Sterilization of dogs: types of procedure, its pros and cons. Sterilization of dogs: positive and negative sides Is it worth sterilizing a dog advice from veterinarians

Sterilization of dogs has both its supporters and opponents.. Dog owners can be divided into two camps in relation to sterilization. Some are strongly “against”, others are “for”.

But this is a purely practical question rather than a moral one, and therefore every dog ​​breeder should think about it as early as possible.

Sterilized to control their numbers. And at home - primarily for the purpose of preventing very dangerous diseases, such as pyometra, transmissible sarcoma, breast tumors and other oncological diseases.

In addition, an animal that is not sterilized and not used for breeding often experiences hormonal imbalances. And they lead to behavioral disorders: a tendency to aggression, “escape”, and as a result to injuries, sexually transmitted and infectious diseases. And no one is safe from accidental matings, and then the dog breeder is faced with the question: what to do with unwanted puppies.

A sterilized dog becomes more obedient and therefore, if you do not plan to use it for breeding, it is better to have surgery.

The most suitable age for sterilization is 4-5 months for small breeds of dogs and 6 months for large breeds, that is, before the first heat. It is at this age that sterilization can reduce the risk of genital cancer by two hundred times!

It has already been proven that some owners believe that a dog needs to have at least one litter of puppies to be healthy. In fact, there is no need for this. With later sterilization, this risk is reduced by only four times. Although it makes sense to sterilize an aging animal. This is a good prevention of pyometra and other diseases.

Also from the realm of mythology is the opinion that sterilized dogs live shorter lives, become lethargic and fat. In fact, this operation prolongs life by 20%, and animals that are overfed and given little physical exercise become fat.

In addition, sterilized dogs are stress-free and their appetite improves, but there is no need to overfeed them. Today you can sterilize a dog not only in the clinic, but at home. This is not a complex abdominal operation in which the ovaries and uterus are removed. But the postoperative period requires careful care.

Cons of sterilizing dogs

The disadvantages of sterilizing dogs include the fact that the operation is performed under general anesthesia, and in any case this is a health risk, especially for the puppy. Possible complications of the operation are also dangerous, so you should carefully choose a surgeon. The main thing is that the animal is healthy before the operation and then it will tolerate sterilization well.

Many people feel morally disgusted by the very idea of ​​sterilizing a dog, “humanizing” the animal’s feelings. But in fact, the dog does not dream of becoming a mother - it is just an instinct. And she will not be ashamed in front of her friends for being an “old” maid. In this case, it is better for the dog owner to care not about his own feelings, but about the comfort and health of the pet.

Optimal age of a dog for sterilization

Sterilize your dog at 5-6 months of age. In this case, negative consequences for the dog’s health will be minimized.

Sterilizing a dog: consequences

Any surgical operation has its consequences and sterilization of a dog is no exception. The consequences of sterilizing a dog can be expressed in the following: Tendency to obesity, urinary incontinence. To avoid such a problem, veterinarians often recommend removing both ovaries, and, if the indications are favorable, the uterus.

Dog before and after sterilization

Although the operation is quite simple, it is safer to do it in a clinic. If the dog's health is of concern, it is best to postpone surgery. It is preferable to use general anesthesia. The dog is stopped feeding 12 hours before surgery.

Usually, hospitalization is not required. Males feel well already on the second day; removal of stitches is not required during standard castration.

Bitches can be offered water 1-2 hours after surgery. The first two days should be fed in small portions. Already on the first day after surgery, the dog can be taken for a walk. The surgical suture should not be allowed to lick or become dirty; for this purpose, it should be covered with a blanket. The first days after surgery, you need to carefully monitor the dog's condition. If you feel lethargic, have a fever, have bleeding or sutures are bulging, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Sutures are removed 7-10 days after surgery

Dog owners often decide spay or neuter beloved pet. This relatively inexpensive operation has a number of advantages for owners, because if you take your pet for such a procedure, you will no longer need to worry about where to put the puppies, or how to explain to your child what the dog is doing with their soft toy.

It must be remembered that in addition to the benefits, castration and sterilization of a dog can lead to unpleasant consequences, which will negatively affect your beloved pet.

