Ideal body weight according to BMI. What is body mass index? Skinfold index

Body mass index is an important parameter that allows you to assess the health status of representatives of the stronger sex.

Sudden changes in body weight always adversely affect the functioning of body systems, therefore both weight gain and weight loss are considered a deviation from the norm. However, it is considered more dangerous rapid increase body weight - obesity.

For men overweight threatens with the following consequences:

  • diabetes;
  • cordially- vascular diseases;
  • decreased immunity;
  • disruption of the respiratory system;
  • loss of stamina;
  • decreased performance;
  • erectile disfunction;
  • infertility.

Representatives of the stronger sex are especially frightened by the likelihood of developing impotence and loss of the ability to procreate due to obesity. After all, weight gain is caused by a failure in metabolic processes and violation hormonal levels.

Weight loss also leads to serious complications and worsens the health of men, manifesting itself in the following consequences:

In view of this, it is important that BMI in men corresponds to the norm. Maintaining a normal body weight will help you maintain not only beautiful figure, but also health.

BMI parameter value

Body mass index is special indicator, which displays the correspondence between a person’s weight and height.

This parameter is different for each individual patient and depends on many factors. When assessing BMI, the following are taken into account:

  • gender;
  • age category;
  • degree of development muscle mass;
  • hormonal status;
  • Lifestyle.

The BMI norm for men is always higher than for women. Among middle-aged representatives of the stronger sex, this figure is higher than among old people or teenagers. Below
The values ​​of the body mass index parameter are given.

  1. A BMI of up to 16 indicates that men are extremely thin.
  2. A BMI of 16 to 18.5 indicates moderate underweight.
  3. A BMI from 18.5 to 24.9 is normal.
  4. A BMI of 25 to 30 is a symptom of non-critical (moderate) excess weight.
  5. A BMI from 30 to 35 is characteristic of stage 1 obesity.
  6. A BMI of 35 to 40 indicates stage 2 obesity.
  7. A BMI of 40 and above is a sign of critical excess weight - grade 3 obesity.

When the BMI for men exceeds 40, a serious threat to life arises and surgical intervention is required to eliminate the problem of severe obesity.

The likelihood of developing diseases due to obesity can be determined by assessing BMI and waist circumference. After all heavy weight is not always a sign of hormonal imbalance and metabolic disorders. For example, men who engage in weightlifting can have a lot of weight due to muscle mass and still be completely healthy.

If the BMI parameter is higher than normal and the waist circumference reaches 102 cm or more, then the risk of developing diseases due to obesity increases significantly. When the body mass index is 35 kg/m2 or higher, and the waist circumference is 100 cm or more, this indicates a critical condition and danger to life.

In order to estimate the ratio of weight in relation to height, it is necessary
use this formula:

I = M: (PxP)

In this formula, I is the body mass index (kg/m2), M is mass (kg), P is height (m). For example, let's calculate the BMI for men weighing 90 kg and height 187 cm:

I = 90: (1.87 x1.87) = 25.7 - which is the norm.

This formula is widely used in practice in medicine in order to establish deviations in the state of health associated with impaired body weight. However, it is important to understand that BMI for men can vary from person to person. special case. IN adolescence This diagnostic method is not used. It is also useless to rely on normal values ​​when measuring BMI in men involved in weightlifting. For a developing organism, the parameters will always be lower, and for athletes with a strong physique - higher.

Weight correction

If your body mass index begins to exceed the norm or decreases, you should definitely seek advice from a specialist. To normalize weight, patients are prescribed a special optimal suitable diet, and also an individual diet is compiled. With slight excess body weight men are recommended:

  • reduce food portions and frequency of meals;
  • give up foods that cause weight gain;
  • eat more grains, vegetables and fruits;
  • follow a diet, eat at the same time, do not eat at night;
  • increase physical activity;
  • monitor your sleep and rest patterns.

If the BMI for men is below normal, but the body weight deficit is not critical, then you should follow the following advice from your doctor:

  • increase portions and eat more often
  • increase the calorie content of dishes by including protein foods in the diet;
  • perform physical exercises that help increase muscle mass;
  • observe a rest and sleep schedule.

In case of critical weight gain or loss, the specialist will prescribe appropriate treatment, since diet and regimen alone will not be effective in correcting body weight and preventing the development of complications.

