Painful ovulation what to do. Painful ovulation: causes, symptoms and methods of control. Why is ovulation painful?

For modern women, painful ovulation is a very common phenomenon. When faced with unpleasant sensations in the abdomen or lower back during this period, few people begin to worry about their health, since most women have already become accustomed to them. But in the case of severe pain, which occurs with a clear frequency, it already forces one to take some measures. As a rule, women who are planning a pregnancy and have already suffered from gynecological diseases immediately panic, although this problem has several solutions.

Can ovulation be painful?

Speaking about very painful ovulation, it is worth noting that prolonged discomfort and extreme pain are completely different. If cutting, tingling or cramping sensations are not pronounced and are present for no longer than half an hour, there is nothing to be afraid of.

But when the pain is severe, preventing you from performing your usual activities, and lasting about an hour or more, there is a reason to consult a doctor.

Doctors explain discomfort during ovulation by contraction of the fallopian tubes and the uterus itself, when the contents come out of it. Therefore, after the ovulatory process, pain occurs much less frequently.

Unpleasant sensations are sometimes associated with gynecological ailments, along with which come pain of varying intensity. In addition, diseases associated with the reproductive system or inflammatory processes in the ovaries can also contribute to their occurrence.

Statistics of ovulatory syndrome

As soon as a woman's menstruation is stable, after a while some changes begin in her condition. They occur closer to the middle of the cycle. As a rule, these changes only affect sexual desire and mood, although about 25% of the fairer sex note that their lower abdomen hurts during ovulation. The pain is nagging and occurs only on one side.

About 80% of cases of discomfort during ovulation are associated with natural processes occurring in the female body. Doctors say that in 14% of girls, these symptoms indicate problems with the reproductive system. In addition, there is a chance (less than 1%) that during the ovulatory phase another pathology will begin to develop, which has absolutely nothing to do with the follicle and the oocyte emerging from it.

Pathological causes of painful ovulation

In modern medicine, there are quite a few reasons for painful ovulation. To accurately identify the provocateur, you will have to undergo an examination and exclude the possibility of progression of serious diseases. Doctors, as a rule, force their patients to go for examination if they have the following symptoms:

  • frequent dizziness;
  • general weakness;
  • vomiting or nausea;
  • problems with stool;
  • a sharp rise in body temperature.

If there is severe pain on the right side, hospitalization in a hospital is necessary, as it can lead to appendicitis, ovarian apoplexy or other ailments. If you do not take measures in a timely manner, you may end up with a serious illness, which will bring much more trouble during treatment.

Doctors also note that pain during ovulation can act as a sign of one of the following conditions:

  • lack of libido;
  • algodismenorrhea;
  • changes in basal temperature pattern;
  • heavy periods;

Causes of abdominal pain before ovulation

Sometimes it happens that unbearable pain torments a woman even before the planned ovulatory process. But there is one nuance here - the girls are sure that ovulation has not yet occurred, but unpleasant sensations have already appeared, but in reality the cause of their occurrence is the premature release of the egg. As a result, this phenomenon is pain during ovulation, but not before it.

Here the physiological reasons for untimely ovulation play an important role:

  • time zone change;
  • stressful conditions;
  • ailments in the acute stage;
  • chronic pathologies.

Also, ovulation can begin earlier than expected due to inflammation of the uterus, endocrine diseases, or.

When pain is felt in the lower abdomen before the onset of the ovulatory phase, which is clearly displayed on or corresponds to folliculometry data, it is worth thinking about possible pathologies:

  • uterine fibroids, gradually increasing in size (in addition to pain, longer and more heavy menstruation is noted from the vagina between menstruation);
  • inflammatory processes of the uterine appendages, urinary organs or intestines (each of these ailments has its own symptoms, which the doctor will tell you in detail during the examination).


Headaches during ovulation are considered quite common. They are caused by a sudden decrease in estrogen. As a result, spasms appear in the vessels that supply the brain. Moreover, such pain does not entail vomiting, increased body temperature, bleeding and other symptoms.

