Genferon and sex life. Instructions for the use of suppositories for children “Genferon. Use cases: children

  • IRS 19
  • Kipferon
  • Nomides
  • Among the medications that affect the child’s immune system, Genferon Light is quite popular. At what age is this medicine prescribed in suppositories, how exactly does it affect the immunity of children and is it used for prevention?

    Release form

    One package of Genferon Light includes 5 or 10 rectal/vaginal suppositories. They have a cylindrical shape and a pointed end. The color of the candles is white, but the drug may also have a yellow tint. Usually the structure of the medicine is homogeneous, but inside there may be a funnel-shaped depression or an air rod.

    The drug is also available in liquid form, which is a nasal spray. One dose of this medicine contains 50,000 IU of the active ingredient, and the bottle contains 100 doses. There is also a medicine called Genferon, but it differs from the drugs Genferon Light both in composition (it contains benzocaine) and in the concentration of interferon, so it is not used in children under 7 years of age.


    The composition of the candles includes two active components. One of them is alpha-2B interferon. One suppository can contain either 125,000 IU or 250,000 IU. The second ingredient is taurine. Regardless of the dosage of interferon, it is presented in the medicine in an amount of 5 mg per suppository.

    Among excipients The product contains purified water, solid fats, citric acid and T2 emulsifier. The medicine also contains substances such as polysorbate 80, macrogol 1500 and dextran 60000. All these components are added during manufacture to produce suppositories weighing 0.8 g.

    Operating principle

    The medication is a drug with an immunomodulatory effect. In this case, the medicine affects both locally and systemically, since more than 80% of the interferon from the suppositories is absorbed and enters the bloodstream. The maximum concentration of this substance in the serum is determined approximately 5 hours after rectal administration of the drug, and its half-life occurs within 12 hours.

    Let's listen to the doctor's opinion about the Genferon Light suppositories.

    Due to the presence of interferon in the composition, suppositories have antiviral and antibacterial effects. Their use activates some enzymes inside cells, which will result in inhibition of viral reproduction.

    The use of suppositories also affects the activity of phagocytosis and macrophages. In addition, leukocytes activated under the influence of interferon quickly eliminate pathological foci in the mucous membrane, and the production of IgA is restored.

    The second component of the medicine - taurine - normalizes metabolic processes and promotes tissue restoration. This substance has the ability to stabilize membranes and have an antioxidant effect. In addition, it supports the biological activity of interferon, due to which therapeutic effect suppositories is further enhanced.


    Genferon Light is prescribed to a child:

    • To treat infections genitourinary system.
    • As one of the drugs for the complex treatment of ARVI, as well as other viral or bacterial infections, for example, meningitis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, herpes.

    At what age is it allowed to take it?

    The use of Genferon Light suppositories in children is possible from birth, even with prematurity. At the same time, for the youngest patients the drug is prescribed at a dosage of 125,000 IU, which is often called children's dosage. Medicine with 250,000 IU, like Genferon suppositories with the same dosage, can be used from 7 years of age. The spray form is not prescribed to children under 14 years of age. Additionally, it is not recommended for those under 14 years of age. vaginal insertion medicines in candles.


    The medicine should not be used if it is found in little patient intolerance to taurine, interferon or other ingredients of suppositories. The manufacturer does not indicate any other contraindications to the use of the medication, however, in case of autoimmune diseases or allergies, the use of Genferon Light requires caution and consultation with a specialist.

    Side effects

    The use of Genferon Light may provoke an allergic reaction, such as burning or itching. Such negative symptoms, as a rule, are reversible, and as soon as treatment is stopped, they completely disappear within a few days.

    Rarely, treatment may cause fatigue, chills, headaches, sweating, elevated temperature body and other symptoms. If they occur, it is advised to stop administering suppositories and consult a doctor about reducing the single dosage or replacing it with another medication. If the child has a fever after the administration of the suppository, a single dose of 250 mg of paracetamol is prescribed.

    Instructions for use

    According to the annotation, the suppository can be either inserted into the rectum or used vaginally. The dosage, method of administration and duration of therapy in each case is determined by the doctor individually. In this case, the following schemes are most often used:

    • Children under 7 years of age are usually prescribed suppositories with a dosage of 125,000 IU of interferon in one piece. This is a single dose of the drug.
    • At the age of over 7 years, a medicine with a higher concentration of interferon is used - 250,000 IU in 1 suppository.
    • If a child has ARVI or other acute viral disease, the medicine is administered into the rectum twice a day (there should be an interval of 12 hours between applications). Treatment is prescribed for 5 days, and if the symptoms of the disease still persist, the course can be repeated after a five-day break.
    • If suppositories are prescribed to a child with chronic viral pathology, as an addition to other medications, then they are used twice a day for a 10-day course, after which they switch to a single use (the suppository is administered rectally before bedtime) every other day.
    • For children with urogenital infections, Genferon Light is prescribed for a course of 10 days. In this case, the suppository is inserted into the rectum twice a day with a pause of 12 hours.
    • Interaction with other drugs

      Suppositories are often prescribed as one of the drugs for the comprehensive treatment of the disease, so Genferon Light can be combined with antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial drugs. It has been noted that in such a combination, medications enhance each other’s effects.

