What is superficial epithelium in large quantities. epithelial cells in a smear

When visiting a gynecologist's office, you must go through the standard procedure for taking a smear. This is needed for detection of infectious diseases at an early stage.

The purity of the smear is assessed based on several parameters, including the presence or absence of epithelium. Its presence in a woman's smear indicates the development inflammatory process.

The result of the analysis of the microflora of the vagina provides complete picture about some processes occurring in the body of a woman. Timely diagnosis allows you to assess the stage of the disease and resort to complete solution question.

epithelial cells fill the space of microflora when the disease requires immediate intervention by doctors. A small amount of epithelium in the smear indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process.

A smear should be taken in the following situations:

  • Planning for pregnancy;
  • Periodic pain in the lower abdomen not associated with the menstrual cycle;
  • Changes in the nature of secretions from the genitals;
  • Itching in the genital area;
  • Long-term antibiotic treatment;
  • The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the vagina;
  • Preventive examination;

Epithelium norm

Epithelial cells can be flat or cylindrical. A large number of squamous epithelium indicative of disease inflammatory nature. Columnar epithelium proliferates when oncological diseases. If the cells, on the contrary, do not reach the limits of the norm, then we are talking O hormonal imbalance in a woman's body.

The norm is the amount of epithelium from 3 to 15 pieces in the free field of view. Exceeding the norm indicates the development of diseases such as urethritis, cervicitis, etc. In addition, the epithelium should be located in groups of several cells, and not one at a time. Improper preparation or non-compliance with hygiene standards. Therefore, it is extremely important to follow all the principles of preparation.

How to prepare for the analysis?

Despite the ease of the procedure for taking a smear, you should the right way prepare for it. Violation of the preparation rules may affect the reliability of the result, which will lead to unnecessary and ineffective treatment. This may aggravate the situation.

Taking a swab performed in the gynecologist's office. First carried out visual inspection genital organs, then the secretions are scraped from the surface of the cervix and the walls of the vagina, using a special tool. Previously, a woman must observe the following rules:

  • A few days before the smear test hygiene procedures carried out using warm water without detergents.
  • On the eve you can not have sexual intercourse;
  • Any type of douching should be excluded;
  • Must stop using vaginal medical supplies (suppositories and ointments), as well as vaginal lubricants or creams. This can significantly change the microflora of the vagina.
  • The analysis is given on any day of the cycle, in addition to the period of menstruation. It is desirable if these are the first days after its completion.

Epithelium in large quantities, what does this mean?

Doctors do not make a diagnosis based on the amount of epithelium alone. Increase in epithelial cells in a smear during an inflammatory process occurs along with an increase in leukocytes and mucus. Several indicators are taken into account at once. When they are enlarged, we can talk about the inflammatory process. It can be caused by infectious diseases or hypothermia.

Too high level of epithelium occurs at the fourth degree of purity of the smear. In this case, immediate, perhaps even hospital treatment. The shape of the epithelium also matters. If it is flat, then more conservative methods. With an increase columnar epithelium there is a risk of developing cancer. In this situation, assigned additional examination.

How to arrange treatment?

The prevailing amount of epithelium in a woman's smear may indicate the presence of an inflammatory disease of various formats. A sign of vaginitis, in addition to a large number epithelium in a smear, are symptoms such as unbearable itching of the vaginal area, bad smell and redness of the genitals. Vaginitis may be caused by infection or irritation in response to chemical agent e.g. gel intimate hygiene or soap. IN rare cases vaginitis causes sharp drop hormone levels, for example, during menopause.

High level of epithelium present in the smear and inflammation of the urethra. The causative agent of this disease can be almost any virus, including herpes. In individual cases, the disease causes an individual reaction to the means in contact with the intimate area.

Infectious urethritis treated with antibiotics. If there is painful symptoms analgesics are prescribed. During treatment, it is recommended to temporarily stop sexual life, monitor the hygiene of the genitals and refuse any medical products intended for vaginal use.