Why does pain persist after ovulation?

In some cases, pain is also observed after ovulation. Their intensity remains the same or decreases slightly, which is why women do not stop panicking. One of these conditions already occurs here:

  1. Rupture of an ovarian cyst. With it, the patient suffers from sharp and severe pain in the rectum or lumbar region. At the same time, the weakness of the whole body increases and dizziness becomes more frequent, even to the point of loss of consciousness.
  2. Follicular cyst. In this case, pain after ovulation occurs as a result of the follicle “attempting” to release the desired cell. Here, the unpleasant sensations become stronger during sexual intercourse and physical activity. Complications in the form of torsion of the cyst stalk and bursting of its membranes are also possible.
  3. Adnexitis. It is not difficult to distinguish it by its symptoms: intense pain, fever, headaches, profuse purulent discharge from the genital tract. Untimely initiation of treatment leads the patient to the operating table.
  4. Ectopic pregnancy. Before the appearance of general symptoms, pain begins in the upper abdomen, which is a consequence of stretching of the uterine tubes by the embryo.
  5. Premenstrual syndrome. It is characterized by a decrease in the level of progesterone in the blood, which entails unpleasant sensations similar to those that appear during menstruation. But at the same time, menstruation is delayed.
  6. Development of menopause. For some women, menopause begins much earlier than 40-45 years, and its very first manifestation is pain during ovulation. It is accompanied by fever, headaches, increased sweating and a gradual decrease in the frequency and duration of menstruation.

Ways to relieve pain during ovulation

Women who are faced with a situation where the uterus hurts severely after ovulation and also during the period of ovulation are ready to do anything to alleviate their condition. Fortunately, this can be done, but only on the recommendations of your gynecologist.

The doctor prescribes painkillers to patients, taking into account the individual characteristics of the female body and symptoms. It is prohibited to independently select a drug for yourself without having a medical education.

Abundant fluid intake into the body and being in a calm environment helps to eliminate discomfort. This will provide an opportunity not only to relieve pain, but also to relax.

Treatment and prevention of painful ovulation

Every patient who really cares about her own state of health can cope with severe pain during ovulation. Treatment and prevention include taking medications and switching to proper nutrition.

The medications used are prescribed by a personal gynecologist and are divided into two groups:

  1. Painkillers (Ketoprofen, Ibuprofen, Solpadeine, Diclofenac). The specific remedy is selected based on the intensity of the pain.
  2. Antispasmodics (Baralgin, No-Shpa, Spazgan, Spazmalgon).

As for nutrition, it does not imply severe restriction. The most important thing is to reduce the consumption of dishes and individual products that can put stress on the stomach and intestines, increase peristalsis, cause flatulence, provoke excitement of the nervous system and increase pain during ovulation.

The list of such foods includes: strong coffee and tea, beans, chocolate (any), white cabbage, overly fatty or spiced dishes. Recommended foods include fruits, non-prohibited vegetables and cereals.

It has long been known that the menstrual cycle is one of the main indicators in assessing women's health. Based on its duration, the absence or presence of pain, the appearance of bloody discharge during menstruation, one can conclude about the presence of one or another gynecological pathology. One of the leading diagnostic signs during the menstrual cycle is the presence of pain during ovulation, but it is worth noting that this condition occurs only in 20% of all women of reproductive age.

More about the term "ovulation"

The menstrual cycle lasts from the first day of menstruation until the first day of menstruation of the next cycle. The duration of this process varies from person to person and in normal conditions is 21-35 days. The ideal cycle in gynecology is considered to be the menstrual cycle corresponding to the full lunar cycle (lasting 28 days). The cycle itself consists of several subsequent phases:

    Follicular phase.

