Mouth cracked. Long-term use of hormonal drugs. Treatment by a doctor

Wounds, cracks and ulcers in the corners of the lips, which in everyday life are called jams, cause a lot of inconvenience. They spoil appearance and prevent you from wearing lipstick, cause pain while eating or talking, and sometimes even interfere with smiling. When choosing how to treat the corners of the lips, focus on the cause of the appearance of the seal, otherwise the treatment will be ineffective and the problem will become chronic. The reasons for the formation of a jam can be as follows: basic non-compliance hygiene, as well as more serious factors - decreased immunity and vitamin deficiency. This is worth understanding in detail.

Causes of lip disease

Damage to the corners of the lips can be of traumatic, infectious or allergic origin. In medicine it is called cheilitis. Reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon easy to identify on your own. So, if your lips become very dry and cracks form in the corners of your mouth, this may be caused by prolonged exposure to a heated room with dry air or freezing temperatures.

When a cracked lip does not heal, it may indicate an infection. Analysis of additional symptoms will help to more accurately determine why the wounds appeared. You need to remember after what events or circumstances the problem arose. For example, this could be visiting the dentist, trying a new cosmetic product, or consuming too much spicy food.

Common causes of sticking in the corners of the mouth are:

  • Mechanical impact. Injury to the corners of the lips often occurs as a result of biting them while eating or frequent opening of the mouth (during a long visit to the dentist or wearing an uncomfortable denture).
  • Infections. With insufficient oral hygiene or reduced immunity, microcracks in the corners of the mouth may begin to infectious process.
  • Allergy. If the appearance of a jam is preceded by itching and irritation in the corners of the lips, this may indicate an allergic reaction caused by toothpaste or some cosmetic product.
  • Fungus. Recognize fungal infection easily by the white coating covering the erosion.
  • . This virus first manifests itself in the form of itching and redness, and then a pimple forms in the same place, resembling a blister in appearance, which subsequently bursts and turns into an ulcer.
  • Vitamin deficiency and lack of valuable microelements. Long-lasting cracks in the corners of the lips can appear as a result of a deficiency of certain vitamins or zinc.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia. It is indicated not only by lesions in the corners of the mouth, but also by symptoms such as severe fatigue, weakness, pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, bad condition hair and nails.
  • General disorders - severely weakened immunity, endocrine diseases, dysbacteriosis, intestinal problems.

How and how to quickly treat lips at home

You need to start treatment only after finding out why your lips are dry and peeling or why painful wounds have formed in the corners of your mouth. If the cause of the problem is obvious, begin treatment available pharmaceutical products over-the-counter or effective traditional methods. If nicks, cracks or blisters on the lips have formed without any visible reasons, you will need to undergo a medical examination. A visit to the doctor is also necessary when the ulcer on the lip looks unusual, for example, it has a blue or grayish color.

In adults

The choice of methods for treating the corners of the lips should depend on the factors that caused the wounds. In addition to using local drugs, to fix the problem you need to exclude all possible reasons that provoked its appearance. For example, when the lesions are associated with wearing an unsuitable denture, it will be necessary to replace it with a more comfortable one, otherwise it will not be possible to get rid of cracks in the corners of the mouth. If the cause of erosion is an allergy, you need to identify the allergen so as not to come into contact with it in the future.

In the treatment of zaed, cheilitis and herpes are used local ointments, creams, various oils stimulating healing. When choosing how to treat the sore corners of the lips, it is better to consult a doctor, but if the wounds appeared very recently, they do not cause serious discomfort and are not combined with additional symptoms, find effective means to eliminate them yourself.


Can be used to treat cheilitis the following means:

  • antiseptic solutions for treating wounds (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine solution);
  • lotions with decoctions of chamomile, sage or string;
  • solutions of vitamins A and E (topically).

If the crack in the corner of your mouth does not heal for a long time, stop home treatment and consult a doctor. Perhaps this is caused metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiency or dysfunction internal organs. In such cases, medications, vitamin complexes, and nutritional supplements are used, which are prescribed only by a specialist. Self-administration of any medications, even if they are dispensed from a pharmacy without a prescription, can lead to an even greater imbalance and only aggravate the problem.

When is cheilitis caused? chronic allergies(so-called atopic cheilitis), it must be treated by a doctor. Therapy requires complete exclusion from the diet allergenic products, following a certain diet, as well as the use of antiallergic, corticosteroid, proteolytic drugs, multivitamins. If you have a long-lasting crack that looks like a crease in the corner of your mouth, you should consult a specialist, even if there is no reason to assume its allergic origin.


