Advanced chalazion treatment. Causes of the disease. Treatment of chalazion in children without surgery

Who hasn’t experienced local inflammation of the lower or upper eyelid at least once in their life? The well-known “stye” can sometimes be confused with another problem – inflammation of the chalazion. On initial stage A chalazion is very similar to a regular stye. When it becomes inflamed, the symptoms are similar, which is why the tumor is sometimes called “cold barley.”

A chalazion is sometimes called a “cold stye.”

What is a chalazion in essence and how does it differ from a “stye”? In the lower and upper eyelid contains many ducts for meibomian gland secretions. In some cases, the ducts are blocked, the secretion accumulates and forms a tumor in the form of a millet grain. More often this education practically does not interfere - no pain, there is no discomfort when blinking. But in advanced cases, the tumor can provoke the onset of quite unpleasant consequences. That's the main difference.

Chalazion is visually similar to slight compaction in the shape of a hailstone. The tumor has clear boundaries, is easily palpable, and most often painless.

How does “hailstone” differ from “barley”:

  • no discomfort on initial stage;
  • the swelling does not disappear after a few days;
  • the neoplasm increases in size over time;
  • unlike “barley”, “hailstone” is clearly distinguishable from both the external and inside century.

When a chalazion develops, the tumor increases in size over time.

Blockage of the meibomian gland ducts can occur in the following cases:

A chalazion is also called a meibomian cyst. The tumor may open due to conservative treatment. But if the chalazion does not go away, it can cause ophthalmological diseases. The inflamed “pouch” increases in size and puts pressure on the cornea of ​​the eye. As a result, clouding of the cornea or the development of astigmatism is possible. Therefore, under no circumstances should the disease be left to chance!

How does chalazion develop and why it is dangerous?

Over time, the tumor can become inflamed, enlarge, mature and reach the size of a pea in diameter. This is already dangerous, as it is fraught with consequences! The neoplasm is benign, since in essence it is an accumulation of secretion in the ducts of the gland. When palpating, the boundaries are clearly felt. The tumor may have a reddish tint and turn white over time, turning into chronic form.

As soon as you notice the first symptoms, consult a doctor

If the chalazion is not treated, the tumor will gradually increase and become clearly visible to the naked eye. This is not aesthetically pleasing, so at this stage many resort to surgery. But if you treat the disease with conservative methods, the tumor opens, the contents drain out and the problem is leveled out. What to do if the chalazion is inflamed?

How does a chalazion break out?

"Hailstone" breaks out in the same way as ordinary "barley". The contents of the sac expire, the tumor gradually disappears. If the “hailstone” is located on the inside of the eyelid, the purulent contents can cause inflammation of the mucous membrane and cornea. Therefore, if you decide to break through the pouch, you must definitely use antibacterial agents in the form of eye drops or ointments.

The disease is not difficult to cure, but recurrent (repeated) chalazion may occur. This is quite possible if hygiene rules are not followed or the immune system is weakened during a long illness. Patients suffering from diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases . The cause may be problems with organs gastrointestinal tract

, liver, kidneys. Even slight hypothermia of the body can lead to the appearance of symptoms of “cold barley”. Therefore, no one is immune from this problem.

Treatment methods for chalazion Chalazion is treated with both conservative methods and surgically

. At the initial stage, it is quite possible to use traditional methods.

  • Tetracycline ointment has also worked well
  • warming up;
  • dry absorbable compress;

lotions of camphor, ichthyol ointment. If the tumor causes discomfort, for example, a burning sensation, you can apply tetracycline ointment locally. This traditional way

, which has been popular for a long time. If the “hailstone” begins to ripen and “itches”, try hydrocartisone ointment, this will relieve the symptoms and burst the tumor.

Conservative treatment Ophthalmologists suggest starting to treat chalazion. In order for the bag with accumulated secretions to burst and open, eye drops that have an antibacterial effect are most often used. Cipromed drops containing 0.3% ciprofloxacin have proven themselves well. This effective method, which helps to resolve the tumor.

