What is the childbearing age for women? Reproductive age in women in statistics

The number of women under 34 who find it difficult to conceive or carry a child to term has doubled in recent years. Therefore, it has become fashionable to plan motherhood in advance, five or even ten years in advance. Why take the risk? Moreover, there are a lot of centers and specialists who will determine how fertile you are (that is, your ability to conceive and bear a child) and help prolong your fertile period - for this you no longer need to go abroad, as before.

1. Take an ovulation test
Age is the main factor affecting fertility. The optimal period of conception for most women is from 23 to 31 years. Then fertility begins to fall by about 3% annually, and 10 years before menopause, conceiving naturally becomes problematic. It is impossible to calculate the onset of time X, but you need to focus on the number 41 (for Russian women, menopause begins on average at 51 years old), and already at 35 years old you need to take control of ovulation. You can check whether your body produces an egg in each cycle yourself - by purchasing it at a pharmacy home test for ovulation (Frautest, Ovuplan, ClearBlue or any other brand). You need to be tested 3–4 months in a row for 5 days in the middle of the cycle. Negative result– a reason for a visit to the doctor and further research.

2. Freeze your eggs
Cryopreservation of an egg is still a rare service (storage costs about 17,000 rubles per year), but after 12 years—the shelf life of a frozen egg—everything will pay off. If you decide, go to a clinic that does IVF. First, you will have to undergo standard tests for infections and undergo an examination by a gynecologist. The next stage is a two-week course of follicle-stimulating hormone injections, which begins on the second day of the cycle. In this way, your body will be forced to produce a record dozen eggs at a time instead of one or two. Not to charge you more money. It’s just that after defrosting, only three or four will be working. When the material is ripe, it will be removed (the procedure is done under general anesthesia) and preserved for a year to begin with. The contract with the clinic where the eggs are stored must be renewed annually and done on time - for the sake of the safety of future children.

3. Get your weight in order
Waist is not only needed to attract a quality sire. Lack, as well as excess, of fat in the body can cause hormonal imbalance. As a result, in girls who are too large or too thin, the production of eggs by the ovaries is disrupted. Fortunately, not for good, but only until the weight returns to normal. To determine it (the norm), the Belgian sociologist and statistician Adolphe Quetelet came up with BMI - body mass index. To calculate it, you need to divide your mass (in kilograms) by the square of your height (in meters). It is believed that the BMI of a potential mother should fluctuate between 20 and 25 units. Going beyond these limits is already a risk. A recent study in the Netherlands showed that for every unit above 29, fertility fell by 4%.

4. Leave big sport
Physical activity is beneficial. Within reasonable limits. American doctors established standards for women planning to conceive soon - run no more than 10-12 km per week and work out in the gym no more than one hour a day. Because if you ride an exercise bike too hard, your menstrual cycle may be disrupted or ovulation may stop. This is mainly due to the loss of fat tissue - which is what we, as a rule, strive for. However, fat is also a source and reservoir of female sex hormones - estrogens. Therefore, if there are failures in the cycle, you must immediately stop training.

5. Stop drinking coffee and quit smoking
Everyone who smokes knows that it is harmful. But the fact that the chemicals that accumulate in the smoker’s body disrupts the level of estradiol, the main estrogen steroid hormone, few people know. To delay the onset of menopause and increase fertility by 30%, you just need to quit smoking. By the way, your feat will reduce the risk of miscarriage if pregnancy occurs. You don't have to give up coffee (as well as products containing caffeine) completely. Just reduce the dose to one cup per day.

6. Change your diet
The book The Fertility Diet was recently published in the United States. It presents interesting data. For example, that sweets, potatoes, white bread and other foods rich in “fast carbohydrates” interfere with ovulation, and “ slow carbohydrates“And foods high in iron, on the contrary, help to conceive. Also, those who sooner or later plan to become a mother are recommended to eat more dairy products - with as high a fat content as possible. This will level up female hormones estrogens. As for vitamins, Special attention pay attention to folic acid(vitamin B6) – it increases the chances of conceiving. When planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to start taking folic acid and vitamin C (in the first phase of the cycle) and vitamins A and E (in the second) about six months in advance.

7. Choose a contraceptive
Taking oral hormonal contraceptives does not harm fertility. On the contrary, when the pills are chosen correctly, hormonal levels can be adjusted. A blood test for hormones will show whether you need to reduce androgen levels or increase estrogen levels. It will have to be taken twice - in both phases of the cycle. After this, the doctor will prescribe a suitable oral contraceptive or, if there are contraindications, he will advise against taking them.

8. Do an ultrasound
Take care of your health. Some women's diseases make themselves felt by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, malfunctions menstrual cycle. Others, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or endometriosis, are masters of camouflage. Or they lurk in the body asymptomatically, slowly destroying reproductive health. But if you visit a gynecologist every six months and do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, any disease can be caught at an early stage.

9. Don't have an abortion
Abortion in itself is not dangerous and does not deprive you of the opportunity to give birth. healthy child in future. Complications after it are dangerous. This is, first of all, a serious hormonal disruption - regardless of whether it is a medical or mechanical abortion. In the second case, there is a high probability of injury, which can provoke endometritis - inflammation of the uterine mucosa. How long does it take to recover or use reliable contraceptives? The choice is obvious.

10. Take care of your man
Theoretically, he can become a father even after 70 years of age, but in half of the cases it is not possible to conceive a child due to his fault - due to a decrease in the number of motile sperm. To prevent this from happening, he only needs to do two things: simple rules– do not squeeze or heat the scrotal area. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to persuade a man to give up his car and change sedentary office work to healthy hard work. physical work. But he can stop holding a laptop on his lap for a long time, sleeping in a hot bath and sauna, wearing tight underpants and riding a bicycle with an uncomfortable seat. And, by the way, some people could have sex more often – 2-3 times a week. In order to improve sperm quality.

It's all in your head!

Scientific director of the Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology, Professor Galina Filippova, explained why problems with conception are often associated with mental health and what to do about it.

How does the brain influence our ability to get pregnant?

You won't believe it, he's playing key role! You must really want a child. What I mean is that the motivation must be so strong that your desire to give birth must be accepted within you. Many women are surprised: I really want to become a mother, I consciously want to! But they don’t understand that they may have strong unconscious resistance inside. In the left hemisphere of all mammals there is a part of the brain called the “maternal dominant”, which is responsible for organizing our behavior associated with the birth of children. And in the right hemisphere there is another important center - it is called the “dominant anxiety”. If for some reason it is in an excited state, it can suppress the “dominant motherhood” and, accordingly, the ability to conceive. That is, your own brain - without your natologist - sends signals to the body: don’t get pregnant, it’s dangerous now! If this happens for a long time, functional changes in internal organs may begin - ovulation will stop, hormonal balance will be disrupted, etc.

In what cases is the “anxiety dominant” activated?
The cause could be any unresolved problem that you are reacting to. Your social environment is of great importance. For example, if you have a tense relationship with your mother-in-law, your own mother or husband, or you are afraid (even subconsciously) that the birth of a child will limit your personal freedom, then the dominant anxiety will be constantly aroused and it will be difficult for you to get pregnant. In my practice, I often encounter couples who have scandals just during the period of ovulation - like clockwork! – and they, accordingly, avoid intimacy these days. Perhaps they unconsciously experience anxiety and do not want a child, although they themselves deny it. By the way, anxiety is also dominant in men - it can suppress sperm activity with the same success as ovarian function in women. I had a patient whose mother kept saying as a child: “I had 20 abortions before you, and left you, you idiot, to ruin my life now!” Accordingly, he was “blocked” from having his own children.

