Severe alcohol poisoning symptoms. What are the dangers of alcohol poisoning? Alcohol poisoning: when does intoxication occur?

This scheme is known to everyone: drinking alcohol - intoxication - returning to a sober state. Alcoholic libations can turn into trouble for each of us. This is explained by the fact that any strong drink contains ethanol. This is a real poison for the body. Therefore, intoxication is equivalent to poisoning. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is important to study the symptoms of alcohol intoxication. Not everyone experiences alcohol poisoning the same way, but many of the signs are the same.

Alcohol intoxication: symptoms and consequences

Alcohol intoxication is divided into three degrees: light, medium (moderate) and severe. Many people believe that alcohol poisoning is a must bad feeling, pain and other “joys”. However, narcologists call any intoxication with alcohol alcohol intoxication. It’s just that in mild cases the human body copes relatively easily on its own, but in the most severe cases it reacts in such a way that the person needs medical assistance. Now let's look purely external signs effects of alcohol on the human body.

Mild alcohol toxicosis means a rise in mood, a feeling of euphoria. Even people who are unsociable by nature can become surprisingly talkative. If, in a sober state, a person treats one of his interlocutors with hostility, this may pass. In the same way, stiffness, feelings of fear, and shyness disappear. Purely outwardly mild alcohol intoxication reveals itself through the shine of the eyes, slight redness of the face and neck.

Moderate alcohol toxicosis significantly impairs coordination of movements. The well-known drunken gait appears, because of which a person is either forced to hold on to something (someone) or must sit still. It is almost impossible to maintain a conversation in this state, since the tongue becomes slurred. If at this moment some special event occurs (earthquake, accident), a person cannot assess it correctly. The behavior of the drinker is characterized by thoughtless actions and can become rude and aggressive.

Heavy alcohol poisoning– this is a complete loss of connection with reality. There is no control over actions, a person can fall asleep anywhere: right on the street, in the entrance, on the floor of the house. Memory fails to the point of complete amnesia. Sensitivity drops sharply. A drunk person may not feel the pain of an injury or realize that it is hot or cold around him. Disorientation of the body often leads to uncontrolled urination. Extreme overdose means death from cardiac arrest, cerebral hemorrhage, acute internal bleeding, as well as as a result of injuries from falls, accidents, and so on.

Alcohol intoxication, the symptoms of which are described above, can be very dangerous even in mild degree. Loss of control, careless behavior and the outburst of previously pent-up emotions often result in negativity. These are quarrels, fights, casual sex, injuries on the roads (for example, due to crossing the street at a red light).

What happens in the body drinking man With medical point vision? The mucous membranes of the mouth, esophagus and stomach receive minor burns and get irritated. Then the alcohol is digested, ethanol is absorbed into the blood. Since it is a poison, the body urgently mobilizes to neutralize it. The main “fighter” in this matter is the liver. It produces a special enzyme, acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, which breaks down ethanol into water and acetic acid.

Moving through the bloodstream, alcohol manages to affect every internal organ and system of a person:

  • The lungs work harder, the person breathes more often;
  • to remove ethanol, the kidneys literally draw fluid from the entire body, dehydration occurs;
  • the nervous system and brain become disoriented (hence disturbances in gait, speech, and perception).
  • If a person drinks too much alcohol, the body loses the ability to absorb and eliminate it. Then more may appear severe symptoms alcohol poisoning: temperature above normal, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Let's look at these signs in more detail.

    Temperature during alcohol intoxication

    An increase in body temperature during alcoholic libations has different reasons. The most likely is expansion blood vessels. The feeling of heat is usually imaginary; the thermometer is unlikely to show at least 37°C. One more regarding safe reason is an allergy to alcohol. Why relatively? If the body reacts with redness of the skin and itching, it is unpleasant, but can be survived. Laryngeal edema is much more dangerous and may require calling an ambulance. In addition, a person may have an individual intolerance to alcohol.

    Sometimes an increase in temperature means that drinking alcohol simply coincided unluckily with the onset of some disease, most often an acute respiratory infection or acute respiratory viral infection. Such a suspicion should appear if you feel a sore throat, runny nose or cough.

    If an increase in temperature is combined with nausea, vomiting and stool disorders, these are alarming indicators. Such symptoms indicate that alcohol poisoning has reached a high degree. If a person drank very little alcohol, it may have been Low quality. It is also impossible to completely exclude common food poisoning.

