Correctly picking up a cat. Why a cat doesn’t like to sit in your arms and how to hold it correctly How to hold a cat so that it doesn’t escape

For many people, the question of how to properly hold a cat in your arms will seem strange. They don’t see any difficulty in this simple action: pick up a cat, pet it and enjoy it. In reality, everything turns out to be not so simple. There are many subtleties that need to be taken into account before taking a kitten into your arms.

Animal instincts

Not every four-legged pet enjoys the fact that its owner limits its movements. There are some cats that resist with all their might anyone who tries to pick them up. And once in the strong hands of the owner, they try to escape as quickly as possible.

Everyone is familiar with the phrase: “The cat walks on its own.” It is based on natural instincts that have been preserved in their genotype even after a large amount of time since their domestication. This is the main reason why pets don’t like being in their owner’s hands.

Cat owners strive to pick up and pet their pet as often as possible. To please both the person and the animal, you should examine in detail the question of how to properly hold a cat in your arms.

How to adopt a cat?

Before studying the question of how to properly lift and hold a cat, you need to remember a few simple rules for handling an animal:

  • Avoid putting too much pressure on your pet's body. He will remember your actions and next time he will try to avoid these unpleasant sensations. The cat will begin to associate pain with the person who caused it.
  • Don't keep your pet against its will. The first time you try to leave, let him go. Holding back a struggling animal with all your might will not lead to anything good.
  • The loud meowing that a pet makes when you try to pick it up is a signal that you have previously caused inconvenience or pain to it.

The following sequence of actions will tell you how to properly pick up a cat:

  • Make sure your pet is friendly, not active, and not afraid of you.
  • Slowly and without making sudden movements, approach him.
  • Treat your cat kindly or say something nice to her.
  • Pet the cat and scratch behind its ears.
  • A relaxed animal is a signal that it doesn’t mind being in your hands. You can also understand this by gentle meowing, purring and looking into the eyes.
  • Place one hand under the cat's body just behind the front legs. With the other, grab it by the hindquarters and carefully lift it up.
  • Hold the cat close to you so that it feels comfortable and safe.

The animal should be near the chest. Never squeeze it, just press it lightly towards you. Make sure that the animal's body remains almost straight. Do not allow it to sag or be placed upside down. If your pet feels discomfort, it will try to escape from your hands. Sharp claws and teeth can be used to achieve this goal. The cat's head should be slightly higher than the body.

You cannot lift an animal by the scruff of the neck, despite the prevalence of this technique. If cats drag kittens in this way, this does not mean that this method of movement is also suitable for adults. After 3 months, the cat is large, so lifting it by the withers will cause it severe pain and risk muscle injury.

How to let go of a cat?

If everything is done correctly, but after some time the cat begins to feel uncomfortable, then it’s time to let her go. You should not try to hold the cat by force, because it will begin to feel fear and panic. With each such case, the pet’s trust in the owner will begin to decrease and it will become more and more difficult to pick him up.

Place your pet on the ground so that he stands on all paws and remove your hands. Do not abandon your cat under any circumstances! Sometimes she can jump off on her own, so don't be afraid of this.

Now you know how to properly pick up a cat. The tips below will help avoid unpleasant feelings for the owner and pet as a result of communication:

  • The cat should not be picked up with one hand, because this movement will cause discomfort for the cat. The animal will begin to resist and try to leave your company. Always lift your pet with both hands.
  • Do not act against the cat's will, do not use force. Don't forget that some pets generally don't like being picked up. Take an animal only when it is really necessary: ​​a visit to the veterinarian, a trip to an exhibition or transportation to the country.
  • You cannot shout at the animal or make sudden movements. Use a soft tone and gentle language when communicating.

When everything is done correctly and contact with the cat is established, then after some time she herself will begin to strive to find herself in your arms. The most important thing in answering the question of how to properly hold a cat in your arms is to create a feeling of security for him, the absence of physical and psychological discomfort. An affectionate and patient attitude is the key to achieving mutual understanding between a person and a pet.