But there are women who “get blown away by the wind”...
They do not have a subconscious fear of having children or, for example, that hyper-responsibility that is characteristic of many successful modern women experiencing difficulty conceiving. Those who become pregnant “from the wind”, for one reason or another, are not afraid that the child will interfere with their life.

How to remove these blocks?
Often pregnancy occurs when we simply let go of the problem, stop stressing ourselves and stressing our partner. Many women diagnosed with infertility decide to adopt a child and then unexpectedly become pregnant themselves - sometimes already at the adoption stage. This happens because they either stop experiencing stress - torturing themselves and their husband in order to conceive at any cost - or they simply internally accept a parental position. And then everything works out! In general, it is important for a woman to realize her fears and find out: the child will help or hinder her. Many are afraid that the latter will happen, without good reason.

How do you help women?
With each individual, we study family history - in particular, what kind of mother image a woman carries within herself (as a rule, it is copied from her own mother, and if it is negative, this can also prevent you from getting pregnant), but usually we go deeper and look at least 3– 4 generations of family scenarios. Of course, we also analyze your today’s life situation– at work, with your man, parents, etc. Finally, we find out your “subconscious plan” - after all, most often you yourself know very well when you can “allow” yourself to get pregnant. As a result, we develop your personal “motherhood plan”.

Price issue

At the Southern California Reproduction Center, one cycle of egg freezing costs $7,000, but most do multiple cycles and then give a discount. In Russia it costs from 150,000 rubles plus storage - from 8,000 to 18,000 rubles per year. In Moscow, eggs can be frozen in the Perinatal Center medical center, Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after. V.I. Kulakov and at the European Medical Center. There is a way out even if your man’s sperm or your own eggs are not suitable for some reason - the same centers will tell you the contacts of donor material banks.


Ilona (36 years old):“I got pregnant from a stranger”
Two months ago I gave birth to a daughter from a man whose name I didn’t even know. Before this, my husband and I tried to conceive without success for five years. To be honest, of the two of us, I wanted a child more. My wife was happy with everything anyway. We had common interests, common friends, and at first, good sex. True, he liked oral history more, but for my sake he performed his marital duty as expected once a week. However, over time, bed from pleasure turned into hard work. The husband often went to strip clubs, from where he returned, to put it mildly, drunk. Or he pretended to be asleep and snored loudly on purpose. At the same time, I didn’t want to go to the doctor, claiming that I was infertile and there was no need to try. But I visited many doctors, and they said that the problem was not with me. Once, at a colleague’s birthday party, I had sex with a friend of a friend in the bathroom. As they say, quickly. There wasn't much pleasure. But two weeks later the test showed that I was pregnant. While I was deciding how to tell my husband about this, my colleague told everything to the guy from the bathroom. That man found me, we started dating. I left my husband without much regret.

Maria (45 years old):“It would be easier without pills”
When I had a boyfriend (I was 16 years old), I went to antenatal clinic so that they can write me out birth control pills. Naturally, secretly from my parents. Soon I gained a lot of weight. I had to tell everything to my mother, who told me the first day. But nothing could be fixed. I still remained fat. Something else is worse. I couldn't get pregnant. Treatment for infertility did not produce results. For the first three years after our wedding, my husband and I were terribly worried about this. Then they reconciled themselves. Over the course of 15 years, we got used to living together, got dogs, and even seemed to calm down. And four years ago I became pregnant. This turned out to be an accident. I had a stomach ache, we went to the district clinic and found out that I was in my fifth month. All this time I continued to have menstruation, there was no toxicosis, and indeed no deviations from the norm. Moreover, I smoked and did not deny myself other joys of life. Fortunately, this did not affect my daughter in any way. A year ago, when I turned 44, I also gave birth to a son, also naturally. I think I'll stop there for now.

It is important for women to remain young and beautiful as long as possible. During the period of career growth there is absolutely no time for family and children.

But after 30, girls come to their senses and rush to conceive a baby. Read what a woman’s reproductive age is and how to extend it.

What does the reproductive age of a woman and a man mean and when does it occur?

A woman’s reproductive age is the body’s ability to bear and give birth. healthy offspring. The first eggs mature by the age of 14.

Some girls may have their first period later or earlier. This depends on many factors: heredity, environmental situation and nationality.

However, at such a young age, even if a girl is able to bear a child, she may have problems with childbirth.

The body, which will become an ideal container for a strong seed, will be formed at 17-18 years of age.

Important! A girl's first menstruation is called menarche.

The ideal age for conceiving, bearing and giving birth to a baby is considered to be from 18 to 35 years. After thirty, a woman’s fertility weakens, and her chances of getting pregnant become less and less.

With medical support, it is possible to conceive a baby and give birth to a healthy heir even at the age of 40, but natural decline, as a rule, occurs at the age of 50.

For men the situation is different. The boy matures during the period of sexual desire. A guy can conceive a child even at 15 years old. However, out of psychological caution, it is better to postpone starting a family for several years.

Important! The ideal age for a man to conceive a child is considered to be between 28 and 35 years old.

However, on the eve of his thirtieth birthday, a guy’s sperm may give up.

Due to an unhealthy lifestyle, poor ecological situation And nervous overstrain The activity and quality of the seed may be significantly reduced.

Due to decreased erection, it will be difficult for a man to conceive a child in old age.

However, sperm motility remains up to 70 years. In medicine, there have been cases where men impregnated women even after 90 years of age.

Extending the function of conception using folk remedies

Traditional medicine will help prolong the youth of the female body.

When leading a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and moderate physical activity, you can maintain the ability to conceive for several more years.

Try it simple recipes described in the table:

It is impossible to prevent menopause, but you can ease its course. To prolong female fertility, use all of the above methods from the age of 40.

Pay attention to the hereditary factor, when on the maternal side women in the family began menopause.

Important! Consult your physician before use. In some cases, allergic reactions may occur due to individual intolerance to the components.

How does reproductive age differ from biological age?

Biological age is not indicated in the personal document. When the passport says 45 years old, in fact, based on test results and health conditions, the woman may be only 35.

Small well-being tests and a doctor’s diagnosis will help you find out the exact figure.

Important! Reproductive age, as a rule, lasts up to 45 years, and biological age can extend this figure to 50.

The main difference is that reproductive age is the period from 18 to 45 years, and biological age is from birth to death.

It is difficult to say the exact number to which the state of the body corresponds; tests and ultrasound examinations will help determine more accurately.

Advice! You can also find simple ones on the Internet online tests biological age.

How else can you stop the decline?

A woman can help her body without the help of folk recipes.

If a person cannot influence the ecological state of the planet in an instant, then it is worth knowing a few rules. The main thing is to save general health as long as possible.

To do this, when choosing a place of residence, it is worth giving preference to coastal areas or forest areas, where factories and chemical plants are located far away.

Also keep in mind that in the city people are increasingly breathing exhaust fumes and dust.