    Help measures

    The drinking of strong drinks has turned unpleasant symptoms? The first thing to do is not drink anymore. Then act according to the circumstances:

    Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea with alcohol intoxication- the situation is special. It is not always possible to cope with it on your own. Therefore, situations with severe alcohol poisoning require utmost attention and assistance, including medical assistance. The best option- Call an ambulance.

    Before the doctors arrive, you can take some measures. For example, rinse the stomach. To do this, you first need to drink a large amount of water and then induce vomiting. One time is often enough to improve your well-being.

    For your information:

    If the vomit contains blood, this indicates internal bleeding. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to rinse the stomach.

    A drunk person may pass out and choke on vomit. To prevent this, you need to lay it on its side. It is important to remember that loss of consciousness is dangerous. This condition is often caused by the use of alcohol substitutes. At this time, a person’s blood pressure may drop sharply, their heart may stop, and their breathing may stop. No less dangerous are convulsions and seizures similar to epileptic ones. When calling a doctor, it is imperative to clarify whether a person who has been poisoned by alcohol is conscious or not.

    After severe alcohol intoxication, it is important to cleanse the body after alcohol (this is a separate topic). The effects of alcohol poisoning can last for several days or even weeks. It is advisable to follow a diet, completely give up alcohol and take measures to similar cases did not repeat.

    How to avoid alcohol poisoning

    The simplest thing is to give up alcohol completely. However, convinced and complete sobriety is quite rare in our time. The next option is to follow the alcohol limit. Although some harm to the body will still be caused. And yet, occasionally drinking a glass of good wine can be considered less evil than a series of shots of vodka or several bottles of beer, and for any reason.

    1. Degrees of a strong drink, that is, its strength.
    2. Quality of alcohol.
    3. The general health of the drinker, his gender and age.
    4. Previous alcohol history.
    5. Drinking various alcoholic beverages during one gathering, especially with a decrease in the degree.
    6. Libations on empty stomach. Doctors strongly recommend that you first eat a quality and satisfying meal, and then take a drink.

    Alcohol intoxication is a very unpleasant and sometimes dangerous condition. You should try your best to avoid it.


    The information in the article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute instructions for use. Consult your healthcare provider.

    When alcohol is consumed systematically in large doses, it accumulates and has toxic effect to all organs, which causes poisoning of the body. The degree of its severity and treatment depend on many factors, and, first of all, on how much alcohol was drunk, as well as on its quality. The first signs of alcohol intoxication appear if the alcohol content in the blood exceeds 0.3-0.4 ppm. Severe poisoning can be fatal.

    Stages of alcohol poisoning and their characteristic symptoms

    Alcohol intoxication is divided into 3 stages according to severity:

    Initial - blood alcohol content is 0.5-1.5 ppm;

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    Moderate - up to 3 ppm;

    Take a short survey and receive a free brochure “Drinking Culture”.

    What alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

    How often do you drink alcohol?

    The next day after drinking alcohol, do you feel like you have a hangover?

    Which system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

    Do you think the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol are sufficient?

    Extremely heavy - more than 3 ppm.

    Signs of moderate intoxication

    When drinking alcohol, intoxication of the initial and middle stages in a person manifests itself the following symptoms:

    The consequences that come with this, intoxication and its symptoms, are unpleasant, but fixable. If you take measures to cleanse yourself from alcohol and carry out treatment, then after a few hours or days the person returns to a normal state.

    How long this will take depends on his health and stamina. What matters first is:

    • amount of alcohol consumed;
    • how long does a person drink alcohol?

    For the same amount of alcohol consumed, symptoms will be more severe in a thin person than in a heavyset person. A woman gets drunk from drinking alcohol faster than men. This is due to the peculiarity female body. lasts longer, alcohol is eliminated from the body more slowly, therefore, for the “fairer sex” the hangover lasts longer.

    If after the stage, causing poisoning moderate severity, a person drinks more alcohol (for example, in order to alleviate his suffering according to the principle of “knocks out a wedge with a wedge”), then alcohol intoxication of the third stage occurs. Urgent treatment is required.

    Signs of severe alcohol intoxication

    In this case, intoxication is manifested by the following symptoms:

    This condition is already dangerous, since there is a high probability total loss consciousness, falling into a coma. Here everything depends on how strong a person’s heart is and how urgently treatment is started. If a person is in a coma, he needs emergency resuscitation care.