Of course, there are differences between castration and sterilization. But this does not mean that sterilization is intended only for females, and only males are castrated.

The essence of sterilization– blockage of seminal flows or fallopian tubes. No genital organs are removed, sterilization cannot affect sexual desire, mating is possible as before the operation, but the dog will no longer have offspring.

The essence of castration– removal of organs that are responsible for reproduction. In males, the testicles are removed, and in females, either the ovaries alone or the ovaries with the uterus are removed. Of course, there can be no talk of any mating or sexual desire after the operation.

Before making your own choice which procedure will have the best effect on your pet, see a good veterinarian. Some surgeries have a number of restrictions that your dog may be subject to.

Sterilization and castration of dogs: pros and cons

Castration and sterilization of male dogs

Both operations can be performed only under general anesthesia. After the hair in the surgical field is removed, two small incisions are made, after which the spermatic cord is ligated or the testes are removed. Typically, the operating process is about seven minutes. The wounds are treated with a special postoperative powder to prevent complications. There is no need to remove stitches.

A few disadvantages of castration:

  • the risk of prostate and urinary tract cancer increases significantly;
  • the risk of obesity increases significantly;
  • castration before 1 year of age increases the risk of acquiring bone cancer (osteosarcoma);
  • the risk of heart hemangiosarcoma (tumors inside blood vessels) increases significantly;
  • the risk of hypothyroidism increases (due to a lack of thyroid hormones);
  • other less significant risks.

Significant advantages of castration:

  • improvement of the pet’s character, calmness;
  • the risk of testicular cancer and death from it disappears;
  • reducing the risk of diseases of the genitourinary tract and prostate;
  • the risk of perianal fistulas is reduced;
  • disappearance of the need to mark;
  • reducing the risk of acquiring diabetes.

Possible negative consequences after sterilization:

  • aggressive behavior;
  • the risk of diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • frequent mood swings and stress;
  • loss of appetite.

Pros of sterilization:

  • preservation of all sexual functions except reproduction.

When is the best time to spay and neuter dogs? The most suitable age for a dog to be spayed and neutered is in the range of 5-10 months. Of course, such processes can be performed later, but it is worth considering that sometimes they are required, but anesthesia is no longer appropriate for old dogs due to their age.

Castration and sterilization of bitches

Such operations last about thirty minutes. They are carried out strictly under general anesthesia. During castration, the ovaries and uterus are removed, and during sterilization, the fallopian tubes are tied. After applying the suture, a bandage is secured to protect the suture from damage. Concerning pros, cons and age recommendations for sterilization in this case, they are the same as in cases with male dogs.

Main condition– the animal should not eat any food no less than six hours before the start of the process. It is highly not recommended to consume liquid four hours before. If you neglect these rules, your pet’s well-being may change for the worse.

The animal must be completely healthy. Also, preferably before surgery.

Postoperative complications

The operations in question are are considered quite simple. Therefore, complications most often arise only when the operation was performed in bad faith or incorrectly. Adverse reactions to anesthesia, hemorrhage, infection and inflammation may occur.

Consultation before surgery This is an extremely important step that should not be ignored. If this stage is ignored, the operation can have an extremely adverse effect on the body, since it was undesirable to carry out it.

If you have male pet, be aware that after a dog is spayed or neutered, urinary incontinence may occur. Therefore, you will need an oilcloth under which to lay a blanket, on which the pet will recover from anesthesia. Keep an eye on him and make sure that he does not perform any maneuvers related to climbing to heights if he has not yet fully recovered from the effects of anesthesia. You may need to treat the suture and take antibiotics.

If you have female dog, ten days after the operation, the stitches must be removed. All these days, do not forget to treat them and take preventive measures against damage to the seams that the dog can cause. For example, you can use a special collar. They may also be prescribed an antibiotic injection.

In both cases, meal in animals it is carried out only after the pet has completely recovered from anesthesia.

Video about castration and sterilization of dogs

To have a better idea about castration and sterilization of dogs, we invite you to watch a video in which you will learn what castration and sterilization are, the harm of hormonal drugs, why castration and sterilization is needed, and their advantages.