A change in the shape and amount of epithelium in a smear may indicate dysplasia or tumor development. The first disease is not related to cancer. As a rule, it passes after a certain amount of time. In the second case, everything is much more complicated, but there is a possibility that the tumor will be benign. Therefore, do not panic. The doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment, which may be cryotherapy, diathermy or laser removal of tumors.

Preventive measures

within the power modern woman protect yourself as much as possible from the occurrence of inflammatory diseases that affect reproductive function organism. To do this, first of all, you need to regularly visit a gynecologist and take a swab for flora vagina. In the cool season, it is recommended to carefully insulate lower part body. Since hypothermia and colds can also cause an inflammatory process.

Cleanliness of the genitals is a must in the life of any woman. The same can be attributed to the purity of sexual relations.

Personal hygiene products must be carefully selected. Most importantly, they should have a neutral Ph. The use of products with lactic acid is recommended. It is important to monitor the body's response to the presence of allergic reactions. At the first suspicion of them, use should be excluded. Any alarm signal of the body implies an immediate appeal to a specialist. Preventing a disease is always much easier than getting rid of it and its consequences.

The epithelium in the smear can be detected during cytological examination cervix. To do this, you need to visit a gynecologist. Preventive examination is carried out 2 times a year. If you experience pain and discharge with a smell, it is recommended to urgently seek medical attention. medical care. A smear for cytology must be taken with a weak immune system and active sexual life.

The vagina and cervix are lined with squamous epithelium. In order to identify the epithelium in the smear and obtain accurate results, the patient must properly prepare for the collection of the material. The smear is taken on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle. 24 hours before the study, you need to give up sex, vaginal products, douching. Otherwise, the amount of squamous and cylindrical epithelium in the material will be below normal.

The sample is collected with a special spatula. Cells are taken in the place where the squamous and cylindrical epithelium joins. The sample is then spread on the glass. The transitional epithelium must be harvested correctly, as malignant process begins to develop from below, gradually progressing to the surface. If the sample is upper layer, then you can diagnose last stage cancer disease.

If the sample contains cells squamous epithelium, this is considered normal. Its absence or insufficient amount is associated with atrophy. The squamous epithelium in the smear consists of 3 layers. Its composition depends on the phase menstrual period. In women, in a smear, the norm of epithelial cells is 3-15 units. in sight. In men, this figure should be in the range of 5-10 cells. His increased concentration indicates the presence acute inflammation or infections. If the result of the study shows the presence of altered cells, then dysplasia has developed in the woman's body.

To identify violations in the keratinization of the squamous epithelium in a smear, a specialist studies accumulations of non-nuclear cells. In the cervical canal, a cylindrical mucus-producing epithelium is concentrated with secretory function. In a normal smear, a slight accumulation of such cells can be detected. With ectopia, there is a displacement of the surface epithelium and its replacement with a flat analogue.

Varieties of the epithelium in the cervix

If the original squamous epithelium is part of the cervix of girls, then such patients suffer from infertility or they have problems with the menstrual cycle. In this case, a colposcopy is prescribed. If such cells are found in women aged 25-40 years, then the help of a gastroenterologist will be required.

The colposcope evaluates the effect of hormones on the epithelium of the organs of the female reproductive system.

In women in position, cells stained in a bluish-red hue are detected. For women childbearing age characteristic epithelium with a pink surface. In this case, the vessels are not visible. There is a border between flat and cylindrical epithelium. Atypical epithelium can be detected if a clear border is observed along the entire contour. Otherwise, the patient's colposcopy is replaced by a Papanicolaou smear.

Atrophic squamous epithelium is more common in older women.

To put accurate diagnosis an additional examination of the patient. Treatment is prescribed in each case individually. Do not self-medicate or use traditional medicine without consulting a doctor.