Cats are one of the most popular pets. Due to its widespread distribution, many people have the impression that keeping an animal is very simple. This is not entirely true, because even experienced animal lovers sometimes make mistakes in their care. Future owners have many questions - about how to properly hold a cat in their arms, what to feed and how to care for it.

It is better to feed your cat fresh food without chemical additives. Her digestive system is different from ours, so her diet needs to be unique. It is better to pour boiling water over or boil meat products before serving. From time to time, the menu includes dairy products, eggs, cereals and vegetables. You should not give your animal fried food, salt, spices or river fish.

In extreme cases, you can use dry or canned food. Not all of them are healthy, so you should choose the highest quality food made from natural ingredients. Only they can provide complete and balanced nutrition for your pet.

A cat's coat needs care, especially for decorative breeds. They need to be brushed every day. Without this procedure, long-haired cats may experience problems with the digestive system, which becomes clogged with clumps of hair during licking. There are special medications that help remove hairballs from the stomach. It is recommended to brush cats with short hair once a week.

Pets are bathed twice a year. The procedure helps maintain healthy skin.

How to properly hold a cat in your arms?

It would seem that it could be simpler - take the cat and hold it, pet it, enjoy it. But no! Not all cats like people to limit their freedom. Some are not easy to handle at all. This is their nature - “I’m a cat, and I walk on my own.” Remember?

And sometimes it happens that a cat screams and meows when you pick it up. You're probably making it awkward and causing her pain or discomfort. Although it seems that it is very easy to pick up an animal and hold it, in fact, it requires skill. Especially if the animal has some kind of disease and you can hurt it.

How to pick up a cat?

First of all, you need to take the animal correctly. But before that, make sure that it is not aggressive towards you, is not afraid of you, and in general, it is comfortable and calm. Without sudden movements, approach the cat, speak to it kindly, and say hello. It will probably take time for your cat or cat to get used to you. Stroke your cat's forehead, behind the ears and chin if he allows you to do so.

All these actions are necessary, especially if the animal is unfamiliar to you. This way, both you and the cat will have time to assess the situation and get to know each other a little. Once the cat feels that she is safe with you, she will relax, and you will see and feel it.

The cat gives a signal that it is ready to go into your arms - it begins to rub against your leg or arm, purrs, and looks into your eyes. If you see exactly this, and not her irritation and attempts to bite and scratch, then you have become friends with her, and you can proceed to the next stage.

Now place one of your hands under the cat's body just behind its front legs, and with your other hand, grab it under its hind legs and lift it up. Create contact between your body and the cat as soon as possible - this will make her feel completely safe.

How to properly hold a cat in your arms?

The hardest part is over, you are in close contact with the animal, it trusts you and expects affection and warmth from you. Hold it at the level of your chest, pressing lightly, but not pressing. The cat's position should be almost straight - not sagging or upside down. The cat will immediately try to stop any uncomfortable position, struggling and scratching you at the same time.

The cat's head, when you hold it, should be higher than the level of its body. Remember - you should never turn a cat upside down!

It is equally important to feel when the cat wants to leave your hands. She will begin to twitch, move, and try to free herself. Don't hold her against her will, otherwise she will feel discomfort, her anxiety and fear will increase, so that next time you will have to do everything from the very beginning to pick her up again.

Do not throw the cat, lower it onto its 4 paws and only then remove your hands. Of course, sometimes your cat may jump off of you on its own, so be prepared for this.

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How to properly pick up a cat | All about cats

The cat must be taught from a very early age to such necessary procedures as combing, trimming claws, examining the ears, mouth, and brushing teeth.

You will constantly have to pick up the cat. This may be necessary, for example, in a dangerous situation for the cat. Or to put her in a cat carrier for a trip to the veterinarian. There is a right and wrong way to hold a cat.