The follicular phase depends on the influence of estrogens and is completely regulated by them. Estrogens are involved in determining the dominant follicle in the ovary, from which the future egg is subsequently formed. The duration of this phase is about 12-18 days and depends on the length of the entire cycle. With an ideal menstrual cycle (28 days), the follicular phase is 14 days. In the last stages of the follicular phase, the follicle (dominant) reaches its maximum development, becomes tense and ready to burst.

    Ovulatory phase.

This phase is the shortest in the entire menstrual cycle and lasts only 12-36 hours. At this time, the level of estrogen in a woman’s body drops, due to which the main follicle bursts and releases a mature egg, which is ready for fertilization. A characteristic feature of this stage is that the level of both estrogens and progesterones is at a fairly low level (estrogens stop being synthesized by follicle-stimulating hormone, since the dominant follicle and the egg inside it have already matured; progesterone has not yet begun to be synthesized under the influence of luteinizing hormone, since the corpus luteum , replacing the main follicle has not yet formed).

    Luteal phase.

During this period of the cycle, the synthesis of progesterone begins to increase in the body, the effect of which provokes proliferative processes in the uterine mucosa, thereby preparing it for implantation of a fertilized egg. If fertilization does not occur, then by the end of the luteal phase the level of progesterone decreases (the corpus luteum of menstruation dies), the functional layer of the endometrium begins to be rejected, which leads to menstruation.

Thus, ovulation is the direct process of the release of an egg ready for fertilization at the moment of rupture of the dominant follicle. Painful ovulation in gynecology is called Mittelschmertz syndrome, or ovulatory syndrome.

Signs of ovulation

Ovulation (from Latin “egg”) has characteristic signs, so every woman experiencing pain or discomfort during this stage of the cycle can accurately determine its beginning:

    Pain in the left or right side.

Pain occurs in one side. The differentiation of the sides depends on which ovary is involved in the menstrual cycle (in most cases, right-sided pain is observed, since the right ovary is better supplied with blood and innervated, and is also located in close proximity to the appendix).

Most often, the pain is minor and causes mild discomfort. However, in some cases, women experience cramping, stabbing or cutting pain. The duration of such sensations lasts from 1 hour to 1-2 days. The intensity of pain depends on:

    pain sensitivity threshold - the higher the threshold, the less pain a woman experiences during ovulation;

    the presence of gynecological pathologies increases pain;

    character - women who are more emotional in nature experience more vivid painful sensations.

Thus, the period of ovulation itself is quite short-lived, and pain in the lower abdomen can persist for 1-2 days. Since only one of the ovaries can participate in each menstrual cycle (and ovulation, respectively) (they function alternately), the pain will be localized directly in the area of ​​the involved ovary.

It is quite rare, but it may happen that both ovaries are involved in the work at once, and two eggs mature at the same time. Usually, with successful fertilization, this situation ends in a multiple pregnancy. Painful sensations in this case may be present on both sides or manifest themselves in the form of diffuse aching pain throughout the lower abdomen.

    Increased libido.

Sexual desire, or libido, increases to some extent during ovulation, which is inherent in the nature of the female body (ovulation is the most favorable moment for conception, and, accordingly, procreation).


Before ovulation begins, at the very moment it occurs, and over the course of several more days, the nature of vaginal discharge changes. Their consistency becomes more liquid and viscous (similar in appearance to egg white). Such changes in secretions are required in order to facilitate the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity and further to fertilize a mature egg. The characteristic consistency of vaginal discharge to some extent in the dilated cervical canal greatly facilitates the process of sperm movement into the uterine cavity.

    Changes in discharge color.

During ovulation and for a short time after it, there may be a change in the color of the discharge. They become pinkish or there may be a few drops of blood on the laundry. This is due to the fact that a slight detachment of the endometrium occurs (estrogens stop being produced, and progesterone is not yet synthesized).

    Soreness of the mammary glands.

During ovulation, breast tenderness and tenderness may be present. This is due to the fact that the mammary glands are preparing for pregnancy and subsequent lactation. Mastodynia (chest pain during ovulation) is short-lived and ends before the formation of the corpus luteum.