Diagnosis and treatment

The amount of epithelium in a smear in women depends on various factors, including from menopause, hormone intake and personal hygiene. If the level of these cells is below normal, then in the patient's body there is hormonal disbalance. A significant concentration of atypical columnar epithelium indicates the development oncological diseases. High content epithelium in the sample is observed in urethritis and infectious diseases. In this case, urgent treatment is carried out.

An increased concentration of squamous epithelium in a smear, pain and other symptoms indicate the development of vaginitis. The vagina can become inflamed due to infection and the cessation of the menstrual cycle. Antibiotics are used to treat infectious vaginitis. antifungal drugs and other medicines. Assigned if necessary additional tests and procedures. You can't take medication on your own correct dosage and the duration of the course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor.

A significant concentration of squamous cells in a smear in men or women indicates inflammation of the urethra. The causative agents of this disease are viruses and bacteria (gonococci, chlamydia). Urethritis develops as a result of injury or hypersensitivity to Spermicide. This disease can get sick faster:

  • women and men aged 20-35;
  • people who often change their sexual partner;
  • people who prefer unprotected sex (without condoms).

Features of urethritis

With the development of urethritis in men, doctors distinguish the following symptoms:

  • blood and pain when urinating;
  • burning;
  • discomfort;
  • swelling of the penis;
  • pain during intercourse.

In women, this disease is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and discharge. With infectious urethritis, antibiotics and analgesics are prescribed. The course of treatment depends on the stage of the disease and its form. If on the cervix are found atypical cells, then urgent therapy is prescribed. For this, physicians use modern techniques, including laser diagnostics, cryotherapy, diathermy. Assigned if necessary complex therapy. The cervix and uterus are removed if there is a high chance of developing cancer. The operation is performed in a medical facility and requires a long rehabilitation period. In this case, the woman experiences menopause.

With the help of cytological examination, it is not always possible to obtain reliable result, indicating the presence pathological process. In this case, there is atrophic wrinkling of the vagina and difficult tissue sampling from the cervical canal. In the process of taking a smear for cytology, atrophy is difficult to differential diagnosis. To identify pathology, doctors use other laboratory tests.

The microflora in the urethra and vagina consists of thousands or even millions of microorganisms that form the health of men and women. Few people know, but such an "ecosystem" includes both positive bacteria and pathogens. The microflora in the smear has clearly fixed boundaries, and if the bacteria in it exceed, then it is necessary to take a course drug therapy to prevent inflammation, if the epithelium is noted in the smear, and the development of concomitant diseases.


A smear on the flora in men and women is an analysis that is performed by a urologist in men and a gynecologist in women. It can be carried out for prevention or for diagnostic purposes. pathological condition, in the presence of alarming symptoms.

It is not uncommon for a cylindrical epithelium to be noted in a smear of men and women; it is an integral part of the mucous membrane. internal organs. The columnar epithelium is localized in a non-dense ball, the cells are located in small groups. Cylindrical epithelium can be single-layered and multi-layered. A single layer covers the gastric mucosa, and a multilayer one covers the urethra.

The main function of the cylindrical epithelium is the secretion of mucous secretion, which protects the surface of the urethra from microtrauma.

Epithelium - what is it?

The urethra is lined from the inside with a mucous membrane, which consists of a squamous epithelium. The epithelial layer contains three types of cells:

  • superficial;
  • basal;
  • intermediate.

The entire surface of the mucous membranes of the genital organs is lined with squamous epithelium. Every seven days superficial cells disappear and new ones are formed in their place. If the production of hormones is disturbed or exposed to pathogens that have begun to actively multiply, a failure occurs - new cells are formed, and the old ones do not fall off. At this time, epithelial cells are noted in a smear from the urethra or vagina.


Most people do not even realize that they are a carrier of pathogenic flora or that they have an inflammatory process in the urethra. At strong immunity, no symptoms appear. Contacting with a sexual partner, the patient transmits all the pathogens that he himself has. If a weakened immune system is noted in the human body, then the reaction will be pronounced in him. Symptoms of the inflammatory process are as follows:

  • characteristic discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • abdominal pain;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • frequent urination or its delay;
  • women have menstrual irregularities.