How to hold a cat correctly

  • Approach the cat from the front, or from the side, but so that she can see you. Talk to her in a soothing voice.
  • Place one hand under your cat's belly and the other hand under his back legs and body.
  • Lift it closer to your chest. Hold the cat in such a way that it sits on one of your hands, and with the other hold it under its belly and front paws. So that the front paws also have support on your arm or chest. If necessary, you can firmly wrap your hand around the cat's front paws.
  • If your cat is fairly tame, she may prefer to sit with her front paws resting on your shoulder. If you are in a safe environment, at home, for example, then this way of keeping a cat is quite acceptable. But if you are in an unpredictable environment, such as a veterinary clinic, then you should not keep your cat this way. Because it is close to your face and can accidentally scratch you if it gets scared. In addition, she can easily escape from your hands and run away.

What not to do

  • You can't pick up a cat by the scruff
  • You can't lift her by the tail
  • You can't lift a cat by its legs
  • Supervise your child if he or she picks up a cat. It is better for a small child to hold a cat in his arms only if he himself is in a sitting position.

Scruff of a cat

You should not pick up an adult cat by the scruff of the neck. The mother cat grabs the kittens by the scruff of the neck to move them, but the kittens are small and light. An adult cat can weigh 4-8 kilograms, or even 15 (like a Maine Coon), and lifting him by the scruff of the neck without additional support, you create a huge load on the spine and muscles.

The cat's scruff can be used to hold the cat, but this must be done if the cat has a supporting surface. For example, if the cat is on the veterinarian's table during an examination. Such a grab by the scruff of the neck will not harm the cat and will help immobilize it. You can hold your cat in the same way if you give it medicine or give it an injection. But this must be done by two people.

Cat in the hands of a child

Cats and children can be a great combination, but there is always a danger of them hurting each other if the child does not follow basic precautions.

A cat is quite heavy for a small child; you should not allow the child to pick it up until he is physically strong enough. If a child holds a cat carelessly, it can scratch him and even bite him. In addition, there is a danger of injury to the cat itself. This is especially true for small kittens. Therefore, wait until your child is older and teach him to pick up the cat correctly and only when necessary.

One more precaution. You should not pick up a cat to remove it from a fight with another cat. She is excited at this moment and may attack you unintentionally. Especially if you grab it unexpectedly. If you want to break up a cat fight, it is better to use a broom or a water gun.

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How to hold a cat correctly

Adopting a cat into your family is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Immediately after a pet appears in the house, you should begin to accustom it to such simple things as combing its fur, trimming its nails, and washing it. To carry out any of the procedures, the animal must be picked up.

Each pet has its own character, some easily approach anyone, while others are cautious and distrustful. But regardless of the cat’s mood, you need to pick it up correctly so that it is convenient and comfortable for the animal and the owner.

How to properly pick up a cat

In order not to frighten or alarm the animal, you should approach her from the front, you can quietly call her name. Next, you should carefully insert one hand under the cat’s belly, and the other under the hind legs, and slowly lift the animal to chest level.

You need to hold the cat so that it sits on one hand, while with the other hand you need to support the animal under the chest. If the cat is accustomed to being handled, then it will take a position that is comfortable for it. Some pets like to sit with their front paws folded on their owner's shoulders.

If a cat is picked up for some unpleasant procedure, then the front paws can be grabbed with your hand.

How to properly pick up a cat by the scruff of the neck

The mother takes her kittens by the scruff of the neck to move them to another place. You shouldn’t lift an adult by the scruff of the neck, because it weighs much more than a kitten. When lifted by the scruff of the neck, the weight of the animal is unevenly distributed across the spine, and this can lead to serious injury.

You can take a cat by the scruff if you need to hold it in place and provided that the animal has reliable support under its paws. This grip can be used when visiting the veterinarian, or if you need to give your pet medicine, but he resists.

How to pick up and hold a kitten

It is generally not recommended to pick up small newborn kittens, since their muscular, skeletal and nervous systems are not yet fully formed. In addition, some cats may refuse a kitten if they smell someone else's scent.

It is not only possible to pick up an older, more independent kitten, but even necessary. Kittens that have been in close contact with people since childhood are more trusting, tame and calm. To pick up a kitten, you need to support it under its tummy with one hand and under its butt with the other, pressing its tail between its hind legs.