    How much alcohol do you need to drink for severe poisoning to occur? A person who drinks alcohol only on holidays, small quantity, it is enough to drink 150 g of pure alcohol (1 half-liter bottle of vodka) for him to fall into a coma, when he will have to be urgently rescued in the hospital.

    What is coma and what are its signs?

    Usually occurs when an overdose of alcohol occurs. In case of overdose, intoxication leads to sharp fall blood pressure, comes fainting. The only thing that can save him after this is emergency treatment. Coma occurs especially often in young people, teenagers who, having no experience of drinking alcohol, try to assert themselves in this way, drink critical dose. Sometimes teenagers drink 1 glass of alcohol “for a dare.”

    Coma is negative reaction brain for alcohol. Some people have an intolerance to alcohol, and intoxication can occur from a smaller amount of alcohol. It will probably end in death.

    Signs comatose state the following:

    • At the first (superficial) stage, a person’s face turns blue, temperature and pressure drop, and cold sweat. Poisoning leads to increased heart rate and tense muscles. The person loses consciousness, but may still react to ammonia and moan;
    • At the second stage, breathing becomes rare and intermittent. The pulse is weak, there is no consciousness, movement of the limbs is impossible, the muscles relax. The pupils do not react to light. Involuntary urination occurs;
    • The third stage is a “deep” coma. The pulse is threadlike, the pressure is critically low, the pain reflex and reaction to light are completely absent. The person acquires gray shade. There is no reaction to ammonia. If treatment arrives on time and the person can be saved, the consequences may be irreparable: renal failure, swelling, a stroke may occur.

    Treatment for alcohol poisoning

    What to do if there is an overdose of alcohol?

    In the hospital, first of all, a person is brought to consciousness and given drugs that stimulate the heart and blood circulation. They cleanse the stomach and give diuretics. To cleanse the blood, a solution containing glucose, vitamins and sodium chloride is injected into the patient using a dropper.

    Moreover, if intoxication extreme severity, drugs are administered that enhance the production of enzymes that break down toxins to speed up detoxification. Hepatoprotectors (means to protect liver cells) are used, as well as psychotropic drugs, normalizing mental and emotional condition person.

    Consequences of chronic intoxication

    Chronic alcohol intoxication, which occurs during alcoholism, leads to irreversible changes in the state of all body systems. The consequences are irreversible and depend on how long the “alcohol experience” is.

    What to do to reduce the likelihood of poisoning

    Avoid use in some situations large quantity alcohol is not possible. Therefore, in order to prevent health complications that are possible with alcohol intoxication, it is necessary to take measures in advance to protect the body. It is recommended to do the following before the feast:

    • Take a few tablets beforehand activated carbon;
    • Before drinking alcohol, drink 1-2 glasses of milk;
    • You need to eat a bowl of porridge to keep your stomach full. Drinking on an empty stomach is very harmful, since alcohol is absorbed faster and poisoning lasts longer.

    Taking vitamins (C and group B) will support the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

    Try not to mix alcoholic drinks(vodka with beer or champagne), since a mixture of weak and strong alcoholic drinks is more difficult to eliminate than each of them separately.

    During the feast you need to drink a lot of plain or mineral water without gas to avoid dehydration. Sweet and carbonated drinks, no matter how much you drink, do not save you from thirst.

    Good day, dear readers!

    I assume that if you start reading this article, then perhaps the time of day is not very good. But still, if you read these lines after alcohol poisoning, then everything is not so bad. You just need to adjust your health a little, and I hope you will find the rules for this adjustment for yourself - first aid for alcohol poisoning in this article.

    Without delaying you any longer, let’s begin to look at the symptoms, causes and first aid for alcohol poisoning.

    At the beginning, it is worth saying that alcohol intoxication is different from alcohol poisoning. Of course, in essence, intoxication is also an intoxication of the body, since the symptoms of intoxication are not the norm of its functioning, but still, let’s distinguish between these concepts.

    Symptoms of alcohol intoxication:

    • violation of movement coordination;
    • lethargy, impaired concentration;
    • eyes become shiny;
    • speech disorders - the voice becomes loud, speech is slurred, unclear;
    • emancipation, a person becomes overconfident in his capabilities, and often overestimates them;
    • The boundaries and measure of alcohol consumed disappear.

