics, strengthening injections, quitting smoking and drugs). Secondly, start treating these teeth - thoroughly clean them, removing all rotten areas with a drill (even cutting them down to the roots), remove the nerves from the canals and fill them, build up the missing part and cover the tooth with a crown. But, and in the event that rotten root tooth, then you just need to remove it - the pin will not stay in it normally.

Even if the work is rotten goes by the teeth at an excellent pace, to identify the cause of the appearance putrefactive processes, because if the spread of putrefaction is not stopped, all the money spent on dental restoration will go down the drain along with the work of the dentist and prosthetists.

Teeth turn black: why and what to do

Darkening of teeth is alarming to say the least. What does the body want to say by this? Why do teeth become covered with black plaque, and sometimes “dressed up” with blackheads? How to return the natural color to your smile?

Black plaque on teeth: causes

The appearance of dark plaque, one way or another, is associated with a person’s lifestyle. The main causes of blackening of teeth include:

  1. Smoking or excessive love of coffee and strong tea. Almost every person's teeth are covered with a light coating that cannot be removed by normal cleaning. Nicotine resins, tea and coffee pigments penetrate the plaque that has already accumulated near the edge of the gum, coloring it dark color. Gradually, this mass hardens and firmly adheres to the enamel, turning into tartar.
  2. Poor hygiene oral cavity. Despite the abundance of information regarding proper care for teeth and huge amount special means For this, many people still fail to cope with a seemingly very simple task. Moreover, some manage to do without brushing their teeth at all. The appearance of a black coating in this case is quite expected.

  3. Availability serious illnesses. Exacerbation of some diseases is accompanied by darkening of teeth with inside. Especially often, pathologies of the spleen, liver problems, complicated viral infections, disturbed acid-base balance of the oral cavity, and various abscesses make themselves felt in this way.
  4. Long-term use of certain medications. In this sense, tetracycline has proven itself “excellent”. Being a very popular antibiotic, it is often “prescribed” for both reasons: tetracycline is used to treat pneumonia, dysentery, typhus, endocarditis, purulent meningitis, cholecystitis, etc. Among the side effects of the drug is darkening of the teeth, which, by the way, is very, very difficult to whiten.
  5. Constant contact with heavy metals. Here we'll talk about production necessity: workers at metallurgical enterprises, after years of service, can receive not only a promotion, but also black teeth. The problem is condensate, which contains particles heavy metals. Once in the body, it settles even on the walls internal organs, not to mention the teeth.
  6. Not proper nutrition. Consuming huge amounts of “store-bought” chemicals clearly does not improve the condition of your teeth. Take apples, for example. Quite healthy fruit, if you pick it directly from the tree. But apples from the supermarket are stuffed with various chemical preservatives designed to preserve the product's presentation. Therefore, those who like to organize apple fasting days, especially in the off-season, then run the risk of showing off darkened teeth.
  7. Addiction. This is the most critical case: narcotic substances destroy the body as a whole, not leaving teeth unattended. In such a situation, the chances of returning a healthy smile tend to zero.

Most often, black plaque is observed in adults, but there are exceptions. Sometimes the teeth darken in very young children who have not yet learned to love strong coffee or work with heavy metals. What is the reason? Up to 3 years of age children's body intestinal microflora is formed. The child’s teeth turn black due to normal dysbiosis, which will go away on its own. IN as a last resort– blackened milk teeth will soon be replaced by permanent ones. Naturally, it is necessary to show the baby to the pediatrician: at least for the sake of your own peace of mind.

Why do black spots appear on teeth?

It is very simple to determine the cause of the appearance of blackheads - most likely, it is caries. Another question: which one - just beginning, superficial, or developed to pulpitis? Only a dentist can answer, and you should contact him immediately.

If the holes (fissures) do not go deep into the tooth, then they are very easy to fill. If caries has reached the pulp, then depulpation will have to be carried out and the dental nerve removed. It is advisable to prevent such a development of events, since the tooth becomes lifeless and gradually begins to decay.

It should be understood that it is impossible to whiten blackheads on teeth at home, since this is not cosmetic defect, but a symptom of the disease.