Prolong a woman's fertility with these tips:

  • Give up bad habits. Stop smoking, do not abuse alcoholic beverages.
  • Eat right. Your diet should contain a maximum of fruits and vegetables, a minimum of smoked meats, pickles and sausages.
  • Choosing a sexual partner. If you have promiscuous sexual intercourse, you can get a whole bunch of sexually transmitted diseases as a gift.
  • Rest. Correct mode no one canceled work and rest. Don't sit at the computer for a long time, try to spend more time outdoors.
  • Plant support. Doctors can offer you homeopathic remedies support.

    Such preparations do not contain synthetic hormones; they are made from royal jelly or pollen.

Important! Previously, treatment regimens were developed hormonal contraceptives to stop aging.

However, such drugs have too much side effects and are poorly perceived in old age.
A woman's youth is in her hands.

From the right image life and a harmonious state of mind depend on the future and the possibility of conception after 40 years. Take care of your health.

Useful video

Infertility in women


– the inability of persons who have reached childbearing age to reproduce due to impaired fertilization or implantation of a fertilized egg. A marriage is considered infertile if a woman does not become pregnant within a year of regular sexual activity (sexual intercourse at least once a week) without the use of contraceptive means and methods.

The percentage of infertile couples reaches 15. The cause of an infertile marriage may be disturbances in the reproductive system of one or both spouses. The diagnosis of infertility in a woman can be established only after excluding infertility in a man and with positive tests confirming the compatibility of sperm and cervical mucus.

Infertility in women is divided into:

  • primary and secondary (respectively, in the absence or presence of a history of pregnancy);
  • relative (the possibility of pregnancy is not excluded);
  • absolute (pregnancy is impossible due to the absence of the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes due to various reasons).

Causes of infertility in women

The cause of infertility may be:

  • lack of ovulation;
  • insufficiency of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.

Chronic absence of ovulation may be a consequence of a disturbance in the rhythm of secretion of luliberin and gonadotropins, which develops after neuroinfection, intoxication, emotional stress, trauma, childbirth, etc.

Chronic lack of ovulation is a symptom of many endocrine diseases. Manifestations of chronic lack of ovulation, in addition to infertility, are menstrual irregularities - dysfunctional uterine bleeding, oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea. Other causes of infertility may include:

  • adhesions in the pelvis;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • external endometriosis, etc.

A decrease in progesterone production can lead to infertility due to decreased motility of the fallopian tubes in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, incomplete secretory transformation of the endometrium and impaired implantation of the fertilized egg.

Infertility can be caused by functional pathology of the fallopian tubes - a violation of their contractile activity due to inflammatory processes in the pelvis, incl. in the uterine appendages, disturbances in the hormonal function of the ovaries and changes in the ratio of estrogen and progesterone in the body. A common cause of infertility is organic pathology of the fallopian tubes, including obstruction, adhesions, torsion, as well as the condition after surgery on the fallopian tubes.

Organic changes in the fallopian tubes can be a consequence of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, fallopian tubes, as well as complications after childbirth, abortion, surgery on the pelvic organs (for example, in women who have undergone appecdectomy).

treatment of functional tubal infertility

use psychotherapy, sedatives, tranquilizers, antispasmodics, in the preovulatory period - prostaglandin production blockers: naproxen, indomethacin, ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid. Physiotherapy is also effective:

  • hydrogen sulfide baths;
  • exposure to ultrasound in pulsed mode;
  • electrical stimulation of the fallopian tubes.

The prognosis for timely treatment is satisfactory.

organic tubal infertility

great importance is attached to the treatment of chronic inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs. For long-term (more than 2 years) conservative treatment tubal infertility, dystrophic changes in the fallopian tubes develop, the folds of the mucous membrane grow together, and the muscular membrane develops connective tissue, the receptor apparatus of the fallopian tubes is damaged. Therefore, timely surgical treatment of tubal infertility is necessary. An absolute contraindication to surgery is genital tuberculosis.

Relative contraindications:

  • age of women over 35 years old;
  • duration of tubal infertility more than 3 years;
  • frequent exacerbations of the chronic inflammatory process in the uterine appendages and acute inflammatory process during the previous year;
  • pronounced adhesive process in the pelvis;
  • hydrosalpinx of large size, when removed, no more than 5 cm of the fallopian tube will remain.

Prevention of tubal infertility includes the prevention and rational treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, timely diagnosis and treatment of appendicitis, carrying out rehabilitation measures in early dates after gynecological operations in young women.


infertility caused by gynecological diseases,

not accompanied by disturbances in ovulation and fallopian tube function may be:

  • external and internal endometriosis;
  • malformations of the cervix and body of the uterus;
  • post-traumatic changes in the cervix;
  • cervicitis;
  • endometritis.

Immunological infertility

in women it is caused by the appearance of antibodies to sperm. Diagnosed using sperm compatibility tests and cervical mucus, detection of antibodies to sperm in blood serum and cervical mucus.

Treatment for this form of infertility has not been sufficiently developed; glucocorticoid drugs with immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory properties are used, artificial insemination with the husband's sperm injected directly into the uterine cavity, bypassing its cervix.

Folk remedies for female infertility:

  • For

    treating infertility with folk remedies

    It is useful to drink a decoction of adonis herb as tea. Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. herbs, leave, wrapped, for 2 hours and strain. Drink 3 times a day.

  • Drink a decoction of Adam's root herb. Brew 1 cup boiling water 2 tsp. herbs, leave, wrapped, for 2 hours and strain. Drink 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day.
  • Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tsp. sage herbs and leave for 30 minutes. Drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Another way: drink 1 des.l. 2 times a day on an empty stomach and juice in the evening fresh plant sage The product should be taken for 12 days immediately after the cessation of menstruation.
  • Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. plantain seeds, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. and leave for 1 hour. Drink 1-2 tbsp. 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The same recipe is used for

    male infertility

    Course 1-2 months.

  • Brew 0.5 liters of boiling water with 3-4 tbsp. knotweed, leave, wrapped, for 4 hours and strain. Drink 1-2 glasses 4 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  • Brew 0.5 liters of boiling water 3 tbsp. ramishia lopsided herbs and leave overnight in a thermos. Drink 150 ml 3-4 times a day 1 hour after meals. The same plant helps with many female diseases.
  • Folk

    healers say: in order to cure infertility, you need to eat young fruit.

  • As a fumigation, inhale the smoke from burnt St. John's wort; it is useful for infertility.
  • Inhale the smoke from burnt kirkazon seeds.

Noni juice also helps in the treatment of infertility.


They call menopause autumn time in a woman's life. It signals the end of reproductive age and the beginning of aging of the female body. Many ladies, trying to delay the onset of autumn in their lives, are looking for an answer to the question of how to restore menstruation during menopause.

In this publication we will look at whether this can be done during menopause, and also in what ways you can achieve your goal. In addition, let's look at efficient complex preventive measures.

Menstruation during menopause

Menopausal changes do not happen overnight. It's pretty a long period time, which is divided into the following stages:

  1. Premenopause - during this period of time the first symptoms begin to appear. specific symptoms, which signal the beginning of the decline of the hormonal function of the ovaries.
    The level of female sex hormones – estrogen and progesterone – decreases in the body. As a result, changes begin in the menstrual cycle. Its duration varies, as well as the amount menstrual flow, and the so-called critical days. Normally, the stage begins at 45-47 years. If the symptoms began earlier, then doctors diagnose the woman with early menopause.
  2. Menopause or menopause is, in fact, the last independent menstruation.
    But it can only be determined after the fact. Gynecologists make the appropriate diagnosis 12 months after the last menstruation, during which there was no menstrual bleeding. Accepted norm The onset of menopause is considered to be 50 years.
  3. Postmenopause is the last stage at which the ovaries have completely completed their hormonal function, and there is no more menstruation.