    Symptoms of alcohol poisoning:

    • abdominal pain, ;
    • dizziness, ;
    • violation of movement coordination;
    • increased sweating, tearing and salivation;
    • red eyes due to burst blood vessels eye whites;
    • , painful appearance.

    Severe alcohol poisoning - symptoms

    If alcohol enters the body after a strong alcohol intoxication severe intoxication of the body develops, which is expressed in the following symptoms:

    • involuntary urination and defecation;
    • disturbances in the functioning of the heart, the pulse becomes weak;
    • lips and skin begin to turn blue;
    • oppressed respiratory system, asthma attacks may develop;
    • Consciousness is impaired and severe dizziness occurs.

    At this stage, if you do not stop the further entry of alcohol into the body, you do not provide the first medical care and do not deliver the victim to medical institution, coma occurs, which can be fatal.

    Causes of alcohol poisoning

    Among the most common reasons Alcohol poisoning is classified as:

    - consumption of low-quality alcoholic beverages, the so-called “alcohol substitute”, small dose which can seriously harm your health;

    - consumption of drinks based on ethyl alcohol(ethanol): medical alcohol diluted with water, colognes, lotions, tinctures.

    - drinking alcoholic beverages in excess;

    - drinking alcohol on an empty stomach;

    - consumption of liquids based on butyl, amyl, methyl, propyl and other types of alcohol.

    What to do if you are poisoned by alcohol? First aid for alcohol poisoning or severe alcohol intoxication includes the following recommendations:

    1. Call an ambulance or try to transport the victim to a medical facility yourself. The faster this is done, the faster doctors will be able to begin the procedure for removing alcohol from the human body, and, if necessary, begin the resuscitation procedure.

    2. Gastric lavage. Before the doctors arrive, it is necessary to begin rinsing the stomach until the alcohol is absorbed into the blood and completely absorbed by the body.

    It is advisable to call for gastric lavage. To do this you need to drink 2-3 glasses of warm boiled water and press with 2 fingers on the root of the tongue. If the patient does not have an ulcer, you can add a little soda to the water, this will improve overall effect. If possible, vomiting should be induced until the vomit becomes watery.

    Important! For mild alcohol poisoning, rinsing with vomiting can be skipped. IN in this case You can take medications to remove alcohol from your body, as well as generic drugs for alcohol poisoning (point 6), which will do their job perfectly.

    3. Lay the victim down. The less the victim moves, the slower the alcohol will spread throughout the body. Just position the patient so that when he vomits, he can easily turn his head to the side, otherwise there is a risk of vomit getting into the respiratory tract. Remove tight clothing from the patient and provide free access to air. When, cover the person with a warm but light blanket.

    4. Detoxification of the body. After gastric lavage, it is necessary to remove the remaining toxins or alcohol (poisoning product) from the body.

    To cleanse the body of the poisoning product, you need to take an adsorbent: “Activated carbon” (at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight), “Atoxil”, “Smecta”, “Enterosgel”, “Enterosorb”.

    Important! You cannot give drugs to a person in case of poisoning if he is in an unconscious or inadequate state, so that he does not choke on them.

    5. Drink. For a strengthening and cleansing effect on the body, after the above procedures you can give the patient a drink sweet tea with , coffee or milk.

    6. To relieve symptoms hangover or alcohol poisoning can be taken the following means: “Biotredin”, “Limontar”, “Metadoxil”, “Alka-Seltzer”.

    7. In case of loss of consciousness. If the victim has lost consciousness, it is necessary to give him a sniff of ammonia and make sure that respiratory tract the tongue didn't stick. In the absence of ammonia, you can rub ears, which will provoke blood flow to the head and help awaken the patient.

    8. In case of cardiac arrest. In case of cardiac arrest, begin resuscitation actions - and. In this case, every second is worth its weight in gold.

    Important! If the victim has lost consciousness or has a weak pulse, or the heart has stopped, call immediately ambulance!

    The most in an effective way prevention of alcohol poisoning is complete failure from alcoholic beverages, except for use as prescribed by a doctor. Other methods of prevention include:

    - do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach, eat before drinking and have a good snack;
    - know your dose and don’t drink more;
    - do not purchase alcoholic drinks in dubious places, so to speak “from under the counter”;
    - if you see a familiar drink at a super discount in a store, think twice, perhaps it’s a palenka that they want to get rid of quickly;
    - Don’t drink alcohol with soda;
    — when drinking alcohol, do not reduce the strength of the drink;
    - Do not combine alcohol with smoking.