To avoid unpleasant situations and maintain impeccable health, having noticed the above symptoms, it is recommended to undergo preventive examinations at the doctor's. Today, urinary tract infections have already been well studied, and if there is a certain pathogenic flora in a smear or a lot of epithelium, then the problem can be eliminated by using several tablets.

Preparation for the delivery of the analysis

Diagnosis of urogenital infections is very difficult process and should be carefully prepared for. If you want to get reliable indicators and know exactly how much epithelium is in a smear, refrain from sexual intercourse for a day, do not use alcoholic drinks, and hold urination a few hours before the smear. It is necessary to take an analysis in the morning, before undergoing the procedure, you can not use aggressive detergents for genital hygiene, and antibacterial soap.

It is very important a few days before the examination, to stop the use of medications. If you have chronic diseases and medication is required, tell your doctor. He will individually decide which drugs should be discarded and which can be left, since they do not affect the effectiveness of the procedure.

Microscopic examination of the smear and its interpretation is carried out by a qualified doctor in a hospital. It is strictly forbidden to self-diagnose yourself on the basis of information found on the Internet and choose drugs for therapy.

What is determined in a smear in men?

The analysis is deciphered by your attending physician or a laboratory employee. In the form of results there is a line in which all components of the analysis are indicated, and in front of them there may be a “+” or “-” mark. A smear from the urethra, in addition to the epithelium, determines:

  • mucus in a smear - speaks of urethrorrhea and urinary tract infections such as cystitis or urethritis;
  • leukocytes - the norm of leukocytes in a smear of a man is 1-5, more than 5 cells, evidence of an inflammatory process - prostatitis, urethritis. If there are more than 100 leukocytes - gonorrhea or trichomoniasis, 20 to 80 leukocytes - chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis and gardnelosis;
  • erythrocytes - may be a sign traumatic urethritis, tumor neoplasms in the urethra, crystalluria, ulceration of the mucous membrane. Normally, no more than 3 erythrocytes are allowed per field of view;
  • key cells in the smear- gardnellous urethritis or bacteriorrhoea;
  • lipoid grains - prostorrhea, chronic inflammation prostate, sexual dysfunction excessive activity or prolonged abstinence;
  • spermatozoa are a sign of spermatorrhea, normally these components should not be in the smear;
  • eonophiles - a sign allergic reaction or urethritis that was caused by a certain allergen.

Based on the information received, the doctor selects a therapy regimen and selects drugs that can improve the patient's well-being and relieve inflammation, if any.

How do you take a swab from a man?

Analysis from the urethral canal in men is taken with a special tool that resembles a wire with a kind of probe at the end. The instrument is inserted into the opening of the urethra for several centimeters, and with two rotational movements the biomaterial is collected, which is present on the walls of the canal. During these movements, the patient may feel a slight pain and burning sensation, this normal reaction organism. Next, the instrument is removed, and the withdrawn liquid is applied to a glass slide and sent for microscopic examination.

A few days later, the man will still feel a burning sensation in the genital area, sometimes there is even blood in the urine, but this condition does not require medical intervention, it passes through three to four days.

In what cases is this analysis prescribed?

Laboratory examination of a smear on pathogenic flora appointed, if any. anxiety symptoms, the patient prepare for surgical intervention on the genitals or cannot conceive healthy offspring.

Separately, I would like to note promiscuity, in most cases, they are the main route of transmission of pathological microorganisms, which provoke an inflammatory process in the urethra. If a person had unprotected sexual contact with an unfamiliar partner, it is necessary to undergo an examination as soon as possible.

The development of infection in urethra it is easy to prevent, it is much more difficult to deal with its symptoms and consequences.

What does it mean if there is a large amount of epithelium in the smear?

