The whole truth about lemons, or vitamin preparations for the winter. Lemons in sugar, preparation for the winter With lemon for the winter ingredients

Lemon zest, pulp and juice are used in the preparation of salads, sauces, desserts, meat and fish dishes. Lemons for the winter turn out juicy and tasty, namely: jelly, preserves, jam, etc. It is noteworthy that twisted citrus slices preserve useful substances for the body.

Regardless of what recipe the housewife chooses (compote, jam or pickles for meat), you still need to prepare the main component. It is recommended to pay attention to the following tips:

  1. Before starting work, rinse the lemons well with water using a brush or sponge. For long-term storage, citrus fruits are treated with wax, so it must be removed.
  2. It is also important to remove the seeds, because few people will like it if there are pieces of ground seeds in the jam.
  3. The preparations are divided into two types: raw and cooked. If the gastrointestinal tract is normal, snacks of the latter type can be consumed in unlimited quantities.
  4. Raw preparations are used only for preventive purposes in winter.

Video “Lemon jam for the winter”

From this video you will learn how to make healthy lemon jam for the winter.

Step-by-step recipes

Below are simple recipes that both beginners and experienced cooks can handle. Choose the appropriate preparation method to pamper yourself and your loved ones in winter. All recipes are presented in great detail, so you will know exactly how to prepare lemons for the winter.

"Five Minute"

Stock up on 2 kg of lemons, 4 glasses of purified water and 2.4 kg of granulated sugar.

  1. Cut the citrus fruits into half rings, leaving the skins on. Sprinkle with half of the granulated sugar.
  2. Leave for 2-2.5 hours, stirring from time to time.
  3. Place the container with the lemon mixture over moderate heat. Pour in the syrup, which you have previously prepared from the second portion of sugar and water.
  4. Boil, cook for 15 minutes, removing the film.
  5. Remove from heat and leave to marinate for 5 hours.
  6. Then return to a boil and cook for 15 minutes.
  7. Leave for 5 hours.
  8. After the third boiling procedure, pour the jam into jars.


You will need 1 liter of water, 9 large lemons, 1 kg of granulated sugar per 1 liter of lemon juice.

  1. Wash citrus fruits well and scald with boiling water.
  2. Cut into thin slices along with the skin, remove the seeds.
  3. Place in a deep container, fill with water.
  4. Boil for half an hour over low heat.
  5. Strain the mixture and cook again until the liquid has reduced by half.
  6. Add sugar and cook until tender, stirring frequently.
  7. Place the finished jelly in dry jars and close.


Prepare 1 kg of ripe lemons, 2 tsp. citric acid, 2.5 liters of water and 2.5 kg of granulated sugar.

  1. Wash the citrus fruits and place in an enamel bowl.
  2. Fill with water and leave for three days.
  3. Change the liquid 2 times a day.
  4. Remove the lemons, dry them, cut them into slices and then into thin strips.
  5. Place in a container and add the amount of water specified in the recipe.
  6. Place in a cool place for a day.
  7. Cook the mixture for 40 minutes, closing the lid, then 60 minutes, removing the lid.
  8. Increase heat, boil jam and add sugar.
  9. Stir and cook until the granulated sugar dissolves.
  10. 2-3 minutes before turning off, add citric acid, which must first be dissolved in 2 tbsp. l. water.
  11. Pour hot jam into clean jars and close.

In a slow cooker

Modern technology is a real help to housewives. If you also make your life easier by using high-quality appliances, you will probably like and taste lemon jam made in a slow cooker.

It requires 1 kg of lemons, 1.3 kg of sugar and 1.2 liters of water.

  1. Prepare the fruits, load them into a bowl and fill them with water.
  2. Cook for an hour at 120°C.
  3. Add sugar, cook for another 45 minutes.
  4. Place the aromatic ready-made snack in sterilized jars and roll up.
  5. Store upside down until completely cool.

"Dry" processing

In terms of the presence of vitamins and nutrients, the first place is given to the unique substance, which is obtained using “dry” processing. The benefit is that such jam improves immunity, strengthens the cardiovascular system and keeps the body in good shape. The preparation is very simple. The housewife does not need to roll up, cool or boil anything. So, you will need 4 medium lemons, 100 g of butter, 200 g of honey, 300 g of nuts and dark raisins.