How to remove plaque from teeth

Any dental problem requires consultation with a dentist, including black plaque. There are many special techniques that allow you to clean your teeth efficiently and harmlessly. Among the most popular procedures are:

1. Ultrasound. A common way to combat black plaque, since ultrasound machine There is one in almost every clinic, even not very “fashionable” ones. The cost of treating one tooth ranges from 70 to 150 rubles. Ultrasound allows you to remove long-term hard plaque and tartar without damaging the enamel or causing pain to the patient.

2. Air flow. The soft plaque from the surface of the teeth is literally washed away using a soda jet apparatus. Disadvantages of Air Flow:

  • short-term effect (less than six months);
  • inability to remove hardened plaque and tartar;
  • weakening upper layers enamel (after the procedure, it is necessary to treat the surface of the teeth with a protective paste);
  • sometimes – increased tooth sensitivity and bleeding gums.

Almost always, Air Flow is combined with ultrasound to enhance the effect. The cost is 3000-4000 thousand rubles.

3. Laser whitening. The only disadvantage of this procedure is the high price (can reach 30,000 rubles). The effect of laser on teeth is painless, does not damage enamel and does not provoke bleeding gums. The result after whitening lasts for 4-5 years.

If you don’t neglect your teeth and consult a dentist in time, these procedures will successfully return the natural color of your smile.

The blackened wisdom tooth deserves special mention. “Eight” is a rudiment that does not perform any functions: it does not participate in the chewing process. Therefore, in case of any problems with the third molar, its removal is most often indicated: this is much easier than treating a useless tooth located in the middle of nowhere.

Black plaque on teeth: how to remove at home

Although you should not whiten your teeth yourself the best option, sometimes it is not possible to visit the dentist. In this case, you can try one of the folk recipes for yourself:

  • mix 1 tsp. peroxide and soda, apply the resulting product to a cotton pad and gently wipe your teeth with it. After the procedure, you need to rinse your mouth for at least a minute. warm water. Such polishing should not be too frequent so as not to damage the enamel (once a week will be enough);
  • pour boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. chopped bean skin and burdock root, leave for several hours. The result may not be the most delicious, but it will be a very healthy drink for your teeth. They should “treat themselves” three times a day - 0.3 cups each - until the plaque disappears. Before use, the infusion must be warmed up a little;

  • make your own tooth powder. To do this, you will need to place 2 tbsp on foil. l. dried sage leaves and sea ​​salt. Then the foil should be placed in an oven preheated to 180-2000C and kept there for 25-30 minutes. After this time, you need to remove the mixture from the oven, let it cool and grind it - you will get an excellent tooth powder. They need to be used once every 7 days.

Smokers and coffee lovers can purchase special toothpaste R.O.C.S. “Coffee and tobacco” (approximately 250 rubles) Its action is aimed at breaking down the basis of protein plaque and whitening pigmentation with nicotine resins. You need to brush your teeth with toothpaste once a day. To enhance the whitening effect, do not rinse your mouth with water.

In addition to new toothpaste, it is advisable to purchase a new toothbrush - an electric one. It cleans plaque much better and even gets rid of tartar. The cost of such a brush is slightly higher than a regular one, but the costs are well worth it.

Black teeth were once very fashionable in Japan, but much water has passed under the bridge since then. IN modern world other standards of beauty and health, and among them is a snow-white smile.

In children, black plaque may appear within one night, even if the child has not previously complained of anything. Children over one year of age most often suffer from such phenomena. The most intense staining remains on the inside of the teeth. Many people mistakenly believe that if a tooth turns black, it means caries has begun. This is not always the case.

What to do if a tooth turns black inside or outside? It is simply impossible to remove plaque even with thorough and intensive cleaning. Help from professional procedures is not guaranteed: over time, you may notice that the tooth turns black from the inside again.

What can cause a change in enamel color? There are several factors why a tooth suddenly turns black:

Problems can also play a role prenatal development. So, darkening is possible if the mother did not eat properly (the food had little calcium and too much iron or fluoride); was sick infectious diseases or used potentially dangerous drugs.

What to do? The only way out– consult a doctor and remove the black plaque, the dentist will consider this possible. There is a high probability that after some time the dark spots will return again.