Enter your parameters in the form below and calculate your body mass index.

Body weight (kg)

Height (cm)


Your body mass index (BMI/BMI): 0

Standard body mass index

By calculating our own body mass index, we can determine whether we have deviations towards obesity or towards underweight. This indicator will tell you whether a certain diet or additional physical exercise. But it must be remembered that this index is quite subjective, since it is influenced by a lot of factors, including race, occupation, age, gender, etc.

What is body mass index and how to calculate?

Body mass index is an indicator that allows you to determine how a person’s body weight and height compare. It was first proposed by the Belgian statistician and sociologist Adolphe Ketel in 1869. The index is calculated using the following formula:

BMI=M/N 2 (kg/m 2)

, Where

M - body weight (kg),

H—height (m).

The World Health Organization uses this indicator to develop recommendations regarding bringing body weight back to normal. Thus, a BMI value below 16 indicates the development of dystrophy, and above 40 - to the third degree of obesity, which threatens fatal. BMI values ​​between 16 and 40 are interpreted as follows:

  • 16-18.5 - indicates underweight;
  • 18.5-25 - body weight within normal limits;
  • 25-30 - there are the first signs of obesity;
  • 30-35 – the first degree of obesity is observed;
  • 35-40 - presence of second degree obesity.

Let's look at the example of calculating body mass index. If a person is 174 cm tall and weighs 68 kg, then the BMI will be: 68/1.74 2 = 22.5. This value falls in the range of 18.5-25, which means that the body weight of such a person is within the normal range.

The described formula is universal and applies regardless of the person’s gender. But to more accurately determine the normal weight of women and men, there are separate scales. It should also be noted that the formula does not always give exact result. For example, if you apply it to an athlete, the index may be overestimated. This is explained by the presence of developed muscles, which have more high density, how adipose tissue. Therefore, body mass index should be treated as an approximate value.

Other methods for determining normal body weight

It is precisely because of the imperfections of this formula that specialists have developed other methods for calculating normal body weight. The most popular among them are:

  1. Broca's index. Most reliable results it gives for men and women with a height of 155-170 cm. The algorithm for its calculation is quite simple. First, the number 100 is subtracted from the height value in centimeters. Then, for women, 15% is subtracted from the result obtained, and for men, 10%. The resulting number is normal body weight expressed in kilograms.
  2. Breitman index. To determine your ideal body weight using this method, you need to multiply your height in centimeters by 0.7 and subtract 50.
  3. Bornhardt index. It is calculated as follows: the product of height and chest circumference in centimeters is divided by 240.
  4. Method using a three-dimensional scanner.

Of the described methods, the Broca index is the most popular. Anthropologist and surgeon P. Broca proposed it in 1868. The technique is quite simple, but therefore very common. Many people know it in a simplified form: from the height value in centimeters you need to subtract the number 100. For example, if a person’s height is 174 cm, then his normal body weight will be 74 kg. The technique is best suited for young people of both sexes (but, first of all, it is recommended for men) with a height of 155 to 170 cm and a normosthenic physique.

If a person’s height does not fall within this range, then the formula can be used to estimate weight. Despite this, the technique has become very popular compared to others precisely due to its simplicity.

Practical application of body mass index

This technique was developed for mass use, therefore in each individual case it does not always give fair results. Still, BMI can provide guidelines for working on getting your own body in order.

It allows you to draw certain conclusions about the need for a diet or the development of an individual fitness program. But you cannot rely solely on the results of this technique. For example, the body mass index may be normal, but there may be sagging skin and a clear excess of adipose tissue.

In this case, there is no need to go on a strict diet, but regular exercise can be very beneficial. They will help you become more toned and make your body attractive.

If BMI clearly indicates overweight, then there is a need to get rid of extra pounds. In such a situation alone physical exercise may not be enough, it is advisable to supplement them with a certain diet.

Even when the index only reaches 25, but does not yet exceed this value, this already indicates the need to take care of your own weight. And here you need to pay attention additional factors risk. These include some diseases (hypertension or other diseases of cardio-vascular system), smoking, having a family history of people with heart disease and sedentary lifestyle life. In this case, reducing body weight even by a few kilograms (within 10% of weight) will give positive results and will significantly reduce the risk of developing further diseases which causes obesity.