The norm in women and men of epithelial cells can be from 5 to 10 in the field of view. If the epithelium in a smear in men is found more than 10 cells, then in most cases this indicates inflammation in the urethra. Squamous epithelium in a woman's smear indicates cancerous pathologies, inflammatory diseases urethra, cervix and cervical canal.

If an epithelium was found in a smear, then by its quantity the doctor can accurately determine the severity of the inflammatory process and assess the risk for general health person. If the epithelium is cylindrical in a smear in men in large numbers and there is an increased rate of leukocytes in a smear in men, the doctor can diagnose acute stage inflammation. In the case of chronic urethritis, a significant number of leukocytes will be noted, but they do not exceed the norm - they will be on its upper border, but the epithelial cells will be higher than normal.

provoke elevated white blood cells in a smear in men and epithelial cells can:

  • infectious processes in the genitals that were provoked by chlamydia, papillomavirus, streptococci or gardnerella. The usual urogenital smear does not detect these bacteria; the patient should undergo additional PCR diagnostics;
  • damage to the mucous membrane during catheterization or other surgical procedures;
  • inflammation of the prostate in men and endometriosis in women;
  • early onset of sexual life;
  • piercing in the intimate area and mechanical injuries.

It should also be noted that the results of the analysis may be affected by incorrect collection of material and insufficient preparation for the delivery of biomaterial.

Now, you are aware of the norm of the epithelium in the smear, as well as how to properly undergo an examination by a doctor. Theoretically prepared means armed, this statement is very suitable in this case. If you want to avoid health problems, go to the doctor at least once a year, observe genital hygiene, eat right, and also do not run infectious diseases. Everyone can control the microflora of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, avoiding unprotected sexual intercourse and promptly seeking help in the presence of alarming symptoms.

All glands and mucous membranes in various bodies of a person covers the epidermis lining the surface, consisting of various kinds cells.

IN individual bodies it is classified different types- squamous (flat) or other various structural views various configurations characteristic of certain organs of the body. Detection of squamous epithelium in urine, in the standard general laboratory research urine is very common.

Human urine, passing its route, washes many vessels and organs that are part of the urinary system. And the discovery during her study of one epithelial cell type, or several, helps the doctor to specify the pathological processes.

After all, it depends on the species of epithelial cells found in the urine sediment, which further direction in the diagnosis the doctor will determine.

Squamous epithelial cells cover the surfaces of all serous membranes internal organs. Of its cells, certain sections of the renal tubules of the nephron and small excretory ducts glands. During the passage of urine through the urethral system, leaching or exfoliation of individual particles of the coating or entire layers occurs, which are deposited in the urine sediment.

Causes of the appearance of squamous epithelium in the urine

An interesting fact is that the slight presence of cellular squamous epithelium in female urine and in male urine have a different interpretation of the results. In female urine, such an indicator is quite normal phenomenon, and in the male - a sure indicator of the problems of the urinary system.

The norm of squamous epithelium in the urine in women and men

Studies of urine sometimes show the presence in it of various cellular types of epithelial coating (transitional, renal or flat). This is facilitated by the distinctive features of epithelial cells in various organs, which makes it possible to determine one or another diagnosis.

In the study of urine, both the species classification of epithelial cells and their quantitative ratio are determined. Preliminary diagnostics is based precisely on the species of the cell sediment and its amount.

When deciphering urine tests by a doctor, certain normative indicators. Small parameter changes are allowed, but healthy person, the parameters must meet certain standards.

The norm of the epithelium in the urine:

  • in children 0-1/Negative;
  • in men 0-1-2-3-4-5 in the field of view.
  • in women 0-1-2 in the field of view.

Their going beyond the established standards means the development of negative pathologies in the body. Control data (comparative) of a certain analysis help the doctor assess the rate of development of the pathological process and select the appropriate timely treatment.

  • As a norm, squamous epithelium in the urine in men is considered to be from three to five cells located in the visibility zone, the area under examination under a microscope.
  • Normally, in women, squamous cells in urine should not be present at all, or be present in a single manifestation. If a certain amount is exceeded, a control analysis is prescribed to exclude the factor of incorrect urine collection for the study.