Pain during ovulation can occur for several reasons. Before the egg leaves the follicle, the latter must mature and significantly increase in size.

    The significant size of the follicle puts pressure on the ovarian capsule, which provokes pain before the onset of ovulation.

    After the dominant follicle reaches the required size and degree of development, it ruptures and the finished egg is released into the abdominal cavity.

    When a follicle ruptures, in addition to the egg, a certain amount of liquid penetrates into the abdominal cavity, which irritates the parietal peritoneum. In addition, the ovarian capsule is damaged and small blood vessels burst in its wall. Due to the shedding of even a small amount of blood, irritation of the peritoneum also occurs.

    Such nagging pains can bother a woman even 12-48 hours after the completion of the ovulation stage. However, after the absorption of follicular fluid and blood in the abdominal cavity, the pain disappears.

    Since when the egg is released into the abdominal cavity, peristalsis of the fallopian tubes is activated in order to successfully and promptly capture the egg ready for fertilization and ensure its meeting with the sperm, pain can be maintained as a result of this process.

    An indirect sign of a future pregnancy is pain in the middle of the cycle.

However, in some cases, pain during ovulation is more pronounced. This manifestation is due not only to the fact that a woman has a lower sensitivity threshold, but also to the presence of gynecological pathologies, for example:

    adhesive disease of the pelvis, which occurs in the presence of chronic inflammatory processes, after a history of surgery or in the presence of endometriosis;

    adhesions prevent normal contraction of the fallopian tubes, the ovary becomes overtightened, and in some cases even the ovarian capsule becomes thickened, which leads to increased pain.

Types of ovulation

In gynecology, there are several types of ovulation:

  • timely;


Premature ovulation means that the maturation and release of the egg from the follicle occurs not in the middle part of the cycle, but earlier. This may be due to several factors:

    endocrine pathology and hormonal disorders;

    various diseases, including gynecological ones;

    strong emotional experiences and stress;

    increased physical activity on the body or lifting weights;

    excessively violent sexual intercourse.

The etiology of late ovulation includes various hormonal problems, which include menstrual irregularities.

In the presence of the types of ovulation described above, painful sensations do not occur in the middle part of the cycle, but much earlier, or, accordingly, much later, which is often the reason for a woman to contact a specialist. Therefore, indirect signs of a possible future pregnancy include pain in the middle part of the cycle.


When discussing the topic of ovulation, one should not miss such a problem as lack of ovulation, or anovulation. Anovulation is normally observed only in women of menopausal and premenopausal age, as well as in pregnant women. Also, ovulation will be absent when taking hormonal contraceptives.

If a woman of reproductive age suffers from the absence of ovulation for several cycles in a row, it is worth paying attention to this, because if there is no ovulation, then there is no egg, which in turn makes pregnancy impossible.

In most cases, the cause of anovulation is a hormonal imbalance in the body, which, with proper therapy, should be stopped, and the woman gets a chance to get pregnant. In order to clarify the dates of ovulation, it is enough to use special ovulation tests or perform an ultrasound, where the doctor will accurately determine the mature dominant follicle and its release from the egg (obviously, ultrasound should be performed repeatedly within the expected framework of the ovulation process).

How to make it easier?

Regardless of how confident a woman is that the occurrence of pain in the left or right lower abdomen is associated with the ovulation process, she should not resort to self-medication; it is best to seek help from a doctor. It is important to remember that pain that coincides with the middle of the menstrual cycle can be caused by the presence of pathologies and not only gynecological ones.

During the examination, the doctor must exclude other possible causes of pain and prescribe the optimal treatment option.

    In the case when ovulatory syndrome bothers a woman in each cycle, doctors recommend trying to be as relaxed as possible on these days, avoiding stressful situations and sticking to a diet.

