Why is human biological material collected? Putin said that “someone is purposefully collecting biomaterial from Russians.” In RuNet they are perplexed and are building versions. What is biomaterial

Nadezhda Markina


Who collects biological material from Russians and why?

“You know that biological material is collected throughout the country. Moreover, for different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical locations of the Russian Federation. Here’s the question: why are they doing this?” - Russian President Vladimir Putin asked at a meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights on Monday, October 30. In a number of Russian media, the answer to this question was quickly found: for the development of biological weapons directed against Russians. Many immediately remembered that back in the summer the US Air Force command announced a tender for the purchase of 12 RNA samples and 27 samples of synovial (articular) tissue from Russians of Caucasian origin. We asked Nadezhda Markina, a senior researcher at the Laboratory of Genomic Geography at the Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, to figure out why Americans need RNA samples from Russians, whether it could be related to weapons, and who collects biological material from representatives of certain ethnic groups and for what purposes. , editor of the website "Genofond.rf".

Map of Eurasian populations studied by the Y chromosome


First, let's look at the terms of the American tender. Firstly, they are talking about an insignificant amount of materials - statistically not at all significant, only a dozen samples. This in no way corresponds to the statement that collections occur throughout the country and among representatives of different ethnic groups. Secondly, judging by the fact that the customer indicated the exact parameters for sample donors (age, gender, height, weight, health), we are most likely talking about some kind of medical research.

The same opinion is shared by Doctor of Biological Sciences Mikhail Gelfand, who gave comments to various media outlets, including Kommersant. Konstantin Severinov, professor at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, professor at Rutgers University (USA), speaks about the same in a commentary to Kommersant: “Analysis of the material described in the tender cannot provide any valuable information.”

The fear of “leakage of genetic material” from Russia is caused by ignorance. Firstly, a huge amount of it has already “flowed away” during several waves of emigration. There is more than enough DNA of Russian emigrants and their descendants abroad, so there is no need to export anything. Secondly, all the talk about the possible creation of biological weapons directed against a certain ethnic group is nothing more than conspiracy horror stories. Ethnicity is not a biological concept, but a social one, and it is determined primarily by self-awareness. And if we talk about populations associated with ethnic groups, they differ in the frequencies of some genetic variants, but these differences are only at the level of frequency, that is, statistical, not absolute.

But the harm from the obstacles that complicate the export of samples of Russian biological materials abroad is quite real - for the diagnosis of some cancer patients, for bone marrow transplants, for clinical trials of new drugs.

Genetic studies of the peoples of Russia - and, according to the latest census in our country, there are almost 200 of them - are indeed being carried out by our Russian scientists. This is what population geneticists do. Many scientific organizations of the country are involved in research: the Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg University (within the framework of the Russian Genomes program), the Institute of Medical Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Ufa Scientific Center and many other Russian state scientific institutions and universities.

For example, members of the staff of the laboratory of genomic geography of the IOGEN RAS under the leadership of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Oleg Balanovsky and the Laboratory of Human Population Genetics under the leadership of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Elena Balanovskaya every year go on expeditions to the most remote corners of the country. In the last year alone, expeditions have taken place to the Komi-Permyak District, the Mari El Republic, the Kola Peninsula, Kamchatka, and the Commanders. For example, samples were brought from Kamchatka to isolate the DNA of the Koryaks, Evens, Itelmens, and Kamchadals; samples of the Aleuts were collected in the Commanders. These biological samples are not intended to be sent abroad; DNA extraction and analysis takes place in Russian laboratories.

The purpose of these expeditions is to study the gene pools of indigenous peoples. “We received our genes from our ancestors, so DNA, like a chronicle, records the origin of the population, the most important demographic events that happened to it, and how people adapted to environmental conditions,” explains Professor Balanovsky.

The most information about genetic history comes from studying variants of the Y chromosome, which is present in all men in a single copy. Since the Y chromosome is transmitted through the male line - from father to son, from grandfather to father, and so on, it is most convenient to track the historical migrations of population groups. It seems to put a mark on these migrations, and this mark can be read. Other similar marks are contained in the rest of the genome, which can be studied in both men and women.

Each nation has its own “genetic portrait”, which is made up of the genomes of individual people. By comparing the “genetic portraits” of modern peoples, scientists are studying the ancestry of all humanity, which about 60 thousand years ago left Africa and settled across Eurasia and other continents. The study of the gene pool helps to reconstruct the genetic history of a given people - to trace where the ancestors who formed a given population migrated from, with whom they mixed, and how long ago this happened.

