How to clean a wound. Rules for the primary treatment of various types of wounds

If you are injured, you need to clean the damaged area of ​​skin as soon as possible and take care not to get into the wound. They can cause infections, contamination and other serious illnesses. In our article we will talk about how to disinfect a wound at home.

Human skin is a very important organ. It functions as a kind of barrier that prevents bacteria and germs from entering the body. If the skin is damaged as a result of physical impact, harmful microorganisms can freely penetrate the wound and multiply. This can cause it to spread throughout the body.

How to disinfect a wound?

  • Before starting to treat the wound, wash your hands thoroughly with soap
  • Boil water and disinfect all the tools that will be needed to treat the wound: tweezers, nail scissors, etc.
  • Wear rubber gloves to avoid touching the open wound with bare hands. Don't forget about this, otherwise you may get an infection.
  • If the wound is not very deep, simply wash it with soap and water. To do this, buy special antibacterial soap.
  • If the wound is deep, you need to resort to another method of disinfection. To do this, you will need Chlorhexidine or another antibacterial agent.
  • If you do not have a disinfectant on hand and cannot purchase it, and treatment is needed as soon as possible, you can prepare the medicine at home. Just boil water and add a little salt to it.
  • Remember that alcohol and brilliant green should be applied to the area around the wound. If such a product gets into an open wound, it can cause tissue damage and disrupt the natural healing process.
  • If the wound is heavily soiled (for example, with sand or grass), use tweezers to clean it. Then rinse and disinfect.

What to do next?

  • After the affected area of ​​skin has been thoroughly washed, it is time to apply an anti-inflammatory agent (antiseptic). It will dry the wound and help restore damaged tissue. If you do not do this in time, the wound will not heal for a long time and will fester.
  • Doctors recommend keeping the wound closed until it heals. To do this, apply gauze or other soft hypoallergenic cloth to the washed wound to protect the damaged area of ​​skin.
  • Change the bandage every day. This will give you the opportunity to regularly check the condition of the wound and determine whether it needs moisture or needs to be dried out.

This simple method will help heal, disinfect the wound and protect the body from

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Treatment of wounds necessary to prevent infection of the affected area. Competent provision of medical care involves the correct choice of antiseptic depending on the nature of the injury and compliance with the specifics of applying the disinfectant.

Our article deals with the provision of first aid in cases of minor and shallow injuries that do not lead to critical blood loss. In case of serious damage to the skin and mucous membranes, it is required qualified medical assistance. Dermatological problems also require prior medical consultation.

General rules for treating wounds

You should start treating wounds only with clean hands. Next you need wash the wound using water and, if the affected skin area allows, using soap.

Most often, the wound is treated only along its edge. Be sure to use this rule when using iodine solution or brilliant green. If an antiseptic gets into an open wound, the person feels an unpleasant burning sensation. The consequences of such an error may be new tissue damage and necrosis.

“The selected antiseptic should not damage the upper layers of the dermis and should not be absorbed into the blood.”

Alcohol and oil antiseptics should not be used to treat injuries to the mouth, nose or eyes. Suitable for disinfecting these areas weak aqueous solutions– they retain antiseptic properties without burning or irritating sensitive areas.


Zelenka is the most common remedy in the home medicine cabinet. The disinfecting effect of brilliant green is ensured by the presence in its composition aniline dye. Without losing its destructive power for microbes, brilliant green has a more gentle effect on the skin than iodine, so a solution of brilliant green is preferable to choose for treating children's wounds.

It is worth remembering that if the child’s skin is hypersensitive, the use of brilliant green is contraindicated.

The use of brilliant green is prohibited if there is a heavily bleeding wound or damage to the mucous membrane.


Typically used as an antiseptic five percent iodine solution. A higher concentration of iodine can cause quite severe skin burns.

Iodine solution is considered the most dangerous scalding antiseptic, therefore its use is contraindicated for babies under one year of age. For older children, iodine should be used with extreme caution.

