Menses are thick and burgundy in color. Thick menstrual discharge - what it means, the reasons for its appearance. Pathological causes of thick menstrual flow

Discharge during menstruation depends on the specific manifestations of the functioning of the body of each woman individually. Their number and regularity are related to the state of health and rhythm of life. Every month, if fertilization has not taken place, the uterus gets rid of old tissues of the inner lining, so blood is rejected. By analyzing the nature of the discharged substance, you can understand the state of the genital area and determine favorable days for planning pregnancy.

By the type of discharge that accompanies a representative of the fairer sex on menstrual periods, one can judge the characteristics of women's health. Some menstrual discharge corresponds to a healthy body, and with the appearance of others it is recommended to make an appointment with a gynecologist:

  1. Bloody smear (sometimes has a brown tint). If it begins several days before full menstruation, then this may indicate cervical erosion, polyps, tumors, pregnancy, or the use of birth control pills.
  2. Viscous. Indicates hormonal imbalance, inflammation of the genital organs, damage to the mucous membrane.
  3. Blood with lumps, clots during menstruation. Does not indicate pathology unless accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Painful periods with such manifestations signal low hemoglobin, endometriosis, or the woman has recently become a mother.
  4. Secretion in large quantities. If your periods are intense and last longer than a week, this may indicate anemia, endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy, oncology, polyps or fibroids.
  5. Menstrual secretion in a small volume. It often turns out to be a sign of hormonal disorders, emotional stress, excess hemoglobin in the blood, and rapid weight loss.
  6. Pale pink blood is a signal of the presence of oncology or inflammation of the genital organs.

Only a practicing gynecologist can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Therefore, you need to hurry to the antenatal clinic if, compared to the previous time, the color of the discharge has changed, an unusual smell has appeared, or the pain has intensified.

Normal menstrual flow

Normal discharge during menstruation has a uniform structure of red or dark red color, the presence of individual blood clots is acceptable. They consist not only of blood, but also of rejected endometrium, mucus secreted by the cervix, and vaginal discharge.

At the beginning and towards the end of the critical days, menstrual flow is brown. This is normal, since blood acquires this color due to interaction with oxygen or vaginal microflora.

The amount of blood released per day reaches 60 ml. This volume is approximately 2 tablespoons. In fact, women think that blood loss is more significant. But more often than not this is not the case.

About 250 ml of blood leaves the body per cycle. This is a little more than a glass. This indicator is considered normal, and a healthy body makes up for the loss without any problems.

Signs and causes of diseases

The same secretion can be normal or indicate pathology; the accompanying symptoms explain a lot.

May indicate the existence of a disease in the body. They resemble menstruation, but appear several days before them. Externally they look like blood clots, foam, mucus. It is possible that a healthy woman may have such discharge, but if it is accompanied by a sharp, repulsive odor and nagging pain in the lower abdomen, then the cause may be serious problems with the genitourinary system or intestines.

More often, the appearance of large clots during menstruation does not indicate pathology. But sometimes such discharge can be the result of an infection of the genitourinary system, cysts in the ovaries or polyps. In these cases, a repulsive odor and pain in the lower abdomen are added to the secretion.

If a woman notices during her period that liver-like clots are coming out, then their causes may be:

  1. Lack of enzymes that prevent blood from clotting in the vaginal walls.
  2. Endometrial hyperplasia. This serious illness can occur against the background of hormonal imbalance, diabetes, excess weight, and high blood pressure.
  3. Surgical removal of uterine fibroids.
  4. Recent birth. There is no reason to worry if the passing clots are not accompanied by a high temperature, which means that an infection has entered the uterus or not all parts of the placenta have come out. Then immediate hospitalization is necessary.
  5. Disruption of the functioning of any of the internal secretion organs. In this case, you need to contact an endocrinologist.
  6. The growth of polyps in the uterus is the cause of blood clots during menstruation. Added to these are cutting pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding outside of menstruation.
  7. Using the IUD as a method of contraception.
  8. Ectopic pregnancy. If these symptoms are accompanied by a sudden increase in temperature and sharp cutting pain in the right or left lower abdomen, then you should urgently call an ambulance.
  9. Taking birth control pills.
  10. Bad habits and frequent stress.