      Terms of sale

      To buy a package of suppositories with an interferon concentration of 250,000 IU in a pharmacy, you first need to get a prescription from a doctor. But a drug with a lower dosage, containing 125,000 IU of interferon in one suppository, is an over-the-counter product. average price a pack of 10 suppositories of 125,000 IU of the active compound costs 270-340 rubles, and a drug with a higher concentration of interferon costs 380-420 rubles.

      Storage conditions and shelf life

      The recommended temperature conditions for storing Genferon Light candles at home are in the range from +2 to +8 degrees Celsius, that is, the medication should be kept in the refrigerator. If the drug has expired (it is 2 years), then it is unacceptable to use it to treat a child.

    Genferon: instructions for use and reviews

    Latin name: Genferone

    ATX code: L03AB05

    Active substance: recombinant human interferon alpha-2b (interferon alfa-2b) + taurine (taurine) + benzocaine (benzocaine)

    Manufacturer: Biocad CJSC (Russia)

    Updating the description and photo: 03.11.2017

    Genferon is a local and systemic immunomodulatory drug with antioxidant, immunomodulatory, local anesthetic and antiviral effects.

    Release form and composition

    Genferon is produced in the form of suppositories: cylindrical in shape with a pointed end, homogeneous structure, from white to white with a yellow tint, the color may have a funnel-shaped depression or a hollow rod at the cut (5 pcs each in a strip pack, 1 or 2 packs in a cardboard box ).

    • Human recombinant interferon alpha-2 – 250 thousand, 500 thousand or 1 million IU;
    • Taurine – 10 mg;
    • Benzocaine – 55 mg.

    Excipients: dextran 60000, Tween-80, sodium citrate, polyethylene oxide 1500, citric acid, T2 emulsifier, solid fat, purified water.

    Pharmacological properties


    The active component of Genferon is recombinant human interferon alpha-2b, synthesized by a strain of the bacterium Escherichia coli, modified using genetic engineering methods to introduce the human interferon alpha-2b gene into it.

    Taurine normalizes metabolic processes and ensures tissue regeneration, and is also characterized by an immunomodulatory and membrane-stabilizing effect. The substance belongs to strong antioxidants, therefore enters into direct reactions with active forms oxygen, excessive accumulation of which increases the risk of developing pathological processes. Taurine ensures preservation biological activity interferon and enhances the therapeutic effect of Genferon.

    Benzocaine (anesthetic) is a local anesthetics. It reduces the permeability of cell membranes to sodium ions, replaces calcium ions in receptors localized on the inner surface of the membrane, and blocks the transport of nerve impulses. The active ingredient Genferon prevents the occurrence of pain impulses in the endings of sensitive nerves and their transmission along nerve fibers. Benzocaine has an exclusively local effect and does not enter the systemic circulation.


    With rectal administration of Genferon, high bioavailability of interferon is observed, exceeding 80%, which explains both local and pronounced systemic immunomodulatory effects. When used intravaginally due to high concentration of this component in the focus of infection and its fixation on the cells of the mucous membrane, pronounced local antibacterial, antiproliferative and antiviral effect. Since the vaginal mucosa has low absorption capacity, systemic action interferon is negligible.

    The maximum level of interferon in the blood serum is recorded 5 hours after the administration of Genferon. The removal of this substance from the body is mainly carried out by renal catabolism. The half-life is 12 hours, which determines the frequency of use of the drug 2 times a day.

    Indications for use

    According to the instructions, Genferon is indicated for use as part of the complex treatment of the following diseases/conditions:

    • Acute bronchitis;
    • Infectious inflammatory diseases urogenital tract: chlamydia, genital herpes, ureaplasmosis, recurrent vaginal candidiasis, mycoplasmosis, gardnerellosis, human papillomavirus infection, trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis, cervical erosion, vulvovaginitis, cervicitis, bartholinitis, adnexitis, prostatitis, urethritis, balanitis, balanoposthitis;
    • Chronic recurrent cystitis bacterial etiology.


    Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug is the only contraindication to its use.

    Genferon is prescribed with caution to patients with allergic or autoimmune diseases in the acute stage.

