Clean the kitten's ears from ticks. Ears on the top of the head or how to properly clean a cat’s ears. Preventative ear examination in cats

Let's look at the main issues related to ear cleaning.

Should a kitten's ears be cleaned?

The ears of kittens and adult cats must be kept clean. The animal cannot do this on its own, so it requires human help. Dirt in the ears, firstly, does not look aesthetically pleasing, and secondly, it can cause certain diseases, for example, inflammation, otitis media.

How to properly clean your ears

Serous crusts that appear in a cat's ears in large numbers indicate the appearance of ear mites. This serious illness, which is very important to detect at the very beginning and immediately contact a veterinarian. Then the treatment will proceed faster and more effectively. This is why regular ear cleaning for kittens and adult cats is important.

How often cats' ears need to be cleaned depends on their breed. The ears of Sphynx animals get dirty most quickly. Their ears are pretty big size, are not covered with hair, the secretion is released more actively.

The same, but to a lesser extent, applies to Siamese, Abyssinians, and Rex, who also have big ears. They should be cleaned at least once a week. Ears middle and small size (Persian cats, lop-eared, etc.) usually need cleaning much less frequently.

But do not forget that each animal is unique, its body has its own characteristics.

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How to clean a kitten's ears?

In order to properly clean a kitten’s ears, first of all, it is necessary to immobilize the animal so that it does not jerk at the most inopportune moment and get injured. It is better to act together, when one person holds the kitten, and the second treats the ears. The animal can be held in your arms or placed on its side and only held.

If it actively moves and breaks out, it is recommended to swaddle it, leaving only the head free. If this hygienic procedure is carried out regularly, the baby gets used to it and takes it for granted. It is advisable to treat your baby with his favorite treat at the end to compensate unpleasant moments and create motivation.

To treat the kitten's ears we will need cotton pads, ear swabs and boiled, cooled water. You can use special lotions purchased from veterinary pharmacy. So, the kitten’s ear carefully opens large and index finger. After a thorough external inspection, you can proceed directly to cleaning.

This is done with careful movements using a swab soaked in water or lotion and cotton swabs. You should move from inside to outside. You should also remove dirty, matted hair that creates favorable environment for the development of bacteria and preventing the passage of air to the ear canal.

How not to do it?

Let's list what you absolutely cannot do. Do not use soap solutions, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, or alcohol-containing substances to clean your ears. Their use can lead to drying out of delicate skin, the formation of cracks, wounds and ulcers, and increased sulfur formation. Also, you should not clean your ears by going too deep, as there is a high risk of damaging the eardrum.

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Should you wash your kitten's ears?

How to rinse with a solution

Some experts consider the method of cleaning a kitten’s ears using cotton swabs and pads to be quite traumatic, and recommend using alternative way– washing the kitten’s ears.

The purpose of this procedure is similar to cleaning - to rid the animal’s ears of accumulated dirt and secretions and bring them to an aesthetically attractive state. Therefore, thereby preventing the occurrence of inflammatory diseases.

How to wash a kitten's ears?

It is better to entrust their choice to a veterinarian. So, the kitten is fixed, and the product is injected according to the instructions onto the inner surface of the ear. Usually this is 3-5 drops. After this, the product must be dripped directly into the ear canal, in the amount of 5-10 drops. Next, you need to lightly massage the base of the cat’s ear for 30 seconds.

This is necessary for uniform distribution of the product in the ear canal. After this, the cat must be released. She will shake her head as usual, and softened plaque will come out of the ear canals. It is then easily removed with cotton swabs and sticks.

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What should you not do when rinsing your ears?

You should absolutely not use any liquids other than saline or special pharmaceuticals for cleaning ears. It is also forbidden to insert the bottle spout too deeply into the ear and cotton buds to avoid damage to the eardrums. Also, do not exceed the dosage indicated in the instructions. All movements should only be careful and careful so as not to damage the sensitive tissue of the cat's ear.