The passage of blood clots during the menstrual period and on other days, especially in combination with other unpleasant symptoms, can be a sign of a serious illness. In this case, contacting a doctor as soon as possible will help identify the problem and get rid of it, which will allow you to have healthy offspring in the future.

Pathological discharge

It happens that the discharge of brown mucus with blood clots and pain indicates endometriosis. The disease begins as a result of hormonal imbalance mainly in women over 45 years of age. Treatment of the disease should be carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist. And in some cases, such secretion is only evidence of the presence of an intrauterine device or a fertilized egg.

Thick leucorrhoea can also be both normal and the cause of pathology. You should consult a doctor if they are accompanied by any of the following symptoms:

  • acrid aroma;
  • itching and burning;
  • pain during sex and urination;
  • swelling of the external genitalia.

After the examination, the doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary therapy.

The formation of leucorrhoea with blood can be caused by:

  • starting to take birth control pills;
  • recent installation of a spiral;
  • erosion;
  • endocervicitis;
  • disruption of the thyroid gland.

If such secretion occurs instead of menstruation, then it may even be a symptom of cancer.

It must be understood that each woman must secrete an amount of blood corresponding to her age, state of health, composition and blood clotting. At the same time, the consistency and color of the separated secretion will also be individual.

Mucus during menstrual flow

Normally, every woman has a transparent secretion, because it is secreted by the cervix. But if the mucus is accompanied by itching, irritation, and redness of the external genitalia, then this serves as a signal of infection. If it acquires a yellow or green color uncharacteristic of healthy discharge, it indicates inflammation of the appendages.

Menstruation with mucus in a healthy body:

  • go regularly;
  • pass without acute pain;
  • have a characteristic blood color, which may be slightly brownish;
  • may contain blood clots, which are smaller than the fluid.

They say about pathology:

  • bad smell;
  • acute pain in the lower abdomen;
  • a significant excess of the number of clots over the volume of liquid.

Only a gynecologist can make an accurate diagnosis based on tests.

Scanty periods

With this disease, menstruation lasts no more than 2 days and the volume of fluid released does not exceed 50 ml.

Sometimes, in order to normalize scanty discharge during menstruation, you need to take a break from the hustle and bustle and stress, go to the sea, and get positive emotions. And in some cases, the reason for their appearance is much deeper and requires careful examination and long-term therapy.

Meager regulations are considered the norm:

  • in teenage girls during the period of cycle establishment;
  • in adult women during menopause.

In other cases, you need to look for the reason. Among the main ones are:

  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • obesity or wasting;
  • lack of vitamins, lack of red blood cells in the blood;
  • nervous exhaustion.

Menstruation may become scanty as a result of complications after cauterization of erosion. If, after identifying the presence of erosion and its removal, a sharp pain in the lower abdomen also appears, this means that the effect on the affected area was too long.

Heavy discharge during menstruation

When a woman loses a large volume of blood, she develops anemia. She feels a loss of energy, experiences frequent nausea, and her skin turns pale. There could be many reasons for this:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • polyps;
  • endometritis or endometriosis;
  • intrauterine device;
  • infectious diseases.

Another very dangerous type of pathological discharge, not inferior to menstruation in abundance, is profuse bleeding. It may appear due to stress, psychological or nervous illness. Its peculiarity is the abundant release of blood without pain at any period of the menstrual cycle. This is dangerous for women and most often indicates a tumor.

It happens that only blood clots are present in the secretion during menstruation. It could be:

  • rejection of excess uterine endometrium;
  • stagnation of blood in the uterus due to adhesions or scars. As a result, it has time to curl up, so it comes out in the form of lumps;
  • increased blood viscosity, which occurs against the background of liver, kidney, and vascular diseases;
  • consequences of taking certain medications;
  • spontaneous miscarriage of a recently started pregnancy;
  • a consequence of hormonal imbalance;
  • disease of the genitourinary system.

Dark discharge

If you have brown discharge instead of your period, it is important to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. They may start:

  • due to hormonal imbalance;
  • taking antibiotics, antidepressants, antiulcers or hemostatic agents;
  • improper lifestyle;
  • sudden climate change;
  • poor nutrition;
  • stress.

