Fistula on the leg treatment. Fistula on the gum: treatment at home. Postoperative fistula and its treatment

A fistula is a canal that connects hollow organs or a tumor to each other or tissues located quite deep with outer surface bodies. It is very dangerous and should never be left untreated. Let's look at how to treat a fistula.

Causes of fistula formation

Fistula can be congenital or acquired. The first type may arise due to pathology intrauterine development, and the second type occurs due to organ diseases. They can be divided into the following forms:

  • Purulent. They can arise due to past inflammatory processes. As a result, pus is released at the site of the lesion. This could be a broken bone, a gunshot wound, or a shrapnel getting into the tissue.
  • Salivary. Occurs after an inflammatory process parotid gland With large release saliva.
  • Postoperative. Occurs after surgical complications.
  • Artificial. Such fistulas are created artificially by necessary indications, for example, when the patient cannot swallow food on his own.

Treatment and prevention

In order to know how to cure a fistula, you need to know the cause of its occurrence. Basically they are treated surgically. In this case, the inflammatory focus and the epithelial cover through which it passes are removed. At congenital fistulas urgently required surgical intervention, otherwise the child may die. Prevention of fistula implies the prevention of infectious diseases, for this you must follow certain rules during surgery. Congenital fistula cannot be prevented.

You can treat fistula with folk remedies. For this purpose, various emulsions, ointments and solutions are prepared. Here are a few recipes.

  • You need to take 3 tbsp. spoons of St. John's wort and pour one glass of water. Boil for a few minutes. Place the resulting herbal pulp in cellophane, and place the finished compress on the affected area. This procedure must be done regularly until all the pus comes out.
  • Mumiyo is diluted in water and aloe juice is added. The resulting ointment is applied to a bandage and applied to the affected area.
  • Making baths from infusion kombucha and plantain. Plantain roots must be crushed and poured hot water and boil for about 20 minutes. The cooled solution must be combined with kombucha kvass. Pour the solution into the bath and immerse the affected area for five minutes.

If you have a fistula, traditional treatment can bring significant benefits. There are a huge number of such recipes.

Rectal fistula

Let's look at how to cure rectal fistula. This chronic inflammation V anal gland which is caused past illness paraproctitis – inflammatory process perirectal fat tissue. A purulent fluid is released from the wound, which causes discomfort and pain in a person. Sometimes the temperature may rise. To treat it, surgery is required. If the disease process is started, it occurs general weakness, drowsiness, decreased performance. Therefore, it is not recommended to delay such treatment; drastic measures should be taken decisively.

Patients often wonder whether rectal fistula can be cured with folk remedies. This option is possible, for this you need to prepare an ointment:

  • Oak bark
  • Flax flowers
  • Water pepper herb
  • Lard

Oak bark and grass must be crushed. Place the chopped herbs in a container and pour melted pork lard. In this case, the ratio of lard to herbs is taken in the proportion of 1:2. Place the container in the oven over low heat. The mixture should be in the oven for half a day. After the ointment is ready, you need to make tampons and apply them. Tampons should be changed every five hours.

Now you know everything about how to treat a fistula. This information will allow you to get rid of painful sensations. Be healthy!

What is a fistula? This is a pathologically formed channel (tube) connecting a hollow organ or tumor with environment or two organs (or cavities) between themselves. There is always secretion or exudate in the cavity of such a fistula, which maintains constant inflammation of the fistula. Spontaneous cure of this pathology is impossible, a favorable outcome ( full recovery) is only possible with surgical intervention.

Anal fistula

The term “anal fistula” is usually used to designate a pathologically formed passage connecting the rectum and an opening formed on the skin in the anal area. Such a fistula passes through the perirectal tissue and opens with one or more holes. The disease is complicated by the fact that the process spontaneously becomes inflamed by feces entering the cavity of the fistula and is located inside the perirectal tissue, which is easily infected. Methods of conservative elimination of pathology rarely bring results when paraproctitis occurs, and even more so the formation of a fistula requires contacting a surgeon - proctologist.

Causes of the disease

To understand the pathophysiology of the process, it is necessary to determine what causes the fistula. The reasons for the formation of a pathological message can be specific - as a consequence of certain diseases:

  • tuberculosis infection;
  • actinomycosis;
  • malignant and benign formations rectum;
  • fiber injury;
  • unsuccessful surgical interventions for various diseases.