If the body mass index shows that a person has one of the degrees of obesity or is about to appear, it is necessary to urgently take measures to put his body in order. physical condition. It is imperative to take care of your health in order to avoid extreme unpleasant consequences associated with obesity. It will definitely be necessary to develop proper diet, as well as a special fitness program. Don’t try to calm yourself down and convince yourself that everything is fine, but immediately get to work burning those extra pounds.

To put it simply, accessible language, then the body mass index shows the correspondence between a person’s height and his weight. It clearly shows underweight or obesity. That is why such a simple and accessible calculation of BMI is very popular not only in everyday life, but doctors also actively use it.

Of course, relying only on this calculation one cannot bet medical diagnoses. The value of body mass index is more likely to be an average reading, since it does not take into account all the nuances of the state of a particular person’s body.

But, for the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that the human body mass index calculated using the formula can tell you about the need to urgently consult a doctor to develop special program on weight loss if your indicators are “off scale”.

Body Mass Index Formula

BMI= Weight, kg)
Height (m) 2

We were able to calculate the body mass index for women, but now we need to analyze the data obtained. WITH medical point From the perspective of normal weight, weight is considered to be in a fairly wide range of values, since it takes into account all the characteristics of the human body: gender, age, physical activity, etc.

Let's calculate your body mass index and analyze the results.

Online calculator for calculating BMI



We interpret the obtained result as follows:

Severe underweight

If after calculations you get a result less than 16.5 and are not considered one of the thinnest models in the world, this is a reason to seriously think about your health. After all, a body mass index below 17.5 kg/m² is one of the diagnostic indicators of anorexia.


An indicator from 16 to 18.5 kg/m² indicates a lack of body weight. If everyone around tells a girl that she is very thin, she should determine her BMI, and if it is within this indicator, then under no circumstances should she adhere to a diet. After all, too little weight causes many health problems, from anemia and bone loss to problems conceiving a child.

Normal body weight

The luckiest ones are those whose BMI is in the range of 18.5-24.99 kg/m². After all, this is an indicator of normal weight. Only those whose weight is close to the upper limit of normal, and whose waist circumference in women exceeds 81 cm, and in men - 94 cm, should only think about following a diet that is not too strict. The latest figures indicate excess weight.

Excess body weight (pre-obesity)

A body mass index of 25 to 29.99 kg/m² indicates overweight. This degree is also called pre-obesity. This category includes, for example, women who, with a height of 160 cm, weigh 64-65 kg. They have a plump appearance and this doesn't seem to be a problem.

However, from a medical point of view, they are already in the zone special risk on the development of diseases caused by excess weight, especially if they have a waist circumference of more than 80 cm. closer person approaches the upper limit of the body mass index, the higher the risk of developing such serious illnesses, such as cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, diabetes.


Indicators from 30 to 34.99 kg/m² are a signal of danger to health, because they indicate the presence of first-degree obesity. It is necessary to reduce body weight in this situation, because obesity is not a problem of beauty, but serious illness. In first-degree obesity, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and hypertension are real threats, and the larger your waist size, the higher the risk.

A body mass index from 35 to 39.99 kg/m² indicates second-degree obesity, which doctors associate with very high risk development of serious diseases.

If the body mass index is 40 kg/m² or more, this is third-degree obesity. This indicator indicates a threat not only to health, but also to life.

How to calculate body mass index: Video lesson

Everyone needs it to modern man know how to calculate body weight and make correct conclusions about the status of the indices that show whether you have obesity or a predisposition to this disease. We provide you with basic methods on how to calculate your body weight using simple formulas and tables.

Human body weight and its excess

A person’s body weight is the most important indicator of our health, determining whether nutrition meets the body’s needs. A distinction is made between normal, overweight and underweight.

Naturally, obesity necessarily presupposes the presence overweight body, formed due to the accumulation of fat.

However, the concept of excess body weight is not synonymous with obesity and has an independent meaning. So, many people have a slight excess of body weight that does not reach the level of illness, that is, obesity. In addition, excess body weight is due to developed muscles (in athletes or people involved in heavy work). physical labor) or fluid retention in the body in a number of diseases.