Brown menstruation is often observed in adolescents during the period of establishing a cycle and in older women during menopause.

When dark or black secretion goes up to 4 days without menstruation, this can be the cause of serious diseases, such as:

  • endometritis;
  • polyps;
  • erosion;
  • endometriosis.

In any case, you need to consult a gynecologist who will make the correct diagnosis based on tests.

Many girls and women at some point have encountered the reasons for the appearance of black or dark periods, but few can explain exactly why the modified discharge occurs and whether this is normal.

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Possible reasons

The reasons why menstruation is dark brown or black in color can vary, among the main ones it is customary to highlight the following:

  • young age (i.e. onset of puberty, establishment of the menstrual cycle);
  • postpartum changes, establishment of the lactation process;
  • sexual intercourse during bleeding;
  • infections of the genitourinary system or pelvis;
  • drug or gynecological treatment (including after duphaston);
  • abnormal metabolism.

Also, when trying to conceive, very scanty, sometimes mucous, brown periods may be released on the first day of the cycle, then normalizing.

If the hormonal and endocrine balance is disturbed or there is a long absence of sexual intercourse, dark brown periods may appear.

Unpleasant sensations

Most often, the answer to the question why menstruation began and continues to be dark brown and small is changes in the body’s functioning associated with normalization and debugging of new processes. While rebuilding, the body secretes enzymes that are unusual for itself, which leads to dark-colored periods.

However, there are cases when thick and dark-colored periods are provoked by various infectious diseases, including those caused by sexual intercourse during menstruation. Since the vaginal organs are irritated during menstruation and are also more susceptible to external influences, it is much easier for infections to enter the body.

To protect yourself from the negative consequences that may be associated with black periods or very scanty bleeding, visit a gynecologist to find out what is the reason for such modified menstruation in your particular case, and also, if necessary, receive appropriate treatment or specialist prescriptions.

Differences between black and dark

The shade of menstruation, as a rule, does not affect its symptoms and the reasons for its appearance are similar. The main differences are only that lighter discharges are filled with a lower concentration of blood, and darker ones, respectively, with a greater concentration, which affects their changed shade.

If your periods are brown, to figure out what this means, undergo the necessary examinations in order to find out the exact reasons for the appearance of modified menstruation, and, if necessary, begin appropriate treatment on time.

A real salvation for women

Why is the first menstruation this color?

The body of a young girl, which has launched the puberty program, has significant differences from the female one, since many previously uninvolved processes begin their work and development.

The formation of the body, changes in hormonal composition, the start of the menstrual cycle, as well as many other processes can become factors influencing the shade of the first menstrual flow. When establishing a cycle, it is quite normal to experience dark or black discharge during the first few months, sometimes quite scanty.

Change in color after using Duphaston

Changed color of menstruation or discharge can be caused by the use of gynecological or hormonal medications, such as Duphaston.

Must feel comfortable

Duphaston, in turn, is a synthetic substitute for progesterone, due to the lack of which many women experience problems with menstrual irregularities, as well as problems with pregnancy.

Despite such beneficial effects on the female body, the majority of women using Duphaston, under the intense influence of synthetic hormones entering the body, usually begin to experience scanty discharge, and minor pain and mood changes are also possible.

Depending on the concentration of blood in menstruation, its shade can vary from light brown to dark brown. There is no need to worry or panic excessively because of the discharge that appears, but it is recommended to notify your doctor that you are experiencing unusually discolored bleeding.

When prescribing Duphaston, consult your doctor to see if it can be combined with other medications, and also carefully read the contraindications of the drug so that instead of treatment you do not get the opposite result.

The problem is the color of the discharge

Dark discharge

As a signaling function, informing about the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the female body often produces scanty dark-colored blood spots, which are most often accompanied by the onset of menstruation after a few hours. This is due to the fact that the body needs time to start the processes of the menstrual cycle - by producing a small amount of discharge, it, as it were, tests the system.