Most common cause fistula formation nonspecific factors, namely (inflammation in one of the crypts of the anal canal).

Important! When self-medicating acute paraproctitis there is a high probability of fistula formation after spontaneous opening of the abscess.

Are rectal fistulas dangerous?

Besides unpleasant symptoms rectal fistula poses a risk of developing the following complications posing a threat to the health and life of the patient:

  1. blood poisoning (sepsis);
  2. formation of scars in the tissue along the pathological canal, which leads to spontaneous discharge feces and intestinal gases;
  3. formation of scars along the walls anus, which is expressed in the painful act of defecation and minor bleeding with each stool;
  4. rectal fistulas can degenerate into cancer(rectal cancer).

Even without development serious complications rectal fistulas worsen the patient’s quality of life, making normal social life impossible due to the constant leakage of feces, accompanied by a characteristic odor.


An anal fistula has its own characteristics during the course of the disease, depending on the location, the number of holes and branches, the presence pathological processes along the channel and the stage of inflammation.

Types of fistulas depending on location

The modern classification describes fistulas taking into account the factors listed above.

According to the location of the openings of the fistula:

  • a complete fistula originates in the rectum and ends with an outlet on the skin in the anus. The fistula can be simple (1 inlet and 1 outlet connected by a straight tube) and complex (has 2 or more inlets, forms an extensive network of tubes in the near-intestinal tissue and ends with one or more “holes” in the anus);
  • incomplete is characterized by incomplete breakthrough of the abscess, an opening from the rectum with the formation of a blind canal in the perirectal tissue. This state is transitional and further inflammation will break through either outside or into the intestinal cavity;
  • An internal fistula is characterized by the presence of an inlet and outlet opening in the cavity of the rectum, the channel between the openings is located in the intestinal tissue.

By location relative to the sphincter:

  1. Intrasphincteric course. This type of rectal fistula is treated conservative methods does not move, is located along the edge of the anus and has a straight course;
  2. The transsphincteric fistula has many passages, pockets and a tortuous course. Leads to the formation of scars along the “tube” near the intestinal space, passes through the sphincter muscles, deforming it, which is accompanied by the formation of incontinence;
  3. extrasphincteric. It originates above the sphincter, without affecting its muscles, and exits through one or more openings at the anus.

Advice. If acute paraproctitis occurs, you should immediately contact a proctologist surgeon for the purpose of excision and full treatment. With absence timely assistance During paraproctitis, a fistula forms, which significantly worsens the prognosis.

The tactics of patient management will depend on the type of fistula, the degree of its development and localization.


Rectal fistula is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • the feeling of itching and discomfort in the anal area persists long time;
  • the patient is bothered by the discharge of pus or ichor, accompanied by a foul odor. Discharge is found on underwear and skin. Constant washing and anti-inflammatory sitz baths together with wearing protective pads only slightly reduce unpleasant manifestations. A person cannot lead a normal life and work under normal conditions;
  • there is pain in the anus when straining, during stool, coughing or sitting;
  • at times there is an increase in body temperature.

Important. The course of the disease is wave-like and has periods of remission and exacerbation; the longer the process remains unresolved, there big square near intestinal fiber is involved in the pathological process.

Exacerbation of the disease and the formation of fresh foci of infection is accompanied by common features intoxication: decreased performance, weakness, drowsiness due to insomnia, increased body temperature.

When a rectal fistula forms, the symptoms in men do not differ from those in women, however, in most cases there is a decrease in potency followed by the formation of erectile dysfunction.


After making a diagnosis, the doctor chooses a management strategy for the patient. Treatment of fistula will depend on the form of the disease and the degree of its development, the presence of complications and concomitant diseases body. Given the need surgical intervention at in serious condition patient or serious inflammatory processes in the body is prescribed drug therapy aimed at eliminating these factors. After eliminating the life-threatening situation, surgery is scheduled.

The doctor decides how to treat a rectal fistula individually with each patient; this or that decision is influenced not only by the condition and shape of the fistula, but also by the capabilities of the surgeon. During the period of exacerbation it is possible local treatment(baths, ointments, powders), which consists in protecting skin from the negative effects of secreted secretions and the use of antibiotics to relieve the inflammatory process. After cupping acute course held surgical treatment in order to heal the resulting fistula.