The climacteric period for all women has its own individual characteristics, which are caused by health status and hereditary predisposition.

About the phases of menopause.

When can menstruation be restored?

The easiest time for menstruation to return is during perimenopause. At this stage, ovulation occurs and women can still become pregnant. Due to the onset of ovarian dysfunction, the level of sex hormones decreases, and this is what leads to a delay in menstruation.

What is a “menstrual cycle” anyway?

When a woman takes medications that can forcibly increase the level of estrogen production, the menstrual cycle is restored and reproductive function is prolonged. In addition, the woman maintains her health and youth. After all, with the onset of menopause, signs of aging inevitably appear: wrinkles, gray hair and thinning hair.

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to restore menstruation during menopause. At this stage, there are no longer periods, but they can come if you take medications that increase the level of sex hormones in the body.

If specialists determine that it is possible for a particular patient to prolong her reproductive function, then she will be offered existing methods restoration of the menstrual cycle. Menstruation after menopause, that is, at the postmenopausal stage, is no longer restored.

At early menopause Ladies should always consult a gynecologist. When the cessation of reproductive function occurs earlier than the time provided by nature, it is difficult and is accompanied by various complications of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. Timely selection of therapy will help delay the onset of menopause and become an effective prevention of concomitant diseases.

At the beginning of menopause, namely in the first two stages, restoration of menstruation is still possible. To do this, you need to contact a gynecologist and undergo an examination.

Methods for restoring menstruation

Today, women can restore their periods using the following methods:

  • drug treatment;
  • use of traditional medicine recipes;
  • carrying out prevention.

It is important to understand that the menstrual cycle is a manifestation of the possibility of a woman’s fertilization and the birth of a child. Therefore, the lady needs to return her reproductive function, and then the menstrual cycle will be restored.

To do this, you should contact a specialist, and not self-medicate, so as not to waste precious time and not harm your health.

Treatment with hormonal drugs

What is amenorrhea?

Medicines should only be prescribed by a doctor. All drugs can be divided into 2 large groups: hormonal and non-hormonal. Funds from the first group contain synthetic hormones, which artificially increase the level of estrogen and progesterone in a woman’s body and thereby maintain normal functioning reproductive system body.

Gynecologists prescribe such drugs after an examination and the results of a blood test for hormones. The doctor selects hormonal agent, dose and course of treatment.

You cannot change the dosage on your own, or continue or stop taking the medication. A woman can provoke uterine bleeding or harm her health.

The most popular hormonal medications include:

  1. Divitren - imitates hormonal activity and thereby provokes the activity of the organs of the reproductive system.
    Prevents the development of endometrial hyperplasia - proliferation of the uterine mucosa.
  2. Cliogest is a combination medicine containing estrogens and progesterone.
    During menopause, it softens the intensity of symptoms and stimulates the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system in order to resume menstruation.
  3. Cyclo-Proginova - replenishes the lack of estrogen and promotes endometrial regeneration.
    Thus, preparing it for the action of progesterone and the onset of menstruation.

Select a drug for the woman, as well as correct dose Only a doctor can. The entire course of treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist. Self-medication by a woman can provoke serious health problems, including the development of a malignant neoplasm.

Therapy with non-hormonal drugs and herbs

If a woman is contraindicated to use hormonal drugs, then she can be prescribed medications that contain phytohormones - substances that are found in some plants and are identical in composition to sex hormones.

The following plants are rich in them: black cohosh, red clover, soybeans and others.

  1. Besser Alter - the medicine contains Altai herbs that stimulate the activity of the ovaries.
    Thus, the woman’s reproductive function is restored, and accordingly, her period comes.
  2. Feminal - improves acyclic menstruation, and also reduces the manifestations of premenstrual and menopausal syndromes.
  3. Estrovel - helps normalize the menstrual cycle caused by hormonal imbalance.

Despite the natural composition of medications, they should be taken only after consultation with a gynecologist.

Traditional medicine suggests drinking infusions of the following herbs to get your period:

  • mint;
  • oregano;
  • linden;
  • parsley

Preparing the infusion is very simple - you need to take a tablespoon of the herb and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Infuse under a closed lid for 10-20 minutes, then strain. Take three times a day.

Fresh parsley should be included in your daily diet. It should be added to salads, first and second courses. Mint and linden can be brewed with black or green tea.

Preventive measures

It is always better to practice prevention than treatment. When it comes to menopause, it is not a disease, but natural aging of the body.

But every woman can delay the onset of menopause, as well as improve her health in order to reduce the intensity of the manifestation over time. menopausal symptoms and easily survive this stage of your life.

Our lifestyle directly affects the onset of menopause.

To do this, you should take a set of preventive measures:

  1. Change your diet.
    The basis of the daily menu should be fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as protein contained in seafood, fish, lean meat, cottage cheese, cheese and all legumes. It is necessary to reduce the amount of animal fats, and consume all types of nuts and high-quality vegetable oil - olive, flaxseed, sesame, sunflower. You should avoid or minimize your consumption of: smoked meats, fried and fatty foods, sweets and fast food.
  2. To live an active lifestyle.
    Regular but moderate physical activity plus walks in the fresh air strengthen the immune system and prolong the youth of the body.
  3. Correct daily routine.
    In order to have good health, it is important to adhere to the following regime: 8-hour night rest, eating at the same time, playing sports.

No less important for extending a woman’s reproductive age psychological attitude. Optimism, good mood, stress resistance are a woman’s best allies.

Bottom line

The onset of menopause is an irreversible process, but it can be delayed and reproductive age can be extended, and with it the youth of soul and body. You should take care of this in advance and take measures to prevent menopause, which will also improve your health.

At the first menstrual cycle irregularities, it is important to contact a gynecologist in order to choose correct therapy, supporting reproductive function and accordingly regulating the menstrual cycle. We wish you good health!

What do you know about restoring the menstrual cycle during menopause?

Several opinions about reproductive age. Although if you adhere to a healthy lifestyle, you can significantly increase it (see section HEALTH site, or tag starvation) .

Reproductive age is the period in a woman’s life that is most favorable for conceiving, bearing and giving birth to a child.

The period during which a man's body can produce sperm is called a man's fertile age.

Reproductive age of a woman
The optimal childbearing age for the fair sex is between 20 and 35 years. It is recommended to give birth to your first child at a maximum age of 25-27 years. In this case, one should take into account the natural ability of a woman’s body to conceive, bear and give birth to a baby. This age is also characterized by a sufficient level of psychological and social maturity.

Early pregnancy
Pregnancy that occurred in early age, quite often is fraught with very adverse consequences. IN in this case, how younger girl, the higher the likelihood of miscarriage, bleeding and toxicosis.

Early motherhood is dangerous for both the young mother and the baby. Children are often born with low body weight, they do not adapt well to external conditions, and they gain weight worse.

Naturally, every woman’s body is individual, and the birth of a completely healthy child is possible even before the age of twenty. A young woman’s body may be physiologically quite ready for pregnancy and subsequent childbirth without any complications. However, there are other circumstances that should be taken into account. For example, is the girl psychologically ready, does she have the necessary knowledge to raise a child, does she have material resources to meet his needs?