  1. Prepare citrus fruits as indicated above (remove the wax layer).
  2. Pass them through a meat grinder along with raisins and walnuts.
  3. Pour in honey and add oil, mix the mixture.
  4. Place the mixture in jars and store in the refrigerator.

Take 1 tbsp of “dry” jam on an empty stomach. l. The effect will be noticeable after two weeks of use.

Spicy preservation

Every housewife dreams of not only keeping lemons fresh for the winter, but also surprising her family with her culinary skills. In this case, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following recipes, which, in addition to citruses, also contain various spices.

With garlic

Prepare 6 large lemons, half a cup of sea salt, 3 garlic cloves and 16 thyme sprigs.

  1. Wash the yellow fruits, boil over moderate heat for 1 minute, and cool.
  2. Cut the tops of the lemons crosswise, insert the branches and add 1 tsp. salt.
  3. Add a pinch of salt to the bottom of sterilized jars.
  4. Add spiced sprigs and crushed garlic.
  5. Tamp down the lemons, sprinkling them with salt, garlic and thyme.
  6. Pour in the water in which the fruits were boiled.
  7. Scald the lid with boiling water, close the container and put it in a cool, dark place for a month.
  8. From time to time it is necessary to shake the jars so that the fruits are evenly salted.

With coriander

To prepare such a spicy preparation, you need to prepare 1.6 kg of medium lemons, 120 g of salt, 8 g of coriander beans, 120 g of lemon juice, 600 ml of boiled warm water and a pinch of black peppercorns.

  1. Rinse lemons with warm water and dry.
  2. Squeeze the juice out of 1 fruit and make shallow cuts on four sides in the rest.
  3. Divide the salt into equal parts, multiples of the amount of citrus fruit.
  4. Fill the cuts.
  5. Place the fruits in sterilized jars, add coriander grains and peppercorns.
  6. Pour in fresh lemon juice and cover the contents with warm water.
  7. Seal containers with citrus fruits and put them in a dark place for 30 days.

If desired, preserved lemons can be added to dishes. Before adding it to other ingredients, you need to rinse it with clean water. The canned snack goes very well with meat dishes.

Pickles for meat

The amount of ingredients is determined separately in each specific case. You need to take citrus fruits, salt, lemon juice, bay leaf and, if desired, a pod of hot pepper.

  1. Select undamaged and ripe fruits. Wash them well, scald with boiling water and dry.
  2. Make cross-shaped vertical cuts without cutting through a third of the fruit.
  3. It is easy to press down on the yellow fruits so that the slits open slightly.
  4. Add salt and place bay leaf.
  5. Place a pinch of salt at the bottom of clean, dry jars and layer lemons on top.
  6. Sprinkle each layer with salt, sometimes add bay leaves and pieces of hot pepper.
  7. Pour lemon juice into the container filled to the brim and close with a lid.
  8. The dish will be ready in 14 days.

Many people also prefer bright and flavorful citrus drinks. Lemons are an excellent basis for such recipes. Fruits can fill the body with energy.

For example, lemon compote is prepared very quickly. You will also need a minimum of ingredients: water, lemons and sugar. Select the optimal preparations, roll up and treat your guests and family with a bright summer dish during the cold season.

Already in ancient times, lemons were successfully used in healing from various ailments and in culinary experiments. A bright sunny fruit with a slightly bitter aroma, it seems that just by looking at it it can give good emotions and longevity. Lemon juice, the fruit itself and the zest improve the taste of desserts, sauces, salads, seafood and meat. Citrus preparations for the winter are very tasty and healthy. Lemons prepared for future use in the form of jam, jelly, jam or simply rolled with sugar have a pleasant fresh taste and, of course, a huge supply of microelements necessary for the body. Preparing healthy lemon delicacies at home is not time-consuming and is within the capabilities of every housewife, and will delight you all year round. Step-by-step recipes offer a choice of any of the many ways to preserve this amazing fruit.

Lemon preparations for the winter - selected recipes

The best recipes with photos

The last notes

Perhaps the most unusual and beautiful jam is flower jam. Flowers can be both wild and garden. Also, the inflorescences of various berry bushes and fruit trees are used to cook the delicacy. Today we have prepared for you the most complete selection of recipes for making flower jam. We are sure that you will find the right recipe for yourself, and will definitely please your family with an unusual preparation.