This technique is used for primary fistulas, mainly subcutaneous and intersphincteric.

The fistulectomy technique is as follows: a surgical probe is inserted into the fistula canal through an internal or external opening, after which the specialist carries out tissue dissections along the entire length of the canal for the purpose of tissue fusion. This method usually does not disrupt the function of the sphincter, except in severe and advanced cases.

The granulation tissue lining the canal is removed using a surgical curette. Complete excision of the canal edges helps prevent relapses of the pathology.

Ligature method

Complicated rectal fistula suggests more complex operation, used independently or in conjunction with fistulectomy.

A ligature (drainage material, it can be a thin tube or a silk thread) is inserted into the lumen of the canal and passed along the entire fistula. The ligature allows you to navigate the volume of the affected tissue. The introduction of drainage allows you to speed up the regeneration process due to the outflow of exudate and control over the closure of the inlet and outlet.

Indications for choosing the ligature method:

  • complex and branched fistulas;
  • multiple formation of fistulas (2 or more);
  • relapse after fistulectomy;
  • decreased sphincter tone, determined before surgery;
  • immunity disorder.

Relocation of the skin flap

The method is chosen for high fistulas and frequent relapses after excision. In this type of operation, the entire affected surface is excised and a flap is then placed on the affected surface. The method is not valid when acute inflammation and some diseases of internal organs.

Treatment with fibrin glue

The technique is acceptable for simple fistula on early stage development. Fibrin glue is injected into the fistula cavity to promote rapid regeneration. If there is no effect from this type of treatment, excision of the edges of the fistula is prescribed, using or without a ligature, at the discretion of the surgeon.

Laser processing

An anal fistula is subjected to laser treatment; treatment is possible with simple, uncomplicated processes. The effectiveness of this procedure exceeds 80% of the procedures performed, complete cure without relapses and all kinds of complications.

Important. Treatment of fistula at home using methods traditional medicine not acceptable. The longer the process remains unattended by a specialist, the more difficult it will be to get rid of the pathological process.

Postoperative period

After excision of a rectal fistula, the patient requires medical supervision and additional treatment throughout the entire postoperative period.

Early postoperative period(2-4 days) analgesics are prescribed to reduce pain.

You must adhere to this for about a week after surgery. special diet(the first days are liquid food followed by the introduction of more serious dishes).

Until the wound heals, you should take sitz anti-inflammatory baths at least 3 times a day, additionally after each bowel movement.

If signs of inflammation occur, you should consult your doctor, namely:

  • hyperthermia (an increase in body temperature indicates the onset of inflammation);
  • difficulty having bowel movements or Bladder;
  • the appearance of gas or fecal incontinence;
  • the appearance and intensification of pain in the perineal area 3-4 days after surgery;
  • the occurrence of abdominal pain;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge.

Possible complications in the early and late postoperative period.

Usually they arise due to suppuration, which makes its way into the body, and not out, and then opens. Such ducts do not become overgrown due to the fact that some kind of secretions constantly pass through them. Fistula is often treated with folk remedies - this is an additional and very effective procedure, which will not keep you waiting long for the result.

Ligature fistulas

This is usually late complications on the part of the wound, developing as a result of suppuration, eventration and infiltrates of surgical scars. Immediate cause is implantation contamination due to microbial contamination of the suture material. Around the infected ligature appears infectious process with the formation of an inflammatory granuloma: inside there is a ligature and purulent exudate, around there is productive inflammation.

After opening the abscess, a long-functioning ligature fistula remains, the therapy of which can be continued at home using natural remedies. Separation or removal of the infected ligature ensures fast healing. In cases where the ligature cannot be detected with a clamp, patients undergo fistulography. After this, depending on the fistulogram data, an operation is performed: the scar is excised along with the granuloma, and therapy can be prescribed by a doctor at home under normal conditions; the defect in the aponeurosis is sutured with a removable suture or absorbable suture material.

