White discharge from the urethra in women. Discharge from the urethra. Non-inflammatory processes

The main symptom, which reflects disturbances in the functioning of the urinary tract due to genital infections and other factors, is discharge from the urethra. The secret is released from the external opening of the urethra and can have a variety of shades, consistency and transparency. It occurs in people of all genders and ages.

Physiological and pathological secretions

Physiological secret in women and men

The secret of a transparent color coming out of the urethra is a normal physiological condition that does not require therapy. Transparent and thick discharge in women often begins a few days before ovulation and lasts about 3 days. Such discharge during urination is due to changes in the hormonal background. Sometimes similar mucus can also be released from the vagina, and after a couple of days the process stops on its own. A scanty transparent discharge from the urethra, both women and men, can be observed after sex, which in this case indicates strong arousal. This can be explained by the release of a large number of hormones, which is also a normal physiological phenomenon.

Pathological discharge and their causes

Inflammatory processes

Purulent discharge against the background of burning and itching in the urethra are the causes of diseases that are dangerous for a woman's health.

If we talk about pathological discharge from the urethra, then it is important not only to notice them, but also not to ignore them, try to cure them as soon as possible. So, pus from the urethra in women during urination indicates the development of inflammation in the pelvic area. The secret may have a different color - from yellow-green to gray, the consistency will be thick. In addition, patients feel burning and itching in the urethra, pain in the lower peritoneum. Since more than one disease provokes purulent discharge, the cause of their appearance is revealed after the patient visits a specialist and passes the necessary tests.

Infections and neoplasms

If there are diseases caused by infections of the genital tract, a woman feels a burning sensation in the vagina, a man in the urethra. There is discomfort during urination, there is a secret of white color. Flakes often get into the urine and it changes its smell. In women, there are failures in the menstrual cycle, in men - problems with erection. When bloody discharge from the urethra and brown discharge are observed, this often indicates the development of neoplasms in kidney diseases, bladder injury. Many diseases are also associated with the smell of urine that has changed, so it is important not to delay visiting a doctor with such symptoms.

Other provocateurs

Mucous discharge is characteristic of urethritis.

Mucous discharge during urination is diagnosed with urethritis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the walls of the urethra, which is often confused with inflammatory processes in the bladder). Often they are transparent and non-viscous, but sometimes curdled discharges are also observed. A transparent pathological secret differs from a physiological secret in meager volumes at first. It does not disappear without the use of special preparations, and the amount of separated fluid gradually increases. Also, the mucous secretion from the urethra, both in the female and in the male, speaks of frequent sexual intercourse, the so-called "newlyweds' disease." At the same time, treatment is not necessary, it is enough only for a certain period of time to stop intimate contacts and observe the rules of personal hygiene.

What color is the secret?

The secret is composed of fluid, mucus and a variety of cells. Let's take a closer look at what color it can be:

  1. Yellow discharge with a greenish tinge during urination is observed, for example, with prostatitis, as well as at the onset of various infections that have entered the genitourinary system. If they also have an unpleasant odor with perceptible notes of rot, this indicates gonorrhea. When patients develop profuse discharge, pain when urinating, pain in the kidneys and itching.
  2. White discharge of a thick consistency in women is formed with thrush, in male patients - with candidiasis.
  3. Transparent, meager and rather viscous secrets are released from the male with various sexually transmitted diseases. With the course of the disease, they can change color to whiter, yellow with impurities of pus. Sometimes there is also a burning sensation in the urethra without discharge.

Symptoms of pathology

Discharge from the urethra may be accompanied by pain in the kidney area.

Discharge from the urethral canal often does not have additional symptoms, but the following signs are sometimes observed:

  • frequent urination;
  • itching and burning during urination;
  • feeling in the morning as if the urethra were stuck together;
  • the presence of blood in the urine;
  • severe pain at the end of urination;
  • kidneys hurt;
  • sore pubic area;
  • discomfort in the bladder;
  • vaginal discharge.

Features during pregnancy

Often, discharge from the urethra in women during pregnancy provokes urethritis, which can not only have a negative impact on the entire course of pregnancy, but also lead to the development of abnormalities in the fetus. Particularly dangerous types of this disease are chlamydial and ureaplasmic urethritis, they cause the greatest harm to the unborn child. Gonococcal urethritis is considered no less dangerous, since gonococci often reach the fetus and are able to kill it or cause early labor. Urethritis that is not caused by infections is considered the safest during pregnancy, but even in such situations, various complications often occur if the disease is not treated properly. That is why it is important to constantly visit a doctor, follow all his prescriptions, and not self-medicate.