Sometimes hailstones can cause quite noticeable itching. In such cases, anti-allergenic drugs are relevant, through which swelling can be relieved.

Doctors recommend Opanatol or analogues. In advanced cases, it is best to use antibiotics or corticosteroids. The doctor may prescribe in this case "Maxitrol". But we should not forget that similar drugs negatively affect the microflora of the body as a whole. Therefore, in parallel it is necessary concomitant treatment

. The opened bag must be treated with an antiseptic.


For the inflammatory process caused by chalazion, injections of corticosteroids are very effective, for example: Diprospan, Dexamethasone. It is not recommended to give injections yourself - this can only be done by a professional in a medical institution.

The corticosteroid injection is given with a special thin needle. The drug is injected directly into the sac with accumulated secretions. This has a quick absorbing effect. But the injection must be done very carefully so as not to damage the cornea of ​​the eye, which can lead to quite serious injury with dangerous consequences. At the same time, the ophthalmologist prescribes corticosteroid eye drops. If the chalazion begins to quickly resolve, it means that the treatment is successful and the risk of relapse is minimized. With this approach, the patient experiences virtually no discomfort

– itching, burning, specific twitching.

Warming up You can warm up the chalazion at the initial stage, when acute symptoms

absent. How to treat it at home? Dry warming compresses are recommended, as a result of which the tumor may burst. But a preliminary visit to the doctor is required! To work using this method, you must first make sure that it is a chalazion, and not a “barley,” which is strictly forbidden to be heated.

Visit your doctor before applying heat to your chalazion. In conditions medical institution

You can undergo a course of physiotherapeutic procedures, for example, UHF therapy. This promotes the resorption of the purulent sac. The compaction in the form of a “hailstone” becomes softer, the clearly defined edges are smoothed out. The chalazion most often breaks through and the secretion leaks out.

Surgical methods for treating chalazion surgery? Most often, the tumor is radically and quickly removed to restore external aesthetics. This is especially important for women who wear makeup daily. If the chalazion begins to cause discomfort or recurs, a clearly visible tumor, the diameter of which reaches 5-6 millimeters, looks unaesthetic, surgical intervention and excision of the sac with purulent contents is urgent.

The operation is performed in a hospital setting or a mini-operating room in an outpatient department. The tumor is opened under local anesthesia.

Stages surgical intervention:

  • treatment surgical field antiseptic;
  • pain relief, most often with novocaine;
  • tumor dissection;
  • exfoliation of secretions;
  • postoperative treatment.

The “hailstone” is opened, a hemostatic clamp is applied and quickly removed. If the chalazion is localized on the inside of the eyelid, postoperative treatment includes antiseptic treatment. On outside eyelids can be applied cosmetic stitches. The procedure does not take much time - in the absence of complications, the operation takes place in 20-30 minutes.

One of the stages of the operation is tumor dissection

Alternative treatment for chalazion

Innovative technologies have revolutionized cosmetic medicine. Good example– removal of chalazion using laser. But this procedure can only be carried out in clinics that have proven themselves with positive side. The procedure is very dangerous negative consequences– you can injure the cornea of ​​the eye, especially if the chalazion is localized on the inside of the eyelid.

An experienced specialist will carry out the procedure quickly and absolutely painlessly. This will help get rid of the problem, minimizing the risk of relapse. The chalazion may open and, due to the leakage of the secretion, completely disappear. Alternatively, the tumor may resolve without a trace.

Prevention of chalazion inflammation

To avoid manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to comply with the minimum requirements. There is no need to specifically take any anti-inflammatory drugs or use narrowly targeted cosmetics. There are only three rules for preventing chalazion.

  1. Strict hygiene.
  2. Eye protection from mechanical damage.
  3. Boosting immunity.

These are the “three pillars” that will allow you to avoid not only the manifestations of inflammatory processes provoked by chalazion, but also preserve wellness generally. Beauty, aesthetics and health are inseparable from each other.

Dec 23, 2016 Doc

A chalazion is a cyst, located primarily on the upper eyelid, caused by inflammation of a blocked sebaceous (meibomian) gland.