Features of prevention:

  • careful control over the sterility of the suture material;
  • strict adherence to asepsis during surgery - good prevention ligature fistulas;
  • ligation of the crossed vessels should be carried out with minimal entrapment of surrounding tissues with thin threads of synthetic absorbable material (Dexon No. 3...4.0; Vicryl No. 3.0);
  • washing the wound is not natural means, and medical solutions before stitching it up and further qualitative disposal of the fistula;
  • with the exception of skin, when suturing a wound of the abdominal (chest) wall, synthetic material should be used suture material(Dexon, Vicryl No. 3.0, 1, 2), which prevents the appearance of a fistula;
  • with appropriate indications for prevention, use is justified antibacterial agents and drugs. To prevent the appearance of fistulas of this type, preference should be given to antiseptics (Sepronex, iodopirone, chlorhexidine, resorcinol - O.P. Sobeshchuk, A.P. Krasilnikov, A.A. Adarchenko, 2000).

Natural herbal treatment

Against it on the gums, use oil infused with eucalyptus leaves with one chopped onion. Apply the mixture once a day for 20 minutes. To heal any fistula, you will need the usual remedies. It is enough to take two parts of calendula color, yarrow flowers and grass, dandelion root, tansy grass and inflorescences. Grind all this in a meat grinder and add one part of Vishnevsky’s liniment, ichthyol ointment and calendula oil until a homogeneous mass is formed.

For cooking folk recipe With natural means Brew two tablespoons of St. John's wort with 1.5 cups of water. Express. Place the leaves on cellophane and wrap the sore spot. After the procedure, rinse with the remaining St. John's wort water. Apply the tincture until pus begins to come out.

Home therapy with olive oil and vodka. Take in equal amount olive oil and vodka, mix. The resulting mixture with by safe means wipe the place where the fistula is, apply on top cabbage leaf outer side. You need to use a compress for treatment two to three times a day. After two weeks you will feel better. Procedures cannot be skipped.

Traditional therapy with aloe

  • It has proven itself excellent in the fight against fistula and aloe. For this recipe, take twelve leaves from aloe (the flower must be older than two years), wash them in boiled water. Then chop them finely and place them in a liter jar. Add honey to the fistula composition - excellent remedy alternative medicine. Infuse in a dark place at home, but do not forget to stir once a day. After eight days, strain the tincture two to three times and take a teaspoon before meals three times a day.
  • Another method of treatment, simply at home, is a folk remedy with aloe for fistula - by adding mumiyo juice. Soak the mummy in water until it becomes dark in color, extract the juice from it and mix it with aloe juice (an excellent healing agent of unique medicine). Soak the bandage in the resulting liquid and apply it to the area with the fistula for a long period of the course.

Healing ointment for healing formations in the rectum and treating the vagina. To prepare the product you will need oak bark, flax flowers, water pepper herb, lard- a folk component that is found in many similar recipes. You finely chop all this and pour melted lard in a ratio of 1: 2. Place the container with this mixture in the oven over low heat for at least half a day. In your usual home conditions, when treating a fistula using folk remedies, make tampons, coat them with ointment and apply. Change every five hours.

Bladder suppuration

A fistula of this organ is an abnormal gap between the bladder and other organs. The most common are enterovesical fistula - with the intestine - or vesicovaginal fistula - with the vagina.

What to do?

Treatment of abnormal fistulas is possible only through surgery. Sometimes a bladder fistula is operated on in parallel with surgical elimination of the cause of the disease. The successful course of the operation and subsequent treatment of the fistula depends on the amount of healthy tissue around the hole. The presence of a healthy mucosa with normal blood circulation next to the operated surface makes it possible to eliminate the hole completely. If there is radiation or cancerous tissue damage, there is very little chance of a successful outcome of the operation. There is a possibility that a catheter will be placed inside the bladder after surgery for several weeks. There are no data yet on non-surgical repair of internal fistulas.

What are the main symptoms of a bladder fistula? Nowadays, diagnosing a fistula is not difficult. The main symptom of a fistula is discharge, which is used for diagnosis. The depth is checked using sounding. Using special reagents, the type of fistula is determined.

IN medical practice Urinary fistulas are divided into several types:

The most basic symptoms of a bladder fistula are considered to be frequent infections genitourinary system. If such symptoms occur, you should consult a specialist and undergo diagnostics using:

  • urografin,
  • X-ray contrast study.