Discharge from the genitals in men is a discharge from the urethra (urethra) and a secret preputial glands that are located on the head of the penis, under the skin of the foreskin. Opening into the urethra ejaculatory duct, ducts of the prostate, urethral And bulbourethral glands.

Options for physiological secretions

Criteria for normal discharges, corresponding to the functions of the organs of the urogenital system:

  • Urine– transparent, from straw to golden yellow, practically odorless, free of flakes or other inclusions;
  • prostate secret has a viscous consistency and a whitish tint, there is a specific smell of spermine;
  • Ejaculate: sperm from the ejaculatory duct mixes with secretions from the glands of Littre (urethral), Cooper (bulbourethral) and prostatic secretion, acquiring grayish white color and slimy consistency
  • fresh smegma from the preputial glands looks like a thick white grease; may become yellowish or greenish over time.

Preputial lubrication - smegma- constantly released, accumulating under the inner leaf of the foreskin and in the coronal groove of the penis. The lubricant consists of fats and bacterial residues, evenly distributed and reduces friction between the skin of the foreskin and the head. The maximum activity of the preputial glands is inherent in the period of puberty, with age the secretion decreases and stops completely by old age.

If you neglect the rules of personal hygiene, then smegma can accumulate under the folds of the foreskin. In this case, the fatty part of the lubricant is oxidized, and the protein part breaks down (in fact, this is decay), and the masses become greenish, acquiring an unpleasant odor. The same process occurs when, due to the fusion of the foreskin, it is impossible to completely free the head of the penis from the skin folds and remove the smegma. The accumulation and breakdown of lubricant can lead to chronic balanitis and balanoposthitis(inflammation of the foreskin and glans penis), increase the risk of developing tumors.

in the figure: possible forms of balanoposthitis - hygienic and pathological

Urethrorrhea, mucous colorless discharge from the bulbourethral and urethral glands. Appear only with arousal associated with libido. The excretion of clear mucus is intended to lubricate the urethra and improve the passage of semen. The amount of secretion ranges from meager to abundant, these parameters are associated with the individual characteristics of the organism and the frequency of sexual activity. After prolonged abstinence, the volume of secretions increases.

Pollution - spontaneous ejection of semen not associated with sexual intercourse. It usually occurs in the morning when testosterone levels rise. It depends on the age and intensity of sexual activity: it appears in boys during puberty, in adult men - with irregular or rare sexual intercourse.

Prostatorrhea, discharge of a small amount of clear mucus from the urethra with grayish-white inclusions. It occurs after tension of the abdominal muscles (for example, with constipation) or after urination. The secret consists of a mixture of seminal fluid and discharge of the prostate, an increase in volume and turbidity can be signs of prostatitis.

Pathological discharge

In men, the causes of discharge from the penis can be STDs, tumors, non-specific inflammation of the urogenital organs, various injuries, medical manipulations or operations.

Pathological discharge from the urethra differs from normal:

  1. By volume (too plentiful or scarce, possibly moderate);
  2. By color and transparency (from white to yellow-green color, cloudy);
  3. By impurities (blood, pus, lumps of mucus);
  4. Consistencies (very liquid or too thick and sticky);
  5. Smell (sour, putrid, fishy);
  6. By the frequency of occurrence (depending on the time of day, constant or episodic discharge);
  7. In connection with urination, sexual arousal, alcohol, spicy and spicy foods.

The nature of the discharge depends on the causative agent of the disease, the status of the immune system, on concomitant ailments, as well as the severity and duration of inflammation (acute or chronic).

If the amount, density or color of the discharge changes, if an unpleasant odor appears, it is recommended to consult a doctor and do tests. It is not worth doing self-diagnosis, it is very difficult to correctly recognize the disease by only one symptom.

Discharge from the penis associated with STDs


Mucous: transparent discharge, viscous and small in quantity, occurs in chronic form, or urethritis. Microscopic examination reveals a moderate amount of leukocytes in the secretions (the norm is up to 4 cells per field of view).

Mucopurulent: white discharge, translucent; observed in the acute phase with chlamydia, ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis. With chlamydial infection, they accumulate on the glans penis, as if “sticking” to the skin.

Purulent discharge having an unpleasant odor are characteristic of. They are sticky, thick, yellow in color. or with a greenish tinge, with a putrid odor. Microscopic examination of the material shows epithelial cells from the urethra, many leukocytes.

Symptoms accompanying gonorrheal urethritis: persistent and copious discharge; especially strong when urinating.