For long-term storage, you need to take one part sugar for one part of lemons. If you do not plan to store lemons for a very long time, then the proportion of sugar can be reduced by half.

First, you need to wash the lemons well, even better with a brush, since they are sometimes coated with wax for shine, which we don’t want to eat. We will use the entire lemon, including the skin. I only cut off the tails.

So, if you have a meat grinder, the easiest way is to cut the lemons into quarters and grind them in the meat grinder, gradually adding sugar to each slice. Now you can only scald the jar with boiling water, put lemon in it, close it tightly or eat it right away.

If you don’t have a meat grinder, you can either grate the lemons on a fine grater, or finely chop them with a special knife, or cut them into small pieces and puree them with a blender.

Now put lemons in layers in a scalded jar, then sugar one spoon at a time, constantly alternating the layers. You can simply mix all the sugar and lemons well in a salad bowl, and then put it in a jar.

It is very convenient to add such lemons to open pies, both completely lemon and with other fillings. I add lemons to apples in charlotte.

The last option is to prepare lemon slices with sugar. Using a regular knife, cut the entire lemon into circles or semicircles approximately 3 millimeters thick. Slices that are too thin will then be difficult to take out of the jar. Exactly the same as the previous time, place the slices in a jar, sprinkling each layer with granulated sugar. Such lemons are especially convenient for those who often drink tea with lemon - the slices are always ready, and the lemon will never fade or dry out. It is convenient to have such slices also during a cold.

Lemon is one of the most popular citrus fruits. Despite the fact that fruits can be purchased in supermarkets all year round, many people stock up on them for future use in the old fashioned way. Blanks made with your own hands will come to the rescue. We will describe the most important steps in order, so that you do not encounter any difficulties in the process of creating interesting treats.

Citrus composition

  1. The product is famous for its valuable qualities, which we will study later. You should start with a chemical list of substances that are concentrated in the base of the raw material. Experts assure that including citrus in the basic menu is necessary for all categories of people for whom it is not prohibited for health reasons. To stabilize mental balance and restore strength during intense physical labor, a couple of drops per day is enough.
  2. When considering the list of useful compounds, it makes sense to immediately mention ascorbic acid. It is responsible for protective functions, this is especially true during the spread of seasonal colds and virus attacks. However, the list does not end with vitamin C alone. There is also vitamin P, tocopherol, B-group. It cannot do without organic acids, flavonoids and their derivatives, mineral list, esters, dietary fiber, phytoncides and pectin.
  3. Let's touch on the most important citrine for human health, which is supported by the action of ascorbic acid and is considered irreplaceable. This substance is responsible for the density of blood channels, their cleansing of cholesterol deposits, and combating surges in blood pressure. Citrine is responsible for eliminating oxidative processes, maintaining tissue youth and even protecting against cancer.

Product value

  1. You should start by including ascorbic acid. By its natural characteristics, it acts as an effective vitamin endowed with antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties. Therefore, during the spread of viral infections, prepared lemons will come in handy.
  2. The beneficial effects on the liver should also be mentioned. Citrus fruits seem to be such simple fruits, but they are endowed with filtering abilities. They cleanse the internal organ, making it protected from toxic substances and other poisons that systematically enter the human body with junk food.
  3. Naturally, the inclusion of dietary fiber in large quantities has a beneficial effect on the motor functions of the intestine and its microflora. The organs of the digestive system are cleansed of stagnation, and their contamination is prevented in the future. Some people add citrus slices to water to cleanse the blood of toxins.
  4. For citizens who work using their brain most of the time, these fruits will definitely come in handy. They are aimed at increasing cognitive abilities, resulting in improved memory. Some people advise eating a slice of citrus in the morning, but you need to understand that in this way you will harm the stomach mucous membranes and increase acidity.
  5. For the vascular system, this gift of nature can be considered a real salvation. Citrus fruits concentrate acids of organic origin, which take care of the blood channels. They eliminate cholesterol deposits, carry out massive prevention of plaque accumulation, restore blood pressure levels and prevent future surges. Categories of people with heart pathologies simply need lemon.
  6. The basis of citrus fruits includes compounds that are added to medications aimed at combating cancer diseases. Studies were carried out, during which it was found that the presented raw materials simply block the blood flow to the malignant neoplasm, triggering its self-destruction. This is especially true for rectal health.
  7. The product is used in skin and hair care. Rinsing the mop with water with the addition of citrus juice will help overcome serious problems. We are talking about greasy root sections, the presence of fatty plugs in the ducts, hair loss, dandruff, seborrhea, etc. As for the skin, citrus pulp whitens it and restores its natural elasticity.
  8. The fruits help reduce excess body weight. They also contain substances responsible for strengthening vision. It does not do without affecting the kidneys; lemons prevent the development of sand-like formations in their cavity. Citrus will benefit everyone, the main thing is that there are no prohibitions on taking it.