There are several dozen sebaceous glands within the eyelids. These glands are tubular in structure and have the function of producing fatty secretion, which is part of tears. Tears include water and proteins, fats and microelements dissolved in it.

During production, a thin layer of tears covers the outer areas of the mucous membrane and cornea of ​​the eye. In this case, the surface of the tear has a thin film of lipid layer, which prevents it from drying out.

If the meibomian gland, which produces fatty secretions for tears, is blocked, it becomes inflamed, red and swollen. The wall of such a gland can burst, releasing its contents into the eye tissue. Swelling of the upper or lower eyelid may occur gradually over a week or two.

Chalazion of the upper eyelid (or lower eyelid) differs from a stye in that it is not transmitted, is not acute, and usually presents as painless nodules. However, you should see a doctor if the cystic swelling is large enough to interfere with your vision.

IN in rare cases Chalazion is a cause of skin cancer. Typically, patients with this pathology have a purely cosmetic problem, but with frequent relapses, the disease causes a lot of inconvenience and difficulty.

Unlike styes, chalazions are usually located away from the eyelid margin, while styes are most often found right on the eyelid margin.

Inflammation sometimes causes blockage of the excretory canal, resulting in a chalazion.

With inflammatory processes in the eyelid area, swelling appears upper layers skin, which can cause blockage of the excretory canal and cause a chalazion of the lower eyelid (or upper eyelid).

Another reason may be the thicker structure of the secretion, which makes it difficult for it to move through the excretory canal, which leads to blockage and accumulation of secretory fluid inside the gland.

In the first stages, the disease does not manifest itself, but when secretions accumulate, the immune system reacts to it and this leads to the emergence and development of inflammation or the formation of a fibrous formation in the form of a capsule in the area of ​​the gland. Subsequently, the chalazion gradually increases in size.

There are some factors that can increase the chance of developing the disease:

  • previous chalazion or stye
  • colds after hypothermia
  • decreased immunity
  • wearing contact lenses
  • poor hand hygiene

Another reason for the appearance of a chalazion of the eyelid may be initially increased fat content skin in humans, caused by hyperactivity of the meibomian gland. Often changes in the consistency of secretory fluid are explained by disturbances in digestive system, for example, gastritis.

Chalazion symptoms

The main symptom is the formation of a lump

In the area of ​​the eyelid there is a formation with a dense structure the size of a pea. If suppuration occurs, inflammatory manifestations may be added - painful sensations, redness and swelling of the inflamed area.

Sometimes a spontaneous rupture of the chalazion occurs, during which its purulent contents are released. Often, blurred vision may be added to the symptoms of the disease, increased sensitivity to the light, swelling and heaviness of the eyelid.

This pathology of the eyelids is quite widespread among various age groups, but chalazion in children is less common.

Diagnosis of chalazion is carried out by an ophthalmologist during examination

A chalazion is diagnosed by examination by an ophthalmologist. As a rule, a compaction in the area of ​​the eyelid tissues the size of a small pea is detected. There is redness on the inside of the eyelid, and movement of the affected eyelid is difficult and slow.

In cases of recurrent or large chalazions, differential diagnosis and histological examination.

Most often, during diagnosis, the task is to determine what exactly caused the inflammation - barley, chalazion or some other disease.

Eye drops or ointments are used to treat chalazion.

Most often, the chalazion disappears on its own within a few days (less often weeks). But in some cases, chalazion treatment may be required, which includes:

  • applying warm, dry compresses for five to ten minutes four times a day to reduce swelling and promote the passage of fatty secretions
  • application medicines, including antibiotics (eye drops or ointments) if a bacterial infection is suspected
  • Corticosteroid injections into the chalazion area to reduce inflammation

If the chalazion has pronounced severe symptoms or does not go away within a week, it may need to be removed. If swelling lasts more than a few weeks or blurred vision occurs, your ophthalmologist may recommend surgery to remove the chalazion.

Removal is also indicated for significant cosmetic problems. In the case of the appearance of several formations at once or with frequent relapses of the disease, it is necessary to consider the possibility general violation functioning of the sebaceous glands.