In venereal diseases, combined infections are often observed, combining several pathogens at once. Gonorrhea and accompanied by chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis usually occur "in pairs". The symptomatology of such diseases differs from the classical manifestations, urethral discharge can also acquire a completely different character. Therefore, for the final diagnosis, modern analytical techniques with a high degree of reliability are used, and not the characteristics of the secretions.

Nonspecific (non-venereal) inflammation

The cause of non-specific inflammation is its own microflora, which is opportunistic and is activated only in case of problems with the body's immune defenses. Strepto- and staphylococci, fungi of the genus Candida and E. coli are always present on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, but they begin to actively multiply and displace beneficial bacteria after hypothermia, prolonged stress, uncontrolled antibiotic treatment, after courses of radiation and chemotherapy.

Non-gonorrheal (non-specific). Inflammatory secretions are small in volume, visible in the urine as mucopurulent strands or lumps, appear at the very beginning of the disease. Symptoms in the form of burning and itching during urination are less pronounced than with gonorrhea, but the urge is frequent and does not bring relief. With ascending infection, the bladder first becomes inflamed, followed by the ureters and kidneys; appear discharge with an admixture of scarlet blood.

photo: signs of candidiasis (candidiasis balanoposthitis) on the surface of the penis

, fungal infection of the urethra. Usually develops against the background of suppression of the immune system after a course of antibiotics, chemotherapy or radiotherapy; sexual transmission of candidiasis in men is rare. Thrush is characterized by curdled discharge with a sour smell, which is combined with itching and burning during mictions(urination) and ejaculation(ejaculation), may be accompanied by dull pains in the groin, above the pubis and in the lower back.

urethra. characteristic fishy smell of discharge; they are scarce yellowish whiteor greenish. According to some classifications, gardnerellosis is classified as an STD, but in men, infection with gardnerella sexually is rather a curiosity. In fact, this disease is associated with a violation of the normal microflora, that is, with dysbacteriosis. In its treatment, immunocorrectors and probiotics (lactic acid bacteria) are necessarily used.

, inflammation of the foreskin. Abundant purulent discharges are observed locally, an admixture of mucus is possible. They are always accompanied by edema and hyperemia (redness) of the preputium sheets, soreness of the head of the penis.

At cloudy discharge appears at the end of urination, abundant discharge - in the acute period of inflammation; scanty and white - during the transition of the disease into a chronic form. Prostatitis is usually complicated by difficulty urinating and erection weakness, in severe cases - up to anuria(complete absence of urine output) and impotence.

Discharge not associated with inflammation

Spermatorrhea - discharge in the form of passively flowing semen, occur outside of sexual intercourse or masturbation, without the sensation of orgasm. Causes - some diseases of the nervous system, spinal injuries, chronic stress and any long-term inflammation of the genital area. Spermatorrhea is associated with a violation of innervation and a decrease in the tone of the vas deferens.

Hematorrheabloody issues. Often appears with injuries of the urethral canal received during bougienage, after setting catheter or when taking a smear from the mucosa. In these cases, the blood is fresh, without clots, the amount is small, the bleeding stops quickly. With the discharge of small kidney stones or sand, blood is released during or immediately after urination, hematorrhea is accompanied by very severe pain ( renal colic). Discharge of blood at hematuric form of glomerulonephritis(inflammation of the glomeruli) are combined with edema and stably high blood pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine.

brown discharge, with clots of blood or mucus, with an admixture of pus appear with malignant tumors emanating from the prostate, urethra or bladder. Brownish mucus can form during the healing of wounds on the mucous membranes, it is released during polyposis of the urethra and / or bladder.

Prostatorrhea- the secret of the prostate gland flowing from the urethra. Occurs in chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma, impaired innervation ( neurogenic bladder).