How and in what cases should you not pick up a cat?

In order for the cat to sit calmly in your arms and not try to run away at the first opportunity, you need to choose the right moment for contact. Firstly, you should not pick up your cat while playing. Excited and playful, she may inadvertently scratch, and calm communication at this moment is unlikely to be achieved.

You should not distract your pet from his nap or wake him up if he is sleeping - a disrupted rest will not add to his complacency.

There is no point in trying to pick up a hunting pet, even if it is hunting a fly. For a pet, hunting is an important activity.

The biggest mistake an owner makes is trying to grab their cat out of a fight with their hands. Instead of your beloved pet, you will find an angry fury in your arms, which can not only scratch, but also bite the owner.

You cannot lift an adult by the scruff, tail, paws or turn the animal upside down.

In order not to lose the trust of your pet, you should not hold him in your arms by force. If your pet begins to struggle, becomes nervous, or meows, you should immediately release it. You cannot throw a cat from a height or let it go abruptly and unexpectedly - the surprise can damage its paws. The best option would be to carefully place the animal on its paws, holding it under its belly. If the animal does not show aggression and does not run away immediately, then it is recommended to pat it on the back several times. Let the pet remember the positive experience of being in the arms of its owner.

Picking up a cat may seem like a simple task, but it must be done correctly so that the cat feels comfortable and does not get injured. Before you try to pick up your cat, you should make sure that she feels safe and completely calm in your presence. Some cats require a more gentle approach than others, especially if the cat is wary of people or suffers from certain conditions, such as arthritis. Only after you have established a good relationship with your cat is the time when you can try to pick her up while properly supporting her body.


Part 1

Calming a cat

    Get close to the cat. If you want to pick up a cat, you first need to approach it in such a way that it knows you are approaching. This may mean first starting a gentle conversation, getting into the cat's line of sight, or otherwise notifying the pet of your presence.

    Say hello to the cat. It may take time for a cat to warm up to you, even if it is your own cat. Once the cat knows you are coming, you must show it a friendly and loving attitude so that it is ready to come into your arms. Most cats greet each other by rubbing their faces together, so you should do something similar by affectionately stroking the cat's cheeks and forehead, as well as scratching the areas behind the ears or even the chin if the cat is calm with you.

    • Affectionate strokes will help your cat feel safer and more loving, which will prepare her for being held.
    • If your cat is feeling a little nervous, these steps will help calm her down. You just need a little more time for your cat to relax.
  1. Make sure the cat wants to come into your arms. Most cats are usually able to give a clear signal that they do not want to be handled. While you can slowly calm and gain the trust of an indoor cat by patting it on the head, you should not attempt to pick up an irritated cat or a cat that is not in the mood to be handled. If the cat tries to run away from you, bite or scratch you, or simply smack you with its paw in warning, then you will be better off trying to pick it up at some other time.

    • It is especially important to teach children who want to handle a cat to recognize the warning signs. They should only pick up the cat in a calm, relaxed state, when she is ready to trust them. You don't want children to get scratches from a disgruntled cat.
  2. Carefully lift the cat. Now that you have both hands on the cat, gently lift it up towards your chest. Try to create contact with your cat with your own body as soon as possible when picking it up. This will make your pet immediately feel safer. If your cat is too heavy to lift from the floor, you may find it easier to lift her from a table or other elevated location.

  3. Hold the cat close to your chest. After picking up your cat with both hands, you can hold her to your chest so that most of her body is in contact with you. The back of the cat's head can also be applied to your chest.

    • In general, the cat's position at the chest should be fairly straight, rather than sagging with the head and neck down. Otherwise, the cat will be uncomfortable, and it may start to break free and scratch you.
    • You should always lift your cat so that its head is higher than its body. Never turn your cat upside down!
    • Of course, some cats prefer to be handled differently, especially when it comes to your cat personally being comfortable around you. Certain cats like to be held like babies, while others like to rest their paws on their owner's shoulders.