Today, Russia is no longer genetically similar to a “blank spot”, but since there are so many peoples, the reconstruction of the entire “genetic landscape” of the country is still very far away. And if we compare Russia with European countries, its population has been much less studied. This can be seen on the map, which shows the populations of Eurasia studied by the Y chromosome (map provided by Professor Balanovsky).

In the field of population genetics, completely unexpected discoveries can occur. For example, when DNA 10 thousand years old was isolated from the bones of the ancient inhabitants of the Devil's Gate cave on the Amur, it initially turned out to be unlike anything. But when it was compared with the DNA of the Ulchi, representatives of the indigenous people of Primorye, it turned out that for thousands of years the Ulchi had preserved the ancient gene pool, the genetic memory of the ancient population of the Far East.

These studies are funded by the Russian Science Foundation, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, and other Russian grants. Of course, there are international projects in this area in the world; modern science is international. Several years ago, Russian scientists participated in a large international project GENOGRAPHIC, but according to its conditions, not a single collected sample crossed the borders of Russia. But Russia is not represented in the international project “1000 Genomes”, which can only be regretted.

The genetic diversity of the peoples of our country is studied not only within the framework of academic science. It is necessary for the development of personalized medicine aimed at treating a specific person with his genetic characteristics. Populations differ in the frequency of variable genomic regions related to certain diseases and in sensitivity to certain drugs. To develop person-centered healthcare, these genetic characteristics need to be well understood.

Finally, population genetic studies are important for forensic science. Geneticists can help criminologists narrow down the search for a potential criminal or victim by analyzing their DNA: this happened in 2001, when, after the explosion in Domodedovo, the terrorist’s DNA was used to determine his place of origin. For this purpose, the Union State program “DNA Identification” was created. “The state task has been set - to learn from DNA to determine the probable territory of a person’s origin, based not on the scattered data currently available, but on the basis of data on the majority of the peoples of the country,” comments Balanovsky.

So the answers to the questions of who is genetically researching the population of Russia and for what purposes have long been well known. And if our country does not want to remain on the margins of world science, we need to support this research, and not suspect geneticists of shady deeds.

Biomaterial - what is it? Definition, meaning, translation

Biomaterial (biological material) these are any tissues of a living creature, such as hair, nails, skin, blood and the like.

Biomaterial contains genetic information about its carrier, so samples of biomaterial can serve to identify an individual by DNA and determine kinship. And genetic studies of biomaterial often help solve crimes. You can take a sample of biomaterial from both a living organism and a dead one.

The word “biomaterial” made headlines in Russian media on October 30, 2017, when king made an unexpected paranoid-schizophrenic statement that someone was collecting biomaterial from Russian citizens for unknown purposes.

The claim appears to be part of a conspiracy theory that the US military is trying to develop a "genetic weapon" that can selectively target Russians based on their genetic traits. Independent experts, however, confirm that it is almost impossible to create such a weapon specifically against Russians, since Russians are not very different genetically from other Europeans.

You learned where the word came from, its explanation in simple words, translation, origin and meaning.

Experts recall cases of mysterious epidemics

Unknown persons for unknown purposes are collecting biological materials from our citizens throughout Russia. Experts believe that the purpose of this may be, among other things, the creation of selective genetic weapons. However, the possibility of its appearance in the near future raises doubts among experts.

Let us recall that Putin made a statement about the collection of biomaterials from Russians at a meeting of the Human Rights Council. “Biological material is collected throughout the country. Moreover, for different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical locations of the Russian Federation. They do it purposefully and professionally. We are such an object of interest,” the president said.

According to military expert Anatoly Tsyganok, the collection of biomaterials was organized by the Americans to create a new generation of biological weapons. “This will be a selective genetic weapon. Its use is extremely difficult to identify and identify, and the loss of life may be greater than that of an atomic bomb.”

Such research has been carried out by the American military for a long time, Tsyganok added, and over the past decades several possible cases of the use of such weapons have been recorded. In particular, the expert recalled an episode that occurred about thirty years ago in Latin America. “There is a known case of pig poisoning in Cuba in the late 1980s. Within two months, all these animals died on the island.”