There are cases when the formation of “passages” occurs as a result of injury or operations on nearby organs or the organ itself, also occur pathological changes because of congenital anomalies or related to the profession. But the main reason and the most common are inflammatory diseases organs of the genitourinary and excretory system. After operations to remove malignant and benign tumors, found on the pelvic organs, or surgical intervention to eliminate other pathologies, abnormal openings may also appear - bladder fistulas.

The term "fistula" refers to an abnormal connection between two biological surfaces, such as organs, blood vessels or intestines. This abnormal connection is tube-shaped and can appear in many places and in various variations, although anorectal fistulas are the most common. The most common treatment is surgery, although some lifestyle changes may also help. We'll discuss all the options below, starting with step 1.


Part 1

Lifestyle change
  1. Eat a balanced diet. Taking care of your diet helps maintain a healthy stomach and digestive tract. Just avoiding spicy food, fast food and fatty foods, you will do yours digestive system healthy and less prone to problems. Choose whole grain, green leafy vegetables, fruits and lean meats.

    • Adding fiber and grains to your diet will help soften your stool and make bowel movements easier.
    • Try to find out which food causes allergies or upset stomach. Remember that there is no clear rule - each person is individual.
    • Fat can increase the likelihood of blocking the fistula tunnel and thus can cause the formation of a perianal abscess, a major cause of pain in people suffering from fistulas.
  2. Drink more water. It is recommended to drink one and a half liters of water per day unless your doctor says otherwise. Stop drinking alcohol and carbonated drinks; it is better to consume them instead large quantity water and fruit juice. This will help prevent possible constipation, which puts pressure on the fistula.

    • Excess water will soften stools and help cleanse the intestines; this is why if you drink a lot of water, you feel the need to go to the toilet more often.
    • Water also prevents the intestines from clogging, especially in patients suffering from certain diseases of the digestive system, such as Crohn's disease, toxic megacolon, etc. In patients with fistulas, water makes the pus more watery and thus reduces the possibility of abscess formation.
  3. Use pillows. If your job requires sitting for long hours, avoid putting extra pressure on your back, buttocks, and legs, especially if you have an anal fistula. This can be done by sitting on a cushion or thought cushion instead of a regular chair.

    • It doesn't matter what others think - your comfort is most important. Try to avoid situations where you will not be comfortable sitting or bring a pillow with you.
  4. Use absorbent pads. If the fistula is causing discharge, wear soft, absorbent pads so you don't have to worry about blood, pus, or fistula fluid leaking because the pads will act as absorbent surfaces.

    • Adult incontinence pads are also suitable, although they are a little bulky and self-conscious. The pads are thinner and much easier to use.
  5. Maintain personal hygiene. Wash after each bowel movement or after each trip to the toilet. Bacteria should not remain on the skin - this is the first step in caring for the infection. This rule is doubly true in public restrooms and if you are incontinent.

    • If you're out and about and can't do this, always have some tissues ready to use while you can't get home. Your hands experience the most exposure to germs and therefore need to stay clean.
    • Change your underwear according to at least once a day. Also change your towels every time you bathe. This will help prevent the spread of germs and bacterial growth, which can help reduce perianal irritation and thus help in eliminating the irritating symptoms experienced by people with fistulas.
  6. Take painkillers. Ibuprofen, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), is a pain reliever most commonly used to treat pain from fistulas. Anorectal fistulas are often accompanied by constant, throbbing pain that becomes seriously worse when the person sits down. To help manage this, talk to your doctor about what dosage is best for you.

    • WITH medical point vision, pain is a complication of blocking the fistula passage. Locked fistulous tract accumulates pus rather than getting rid of it, a process that will eventually lead to the formation of an abscess, or the accumulation of pus near the surface of the skin.
    • Pain may also be accompanied an unpleasant feeling in the perianal area due to leakage of pus.
  7. Strengthen immune system. Maintenance healthy eating and eating foods rich in omega-3, omega-6, and vitamin C, such as fish, olive oil and citrus fruits, will help strengthen the immune system and reduce the level of inflammation caused by the fistula. You can also take biologically active additives if your doctor thinks it's worth doing.