In this case, long-term therapy with Tetracycline (Doxycycline) is prescribed to change the consistency of the fats produced by the glands. Using warm compresses before bed and washing with baby soap will help reduce the likelihood of lower (or upper) chalazion developing in the future.

Larger formations are recommended to be removed by surgical operation under local anesthesia. The surgery is usually done under the eyelid to avoid scarring on the skin. The epidermis on the eyelid, as a rule, does not leave scars after the wound heals.

The procedure for removing a chalazion can be carried out in different ways - from piercing to an incision for curettage. The residual effects are usually metabolized during the subsequent healing process, which is facilitated by regular application of dry heat to the site of the removed lesion.

Excision of large chalazions may result in a visible hematoma around the eyelid, which will subside within three or four days, while swelling may persist slightly longer.

Chalazion removal by excision is performed on an outpatient basis and, as a rule, does not take more than fifteen minutes. But due to the risk of infection and damage to the eyelids and eyes, these manipulations should only be performed by a doctor. Special attention and treatment of chalazion in a child requires caution.

Complication of chalazion photo

Due to pressure on the cornea, a large chalazion can cause astigmatism.

Corneal deformation is also possible after laser surgery. This type of complication such as hypopigmentation can occur after corticosteroid injections. If a chalazion recurs in the same place, it can become a symptom of sebaceous gland cancer, although this is extremely rare.

During surgical intervention inserted into the eyelid local anesthetic, then a clamp is installed to hold the eyelid in the desired position and an incision is made on the inside of the eyelid, through which the chalazion is cleaned out. The consequence of this may be a scar on the tissue or a scar on the upper eyelid, which can cause discomfort when blinking.

If a chalazion appears again in the same place, repeated surgery is not possible, so surgery should be considered only as a last resort method chalazion treatment. It is for this reason that the operation is performed only in five percent of cases, and the use of less invasive methods always preferable.

When treating with folk remedies, you can use dry warm compress

At home, you can apply a dry, warm compress to the eyelid several times a day for about ten minutes. This will help reduce swelling, soften fats in blocked glands, and help the chalazion release naturally. For the same purpose, you can carry out light massage inflamed eyelid.

When I was 5 years old, I had a chalazion of the upper eyelid. IN Morozov Hospital, they gave one injection, right into the eyelid, into this chalazion, and it went away in a couple of days and never appeared again. 26 years have passed since that moment.

Many people have encountered a situation where a slight swelling appears on the upper or lower eyelid. First of all, everyone suspects a banal one, which even without special treatment goes away in a few days. In most cases this is what happened. But sometimes it turns out that all the deadlines have passed, and the swelling not only does not subside, but continues to increase. It means that we're talking about about chalazion.

An eyelid chalazion is an inflammation of one of the meibomian glands located along the outer edge of the cartilage of the lower and upper eyelids. On each of them there are several dozen of these glands that produce fatty secretions. It is necessary to maintain the level of hydration of the eyeball, forming a thin fatty film on its surface.

Normally, the glands work constantly. But in rare cases, the exit duct becomes blocked for some reason, but secretion production does not stop. As a result, the resulting fat accumulates inside the gland, in a capsule that can reach the size of a pea, sometimes a little larger.

In a quarter of all cases, the blocked duct clears on its own and everything returns to normal. If this does not happen, the chalazion continues to grow, irritating the surface of the eye and eyelids. Because of constant pressure on eyeball Vision may even be temporarily impaired.

The most dangerous is considered to be the attachment of an infection to a chalazion. In this case, an abscess may begin - a process of suppuration in the cavity of the clogged gland. Which threatens many others more severe consequences– suppuration nearby organs and fabrics.

The most dangerous complication- inflammation of the cornea, which can lead to clouding and, as a result, blindness, complete or partial. But such a situation is very rare today. To prevent this, it is necessary to be able to distinguish between this disease and early stages and consult a doctor immediately.

Symptoms of eyelid chalazion

In the first days after the onset of chalazion disease of the upper and lower eyelids, it manifests itself in the same way as regular stye - with slight redness and swelling of the eyelid. There may be a burning sensation in this area and irritation. But after a few days these primary symptoms disappear, and a small compaction remains on the affected area, round, elastic and elastic, not fused with other tissues and painless on palpation.