Like brilliant green, only the edge of the wound is treated with iodine. Contact of iodine even on a small open area of ​​a cut causes a burning sensation.

The iodine solution should not be mixed with ammonia or ichthyol (ichthyol ointment); it should not be used to treat wounds on mucous surfaces.

Due to its strong antiseptic properties, iodine is effective in the presence of inflammatory and purulent processes, skin or nail fungus. Many people use iodine to cauterize “opened” pimples.

If you are not dealing with a simple household cut, but with serious damage to the skin, deterioration of the condition of the wounded area, consult a doctor immediately, otherwise self-medication will result in serious consequences.

When purchasing brilliant green or iodine at the pharmacy, pay attention to their new, more convenient form - pencil. The pencil lead is impregnated with appropriate antiseptics. You get a similar disinfecting tool by dipping a cotton swab into a bottle of iodine or brilliant green. The pencil form of antiseptics allows you to quickly begin treating the wound without getting your fingers dirty.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide solution is suitable even for infants. For example, they are recommended to treat the umbilical wound of a newborn.

The main advantage of hydrogen peroxide in comparison with brilliant green and iodine is that the solution can be applied to an open wound. At the same time, hydrogen peroxide does not “sting”.

After treating the surface of a fresh wound with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, you can notice how the antiseptic foams. At this moment, a disinfection process occurs: atomic oxygen, which rids the wound of germs, pus and dead tissue.

Hydrogen peroxide solution will come in handy for soaking old crusts on wounds and dried dressings. Tearing off a dry bandage is not only painful, but also dangerous - you can completely tear off the lingering skin.

Hydrogen peroxide should not be applied to damaged areas of the mucous membrane.


Chlorhexidine solution– antiseptic with multi-functional action. Today, chlorhexidine can be purchased not only in the form of a solution, but also as a cream, gel, and patch.

Chlorhexidine kills microbes, bacteria, some viruses, and is effective in purulent processes. An additional advantage of chlorhexidine solution is its affordable price.

Indications for the use of chlorhexidine:

1) disinfection of wounds on the skin and even mucous membranes;

2) course treatment of fungal diseases;

3) prevention of sexually transmitted diseases;

4) course treatment of stomatitis, periodontitis and gingivitis.

If to treat a cut it is enough to apply a solution to the wound, then to solve the problem of the diseases mentioned above, the order and frequency of actions is established by the attending physician.

When using chlorhexidine, individual allergic reactions are possible. The most common side effect is dermatitis. However, complaints about antiseptics are extremely rare in medical practice.

Women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as children under adolescence, use chlorhexidine with extreme caution.


Miramistin solution is a modern antiseptic that is gaining popularity and positive reviews.

The price of the antiseptic is quite high compared to previous drugs. However, many doctors recommend miramistin, so it would not be a bad idea to buy this product.

Miramistin solution does not cause allergies. The use of Miramistin is permissible both for skin wounds and for damage to mucous membranes. It does not irritate sensitive skin or burn, so it is suitable even for babies.

Miramistin disinfects, kills bacteria and viruses of various kinds, resists purulent and inflammatory processes, and accelerates wound healing.

Miramistin is used to treat open wounds, burns (thermal and even solar), fungal and gynecological problems, pharyngitis, and sore throat.

Like any medical product, Miramistin solution can be used only after first reading its instructions. When fighting viral and fungal diseases - only as prescribed by a doctor.

Anastasia Bochina

We all encounter wound treatment from time to time. How quickly and easily it will heal depends on the correct treatment of the wound. It is very important to properly wash the wound and use an antiseptic to prevent the growth of germs and fungi in the wound. Today there is a wide selection of antiseptics, so it can be difficult to choose the best option.

Many of us habitually use brilliant green or iodine, but there are also more modern means. But will they be more effective or safer? We will try to understand this issue and choose the safest, most convenient and effective means for treating wounds.

How to properly treat a wound with an antiseptic

Before you start choosing an antiseptic, you need to understand that any drug, even the best one, must be used correctly, then it will not cause harm and will be useful.