Examination algorithm in the presence of pathological discharge from the penis

  1. Inspection of the perineum, penis, foreskin and head. The goal is to identify deformations of the genital organs, traces of their injury, signs of external inflammation, discharge, rash, etc. Traces of discharge are sometimes noticeable on linen.
  2. Palpation of the inguinal lymph nodes, assessment of their condition: size, hotter or colder than the surrounding tissues, painful or not, soft or hard, mobile or soldered to the skin, whether there are ulcerations above them.
  3. Finger examination of the prostate; massage the prostate through the rectum and obtain secretions for microscopic examination. Before the massage, it is advisable to refrain from urinating for 1-2 hours. With prostate adenoma, its lobes are enlarged approximately equally, dense strands are palpable. For a malignant tumor, uneven growths and their consistency are typical; during palpation of the prostate, blood with clots may be released from the urethra.
  4. Material - for microscopy and. When examined under a microscope in a stained smear, blood cells, epithelium, sperm, fatty inclusions, some pathogens (E. coli, gonococci, gardnerella, yeast fungi) are visible. Increased white blood cell count characteristic of acute urethritis or exacerbation of chronic inflammation, eosinophils- for urethritis with allergies. red blood cells found in severe inflammation, tumors, injuries of the genitourinary organs, urolithiasis. Lots of epithelium- a sign of chronic urethritis, urethral leukoplakia. When spermatorrhea is found in a smear spermatozoa, with urethrorrhea - slime, simple - lipid grains.
    For the information content and reliability of the results, a smear is taken no earlier than 3 days after the local use of antibiotics, antifungal and disinfectants. If antibiotic treatment was systemic, then at least 3 weeks should pass after the course. Before taking a smear, do not wash, try not to urinate for 2-3 hours.
  5. General clinical blood test,blood for sugar- in the morning, on an empty stomach. Extended urinalysis(morning portion, immediately after sleep).
  6. Ultrasound of the prostate, bladder and kidneys; CT and urography.

If the manifestations of genital inflammation are strong, then before the test results are obtained, the patient is immediately prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics. In case of heavy bleeding, hospitalization is indicated and active actions to stop bleeding. Only the result of a biopsy can confirm the suspicion of a malignant tumor; the final diagnosis is made on the basis of a histological examination.


  • Discharge from the penis is just one symptom that cannot be guided by when making a diagnosis.
  • Unacceptable self-administration of pharm. drugs, even if the manifestations seem obvious for a particular disease.

Video: discharge after intercourse in men - doctor's opinion

The appearance of discharge from the urethra indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the urinary system. The separated secret can have a different consistency and shade. This problem is called urethritis. This unpleasant disease with untimely treatment can develop into a chronic form. Therefore, it is extremely important to recognize it in time and start therapy.

The main reasons for the appearance of discharge

Discharge of the urethra in women can appear for many reasons. Among them, one can especially highlight:

  • Venereal diseases. Most often, the causes of urethritis lie in the vital activity of chlamydia, gardnell, gonococci, Trichomonas and other microorganisms. Depending on the causative agent of the infection, the discharge in women may have a different shade.
  • Urolithiasis disease. The resulting stones move along the urethra and injure it, which provokes the development of inflammation.
  • Decreased protective functions of the body.
  • Prolonged stay in the cold. This factor contributes to the active reproduction of bacteria in the female body.
  • Mechanical trauma of the urinary canal. this can happen during accidents or improper medical procedures.
  • Wrong way of life. Eating large amounts of fatty, sour and bitter foods.
  • Malignant neoplasms in the urethra, which provoke inflammatory processes.

Discharge from the urethra in women is often the result of sexually transmitted diseases. Infection occurs during contact with the carrier of the infection. The rapid course of the disease is facilitated by non-compliance with the rules of contraception and personal hygiene, weakened immunity, emotional stress, hypothermia and other factors.

The quality of therapy will largely depend on the correctness of identifying the cause of the disease. You cannot make a diagnosis on your own. Seek medical attention at the first sign of a problem.

Varieties of secretions

Depending on the cause of the problem, discharge of a different shade and consistency may be observed. The following options are possible:

  • White discharge. This symptom does not indicate the factors of the onset of the disease. It only indicates the development of the inflammatory process. Therefore, in such a situation, a thorough diagnosis is required.
  • Brown highlights. This shade indicates the presence of blood in the separated secret. Most often, this symptom accompanies the formation of tumors in the urinary system. The cause of brown discharge can also be mechanical damage to the urethra.
  • Purulent spotting indicates the progression of a sexually transmitted disease. They may have whitish streaks or a greenish tint.
  • Yellow discharge from the urethra is observed with gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and some other sexually transmitted diseases.

To make an accurate diagnosis, it is not enough to determine the type of discharge. It is necessary to analyze the whole complex of symptoms.

Symptoms of the problem

Allocations in women are rarely accompanied by vivid symptoms. In the early stages, identifying the problem is quite difficult. Noticeable signs appear only when the disease begins to progress. The main manifestations of an acute inflammatory process include:

  • Painful sensations when urinating.
  • Aching pains in the genital area.
  • Blood in the urine.
  • Sensation of constriction of the urethra when urinating.