So, we talked about ways to clean a kitten’s ears, how to do it correctly, and what you absolutely should not do. By following all the above recommendations, you will be able to perform hygiene procedures without harming the animal. It is important to accustom your kitten to ear cleaning from a very tender age. Then in the future adult cat will perceive this event as routine and will not resist.

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To ensure that a pet is always healthy and cheerful, the owner must examine it regularly. Preventive examination carried out weekly. If the animal's ears are clean, without redness or scratching, then you can clean them less often.

To ensure that the cleaning procedure does not cause dissatisfaction in the cat and attempts to escape, it is necessary to accustom it from the first days of its appearance in the house. The kitten must get used to the fact that ear cleaning is a necessity. It is recommended to end the procedure with affection and a treat.

Care for detecting ear mites


You can clean your cat's ears yourself. Before carrying out the procedure, you need to prepare the following supplies:

  • special cotton swabs with a limiter;
  • cosmetic cotton pads;
  • towel;
  • gel or ear drops for animals.

If the animal is calm, then it is enough to caress it, calm it down, and sit it on your lap. During the procedure, you need to talk to the cat affectionately, and after the procedure, give something tasty.

The ear is turned out carefully and as much as possible, the shell and ear canal are examined. To clean ear canal to remove wax and a small amount of dirt, just dip the stick into the gel and gently wipe the ear canal, removing the dirt with an outward rotating motion.

If observed a large number of dirt, then it is better to first instill ear drops for cats, which facilitate the removal of dirt from the depths of the ear canal.

After instilling the drops, the cat will begin to shake its head, which helps remove pieces of dirt. Then clean your ears with cotton swabs or cotton pads. It is forbidden to wipe the ears of cats with homemade sticks with cotton wool.

Cleaning ears for cats is often an unpleasant procedure; the animal begins to struggle. Then you can swaddle your pet with a towel and do the work together.

In what cases is the help of a veterinarian necessary?

As a rule, you should consult a doctor if purulent, bloody, black discharge appears from your cat's ears. A late visit to the veterinary clinic is fraught with otitis media and hearing loss, which requires long-term treatment. In the future, cat ear treatment procedures can be carried out at home according to the doctor’s instructions.

The question of whether it is necessary to regularly clean cats' ears causes some controversy in the felinological community. Some experts suggest limiting inspections to once every 2-3 weeks, while others suggest carrying out preventative cleaning every week. But one way or another, everyone agrees that to prevent cat health problems, you should carefully monitor the condition of its ears.

Ideally general examination cats should be daily. This includes cleaning the animal’s eyes and, if required, ears. It is always better to prevent a disease than to fight it. What dangerous diseases may cause disdain to hearing hygiene, and how to properly clean a cat’s ears? Let's start in order.

The first step is to accustom the cat to examining the ears.

No one will like it if they are torn away from important activities and forced to sit still, and for some reason they will get into their ears. Your cat is no exception. To prevent the procedure from turning into stress for the animal and bloodshed for you, accustom your pet to daily care better with early age.

It is very important that the examination does not cause any negative associations in the animal:

  • Before hygiene procedure play with your pet.
  • And when it’s all over, treat them to something tasty.

If a kitten or adult cat associates inspection with such pleasant moments, then it will not resist or scratch.

To secure the animal's head, it is best to carefully wrap it in a towel. Just don't tie your cat too tightly or try to tie her paws with a towel! This will only make her angry, and it will not be easy to deal with a disgruntled, struggling animal.

The second step is conducting an inspection. What should you pay attention to?

To check the cleanliness of the ears, you need to bend them back, as if turning them inside out. This won't hurt your cat, so be careful. There should be no dark deposits, accumulations of dirt, etc. inside the ear, it should be completely clean. If black spots or something like brown bumps are visible, the situation is bad - this means that the cat is sick.

The most common ear diseases:

  • otitis,
  • ear mite

Both are very dangerous for the pet, especially in late stage, and can cause not only deafness, but also more serious problems with health. Frequent inspection will help to identify the problem immediately and solve it in a timely manner.

You can purchase a special small flashlight to look deeper into your pet's ears, inside the ear canal, but this is not necessary.

So, pay attention to dirt and any sores or scratches. This is a warning sign!