There may be a small spot on the inside of the eyelid. This formation begins to slowly increase in size, irritating the eye and eyelids.

Such symptoms are also observed with chalazion of the upper and lower eyelids; there is no significant difference between them.

This disease can manifest itself in people of any gender and age. But more often young people suffer from it, because in more mature and old age sebaceous glands work much weaker, releasing less secretion.

People aged 40-45 years should pay special attention to chalazion. At this time, the risk of developing oncological tumors, in particular, tumors of the sebaceous glands.

In the early stages, this disease manifests itself in the same way as chalazion. Therefore, in these cases, the capsule is surgically removed, and samples of its contents are sent to cytological examination. The risk that it will be of an oncological nature is quite small, but due to serious and dangerous consequences, which can lead to cancer, it is better to exclude it altogether.


The eye disease chalazion develops when the meibomian gland duct is blocked, but what factors lead to this, say It's hard enough. Doctors still do not know the exact causes of chalazion. However, a number of factors have been identified that can increase this likelihood:

  • Frequent inflammatory diseases of the eye, in particular chronic blepharitis, conjunctivitis and others.
  • Barley. Inflammation of the sebaceous gland can also cause blockage of the canal, and hence the onset of chalazion.
  • Oily skin, excess sebum production.
  • Hormonal changes in the body, like natural ones ( teenage years or pregnancy), and pathological (diseases thyroid gland, diabetes of any type).
  • Weakened immunity. It doesn’t matter what exactly led to the deterioration protective functions organism, the only determining factor is that it cannot cope with external threats.
  • Wearing contact lenses. The need to constantly put on and take off contact lenses significantly increases the risk of infection on the surface of the eyeball.

But all these factors are indirect and can only increase the likelihood of developing this disease, partially provoke it, but do not guarantee its onset.

Treatment of chalazion on the eye

How to treat chalazion on the eye? This disease is easily diagnosed based on external examination and palpation. One of characteristic features- difficulty blinking.

Once the disease is diagnosed, it is necessary to choose a treatment regimen. There are three most popular regimens: classic, corticosteroid injections and surgical removal.

The classic treatment regimen for chalazion of the lower and upper eyelid is used for small and developing formations.

In this case use A complex approach, which may consist of the use of several types of drugs and various procedures:

  • Bactericidal drops. You need to put them in your eyes several times a day. This will significantly reduce the risk of infections.
  • Ointments for chalazion. Yellow mercury and similar ointments are placed under the eyelid, which helps to expand and clear the gland duct.
  • – itching, burning, specific twitching.. Dry heat, UV irradiation, hot compresses help open the ducts and release the chalazion from its contents.
  • Massage. Gentle circular movements help with resorption.

If this regimen does not help, corticosteroid injections may be prescribed. The drugs are injected with a thin needle directly into the chalazion cavity through the inner surface of the eyelids. As a rule, after this, after a few days, it completely resolves.

If this method does not help, then surgical removal of the chalazion capsule and all its contents is used. The operation is performed in a hospital setting and under local anesthesia. It takes 20-30 minutes, including preparation.

After the introduction of anesthesia, the eye quickly loses sensitivity. The affected area is grabbed with a special window clamp. A small incision is made from the inner surface of the eyelid with a scalpel, through which the capsule and all its contents are removed. After this, the incision is sutured and a sterile dressing is applied.

The operation to remove a chalazion is one of the simplest and safest, but it can also have a number of consequences: swelling of the eye, hematomas, inflammatory processes, and so on. To reduce the risk, it is necessary to follow the rules of postoperative hygiene and follow medical recommendations.

In general, most cases of chalazion can be successfully treated, but relapses can sometimes occur. In this case, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, normalize lifestyle and get rid of outbreaks chronic infections in organism.

Watch the video for the operation to remove a chalazion using a laser from the lower eyelid.