Not all symptoms may appear. One of them will prevail. It all depends on the exact cause of the disease. When infected with pathogenic microflora, several characteristic symptoms are distinguished:

  • With gonorrhea, there is severe pain when emptying the bladder. If you delay urination for a long time, then there is discomfort in the urethra.
  • Trichomonas infection is accompanied by severe itching in the genital area. There may be swelling.
  • A symptom of candidiasis is a burning sensation during urination. At the same time, the secretion discharged from the urethra is white and has a curdled consistency.
  • Mycoplasma infection is accompanied by itching and constant discomfort in the lower abdomen.

With urethritis in women, it is important to identify the problem in time. If the disease begins to progress, a long and complex treatment will be required.

Making an accurate diagnosis

The urethral secret can appear under the influence of several factors. It is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis based on symptoms alone. Specialists resort to the following diagnostic methods:

  • A smear is taken from the urethra, which is then subjected to laboratory tests. The most commonly used polymer chain reaction or Gram stain. Such techniques allow to determine the presence of pathogenic microflora in the sample.
  • A blood test is done to detect sexually transmitted diseases.
  • When detecting the presence of bacteria, a study is carried out to determine their sensitivity to antibiotics. Only after such an analysis will a specialist be able to choose an antibacterial drug that is guaranteed to cope with the causative agent of the disease.
  • Ultrasound examination of the genitourinary system. During the examination, it is possible to detect the presence of pathological changes.
  • Urethroscopy. This is an endoscopic research method that allows you to assess the condition of the mucous surface of the urethra. If necessary, the specialist takes a tissue biopsy. In some cases, during the examination, it is possible to eliminate areas of narrowing of the urethra.
  • Urethrocytoscopy. This technique allows you to study the condition not only of the urethra, but of the entire bladder, in which foci of infection are often found.

The specialist must analyze all the results of the research. Only in this way can he make the correct diagnosis.

If you notice that a secret is secreted from the urethra, immediately consult a doctor. Delay in such a situation can lead to serious complications of the disease.

The main methods of therapy

Discharge from the urethra in women requires immediate treatment. After the doctor has determined the exact cause of their appearance, he will be able to choose an effective method of therapy. The following means are applied:

  • Antibacterial drugs. The most commonly used drugs have a wide spectrum of action. You can start using them even before receiving the final results of bacteriological culture. When a sexually transmitted infection is detected, experts recommend the use of Amoxiclav, Clarithromycin, Ofloxacin, Azithromycin and some other drugs.
  • Sulfanilamide preparations effectively eliminate bacteria, the vital activity of which leads to the development of the inflammatory process. The most effective of them is Doxycycline.
  • Antimicrobials. Most often, doctors prescribe Metronidazole.
  • Most often, the disease develops against the background of a decrease in the protective functions of the body. Therefore, experts recommend the use of immunocorrective agents, as well as vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • Washing of the genital organs with decoctions of medicinal herbs is shown. Effective in such a situation are chamomile, calendula and knotweed. Antiseptic solutions can also be used for the same purpose. Potassium permanganate is good for making sitz baths.
  • Discharge from the urethra can also be treated with the help of physiotherapy techniques. The most effective are electrophoresis and warming applications.
  • Injection of uroseptics directly into the urinary canal. For these purposes, a solution of collargol, protargol or chlorhexidine is used.

In addition to the main treatment, women are advised to reconsider their lifestyle and especially their diet. It is necessary to completely abandon spicy, overly salty, smoked foods, marinades and canned food. Give preference to light vegetable dishes, soups and cereals. focus on dairy products. They will help restore the normal microflora in the intestines, which suffers greatly from taking antibacterial drugs. Try to drink as much clean water as possible. A good result is the use of cranberries. On its basis, you can prepare compotes and fruit drinks.

Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol during treatment. Try to lead a healthy lifestyle, walk more in the fresh air and do gymnastics, do not overcool. Avoid excessive physical and mental stress. They significantly impair the protective functions of the body. Refrain from sexual intercourse with partners who may become carriers of infectious agents. When in contact with a regular partner, use a condom.

If, after bacteriological culture, it was found that the cause of the development of the disease was the vital activity of pathogenic microflora, then treatment will be required not only for the woman, but also for her sexual partner. Otherwise, the infection will be repeated, and the therapy will not bring the desired result.

Two weeks after the end of the course of treatment, a second laboratory study is carried out. Only in this way can a specialist be sure that the pathogen is completely defeated.

Discharge from the urethra in women always becomes a symptom of a serious illness. Therefore, when they are detected, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible. Only competent diagnosis and competent treatment will help to completely cope with the problem.