Why is squamous epithelium increased in urine in women?

Quantitative normative excess of squamous-type epithelium in female urine usually characterizes pathologies in the urethral system. But, since the squamous appearance of the epithelial coating is the vaginal lining, its appearance in the urine sediment is not at all associated urological problems, but due to desquamation in the process of collecting material for analysis. Or it can get into the composition of urine from the urethral canal, or the bladder.

Thanks to a special anatomical structure urethral and reproductive systems, women are prone to an increased tendency to manifest pathologies in the mucous membrane of the tissue structures of the kidneys and the development of inflammatory reactions in the intra-wall structure of the bladder.

The processes of inflammatory reactions cause intense exfoliation of the cellular lining of the mucous membrane, which explains the presence of a large number of squamous epithelial cells in the urine.

Even before the detection of such signs in urine, the following are noted:

  • decrease in urination;
  • its turbidity and specific smell;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • frequent urge to urinate, accompanied by pain;
  • the presence of small blood clots in the urine.

Such signs may be the result of genital infections, or which, if desired, can be quickly cured. Or the cause may be hidden in the long course of mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis, as a result of which there is an accumulation of "A" immunoglobulin in the kidneys. This causes an inflammatory response in renal tissues And functional disorders in the organ.

The disease is characterized by a slow course and may not manifest itself for years, since no signs are observed at the beginning of development. It is found only after the detection of squamous cell inclusions, erythrocytes and protein compounds in the analyzes. This pathology is characterized by:

  • foamy and dark urine;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • pain syndrome in the kidney area.

An increase in squamous cell epithelium in female urine also leads to long-term treatment analgesics - "Paracetamol", "Ibuprofen", "Aspirin".

The consequence of such treatment is the development of oliguria (a quantitative decrease in urination), soreness in the renal zone, intoxication signs.

Causes of increased squamous epithelium in pregnant women

It is the state of pregnancy in women that causes an increased titer of squamous epithelium in the urine, which is quite typical and does not cause much concern.

During this period, the urine excretion system works in an enhanced mode, women are characterized frequent urination, contributing to the desquamation of the epithelial cover.

In addition to everything, in the process of carrying a pregnancy, the enlarged uterus compresses the urethral organs, as a result of which their anatomical position changes, so the cellular normative indicators in the analyzes may differ slightly from the norm.

The excess of the norms of the presence in the analyzes of the squamous epithelium is of concern, as this is a sure sign of the development of urethritis,.

Inflammatory reactions can spread very quickly, and appropriate measures must be taken urgently to protect the fetus.

  • The allowable rate of sediment in the urine in pregnant women should not exceed 5 cells in the visibility zone. IN similar situations The patient must be under the full supervision of a doctor. Early diagnosis will help to eliminate the cause with minimal "losses".

Epithelial cells in urine tests are found even in infants, this can be explained by new living conditions when the child needs to adapt to them, which is considered quite acceptable.

With the growth of the child, the normative indicators completely change, they should not exceed one to three units of the cellular presence in the urine test. A quantitative excess means the same causes that are typical for adults - infections and inflammation in the urinary system.

To avoid misdiagnosis, the collection of urine for research must be carried out in compliance with all hygiene rules and sterilization of the container for the material.

A sharp increase in the urine of a child's squamous epithelium indicates unwanted changes in his fragile body:

  • The development of inflammation processes in urinary system, urethritis or cystitis.
  • Inflammatory reactions in the genitals.
  • Renal pathologies and exacerbations congenital diseases kidneys.
  • On disorders of blood circulation in the excretory system.
  • urolithiasis and increased excretion urine of salt formations.
  • About possible neurological pathologies causing retention of urine in bladder.
  • About the reverse course of urine (reflux).
  • Spasm of the urinary system and salt deposits as a result of long-term pharmacotherapy.
  • On purulent processes, poisoning and other intoxication processes.