The eye disease chalazion is a very common phenomenon among children and adults. Neoplasms in the form of a “hailstone” or “grain” can arise due to various reasons. Chalazion of the upper eyelid does not provide it to the “owner” of strong discomfort, But running form The disease can be accompanied by many other complications. A tumor on the eye must be treated promptly and prevented further development pathology.

What is a chalazion on the eye?

A benign formation on the upper or lower eyelid is formed due to stagnation of fatty secretion produced by the meibomian gland. Blockage of the duct leads to the formation of a hard roundness with clear edges. In the first stages of tumor development, there are no noticeable changes in the patient’s condition, but accumulation sebaceous secretion promotes activation of the purulent process inside the tumor, provoking the formation of a small fibrous formation in the area of ​​the gland.

Symptoms on the upper eyelid

A chalazion may appear close to the surface of the eyelid or located near the edge of the cartilage. The disease has a benign chronic course. At the initial stage, a solid neoplasm can easily be confused with barley. Distinctive feature“hailstones” is its localization: the capsule is located just above the edge of the eyelids. Often, the neoplasm can rupture on its own, releasing purulent contents. In this case, you must immediately take measures to disinfect the affected area. The following signs indicate a chalazion of the upper eyelid:

  • lacrimation;
  • redness of the eyelids;
  • formation of solid “hailstones”;
  • edema;
  • temperature increase.

Causes of sebaceous gland blockage

Chalazion often occurs in children who try to rub with dirty hands eyes. People over 40 years of age are also at risk for the development of eyelid inflammation: at this age there is a high risk of chalazion degeneration into malignant tumor. Avoid appearance various kinds ophthalmic and other health problems can be achieved through annual visits preventive examinations. Meibomian gland obstruction is caused by following reasons:

  • insufficient hand hygiene;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • prolonged wearing of contact lenses;
  • cold;
  • dermatitis;
  • avitaminosis;
  • barley;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment of inflammation of the sebaceous glands

At the first signs of chalazion formation, you should immediately consult a doctor, who will perform a qualified examination of the inflamed eyelid and prescribe required course treatment. It is difficult to carry out adequate treatment of the disease at home, so do not postpone a visit to the ophthalmologist. Timely appeal for help will help eliminate the problem at the initial stage of its development, eliminate the occurrence serious complications.

Eye drops

Conservative therapy necessarily includes treatment of chalazion with drops, the most effective of which are Floxal, Tobrex, and Tsipromed. In case of redness or itching, it is recommended antihistamines. If these measures do not help to cope with inflammation in the eyelid, then the injection of steroid drugs into the “body” of the chalazion is used. In most cases, after injections, the node begins to gradually dissolve.


At the first stage of development of fibrous formation on the eyelid, the doctor, as a rule, prescribes antibiotics in the form of ointments: “Tetracycline” “Floxal”. These drugs are successfully used for the treatment of styes and chalazions. Average duration Therapy with eye ointments is 7 days, but the course of treatment can last 14-20 days. The use of hydrocortisone ointment should not exceed 10 days.

Folk remedies

Facilities alternative medicine have proven their effectiveness in treatment many times various pathologies. Chalazion therapy in this case comes down to massage procedures and rinsing. herbal infusions. Good results showed the application of a small piece of “dough” consisting of flour and honey to the pathological bulge. You should not believe conspiracies and other methods whose effectiveness has not been proven. By proven means traditional medicine are:

  1. Honey drops. For getting the required solution you need to mix boiled warm water with honey in a ratio of 5:1. Place drops into the affected eye 4 times a day. The duration of the course lasts until the symptoms of chalazion completely disappear.
  2. Aloe. fresh leaf cut and apply to the inflamed eyelid several times a day. Repeat the procedure until the tumor resolves.
  3. Homeopathy remedies. This treatment method suggests using “Staphysagria” and “Gepar Sulfur 200”. The dosage of drugs and duration of treatment are determined individually based on general condition the patient's body.