Smirnova Olga (gynecologist, GSMU, 2010)

The quality of secretion in the fairer sex is the main criterion by which not only the health of the reproductive system is determined, but also the general condition of the body. It is generally accepted that discharge from the urethra in women is a sign of a disease of various etymologies. Whether this is so, we will find out in this article.

Features of discharge from the urethra in women

The urethra is the urethra. This organ belongs to the genitourinary system and performs the function of removing water-soluble waste products of the body from the bladder. The urethra of the fair sex is significantly different in size from the male: it is shorter, but has a larger diameter. For this reason, pathogenic microorganisms attack the woman's urethra in greater numbers, respectively, inflammatory processes are more common.

The female genitourinary system constantly produces various secretions that perform important functions. The secretion produced by the glands and uterus varies with the course of the menstrual cycle.

Since the organs in the intimate area are located quite close, and the urethral canal fits snugly against the vagina, the mucous secretion from the urethra mixes with the vaginal one at the exit. That is why it is difficult for a woman to determine the nature of their occurrence. In this case, noticing changes in the discharge, you should first visit the gynecologist.

Possible nature of discharge

We can distinguish the following features of the allocated substance:

  1. Liquid is the regular excretion of urine that ranges from clear to dark brown in color depending on health, age, lifestyle, diet, and amount of fluid intake.
  2. , burning and difficulty urinating - the norm. The symptom is due to the work of the glands of the urinary system.
  3. Bloody - liquid in consistency, discharge, a mixture of urine and blood. The color depends on the amount of blood present.
  4. Sand - small grains, urinary crystals and flakes that come out with ICD.
  5. White, yellow, brown, transparent mucus with a bloody streak - they talk about an inflammatory process or infection.
  6. Purulent secretion indicates a running inflammatory or infectious process. There may be fever, severe pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, weakness and malaise.

Allocations with urethritis

In most cases, discharge from the urethra is associated with inflammation of the urinary tract, which is called urethritis. Hypothermia, stress or a cold, excessive exercise, poor lifestyle and nutrition, bad habits, infections and bacteria are the causes of urethritis and all kinds of discharge from the ureter. Urethritis is divided into specific and nonspecific.

Specific urethritis

The first group of the disease develops when sexual infections such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, genital herpes, human papillomavirus enter. Ailments are manifested by pathological secretions. This mucus is yellow, green, white, gray, liquid, thick, heterogeneous, with lumps or flakes (as in the photo), which has an unpleasant smell of rotten meat, fish, rot, sourness, sometimes observed.

In addition to the vagina, infections affect the mucous membranes of nearby organs, including the urethra.

Nonspecific urethritis

Discharge from the urethra is the main symptom of urethritis, but it is not always associated with infection in the body. Nonspecific urethritis occurs due to microorganisms such as E. coli, staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, candida. These causative agents of inflammation are present in all women and men, but the immunity of a healthy person restrains their numbers and prevents the development of diseases. The weakening of the immune system causes an increase in their number and the development of the inflammatory process. All symptoms of nonspecific urethritis are similar: copious pathological discharge, itching, burning during urination, frequent urination.


Urethritis, characterized by the appearance of cheesy white discharge during urination in women, is a sure sign of the reproduction of fungi of the Candida family (see photo).

The disease is also transmitted through sexual contact. White plaque covers the mucous membranes of the vagina, falling on the urethra. Candidiasis is accompanied by burning, itching and a sour-milk smell.


Urethritis is manifested by a thick secret of off-white or gray color with lumps,. The inflammatory process affects the mucous membranes of the urinary organs and provokes bacterial vaginosis. It is transmitted both sexually and develops against the background of the growth of opportunistic bacteria living in the local microflora. Symptoms worsen after intercourse.

Non-infectious causes of discharge

The causes of discharge from the urethra may have such a basis:

  1. Mechanical damage or trauma to the urethra. An incorrectly installed or abruptly removed catheter, gynecological manipulations and rough sex using intimate devices can injure the canal mucosa, resulting in red mucus discharge. When urinating, pain and burning sensations are possible. In rare cases, the process goes away on its own, but most often it develops into a pathology that requires treatment.
  2. Allergic reaction to synthetic underwear, intimate hygiene products, lubricants, contraceptives. The irritant, getting into the vagina, spreads to the mucous membranes of the adjacent organs, which gives white, yellow, brown discharge from the urethra in odorless women. Symptoms disappear after removal of the irritant. Otherwise, it is an infectious disease.
  3. Often, bloody streaks that are excreted in the urine are normal menstruation or the result of rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg during the ovulatory period, which characterizes the middle of the menstrual cycle.
  4. In old age, urination also changes. Urine acquires a dark brown, orange color, sometimes containing white mucous streaks.