Why does this happen in adults?

Why do adults' teeth usually turn black? Normal plaque in adulthood is not a pathology, and its main cause is poor oral hygiene. The danger to the color of the enamel is the following:

If a tooth has darkened and now it hurts, ordinary caries cannot be ruled out. A severe cavity can be any shade from yellowish to dark brown or black. There is only one thing you need to do here - immediately contact your dentist, while the microbes that multiply in carious cavity, did not lead to inflammation of the soft tissue or root.

When the coronal part is partially destroyed (which often happens with eights - wisdom teeth), patients often notice that the inside of the tooth is now black. This indicates the rapid destruction of tissue; it will not be possible to remove the darkening on your own.

How to get rid of black plaque

What to do if the tooth turns black and hurts? The only option is to see a doctor. Any painkillers to which the body does not have a negative reaction will help temporarily cope with pain.

You can simply get rid of plaque with professional Air Flow toothbrushing. You cannot do it with a one-time procedure: it is recommended to repeat it at least once a year. During cleaning, all soft deposits and surface pigmentation will be removed from the enamel, and the teeth will become a couple of shades lighter. The benefits are not only aesthetic, but also practical: plaque is a source of bacteria.

It is imperative to monitor the quality and regularity of ordinary home hygiene procedures. Smokers, for example, can purchase special pastes that dissolve plaque within a few minutes. But you can’t use such products often: their composition is quite aggressive, and ultimately the enamel may suffer.

You should also be careful with conventional whitening pastes: most of them contain small hard abrasive particles, which, although they remove pigmentation from the surface of the teeth, but, again, negatively affect the enamel and can leave micro-scratches on it.

The best option is to quit smoking and reduce your consumption of colored drinks.

As a preventive measure, it is useful to use special mouth rinses. It is recommended to use them immediately after eating, smoking or drinking drinks harmful to enamel. The mouthwash is not a complete replacement for cleaning, but it will help clean the oral cavity when Toothbrush not available.

Can be used to lighten enamel traditional methods. The main thing is to choose a suitable recipe and make sure that the components will not be allergic reaction. It is advisable to consult a dentist before such self-medication - perhaps he will suggest more effective and useful methods.

Factor - food and alcohol

It has been noticed that if you constantly drink strong tea and coffee drinks, then the pigments contained in them color the tooth enamel, which darkens more and more. It is important to remember that for a sweet tooth who overuses desserts, oxidative processes occur in the mouth caused by the decomposition of sucrose.

An imbalance also occurs when eating foods with big amount preservatives. You cannot eat such products uncontrollably! After all, such an environment is excellent for the growth of bacteria, which cause darkening and subsequent destruction of tooth enamel.

Drinks containing alcohol have the same effect on the microflora of the oral cavity. Correct selection and a combination of foods, reducing the share of sweets, and daily dental care will help reduce the risk of darkening of the enamel.

Factor - smoking

Compound of resins contained in cigarette smoke, with plaque on the teeth creates a rather aggressive environment.

This combination leads to destruction of the enamel surface. Many people have noticed that smokers' teeth take on a yellowish and eventually brownish tint.

Such people especially need careful care for teeth.

Factor - non-compliance with personal hygiene rules

If you neglect simple requirements to the cleanliness of the oral cavity, then gradually food debris forms plaque, which will lead to blackening of the enamel.

Factor - diseases

The most common cause among diseases is caries. Black dots appear first. Then the enamel darkens noticeably. Shades can be very different - from light brown to completely black.

Another reason - endemic fluorosis, which is formed in childhood and is associated with an excess of fluoride in consumed water. As a result, this leads to the appearance of dark spots, destruction of dentin and enamel.

It is known that drug treatment has side effects. Thus, medications containing iron and tetracycline, when used for a long time, can lead to darkening of tooth enamel.

Factor - injuries

There are cases when darkening of teeth occurs as a result of severe trauma. In this case, the activity of blood vessels and nerves is disrupted, which leads to tissue necrosis. The tooth becomes dead and turns black.

All these problems can and should be dealt with. Daily oral hygiene, improving the health of the entire body, proper nutrition and regular visits to the dentist will help keep your teeth healthy and beautiful. The main thing to remember is that prevention is better than cure.