Features of treatment of chalazion in a child

Frail children's body susceptible to various types of inflammation and infections. Resist pressure pathogenic flora It is possible by adhering to basic hygiene rules and taking measures to increase the child’s immunity. Often, inflammation of the upper eyelid can be accompanied by multiple chalazions and have subsequent relapses.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that neoplasms on the eyelids are formed due to deep internal reasons and are only external manifestations underlying disease. The pediatrician does not recommend heating the chalazion for the following reason: possible development secondary infection. Treatment of chalazion in children is based on the use of drops and ointments. Severe cases inflammations must be removed surgically.

Chalazion removal on the upper eyelid

Surgery to remove a chalazion is prescribed if there are no results from the use conservative therapy. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and takes about 15-20 minutes. Before surgery, the entire surface of the face on the side of the diseased eye is treated. At the end of the operation, the affected eyelid is treated with corticosteroid ointment, and a pressure bandage.

The contents of the capsule must be sent for histological examination. In any case, elimination of chalazion without surgery is the preferred direction in the treatment of the disease. A good alternative to a scalpel is laser chalazion removal. The procedure is practically bloodless and eliminates the occurrence of relapses of the disease. The only thing postoperative condition– do not wet your eyes.

Video: how to treat chalazion

When the meibomian glands become blocked, a chalazion occurs in the upper or lower eyelid. These glands are located on the edge of the eyelid - they are a kind of sebaceous glands that are slightly modified. Pathology is benign education round shape with clear contours.

When the meibomian glands work normally, they produce a secretion that moisturizes the cornea of ​​the eye and prevents friction between the eyelids. When the gland channels become clogged, this secretion accumulates, resulting in the formation of a tumor.

Symptoms of the disease

At first, the symptoms of a chalazion are very similar to those of a stye: swelling occurs, which is a little painful and irritated, but very soon such symptoms disappear, and at the site of the swelling a small swelling appears, which begins to grow.

Over time, this formation reaches the size of a pea and becomes dense. If you turn your eyelid out and look at it reverse side , then there is a spot there - red or gray. Some patients complain of itching and watery eyes. A chalazion can appear on one or two eyelids at once. Besides the feeling foreign object

in the eye in the initial stages of the disease, patients rarely complain of other symptoms. If treatment is not carried out, an inflammatory process may soon develop, which ends in suppuration. The abscess puts pressure on the eyeball and visual perception

is violated.

If the abscess breaks through, a fistula will appear in its place, around which the skin turns red and a hard crust appears. To prevent this from happening, treatment of such a disease should be carried out in the initial stages.

What does a chalazion look like?

Causes of blocked glands

  • The following factors contribute to gland blockage:
  • prolonged wearing of contact lenses;
  • hormonal disbalance; decline immune defense
  • body;
  • hypothermia;
  • diabetes;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • low-quality cosmetics;
  • untreated barley;
  • increased secretion production;

lack of vitamins and minerals.

The risk group includes people over 40 years of age. However, children also often suffer from this disease. If there are disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it can also develop. This is facilitated by chronic gastritis

and dysbacteriosis. Treatment of any formation on the upper eyelid should be carried out by a specialist - an ophthalmologist.

Diagnostics If the patient seeks consultation at the initial stage of the disease, then the ophthalmologist only needs to visual inspection

, after establishing the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment. If the doctor observes advanced stage , then it is necessary to carry out biomicroscopy, histological analysis and differential diagnosis

. If treatment is no longer effective, the chalazion is removed.

Treatment A quarter of patients with a chalazion on the upper eyelid do not feel any unpleasant symptoms

and do not carry out any treatment, while the disease goes away on its own. But this does not happen to everyone, so the rest undergo treatment. When treating at home, you can apply hot compresses, followed by an eye massage.

To make a compress, you need to warm the napkins in hot water. Do not apply scalding wipes; the temperature should be comfortable for the skin.

Apply compresses for 15-20 minutes several times a day. The massage is done with circular movements, which are directed downward if the chalazion is located on the upper eyelid, and upward if the formation is on the lower eyelid. The massage is carried out for a minute and also helps in opening the gland ducts and allowing the contents to come out.

Perhaps the doctor will recommend injections steroid drugs. They help relieve inflammation a couple of weeks after the injection. The doctor independently injects the medicine into the center of the formation on the inside of the eyelid.