Part 3

Freeing a cat from your hands
  1. Know when your cat no longer wants to stay in your arms. As soon as the cat begins to twitch, move and even meow or try to escape, it is time to release it. You should not hold a cat against its will, as this will increase the animal's discomfort, which will also be accompanied by fear.

    • Some cats don't like to be held for long periods of time, so if you feel your cat is no longer enjoying it, it's time to let her go.
  2. Carefully lower the cat down. Don't just dump her as soon as she shows her discomfort; this can cause the cat to lose balance or land poorly. Instead, lower the cat toward the floor so that all four paws touch it before you can comfortably release the animal.

    • Of course, there are cats that will simply try to jump out of your arms, so you should be prepared for this outcome.
  3. Do not pick up the cat by the scruff of the neck. Despite the fact that a mother cat carries her kittens by the scruff of the neck, you should not pick up mature animals this way, especially after they are three months old. At this age stage, the animal’s body becomes quite large and holding the withers can be painful and even lead to muscle injury, since the cat’s weight will be too heavy for the withers to support.

    • Although the veterinarian may occasionally need to hold the cat by the withers to administer medication or trim its nails, the veterinarian should never lift the animal off the examination table by the withers.
  4. Be sure to supervise when your child picks up the cat. Children love holding cats, but if they want to do so, you must explain each step of the process to them. Most importantly, the child must be big enough to comfortably hold the cat. If the child is small, then it is better for him to keep the cat in a sitting position.

    • When your child is already holding a cat, be sure to continue to keep an eye on him so that you can tell him the moment when the cat wants to leave. This will help protect both the child and the cat from injury.
  • Gently handle the cat with both hands. Do not lift her by the belly with one hand, as this is uncomfortable for the cat and she may begin to resist being released.
  • Some cats just don't like being handled. Don't force them to do this. In this case, only pick up your cat when necessary, such as for a trip to the vet, and probably once a week just so that she doesn't develop an association of being handled only with vet visits.
  • Approach the cat calmly and slowly without sudden movements. Then slowly sit down and let your cat sniff you. If the cat decides that you are not a threat to it, it will come closer.
  • It is necessary to approach the cat calmly and without sudden movements, so as not to frighten it.
  • When you pick up your cat, make sure your hand is on the cat's stomach, just behind the front paws.


  • Always be aware of the possibility of being bitten or scratched.
  • It is highly not recommended to pick up a cat by the scruff of the neck. If this procedure is not performed correctly, the cat can be seriously injured, as well as you, since from this position the cat can easily twist to bite or scratch you.
  • Do not hold your cat lying on its back like a child unless you are sure that it has no objection to this position. This arrangement makes the cat feel less protected and even trapped, so she may panic and scratch you. To more securely hold your cat, always keep it upright against your body.
  • Don't pick up a domestic cat without getting to know her a little better, and never try to pick up a stray or feral cat.
  • If you are scratched, wash the scratch with soapy water and use a topical antibiotic. If you are bitten by a cat, do the same and seek medical attention, as cat bites can quickly become serious infections.

Adopting a cat into your family is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Immediately after a pet appears in the house, you should begin to accustom it to such simple things as combing its fur, trimming its nails, and washing it. To carry out any of the procedures, the animal must be picked up.

Each pet has its own character, some easily approach anyone, while others are cautious and distrustful. But regardless of the cat’s mood, you need to pick it up correctly so that it is convenient and comfortable for the animal and the owner.

In order not to frighten or alarm the animal, you should approach her from the front, you can quietly call her name. Next, you should carefully insert one hand under the cat’s belly, and the other under the hind legs, and slowly lift the animal to chest level.

You need to hold the cat so that it sits on one hand, while with the other hand you need to support the animal under the chest. If the cat is accustomed to being handled, then it will take a position that is comfortable for it. Some pets like to sit with their front paws folded on their owner's shoulders.

The mother takes her kittens by the scruff of the neck to move them to another place. You shouldn’t lift an adult by the scruff of the neck, because it weighs much more than a kitten. When lifted by the scruff of the neck, the weight of the animal is unevenly distributed across the spine, and this can lead to serious injury.