Late pregnancy
After the age of thirty-five, a woman begins the process of extinction of her reproductive functions. First of all, this is caused by hormonal changes in her body, which lead to a decrease in the ability to conceive naturally and certain menstrual irregularities.

A woman is born already having a certain number of primary germ cells (oocytes) in stock. They mature throughout their childbearing years. It is from the primary germ cells that the egg is formed.

A person regularly encounters all sorts of negative factors environment, which influence the entire organism, including oocytes. For a woman after 40 years of age, the likelihood of conceiving a child who will have genetic abnormalities increases significantly.

After forty-five to fifty years, women enter menopause, when their eggs stop maturing. Thus, a woman’s reproductive age ends. During this period, a woman will no longer be able to conceive a child naturally.

Reproductive age of a man
Over the years, a man's production of sex hormones gradually decreases. For normal reproductive function In men, it is significant, first of all, a decrease in the level of testosterone, which regulates the process of sperm formation.

For this reason, the optimal reproductive age for a man is the period of his life up to 35 years. At an older age, in most representatives of the stronger sex, the ability of sperm to normally fertilize an egg decreases. The number of DNA damage increases, sperm lose their original motility. Therefore, a man’s reproductive age should also be taken into account when planning a pregnancy.

Conception and birth of children among middle-aged parents
Today, the number of births among women of older reproductive age (after 35 years) has increased significantly. At the same time, there are quite a large number of positive examples of the birth of the first child even after forty years. Despite the existing risks, having a baby after the age of thirty-five also has its advantages for a woman.

The hormonal changes in the female body that are associated with pregnancy and subsequent childbirth make it possible to feel like a young mother, despite her age. At the same time, there is likely to be an increase vitality, as well as improving the overall well-being and mood of a woman. In addition, rich life experience only contributes to the most responsible approach to the process of raising a child.

When planning a pregnancy during middle age, it is necessary to consult a geneticist. Genetic counseling necessary for potential parents if they are of advanced reproductive age (after 35-40 years).

Four reasons not to delay pregnancy

In traditional cultures, people started families early, and women gave birth before the age of 20. Now we no longer think this is the norm: we need to get an education, get on our feet, start a career and only then think about children.

As a result, the average age of Russian women in labor is steadily approaching 40 years, when the aging process is already starting in the body, and there is “baggage” behind them. chronic problems, against the background of which it is much more difficult to become pregnant, carry a child, and give birth to a child. The best childbearing age is still 20-30 years. But if life turns out differently, this is a reason not to refuse to have a child, but to turn to fertility doctors. However, there are other reasons.

Reason one: infertility becomes “younger”
Every year, the average age of infertile couples is steadily decreasing; if 10 years ago these were people aged 33 to 37 years, now they are from 25 to 30 years old. There are many reasons for this: poor lifestyle and nutrition; constant stress which become chronic and bring chaos to work hormonal system; irregular and/or erratic sex life with consequences in the form of sexually transmitted diseases, chronic inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs, abortions, which in most cases occur with complications. The result is that the number of infertile couples is growing exponentially. According to the Russian Association of Human Reproduction, their number in Russia is now more than 6 million.

Reason two: the percentage increases male infertility
If in 1997 the ratio of female to male infertility was 60:40, now these figures look exactly the opposite. Male factor is the main cause of infertility in more than 60% of cases. Reproductionists are sounding the alarm - the quality of sperm and its ability to fertilize are sharply deteriorating.
More and more infertile couples are forced to resort to assisted reproduction services (IVF or IVF + ICSI) precisely for this reason. In this regard, men have increasingly begun to resort to cryopreservation of sperm “for the future”, so as not to bring the situation to a critical level.

Reason three: endocrine problems
The number of various endocrine disorders has sharply increased, especially among residents of megacities. Now it is celebrated all over the world a sharp increase obesity, problems with the thyroid and mammary glands, and the number of patients with diabetes is steadily increasing. Naturally, pregnancy against such a background is not as easy as we would like.

Reason four: they will help you
Over the past 10-15 years in Russia there has been a rapid development of assisted reproduction methods, making it possible for people for whom until recently it was practically impossible to have their own children. These include IVF (the so-called “artificial insemination”), ICSI, which allows the use of even single sperm in cases of severe male factor, programs using donor eggs and sperm, and, finally, surrogacy. And the greatest achievement of recent years, of course, can be considered the emergence of the opportunity to determine the sex of the unborn child even before it is transferred to the uterus (preimplantation diagnosis). This gives people with hereditary chromosomal diseases a chance to have healthy children, which was completely impossible just a few years ago.

If you do encounter similar problems and you know about infertility firsthand, do not delay your visit to a fertility specialist, do not waste precious time! Moreover, now there are no longer unsolvable problems.

Pregnancy after 35 years

Ten years ago, a woman’s biological clock began alarmingly ringing at the age of 30. Today, such an alarm bell can be heard after 35 and even after 40 years.

Why has the bar been raised so much that limits a woman’s childbearing age?
One reason is safety. Prenatal testing has significantly reduced the risk of 40-year-old women having children with genetic abnormalities to the level of a 20-year-old. We also have new methods for treating infertility, which is very common after 35 years. Thanks to the latest achievements medicine in the field of helping women who suffer from chronic diseases, or in the event of a difficult pregnancy, today 40-year-old women can give birth to healthy and normal children.
Today we have relatively safe contraception, and the example of many celebrities who give birth after forty - all this contributes to the idea that “it’s never too late.” Today's women can calmly postpone the birth of a baby for a certain time, and above all, provide themselves normal life and make a career.
Many women give birth late also because they are being treated for infertility or got married late.

What is the best age to give birth?

According to medical indications, it is generally accepted that the normal age for childbirth is from 20 to 24 years, but many women still do not feel ready. For many of them, childhood passed in the 50s and 60s, and for them this age was considered protracted adolescence, but not the beginning adult life. This phenomenon means that they can reach emotional maturity 10 years after the peak of physical maturity.
In reality, primigravida elderly woman is not what it should be by definition. Even in medicine, this terminology appears much less frequently. Nowadays, a 35-year-old pregnant woman is no longer in the high-risk group. And in fact it is. Look, in other words, a physically healthy 35-year-old woman cannot give birth to a healthy child if she has not previously had an abortion, had a miscarriage, and is not infertile. Absurd! She has exactly the same chances as a 20-year-old.

How is risk assessed?

It cannot be said that pregnancy after 35 years is completely without risk, but still it is not as great as you think, and its frequency can be reduced to zero. We bring to your attention some points that should be taken into account by not too young women who have decided to give birth for the first time.
First, you may not get pregnant so easily. Today there is documented evidence that by the age of 35, the ability to bear children decreases.

Even if we do not take into account the premature onset of menopause, this means that if you can conceive a child one day, then the next you will not. In order for you to conceive a child, you may need 6-12 months, not four.
But a greater danger must be taken into account that the older primiparous woman has more likely give birth to a child with a genetic disorder, especially Down syndrome.

Statistics show that a 40-year-old woman is nine times more likely to have a child with Down syndrome than a 30-year-old woman.