Causes of tooth pigmentation

The appearance of an unaesthetic defect occurs for objective and subjective reasons. There are a number of factors that contribute to the blackening of teeth and the appearance of dark plaque on the enamel. Let's try to figure out why this happens and what provokes the development of pathology. The reasons include the following factors presented below.

Harmful effects of food dyes

Nicotine is the leader in this list, since its resins negatively affect the color of enamel and the condition of teeth in general. Heavy smokers who smoke one or more packs of cigarettes per day, hookah and pipe lovers automatically fall into the risk group. Second place rightfully goes to strong tea and coffee. Excessive consumption of these drinks can lead to darkening of teeth and the appearance of unwanted stains on them. spoil snow-white smile Red wine, beets and similar food colorings are also suitable. The organs of patients who abuse the above foods and drinks look flawless only after professional cleaning. In case of its absence or neglect of the rules of oral hygiene, temporary plaque hardens, gradually turning into tartar.

Neglect of oral care rules

Dentists have developed special rules for brushing your teeth; this should be done by performing circular movements for at least 2-3 minutes. The result of poor oral hygiene is the deposition of plaque on the teeth, which leads to their darkening. To avoid pigmentation, doctors recommend hygiene procedures after eating. Moreover, simple rinsing without the use of a brush and paste is not enough; it only helps to get rid of food residues, soft coating at the same time remains on the units of the dentition.

Patient susceptibility to chronic diseases

There are a number of pathologies that contribute to darkening of the enamel. These include diseases of the spleen and liver. In addition, a darkened tooth indicates a violation acid-base balance, and sometimes about the presence of such dangerous illnesses viral in nature, like AIDS, HIV and others. Darkening is common in patients suffering from certain congenital diseases, say, such as Hutchinson's, Fournier's, Pfluger's disease.

Use of antibacterial drugs

As practice shows, the most dangerous antibiotic, the use of which leads to irreversible consequences in the form of blackness on the enamel, is Tetracycline. The danger of this medication is that it will get rid of dark spots, in this case, almost impossible. Even professional whitening sometimes fails.

Exposure to harmful substances

This is how employees of metallurgical enterprises risk getting darkened organs, since heavy metal compounds deposited on the surface of the enamel contribute to the formation of plaque, which over time turns into tartar.

Failure to follow healthy eating rules

It has been scientifically proven that people who prefer a quick snack hastily nutritious meals, they face the problem of teeth blackening many times more often.

Development of carious disease

After damage to the inside of the teeth, especially those located in hard-to-reach places, blackness begins to appear on outside, staining the enamel. Damage to the organ in this case, as a rule, begins with the appearance of black dots on the tooth enamel.

Factors that provoke darkening of teeth in children include:

Blackening of tooth enamel is rarely accompanied by pain, but is a serious concern. Typically, patients' experiences are associated with an unsightly smile, especially when dark spots appear on the front teeth.

There are several reasons for darkening of the enamel, each requiring proper treatment under the supervision of a dentist. Immediate contact with the dentist is necessary if the tooth becomes black inside. This phenomenon indicates the development of infection in the area of ​​dentin and tooth roots.

Why do adults' teeth turn black inside and out?

The color of teeth depends on the quality of oral hygiene, diet, availability chronic diseases, bad habits and lifestyle. The cause of the development of the pathology can be determined by the nature and location of the darkening.

Darkening of the external enamel of teeth in most cases occurs as a result of insufficiently thorough oral hygiene, consumption coloring products and abuse of bad habits. The inside of the tooth may darken due to systemic failures in the body or internal diseases.

Poor quality of oral hygiene

The main reason why they get dark healthy teeth in adults – insufficient oral hygiene. Too fast, irregular or insufficiently thorough brushing of teeth, poor quality cleaning of the internal dental surfaces and interdental spaces leads to the accumulation of plaque.

Initially the coating is soft, yellowish color. It can be easily removed at home by thoroughly cleaning the tooth surface twice a day. Over time, the plaque becomes denser and darker. Hard plaque can only be removed through professional cleaning.