    • Exercises, consumption large quantity water, good dream and maintaining good hygiene will also help you maintain your health. And if you have any bad habits- like smoking - consider this a reason to give it up.
  8. Be active. If your condition does not interfere with simple light exercise such as slow walking, do it for your health and to reduce stress. Stress can affect your overall mood and can cause stomach problems and irritation. This in turn affects the digestive system and your eating habits overall, which creates a vicious circle.

    • Always stop for a while to catch your breath if you feel pain or are unable to continue what you are doing. This is your body telling you that it cannot handle the stress it is putting on you.
    • Ask your doctor to recommend any types of light exercise you can do. Even at home, you can practice yoga, which is recommended by many doctors for calming, relieving stress and fighting depression. It also improves your mood and overall health.

    Part 2

    1. Visit your doctor. The diagnosis is made based on visual inspection. After a visual examination, it is necessary to do a sigmoidoscopy to exclude Crohn's disease. However, to find out all the details of your illness, the doctor will also perform one or more of the following tests:

      • Computed tomography (CT). Especially in patients with Crohn's disease, CT scan shows the inflammatory stage before possible education fistula, and also shows abscess cavities to determine the need for surgical intervention.
      • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This useful method to identify any intestinal fistula, as it indicates the presence of inflammatory changes or fluid accumulation in the fistula tube.
      • Fistulography. This x-ray method, at which outside the fistula is inserted contrast agent to clarify the location of the fistula and how deep in the tissues it is located, which will help in choosing treatment.
      • Ultrasound. In combination with a physical examination, ultrasound can be used to determine the presence of an abscess or fluid collection in the fistula tube.
      • Cystoscopy. This test helps with intravesical fistula, which connects the intestine to the bladder.
      • Microbiological tests. To determine signs of infection, especially in the presence of an abscess and in the case of colovesical fistulas, it may be necessary to bacteriological examination urine.
    2. Have surgery. The most common treatment for fistulas is a surgical procedure called “fistula dissection.” This process involves removing the fistula and suctioning out the pus or fluid contained within it. Fistula dissection is effective in more than 85% of cases.

      • When cutting rectal fistulas, a procedure known as endorectal proctoplasty will be used. During this operation, the surrounding healthy tissue will be moved within the fistula cavity to prevent feces from blocking the cavity if the infection recurs.
      • Satin stitching (placing a tube into the fistula cavity to close it while drainage) is also used when dissecting the fistula. Typically, this procedure requires several visits to the doctor until recovery and until the stitches fall out.
    3. Be especially careful if your fistula is located near your esophagus. Fistulas between the esophagus and the tracheal-bronchial tree are considered life-threatening and require immediate and permanent treatment. If left untreated, they can cause chronic lung abscesses and fatal pneumonia. Treatment is provided using medical procedures, such as:

      • Dilatation of the esophagus. This method, however, is falling out of favor because it rarely remains effective for more than a few days.
      • Mesh made of flexible metal thread. They are most effective in maintaining the patency and structure of the esophagus. #*Mesh made of plastic threads. They can also be used to close trachea-esophageal fistulas; some also have a valve that prevents reflux when the fistula is near the esophageal sphincter.
    4. Make a follow-up visit to your doctor. It is incredibly important to follow your doctor's instructions after surgery, especially if you have chronic inflammatory conditions such as Crohn's disease. In these cases, fistulas are simply side effect and the actual cause must be addressed.

      • There are other issues directly related to intestinal fistulas that the patient should be aware of and monitor. Sepsis must be avoided by treating manifestations of infection such as inflammation in the tissue surrounding the fistula; monitor the drainage of the fistula and take proper care of the skin to keep nearby tissue healthy.
      • Proper nutrition can be achieved by introducing parenteral nutrition(intravenous, drip), which is highly recommended for serious fistulas. This will prevent possible problem with malnutrition.
    5. Take antibiotics with your doctor's approval. The use of antibiotics can help minimize the chances of infection in the fistula area, especially if intestinal fistulas. Increased level white blood cells indicates the presence of an infection that may need to be treated with an appropriate antibiotic.

      • Antibiotics should not be taken on a whim unless your doctor tells you to do so. The fact is that most patients with fistulas suffer from colon disorders/diseases, some of which are caused by improper use of antibiotics.
      • The use of antibiotics should only be considered to treat the fistula infection and relieve symptoms such as strong pain with or without abscess, skin irritation in the form of redness and if heat lasts for more than 24 hours.
      • Fistulas can be treated initially with metronidazole and ciprofloxacin or vancomycin. 250-500 mg of metronidazole should be taken every 8 hours; 125-250 mg of vancomycin - every 6 hours or three times a day an hour after meals.