    Instructions for use of Genferon: method and dosage

    Genferon is used intravaginally and/or rectally:

    • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in men: rectally, 1 suppository (depending on the severity of the condition, 500,000 or 1,000,000 IU), 2 times a day for 10 days;
    • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract of women: rectally or intravaginally (depending on the nature of the disease), 1 suppository of 250,000, 500,000 or 1,000,000 IU (depending on the severity of the condition) 2 times a day, for 10 days daily. In case of prolonged illnesses, 1 suppository 3 times a week (every other day), duration – 1-3 months. For the treatment of a severe infectious-inflammatory process in the vagina - 1 suppository of 500,000 IU intravaginally in the morning and 1 suppository of 1,000,000 IU rectally at night, at the same time a suppository with antibacterial/fungicidal agents should be inserted into the vagina;
    • Normalization of local immunity in women during pregnancy 13-40 weeks during the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract: 1 suppository of 250,000 IU intravaginally 2 times a day, for 10 days daily;
    • Chronic recurrent cystitis (as part of complex therapy) in adults: in case of exacerbation - in combination with the standard course antibacterial therapy 1 suppository 1,000,000 IU rectally 2 times a day for 10 days, then every other day for 40 days, at the same dose to prevent relapses;
    • Acute bronchitis (as part of complex therapy) in adults: 1 suppository of 1,000,000 IU rectally 2 times a day for 5 days.

    Side effects

    The use of the drug may cause the development of allergic reactions in the form of itching, skin rash, burning sensation in the vagina. Side effects are reversible and disappear within 72 hours after discontinuation or dose reduction.

    There may be an increase in temperature after administration of the drug.

    At daily dose 10 million IU there is a high probability of the following side effects:

    • From the hematopoietic system: thrombocytopenia, leukopenia;
    • From the central side nervous system: headache;
    • Others: increased sweating, fever, loss of appetite, weakness, myalgia, arthralgia.


    Cases of overdose of Genferon in clinical practice almost unknown. In case of accidental single administration of suppositories in a larger quantity than was prescribed by the doctor, it is necessary to suspend further administration of the drug for at least 24 hours, after which you can return to the original treatment regimen.

    special instructions

    It is allowed to use the product in II and III trimester pregnancy, if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

    To exclude urogenital reinfection, it is recommended simultaneous treatment sexual partner.

    It is possible to use the drug during menstruation.

    Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

    The use of Genferon does not affect the patient’s ability to drive vehicles and perform potentially dangerous species works that require high concentration of attention and significant speed of psychomotor reactions.

    Use during pregnancy and lactation

    Genferon can be used to normalize local immunity during pregnancy from 13 to 40 weeks as part of complex therapy for human papillomavirus infection, genital herpes, cytomegalovirus infection, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, bacterial vaginosis, often accompanied by itching, discomfort and pain in the lower parts of the urogenital tract.

    Clinical studies have confirmed the safety of intravaginal administration of Genferon at a dose of 250,000 IU at a period of 13–40 weeks. Safety of treatment with the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy this moment insufficiently studied.

    Use in childhood

    There are no age restrictions in the official instructions for the drug. However, doctors do not recommend using Genferon for children under 7 years of age (for this age category, including infants, the drug Genferon Light has been developed in a dosage of 125 thousand). Genferon is approved for children over 7 years of age at a dosage of 250 thousand.

    Drug interactions

    The effectiveness of Genferon increases when used simultaneously with antimicrobial agents for the treatment of urogenital infections and antibiotics.

    The effect of interferon is enhanced by vitamins E and C.

    The effect of benzocaine increases when combined with anticholinesterase and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Benzocaine inhibits the antibacterial activity of sulfonamides.


    Analogs of Genferon are: Viferon, Vitaferon, Viferon-Feron, Kipferon, Laferon, Laferobion, Farmbiotek, Alfarekin, Alfarona, Bioferon, Herpferon, Grippferon, Virogel, Intron A, Lipoferon, Interoferobion interferon alfa-2b, Introbion interferon alfa-2b, Laferon Farmbiotek, Okoferon, Realdiron.

    Terms and conditions of storage

    Keep away from children. Store at temperatures between 2 and 8 °C.

    Shelf life – 2 years.

    Answers to frequently
    questions asked:

    • What is Genferon ®?
    • How does Genferon ® work?
    • How to use Genferon ®?
    • Does Genferon ® ® affect spermatogenesis? If yes, then how (does it increase sperm activity, increase their concentration)?
    • The doctor prescribed me 500,000 IU for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis in the Genferon ® complex 2 times a day. But by mistake I purchased 1,000,000 IU. If I use a large dose, how could it negatively affect my body? Or can you just put half a candle?
    • I was prescribed a 20-day course of treatment with Genferon ® suppositories. But during these 20 days I should have my period, do I need to stop the course? So what should we do then?
    • Is it possible to prescribe Genferon ® for acute inflammation of the prostate gland or only for a chronic, non-aggravated process?

    What is Genferon ®?

    Genferon ® is a unique drug obtained as a result of many years of research by Russian scientists at the Center for Engineering Immunology. It is a combination of recombinant human interferon alpha-2b, taurine and anesthetic, is available in the form of vaginal and rectal suppositories.

    Genferon ® 500,000 IU, 1,000,000 IU is produced by the Russian biotechnology company Biocad in accordance with international standards quality (GMP) and ISO 9001: 2000, which is a guarantee of effective and safe treatment.

    Is it safe and advisable to use Genferon ® with an elevated level of the CA-125 tumor marker in the blood?