Food colors and natural pigments

Strong black tea, coffee, beets, red wine, and red-black berries have the most intense coloring effect. Their pigments penetrate the natural plaque, giving it a dark shade. The pigmented soft plaque hardens and turns into tartar.

The main reason why adults' teeth turn black from the inside is deep carious lesions, in which the affected teeth are visible through the thin wall of the enamel. internal tissues dentin and pulp. On early stages diseases, small dark spots appear on the enamel; over time, the lesion reaches the dentinal layer and leads to rotting of the tooth from the inside.

With caries, the tooth can not only turn black, but also hurt. The only way troubleshooting is professional dental treatment in a clinical setting.

Long-term use of antibiotics

Teeth may turn black after prolonged use of tetracycline antibiotics. If the enamel has darkened after taking Tetracycline, it will not be possible to restore its color with the help of bleaching and professional cleaning - complex therapy is necessary.

Systemic and chronic diseases

The cause of blackening of teeth can be diseases accompanied by metabolic disorders, the functioning of the liver and spleen, as well as changes in the acid-base balance in the body.

Most often, teeth turn black from the inside with diabetes, kidney and liver diseases, gastritis, serious viral infections, abscesses and progressive anemia.


Blows and bruises often lead to injury to the root canals and neurovascular bundle, causing hard tissues not enough teeth are supplied nutrients. First, the enamel becomes dull and then begins to darken. The tooth begins to hurt immediately after injury. The same mechanism for changing the shade of enamel is observed when patients undergo tooth depulpation.

Bad habits

Smoking leads to blackening of the enamel due to the fact that tobacco contains nicotine and tars, which intensely stain the tooth surface, especially the interdental spaces. In heavy smokers, the overall tone of the enamel darkens, and a dense brown-black plaque appears at the roots on the inside of the teeth.

Drug addiction is fraught with systemic destruction of the body by toxic components, which is why teeth rapidly darken, begin to crumble and become loose. If you do not stop the flow of poisons into the body, they will begin to fall out.

From alcoholic drinks Only red wine containing natural dyes, due to which it becomes darker.

Prolonged regular contact with heavy metals

When processing heavy metals, condensation is formed, which settles on the oral mucosa and causes the appearance of a characteristic black plaque. Most often, employees of metallurgical and chemical enterprises have blackened teeth from working with metal.

Why can a child's teeth turn black?

The list of reasons why children's teeth darken is somewhat different from why adults' teeth darken. The most common reasons for darkening of children's enamel include:

  • Fluorosis. The disease is associated with an excess of fluoride in drinking water and is the most common reason why teeth turn black in children and some adults. Fluorosis can be detected by characteristic lesion enamel - it is covered with light and dark spots.
  • Irrational nutrition. Plaque on the teeth of children is formed not only due to insufficient oral hygiene, but also due to an incorrectly formulated diet, including a large number of industrially produced sweets and carbonated drinks with high content Sahara.
  • Early caries. A feature of the development of caries on primary incisors, canines and molars is its rapidity: before the tooth begins to hurt, a carious lesion can destroy most of it.
  • Taking antibiotics by the mother during pregnancy.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Genetic predisposition.

What to do if your teeth turn black inside or outside

Therapy is prescribed depending on why the teeth have darkened. If the teeth have darkened due to poor oral hygiene, smoking or poor diet, the doctor will prescribe professional cleaning, which will return the original enamel color.

After the procedure, you need to keep your mouth clean by regularly cleaning the enamel twice with a brush and paste, which the doctor will select individually. The dentist will demonstrate to the patient correct technique cleaning, during which plaque will be efficiently removed not only from the front incisors, but also from the distant molars. After each meal, you need to use rinses that restore the acid-base balance in the mouth.

If the tooth turns black from the inside, you will have to take an x-ray so that the doctor can rule out inflammatory process in the pulp and prescribe adequate treatment. Darkening inside the tooth, caused by untreated caries or trauma to the neurovascular bundle, is eliminated by removing the affected tissue and subsequent filling of the crown and roots.

If the tooth has darkened inside due to common diseases or long-term use of medications, prescribed conservative therapy. If it is ineffective, the dentist may suggest making special dental onlays; their use is especially important when the front teeth in the smile area are darkened.