Information about the Americans collecting biological materials from Russians appeared in the summer of this year. Then it became known that the US Air Force command had placed a contract for the purchase of several RNA samples from Russians. As stated in the contract, “all samples must be taken in Russia from Caucasians,” a separate clause stipulated that samples from Ukraine would not be accepted.

An expert in the field of biological research for military purposes, on condition of anonymity, told MK that the Americans can use them to create new viruses that will infect specific ethnic groups. “This situation was observed in 2002 during the so-called SARS epidemic in China. Then, in this country, the SARS coronavirus killed the Chinese and other Asians, but did not touch a single European.”

The expert admitted that such biological weapons could theoretically be used against our country if tensions in relations between Russia and the United States reach the limit after which war is declared. “If launching a nuclear strike on Russia is suicidal for America, then they can inflict unacceptable losses on us with the help of diseases for which there is no cure.”

He added that similar developments were carried out in our country. In particular, he recalled an incident in Sverdlovsk in 1979, when a cloud of anthrax spores was released from a military biological laboratory located in the Chkalovsky district of the city. Then the epidemic of this terrible disease claimed, according to various sources, about a hundred lives of local residents. “It should be noted that the defeat of people was quite selective. Among the victims were mostly men, and of the most able-bodied age, from 30 to 40 years old.” The expert declined to comment on the question of whether such types of biological weapons exist in Russia today.

At the same time, a researcher at the Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics of the Ufa Scientific Center, Konstantin Kitaev, questioned the conclusions of military experts. In particular, the SARS outbreak in China did not affect Europeans due to differences in immunity from Asians. “I think it's a coincidence. It’s just that the Chinese did not have the same immunity as representatives of European nationalities, which is why SARS affected them so much.” As for the development of selective genetic weapons, according to Kitaev, at the current level of technological development this is impossible.

Retired FSB Major General: “This is all very serious. Similar experiments were carried out in Nazi Germany."

Why do our foreign partners collect biological material from Russians? With this intriguing, if not shocking, question, Vladimir Putin concluded the meeting of the Presidential Council on Human Rights, which he held on the Day of Remembrance for Victims of Repression on October 30. According to VVP, these activities of foreign forces “should be treated without fear.” However, experts see a bleak outlook.

The current meeting of the HRC was held at a pace: on the street, in the pouring autumn rain, people who had gathered for the opening of the monument to victims of repression “Wall of Sorrow” were waiting for its participants. However, one deviation from the topic was still made. And Putin personally did it.

Certain organizations collect biological material from our citizens throughout the country. Moreover, for different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical locations of the Russian Federation,” he unexpectedly said, commenting on the speech of one of the members of the Human Rights Council on the topic of the rights of Russian voters during elections. - The only question is why they do it, they do it purposefully and professionally. We are definitely the object of intense interest. Of course, you need to approach this without any fear: let them do what they want. But we must do what we must,” Putin concluded.

There are many versions about the purpose of collecting biological material. In Russia, for example, it is also being conducted - for example, within the framework of the recently won Moscow State University. Lomonosov a billion-dollar grant for the “Noah’s Ark” project, which provides for the creation of a data bank of all life on earth. The cellular material collected by the participants of this project will be stored in a depository being built on the territory of the “Silicon Valley” of Moscow State University, both in frozen conditions and in information form. However, in this case, the collected biomaterial is not human, and therefore its removal bothers few people.

Something similar is happening abroad. However, several months ago, information appeared in the media about the Pentagon’s intention to purchase samples of ribonucleic acid (RNA) from Caucasian Russians. The purpose of the proposed purchases is unclear: there are only links to a certain US Air Force contract posted on the American government procurement portal. But this, according to the expert, is more than an alarming symptom.

This is a very serious topic,” retired FSB Major General Alexander Mikhailov explained to MK. “And the fact that the president voiced it means that it is moving into the implementation stage. The theory of breeding a new race itself is not new. Such experiments were carried out before, for example, in Nazi Germany. In this case, we are most likely talking about creating a system of influencing a person at the cellular, chromosomal level. In the West there is a lot of talk about the so-called “mysterious Russian soul”. But this is an immaterial substance. But a biosample opens the way to influence the body. It is no secret that there are races that die under certain conditions: for example, many northern peoples are contraindicated in drinking alcohol, since their bodies are not able to break it down.