If we treat a wound, then before using an antiseptic, it is advisable to wash it with running water and soap. Soap can also kill germs, so in many cases you can do without additional antiseptic treatment. It is also very important to ensure that the antiseptic does not irritate or damage and is not absorbed into the blood.

If you need to use an antiseptic in the area of ​​the eyes, mouth or nose, then alcohol or oil preparations are definitely not suitable. Only weak aqueous solutions can be used here. Before starting treatment with an antiseptic, you must wash your hands and try not to touch the sores unnecessarily.

Even ten centuries BC, the beginnings of antiseptics existed - surgeons calcined instruments in fire, washed them with hot water and some plant juices.

If the wound is deep enough, then you should not fill it with an antiseptic, since it is not only very painful, it can also further injure the tissue, leading to its necrosis. It is usually recommended to treat only the edges of the wound. If it is necessary to treat the skin for any disease, it is better to first consult a dermatologist, since in some diseases the use of an antiseptic can only aggravate the situation.

Now let’s look at the most popular and in demand antiseptics in our country and the features of their use.

Using hydrogen peroxide to treat wounds

We usually use a three percent hydrogen peroxide solution, which is a clear, odorless liquid. This product can be used almost from birth; it is often recommended to wash the umbilical wound of newborns with hydrogen peroxide. It does not cause painful sensations during treatment, so most children easily agree to such a procedure, in contrast to treatment with “pinching” substances.

Hydrogen peroxide solution is one of the few antiseptics that can be applied directly to the wound. When it gets into a fresh wound, a chemical reaction occurs, during which it releases atomic oxygen, which kills microbes. In addition, it is important to consider that during the reaction, peroxide foams, cleaning the wound not only from germs, but also from pus and dead tissue.

Lucretius Carus, who lived before the beginning of our era, put forward a theory about the existence of invisible seeds in nature. According to his idea, some of these seeds caused diseases.

Most often, peroxide is used to treat the umbilical wound, to soak bandages and dried crusts on wounds, and to treat small wounds and abrasions. But you should not allow hydrogen peroxide to come into contact with your eyes or any other mucous membranes, as it can cause them. If hydrogen peroxide accidentally gets into your eyes, you should immediately rinse them with as much water as possible.

Should I use brilliant green to treat wounds?

Zelenka, or, more correctly, a solution of brilliant green, is an aniline dye, which, by the will of fate or chance, became a favorite antiseptic in the post-Soviet space. Back in the 19th century, scientists discovered that aniline dyes kill germs, so they began to be used as antiseptics. Gradually, they were all replaced by more modern substances, but bright green remained one of the favorite means for treating wounds.

Brilliant green very quickly has a disinfecting and disinfecting effect, killing all bacteria in the wound area. Unlike iodine, brilliant green is less damaging to the skin, so it is often recommended for children. Everyone knows about using brilliant green to treat rashes during chickenpox. Here it helps not only to disinfect pimples, but also to mark them to make counting easier.

Zelenka is not used for heavy bleeding, as well as for the treatment of children with hypersensitivity to this drug. It is also prohibited to use brilliant green together with ammonia, chlorine, and iodine. Do not apply brilliant green to wet wounds.

The familiar term “antiseptic” was introduced into circulation only in 1750, and this was done by Dr. Pringle from England. But antiseptics began to be used in surgical practice only at the end of the 19th century.

An interesting fact related to brilliant green - nowhere in the world except post-Soviet countries is green green used. This is due not only to the aesthetic side of its use. The main reason is the lack of objective data on its safety. This is a very old drug that was invented even before the advent of modern methods of testing drugs, for example, for carcinogenicity. Naturally, today no one wants to study such an old and cheap medicine.

Using iodine solution as an antiseptic

One of the most popular antiseptics in our country is iodine solution. Five percent solutions are usually used, since a high concentration of the substance can lead to skin burns. Iodine solution is now available in liquid or pencil form. It is used to treat the edges of a wound. For children under one year of age, the use of iodine is not recommended, as their skin is too sensitive and iodine can cause irritation.