For common jams caused by minor injuries, poor oral hygiene, unfavorable weather conditions or dry lips, home remedies are used. How to treat the corners of the lips affected by jams? To quickly heal wounds, it is recommended to use rosehip, sea buckthorn or tea tree, which stimulate the healing process well. You need to apply them to the spots after washing your face two or three times a day.

If inflammation and an infectious process are observed in the wounds, except wound healing agents You should use a special ointment for sticking in the corners of the mouth, for example, an erythromycin-based cream that has an antibacterial effect. It is applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day. The cream should not be used in case of severe liver damage, during pregnancy and lactation, or if there is a tendency to allergic reactions. Before using the product, you should consult your doctor.


A cold on the lip, which is one of the manifestations herpetic infection, treated with local antiviral agents, for example, Acyclovir ointment. It should be applied to the corners of the lips up to five times a day. When unwanted effects such as itching, rash or irritation, use of the product should be discontinued immediately. Instead of pharmaceutical ointment, the ulcer is treated and fir oil or aloe juice.

It is recommended to start treatment immediately after detecting the first signs of herpes, without waiting for blisters on the lips to appear and burst. As soon as it starts at any point severe itching, burning sensation, and then appears, start applying antiviral ointments. So, it will be possible to completely get rid of a cold in just 5–7 days.


If your lips are constantly dry, they need to be moisturized and protected from unfavorable conditions, otherwise they can easily crack. Before going out into the cold and windy weather, you need to apply hygienic lipstick or rich cream on oil based. If you stay in the heat for a long time or in a room with dry, moisture-free air, you should periodically lubricate your lips with cream and drink more water.

White plaque

It may appear on spots in the corners of the mouth. white coating, this almost always indicates a fungus. When you try to remove plaque or open your mouth wide, blood appears at the site of erosion. How to treat the corners of the lips in the presence of a fungal infection should be determined by the doctor. Use it yourself antifungal drugs highly not recommended. For effective treatment it is necessary to find out the type of infectious agent and determine exact dosage drug, and only a specialist can do this.

For self-treatment of fungal infections, it is allowed to use the already mentioned methods: antiseptic solutions and lotions from herbal infusions. If the affected areas become very painful, use lidocaine gel. These remedies will help ease unpleasant symptoms– relieve burning, itching and irritation, eliminate temporarily painful sensations.

Chapped lips

If after long stay If your lips become chapped in the cold or wind, it is recommended to lubricate them with Vaseline or other greasy ointment. To quickly eliminate cracks and peeling, it is additionally recommended to use jojoba or almond oil. Before each time you go outside, apply hygienic lipstick, a little Vaseline or another protective product to your lips.

During pregnancy

You should definitely consult your doctor about how to treat the corners of the lips during pregnancy. Eating in pregnant women is often a sign of the development of anemia or other deficiency conditions that may require urgent treatment vitamin complexes, iron supplements or food additives to make up for the deficiency valuable substances.

Safe products will help relieve unpleasant symptoms folk remedies that are allowed to be used during pregnancy:

The child has

When choosing how to treat cracks in the corners of the lips in children, you should give preference to products with a gentle effect:

  • three percent hydrogen peroxide for antiseptic treatment;
  • Vaseline, baby cream or any oil to soften the skin;
  • applications with decoctions of string or calendula (it is recommended to do them 3-4 times a day).

If no improvement is observed after a few days of treatment, you should consult a doctor. The lack of effect of using home remedies often means that the problem is related to general violations in which the child requires nutritional correction, treatment with probiotics, taking vitamins and nutritional supplements, or specific therapy medicines.

Prevention of lip diseases

To prevent lip diseases, the following should be used: preventive measures:

  • carefully observe oral hygiene;
  • Get regular dental check-ups;
  • do not overuse spices, spicy and sour foods that can irritate the lips;
  • avoid using other people's hygiene products, cosmetics and utensils;
  • protect lips from harmful effects using hygienic lipstick and caring creams;
  • ensure that all food groups are present in the diet and essential vitamins, eat a varied diet and avoid junk food, eat more vegetables and fruits, be sure to eat whole grains (buckwheat and oatmeal, whole wheat bread);
  • when signs of vitamin deficiency appear or reduced immunity (frequent colds, increased fatigue, dull hair, pale or sallow complexion) consult a doctor before problems begin to manifest as more severe symptoms.