Discharge from the urethra during pregnancy

The causes of discharge from the urethra in women during pregnancy are divided into physiological and pathological.

With an increase in the term, the growth of the fetus in the womb leads to squeezing and a constant effect on the bladder. This explains frequent urination with unusual discharge. They are bright yellow, orange and brownish. So the high concentration of urine in a compressed bladder, hormonal changes and restructuring of the body make itself felt. This is a natural phenomenon for a pregnant woman, when it is not accompanied by uncomfortable and painful sensations with concomitant symptoms.

If itching, pain, burning, pain during urination is felt, and the excreted fluid has white, bloody, purulent impurities and an unpleasant odor, then we are talking about pathological urethritis or an infectious process that is dangerous for the fetus and expectant mother.

Urethritis in diseases

Often urethritis develops against the background of pre-existing diseases:

Inflammation of the internal organs

There are severe inflammations of the female genital organs, which are transmitted to the bladder and provoke urethritis.

Nephritis is inflammation of the kidneys. In many cases, there are no obvious signs. But sometimes it makes itself felt with bloody streaks and pus, painful urination.


Urolithiasis, sand in the kidneys and bladder are characterized by frequent or difficult urination, burning, ichor due to trauma to the urethra when sand and stones enter. The disease may be asymptomatic. Bleeding after urination often indicates mechanical damage to the urethra, kidney problems.


Sometimes a small amount of blood in the urine develops into profuse blood loss. In this situation, you should immediately consult a doctor, as we can talk about neoplasms of different etymologies, and even cancer.


Many women who find themselves with similar symptoms begin to be treated at home. This is erroneous, since such ailments require a competent integrated approach.

Treatment of urethral discharge depends on the type of pathogen that caused the inflammation. Basically, therapy is based on antibiotics, which are selected individually for each case.

In combination with general medicines, it is recommended to take sitz baths with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Suitable and all sorts of decoctions and infusions of herbs. The complex therapy includes local suppositories, and tampons impregnated with medicinal substances.

Physiotherapy (electrophoresis) helps to get rid of the disease quickly and without harm to the body.


In order to prevent such diseases and their symptoms, it is necessary to observe some preventive measures:

  1. Proper nutrition. Eat less spicy, fatty and fried foods, fast food. The work of the excretory system directly depends on the quality of food. All kinds of preservatives, seasonings and carcinogens carry a heavy load on the bladder and kidneys.
  2. Give up bad habits. Smoking and alcohol with particular force affect the genitourinary system. In people suffering from alcohol addiction, discharge from the urethra in women gives out an addiction with a terrible smell.
  3. Avoid hypothermia. According to statistics, every fifth young girl is diagnosed with inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. Many of them frivolously flaunt thin tights and short skirts in the bitter cold.
  4. Dress warmly, paying particular attention to your lower torso.
  5. Do not wear synthetic underwear.
  6. Observe the rules of personal and intimate hygiene. After going to the toilet, blot the perineum with a clean napkin so that urine residues do not accumulate, allowing bacteria to multiply and do not irritate the mucous membrane.
  7. Avoid stress and heavy physical exertion.

Urethral discharge is a fairly common topic on medical forums. Reviews of experts indicate the need for diagnosis before any type of therapy. If any of the discharges described above are detected, you should contact a specialist for urine, blood and smear tests, and, having learned the exact diagnosis, receive timely treatment. Modern drugs allow you to quickly and effectively get rid of many of these ailments.

Discharge from the urethra in men and women is the periodic appearance of mucus or fluid from the urethra, which may have a different color.

What is the discharge from the urethra?

Normal discharge from the urethra in men appears due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the urethra is moistened from time to time. With a variety of pathologies, if the discharge is abundant, then a person notices them very easily. In addition, such a symptom, as a rule, is also accompanied by periodic unpleasant sensations. But much more often, discharge in men is not so noticeable. They mainly appear in the morning, and also after a long break in urination has been observed.

Normally, discharge from the urethra appears in a state sexual arousal . Gray matter is secreted urethral glands. It is also normal for men to have discharge after intercourse during ejaculation and during nocturnal emissions. Such physiological secretions are transparent, they are odorless. Under other circumstances, the appearance of specific secretions indicates an infection or an inflammatory process occurring in the genitourinary system.