You can take a cat by the scruff if you need to hold it in place and provided that the animal has reliable support under its paws. This grip can be used when visiting the veterinarian, or if you need to give your pet medicine, but he resists.

It is generally not recommended to pick up small newborn kittens, since their muscular, skeletal and nervous systems are not yet fully formed. In addition, some cats may refuse a kitten if they smell someone else's

Proper holding of a child in your arms photo

How to hold a baby correctly?

There is still a strong belief that if you hold a baby vertically, the head will fall off. This myth is actively declared by grandmothers and people of the older generation. But now most doctors know that the vertical position of a baby on an adult’s shoulder, when the parent supports the baby’s butt with one hand and fixes the baby’s shoulders or neck with the other, is physiological, especially after feeding, since it is easiest for the baby to burp in this position. It is very convenient for the baby in a vertical position during colic: the tummy warms up, it hurts less, and the gas comes out easier.

Frog. This is a position when the parent presses the child with his back to his stomach with one hand, holding the legs bent at the knees, and holding the child under the arms with the other hand. The position is very comfortable for the baby as it is in many ways reminiscent of its position in the mother’s stomach in the last weeks of pregnancy. and also allows for a good overview. In this position, the gases are released perfectly. Kids love to be in a position where adults are busy with their own affairs and communicating with each other. The baby develops an interest in other people's conversations closer to 3 months, when he has already developed a revival complex.

Embryo. This is a position when the baby's knees are bent towards the tummy and the head is also tilted towards the tummy. The baby spent the last month and a half of pregnancy in this position; it is familiar to him. Therefore, being in this position, plus carrying it in your arms and gently rocking it, can calm down even the most demanding little one.

On the hand. One of the baby’s cheeks rests on the adult’s open palm, and the parent’s hand up to the elbow holds the baby under the tummy. This way of holding and carrying a child is especially good for dads - they have large and reliable hands. Wiggle

Their cute faces and soft fur make them ideal pets to hold. But, cats can be fickle with their love, turning from playful kitties to evil monsters in a second! To avoid cat anger, it is important to lift and hold your cat in the correct way.


Know if your cat wants to be picked up. Sometimes, cats just don't want to be picked up. It is important to be able to guess the cat's mood. If your cat is angry or scared, you shouldn't risk getting scratched trying to pick her up. With this in mind, there are several ways to guess your cat's mood. In particular, you should watch your cat's tail and ears to know his mood.

Look at the cat's tail. If it is fluffy and the cat wags it a lot, then most likely she is excited. Unlike dogs, cats don't wag their tails when they're happy. Slow movements of the tail mean that the cat is assessing the situation. If a cat's tail is raised up, then it is calm.

Look at the cat's ears. If her ears point forward, she is in a playful mood and is calm. If your cat's ears point backwards, be careful! She's excited. When a cat's ears go completely back and completely touch the cat's head, it means that she is defending herself and that she is afraid.

Know where your hands should be when you pick up the cat. Squat down so that you are at the same level as the cat. Place one hand under the cat so it is level with the ribs and just behind the front legs. With your free hand, support the cat's rump by keeping your hand under the hind legs so that it is above and behind the paws.

Pick up the cat. Once your hands are in the right place, you can lift the cat to stand. The palm and forearm of the hand that is behind the cat's hind legs should form a platform that supports your cat.

The cat must be taught from a very early age to such necessary procedures as combing, claw trimming, examination, etc.

You will always have to pick up a cat. This may be necessary, for example, in a dangerous situation for the cat. Or in order to put her in for a trip to the veterinary clinic. There is a right and wrong way to hold a cat.