In the same way, lack of body weight does not always reach the level of disease - protein-energy malnutrition. Many methods have been developed to control body weight. They are usually aimed at comparing height and weight and comparing the result with standard indicators, calculated based on various formulas or given in special tables. Previously, in domestic medicine, body weight that exceeded the norm for a given adult by 5-14% was called excess, and that exceeded the norm by 15% or more indicated obesity as a disease. At the same time, in foreign medical practice obesity was considered excess body weight that reached 20% or more compared with the norms adopted in tables or obtained using calculation formulas. As a result, obesity rates in our country were higher than in other countries.

Broca's formula

Broca's formula, proposed over a century ago by the French surgeon and anatomist Paul Broca, is still famous. According to this formula, we get the following indicators norms.

Normal body weight

For men of average build:

  • with a height of up to 165 cm, the norm of body weight in kilograms is equal to the height in centimeters minus 100;
  • with a height of 166-175 cm - minus 105;
  • with a height of 175 cm or more - minus 110.

Fatness or obesity: methods for assessing body weight

Women of the appropriate height and build should have a body weight that is approximately 5% less than men.

A simplified version of the calculation is also proposed:

  • for women under the age of 35, normal body weight should be equal to height in centimeters minus 110;
  • over 35 years old - height in centimeters minus 100.

In people with narrow chest(asthenic physique), the obtained data decreases by 5%, and for people with a wide chest (hypersthenic physique) - increases by 5%.

I note that the formula “height in centimeters minus 100,” popular due to its simplicity, and used for people of any height, distorts Broca’s index.

How to determine BMI: calculating body mass index

Currently, a very informative indicator is used in international practice - the calculation of body mass index (BMI), also called the Quetelet index. In 1997 and 2000 WHO recommended assessing body weight based on BMI, which Russian doctors agreed with. However, in the report “Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of primary arterial hypertension V Russian Federation"(2000) experts from the Scientific Society for the Study of Arterial Hypertension, the All-Russian Scientific Society of Cardiologists and the Interdepartmental Council for cardiovascular diseases made an amendment: as lower limit BMI characterizing normal weight body, it is proposed to consider 20 kg/m 2 instead of the WHO recommended indicator of 18.5 kg/m 2 shown in the table. The reason for this proposal is simple: a number of studies have found that among people with low values BMI (less than 19-20 kg/m2) there is a higher mortality rate not only from oncological diseases or chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, but also from cardiovascular diseases.

Before determining BMI, existing body weight in kilograms is divided by height in meters squared:

BMI = body weight (in kilograms) / (height in 2 meters).

Body Mass Index Score Chart

The body mass index table allows you to assess your health status and predict possible risks development chronic diseases. It provides characteristics of body mass index (BMI) indicators. We caution you that body mass index assessment should be carried out by a qualified physician, taking into account your individual characteristics.

BMI, kg/m2


Less than 20 (18.5)*


20 (18,5) - 24,9

Normal body weight

Excess body weight

Obesity 1st degree (mild)

Obesity 2nd degree (moderate)

40 or more

Obesity 3rd degree (severe)

I will demonstrate the application of the formula on specific example. Let's assume your height is 165 cm and your weight is 67 kilograms.

  1. Convert height from centimeters to meters - 1.65 m.
  2. Square 1.65 m and it becomes 2.72.
  3. Now divide 67 (weight) by 2.72. Your result is 25.7 kg/m2, which corresponds to the upper limit of the norm.

You don’t have to calculate BMI individually, but use a special table developed by D. G. Bessenen in 2001.

Please note that it has a number of disadvantages: there are no BMI indicators below 19 kg/m2, and BMI characterizing different degrees obesity are given in abbreviated form in the table.

Table - Body mass indices according to height and body weight:

Body mass index

Body weight, kg (rounded)

Waist hip index

IN last years It was found that the risk of developing a number of diseases depends not only on the degree and duration of obesity, but also on the nature of the distribution of fat in the body.

Depending on the location of fat deposits, there are:

  • abdominal obesity (also called visceral, android, “upper”, “apple”, etc.) male type) - excess fat is located mainly on the stomach and upper torso. This type of obesity is more common among men;
  • gluteofemoral obesity (also called gluteofemoral, gynoid, “lower”, “pear” type, etc.) female type) - excess fat is located mainly on the hips, buttocks and lower torso, which is typical for women.