The discharge that appears in men and women from the urethra can have a different color, texture, smell. To determine how much the discharge differs from the norm, it is necessary to refrain from urinating for at least three hours, and then make massage movements that allow you to get the discharge and evaluate it. The color, transparency and consistency of secretions determines their composition: mucus, liquid, cells. Accordingly, the more cells the secretions contain, the more cloudy they will be. The predominance of the epithelium in the secretions makes them grayish and thick. If there is a large amount of discharge, it will be yellowish or greenish.

Why is there discharge from the urethra?

Doctors define two types of discharge from the urethra, the nature of which is non-infectious. Such selections are called spermatorrhea And hematorrhea .

At hematorrhea discharge from the urethra, in which there is an admixture of blood. As a rule, this phenomenon is observed after medical manipulations, in which minor injuries could occur. This is the use of a catheter, examinations, etc. With hematorrhea, a man also has swelling of the urethra or prostate.

At spermatorrhea white discharge from the urethra appears, due to the fact that the sperm does not come out of the man during intercourse. The reason for this phenomenon is insufficient muscle tone. urethral sphincters and sexual dysfunction. Sometimes such discharge provokes a violation of the functions of the central nervous system.

If a man develops an inflammatory process, then the discharge has a different character. They can indicate various diseases that are sexually transmitted. So, when mucous, purulent masses are released from the urethra, when the discharge is small, transparent, when there is no discharge.

Discharge immediately after urination or during bowel movements may appear if the secretion of the prostate gland stagnates in the excretory ducts of the prostate. This phenomenon is called prostorrhea and may indicate the development of chronic.

If a man notes the appearance of pathological discharge from the urethral canal, then this may indicate other diseases. Pathological discharge in men, in addition to the diseases described, may indicate the development orchitis , prostatitis , epididymitis .

If pathological discharge from the urethral canal occurs, you should immediately contact a venereologist and a urologist. The latter applies to both men and women. It is especially important to pay attention to discharge from the urethra during pregnancy, as this may be a symptom. This is an inflammatory process of the walls of the urethra, which often develops in men, but women also suffer from this disease. With urethritis, in addition to discharge, pain and burning appear during urination. The discharge sometimes has an unpleasant odor and contains blood impurities. In acute urethritis, body temperature may rise, appear.

As a rule, urethritis develops after severe hypothermia, unprotected sexual contact, due to injuries and injuries. Especially often the disease affects those who have reduced immunity.

Bloody discharge from the urethra, which appear without prior injury, should especially alert the person. After all, the release of blood from the urethra can signal the appearance of a neoplasm and its oncological nature. This symptom is more common in older men. Bloody discharge is a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor and carrying out all the prescribed studies. Sometimes blood enters the secretions at high blood pressure .

Any opaque discharge should be a concern, especially if it continues for several days in a row. It is important to note that purulent discharge from the urethra is sometimes not accompanied by any discomfort. However, pus discharge is usually a symptom of inflammation.

- the most likely reason that women have discharge from the urethra during pregnancy. However, this disease can provoke discharge from the urethra in women even if the body's defenses are reduced.

Discharge from the urethra in men that appear due to sexually transmitted diseases can become a symptom by which the doctor will determine which disease is developing.

White discharge from the urethra in men, which have a curdled consistency, appears due to candidiasis . In men, this disease is rare, but it can still develop against the background of reduced immunity, improper antibiotic treatment, etc. It is important to note that a healthy man does not become infected from women who have candidiasis quite often. Therefore, with such signs, it is important to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis.

How to get rid of discharge from the urethra?

In the presence of discharge from the urethra, it is important to undergo a complete diagnosis and determine the cause of this phenomenon. Initially, a microscopic examination of the secretions should be carried out, which makes it possible to determine a number of bacteria, fungi. Those pathogens that cannot be seen under a microscope are determined by inoculation on a nutrient medium. As a rule, until the results of such a study are received, treatment is not carried out, but in case of acute manifestations and the risk of complications, an appointment is sometimes immediately prescribed. antibiotics wide spectrum of action. However, it is impossible to choose drugs for treatment on your own in any case, since the wrong dosage and duration of treatment can cause the disease to become chronic. As a rule, the course of treatment continues until 7 days th. In addition to antibiotics, the treatment of diseases that provoke discharge from the urethra includes taking immunomodulating drugs , which help to strengthen the defenses of the patient's body.

Compliance with a special diet is also practiced: salty, smoked, spicy food, which provokes irritation of the mucous membrane of the urethra, is excluded from the patient's diet. You should give up alcohol, lead the most healthy lifestyle. In diseases that are sexually transmitted, it is important to avoid sexual intercourse for a certain period of time.