How to hold a cat correctly

  • Approach the cat from the front, or from the side, but so that she can see you. Talk to her in a soothing voice.
  • Place one hand under your cat's belly and the other hand under his back legs and body.
  • Lift it closer to your chest. Hold the cat in such a way that it sits on one of your hands, and with the other hold it under its belly and front paws. So that the front paws also have support on your arm or chest. If necessary, you can firmly wrap your hand around the cat's front paws.
  • If yours is fairly tame, she may prefer to sit with her front paws resting on your shoulder. If you are in a safe environment, at home, for example, then this way of keeping a cat is quite acceptable. But if you are in an unpredictable environment, such as a veterinary clinic, then you should not keep your cat this way. Because it is close to your face and can accidentally scratch you if it gets scared. In addition, she can easily escape from your hands and run away.

What not to do

  • You can't pick up a cat by the scruff
  • You can't lift her by the tail
  • You can't lift a cat by its legs
  • Supervise your child if he or she picks up a cat. It is better for a small child to hold a cat in his arms only if he himself is in a sitting position.

Scruff of a cat

You should not pick up an adult cat by the scruff of the neck. The mother cat grabs the kittens by the scruff of the neck to move them, but the kittens are small and light. An adult cat can weigh 4-8 kilograms, or even 15 (as in), and lifting it by the scruff of the neck without additional support, you create a huge load on the spine and muscles.

A cat's scruff can be used to hold it, but this must be done if it has a supporting surface. For example, if the cat is on the veterinarian's table during an examination. Such a grab by the scruff of the neck will not harm the cat and will help immobilize it. You can hold the cat in the same way if you are giving an injection. But this must be done by two people.

Cat in the hands of a child

They can be a great combination, but there is always a danger that they will hurt each other if the child does not follow basic precautions.

A cat is quite heavy for a small child; you should not allow the child to pick it up until he is physically strong enough. If a child holds a cat carelessly, it can scratch him and even bite him. In addition, there is a danger of injury to the cat itself. This is especially true for small kittens. So wait until your child is older and teach him pick up a cat correctly and only when necessary.

It would seem that it could be simpler - take the cat and hold it, pet it, enjoy it. But no! Not all cats like people to limit their freedom. Some are not easy to handle at all. This is their nature - “I’m a cat, and I walk on my own.” Remember?

And sometimes it happens that the cat screams even when you pick it up. You're probably making it awkward and causing her pain or discomfort. Although it seems that it is very easy to pick up an animal and hold it, in fact, it requires skill. Especially if the animal has some kind of disease and you can hurt it.

How to pick up a cat?

First of all, you need to take the animal correctly. But before that, make sure that it is not aggressive towards you, is not afraid of you, and in general, it is comfortable and calm. Without sudden movements, approach the cat, speak to it kindly, and say hello. It will probably take time for your cat or cat to get used to you. Stroke your cat's forehead, behind the ears and chin if he allows you to do so.

All these actions are necessary, especially if the animal is unfamiliar to you. This way, both you and the cat will have time to assess the situation and get to know each other a little. Once the cat feels that she is safe with you, she will relax, and you will see and feel it.

The cat gives a signal that it is ready to go into your arms - it begins to rub against your leg or arm, and looks into your eyes. If you see exactly this, and not her irritation and attempts to bite and scratch, then you have become friends with her, and you can proceed to the next stage.

Now place one of your hands under the cat's body just behind its front legs, and with your other hand, grab it under its hind legs and lift it up. Create contact between your body and the cat as soon as possible - this will make her feel completely safe.

How to properly hold a cat in your arms?

The hardest part is over, you are in close contact with the animal, it trusts you and expects affection and warmth from you. Hold it at the level of your chest, pressing lightly, but not pressing. The cat's position should be almost straight - not sagging or upside down. The cat will immediately try to stop any uncomfortable position, struggling and scratching you at the same time.

The cat's head, when you hold it, should be higher than the level of its body. Remember - you should never turn a cat upside down!

It is equally important to feel when the cat wants to leave your hands. She will begin to twitch, move, and try to free herself. Don't hold her against her will, otherwise she will feel discomfort, her anxiety and fear will increase, so that next time you will have to do everything from the very beginning to pick her up again.

Do not throw the cat, lower it onto its 4 paws and only then remove your hands. Of course, sometimes your cat may jump off of you on its own, so be prepared for this.