When applied topically, iodine kills all microbes on the surface to which it is applied. But it can also cause burning and irritation. If iodine gets into small wounds, it usually causes unpleasant pain. Usually, pustular or inflammatory skin lesions, as well as lesions of both skin and nails, are treated with iodine. They also treat the edges of the wounds of the surgical field, which helps prevent infection.

Antiseptics led the Hungarian obstetrician Ignaz Semmelweis to a madhouse, as his colleagues considered his craving for disinfection and sterility an eccentricity and got him placed in a psychiatric clinic.

Iodine should not be used simultaneously with ichthyol and ammonia, as this leads to a pronounced irritant effect on the patient’s skin. In addition, you should not treat mucous membranes with iodine or pour it into wounds.

Miramistin solution - a modern antiseptic (Video)

Miramistin solution is a much more modern remedy, which, moreover, has a very wide spectrum of action. Miramistin easily kills not only bacteria, but also fungi and viruses. Often he manages to cope even with those microorganisms that are not amenable to other antiseptics.

Miramistin solution is a clear, tasteless liquid (it is better not to try it), colorless and odorless. It does not cause irritation even when it gets on mucous membranes and does not cause allergies. This allows this substance to be used even by children from the first days of life. When applied, it does not cause burning, pain or any discomfort.

Miramistin solution is used to treat abrasions and cuts, as well as burns, both solar and thermal. For stomatitis, it can be used to treat the oral cavity, and can also be used for candidiasis to treat affected skin, for sore throat and pharyngitis, for fungal infections of the nails and skin.

Before the advent of antiseptics in official medicine, people already widely used substances such as incense, myrrh, wormwood, chamomile, aloe, rose hips, honey, sugar, alcohol, sulfur, kerosene and even ordinary salt to eliminate the risk of infection.

You can apply the miramistin solution using a cotton swab. There are also different preparations based on this substance, which are available in bottles with droppers or sprays and are intended for different purposes. Miramistin solution not only kills harmful microorganisms, but also promotes rapid healing of wounds.

Chlorhexidine solution is an inexpensive and effective antiseptic

Today, chlorhexidine can be purchased in different dosage forms, as a simple solution, as a gel, cream or even a patch. This drug has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect against various bacteria; it can also fight fungi and even viruses. The activity of chlorhexidine remains in the presence of blood, pus, various secretions and any organic substances in the wound.

Chlorhexidine has a wide spectrum of action, which allows it to be used not only for treating wounds, but also for treating fungal and bacterial infections of the skin and mucous membranes. In addition, this substance is widely used to prevent sexually transmitted infections. Chlorhexilin is also used in the treatment of periodontitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, etc.

At the end of the 19th century, carbolic acid, which in itself is a rather toxic substance, was widely used for antiseptic purposes. It was subsequently replaced by safer substances.

The only contraindication to the use of this drug is hypersensitivity to its components. During pregnancy, lactation, as well as in children, this substance should be used with caution. Taking the solution internally is strictly prohibited. In addition, even when used externally, it sometimes causes unpleasant side effects such as dermatitis, photosensitivity, etc.

A minor cut and a quick stop of bleeding is not a cause for concern. But what to do if the injury is more serious, how to treat the wound at home and speed up its healing? You need to know this, because you can cut yourself at the most unexpected moment. In addition, there are situations when deep cuts are life-threatening. Knowing how to help a victim is powerful!

Why are cut wounds dangerous?

The smallest cut requires attention not only because you need to stop or simply wipe away the blood, but also for routine prevention. The skin is a protective shield against infections. If a bacteria or harmful microorganism gets into the blood during a cut, the wound will take a long time to heal and fester. To prevent infection, thorough disinfection is required.

Insufficient treatment of cuts, no matter how scary it sounds, can lead to serious complications. A non-healing festering wound and the appearance of gangrene can become the reason for the most complex surgical procedures. In medical practice, there are cases when an ill-timed and improperly treated cut caused the amputation of a limb.