Even after reading reliable and competently presented information, many readers may have questions related to the topic of the article. Is it worth overpaying for a simple operation by going to an expensive veterinary clinic? What situations require sending an animal for surgery? What time of year is best to have surgery? Let's try answer these questions together and on those that you will have.

Sterilization of domestic animals involves depriving them of their reproductive function through surgical intervention. This is removal of the ovaries (oophorectomy) or removal of the ovaries along with the uterus (ovariohysterectomy).

Our veterinarians will sterilize the dog, cats, and female ferrets at home and in the veterinary clinic. An unspayed female dog comes into heat twice a year. During this period, owners who do not plan to have puppies protect their dogs from contact with male dogs throughout their lives.

Prevents problems associated with estrus, birth and unwanted puppies. It is not uncommon for non-pregnant dogs to experience a false pregnancy 2 months after estrus, accompanied by behavioral changes and strong milk production. Sterilization is indicated for animals with pronounced false pregnancy. Sterilizing a dog also protects against various sexually transmitted diseases, eliminates the possibility of tumors of the uterus and ovaries, prevents inflammation of the uterus and significantly reduces the likelihood of tumors of the mammary glands.

Dog after sterilization: side effect

The only side effects we can highlight are weight gain. Often, spayed female dogs gain excess weight, so their owners are advised to monitor the diet of their pets.

Why and at what age are animals sterilized?

Sterilization of dogs is carried out for two reasons: either the owner does not intend to use the dog for breeding, or for the prevention of diseases. The risk of oncological diseases of the genitourinary system and mammary glands is significantly reduced; also, sterilized animals do not suffer from pyometra, transmissible sarcoma and a number of other diseases, which in most cases lead to the premature death of an unsterilized animal. Therefore, it is worth noting that the life expectancy of sterilized animals is much longer.


Sterilization of female dogs is a abdominal operation; its meaning is to remove the ovaries or remove the ovaries along with the uterus. Previously, this operation was only possible in a clinic, but with the development of veterinary services, sterilization of dogs at home is now available.

This type of surgery is recommended after the dog reaches six months of age, but before the onset of her first heat. Usually, they try to sterilize dogs at a young age, since a young body more easily tolerates surgical intervention, and then hormonal changes.

Online video of an operation performed by veterinarians of the metropolitan network of veterinary clinics Vasilek:

Sterilized dog 0.5 hours after surgery

Medical indications

Tumors and false pregnancy

Indications for sterilizing a dog are a number of diseases:

Tumors and pathological changes of the ovaries.
- Tumors and pathological changes of the uterus.
- Tumors of the external genitalia and mammary glands of a hormone-dependent type.
- False pupishness.

How is sterilization carried out?

Sterilization of dogs is carried out by a veterinary surgeon. Before the operation, a thorough examination of the animal is mandatory. If necessary, additional studies and analyzes are carried out. If no contraindications to surgery are found, the dog is prescribed a preoperative starvation diet, which is observed for 12 hours. 1-2 hours before the operation, it is recommended not to give the dog water.

Preparing for surgery

Before the operation begins, the animal is subjected to premedication, the introduction of special drugs that help to endure anesthesia with minimal consequences for the body. After these manipulations, the dog is given anesthesia and the operation itself is performed, which lasts approximately 1-1.5 hours.

Caring for your dog after surgery

After surgery, the dog sometimes comes to its senses immediately after the end of the operation, but the anesthesia is completely removed within 24 hours. During this time, it is advisable that the animal remains under the supervision of its owners. To prevent the seams from licking on its own, the dog is put on a special blanket, and in some cases, a blanket and a protective collar.

Postoperative care consists of antibiotic therapy for 5-7 days, as well as treatment of sutures for 10 days. Once the sutures are removed, no special care is required.

Sterilizing a dog at home

Sterilization of dogs is a surgical procedure after which the pet loses the ability to reproduce. This procedure can only be performed by a qualified veterinarian, since an unprofessional operation can lead to very disastrous consequences. Laparoscopic sterilization of dogs and endoscopic sterilization of dogs have both supporters and opponents. Dog owners are divided into these 2 camps based on their attitude towards sterilization.

Is it necessary to sterilize a dog?

The issue of sterilization is more of a purely practical nature than a moral one, so every dog ​​owner should think about it early.