Blackened or darkened tooth enamel is immediately noticeable, especially if the problem appears on the outside of the front teeth. Dark stains create a strong contrast on a white surface, and can be removed with standard means Oral hygiene is very difficult.

In fact, there are quite a few reasons for the occurrence of black plaque on teeth, and sometimes it is possible to identify the root cause of the disease only after full examination body.

Black teeth: causes of pathology

Note! Favorable conditions The occurrence and spread of pathology may be caused by an incorrect diet, neglect of the rules of daily personal hygiene, bad habits (alcoholism and drug addiction, smoking), hereditary and chronic diseases and many other factors.

  • Black plaque formed due to natural pigments and dyes. Number one on the list coloring matter includes nicotine and combustion products released during smoking. A person who smokes 1 pack of cigarettes per day or is addicted to hookah steam can hardly boast of a “Hollywood” smile. Second place in this list is given to strong tea and coffee. In addition, the pigments of these products are complemented by a natural microbial coating, which has a dark tint.
Photo 1: Teeth may turn black in those who eat foods such as beets or red wine. Under the influence of coloring substances contained in them in large quantities, soft plaque hardens over time and turns into tartar. Source: flickr (Augusto Santos).
  • Poor hygiene(or her complete absence) oral cavity. People who do not take good care of their oral cavity, ignoring the distance between the teeth when brushing, as well as the inner surface of the dentition, may also encounter the problem of blackened teeth. If you do not clean out food debris well, they remain in hard-to-reach places, provoking the occurrence of putrefactive processes, the appearance of yellow plaque, which over time develops into tartar or, even worse, into carious disease.
  • Presence of chronic or systemic diseases. There are some diseases that can result in a person developing a pathology such as blackening of teeth. In most cases, this symptom indicates a malfunction of the spleen or liver, an imbalance of the acid-base environment in the body. Also, often darkening of the enamel and the entire tooth as a whole can be caused by the human immunodeficiency virus and other serious pathologies.
  • Unsystematic antibiotic therapy, and long-term use medical supplies, the list of side effects of which includes darkening of the dentition.
  • The disease can also develop due to forced constant contact with heavy metal compounds. This symptom often worries workers at metallurgical enterprises. The fact is that condensation, which settles on the human body, as well as on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, contains metal compounds, which subsequently form a corresponding plaque.
  • Poor nutrition. Fast food lovers often go to the dentist with black teeth.

Photo 2: " Fast food"or, as we used to call it, snacks, contains industrial ingredients, chemical elements, a lot of dyes and preservatives, which lead not only to the blackening of the enamel surface, but also to the development of caries, the formation of microcracks and other serious problems with teeth. Source: flickr (SteFou!)

The tooth turns black and darkens on the inside

Teeth darkened on the inside may indicate that the process of caries development has begun. Food remains, mechanical damage, the presence of dentures and other factors lead to changes in the composition of saliva. This in turn creates favorable environment for the proliferation of microbes that actively attack the enamel, reaching all the way to the pulp. The onset of the disease, unfortunately, is very difficult to recognize - at the beginning of the development of pathology, small black dots appear on the surface of the chewing molars. Very often, people only realize it when the entire tooth has turned black from the inside.

This is interesting! If due to a bruise or any other mechanical damage the teeth have been affected by vessels or nerves, it may not receive the necessary useful material and, as a result, blackening of the enamel occurs.

What to do if a symptom appears

First of all, it is necessary to establish the reason why the teeth turned black.

If the problem is directly related to chronic or systemic diseases, then treatment should be carried out by specialized specialists.

Carious disease can be defeated with the help of sanitation and further therapy.

If the darkening of the enamel occurs due to poor hygiene, the doctor will clean it and help you choose the optimal product for daily care(therapeutic toothpaste, a suitable toothbrush, mouthwashes, irrigators, dental floss etc.).

If the disease is caused by bad habits or arose as a result of contact with metals, which caused the formation of tartar, then it can be eliminated using the following measures:

  • ultrasonic cleaning, which allows you to remove long-term tartar (during the procedure the patient does not experience discomfort, and the enamel remains intact);
  • AirFlow. This procedure is recommended to be carried out once every 6 months;
  • laser whitening. This technology allows you to get rid of tartar. The effect lasts for long period time.