    If the content of the CA 125 tumor marker is slightly increased during inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs, including against the background of urogenital infections, treatment with Genferon ® is indicated for the purpose of immunomodulation and achieving antiviral and indirect antibacterial effects. It is recommended to use Genferon ® with caution during exacerbation autoimmune diseases, which in rare cases may cause an increase in the content of CA 125. In any case, the decision to prescribe the drug Genferon ® should be made by the doctor after a comprehensive examination of the patient. Fact higher level tumor marker CA 125 cannot be a contraindication to the use of the drug Genferon®, prescribed to correct immunological imbalance and prevent the development infectious complications, which does not provide negative influence on the course of the underlying disease.

    For what diseases is Genferon ® used?

    Genferon ® 500,000 IU and Genferon ® 1000,000 IU are used as part of complex therapy for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in adults: genital herpes, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, recurrent vaginal candidiasis, gardnerellosis, trichomoniasis, papillomavirus infections, bacterial vaginosis, erosion cervix, cervicitis, vulvovaginitis, bartholinitis, adnexitis, prostatitis, urethritis, balanitis, balanoposthitis, as well as as part of complex therapy for acute bronchitis in adults and as part of complex therapy for chronic recurrent cystitis of bacterial etiology in adults.

    How does Genferon ® work?

    Genferon ® – combination drug, the effect of which is determined by the components included in its composition. Has local and systemic effects. Interferon alpha-2b has antiviral, antibacterial and immunomodulatory effects. Under the influence of interferon alpha-2b, the activity of natural killer cells, T-helper cells, phagocytes, as well as the intensity of differentiation of B-lymphocytes in the body increases. Activation of leukocytes contained in all layers of the mucous membrane ensures their active participation in the elimination of primary pathological foci and ensures restoration of production secretory immunoglobulin A.

    Interferon alfa-2b also directly inhibits the replication and transcription of chlamydia viruses. Taurine included in the candle increases biological effect the action of IFN due to its antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing properties, and also significantly accelerates the epithelization of damaged tissues due to a pronounced reparative effect. Benzocaine prevents the occurrence of pain impulses in the endings of sensory nerves, blocks their conduction along nerve fibers, thereby stopping the subjective manifestations of the disease (pain, itching, burning sensation, etc.), relieving the patient of suffering, which significantly improves the quality of life during treatment.

    How to use Genferon®?

    For infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in women. 1 suppository (Genferon ® 500,000 IU or Genferon ® 1,000,000 IU depending on the severity of the disease) vaginally or rectally (depending on the nature of the disease) 2 times a day every day for 10 days. For prolonged forms, 1 suppository 3 times a week, every other day, for 1-3 months.

    For infectious and inflammatory diseases in men. Rectally, 1 suppository (Genferon ® 500,000 IU or Genferon ® 1,000,000 IU, depending on the severity of the disease) 2 times a day for 10 days.

    For what purpose is taurine included in the drug?

    The amino acid taurine increases the biological effect of interferon due to its antioxidant properties and at the same time ensures the regeneration of damaged tissues. It has been established that interferon in combination with taurine shows more pronounced antiviral activity than in combination with other antioxidants. It is for this purpose that taurine is included in the composition of the drug Genferon®.

    What are possible side effects when using Genferon ®?

    The drug Genferon ® is well tolerated by patients. Allergic reactions (itching and burning sensation in the vagina) are possible. These phenomena are reversible and disappear within 72 hours after cessation of administration. Continuation of treatment with Genferon® is possible after consultation with a doctor.

    What are the contraindications for the use of Genferon ®?

    Individual intolerance to interferon and other substances included in the drug Genferon ® 500,000 IU, 1,000,000 IU.

    I am interested in the drug Genferon ®, which was prescribed to my wife. It contains human recombinant Interferon alpha-2b. What is this interferon made of? Is it made from blood or is it synthetic? This is important for us because... Due to religious beliefs, we do not accept the use of blood products.

    Interferon alpha-2b, which is part of the suppositories Genferon ® 500000, 1000000 IU, is recombinant. This means that it is obtained using genetic engineering methods from coli- a microorganism present in the intestines of any person. In production antiviral drug Genferon® is used by Escherichia coli bacteria into which the human interferon gene has been introduced. Due to this, bacteria become capable of producing human protein in large quantities.

    After repeated purification, interferon obtained from bacterial cell culture becomes completely free of any impurities bacterial origin. Recombinant interferon is completely identical to natural, but blood products are not used at any stage of its production.

    Please tell us whether Genferon ® (500,000 IU) affects the effect of contraceptives? I have been using Nuvaring for a long time. And accordingly, is it possible to have sexual activity as usual while using Genferon ® or should you abstain during this time, or maybe there are special recommendations? (The doctor prescribed treatment for ureaplasmosis 2 times a day, morning and evening, for 10 days).

    Antiviral drug Genferon ® 500,000 IU, 1,000,000 IU. does not contain substances that reduce the effectiveness of contraception when using Nuvaring. However, it should be remembered that when treating any urogenital infection, you should use a condom until laboratory confirmation of cure for you and your sexual partner.