What needs to be done? - treatment and drugs

At the first sign of urinary discomfort, you should immediately visit a doctor and take necessary tests collected according to all the rules to avoid repeating the procedure and errors in diagnosis. Methods of treatment will depend on the results of the analysis, indicators of urinary sediment.

If urethritis is detected, a course of antibiotic therapy with Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, Cefazolin or Ceftriaxone is carried out.

Immunostimulants and vitamin therapy are prescribed. Throughout the course of treatment (up to 10 days), a sparing diet is recommended, excluding spicy and fried foods, plentiful drink and exclusion of drinks containing alcohol.

Chronic urethritis is treated with antiseptic drugs injected into urethral canal by drip. Duration treatment course is determined depending on the severity of the process and is assigned individually.

Inflammatory reactions in the bladder are stopped by antibiotic therapy - Levoflaxocin, Furadonin, Ofloxacin, Bactrim. Non-steroidal painkillers are added - drugs of the Canephron, Fitolizin, Cyston class, or their analogues.

If the cause of the pathology is renal nephropathy, the medications taken should be urgently excluded. medicines, which may be involved in the manifestation of such a pathology.

Treatment is carried out using hormone therapy- "Triamcinolone", "Prednisalone", etc. according to individual scheme treatment. Self-selection of drugs and self-treatment will only complicate the situation.

  • It should be remembered - effective treatment and the absence of complications is possible only with early diagnosis.

All tissue and organ surfaces are protected by integumentary epithelial cells. Depending on the function of the fabric, the intensity of the mechanical load on it, the lining has different structure, thickness. The most exposed skin external influences covered with keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.


The external genital tract has heterogeneous covers. The vagina and outer part of the cervix (exocervix) are lined with stratified squamous epithelium. As the young (basal) layer matures, it seems to be pushed out from the membrane, changing the cell shape and size. The cytogram contains a flat epithelium of the surface layer - the most mature elements with a small nucleus, abundant cytoplasm. The cylindrical epithelium in a smear in women represents the lining of the internal os, part of the cervical canal.


The cervical canal is covered with epithelial cells secretory type(endocervix). They produce mucus, the accumulation of which in the canal creates a kind of plug that protects the uterine cavity from infection. A correctly performed smear contains endocervix cells, they make up approximately 10% of the cellular components. But if there is a lot of glandular epithelium, then a consultation with a gynecologist is required to exclude proliferative processes, polyps of the cervical canal.


The bulk of the smear is squamous epithelial cells. Among them there are small groups of cylindrical lining a narrow transitional area ( internal os) of the cervix. The absence of such cellular composition may indicate dysfunction in the production of the hormone estrogen, more often menopausal.

Very often, patients ask the question of whether squamous epithelial cells should be present in the smear and how many of them should be, after receiving the result of the cytology test.

Some of the women are frightened when they see the presence of epithelial cells in the results. Actually, you shouldn't worry.

The squamous epithelium in a smear does not pose any danger, of course, if this indicator is normal.

The presence of squamous epithelial cells is physiologically justified. This cover protects all fabric surfaces. Distinguish flat and cylindrical epithelium.

Depending on the load experienced by the tissue, the integumentary cells have different structure. For example, the skin is covered with stratified epithelium, which tends to keratinize.

The inner surface of the vagina and the outer part of the cervix is ​​also lined with several layers of cells.

Simply put, squamous epithelium is a cover that forms the mucous layer of internal organs (vagina, cervix, and others).

The epithelial layer consists of superficial, basal and intermediate cells. Every six to seven days (as it matures), the young layer changes its cellular shape and size.

Due to the formation of new cells, the thickness of the mucous membrane increases. It should be noted that the squamous epithelium is an element with small nuclei and abundant cytoplasm.

Gynecologist attaches great importance analysis results. When deciphering, the doctor analyzes the condition of the genital organs and draws conclusions about the presence or absence of hormonal failure.