    Who shouldn't drink at all?

    Tragic consequences can occur if a person drinks alcohol following cases:

    - pregnancy, as well as 90 days before planning a pregnancy;
    - upon acceptance medicines;
    - during rehabilitation after treatment for alcohol addiction;
    - for allergy sufferers;
    - children, as well as persons under 21 years of age, because At this time, the formation of the body is still taking place.

    And remember, share food poisoning, which end in death, occurs in more than 50% of cases.

    How did you, dear readers, manage to overcome alcohol poisoning?

    Tags: alcohol poisoning symptoms, alcohol poisoning causes, what to do in case of alcohol poisoning, first aid for alcohol poisoning, remedies for alcohol poisoning, drinking in case of poisoning

    If the patient has alcohol intoxication, it can help to cope with the cause of the occurrence. A complex approach: hangover treatment, detoxification, medication. Poisoning from alcohol-containing drinks occurs in medical practice often. Depending on the degree of manifestation of signs of intoxication, certain approaches to therapy are used. For light to medium acute stages requires medication for severe dangerous stage– you will need an IV and complex treatment alcoholism.

    What is alcohol intoxication

    By international classification Alcohol intoxication is a condition that occurs after ingesting alcoholic beverages. It is accompanied by changes in physiology, behavioral attitudes, psychological state. Alcohol is a nerve agent strong poison, negatively affects the central nervous system, causes autonomic, neurological abnormalities and mental dysfunction.

    Stages of alcohol poisoning

    There are three degrees of alcohol intoxication, which have different characteristics and symptoms:

    • mild – the concentration of ethyl alcohol is 0.5-1.5 ppm, human mental functions suffer;
    • medium - the level of alcohol in the blood is 1.5-2.5%, a disruption of body functions occurs, and deviations in neurology are observed;
    • severe - characterized by 2.5-4 ppm of alcohol in the blood, suffer from intoxication internal organs and the patient's system, death is possible.

    Symptoms of the stages of alcohol intoxication differ. Their typical examples are given in the table:


    With mild intoxication observed good mood, talkativeness, loss of attention, impatience

    Slow thinking, lack of attention, loss of direction, rudeness

    Loss of consciousness, passive position body, lack of response to pain, respiratory arrest, possible death


    Poor coordination of movements, mental disorders

    Unsteady gait, decreased sensation


    Facial redness, rapid pulse, breathing problems are observed

    Pale face, nausea, vomiting

    Alcohol poisoning - symptoms and signs

    Intoxication of the body with alcohol is characterized by the following symptoms, the degree of manifestation of which depends on gender, age, nationality, addiction to alcohol, amount drunk and metabolic rate:

    • severe headaches;
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • lethargy, dizziness;
    • trembling in the arms and legs;
    • extreme thirst;
    • bloating;
    • pain in the liver area;
    • sweating;
    • cardiopalmus;
    • In patients with alcoholism, alcohol withdrawal syndrome develops - at the stage of chronic alcohol abuse.

    Hangover symptoms

    After intoxication, mild and middle stages arises severe hangover characterized by the following symptoms and signs of poisoning:

    • anxiety, insomnia, Bad mood, dysphoria;
    • loose stool, diarrhea, constipation;
    • increased or decreased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat;
    • nausea, severe vomiting and thirst, dry mouth;
    • sweating or dry skin, swelling;
    • tremor;
    • headaches, dizziness;
    • increased sensitivity to sounds and light;
    • chills, weakness, fever.

    Why is alcohol poisoning dangerous?

    After moderate and severe intoxication with alcoholic drinks, the following are possible: dangerous consequences poisoning:

    • the effect on the central nervous system (CNS) causes disruption of the control and regulatory functions of the brain;
    • ethanol molecules penetrate the blood-brain barrier, affecting the structure of the neocortex, affecting the centers of the peripheral autonomic nervous system;
    • alcohol stupefaction;
    • alcoholic coma.

    Types of alcohol intoxication

    Coma is the most serious consequences alcohol intoxication. There are three degrees of development of a comatose state:

    • superficial coma - constriction of the pupils, there is a reaction to light and ammonia, but the patient does not come to his senses, in this state gastric lavage helps;
    • moderate poisoning - muscle tone is relaxed, weak reaction to inhalation of ammonia vapor, no recovery occurs after gastric lavage;
    • deep – a critical condition characterized by a bluish tint to the skin of the face, sticky cold skin, thread-like pulse, shallow intermittent breathing.