Also because of this, in the first day and a half, most girls and women experience spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen associated with the release of blood, as well as the beginning of hemorrhage. It is worth noting that the beginning of the menstrual period is different for everyone and scanty dark or black discharge is not at all a necessary element of the beginning of menstruation. Specific options are quite possible, when menstruation begins abruptly and heavily, and then gradually fades away.

Well absorbed

Examinations for discharge

If you find atypical discharge in the form of dark or black menstruation, the best way to solve this problem is to contact a specialist to determine the causes and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Do not try to cope on your own - self-medication can harm you and lead to irreversible consequences. Do not delay visiting a specialist, since solving health problems in the early stages is much easier and faster.

To identify the causes and consequences of altered discharge, gynecologists most often prescribe:

  • smears for flora and infections;
  • general blood and urine tests;
  • examination on a gynecological chair.
  • Attention!

    The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!

Processes that cyclically occur in a woman’s body bring it into readiness for conception. In this case, fluid accumulates in the body, the mammary glands swell, and the uterus increases in volume. All these changes are due to the fact that the egg in the ovary has matured and can be fertilized. At a certain time, the egg is released from the ovary and, if it does not meet the sperm, it is destroyed.

Menstruation begins. This is nothing more than the release of an unused egg by the body. At the same time, the mucous endometrium lining the inside of the uterus will partially shed. The discharge contains fragments of the endometrium. Normally they are small in size and not noticeable. However, it happens that the menstrual discharge contains larger elements of light red color. They are elastic and tear-resistant. Is this normal? As a rule, no. Most often, excessive destruction of the endometrium indicates endometriosis - a strong proliferation of tissues of the uterine mucosa. Ovarian cysts can be a separate cause of endometriosis. Also, large pieces of the mucous membrane are released outward during endometritis.

In addition to the release of pieces of tissue, abnormally occurring menstruation is characterized by the appearance of loose clots in the discharge. Clots are coagulated blood. The presence of such clots indicates either increased bleeding or pathologies of the anticoagulation system of the blood. The fact is that when the body prepares for menstruation, it reduces the level of prothrombin in the blood, a substance that causes blood clotting.

Normally, only about 150-200 ml of blood is released in one cycle. The appearance of a small number of blood clots can be regarded as normal, because blood tends to clot quickly. Sometimes conditions are created for stagnation of menstrual fluid in the vagina, for example, during sleep or prolonged sitting. Of course, the appearance of clots in this case is inevitable, especially if they are small.

Heavy menstruation with clots is often caused by the following pathologies:

  • inflammatory processes and endometriosis - hormonal imbalances

When the balance of female hormones - estrogen and progesterone - is disturbed, blood clotting increases.

  • recent abortions

In this case, scars on the lining of the uterus form pockets. Blood flows into them, coagulates, and then is gradually washed out

  • uterine fibroids

This disease is indicated by very heavy menstruation.

  • miscarriage

The spontaneous elimination of the fetus from the body - a miscarriage - can be mistaken for menstruation. In this case, pain occurs and very heavy bleeding with gray tissue fragments is observed.

There is a problem?

Contact an experienced doctor and take care of your health!

For every woman of reproductive age, the monthly onset of menstruation is normal. Their arrival is a physiological norm, indicating that conception has not occurred, but the reproductive function is active. If so, then a visit to the gynecologist is mandatory, because this may be a sign not only of pregnancy, but also of the development of possible diseases. A change in the nature of the discharge may also alert a woman.

A normal menstrual cycle must meet the following criteria:

  • for each woman, the duration is strictly individual, the average is 28-31 days, in rare cases it can reach 45;
  • The menstrual cycle is divided into 2 phases, in the first the corpus luteum is formed in the ovaries, and the second phase is called the follicular phase, and it occurs in the uterine cavity. If fertilization does not occur, then menstruation begins;
  • Normally, menstruation occurs regularly, without delay or coming ahead of time;
  • normal 3-7 days;
  • the color of the discharge differs from capillary discharge, it should be somewhat darker;
  • the discharge should not immediately coagulate;
  • the average should not exceed 0.15 l;
  • a woman may feel a nagging, mild pain that does not require drug treatment;
  • Normally, it can only indicate the onset of pregnancy.