At abdominal obesity Even minimal excess body weight increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and death from it. Increases the likelihood coronary disease, as well as its three main risk factors: arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus Type 2 and lipid metabolism disorders (increased cholesterol in the blood and other indicators). Combination listed diseases and states are called metabolic syndrome. Its treatment, including with the help of diet therapy, is a task of paramount importance. Moreover, treatment is indicated not only for diagnosed abdominal obesity, but also for significant excess body weight (BMI - 27-29.9 kg/m2), if fat is deposited mainly in the upper part of the body.

Waist hip index- this is the ratio of the waist circumference (measured above the navel) to the largest circumference of the hips (measured at the level of the buttocks).

On the contrary, gluteofemoral obesity is not associated with a significant additional risk and threatens minimal medical consequences. Its treatment is mainly cosmetic. I note that we are talking about obesity without concomitant diseases, especially without type 2 diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension.

To determine the type of obesity, it is necessary to determine the waist/hip index (WHI).

It is permissible to measure only the waist circumference. It is recognized that the risk of developing metabolic syndrome:

  • increases moderately with a waist circumference of 80 cm or more in women, 90 cm or more in men;
  • increases sharply with a waist circumference of 88 cm or more in women, 102 cm or more in men.

Modern data require new approaches to assessing body weight. In particular, it turned out that underweight is a risk factor for increased mortality from certain non-communicable diseases. The idea of ​​adipose tissue as metabolically inert and exclusively an energy depot has also changed. It has now been established that adipose tissue is diffuse endocrine gland, producing a number of hormones and biologically active substances

Table - Biologically active substances secreted by adipose tissue:

Groups of substances

Substance names

Hormones Testosterone, leptin, estrone, angiotensinogen


Tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-6

Proteins (proteins)

Acetylation-stimulating protein Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 Complement, adiponectin Transforming growth factor beta


Lipoprotein lipase


Hormone sensitive lipase


Cholesteryl ester transfer protein

Free polyunsaturated fatty acids


Leptin and obesity

It is worth mentioning leptin, a hormone produced by fat cells, discovered in 1995. Its level in the blood reflects the energy reserves of adipose tissue, affects appetite, energy consumption and expenditure, and changes the metabolism of fats and glucose. Leptin and obesity are closely related: this substance slows down metabolism, but if there is a deficiency, it can cause a malfunction in the body.

According to the scientific data obtained, a positive role in normal operation Only excess body weight that has not reached the level of obesity plays a role in the body.

Lack of fat reserves and leptin deficiency may worsen reproductive function in women with sharply reduced body weight, for example, after therapeutic fasting or when anorexia nervosa which is often accompanied by amenorrhea. Don't think that science is trying to rehabilitate obesity.

Thus, in women with preserved menstrual function and overweight, there is a lower likelihood of developing breast cancer, bone resorption (destruction bone tissue) and postmenopausal osteoporosis. Not installed bad influence overweight (without obesity) on lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as to the level blood pressure practically healthy men and women. Foreign studies carried out by insurance companies, stated lowest level mortality among people whose body weight exceeded the norm by 10%.

Specialists from the Research Center for Preventive Medicine of the Russian Ministry of Health, who observed men and women aged 40-59 years for 20 years, discovered a dependence of life expectancy on BMI. Thus, 50% of the “thin” and “overweight” subjects died earlier than those who had an average BMI of 20 to 30 kg/m2. At the same time, “thin” men and women died earlier than “overweight” ones. Why this happens and whether people with low body weight have other risk factors is not yet known.

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Keeping your body in shape is a key point in preventing heart and vascular diseases. Calculating your body mass index (BMI) is one way to check your healthy weight. This indicator will show how much weight corresponds to a person’s height, and whether such a proportion poses a threat to life.

The basics of the concept of BMI were developed by the Belgian scientist Adolf Quetelet, but the term itself was first coined after the publication of an article on obesity in the Journal of Chronic Diseases in 1972.

This index was created to determine the amount of fat, muscle and bone mass in each individual in order to further classify his weight as underweight, normal or overweight.

BMI (from the English “body mass index”) has a direct relationship with the normal functioning of the whole organism. Because being overweight increases your risk of developing diseases such as:

  • ischemic disease;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • hypotension;

How to calculate your BMI?

The Quetelet index, better known as the body mass index, is a value determined by the formula: a person’s weight divided by his height in square meters.