Classic jam

  1. To prepare a delicious treat, you should stock up on 1 liter. purified water, 2 kg. aromatic lemons and 2.5 kg. granulated sugar. Next, wash the citrus fruits and chop them into thin half rings. There is no need to remove the zest.
  2. Fill the raw materials with half the volume of granulated sugar. Leave for several hours in a suitable cup. Don't forget to stir systematically. Then place the fireproof container on the stove. Set the burner power to medium.
  3. Pour in the syrup. It must be prepared in advance from water and remaining sugar. After the mixture boils, boil it for another quarter of an hour. Don't forget to systematically remove the foam. Set aside and leave to steep for 5-7 hours.
  4. After the specified period has passed, bring the ingredients to a boil again and cook for another quarter of an hour. Set aside again for 6 hours. After you repeat the procedure for the third time, pour the treat into sterile jars and roll it up. After cooling, refrigerate.


  1. To prepare an unusual delicacy, arm yourself with 10 large lemons, 1 liter. filtered water, and 1 kg. sugar per 1 liter. lemon juice. Next, rinse the fruit thoroughly and pour boiling water over it. Chop into circles and discard the seeds.
  2. Place in a suitable deep container. Pour in water. Heat on the stove until boiling. Simmer for half an hour over low heat. Strain the mixture and boil again. The mass should be reduced by half. Add sugar and cook until fully cooked. Mix systematically.
  3. Pour the hot jelly into sterile jars. Roll it up and wrap it in a warm blanket. It is best to turn the container upside down. After this, store the treat in the utility room.


  1. Stock up on 2.5 kg. sugar, 2.5 l. purified water, 20 gr. citric acid and 1 kg. citrus fruits. Prepare the lemons according to the usual procedure and place them in an enamel-lined container. Pour in water and leave for 3 days. Change the water twice a day without fail.
  2. Remove the lemons from the liquid, dry them, and chop into thin strips. Fill the raw materials with the water specified in the recipe. Leave the workpiece for 1 day in a cool place. Then send it to cook. After boiling, set aside 40 minutes. Simmer over low heat with the lid closed.
  3. Then remove the cover and repeat the procedure. This time wait 1 hour. Finally, increase the heat on the stove to bring the jam to a boil. Enter granulated sugar. Stir the ingredients and simmer until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  4. A few minutes before the end of the procedure, introduce citric acid. Before this, it is best to dissolve it in 40 ml. clean water. Stir the ingredients and pour into a sterile container. Roll up the lid and store in the usual way.

Jam in a slow cooker

  1. It's good if you have a multicooker. With the help of such a household appliance, you can make your life much easier in terms of preparing any dish and delicacy. In this case, about 1.2 liters will be required for jam. purified water, 1 kg. citrus fruits and 1.3 kg. granulated sugar.
  2. Prepare citrus fruits using classical technology and place in a multi-bowl. Pour filtered water over the lemons. Cook the ingredients for 1 hour. After this, add sugar and repeat the procedure. This time time it to 45 minutes.
  3. Pack the aromatic mixture in a sterile glass container. Roll up in the classic way and wait to cool. Transfer the treat to a cool place for further storage.

People stock up on valuable food products for future use so that they can enjoy them at any time. Same with lemons. Although they are sold everywhere, homemade preparations will always be beneficial. Because in the process of their creation other ingredients are used that enhance the effects of citrus.

Video: how to freeze lemon


The specific aroma of lemon is due to essential oils, most of which are concentrated in the outer cortical layer. The sour taste of lemon is given by citric acid, the amount of which reaches 5-6 percent.