    Typically, this test is performed 4 weeks after the start of treatment. IN otherwise re-infection is possible. In addition, gynecologists recommend abstaining from sexual intercourse during the entire course of treatment with antiviral drugs for local application, including when using vaginal suppositories.

    Does Genferon ® affect spermatogenesis? If yes, then how (does it increase sperm activity, increase their concentration)?

    No, interferon drugs do not directly affect spermatogenesis. However, if spermatogenesis is impaired due to chronic infection (most often herpetic or chlamydial) or develops against the background of prostatitis, the use of the drug Genferon® gives a good clinical effect.

    Does Genferon ® affect prostate secretion levels?

    Normalization of these indicators occurs if their violation was caused by an infectious process, the elimination of which is much more successful when using the drug Genferon ®. If this is, say, some kind of hereditary defect, there will be no effect.

    Please tell me, is taking Genferon ® effective in exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis together with antibacterial therapy? If yes, is it better to administer suppositories rectally or vaginally and in what dosage, for how many days?

    Yes, according to clinical studies, the use of the drug Genferon ® 500,000, 1000,000 IU can increase the effectiveness of treatment of pyelonephritis. Rectal administration is advisable for a systemic immunomodulatory effect.

    The drug is used according to standard scheme– Genferon ® 1,000,000 IU 2 times a day for 10 days; then a prolonged regimen of use of the drug Genferon®, when after these 10 days the drug is prescribed once every 2 days at night for 20 days.

    My doctor prescribed me 500,000 IU 2 times a day for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis in the Genferon® complex. But by mistake I purchased 1,000,000 IU. If I use a large dose, how could it negatively affect my body? Or can you just put half a candle?

    Health hazards of using the drug Genferon ® in the dosage specified in the instructions for medical use does not - in order for the potential for side effects to develop, the dose of interferon must be many times higher. It is strictly not recommended to split the candle, as accurate dosing is not guaranteed.

    Menstruation does not require discontinuation of the drug Genferon ®. When heavy discharge during menstruation, you can temporarily switch from vaginal to rectal administration of Genferon ® suppositories (these suppositories are universal, both vaginal and rectal use are possible, while vaginal administration is more pronounced local effect, and in case of rectal – systemic).

    Is it safe and advisable to use Genferon ® with an elevated level of the CA-125 tumor marker in the blood?

    Since an increased level of tumor marker CA 125 can be detected not only in ovarian cancer (most often), but also in a number of inflammatory diseases, mainly upper sections urogenital tract, endometriosis, benign gynecological tumors, some autoimmune processes, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, pericarditis, as well as physiological conditions female body– menstruation and pregnancy, it is quite difficult to answer your question unambiguously in the absence of specific data. If we're talking about O malignant neoplasm, then interferon-alpha preparations have a proven inhibitory effect on tumor growth, having antiproliferative, immunomodulatory and antimutagenic effects, and are quite widely used in the treatment malignant tumors. However, the doses of interferon-alpha used to achieve a noticeable antitumor effect in these drugs significantly exceed those in the drug Genferon ®.

    If the content of the CA 125 tumor marker is slightly increased during inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs, including against the background of urogenital infections, treatment with Genferon ® is indicated for the purpose of immunomodulation and achieving antiviral and indirect antibacterial effects. It is recommended to use Genferon® with caution during exacerbation of autoimmune diseases, which in rare cases can cause an increase in the content of CA 125. In any case, the decision to prescribe Genferon ® should be made by a doctor after a comprehensive examination of the patient. The fact of an increased level of tumor marker CA 125 cannot be a contraindication to the use of the drug Genferon®, prescribed to correct immunological imbalances and prevent the development of infectious complications, which does not have a negative effect on the course of the underlying disease.

    Should the base for the candle melt completely (there have been cases when the candle came out almost in its original form)?

    When using suppositories, it is very important to follow the established rules and shelf life medicines. The physico-chemical properties of the drugs Genferon ® and Genferon ® light ensure the dissolution of the Genferon ® suppository at a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius and above for 5-10 minutes. The insolubility of the Genferon ® suppository may be due to the expiration date or improper storage, namely, non-compliance with temperature conditions (storage at too high or low temperatures). Suppositories must be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2 to +8 degrees. Hypothetically, this situation is also possible if the suppository is inserted shallowly into the vagina (for example, into the vestibule).

    Patients can be advised to follow the following technique: insert Genferon ® suppositories in a lying position, deep into the vagina, try not to change body position for 5 minutes after administration. Avoid heavy ones physical activity(weight lifting) within an hour after administration of the drug.

    Is it possible to prescribe Genferon® for acute inflammation of the prostate gland or only for a chronic, non-aggravated process?

    The effectiveness of the antiviral drug Genferon® has been proven specifically for chronic prostatitis. However, due to the fact that chronic prostatitis is often the outcome acute process, in some cases, immunocorrection as a component may be appropriate combination therapy acute prostatitis in order to reduce the risk of chronicity of the process, but it all depends on the specific clinical situation.