Video about lip treatment

You can learn more about the causes of cracked lips and how to quickly get rid of unpleasant sores in the corners of the mouth from the videos posted below. They tell how available means treatments that can be found in almost any pharmacy, as well as the most effective pharmaceutical drugs, helping to cure jams, cracks, ulcers and wounds on the lips.

Sores in the corners

Cause of cracked lips

Any person, regardless of gender and age, can face the problem of cracks in the corners of the lips. Of course, they cause great discomfort, because even talking is quite painful. Why do they appear and how to deal with them, read on.

Causes of cracks in the corners of the lips

First of all, jams are formed for the following reasons:
  • Weakening of the immune system after stress, illness, changing weather seasons, flights to another climate zone (see also -).
  • Lack of vitamins and beneficial microelements in the body, such as zinc, vitamins A, E, B2 and D. This can occur due to stress, or during heavy periods or breastfeeding.
  • The habit of licking your lips is especially harmful when there is wind and cold.
  • Frequent visits to the dentist. Long sitting with open mouth, the doctor’s use of aggressive materials and instruments - all this leads to damage to the corners of the lips. And since visiting a doctor during treatment is often not limited to one time, the wound does not have time to heal. The same situation occurs when wearing dentures (removable).
  • Changing toothpaste. Modern pastes contain a large number of fluorine, which can serve as an allergen. A new lipstick can play the same role.
  • Diseases that are accompanied by metabolic disorders, as well as gastrointestinal diseases.
  • The most various infections that are associated with poor personal hygiene. Often such cracks occur in children who like to put everything that interests them into their mouths. Adults who chew the tip of a pencil in thought are also susceptible to this habit. Perhaps the cracks are associated with a fungal infection.
  • Bad habits, such as alcoholism and smoking. They can become provoking factors, especially against the background of infectious diseases.

To quickly and effectively treat this disease, correct diagnosis is necessary. To do this, you should consult a doctor about hidden diseases. After all, the main thing is strong immunity. When a person is healthy, his body can easily cope with any infections. Accordingly, cracks heal faster.

What to do for cracks in the corners of the lips?

If your reasons are not so serious and the illness is not protracted, the following recommendations will help you:

Treatment of cracks in the corners of the lips with home methods

This fairly common disease has been successfully treated since ancient times using methods traditional medicine. Try, for example, the following recipes:
  • Herbal infusions from medicinal plants - chamomile, sage, celandine. Brew a tablespoon of the herb with boiling water, leave for an hour, and then make lotions using cotton pads.
  • Aloe (agave) is another great helper for health and beauty. Make a paste from an aloe leaf, squeeze out the juice and cotton swab soaked in the product, carefully lubricate the wounds several times a day.
  • Use essential oils of rose hips, sea buckthorn, and tea tree at night, lubricating cracks.
  • Plantain juice or fresh grated cucumber Perfect for lubricating your lips in the summer.

Streptocide tablets are often available in home medicine cabinet, because it is a strong antiseptic. Crush the tablet and treat the bumps with this powder, after blotting the surface of your lips with hydrogen peroxide.

What ointment helps with cracks in the corners of the mouth?

There is an ointment for such treatment great amount. Some soften, others heal, and others save from infections:
  • The simplest and most inexpensive are Syntomycin and Streptocide. This antibacterial ointments, which are quite inexpensive and are perfect for minor damage. The effectiveness of treatment will increase when taking vitamins.
  • Vishnevsky ointment heals well, but its smell can easily cause vomiting reflex, so it won't suit everyone. By the way .
  • Ointment-cream Lanovit - used for cracked nipples, but in case of seizure it is irreplaceable. Moreover, it has neither taste nor smell. It is especially recommended if a crack in the corner of the mouth does not heal for a long time.
  • Solcoseryl is an excellent ointment for quick healing. It is often recommended to patients by dentists after completion of treatment. Improvement occurs on the second or third day, and after a week the cracks disappear completely.

Levomekol and Iruksol ointments, as well as Panthenol spray, are also on sale.

Video: Cracks in the corners of the lips and their treatment

Seizures may go away on their own, but it is also possible long treatment. You will learn what can happen if you do not pay due attention to treatment from the video, in which a specialist will also talk about effective folk methods for solving this problem:

Cracks in the corners of the lips - pathological condition called seizures, caused by infection entering the skin or mucous membrane. The integrity violation is caused by inflammatory phenomena. The resulting immune imbalance is provoked by pathogenic microorganisms of a bacterial, viral, or fungal nature.