For treatment various pathologies associated with the oral cavity and teeth, it is often recommended to use homeopathic remedies. The method of treatment using homeopathy guarantees positive result by influencing the root cause of the disease and individual approach to every patient. An experienced homeopath will determine the source of the disease and offer the patient an appropriate course of treatment.

Problem: A patient approached the Dial-Dent clinic with a desire to whiten his darkened front tooth. According to the patient, the discoloration began several years ago, after tooth treatment.

Solution: the patient is shown re-treatment of the tooth using a dental microscope and internal whitening of the darkened tooth and/or restoration is recommended front tooth various methods(direct restoration or veneers).

During the diagnosis, the doctor found out that the significant darkening of the front tooth was due to improperly performed root canal treatment, which was carried out many years ago. Organic contents remained in the cavity of the tooth canal, which gradually stained the tooth from the inside. The first stage on the path to normalizing tooth color for similar problems is quality treatment canals using a microscope and following the endodontic protocol. Root canal treatment with a microscope will eliminate the cause of the discoloration. The next step is choosing a method for changing the color of the tooth. It is impossible to lighten a tooth using regular whitening, since it is not the color of the enamel that has been changed, but the tissue of the tooth has darkened from the inside.

A black tooth is a reason for bad mood and a reason to urgently think about own health. To solve the problem, you need to know why it darkened, what external or internal influences led to similar discomfort, and, having changed them, conquer others and delight yourself with a snow-white smile.

Darkening of molars and baby teeth

Darkening of teeth can affect both adults and children at any age; it appears suddenly or gradually. The problem can affect the front row or wisdom teeth; darkening occurs over the entire surface or only at the base, from the outer or reverse side, from inside a living tooth or under a filling.

The reasons, as well as the visible manifestations of blackening, are varied: hereditary predisposition, unfavorable external factors, the state of the body itself (digestive and the immune system), bad habits, medical impact.

Causes of occurrence in adults

Adult man having necessary information, is easily able to analyze why he has a dark tooth and what to do about it:

Why do children's teeth turn black?

Changes in enamel color in children can occur in different cases:

In addition to those listed specific reasons darkening of teeth in children, their first teeth have general properties with constants. As in adults, blackening of teeth can be observed due to acid-base imbalance, chronic diseases, carious destruction, individual characteristics, consumption of foods and medications that contribute to the appearance of black teeth.

How to get rid of black tooth enamel?

To restore the original whiteness of black teeth, you can seek help from professionals or use experience traditional medicine which offers alternative methods relief from health problems for those who various reasons does not reach doctors. How effective simple recipes If a tooth has darkened, you can check it yourself, but they will not replace the work of a specialist.

Professional help

A consultation with a dentist will clarify the situation about the need and advisability of treatment and prevention of the oral cavity. Dark tooth may only be an aesthetic problem or require surgical treatment, especially if it hurts.

If the color change occurs inside the filling, the doctor will suggest effective methods treatment: replacement of old material, whitening at the canal level, use of crown attachments, installation of an onlay-veneer, etc. Separately, experts stipulate the treatment of a black wisdom tooth - it is advisable either not to touch it, or to completely remove it.

Professional whitening The removal of black teeth using modern equipment has not only an aesthetic value, but also performs a preventive function - plaque is removed before it can provoke the occurrence of caries. Dental clinics offer their patients 3 main whitening methods in case of darkening of tooth enamel. The choice of the most suitable type of treatment for teeth blackening depends on the recommendations of the attending physician and the financial capabilities of the patient:

  • Ultrasonic cleaning. You can quickly, effectively, and painlessly remove even hardened plaque where the tooth has turned black. The result can last for about 5 years.
  • Air Flow – cleaning using a soda jet. Unhardened plaque is easily removed, but only in easily accessible places. The procedure is recommended to be carried out every six months.
  • Laser whitening. This procedure recommended for large accumulations of tartar and old dark deposits. The effect lasts up to 7 years.

At home

You can use it yourself accessible ways make your smile more attractive.