Third step – look or clean?

Clean ears to a pet recommended once every 2-3 weeks.

There is no need to clean your pet's ears every day, but once every 2-3 weeks would be a good idea. If the inner surface of the ears is clean, the cleaning procedure will not take more than a couple of minutes.

Removing excess earwax and dust from cat ears, you save your pet from:

  • risk of getting sick;
  • hearing impairment caused by sulfur plugs.

It is important to remember that there are cat breeds that require more frequent cleaning ears, for example, sphinxes. When planning to purchase a purebred animal, be sure to find out from the breeder how to properly care for it.

Fourth step - prepare equipment for cleaning

What you will need:

  1. First, cotton swabs, about 3-4 per ear if it is dirty, or 1-2 if clean. In no case should they be homemade, like matches with cotton wool wrapped around them. With this tool you can scratch delicate skin ear and cause a lot of problems.
  2. Secondly, ear cleaning gel. You can often hear advice on using vegetable oil or ordinary water, but it's better to buy special remedy, especially since it is inexpensive.
  3. And, of course, a towel with which you will restrain the animal - not so that it cannot escape, but so that it does not shake its head at the wrong moment and does not damage its ears.

Step five - how to clean a cat's ears?

It is very important to perform all actions carefully and slowly! Remember that you are working on a very sensitive area!

So, there are two options:

  • First: the ears look normal and this is a preventative cleaning.
  • Second: the ears are dirty, and cleaning is therapeutic.

They are not too different from each other.

First you need to bend the cat's ear, turning it out as much as possible. The gel should not be squeezed directly into the ear! Dip a cotton swab into the gel and wipe the ear with it. Many people are afraid of piercing a cat eardrum, and completely in vain. Of course, you don’t need to push the entire cotton swab into your cat’s ear, but to a depth of about a centimeter is absolutely safe. The eardrum is located in such a way that you cannot reach it. However, be careful not to hurt your pet.

It is important that your movements are directed outward and not inward, otherwise, instead of pulling out dirt, you will push it deeper into the ear.


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I remember very well the time when my cat suffered from ear mites - from time to time she literally became not herself, ran back and forth across the rooms, her eyes sparkling madly and constantly scratching her ears with her paws. It was clear that her ears were very itchy, and something urgently needed to be done...

Fortunately, all this is in the past. Now my cat is the owner of clean ears, in which there is not a hint of ticks, and she will probably only dream of her past torments occasionally in her cat dreams :-)

So what kind of enemy is an ear mite? Mites are microscopic arachnids that live on the skin or in ear canals cats. The causative agents of this disease live in the external auditory canal and feed on skin debris (epidermis). Usually both ears of a cat are affected by mites.

A characteristic sign of ear mite infestation is intense itching, in which the cat scratches its ears furiously and shakes its head. In particularly advanced cases, he may even scratch his ears until they bleed, the itching torments them so unbearably.

But this is not the only sign of ear mite infestation. Another sign of the disease is the presence dark brown coating in the ear, its structure resembles coffee grounds and just looks like brownish dirt in the cat's ears, it also has an unpleasant odor.

The more severely the ears are affected, the more painful for a cat, the more itchy she will be from these mites, so it is always better to remove the mites at the initial stage and never run the cat's ears, but monitor them carefully. As soon as some dark plaques appear there, some black dots are mites. They are very microscopic, they can only be seen clearly under a microscope, but with the eye they are visible as black-brown dots.

As soon as they appear, they should be removed immediately and the cat's ears should not be damaged.

How to clean ear mites from a cat's ears? To do this you need to buy special drug for ears - called "Bars", sold in pet stores. This is a special liquid with which we will clean our cat's ears. We also need boric acid in powder form, it is sold in pharmacies in small bags and is very cheap. First you also need to stock up on cotton swabs - either buy ready-made ones, or make them yourself from matches and cotton wool; to make them, you just need to wrap the matches with cotton wool and the cotton swabs are ready. We need less than 20-30 of these cotton swabs, because they will get dirty when we remove ticks from our ears and will have to be replaced with new ones.