It should also be noted that expectant mothers who are over 35 years old very often also experience health problems, especially high blood pressure and diabetes.
Such deviations are recorded in 6% of women of this age, compared to 1.3% of young women.
Also often encountered is the danger of placental abruption and the pathological condition of the fetus, which requires medical intervention what pulls you along serious problems for health and expectant mother and a child. There is also a risk of miscarriage.
It is quite normal for a difficult birth to occur, but today a caesarean section is prescribed for this. However, according to the study, we can state the following facts: on average, the duration of labor is 45 minutes longer than for young people.

One more fact that needs to be noted today. Due to environmental pollution, it is also normal for older women to be exposed to it longer. Therefore, they are at risk of problems associated with fibrinous tumors, endometriosis, which also affect fertility and the course of pregnancy.

But all these dangers can be reduced to zero if a woman is seriously preparing to become a mother and prepares herself in advance for pregnancy. The organs of the unborn child are formed in the first 12 weeks, when the fetus is more vulnerable, therefore, with proper nutrition and giving up bad habits in advance, with the condition that you take vitamins and exercise, you can significantly increase the chances normal pregnancy and give birth to a completely healthy baby. But don’t think that you will have time to do this during pregnancy. You need to prepare for this in advance, because then it will be much easier for you to cope with all the problems if they arise. You need to properly assess the real risk in order to significantly reduce stress during pregnancy. Each emotion can be accompanied by changes in the biochemistry of the body. If you think you are sick, you may actually become sick.

The right time

It becomes absolutely obvious that a number of advantages have late motherhood. Women who are in no rush to become mothers find themselves better prepared for pregnancy and raising children. It has also been proven that older women do not suffer from ambivalence of feelings during pregnancy and are much less likely to experience internal conflict. They look at pregnancy as a blessing from God, and not because they have not given birth before, but simply with age comes the correct understanding of who you are and what you want.

You already live in harmony with yourself and are more disciplined. You understand much more deeply what you have to give up and what lies ahead. This decision is already being made by two adults who have some life experience behind them. Depending on the age at which you decided to get pregnant, they may see it as a “great chance” and therefore perceive it as a gift of fate.
A late child means a lot to a mother. At this age, women are already less exposed to stress, and a late child comes to them as a gift for that woman who already knows exactly what she wants.

In one of the American hospitals, a study was conducted that compared the feelings of first-time mothers different ages. It was found that older women experience less distress than younger women, even though they are more likely to give birth to a baby with a genetic disorder. They are more likely to feel more confident and independent, which improves their mood throughout pregnancy.
There is no doubt that as labor approaches, a certain depression of the state can be observed, but it is still not as pronounced as in young people.

Moreover, a woman who has devoted herself to a career throughout her younger years looks at pregnancy as an opportunity to try herself as a woman in what remains unfinished in her life.
Unlike a young mother, who has not yet found her place in life, she expects from her child that he will become the embodiment of her aspirations; she will never even admit the thought that the baby is “pulling her back.” Most of these women have already taken care of becoming professionals in their field.

but on the other hand

Late motherhood also has its negative sides. They cannot recover as quickly after childbirth as young people; some face problems related to child care, because for a long time They only looked after themselves. An organized woman can feel very bad when all these processes cannot be planned.
Today, many people begin to give birth at a later age, but there are also times when it is too late to give birth.
Sometimes you have to stay with one child or give birth one after another at short intervals.
Opponents of late births consider such children to be too spoiled. But, for the sake of fairness, it should be noted that this trend can be observed at any age.
It is necessary to dwell on another factor.

A woman aged 35-40 years old can simultaneously be both a young mother and a caregiver for her elderly parents.

Reproductive age is a concept on everyone's lips. However, do we all know what it is? Most often, no - someone heard something, but no one really knows. It’s probably time to close this gap, don’t you think? Today we will try to figure out what this reproductive age is and what features it has.

Moreover, we will not dwell on the generally accepted definition, which states that reproductive age is the age at which a woman can give birth to a child. This is clear without any explanation. But it is much more interesting to understand this issue in more detail. Surely you will learn a lot of new things for yourself.

Beginning of reproductive age

Most people believe that reproductive age begins with the arrival of the first menstruation. Strictly speaking, this is true. However, preparation for this moment begins much earlier - at about 10-11 years old, during the so-called puberty or, more simply put, puberty.

The first sign of the onset of puberty is almost always breast enlargement. As soon as parents notice this, they should understand that their daughter has begun to transform from a girl to a girl. This period is the most favorable for talking with the girl, telling her about upcoming changes in her body if you haven't done so before.

Then, after some time, the first vegetation appears - first under the arms, and then on the pubis. As a finale - the beginning of menstruation. Official puberty is considered over. However, this does not mean at all that a girl can give birth to a child. That is, she is physically capable of becoming pregnant and, in most cases, bearing a child. But the price will be too high - the girl's health.

Which, strictly speaking, is not surprising, because in adolescence the girl herself is still a mere child and her body is not ready for bearing a child and giving birth. Doctors strongly advise against giving birth to a girl who is not at least 18-19 years old. Otherwise, there is a high risk of complications, and sometimes quite serious ones.

Gynecologists say that the younger a girl becomes pregnant, the higher the risk of miscarriage, various bleeding and, of course, severe toxicosis. And babies from such young mothers often have health problems: they are born with excessively low body weight, gain weight worse, and adaptation to external conditions is much more difficult.

Although one cannot write off the individual characteristics of the body of each specific girl - some people are capable of giving birth to a beautiful child even at the age of 14. healthy baby while maintaining your health. But in no case should we forget about the psychological aspect - it is extremely rare that a teenage girl is psychologically ready to become a mother.

To be fair, it should be said that in some cases very young girls become excellent mothers. But it’s still worth talking to your teenage daughter about methods of contraception. In the end, a child must remain a child - everything has its time. The girl will still have time to appreciate the beauty sleepless nights, diapers, gas and other attributes.

Women's health during reproductive age

Women's health is a very delicate substance and depends on many factors. And first of all, on the general health of the woman. Any chronic diseases - be it problems with cardiovascular system, or other systemic ailments - greatly affect the state of the reproductive system. That is why it is so important to monitor your health, undergo regular medical examinations and under no circumstances self-medicate. There are no trivial diseases - even the most common cold can affect a woman’s reproductive system.

In addition, you need to know about women Health largely depends on intrauterine development girls, the state of her health during the neonatal period and childhood, not to mention adolescence. Unfortunately, medical statistics say that only 15-20 percent of babies are born completely healthy.

And it is not surprising that by the beginning of their reproductive years most girls already have one or another disease of the reproductive system. In order to avoid this, parents must carefully monitor the girl’s health and not ignore the existence of a pediatric gynecologist.

And an adult woman should remember that she must visit a gynecologist at least twice a year - even if nothing bothers her. Many diseases occur in a latent form, very long time. And it is precisely such control examinations that can help to recognize the disease in time and begin the necessary treatment.

End of reproductive age

In medicine, it is generally accepted that the end of reproductive age is the beginning of menopause. In fact, the body begins to prepare for this in advance - after about 40 years, a gradual decline in reproductive function begins. This whole process develops as a result of changes in the hormonal background of the body.

The female body's ability to conceive naturally begins to decline - the menstrual cycle begins to go astray, and the ovulation process is also disrupted. Do you know that the number of eggs in a woman’s body is strictly determined at the birth of a girl? And these eggs mature during reproductive age. New eggs do not mature.