Stray dogs are sterilized to control their numbers. Homemade - primarily for the prevention of such dangerous diseases as transmissible sarcoma, pyometra, breast cancer and other types of cancer. The opinion of some owners that a dog needs to give birth to at least 1 litter to be healthy has been established and proven wrong. There's really no need for this.

Late sterilization reduces the risk of breast cancer by 4 times, early sterilization to an even greater extent. However, it makes sense to sterilize even older dogs. This will serve as an effective prevention of pyometra and other diseases.

It is also a misconception that sterilized dogs have a shorter lifespan and become fat and lethargic. In fact, such an operation significantly prolongs life, and only those dogs that get fat are fed too much and given little physical exercise.

Also, sterilized dogs do not experience stress, their appetite increases, but overfeeding them is unacceptable. Nowadays, laparoscopic sterilization of a dog can be performed both in the clinic and at home. It is no longer a complex abdominal operation. However, during the postoperative period the dog needs careful care.

Advantages and disadvantages

Arguments in favor of sterilizing dogs:

  • Life expectancy increases by an average of 1.5-2 years.
  • The dog becomes calmer, aggression disappears. The dog becomes more obedient and tries less to dominate its owner.
  • The dog marks the owner's house and the houses of his neighbors less.
  • Hormonal problems are eliminated, in particular the risk of hormone-dependent breast cancer.
  • The risk of pyometra, transmissible sarcoma, cysts and cancer of the ovaries, testes and uterus, as well as prostatitis, is greatly reduced.

A dog needs sexual intercourse solely for reproduction; it does not affect the pet’s health in any way. In this case, the dog will not feel remorse and will not try to reproduce again and again, since a conscious desire to have children is not typical for dogs. This procedure is indicated for dogs of all ages. However, there are some negative consequences associated with sterilizing older dogs. The sooner this procedure is performed, the easier the animal will tolerate it.

Arguments against sterilizing dogs:

Neutering dogs, although generally a fairly predictable procedure, can sometimes still go against the plan. This is mainly due to the clinic itself and the qualifications of the veterinary surgeon. Inexperienced new veterinarians can make serious mistakes that dogs later pay for.

  1. Complications are likely, in particular, infections, bleeding, hernias, suture rupture, inflammation.
  2. After surgery, the animal gains excess weight due to changes in metabolism in the body.
  3. During the period 3-7 years after sterilization, urinary incontinence may occur. This, in turn, can lead to chronic and acute diseases of the urinary tract.
  4. To sterilize a dog, anesthesia is required, which can negatively affect the pet’s body.

Before deciding whether his dog needs sterilization, the owner should consider that deaths from this procedure are extremely rare, while deaths from sarcoma and other cancers are very common.

Disadvantages of the procedure

The disadvantages of sterilizing a dog include the fact that this operation is actually performed under general anesthesia, which in any case poses a certain health risk, especially if we are talking about a puppy. Possible complications of the operation are also quite dangerous, therefore it is necessary to be extremely careful when choosing a veterinary surgeon. Before the operation, the dog must be healthy, then it will definitely tolerate sterilization normally.

Some people have a moral aversion to the idea of ​​sterilization, attributing human feelings to animals. However, in reality, a dog does not dream of children - it is only an instinct. She will not be ashamed in front of her friends because she remains an “old maid.” Therefore, dog breeders should think not about their own feelings, but about the comfort and health of their dogs.

At what age are dogs sterilized?

Veterinarians advise sterilizing pets at the age of 5-6 months. In this case, the negative consequences for the pet’s health will be minimized.

Consequences of sterilization

Like every operation, dog sterilization has certain consequences. Sterilization can lead to obesity and urinary incontinence. To avoid this problem, veterinarians often advise removing both ovaries along with the uterus.

Before and after sterilization

Although this operation is quite simple, it is safer to perform it in a clinic. If the animal’s health condition causes any concern, it is better to postpone the operation. General anesthesia is used for this. The dog is not fed anything for 12 hours before the operation.

Dogs usually tolerate sterilization easily, so there is no need to keep them in a hospital. Males feel good on the 2nd day after castration. Standard castration does not require the removal of stitches.