A skin problem called a jam is a small damage (wound) to the surface of the lips. Chapped lips are a signal indicating the vulnerability of the immune system.

Relevance similar problem increases in winter, as metabolic processes “slow down”. The immune system comes under the infectious onslaught of bacteria and viruses, which become more difficult to contain.

U healthy person, “lifespan” is a week, maximum two. People with weakened immune systems can feel this discomfort on their lips for months. Children's body susceptible to frequent “encounters” with the disease, increased recurrence.

Pathogenesis of seizures

The infectious pathogen, having penetrated into small cracks on the lips, leads to the formation of microscopic vesicles with thin skin and small papules on the affected area. Bursted blisters form a thick “crust” with a blood admixture. Skin covering The lips are mobile, so the resulting crusts systematically crack, bleed, and become wet.

The resulting erosive rashes do not heal for a long time, since they are constantly injured and “stretched” by simply opening the mouth. Seizures create significant discomfort for a person when talking or eating.

Etiology of seizures

List of key causal factors:

  • bacteria -
  • viruses - herpes
  • fungus - candida infection

Activation of the above pathogenic microorganisms is caused by the impact on the body of the following provoking pathological circumstances:

  • cold
  • chronic diseases
  • hypothermia
  • temperature increase
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, liver
  • contact with a sick person (use of dishes, towels, kiss on the lips)

Except infectious cause, the appearance of cracks is promoted by:

  • vitamin deficiency - B2 deficiency
  • poor hygiene oral cavity
  • habit of licking lips
  • excessive dryness skin
  • accidental scratch

Signs of a problem

The primary signal signaling a seizure is the appearance of bubbles on the skin in the corners of the lips small size, which subsequently burst. Erosion occurs.

Itching, burning, uncomfortable feeling at the affected area there is a characteristic symptomatic pattern. Erosive rashes, localized on the lips, in the form of a slit (crack), covered with a crust with “cooked” pus.

The inevitable motor mobility of the oral muscles provokes the rupture of such erosive formations.

A wet surface (wound) can bleed. After two to three hours, the crack is “healed” with a new crust.

When opening the mouth, slight pain occurs.

Such discomfort prevents normal management talking, eating. Distinctive features fungal (candidiasis) infection:

  • emerging erosion of bright red color, around a lacy epithelial layer
  • the area of ​​the lips that is affected by the seizure can become covered with a whitish coating
  • the wound that appears is not covered with a crust

The pathology can become chronic, accompanied by frequent relapses.


Before the doctor prescribes treatment, it is necessary to establish the true culprit of the emerging snacks.

  1. A skin scraping is performed from the affected area - an analysis, during which material (scales of the epidermal layer) is taken from the surface of the organ under study by lightly scraping. Pathogenic microflora is detected.
  2. The likelihood of iron deficiency anemia is checked by general analysis blood, which reveals . In addition, they record ESR indicators, leukocyte level to exclude an inflammatory factor.
  3. They check the likelihood of syphilis - they carry out the Wasserman reaction, rapid diagnosis of this sexually transmitted infectious pathology
  4. Since in some situations, regularly occurring seizures indicate a hidden diabetes mellitus, then the blood taken is analyzed for sugar.

How to treat cracks in the corners of the lips

Elimination of this skin problem requires complex therapy, since the appearance of cracks in the corners of the lips signals general pathological disorders in the body. Sometimes, the victim strives to get rid of only local manifestations jams, ignoring general strengthening measures.

Such negligence leads to systematic exacerbations. The disease does not disappear anywhere, they crack again.

If self-treatment does not bring the expected results within a week, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist.

Ointments are a therapeutic tool for combating seizures. Correct selection necessary ointment - a fundamental condition successful treatment. Considering the variety of ointments presented in pharmacies, it is difficult to make an informed choice on your own.

The doctor, taking into account the results of diagnostic measures (the origin of the pathogen), will decide on treatment tactics and make adequate prescriptions.

When a fungus attacks, the border of the affected area is blurry. If the root of evil is viruses, then the lesions are targeted. The streptococcal factor is indicated by an inflammatory process and swelling of the affected area.

The choice of preferred ointments depends on the intended nature pathogen I:

  • bacteria - Tetracycline, Trimistin
  • fungi - Miramistin, Clotrimazole
  • viruses - Acyclovir

If it is impossible to reliably establish the nature of the causative agent of the seizure, the affected area is lubricated with Fukortsin, Metrogil denta gel.