After all this is prepared, take a bottle of “Bars”, pour this “Bars” into some small cap, for example, from plastic bottle and place it next to where you will perform the procedure.

Then take boric acid (we will pour it into the ear after cleaning). How this is done technically - you take a small piece of paper - about the size of your palm, maybe smaller, bend it in half, pour a pinch inside boric acid, on one side you can clamp it with a paper clip so that the powder does not spill out. Make 2 pieces of paper with powder inside and place them where you will clean your cat’s ears. Then, from these pre-prepared pieces of paper with powder, it will be very convenient to pour boric acid directly into the cat’s ear - but we will do this at the very end, so let these 2 pieces of paper lie there for now, waiting in the wings.

Everything, tools for successful treatment ears are prepared, then we go to prepare the cat.

Cleaning the ears is a rather unpleasant procedure for a cat, so before you begin, it is important to take precautions to protect yourself from your pet’s claws, because it will definitely break out of your hands during the procedure. How are precautionary measures carried out - this is done very simply - take some kind of thick blanket, cape, blanket - anything, even a towel, the main thing is that it is thick enough (therefore a regular sheet will not work). The cat's paws are pressed against the body and after that you wrap the cat in this blanket, as if swaddling it so that only its head sticks out. It is very important to swaddle her paws so that she cannot scratch you with them. To keep the blanket in place and not fall off, you can tie it with some kind of string or ribbon around it. Your cat will resemble a small swaddled baby :-)

When you have done this, you can begin cleaning your ears. Of course, it will be easier if someone helps you - hold the cat in the right position, hold its head, because it will constantly pull it and try to escape. But if there is no one, you can carry out the procedure alone.

Well, after we have wrapped up our cat, we can calmly begin cleaning the ears. We do this in turn - first one ear, then the other. We wrap the cat’s ear back - as if we turn it outward so that the insides of the ear are visible - this is very easy to do in cats - then we take a cotton swab, dip it in the Bars solution from our prepared lid, and clean it brown coating from the ears using this stick. Clean your ears with these cotton swabs, remove dark coating- first scrape off the large plaque particles, then the smaller ones.

As soon as the cotton wool on the stick becomes dirty, replace the cotton swab with a new one. And so on until complete cleansing insides of the ear.

This will be very unpleasant for the cat - the more the ears are affected, the more painful it will be, but the point here is that you will have to clean everything early, no matter how unpleasant it may be for the cat, so do not stop if the cat protests and tries in every possible way to disturb you.

Attention! Do not put the cotton swab too deep into your ear - you may damage your eardrum! Clean only the dark plaque that is visible to the eye from the outside, and do not go into the ear canal!!! Otherwise, this can end badly for the cat, because damage to the eardrum can lead to hearing loss.

When you have cleaned both ears in the specified way, when they become clean, you need to perform one more procedure, which I mentioned earlier. To consolidate the results, we also need to pour a little boric acid into each ear of the cat, which we have already prepared in advance. We simply pour this powder from our prepared piece of paper into the cat’s ear, and not into the ear canal, but precisely into those places that were affected by ear mites - we fall asleep like powder. The cat will shake its head, but this is just good - this powder will spread evenly throughout the ear. Some of it will fall out of the ear, and only a minimal amount will remain in the ear. required amount boric acid, which is necessary.

This procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a week for the first week, then once a week, then once a month, and so on, less and less often, until the mites completely disappear from the ears.

Good luck with ear cleaning to you and your pets!

Ears help a cat perceive sounds and maintain balance. It is thanks to the “locators” that cats always land on four paws. But often wax accumulates in the ears of animals, which makes it impossible to perceive sounds normally.

What else can clog your pet’s ears and what can you do about it?

Why should you clean your kitten's ears?

Any representative of the cat family always washes itself thoroughly. But, unfortunately, his paw only reaches the top of his ears. Meanwhile, dust and dirt, particles of old skin, and dying hairs can accumulate inside. When there are a large number of them, they begin to work sebaceous glands, which release sulfur. It becomes a barrier to dirt in inner part ear.