Thus, all this is very serious, the expert warns:

If someone intends to transfer the war to the level of genetics and influence the enemy at the cellular level, then for the other side the collection of biomaterials can result in colossal losses. After all, biological warfare is not only the spread of viruses and infections: the impact on individual human cells can also have a colossal effect! At the same time, this is the most villainous invention, which, of course, should be banned along with chemical weapons.

I believe that our president’s statement should serve as a serious warning to the Americans,” the interlocutor emphasized. - We are not suckers either and are capable of conducting similar research. And it is far from certain that they will remain the winner if push comes to shove.

On Monday, October 30, at a meeting of the Human Rights Council, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that biological material from Russians, including foreigners, is being collected throughout the country. “And for different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical locations of the Russian Federation. The question is: why is this being done?” - Putin emphasized. The President also noted that such activities are being carried out “purposefully and professionally,” but we must approach this without fear. “Let them do what they want, and we must do what we must,” Putin concluded. Apparently, we are talking about a tender from one of the US Air Force units, which refers to the need to supply biological materials obtained from residents of Russia. However, if this is him, then the president, as scientists have already explained, is interpreting him incorrectly.

Nevertheless, Putin’s statement is widely discussed on the Internet. The Mediazona publication reminds us that fear of biological research is a long-standing pastime of the Russian authorities. Novaya turned to Mikhail Gelfand, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor at the Higher School of Economics, Moscow State University and Skoltech, for comment.

— Putin spoke about biomaterial collected by foreigners in Russia. But biomaterials are collected constantly. Why do scientists need this?

— If we are talking about DNA samples being collected from representatives of different ethnic groups, then most likely we are talking about some kind of population research - this is work to study our history. The genomes of different ethnic groups are collected, archaeological material is collected - after which an attempt is made to reconstruct the history of mankind and its settlement on the planet. There are several international projects in this direction, Russia also participates in them - and this is very good. This allows us to maintain a certain scientific level in the country.

The other side of the issue: we remembered the American tender for collecting samples - no longer DNA, but RNA. Most likely, in this case we are talking about some kind of medical genetics, about the study of predispositions to joint diseases. There, however, we are not talking about any ethnic groups, we are talking only about Russian samples. There was also no talk of collecting these samples specifically on Russian territory - there are plenty of Russians in the States.

What these studies seem to be saying is that different ethnic groups may have different frequencies of [genome] variants. There is no variant that only Russians have, but the frequencies of specific variants may differ, and the predisposition to certain diseases may differ statistically. Based on the tender, it is difficult to reconstruct the entire task, but apparently this is a medical genetic study, since for it it is also essential to collect biological samples from representatives of different ethnic groups in order to exclude the historical component: so that the correlations that we observe are associated specifically with medicine , and not with a general history.

— Why is this tender being held by the Ministry of Defense, and not the Ministry of Health, for example?

“Everything goes through the Ministry of Defense, because this is the departmental affiliation of the hospital where the research is taking place. The tender is announced by a specific institution, and since we are talking about an Air Force hospital, an announcement about it is also posted on the website of the Ministry of Defense. And, if we are to engage in conspiracy theories, this is precisely a sign of the openness of the whole situation. If the Americans needed to quietly collect samples of genetic material from representatives of the Russian ethnic group or any other, then it would not be very difficult to do [without any tender].

— Why did Putin construct the phrase this way? Was he told that, or does he really think so? Where did the communication failure occur?

- Is there a difference? Something tells me that Vladimir Vladimirovich is not a specialist in the field of biology. Of course, I would like the leader of the country to have more competence, especially in biology, which is now the number one science, but on the other hand, it is impossible to be a specialist in all fields.

In this situation, what he thinks is what he was told. These are synonyms. Putin has no other source to analyze what was said.

I don’t think the president reads Alexander Markov’s books about evolution in his spare time. They told him complete nonsense - and not harmless. The Russian participants in the international scientific consortia that we were talking about probably shuddered greatly after this phrase.

We love that scientists come to us, that Russian scientists return and do research. But who will decide to do this if suddenly something like this can suddenly jump out at you? And the worst thing is that this is not an isolated “communication failure”, but a completely systemic line. In Sochi two weeks ago it was also announced that with the help of genetic engineering it is possible to create super-soldiers who will not be afraid of pain. This is also in the spirit of this “genetic line”. And if you again engage in conspiracy theories, you can remember the law banning genetically modified organisms, which someone also lobbied for. All this is biological obscurantism.