But even in cases where all the conditions for the normal course of menstruation are met, dark-colored discharge with a denser consistency than usual may occur. The reasons for this phenomenon can be both physiological and pathological. You should distinguish one from the other in order to know whether there is a need to consult a doctor immediately. Let's look at all the possible factors that cause heavy periods.

Reasons are normal

The nature of the menstrual cycle can be used to assess the health status of any woman of childbearing age. If your periods are thick, then under certain conditions such discharge can be considered a variant of the norm.

  • Taking medications can affect the blood clotting processes in the body, in which case it is quite normal for menstrual flow to become thick.
  • Artificial termination of pregnancy at any stage is stressful for a woman, like any surgical intervention. Sharp changes in hormonal levels caused by getting rid of the fetus cause changes in the nature of menstruation that will come after the operation. Menstrual blood will be scarlet or brown in color.
  • With an ectopic pregnancy, the onset of menstruation is quite possible, but the nature of the discharge itself is also noted. They may be black; dark-colored periods require urgent medical attention.
  • Hormonal contraceptives inhibit the activity of the ovaries, which changes the amount of hormones produced. During the first three months of use, the female body gets used to the changes, which may cause dark periods.
  • Lack of vitamins and depletion of the body, caused by an incorrectly formulated diet, strict diets and consumption of harmful foods, can cause the appearance of thick, dark-colored discharge.
  • For some time after removal of the intrauterine device, menstrual irregularities may occur. There may be a delay or, conversely, . There is an increase in the density of the discharge and its darkening. Such symptoms of IUD withdrawal can last 3 cycles in a row, during which time the body adapts to the changes.
  • It is quite normal that at the beginning of the critical days the discharge has a denser structure than at the time of its completion. It is also a physiological norm to have menstrual flow of greater density in women over 45 years old, because after 30 years they gradually thicken, it’s just that some representatives of the fair sex do not pay due attention to such physiological moments.

If thick periods occur in the absence of any of these reasons, you should seek help from a specialist to determine the pathology that caused such changes.

Pathological causes

To accurately determine the reason why the blood thickens during menstruation, other possible manifestations of the disease should be taken into account, such as a deterioration in general well-being, the presence of pain and other alarming signals. So, thick blood during menstruation can occur due to such ailments.

  • The most common cause of abnormal regula is inflammatory processes in the uterus. They can provoke darkening of menstrual flow, which may be mixed with pus. The temperature may also rise, causing causeless weakness, malaise and pain in the lower abdomen. At the initial stage, symptoms are mild, but changes in discharge occur from the very first days of the disease.
  • Hormonal imbalance can occur under certain circumstances. This may include surgical interventions on the organs of the reproductive system or internal pathologies, as well as taking hormonal medications and installing an intrauterine device. Hormonal levels change dramatically with diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and ovaries. For whatever reason, a hormonal imbalance occurs, it can cause a change in the consistency of menstruation.
  • Malignant neoplasms in a woman’s genital organs initially do not cause any pathological symptoms, but with a sharp increase in the size of the tumor, the nature of the discharge may also change dramatically.
  • Diseases of the internal organs, which are located close to the reproductive organs, cause problems with menstruation, pain in the lower abdomen or in the navel area. If there are problems with the functioning of the intestines, then the symptoms can be confused with diseases of the reproductive system, and dysbiosis in the intestines can result in vaginal candidiasis, in which leucorrhoea is discharged between menstruation. The example with the intestines is not the only one; there are many other diseases in which thick blood is released during menstrual periods.
  • Endometrial polyposis is a fairly serious problem for the female body, in which bleeding during menstruation will increase greatly, and the blood will flow thick and dark. In addition, dizziness occurs, severe in the lumbar region, as well as general weakness and fatigue. These symptoms continue with each cycle.

Any of the diseases listed above is a reason to contact a specialist.

What to do

Most diseases of the female reproductive system can be treated if treated in a timely manner. But due to the fact that many of them are asymptomatic in the initial stages, it is very important that a woman does not ignore preventive gynecological examinations, especially if thick discharge or other abnormal symptoms occur. To avoid surgical treatment, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • visit a gynecologist regularly, at least 1-2 times a year and if unpleasant symptoms are detected;
  • protect yourself during sexual intercourse with new partners; of course, it is better to have a permanent partner;
  • You need to undergo a gynecological examination and diagnosis in a specialized medical institution.