    Therapeutic nutrition should limit foods and dishes that can overload the gastrointestinal tract, enhance intestinal motility and, accordingly, aggravate pain, provoke flatulence and excite the central nervous system. First of all, this applies to strong tea and coffee, chocolate, white cabbage and legumes, fatty and spicy dishes.

    Warm baths using aromatic oils or medicinal plants will also help relieve pain. It is also possible to apply heat to the lower abdomen - this reduces the force of contractions of the tubes and uterus and relieves pain. However, such therapy is possible only in the absence of surgical diseases and acute infectious processes.

    Among medicinal painkillers, the most popular are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which can not only block the production of prostaglandins, but also relieve inflammation and pain (Ketoprofen, Naproxen, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen).

    Antispasmodics (“Spazmalgon”, “Spazgan”, “No-shpa”) also have a positive effect.

If ovulatory syndrome is persistent, the gynecologist may recommend the use of oral contraceptives, which help block ovulation and, accordingly, prevent pain. However, if a woman is planning a pregnancy, taking such drugs should be avoided. You should also not use heating pads on the lower abdomen or take any medications on the days of ovulation, as this can lead to a deterioration in the quality of the egg.

Severe pain

In some cases, very intense pain may appear in the middle part of the cycle. The presence of severe pain in the ovary in the groin on either side may be a sign of an emergency:

    drug-induced ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome;

    cyst rupture;


    torsion of the cyst pedicle;

    ovarian apoplexy;

    ectopic pregnancy;

    acute inflammation of the appendages.

Each of the above conditions is a pretext for emergency medical care, and most often even the need for surgical intervention. Thus, delay can not only lead to aggravation of the situation, but also cause death. You cannot wait out very intense severe pain and try to relieve it yourself; you must immediately call an ambulance.

When to sound the alarm

An emergency visit to a doctor should be made if there is severe pain in the lower abdomen and/or if the following signs appear:

    progressive deterioration of the condition;

    sudden fainting;

    a history of endometriosis, surgery, acute gynecological pathologies;

    when taking medications that stimulate ovulation;

    the appearance of blood discharge from the vagina, regardless of the degree of its intensity;

    the occurrence of intense nausea or vomiting;

    increase in body temperature and maintaining it for more than an hour;

    presence of pain for more than 2 days.


Ovulation is the process of maturation of the follicle and the egg in it, after which this follicle ruptures, and the egg exits through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity, where it can be fertilized. This process occurs in a woman every or almost every month (sometimes there are anovulatory cycles) and is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. One of these symptoms is pain of various types. What kinds of pain occur during ovulation, how to get rid of them and in what cases you need to seek help from a specialist - this is discussed in this material.

Are there any pains?

Is there pain during ovulation and is it normal to experience physical discomfort during this period? In most cases, pain during this period is not a pathological abnormality, and every woman of reproductive age has encountered it at least once. In general, they usually have low intensity even compared to the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and often appear irregularly. That is, during one cycle, painful sensations during ovulation may appear, but not during another. Some women experience painful ovulation after childbirth.

How long do they last?

Can ovulation be painful? During this period, short-term and non-intense pain of a different nature is possible - headaches, in the abdomen, in the side, etc. How long do pains during ovulation last? Normally, a negative state should not be too pronounced or too prolonged. In a state of complete health of the reproductive system, discomfort may occur for 1-3 days, appearing periodically or under certain actions or conditions.


Why do discomfort and pain symptoms occur during ovulation? This is due to a number of reasons.

  1. Hormonal changes cause chest pain and mild breast tenderness, as well as headaches;
  2. The very fact of rupture of the follicles when the egg is released can be accompanied by pain as a result of injury - it can be felt in the lower abdomen, in the ovary, in the side, etc.;
  3. There are functional cysts that form on the ovaries under the influence of hormonal levels - they arise during the menstrual cycle and resolve on their own after a certain stage, and they can also cause quite severe pain during ovulation.

In addition, such symptoms can be caused by many pathological causes, such as inflammatory processes, cysts, etc. Therefore, if such symptoms do not go away over a long period of time (or are accompanied by any other deviations in well-being), then you need to seek advice from a specialist.