    Acute poisoning

    When taking a large dose of alcohol, acute poisoning develops. This violates normal work heart and blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, central nervous system. With mild poisoning, a person experiences euphoria; with moderate poisoning, coordination of movements is impaired; severe poisoning is characterized by alcoholic coma. Symptoms acute poisoning When exposed to toxic substances, the following signs serve:

    • facial swelling, redness;
    • slow pulse;
    • increased sweating;
    • vomit;
    • acute psychosis;
    • dilated pupils;
    • difficulty moving;
    • slow breathing;
    • loss of consciousness.

    Chronic form

    Alcohol intoxication chronic form develops with prolonged use of alcoholic beverages. The liver is subject to significant damage. Initially, the dysfunction is reversible, but then becomes impaired carbohydrate metabolism, the hyperglycemic index increases with a sugar load, and the reaction to the input of adrenaline and glucose is weakened.

    Galactose intolerance occurs from constant exposure to alcohol in the body. Other signs and symptoms of poisoning include:

    • liver damage;
    • increased blood alkalinity;
    • weakening of the prothrombin and antitoxic functions of the liver, increasing the risk of hemorrhages;
    • general emaciation, jaundice;
    • liver diseases - acute alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis with constant high doses of ethanol.

    What to do if you have alcohol poisoning

    With mild and middle degrees ethanol intoxication, you need to perform the following actions to alleviate the patient’s condition:

    • the victim must take activated carbon - one tablet per 10 kg of weight, crush and wash down big amount water, if vomiting occurs, drink another 3-4 tablets;
    • you need to take painkillers or analgesics;
    • put the victim of surrogate poisoning to sleep, open the window to quickly remove toxins and allow the body to recover.

    IN severe cases In case of poisoning with vodka or alcohol surrogates, the following medical recommendations will help:

    • lay the patient on his side so that he does not choke on his own vomit;
    • call an ambulance;
    • rinse the stomach - give 400-500 ml cool water without gas, induce vomiting;
    • if you have a chill, apply a heating pad to your legs and cover your body with a blanket;
    • if there is no pulse or breathing, do artificial respiration And indirect massage hearts.


    Alcohol intoxication requires diagnosis, which consists of an assessment clinical picture, quality and quantification ingested alcohol in urine, air, blood. The Rappoport reaction, the Karandaev method, photometry, the enzymatic ADN method, and the gas-liquid chromatography method are used. Lab tests will help you understand whether poisoning or coma has occurred.

    Gastric lavage with activated carbon

    After the diagnosis is made, the patient’s stomach is washed and intubation is performed in order to remove toxins from the body and relieve the alcohol load on the liver. To prevent the absorption of ethyl alcohol from the stomach, the patient is given 2-3 tablespoons of crushed activated carbon. Other treatments are:

    • drinking plenty of fluids, inducing vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue with a spoon or by injecting apomorphine;
    • washing the stomach cavity with 50 ml of 4% soda solution;
    • to protect against collapse, take 100 ml of water with the addition of 5-10 drops ammonia, or injections of a solution of caffeine, cordiamine.

    Drugs to reduce blood alcohol concentration

    To achieve detoxification and correct acid-base balance, improve rheological properties blood. Apply the following drugs:

    • Colma;
    • Proprothene-100;
    • Anti-E;
    • Zorex;
    • Metadoxyl;
    • Rekitsen-RD;
    • Bitredin;
    • Glycine;
    • Limontar;
    • Yantavit;
    • Alka-Seltzer;
    • AlkoStop;
    • Silibor;
    • Sofinor;
    • Silibinin;
    • Hepatofalk.

    Intravenous injections for severe alcohol poisoning

    If alcohol intoxication occurs, the patient is given drips with saline solutions, glucose and vitamins. To restore the properties of blood, solutions of Rondex, Reogluman, Reopoliglyukin, Reomacrodex are administered. For alcohol detoxification, a drip with a neohemodez solution (up to 400 ml) is placed. It is good to use a mixture of insulin with glucose, nicotinic acid, vitamin C, B1 and B6, and panangin. To speed up the process of neutralizing toxins, you can drip an isotonic solution of metadoxyl.