An insufficient number or a significant increase in the cells that form the mucous layer indicates diseases of the body that can lead to the formation of tumors.

The presence of epithelial particles in the smear may indicate vaginitis, urethritis, lack or excess of certain hormones. Only the analysis will tell you whether such cells are dangerous or not.

The epithelial cover is composed of cells that make up the intermediate layer. The thickness of the squamous epithelium is one hundred and fifty to two hundred microns.

In addition, the smear may contain cylindrical epithelial cells that line the internal os and partially the cervical canal.

The cover provides required amount mucus to lubricate the cervix. The index of cylindrical epithelial cells should also correspond to the norm.

The epithelial layer lines the entire surface of the vagina in women. It is also present on the cervix, urethra (in men, including) and other parts of the body. The squamous epithelium has the ability to self-renew. After a while, the old cells begin to peel off, and new ones grow in their place. Therefore, usually the epithelium in a smear in women is always found, regardless of the state of the reproductive system.

The thickness of this layer of the vagina is usually from 150 to 200 microns. IN flat cells epithelium always show keratohyalin. It is similar to that contained in the stratum corneum skin. In this case, these processes in the epithelium of the vagina do not occur. Also, this layer has the ability to accumulate glycogen. It is released into the lumen of the vagina in the process of renewal of the surface of the epithelium.

Also, in all women, this layer consists of the following cells:

  • basal;
  • parabasal;
  • cells that contain keratogealin;
  • epithelial cells that make up the intermediate layer.

Exocervix - cells of the squamous epithelium of the surface layers were found. On what day of the cycle can this result be?

To obtain the most correct results, it is recommended to undergo a study no earlier than on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle with
complete cessation menstrual flow. Most late deadline a smear test is five days before the start of the next menstrual flow.

For getting accurate results it is important not only to observe the time range, but also to adhere to other recommendations:

  • A couple of days before the test, you need to exclude sexual intercourse;
  • Do not douche for different purposes;
  • No need to insert tampons or medications into the vagina, such as suppositories or tablets.

If there is a suspicion of the diagnosis of "exocervix proliferation of the columnar epithelium", how will the smear be taken?

Moderate inflammation of the exocervix can be confirmed if correct capture smear for cytology.
For this, a woman needs to visit a gynecologist's office. The sampling of material for research is carried out on a gynecological chair
using special mirrors. Very often, the introduction of such devices causes a woman a feeling of discomfort, nothing more.

For fence biological material the doctor uses a sterile gynecological brush, so it is not surprising that during the examination
an "exocervix agglomeration of columnar epithelial cells" may be found. The doctor applies the scraped top layer of the cervix to the
glass slide and sent to the laboratory for examination.

Exocervix - in the resulting material, squamous epithelium, leukocytes and erythrocytes. What might the result of the study mean?

The result of cytological analysis is evaluated according to several characteristics.

  • The amount of biological material submitted for analysis
  • Adequate is a smear of excellent quality, in which all the necessary cells are present in sufficient quantities.

    Insufficiently adequate material indicates that in the exocervix squamous epithelium may be present in small quantities or not at all.
    The cell set may also be insufficient.

    Inadequate material is the inability to assess the presence or absence of structural disturbances. surface layers cervix.

  • Deciphering the analysis for cytology

The cytogram "exocervix - squamous epithelial cells are found in a normal amount" is considered normal.

The presence of an inflammatory process can be judged if the number of leukocytes is increased. If the cause of the disease is an infection,
then in the smear will be found coli, cocci and other pathogens.

Can confirm the fact of the development of malignant tumors cancer cells found in the diagnostic material.

If the result cytological smear showed the presence of minor changes or there are assumptions
what is developing malignancy, then the doctor recommends that the woman be screened for oncogenic HPV serotypes.

As a result of the analysis, such a characteristic “exocervix - erythrocytes are detected” can be indicated.
As a rule, when the analysis is taken correctly, the presence of blood cells is the norm.