Before her

In itself, ovulation lasts one day (or even several hours), but it is customary to allocate several days in the menstrual cycle, which are called ovulation. During the first day, the eggs are ready to be released and fluid accumulates in the follicles, but they do not burst yet. They then burst and the eggs begin to exit into the uterine cavity through the fallopian tubes. This day is considered the day of ovulation.

But the first symptoms of ovulation appear before it, that is, even at the stage of follicles being ready to rupture. Typically, this corresponds to days 12-15 of the menstrual cycle (depending on the duration).

On the day of ovulation

Sometimes during ovulation the stomach hurts, sometimes the lower back, side or ovary hurts. All this is a sign that the follicles are rupturing. It is this that feels quite painful, but such discomfort is localized mainly in the ovary. However, painful sensations from there can erode to the side and lower abdomen. Pain in the lower abdomen can also be caused by functional cysts formed under the influence of hormonal imbalance.


The process ends completely 2-3 days after the egg is ready for release. The whole process usually takes place within 12-16 days of the menstrual cycle. Thus, on the 15-16th day the end of the process may become painful. The same discomfort persists. But by 16-17 days, such pain completely disappears.

Nature of pain

Pain does not occur in every cycle. It is normal if only a certain number of ovulations are accompanied by noticeable discomfort, while the majority go completely unnoticed by the woman.


The nature of pain during ovulation is normally mild; it usually does not cause significant discomfort. It is nagging or aching, is not constantly present, and is quite diffuse (with the exception of pain in the ovaries - in this case it can be very localized). In most cases, the use of painkillers for such symptoms is not required, or they are used once.

A slightly more acute pain can be observed in the ovary, a little less acute and much more diffuse - in the lower abdomen. A pulling sensation usually occurs in the lower back, back or side, although more often it is dealt with solely by a feeling of heaviness.

High intensity

Some increased discomfort is possible for several cycles after childbirth. However, the condition should return to normal soon. In any other case, pathological symptoms are possible, indicating some process that needs to be treated. Therefore, if high-intensity pain occurs during this period, it is recommended to immediately consult a gynecologist.

Types of pain

Most often during ovulation, the lower abdomen hurts, but there may be more diverse negative signs. This is heaviness in the lower back, discomfort in the side, sharp pain in the ovary, migraines, discomfort in the mammary gland.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Most often, women experience abdominal pain during ovulation. These symptoms can be relieved with analgesics and drugs such as Ibuprofen, Nurofen, used in the form of rectal suppositories or tablets. Such pain is associated with erosion from the ovaries, hormonal changes, and the appearance of functional cysts.

Back and lower back pain

Low back pain during ovulation has the same reasons. You need to fight it in the same ways. It occurs independently or along with discomfort in the lower abdomen.

Pain in the ovary

Pain in the ovary during ovulation, as mentioned above, occurs as a result of rupture of the follicle. Since follicle maturation usually occurs only in one egg, these pains are one-sided and clearly localized. Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Diclofenac, which are taken 2-3 times a day, will help get rid of them, as long as symptoms occur.

Side pain

If your side hurts during this period, then most likely this is a sign that pain in the ovary is eroding into this area. This discomfort is strictly one-sided, the pain is diffuse and not intense. May also erode into the lower abdomen. Treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics. In general, you need to deal with them in the same way as with pain in the ovaries.

Pain in the rectum

If pain during ovulation radiates to the rectum, this is not a pathology. Such symptoms can be caused by a formed functional cyst, which resolves after passing through this stage of the cycle, and accordingly, the negative symptoms also go away. This pain can be relieved with analgesics, painkillers and anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs.

Chest pain

Breast pain during ovulation as a result of the negative effects of hormones. In addition to discomfort, there may be a slight, non-local compaction and engorgement of the glands, which goes away along with the end of ovulation, but this condition begins to manifest itself a few days before it begins. There is no need to relieve such pain, since normally it is not of high intensity, and painkillers may be ineffective.