    It is very inconvenient that after use you need to lie down, as the candles melt.

    Unfortunately, it is very difficult to avoid partial leakage of the suppository after its insertion. However, it is mainly the suppository base that flows out, while the main active ingredients are absorbed. In addition, suppositories, like dosage form, have a large number of advantages: 1. Rapid delivery of medicinal substances into big circle blood circulation during rectal administration, as well as the absence of inactivation of substances by digestive juices (When taking peros, passage through the liver is 100%, and with rectal absorption in phase I, 20% of the absorbed substance enters the liver).2. Minimal risk of developing flu-like syndrome, characteristic of injectable interferon preparations. 3. Absence of the problem of taste and smell of drugs, the possibility of prescribing medicinal substances of various pharmacological groups with various physical and chemical properties. 4. Simplicity and painlessness of administration and use of Genferon® suppositories. 5. The possibility of topical application allows you to create an adequate concentration medicinal substance for urogenital infections directly at the site of inflammation, which increases the effectiveness of therapy.

    Are allergic reactions to interferon possible?

    IFNα, which is part of the drug Genferon ®, was obtained by genetic engineering and has a high degree of purification from protein impurities (purity >95%), which minimizes the risk of developing sensitization. Data from preclinical studies indicate that Genferon® 500,000 IU, 1,000,000 IU suppositories do not have sensitizing activity (Weigle index ≤ 1.0). It has been established that the drug does not have skin-sensitizing activity and local irritating effect.

    According to the results clinical trials, including in pregnant women, the use of the drug Genferon ® in none of the cases was accompanied by the development of allergic reactions. The realization of an allergy is possible only in rare cases of individual intolerance to recombinant human interferon-α-2b or other substances included in the suppository.

    Is it possible to simultaneous use antibiotics and Genferon ® ?

    Genferon ® 500,000 IU, 1000,000 IU does not enter into unwanted interactions with antibacterial drugs, on the contrary, thanks to indirect antibacterial effect as part of complex therapy for urogenital infections, it demonstrates synergy with antibiotics. According to the results of numerous clinical trials, Genferon ® as part of complex therapy for infectious and inflammatory diseases does not cause the development side effects. In particular, the high frequency of complete elimination of the infectious agent is consistent with literature data on the increased sensitivity of pathogens to antibacterial therapy under the influence of interferon, which helps to increase the effectiveness of combination therapy.

    Is it possible to drink alcohol while using Genferon ® suppositories?

    The ability of ethanol to have a direct myelosuppressive effect on bone marrow hematopoiesis is widely known, which can lead to the development of cytopenic syndrome (leuko-, thrombocytopenia, anemia) and significantly aggravate the course infectious process. In addition, ethanol stimulates the processes of free radical oxidation of lipids and increases the lability of cell membranes, which leads to an increase in endotoxicosis and the formation of multiple organ dysfunction. Determined that increased content ethanol in the blood aggravates the severity of the disease and is accompanied by an increase in the level of adrenocorticotropic hormone, aldosterone, cortisol, interleukin-1β and the helper subpopulation of T-lymphocytes.

    Although special research There has been no interaction between the drug Genferon ® and ethanol; we strongly recommend that you refrain from drinking alcohol during interferon therapy with the drug Genferon ®. Moreover, Genferon® is almost always used in complex therapy in parallel with the use of antibacterial and/or direct antiviral agents, the effectiveness of which, in turn, may decrease with joint reception with alcohol.

    Geneferon candles are enough famous drug, which is often prescribed to patients suffering from infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital tract. It provides local anesthetic, restorative and antimicrobial effect, which are provided due to the content of several active components.

    Composition and action

    Genferon suppositories contain three active ingredients.

    Alpha-2 interferon plays key role in the impact on immunity. It increases the activity of cells of the immune system, including leukocytes, which leads to increased secretion of its own protective immunoglobulin. In addition, having a specific effect on pathogens, this substance disrupts the reproduction processes of viral particles (herpes, human papillomavirus), fungi and bacteria, both resulting from a violation of the microflora (Gardnerella) and those that are independent pathogens (Trichomonas, mycoplasma, chlamydia) . As a result of this effect, a noticeable anti-inflammatory effect of the drug is noted.

    The next ingredient is taurine.– is an antioxidant and stimulates tissue repair processes, and the latter substance (anesthesin) suppresses sensory receptors, thereby reducing pain, itching and others unpleasant symptoms caused by illness.

    Indications for use and method of application

    The list of indications described in the instructions does not cover all areas of application of geneferon, but according to at least, describes most of the reasons why this remedy is prescribed. So, suppositories are recommended for use in the treatment of chlamydia, genital herpes, ureaplasmosis, gardnerellosis, trichomoniasis and others similar diseases. In addition, women are recommended to use the drug for symptoms of erosion, colpitis, vulvovaginitis and inflammation of the appendages, and for men it is recommended for urethritis and prostatitis.