    For this purpose they carry out infusion therapy in a volume of 40-50 mcg with medications:

    • intravenous injection of 15 units of insulin per 20 ml of 40% glucose solution;
    • 1 ml 1% solution nicotinic acid with 10 ml of 4% solution ascorbic acid;
    • intravenous drip 10 ml of panangin, 3-5 ml of 5% vitamin B6 solution, 5 ml of 5% vitamin C solution, 3-5 ml of 5% vitamin B1 solution with hemodez or 250 ml isotonic solution sodium chloride ( saline);
    • for kidney dysfunction, use a 10% solution of calcium chloride and 10-20 ml of a 25% solution of magnesium sulfate;
    • at metabolic acidosis inject 50-100 ml of a 4% soda solution (up to a liter per day), for metabolic alkalosis - up to 150 ml of a 1% potassium chloride solution.

    Medicines to maintain the patient's condition

    If the patient is admitted with a moderate or severe degree of intoxication, after the procedures he is given the following medications:

    • analeptics – 1-2 ml of a 25% solution of cordiamine subcutaneously, 2 ml of a 10% solution of sulfocamphocaine intramuscularly or intravenously, subcutaneously up to 2 ml of a 25% solution of caffeine;
    • cardiac glycosides – solution of strophanthin, korglykon, mildronate, caffeine;
    • with increased growth blood pressure– Papaverine, Noshpa, magnesium sulfate, Eufillin, Trental;
    • diuretics to stimulate diuresis - Mannitol, Lasix;
    • supporting agents - hepatoprotectors: Heptral, Essentiale;
    • nootropic drugs–Piracetam, ATP, vitamins B and C;
    • to remove alcoholic psychosis: Flormidal, Tiapridal.

    How to relieve alcohol intoxication at home

    You can independently get rid of the consequences and symptoms of serious poisoning by following a number of steps:

    • taking enterosorbents and enveloping medications (including treatment with traditional methods) to remove ethanol residues;
    • recovery water-salt balance and intestinal microflora;
    • neutralization and removal of toxins, breakdown products of alcohols;
    • relieving intoxication from low-quality alcohol, eliminating pain, supporting the heart, stopping vomiting.

    Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home

    To carry out detoxification at home, you will need a dropper and solutions. With the help of a doctor or in a hospital, you can treat with solutions of Drotaverine, Spazmolgon, soda, glucose, magnesia, Atropine, Propazine, Essentiale Forte.

    Aspirin for hangover

    Alcohol intoxication is accompanied by hangover syndrome. Effective on it acetylsalicylic acid, which dilutes capillary microclots that cause swelling and headache. Contraindications for taking Aspirin are the presence of an ulcer and simultaneous use with alcohol. It is better to take instant tablets at a dosage of 500 mg per 35 kg of weight.

    Restoring fluid balance in the body

    Vomiting dehydrates the body and washes out minerals from it, so in case of poisoning you need to drink a lot of water - mineral or lemon juice. The imbalance can be eliminated by rehydrating agents: Regidron (10-17 ml per 1 kg), Gidrovit, Citralglucosolan. Instead, use a solution: per liter of water, take half a teaspoon of salt and soda, four tablespoons of sugar. Give the patient a solution at the rate of 10 ml per hour.

    Cleansing diet

    To achieve quick recovery body after eliminating the symptoms of poisoning, follow a gentle diet:

    • eat boiled, stewed, baked, steamed food;
    • avoid fried, spicy, smoked, fatty foods;
    • eat more fruits, vegetables, natural juices;
    • season salads with oil or sour cream;
    • Cook your first courses with lean broth and drink more water.


    Stages of alcohol intoxication

    If the victim's breathing and heartbeat have slowed, drug treatment intervention using special drugs and resuscitation care. For this, the victim is sent to the hospital.

    Thank you for your feedback


      Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

      Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do anymore ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

      Daria () 2 weeks ago

      I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

      Megan92 () 13 days ago

      Daria () 12 days ago

      Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

      Sonya 10 days ago

      Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

      Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

      Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

      Editor's response 10 days ago

      Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through pharmacy chains and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

      Sonya 10 days ago

      I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

      Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

      Has anyone tried it? traditional methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can’t influence him in any way ((

      Andrey () A week ago

      Which ones folk remedies I haven’t tried it, my father-in-law still drinks