For example, for a girl weighing 65 kg and whose height is 172 cm, the calculation will be made as follows: 65/(1.72) 2 = 21.97. According to table No. 1, it can be determined that this indicator is within the normal range.

To simplify the calculation, you can use special online calculators that independently calculate body weight according to specified parameters.

If you use pounds and inches to calculate BMI, the formula is: weight (pounds)/height (inches squared)*703.

More information on how to calculate the mass index and decipher the results obtained can be seen in this video:

Decoding data: BMI table

According to the generally accepted classification, the Quetelet index has the following ranges:



Life risk level

Up to 25 yearsOver 25 years old
Being underweight may indicate poor nutrition, eating disorder or other health problemHigh. The development of anemia, loss of bone mass, and in women, problems with conception cannot be ruled out. Work deteriorates immune system, the body does not fight infectionsYou should forget about restrictions on food intake, improve the quality of your diet, and also eliminate stress and physical activity, that is, the body should receive more calories than it expends
Up to 22.9From 20 to 25.9NormAbsent, provided that the waist circumference does not exceed 80 cm for women and 94 cm for menTo maintain indicators within normal limits, it is enough to maintain the same dietary regimen and do not forget about daily warm-up (walking, cycling, exercises)
23-27,4 26-27,9 OverweightElevated, possible development of metabolic syndromeIt is necessary to balance your diet by excluding high-calorie and fatty foods, and it is also recommended to radically change your lifestyle - devote enough time to sports, good sleep and active pastime
27,5-30 28-31 Obesity (1st degree)Very tall. There is a risk of developing type 2 diabetes, as well as malignant tumors Specialist consultation is required, as well as full examination organism, including diagnostics thyroid gland, heart and blood vessels
31-35 32-35,9 Obesity (2nd degree)
35,1-40 36-40,9 Obesity (3rd degree)
≤40,1 ≤41 Obesity (4th degree)

According to studies by American scientists, 1% of men and 2.5% of women suffer from underweight. Wherein maximum duration life is observed in guys whose BMI is 25-27 kg/m2.

BMI: what to pay attention to?

It should be remembered that calculating the mass index is not the basis for making a diagnosis. For some people, particularly athletes, their BMI can be misleadingly high compared to their actual body fat levels.

For example, the ideal weight for a girl 175 cm tall is 75 kg. But, if she has a thin physique, her norm should be calculated according to the following scheme: 75 kg-10% = 68 kg. And vice versa, fat people should be added 10% to the current weight.

The World Health Organization does not take into account a person's age and gender when calculating BMI. For children over 2 years old, the index is calculated according to the same scheme as for adults.

Studies conducted by British scientists have proven that the BMI of girls 12-16 years old is on average 1 kg/m2 less than the BMI of boys of the same age category.

Also, when calculating the mass index, the principle of distribution of fat deposits in the body is not taken into account. That is, the indicators may be overestimated due to the accumulation of fat in the lower part of the body, which, in principle, is not life-threatening. And at the same time, a person with a normal index should be more concerned about health if excess fat is based in the abdominal area.

In matters related to obesity, in addition to BMI, it is necessary to consider:

Application of BMI in the world

In 2005, Singapore found that the percentage of fat in Asians is relatively higher than that of Europeans, as a result of which the former are more likely to suffer from diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Recently, the authorities of France, Italy, Israel and some other countries made changes to the legislation, according to which models with an index below 18 are not eligible to participate in fashion shows. In this way, a healthy lifestyle is popularized and anorexia is prevented among young people.

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, if a conscript’s Quetelet index deviates from the stipulated standards (both up and down), he has the right to receive a deferment from military service up to six months. During this period, the conscript is required to undergo examination and bring the indicators back to normal. For comparison, in Taiwan, conscripts with a low or high BMI are immediately disqualified.

Calculation of excess weight using BMI

BMI is easy to calculate excess weight, for this it is enough to correct the already known formula as follows:

Weight (kg) – normal BMI (see table) * height (m 2)

For example, for a man under 25 years old and weighing 115 kg normal indicator VMI will be the number 22. That is, his excess weight is equal to: 115-22*(1.75 2)=47.6 kg

This formula shows that normal weight V in this case should not exceed 67 kg.

So body mass index is important indicator, designed to control the weight and health of each person. Despite some inaccuracy, BMI has been used in world practice for many decades for primary diagnosis obesity in patients of all age groups.