Provided that the chalazion has big sizes, greatly bothers the patient and occurs periodically, it is proposed to remove it. The formation is incised and curettage is performed - curettage.

This procedure is performed only by specialists. To prevent the patient from feeling pain, it is done local anesthesia. The removal procedure takes no more than half an hour, after which the patient is prescribed eye ointment With antibacterial properties. For a week after surgery, the eyelid may swell and bruises may occur.

An alternative to surgery may be. The doctor cuts the capsule with a laser beam and its contents are evaporated. This method is safer and less traumatic.

After such removal there is no need to apply stitches, the wound is guaranteed not to become infected, and the recovery process will take less time.

If, despite proper treatment, the chalazion occurs again, then it is worth undergoing full diagnostics the therapist may have another disease, for example, a skin pathology, that predisposes to the development of this disease. In extremely rare cases, a chalazion may be malignant in origin.

Laser treatment

Chalazion in a child

Occurs frequently due to the following reasons:

  • children touch their eyes with dirty hands and do not always maintain eye hygiene,
  • Frequent colds and decreased immunity are also characteristic of childhood.

As in adults, children may experience single or multiple lesions. When a chalazion is located at the edge of the eyelid, it is easy to notice, but if the formation arose closer to the cartilaginous part of the eyelid, then you will not notice it right away.

In children, the chalyazin often opens on its own, and the fat plug comes out, but there are cases when the formation degenerates into a cyst. How If parents take you to an ophthalmologist, the more likely it is that the treatment will be conservative. Most often, the doctor prescribes ointments and drops, and also prescribes physiotherapeutic procedures.

Chalazion in children


If the tumor grows too much, it will put pressure on the eye cornea. This process can cause serious complications:

  • blurred vision;
  • astigmatism;
  • inflammation and clouding of the cornea, which can lead to loss of vision - complete or partial;
  • an abscess if an infection gets into the area of ​​formation.

Before and after removal

Prevention of disease

Hygiene is the main prevention of chalazion. It is necessary to wash off makeup before going to bed, do not touch your eyes with dirty hands, wear contact lenses, and follow all the rules.

In addition, it is necessary to boost immunity, use high-quality cosmetics, completely treat barley, treat chronic and immune diseases. At the first manifestations of chalazion, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist.

Traditional methods

If you decide to treat the disease folk ways, you should still go for a consultation with an ophthalmologist, he will tell you which methods can be used in your case and which cannot. Moreover, we must not forget that traditional methods treatment is just additional measures , which will complement drug treatment

  1. . The most effective “grandmother’s recipes”:
  2. Aloe juice. It is necessary to cut the leaf of the plant, rinse it well and squeeze the juice out of it. This juice should be instilled into the affected eye five times a day, four drops each. After which the eye should be closed and lightly massaged. Salt. Regular table salt
  3. heat in a frying pan, then transfer it to a bag made of natural fabric. While the salt has not cooled, apply the bag to your eye for 3-7 minutes. This way you will provoke the opening of the abscess and the cleansing of the glandular ducts. It must be said that the benefit of this method is rather dubious, because in some cases, heating can cause secondary infection, and the situation will get worse. Boric acid. With this remedy you need to apply compresses to the eyes. Some traditional healers
  4. After this, it is advised to apply fresh cottage cheese wrapped in a napkin to the sore eye.
  5. Calendula. This plant is also used for compresses on a sore eye. Pour two tablespoons of the raw material into a glass of boiling water and hold for half an hour, then soak a tampon in the infusion and apply it to the affected eye for a few minutes. Calendula disinfects well and relieves inflammation.
  6. Chamomile and sage. In the same way as calendula infusion, you can prepare an infusion pharmaceutical chamomile or sage. These plants also have anti-inflammatory properties.
  7. Dill. Grind the dill and pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon, let it brew, and then apply a tampon soaked in the infusion to the eye.

As for children, folk methods should be used with extreme caution in relation to them - many medicinal herbs may cause allergic reactions. Be healthy!