Headache during ovulation as a result of hormonal imbalances, which can contribute to the exacerbation of migraines or their onset. This discomfort can be quite intense and constant. It can last from several hours to 2-3 days, i.e. throughout the entire process of maturation and release of the egg.

To normalize the condition, you can take painkillers, for example, analgin, but you should not drink it systematically. For prolonged attacks, use Nurofen, Ibuprofen, etc. Women prone to migraines may require anti-migraine medications.

When should you see a doctor?

In what cases are pain before ovulation pathological? What to do in this case? The list below shows signs that the developing condition is no longer normal and should promptly contact your doctor:

  1. Very painful ovulation occurs and/or the pain has become much more intense than before;
  2. Painful symptoms are accompanied by severe bleeding that is large or lasts too long;
  3. Pain lasts longer than 2-3 days;
  4. Uncharacteristic discharge with an unpleasant odor appears - purulent, cheesy white, etc.;
  5. Along with the discomfort and aching sensation, lumps appeared in the chest;
  6. The intensity of the pain gradually increases, and painkillers do not help;
  7. There is a significant increase in body temperature, weakness, chills, and signs of intoxication.

The reasons for this phenomenon can be different, including very serious ones. Therefore, it is extremely important to seek help from a medical institution in a timely manner. Increased pain may indicate inflammatory, infectious and fungal processes, pathological neoplasms, etc., the presence of which can affect not only reproductive function, but also health in general.

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Occurs after the accumulation of follicular fluid, which leads to thinning of ovarian tissue. If the egg is fertilized, ovulation does not occur. It also does not occur after the end of the menstrual function of the female body. Typically occurs approximately two weeks before the onset of menstruation and is the middle of the menstrual cycle.

The nature of the pain can be very diverse: nagging or acute, short-term or long-term. Sometimes similar to inflammation. If it is not appendicitis, then you need to wait a little until the pain disappears completely. Many diseases of internal organs can have similar symptoms, so it is necessary to exclude other disorders. This is due to the fact that diseases of internal organs and body systems require diagnosis and the necessary treatment so that adverse consequences do not occur.

There are subjective signs that indicate the onset of ovulation. As a rule, the stomach, and after ovulation the chest. Sometimes the pain is moderate or barely noticeable, but in some cases the help of medications and the search for various methods to reduce pain are required. In rare cases, a feeling of nausea and vomiting occurs. A warm compress, which relaxes the pelvic muscles and eliminates spasms in the lower abdomen, effectively reduces pain. It is also necessary to ensure peace and reduce physical activity of the body, which can aggravate the situation.

Objective signs include the appearance of vaginal discharge with a mucous consistency and a decrease in rectal temperature. Also an objective sign of the onset of ovulation is spotting, which can last 2-3 days. Of course, this is not, this is just one of the consequences of follicle rupture and release of the egg into the abdominal cavity.

Of course, painful ovulation is a dysfunction of the ovarian system. For example, the most common causes of pain may be various inflammatory processes of the genitals and genital organs, dysfunction of the adrenal glands or endocrine system (damage to the pituitary gland, thyroid disease, excess male hormones), stressful situations and other diseases. But painful ovulation is not always a sign of a disease or disorder; sometimes it is a physiological feature of the structure of a woman’s body, and therefore does not require additional research and further treatment.

To prevent painful ovulation from causing suffering and discomfort, you need to consult with an experienced specialist who can select the optimal drug to reduce pain. Consultation is especially necessary if pain and fever do not go away within 24 hours. This may be a signal of some kind of disturbance in the functioning of the female body.

If you're tired of painful ovulation, then it is advisable to undergo a special examination, with the help of which you can accurately determine the cause of the pain. As a rule, it is used in which a thin tube inserted through the abdomen into the abdominal cavity is used to examine the internal organs.