There are many reasons that cause changes in the consistency of menstrual flow; it is not possible to identify and eliminate them without the help of a specialist.

Symptoms indicating problems

For any woman, an annual preventative visit to the gynecologist should become a habit, but there are symptoms for which you should not hesitate to visit the doctor:

  • if menstrual flow has a disgusting aroma that is different from normal.

If any of the above conditions occur, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to diagnose dangerous diseases in time and improve your quality of life.

A healthy woman's periods are characterized by regularity and uniformity, which makes it possible to evaluate the state of the reproductive system. During menstruation, a girl can do this on her own, since the discharge is accessible to inspection. Normally, they resemble venous blood, but in some diseases, instead of the usual picture, various deviations are observed.

Why are periods brown? In some women, from the first menstruation they have a similar color, which is explained by the characteristics of their body. If they do not cause additional unpleasant symptoms, then there is no need to worry. For preventive purposes, you can consult a gynecologist to rule out pathological causes of such discharge.

The situation is different if menstrual blood suddenly or gradually changes its characteristics. More often, instead of normal blood, dark discharge appears, or thicker periods occur. In some gynecological diseases, these symptoms are the only signs of pathology. If a woman is not too attentive to her health, then the disease can be seriously neglected. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should know the normal properties of menstrual blood and the reasons for their changes.

Menstruation is normal

With the help of this physiological phenomenon, a woman’s body removes an egg from the uterine cavity every month. At the same time, the inner layer (endometrium) is renewed, which grows monthly under the influence of sex hormones. The menstrual cycle is created by nature to accomplish fertilization - if it does not occur, then the woman’s genitals “get rid” of the changes. Accordingly, with normal hormone levels and no changes in the uterus, the discharge will resemble normal blood.

During menstruation, women usually pay attention to their color, which rarely changes throughout life. But there are other characteristics that fully describe normal properties:

  1. The main characteristic is the duration, it should not be less than three days or more than a week. Violation of their duration means that not everything is in order with the hormonal background. The correct regulation of the cycle depends on sex hormones.
  2. Menstruation normally occurs without any unpleasant sensations - but there may be slight malaise or weakness, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. The appearance of severe pain during this period indicates gynecological pathology.
  3. Dark red or red-brown periods are a good sign. They must contain fresh blood, so they should not be too dark.
  4. The largest volume is released at the beginning of menstruation, and the rest of the time the amount of blood released gradually decreases. If too much of it is released during the entire period or the discharge is scanty, then endometrial disease can be suspected.
  5. The discharge should be uniform in nature - uneven coloring, inclusions in the form of large clots indicate problems with the separation of the inner layer. Black periods directly indicate illness - they occur when blood clots inside the vessels of the uterus.
  6. The menstrual cycle is constant - discharge begins at a certain period. Black discharge after or before menstruation may not be associated with the cycle, since the source of blood may not depend on sex hormones.

Brown menstruation may be a normal variant, since the discharge contains various impurities - destroyed cells, mucus and blood clots.

Reasons for changes in the color of menstruation

Lightening of menstrual blood may be observed - this process is normally observed in a woman after childbirth or before menopause. This is due to hormonal changes, which leads to insufficient “maturation” of the endometrium during the cycle. When the period of discharge begins, this immature layer contains insufficient blood vessels. Therefore, menstruation becomes pale - it contains little blood.

More often, instead of normal blood, darker blood appears - this is caused by its coagulation inside the uterine cavity. The reasons that provoke the development of this process affect the vessels of the inner lining. At the same time, the blood in them begins to form many clots, forming black discharge. Normally, women's periods should not be curtailed.