It often happens that an infection that progresses inside seeks a way out. This especially happens after surgery. Let's look at why this happens and how the resulting fistula is treated after surgery.

Fistula - what is it?

A fistula is a canal that connects body cavities or hollow organs to each other or to external environment. It is lined with epithelium, and through it pus comes out, or the canal is lined with granulation tissue. If this does not happen, then a purulent fistula forms.

Such a process may be the result of some inflammatory process in the body or a consequence of surgery.

Types of fistulas

Depending on where the fistula is located, they are divided into:

  • Gastric fistula.
  • Rectal.
  • Rectovaginal fistula.
  • Duodenal.
  • Bronchial.

The fistula can be complete or incomplete. A complete one has two holes and is treated faster, since it has a way out; an incomplete one, having one hole, further develops the inflammatory process, the number of bacteria increases.

The fistula can be labiform or tubular. Labial can only be treated with surgery.

If we consider the process of formation, then a granulating fistula is one that is not yet fully formed, while a tubular one is already lined with epithelium and is fully formed.

What are the reasons for the appearance of a fistula after surgery?

There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

The last point is the most common reason why a fistula appears after surgery. There are also several explanations for this:

  • Non-sterile suture material.
  • The body's reaction to a foreign body.

The fistula on the suture after surgery forms a seal from the suture thread itself, fibrous tissue and collagen fibers.

How to recognize the appearance of a fistula after surgery?

Since this is primarily an inflammatory process, it is necessary to recognize a fistula after surgery characteristic symptoms not difficult. They are:

If you experience such symptoms, you need to see a doctor immediately, otherwise the infectious process may spread to your organs or cause blood poisoning.

Diagnosis of fistula

Diagnosing a fistula after surgery is not difficult, since it can be seen visually if it is external. The doctor, after listening to the patient and examining him, pays attention first of all to:

  • Quantity and quality of discharge.
  • The size of the fistula, its color.
  • If the fistula is interorgan, then pay attention to the work neighboring organs, especially if there are changes.

In order to find out the length and direction of the fistula canal, probing and radiography are used.

It is also necessary to do a series of tests that will confirm the type of fistula. The gastric will show the presence of hydrochloric acid, and uric - the presence of uric acid salts.

It happens that the suture may begin to fester a long time after the operation, so you need to find out the reason for this phenomenon.

If a fistula does appear after surgery, how to treat it?

Treatment of fistulas

For successful therapy, it is first necessary to:

As a rule, the wound begins to heal. If this does not happen, then surgical intervention is possible, in which excess granulation is removed, and the areas can be cauterized.

The newest method is the treatment of fistula after surgery using ultrasound. This method is considered the most gentle, but it is not fast.

IN severe cases if several fistulas have formed, excision is indicated postoperative scar fully. The infected suture material is removed and a new suture is placed.

Postoperative intervention

If you still failed to cure the fistula and had to resort to operational methods, then after surgery to remove the fistula, healing will take place within several weeks. The wound will heal faster if you provide it with complete rest and proper care.

After surgery for a rectal fistula, the doctor, as a rule, prescribes a diet so that the wound heals faster. After such operations, painkillers and antibiotics are required. The wound heals within a month; any physical activity is avoided.

The prognosis for treatment is usually good and the patient makes a full recovery.

Traditional methods of treatment

Of course, people always try to cure the disease at home. There are several recipes for treating fistulas with folk remedies. Here are some of them.

It is worth noting that if a fistula has formed after surgery, then treatment should be carried out under the supervision of doctors, and folk remedies- This is an addition to the main course.

Prevention of fistulas

In order to prevent fistulas from appearing after surgery, it is necessary:

  • First of all, observe the rules of asepsis during surgery.
  • All instruments and suture material must be sterile.
  • It is necessary to treat the wound before suturing it.
  • Vessel doping should occur with little tissue involvement.
  • Prescribe antibacterial drugs to prevent infections.
  • Everything needs to be treated infectious diseases, preventing the development of fistulas.