You can make juice, jam, and jelly from lemons. Lemon juice is used in fruit sauces, sweet dishes, vegetable and fruit salads. Lemon zest, prepared for future use, is also widely used in cooking and confectionery.


Wash ripe lemons, drain, peel and blanch in boiling water for 15 minutes.
Then rinse in cold water until cool.
Divide the prepared fruits into slices, remove the seeds, which add bitterness to the jam, place in an enamel bowl and pour in half the hot syrup, let stand for 10-12 hours, then add the remaining syrup and cook over low heat in three batches, at intervals of 10-12 hours. .
Pack the finished jam hot into dry, heated jars and roll up immediately.

For 1 kg of peeled lemons - 1.5 kg of sugar, 450 g of water.


Using a sharp knife, cut fairly thin slices of lemon, select the seeds, add cold water and cook until soft, so that the skin can easily be pierced with a straw.
Remove the lemons from the water with a slotted spoon, place in a deep plate, cover with the same plate and place between two down pillows for several hours until cool. Weigh and put into jars.
Prepare syrup from the water in which the lemons were boiled and 2/3 of the required sugar.
Boil the syrup, cool and pour it over the lemons.
The next day, drain the syrup, boil, add half the remaining sugar and pour the cooled syrup over the lemons.
On the third day, drain the syrup again and add the remaining sugar.
Pour warm, but not hot syrup over the lemons.
When completely cool, seal the jars.

400 g lemons, 600 g sugar, 2 glasses of water.


Wash lemons of good quality, fully ripe, without mechanical damage, thoroughly, cut into circles or slices 6-7 mm thick, at the same time trying not to damage the flesh of the fruit, then remove the seeds from the lemon with a knife or a sharpened wooden stick.
Place the prepared lemon slices or slices in jars, first pouring granulated sugar on the bottom of each jar, then a layer of lemons, a layer of sugar, etc. Be sure to sprinkle the lemon slices on top with sugar.
When the jar is filled to the top, cover with a clean lid and leave for 2-3 days, after which the lemons in the jars should settle.
Add lemons to the top and sterilize half-liter jars for 20 minutes.
After sterilization, immediately roll up the hot jars.

For 1 kg of lemons - 1 kg of sugar.


Wash the lemons, let the water drain, cut into thin slices, removing the seeds, place in an enamel bowl, add water and cook over low heat for 25 minutes, then strain through a flannel filter, drain the resulting juice, boil by half, add a pre-prepared gelatin solution ( dissolve gelatin in water when heated).
Add sugar in small portions, stirring constantly, and cook.
During the boiling process, take a sample for jelly.

If the jelly poured onto the plate thickens quickly, the cooking is finished.
Pack the hot jelly into heated dry jars, cover with lids, place in a saucepan with water heated to a temperature of 70°C, and pasteurize at a temperature of 90°C half-liter jars for 8 minutes, liter jars for 12 minutes.
After pasteurization, roll up the jars and, after checking the quality of the closure, cool without turning them over.

For 8-10 lemons - 1 liter of water; for 1 liter of juice - 10 g of gelatin (dissolve in 1 glass of water), 900 g of sugar.


Wash the lemons thoroughly and remove the peel into even slices.
To remove bitterness, soak lemon peels in cold water for three days before cooking, changing the water twice a day, and cook in boiling water for 10 minutes.
Throw the crusts softened in this way into a colander and cook in high-concentration sugar syrup in three stages:
the first two times for 10 minutes, keeping with the syrup for 10 hours.
After the third cooking, place the crust in a sieve or colander and let the syrup drain completely.
The syrup can be used for subsequent cooking or for other purposes.
Place the crusts in one row on a sieve and dry in the oven at a temperature of 30-40°C until a crust of small sugar crystals forms.
Place the dried candied fruits in dry jars, cover with lids and seal tightly and store in a cool, dry place.

For 1 kg of prepared crusts - 1 glass of water, 1.2 kg of sugar.


Zest - thinly cut lemon peel.
Wash the lemons, dry them and remove the top colored layer with a sharp knife. Then finely chop the zest, air dry and place in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.
Lemon zest is used in salads, hot and cold vegetable soups.
It is added to hot soups half a minute before readiness or immediately after readiness and allowed to brew for 3-4 minutes.
The zest gives a special taste to jellies, meat and fish rolls, and stuffed fish.
The zest is used in sweet dishes, in dough.