When turning the ears inside out, the cat does not experience much discomfort, which makes the cleaning process easier. Therefore, you can clean your kitten’s ears at home without any problems.

If the owner notices the following troubles:

Dark spots or deposits

Dirty streaks

tubercles Brown,


then you should find out the reasons causing ear problems. Perhaps this is a disease and the kitten needs to be shown to a veterinarian. for example, with a large accumulation of sulfur, ear plugs. They put pressure on the eardrum, causing irritation of the mucous membrane of the ear, which results in hearing and coordination disorders. An unsteady gait, nausea, and vomiting may be signs of cerumen impaction.

Additional Information: Dirt accumulates most in the ears of breeds that have little or no fur (Sphinxes, Peterbalds, elves). When there are hairs on the inner surface of the ear, they help protect the inside from dust. And when they are not there, it becomes a problem.

How to prepare a kitten for ear cleaning at home?

You need to teach a kitten to clean its ears from an early age. The sooner he gets used to the procedure, the calmer he will be about it, since it causes a little discomfort.

The frequency of cleaning depends primarily on the breed of the animal. Age and temperament also play a role. A kitten's ears should be checked once every 2 weeks and cleaned once a month. It is advisable to prepare a little for this procedure, since the kitten will scratch and try to escape:

1. Trim furry pet claws or wear anti-scratch guards.

2. It is better to hold the cat together, holding the head with a towel. It is important not to scare the animal, otherwise nothing will be done.

3. Prepare everything you need in advance: cotton pads and cotton swabs, gel for cleaning cat ears or saline solution. If you don't have any of this, you can use vegetable oil or water.

For your information: You cannot clean a kitten’s ears at home with homemade sticks when cotton wool is wrapped around matches. They can scratch your ear or “lose” the cotton inside auricle. Children's cotton swabs that have a limiter are suitable.

How to clean a kitten's ears at home

Before cleaning, play with the kitten to keep him calm, and after it, treat him with something tasty. Sudden movements, when the animal’s head is poorly fixed, the “locators” can be injured. They are sensitive and must be handled with care. It is better to use a small flashlight to check the contents of the ear.

The procedure, which must be carried out carefully and slowly, involves the following steps:

Having fixed the kitten's head with a towel so that it is motionless, wrap its ear as far as possible, which will make cleaning easier.

First, clean the internal contents cotton swab, wetted boiled water or saline solution

Apply the gel to a cotton swab and carefully remove dirt or wax in several steps (the gel is not squeezed in),

It is necessary to clean to a depth of approximately 1 cm, changing cotton swabs as they become dirty.

It is difficult to pierce the eardrum due to its anatomical position. To avoid pushing dirt inside, all movements are directed outward. By cleaning your pet's ears, you can help prevent hearing loss and reduce the risk of illness.

The sequence of actions for cleaning cat “locators” can be seen in the video:

For your information: To clean a kitten’s ears at home, do not use alcoholic liquids, hydrogen peroxide, or soap, which cause the skin to dry out. When irritated, ulcers form on the inner surface, itching and active production of sulfur are possible.

What diseases do cat ears suffer from?

The animal scratches its ear and shakes its head,

Scratching until there are bloody scratches,

Availability purulent discharge, dark spots and crust.

Itching and irritation are due to the fact that the tick feeds on particles of the ear epithelium (skin). After inspection, veterinarian prescribes treatment. Antifungal and antibacterial drugs are usually used. Before using them, you need to clean your kitten’s ears at home so that the effects of the products are as effective as possible. Rinsing the ears with antiseptics, such as chlorhexidine, works well. Within a month you can completely get rid of ear mites and undergo a re-examination by a veterinarian.

Additional information: Before treating the auricle, you need to check its condition. Maybe she's clean a small amount sulfur. Achieving sterile cleanliness is not at all necessary. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the “locators” as they become dirty.

Cleaning your ears is important to you for a pet. And if it is carried out regularly, then no problems will arise. A kitten or a grown cat calmly reacts to the procedure when it becomes habitual. A healthy condition In cats, it can be clearly seen by the condition of the eyes, fur and ears.