    The listed indications that you will see in the annotation can be supplemented with a couple more important points. So, in practice, gynecologists prescribe geneferon as prophylactic women who have suffered a miscarriage or complicated abortion. The action of its components does not allow the activation of possible hidden infection and helps damaged tissues recover faster and more fully, without the formation of such complications as constrictions in the uterus, fusion cervical canal and so on. In men, the medicine is sometimes used in complex treatment complex infertility. For example, domestic urologists recommend using geneferon together with antibiotics at the first stage of infertility treatment, to eliminate prostatitis caused by chlamydia and ureaplasma.

    In women, geneferon is used vaginally 2 times a day, course of treatment for acute illness is 10-14 days. If the disease is chronic, suppositories are placed every other day, one at a time, for up to 3 months. In male patients, the drug is also used twice a day, and treatment lasts up to 2 weeks, but suppositories are used rectally.

    Side effects and contraindications

    From a drug that helps well and has a wide range of indications, you can’t help but expect some kind of catch, for example, unexpectedly strong and frequent side effects. However, as far as geneferon is concerned, this should not be expected. Side effects include (not often) allergic reactions, as well as a passing burning sensation after inserting the suppository, which lasts 2-4 days and then goes away. Any other reactions occur extremely rarely. The only one absolute contraindication to use the medicine is intolerance to its components.


    • Is it possible to use Genferon suppositories during pregnancy?

    Officially, they are allowed starting from the second trimester, but in some cases, if absolutely necessary and on the recommendation of a doctor, they are used in the first weeks of pregnancy.

    Due to joint disease, I often take anti-inflammatory drugs (, sometimes nimesulide). Recently, the gynecologist also prescribed geneferon. Can these medications be combined?

    The combination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with geneferon increases the effect of the latter. Similar action observed with the parallel use of M-anticholinergics and certain vitamins, and the combination of geneferon and antiviral agents mutually enhances the effects of these drugs.

    • During treatment with geneferon, muscle pain and headaches began to appear, chills periodically bother me, and the temperature rises slightly - like a cold. Could this be a consequence of using suppositories? I have been treated with this drug for 2 weeks, I put 3 suppositories a day for greater effect (the dosage of the drug is 1 million IU). I don’t take any other medications and haven’t seen a doctor.

    Similar phenomena can be caused by geneferon. In the event that it is used in increased doses (the maximum daily dosage is 1 million IU, and not 3 million, as in in this case), a rare side effect may occur that occurs the listed symptoms. To prevent this from happening, you must strictly adhere to the dose and duration of the course.

    • Is it true that geneferon is hormonal drug which could be dangerous?

    No, it’s not true, and it’s unclear where such rumors come from. Genferon is a complex of immunomodulator, antioxidant and anesthetic, which together give a noticeable and lasting effect. The product is safe, and its additional advantages are that it is allowed during pregnancy and has minimal amount side effects and contraindications. All this makes geneferon, if not irreplaceable, but at least very valuable in the practice of a gynecologist or urologist.

    This article describes in detail the drug "Genferon suppositories", instructions for use in gynecology, and also indicates possible side effects, contraindications and application features medicine women.

    Often, gynecologists are faced with inflammation that occurs as a result of damage to the mucous membrane of the internal and external genital organs by a group of microorganisms various types and classes. This group of pathogens includes:

    • viruses,
    • gram + bacteria,
    • gram - bacteria,
    • protozoa.

    In order to get rid of the entire variety of pathological microorganisms, it is necessary to use large quantity drugs. They belong to different pharmacological groups and have different mechanisms of action and side effects. Prescribing antibacterial and antiviral drugs in large quantities can cause a large number of complications. That's just a small amount of consequences of using more than 4 medications at the same time:

    • dysbacteriosis,
    • gastritis,
    • thrush due to the use of a large number of antibacterial agents,
    • allergic reactions,
    • drug-induced hepatitis.

    At the right approach to the treatment regimen, taking into account all the parameters of the body and the mechanisms of action of drugs, you can achieve quick and effective treatment.

    IN last decades V medical practice Interferon preparations have gained great popularity. As you know, the human immune system is capable of fighting almost any aggressive factors our body. Therefore, its stimulation and partial replacement immune cells Excellent for reducing recovery time in patients with gynecological diseases. Chief representative pharmacological group immunomodulatory drugs in gynecology is Genferon in the form of suppositories. It is easy to use, relatively cheap and very high result treatment.

    General characteristics of the drug

    The drug Genferon is produced Russian company world-class BIOCAD. The secret of the company's success is the productive cooperation of the research center, modern high-tech pharmacological production, and the center for clinical and preclinical research. It is under such conditions that the high-quality drug Genferon is produced.

    For many years, the drug has been prescribed for urogenital infections in gynecology and has long earned the trust of doctors and patients. According to consumer reviews, the drug causes virtually no side effects, its use is not difficult, and its effectiveness is visible from the second or third day of use.