Of course, the ability to conceive does not disappear overnight - even during the period of declining reproductive function, a woman can still become pregnant. However, we must not forget that the older a woman is, the higher her likelihood of giving birth to a baby with certain genetic abnormalities.

This is why doctors do not recommend postponing the birth of a child for too long. Of course, no one says that at 40-45 years old there is no chance of having a child - they exist and are quite high. But in no case should we forget about the load on a woman’s body - the older the woman, the harder pregnancy is for her.


Separately, I would like to mention menopause, which occurs at approximately 45-50 years, when the eggs finally stop maturing. This means that the possibility of conceiving a child is excluded. Of course, this does not happen in one day - the entire process from the onset of menstrual irregularities to its complete disappearance can last several years.

And during this period, a woman can expect a surprise. Or rather, a kinder surprise, in the truest sense of the word. A woman believes that there is no menstruation due to menopause, but in fact she is pregnant! Therefore, be sure to protect yourself until the very end. And then - you can stop using contraception only if you visit a doctor and undergo the necessary tests.

As you can see, there are quite a few characteristics of a woman’s reproductive age. But if you know about them, you will certainly be able to avoid huge amount problems. Be healthy and beautiful at any age!

Currently, reproductive technologies make it possible to have offspring at any age, with a serious illness, and even after death.

This is possible thanks to freezing female eggs and male sperm and storage of biomaterial in a cryobank without loss of quality using innovative technologies.

The fertile age begins at about 15 years of age.

It is believed that in men it ends after 60 years, but there are many cases of children being born at 70-80 summer men. For the female half of the population, everything is different. A woman is ready to conceive with the onset of menarche (first menstruation), but a woman’s fertility ends with the onset of menopause, when the functions of the gonads (ovaries) fade away and the supply of oocytes available from birth is completely exhausted. Therefore, even theoretically, with the onset of menopause, a woman is not able to continue her family.

Male Fertility Factors Female Fertility Factors
Age (as we age, the production of testosterone, which is responsible for sperm quality, decreases) Age (as you age, the number of ovulation cycles decreases)
Excess weight (causes problems hormonal balance) Extra or underweight(leads to hormonal imbalance)
Stress (under stress, the synthesis of GnRH, which directly regulates spermatogenesis, stops) Stress (causes hormonal imbalance)
Genital injuries Early menopause
Diseases of the genital organs of different nature, including inflammatory (for example, varicocele, prostatitis, etc.) Diseases that provoke hormonal imbalance (polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperfunction and hypofunction thyroid gland, diabetes)
Severe chronic diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension etc.) Tubal patency disorders
Long-term inflammatory process in the body (high body temperature disrupts spermatogenesis) Adhesive process in the pelvis
Overheating of the testicles frequent visits baths, saunas, solariums, etc. Synechiae (connective tissue adhesions) inside the uterine cavity
Compression of the testicles by tight and uncomfortable underwear Numerous intrauterine interventions(abortions, etc.)
Insufficient drinking (lack of fluid in the body makes sperm inactive) Gynecological non-inflammatory diseases (uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, polyps and endometrial hyperplasia, etc.)
Poor environmental conditions in the region of residence Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs
Occupational hazards Bad habits
Bad habits Immunological disorders, as a result of which sperm are destroyed by the woman’s body
Poor quality nutrition with deficiency of vitamins and microelements
Failure to comply with the work and rest schedule
Use of certain medications
Features of modern life (constant wearing mobile phone on the belt in close proximity to the testicles, eating fast food, carbonated drinks, etc.)

Male Fertility

Theoretically, men are able to procreate until a very old age, since men of any age have motile sperm. It’s just that, starting from about 40-45 years old, the amount of testosterone and motile sperm in the male body constantly decreases.

A man's ability to reproduce depends on the quality of his seminal fluid and the number of motile sperm. To determine the characteristics of sperm, a spermogram is performed - a highly accurate laboratory test that allows you to judge the fertility of each man.

For a spermogram, you need to collect seminal fluid in a special disposable container. Almost all clinics have a specially designated room where a man can get tested. The recommended method of collecting material is masturbation. It is strongly not recommended to examine semen obtained after sexual intercourse. A woman's reproductive tract is not sterile, the likelihood of microorganisms entering urethra men are very tall. The results of such an analysis will be unreliable.

Why is it so necessary to collect seminal fluid directly in the laboratory?

The fact is that the analysis must be carried out no later than an hour from the moment the material is collected, and sperm must be transported only at a certain temperature. Violation temperature regime and too long an interval between sperm collection and research significantly reduce the reliability of the information obtained. In such cases, the man's fertility will be incorrectly assessed.

You should properly prepare for a spermogram. To do this, three to four days before the examination you should not visit the sauna, take hot bath, drinking alcohol. If a man takes any medications, you need to inform your doctor about it. They may have to be temporarily cancelled.

During the analysis, the following parameters of seminal fluid are assessed:

  • volume. For successful fertilization, 3–4 ml is enough. An insufficient amount of seminal fluid indicates that a man’s fertility is reduced;
  • color - normally white, sometimes with gray tint. When layering infectious process sperm may turn yellow or green tint. Red or Brown color speaks of bleeding, possible ulceration of the vas deferens, tumors;
  • the smell is specific, changes during infectious diseases;
  • viscosity should be within normal limits. Too thick seminal fluid sharply reduces sperm motility;
  • acidity - acidic environment causes the death of sperm;
  • the number of male germ cells in 1 ml of ejaculate, as well as their total number;
  • sperm mobility - only those that move in a straight line can fertilize an egg;
  • quality of germ cells;
  • state of genetic material;
  • sperm morphology. Indicators of more than 50% in a conventional study and 13% in Kruger morphology are considered normal (more stringent diagnostic criteria are used in Kruger morphology);
  • presence of erythrocytes and leukocytes. The normal number of leukocytes is 1 million in 1 ml of seminal fluid. exceeding the indicator indicates inflammatory process. Red blood cells healthy men must be missing.

Based on the results obtained from a specific technique, fertility can be determined:

  • normal;
  • increased;
  • reduced.

The main factors that affect fertility in men are:

  • age - the older a man is, the less testosterone is synthesized in his body. In addition, the sensitivity of receptors that interact with this biologically decreases. active substance. As a result, the production of male germ cells in the testicles deteriorates;
  • excess weight - adipose tissue is a source of estrogens. These are female sex hormones that negatively affect erection and fertility;
  • excessive and frequent psycho-emotional stress;
  • traumatic injuries to the external and internal genital organs;
  • inflammatory diseases, including those caused by sexually transmitted pathogens;
  • somatic diseases - high blood pressure, glandular dysfunction internal secretion, diabetes;
  • chronic overheating of the testicles - full-fledged sperm are produced only at a certain temperature;
  • taking certain medications.

A man’s bad spermogram does not indicate that he will not be able to conceive a child. You can have a child with any sperm parameters; the chances are simply reduced with a low-quality analysis.

But even good results are not guaranteed quick conception. Not everything in the matter of conception depends on the man, much depends on the woman, the phase of the menstrual cycle in which attempts were made to conceive, the interaction and compatibility of the couple.

Female Fertility

For women, fertility is a slightly more complex set of circumstances and concepts.

The main ones are:

  • normal monthly cycle;
  • regular ovulation;
  • the possibility of fertilizing an egg;
  • the ability to bear and give birth to a child.