In addition to the above-mentioned remedies, cracks in the corners of the mouth are treated with oily solutions of vitamins A, E, lotions, calendula, and string.

However local treatment that's not all, for comprehensive solution problems, it is necessary to establish internal homeostasis. enrich daily diet vitamins. Vitamin B2 requires close attention, daily requirement which is 10-20 mg.


  • spinach
  • legumes
  • broccoli
  • buckwheat
  • oatmeal
  • liver
  • mushrooms
  • cabbage
  • peanut
  • almond
  • milk

You need to forget about your cravings for spicy, sour, and salty foods.

Don't forget about folk restoratives: garlic, propolis, onion.

The prescription of more specific immuno-enhancing, anti-infective drugs is the competence of a dermatologist. Independent use is strongly not recommended.

The regular formation of cracks in the corners of the lips is evidence of the presence of chronic infectious foci in the body. There is an imbalance of immunity, consult a doctor, undergo a comprehensive examination.

Take an interest in health, goodbye.

Popularly, wounds that appear on the lips in the corners are called jams. IN medical dictionaries The diagnosis is indicated as angulitis. Clinical picture the disease begins with slight itching and redness of the affected area. Inflamed skin cracks with the formation of narrow wounds. Seizures occur for many reasons, on which the course of treatment depends.

Cracks in the corners of the mouth, causes

Inflammatory process causes streptococcal infection or one of the yeast-like Indicated conditionally pathogenic flora reproduces in conditions favorable to it against the background of weakened immunity.

  1. During colds, acute respiratory infections and flu, during hypothermia and drafts.
  2. Dentures cause mechanical irritation, causing the appearance of cracks of mycotic origin in the corners of the lips.
  3. Congenital malocclusion or acquired due to tooth loss creates unnatural pressure when closing the lips.
  4. significantly weakens the immune system. The problem is especially pronounced in women, as a consequence of cyclic menstrual blood loss with the subsequent development of anemia.
  5. Seizures are a noticeable marker of vitamin deficiency. This is how a lack of vitamins A or E manifests itself. But a crack in the corner of the mouth, according to statistics, more often indicates a lack of riboflavin in the body. These symptoms are confirmed by the fact that the wings of the nose, the area above the lips and most of the face are peeling. Patients experience rapid fatigue, chronic drowsiness and lack of appetite.
  6. In diseases associated with metabolic disorders, cracks appear against the background hormonal imbalance.
  7. Diseased teeth with enamel lesions due to caries can become a source of infection for oral candidiasis.
  8. pancreatitis, other pathologies digestive tract accompanied by the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth.
  9. Taking many drugs suppresses immune system. Antibiotics, cytostatics and corticosteroids are included in the category of substances that long-term use provoke seizures.
  10. Candidiasis can occur in anyone who irritates the mucous membrane area different objects. Therefore, children and smokers are at risk for angulitis.
  11. Favorable environment proliferation of pathogenic fungus is formed in the folds of the lips moistened with saliva.
  12. Allergic origin jams are explained by the content in toothpastes and cosmetics components that are not tolerated by the body. In such cases, cracks in the corners of the mouth appear due to individual characteristics person.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of cracks in the corners of the mouth

  • Urgently fast healing a wound on the lips occurs when a complex of vitamins A and E is applied to the inflamed area. Vitamins are sold in jelly capsules or come in a pharmacy bottle.
  • To compensate for the lack of vitamin B2, dairy and cheese dishes are included in the diet. Beef is a good choice of meat. The eggs of any birds are an excellent source of vitamins. Recipes for making porridge from whole grains will come in handy. It is useful to cook peas and beans. Vegetables are represented by cabbage and spinach.
  • Chronically occurring cracks in the corners of the mouth, as a result of low hemoglobin, require more long-term treatment. The diet is enriched with porcini mushrooms, nuts and pomegranates. Cutlets and borscht are best prepared from red meat. Peach and apricot are good for dessert. Interesting recipes is in the arsenal of national Slavic cuisine made from eggs or rye dough. It is worth remembering that the absorption of iron depends on the content of vitamin C and E in food. Everything is not so complicated, this means that you need to add to the table fresh salads and more vegetable oil.
  • You can lubricate your lips with vegetable oils that have an anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended to make lotions from medicinal herbs. The list is topped by chamomile, calendula and sage.

Practice shows that the most effective treatment is that prescribed by a doctor. After all, the causative agent of the disease is in this case not alone.