The bitch can be given water 1 or 2 hours after sterilization. Feeding during the first 2 days is necessary in fractional, small portions. During the first 24 hours after surgery, you can take your dog for walks. It is unacceptable to lick and dirty the seams, so they are covered with a blanket. During the first 3 days after surgery, you must carefully monitor your pet's condition. In case of lethargy, bleeding, fever or suppuration of the sutures, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. Sutures are removed 7-10 days after surgery.

Why is sterilization necessary?

There are 2 serious reasons that can force a dog owner to perform this operation. The first is the absence of offspring from the animal after the operation. After all, the reproductive instinct is one of the most powerful. A dog that desires lovemaking can be quite difficult to contain, and regular dog weddings can be very annoying. Owners of bitches constantly experience problems with the placement of puppies. With purebred puppies there may not be any special difficulties, but with ordinary mongrels they are guaranteed. I don't want to kill them either.

The second reason is that sterilization serves as a reliable shield against various diseases. Dogs also get sick, and their various ailments can be transmitted through sexual contact. Sterilization can protect a dog for life from pyometra, mammary cancer, and transmissible sarcoma.

How the operation is performed

It is performed by a qualified veterinarian under general anesthesia. The operation takes 1-1.5 hours. The method of performing it is determined by the gender of the pet. The testes of male dogs are removed by any method that is convenient for the surgeon. In bitches, everything is much more complicated, since it is necessary to perform abdominal surgery, which opens access to the abdominal cavity. In this case, either only the ovaries, or both the ovaries and the uterus, are removed.

When to carry out

In male dogs, this procedure is not recommended until they reach the age of 6 months, as otherwise growth and development may be delayed. In females, this operation is most indicated before the first estrus in life, that is, at 4-5 months, since in this case the likelihood of genital cancer drops almost 200 times. The later this procedure is performed, the higher the risk of cancer.

How to care for your pet after surgery

Immediately after sterilization, dogs should be laid on a flat floor with bedding. After your pet recovers from anesthesia (this can happen within 24 hours), it is necessary to moisten its tongue and nose with water. Don't give too much liquid. You can feed only on the 2nd day and only with soft food (minced meat or pate). The seams should be treated with antiseptics for 10 days and protected from getting wet. Sometimes it happens that the animal licks the stitches. To avoid this situation, you should use a protective blanket or collar. Caring for your pet after sterilization involves antibiotic therapy. The duration of their use is determined by the veterinarian.

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Although the operation still has many opponents, bough is used throughout the world for population control. Even the most caring and attentive owner cannot be one hundred percent sure that his pet will not break off the leash and go to get to know some male dogs better.

Giving away a litter of mixed breeds is not an easy task, and killing helpless newborn puppies is not humane. It is much better to prevent them from appearing.

The heat itself is also a sad time for the owner. Twice a year, he is forced to buy special underwear for the dog so that it does not dirty the apartment, while the animal regularly strives to get rid of unnecessary clothes and do hygiene procedures.

Some owners of bitches prefer not to sterilize their animals, but to use hormonal drugs to prevent estrus. However, such drugs have many side effects. For example, they contribute to the appearance of cysts on the ovaries and inflammation of the uterus, after which sterilization becomes urgently necessary.

When to spay a dog

Doctors have different opinions about at what age it is best to sterilize a dog. Some veterinarians offer such services as early as five to six months of age, while others recommend scheduling surgery after the dog's first heat, which is eight to ten months. Sterilization too early (before five months) is not advisable. Puppies' organs are actively growing, and removing some of them can lead to deformation of the remaining ones. You can also sterilize an adult dog, but the operation is not recommended for older females.

As a rule, sterilization is carried out under general anesthesia, and such stress can cause irreparable harm to the cardiovascular system of an elderly animal.

When planning to register your dog for sterilization, focus not only on the age, but also on the health status of the animal. Your dog must be absolutely healthy. When working with young bitches, the veterinarian, as a rule, is limited to a visual examination, measuring temperature, and listening to heart rhythm. For animals over five years old, blood and urine tests are taken and an ECG is performed. If you are determined to sterilize your dog, do not delay the operation. The sooner you do it, the faster your pet will recover and live a full life again.