As with men, a woman's fertility depends on many factors, the main ones being:

  • age - the older the patient, the fewer eggs can mature in her ovaries. Regular cycle after 40 years, it is not always accompanied by ovulation, and a mature egg is not always complete;
  • past inflammatory diseases of the external and internal genital organs, menstrual irregularities. Chronic processes without pronounced clinical symptoms are especially dangerous. Very often they lead to the development adhesive process, disruption of the patency of the fallopian tubes. Chronic endometritis is the main cause of miscarriage;
  • excess weight, causing hormonal imbalance or as a manifestation of pathology on the part of the endocrine system.

Although it is believed that fertility occurs with the first menstruation, but female body ready to successfully cope with pregnancy and childbirth by the age of 15-16 years. After all, menarche occurs at both 11 and 12 years of age, but active reproductive age begins at the age of 15.

Around the age of 50, a woman’s ability to reproduce decreases or completely dries up. Even with regular menstruation at this age, fertilization of the egg may not occur, therefore, pregnancy will not occur.

To assess fertility in women, the following laboratory and instrumental tests are used:

  • examination by a gynecologist;
  • laboratory examination of vaginal discharge, smears from the cervical and urethra;
  • confirmation of the fact of ovulation;
  • hysterosalpingography;
  • study of hormonal levels;
  • determination of ovarian reserve.

During the examination, the doctor receives a preliminary understanding of the woman’s health condition. Bimanual examination allows you to assess the size and position of the uterus, the condition of the cervix, fallopian tubes and appendages. Microflora studies are used to detect pathogenic microorganisms that caused the inflammatory process.

To confirm the presence of an ovulatory menstrual cycle and the fact of ovulation, functional tests are used (measuring basal temperature, assessing cervical mucus, accurately recording the dates of menstruation), ultrasound, and hormonal tests.

Ultrasound examination is used as the primary method of instrumental diagnosis. This is a safe and highly informative technique that allows you to identify signs of inflammation, adhesions, tumors, and other diseases. In addition, using the technique, you can see maturing follicles and predict the exact date of ovulation.

  • Hysterosalpingography - x-ray method examinations designed to assess the patency of the fallopian tubes. To improve visualization, inject into the uterine cavity contrast agent. Normally, it penetrates the fallopian tubes, which is clearly visible on an x-ray.
  • Hysteroscopy - endoscopic method examination during which the gynecologist assesses the condition of the inner lining of the uterus. Manipulation can be diagnostic and therapeutic. Therapeutic hysteroscopy is performed if it is necessary to remove a polyp or small tumor. In addition, during the examination, small pieces of tissue can be taken for the purpose of pathomorphological examination.
  • Determining the concentration of hormones in the blood allows the doctor to draw conclusions about the work of the endocrine glands, and, if necessary, prescribe necessary treatment. It is carried out on certain days of the menstrual cycle.
  • Ovarian reserve is the number of eggs potentially capable of maturation and conception. This is an individual indicator that is determined using a series hormonal tests and ultrasound examination. Shows the effectiveness of the menstrual cycle, since with low ovarian reserve and absence of ovulation, pregnancy is impossible.

Thanks to the possibility of preserving one’s own reproductive biomaterial with the help of assistive technologies and using it in IVF, modern medicine has significantly extended women’s fertile age.

Reproductive female age

Reproductive female age is divided into several periods:

  • duration early period– from menarche to 20 years of age;
  • The duration of the average period is 20-40 years, this is the most optimal age for bearing and giving birth to children. After 35 years, fertile function in women begins to decline;
  • duration late period– 40-49 years old, at a later age the chances of pregnancy decrease.

It is known that women give birth both at age 50 and later, but the risk of complicated pregnancies and problematic births increases every year.

Fertility Preservation Options

There are several simple but important points that will allow you to maintain reproductive function longer.

They are:

  • regular intimacy without contraception with a regular partner, preferably at least twice a week;
  • avoiding stress;
  • do not starve and do not strictly limit yourself in food;
  • eat rationally, balancedly, if possible, do not eat “fast” food;
  • the formation of healthy sperm is negatively affected by hot baths, saunas, and wearing tight synthetic underwear;
  • drink enough water;
  • do not overload physically;
  • exclude smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking medications;
  • strengthen the immune system.

Thanks to these simple steps, you can significantly increase your ability to reproduce. If, after following all the rules, you are unable to conceive a child, you should consult with specialists at the AltraVita clinic. Experienced doctors will be able to figure out what caused the decrease in fertility.

Reproductive age is considered the time when a woman can give birth to a child and a man is able to impregnate her. Physiologically, this is possible from the first menstruation until the onset of menopause. This is usually considered to be from 15 to 49 years of age. But in reality this age is much less, because you also need to take into account psychological readiness, features of the development of the body and even gender. Women and men manifest differently age characteristics reproductive system. Therefore, the ability to conceive a child is usually considered individually.

It is most often believed that the best reproductive age for both men and women is from 20 to 35 years. At this time, the person is fully formed and psychologically ready for parenthood. But theoretically, a woman can give birth to a healthy child at 14-15 years old, as well as at 50. And a man can become a father at both 15 and 60 years old. But in reality, the time when a person is able to conceive a child is limited to 10 years for women, and about 20 for men. Experts distinguish several periods of childbearing age.

Early reproductive age in women

It is believed that a woman can conceive a child from the moment she starts menstruating. Yes, indeed, the egg is already ready for fertilization, but the unformed body of a young girl is most often not able to bear a healthy baby. In most cases early pregnancy complications occur, more severe toxicosis and the risk of miscarriage. The children of these mothers develop worse and gain weight more slowly. In addition, at this age a woman is not yet psychologically ready for motherhood. Therefore, the time from the first menstruation to 20 years is called early reproductive age.

Best time to have a baby

Most doctors, when talking about what reproductive age means, mean the time from 20 to 35 years. During this period, most women are able to bear a healthy child, since they are young, full of strength and have normal hormonal levels. Their body is fully formed and ready for motherhood. The psychological maturity of expectant mothers and their ability to take responsibility for their child is also of great importance.

Late reproductive age

After 35 years, most women experience a decline in sexual function, decreased hormone production, and deteriorated health. Of course, this does not happen to everyone, but for most, doctors do not recommend giving birth. Late reproductive age is a time when a woman is still physiologically capable of conceiving a child, but there is a high risk of developing complications and genetic abnormalities in the development of the baby, for example. With age, this possibility increases, which is associated with hormonal imbalances and general deterioration health. By the age of 45-50, women reach menopause and conception becomes impossible.

Reproductive age of a man

Due to the characteristics of the male body, the favorable time for conception is slightly longer than for women. A man can become a father as early as 15 years old, and sperm production, although it slows down after 35 years, can continue until the age of 60. But most experts limit the optimal reproductive age of men to the same limits as for women: from 20 to 35 years. Only at this time the actively released hormone testosterone ensures the normal number and motility of sperm.

Modern women are increasingly interested in the question of how to extend their reproductive age. But since reproductive function is associated with hormonal levels, then often it does not depend on the person’s desire. To prevent it, you need to lead healthy image life and try not to take certain medications without a doctor’s prescription.

All families who want to have a child need to know what reproductive age means. This will help them avoid problems with conception and pregnancy, as well as give birth to a healthy child.