    Mechanism of action of Genferon

    The pharmacological agent Genferon consists of alpha-2-interferon, anesthesin and taurine:

    1. Alpha-2-interferon – acts as a means to correct and stimulate the immune system. It provokes an increase cellular immunity at the local level, and also helps reduce the proliferation of viruses and bacteria by influencing them with immunoglobulin A.
    2. Anestezin is a drug local action, which reduces the inflammatory reaction in the mucous membranes of the genital tract. Its action significantly reduces painful sensations, burning, itching various diseases genitourinary system.
    3. Taurine is a medicine that stimulates body tissues to regenerate and restore their function. This component is considered especially important in the treatment of mucosal erosions. Taurine helps to reduce the diameter of erosion and the growth of non-keratinizing epithelial tissue.

    In the drug Genferon, the above components are found in correct ratio, therefore, the drug quickly and effectively fights the cause of the disease, affecting the human immune system.

    Indications for use of Genferon

    Often the drug is prescribed to women to reduce the risk of transition to chronic form inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system and polypous formations. Polyposis are believed to be caused by a virus Epstein-Barr or other representatives of herpes viruses. If you fight viruses, the likelihood of polyps disappearing increases several times. That is why polypous formations of the female genitourinary system respond very well to treatment with Genferon vaginally. Gynecological diseases conditions for which the use of this drug is recommended:

    1. Herpesvirus lesions of the reproductive system.
    2. Chlamydial infection.
    3. Inflammatory diseases caused by the ureaplasma group.
    4. Bacterial vaginitis.
    5. Cervical erosion caused by infectious processes.
    6. Bartholinitis.
    7. Salpingo-oophoritis.
    8. Cervicitis.

    Among urologists and andrologists, Genferon is no less widespread. For men, the drug is prescribed rectally for inflammatory diseases rectum, prostate gland, urethra, glans penis.

    Instructions for use of Genferon in gynecology

    Genferon is prescribed not only in gynecological hospitals, but also for outpatient treatment. The medicine is usually prescribed 2 suppositories per day vaginally with an interval of 12 hours. The duration of treatment should be at least 10 days. During this time, the drug acts on viruses and bacteria, improves local immunity and has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. The use of the drug "Genferon suppositories" according to the instructions for use in gynecology provides quick, long-term and effective counteraction to diseases of the human genitourinary system.

    Among the reviews about the drug, the question often comes up: “Can Genferon be used during menstruation?” The answer is definitely yes. Genferon during menstruation reduces the possibility of reproduction of pathogenic pathogens. Bacteria, in the presence of blood and a warm and humid atmosphere, perceive such an environment as favorable for reproduction and growth. The use of the drug "Genferon Suppositories" during menstruation prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and helps reduce inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the female genital organs.

    It is worth noting that a pause in the use of the drug may negatively affect its effectiveness, since the effect of the drug gradually increases throughout treatment.

    Another feature of the use of the drug is its combination with other pharmaceutical products. It is noted that Genferon increases its positive qualities when combined with vitamins C, A, B. At the same time vitamin complexes It should be taken either in tablets or in injection form.

    It would not be superfluous to combine treatment with the use of herbal medicine. For example, the use of chamomile and oak bark decoctions as douching has a good antiseptic effect on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Drink plenty of fluids Rosehip decoction will help reduce intoxication syndrome, which always accompanies inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system of women and men. Rose hips also contain a large amount of vitamin C, which has a strong antioxidant effect.

    Side effects of "Genferon"

    Genferon is different high quality production for a long time and therefore the risk of side effects is very small, but still they cannot be excluded. Here are the most common side effects of the drug, according to patient reviews:

    1. headache;
    2. hyperthermia up to subfebrile levels (37.1-37.9 °C);
    3. sleep disturbance (insomnia, restless sleep, bad dreams);
    4. indigestion (nausea after eating food, stool problems, bloating);
    5. increased fatigue;
    6. allergic reactions (itching, burning, hyperemia);
    7. muscle pain (as a sign of intoxication syndrome);
    8. a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen (this side effect is associated with a rush of a large amount of blood into the pelvic vessels).

    Side effects are often associated with changes in immune system and hemodynamics blood vessels small pelvis. Negative sensations disappear with a dose reduction or short-term withdrawal of the drug within 24-36 hours. If the intensity of the above symptoms increases, you should immediately consult a doctor, consume more pure still water(if there is no kidney pathology).

    Contraindications for use

    The medicine should be used only after prescription by a specialist.

    The drug cannot be used in the following cases:

    1. Strong allergic reaction to one of the components.
    2. At pronounced changes platelet and leukocyte counts in clinical analysis blood.

    Is it possible to cope with a disease of the genitourinary system without Genferon?

    The components of Genferon have complex action, providing antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Such a comprehensive approach will reduce the risk of acute inflammation becoming chronic, and will also significantly reduce the time of illness. Use of the drug for chronic diseases will allow achieving stable remission of the disease. The versatile influence of the drug allows it to be used for all kinds of diseases of the genitourinary system, which are accompanied by impaired immunity and the addition of infectious pathology.