Inflammatory diseases

The development of this process rarely begins on its own - damage to the inner lining of the uterus begins against the background of other diseases. A decrease in immunity means a lot, since the uterine cavity communicates with the environment through the cervix. Therefore, inflammation is usually caused by E. coli - bacteria that live in the digestive tract. When the body's defenses decrease, they penetrate the vagina and can move further to the endometrium:

  • Signs of endometritis appear - increased temperature, fever, pain in the lower abdomen.
  • When they are recognized in a timely manner, the disease can be cured without consequences. Otherwise, the process becomes lengthy, which leads to permanent changes in the functional layer of the uterus.
  • A little later, menstrual irregularities appear - brown periods.
  • Instead of normal discharge, a bloody substance appears, which has a spotting character and an unpleasant odor.
  • The color change is caused by inflammation - the growth processes of the endometrium are disrupted during the cycle. To the meager amount of blood is added an excess amount of mucus and dead cells.

Instead of the “it will go away on its own” attitude in life, you should choose a different tactic – contact a gynecologist. He will prescribe the right combination of antibiotics and procedures that will eliminate the inflammation. Delaying treatment indefinitely can lead young and “healthy” women to infertility.

It is important to eliminate the cause of endometritis, since the persistence of disturbances in the immune system will cause an exacerbation of the disease in the near future.


This disease is characterized by a complex development mechanism - its causes are not fully understood. It is based on the spread of cells of the inner lining of the uterus to atypical places - literally to any part of the body. More often they move within the genital organs - into the fallopian tubes, cervix or vagina.

Medical abortions and caesarean sections increase the risk of disease - during these manipulations, endometrial cells can spread to other tissues.

Since they have the properties of the endometrium, they are able to form secretions under the influence of sex hormones. But the blood obtained has different characteristics, unlike the norm:

  • Black discharge before menstruation is possible, since these defective cells have excessive activity. In conditions that do not correspond to the uterine cavity, the blood quickly clots. It does not mix with special mucus and cells, so it quickly turns black.
  • Black discharge is often combined with other unpleasant symptoms - pain, weakness, fever.
  • With this disease, a woman may lose an excess amount of blood, which is lost through areas of abnormal activity of these cells. Repeated repetition of such events causes exhaustion in a woman, making her susceptible to other diseases.

Treatment of the disease is usually surgical - areas of abnormal cells are removed or cauterized. Elimination of such a lesion leads to recovery - the menstrual cycle normalizes, and black periods disappear. But women are monitored for a long time to avoid relapse of the disease.


Any neoplasms in the uterine cavity are an obstacle to the normal outflow of menstrual blood. Often they themselves become a source of bleeding. In tumors, a different structure of blood vessels is noted - arteries and veins are tangles with fragile walls. This explains their instability to damage - even an increase in blood pressure can lead to hemorrhages.

Therefore, instead of normal menstruation, black menstruation may occur, containing many clots - blood clots. Tumors can be benign and malignant, which causes differences in their clinical manifestations:

  • Bloody discharge, as a symptom, rarely depends on the course of the cycle - they can occur at other times.
  • This allows you to confuse the natural onset of menstruation, which is masked by periodic discharge during the cycle.
  • Bleeding is typical for twisting of the leg of a polyp or the disintegration of a malignant tumor - cancer.
  • At the same time, blood begins to flow from the vessels of the neoplasms into the uterine cavity, which quickly coagulates. This explains why black periods occur - the clots get into the normal discharge, coloring it dark.

Malignant tumors of the uterus have an unpleasant feature - they hardly appear. Late presentation sharply worsens the prognosis, as these tumors quickly spread into the abdominal cavity. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of a tumor, you should consult a gynecologist.

Venereal diseases

Some pathogens of sexually transmitted infections infect the inner lining of the uterus. They cause the development of a slow inflammatory process there, which changes the nature of the discharge:

  • The pathogens of gonorrhea and chlamydia cause the formation of multiple small ulcers on the surface of the endometrium.
  • Their surface bleeds, gradually becoming covered with a layer of dark blood clots.
  • Inflammation increases the secretion of mucus, which contains dead epithelial cells (pus).
  • Mixing this substance with menstrual blood causes brown periods, which also contain bacterial cells.

Lack of treatment for these diseases leads to infertility, as dense adhesions form inside the uterus. They prevent the fertilization of the egg, as they close the lumens of the fallopian tubes. Therefore, you should protect yourself during sex with condoms, and also consult a venereologist at the first suspicion of these diseases.