It often happens that arteries, large vessels or nerves are damaged during a cut. An injury with severe bleeding is life-threatening. If the wound is deep, correct action must be taken immediately to block the blood flow. In case of unsuccessful home measures, going to the hospital is mandatory. Large and deep wounds in most cases require suturing.

Rules for treating wounds

The cut may be minor or deep, but it is important to quickly figure out how to properly treat the wound. In some cases, the help of an outsider is required. To prevent the rapid flow of blood, you immediately need to clamp the wound with your hand and begin processing after a few seconds.

1. Find something to wash the wound with and remove dirt. A bandage rolled into a triangular napkin will help. Use a sharp tip to try to clean the injured area. If tissue is stuck to the wound, carefully remove it using tweezers or tweezers. It is important to wipe the instrument with an alcohol-containing liquid before doing this.

2. Next, disinfect the wound. The infection may be on the surface of the affected area or penetrate inside. For this you will need any antiseptic. Doctors often use chlorhexidine on wounds to disinfect them.

3. If there is no such drug in your home medicine cabinet, hydrogen peroxide (sold at the pharmacy) is suitable for treating wounds. After watering it, bubbly foam immediately forms. This is a sign that the drug has begun to work not only chemically, but also mechanically to pull microbes out of the injured area. A solution of potassium permanganate is suitable for treating wounds. Just make it weak, barely pink. The solution will also help dry the skin and partially block bleeding.

4. Primary treatment of the wound has been completed, but now it is important to prevent the penetration of airborne microbes. To do this, apply a bandage to the wound. Bandage tape or gauze should be folded in several layers and applied, bandaged. You can apply a patch to wounds, but only if the cut is shallow and the bleeding is stopped during treatment.

If the injury does not bother you, the blood has stopped oozing, the actions listed above and first aid for wounds are sufficient.

What to do if the wound is deep

In cases of unsuccessful attempts to stop the bleeding, partial fainting, numbness or loss of control of movement of some parts of the body, sending the victim to a medical facility is mandatory. There are times when a serious cut wound is received at home, which needs not only to be treated, but also to be stitched up.

If you let its healing take its course, then at best an unsightly scar will remain; at worst, there will be an increased risk of infection, loss of control over the body (for example, when cutting limbs), and the development of unpleasant complications. Description of the wound that should be examined by a doctor:

A deep cut that is more than 2 cm in length;
rapidly flowing (pulsating) blood;
terrible pain accompanied by numbness of the affected area;
damage to veins and muscles.

In this case, treating the wound with iodine is strictly prohibited. In case of serious bleeding, a tourniquet must be worn. Next, you should quickly transport the victim to the hospital. Doctors will wash and treat the injury, perform an excision, and apply stitches and a bandage. The victim remains under observation in the hospital only in case of serious wounds that require frequent dressing changes.

To speed up healing and prevent relapse, wound dressings should be performed daily. It is better to entrust such an event to doctors. In parallel, the victim is prescribed antibiotics.

Healing process

No doctor can make an accurate forecast of how long a wound will take to heal. The regeneration process occurs individually for each person. The duration also depends on the severity of the damage.

Doctors define 2 types of epithelial healing.

1. Primary healing occurs when the edges of the cut are smooth and tightly spaced. If no microbes get into the wound, then the epithelium closes quickly and the wound heals without problems.
2. Secondary regeneration is characterized by the appearance of an inflammatory process in the area of ​​injury. This indicates that microbes have nevertheless entered the wound. As the injury heals, it becomes covered with an intermediate crust, resembling a growth, and then heals completely with the formation of a scar. If a long, deep cut was closed with staples or stitches, the scar will remain invisible.

How to heal a cut quickly

A light superficial wound heals quickly. Already on the 4-5th day the victim will forget about it. It is important not to re-injure the area or disturb the adhesive dermis. If the cut bothers you and bleeds again periodically, you can use medical wound glue. This drug accelerates healing and protects against re-injury of the skin.

Glue can be used to heal any not very deep open wounds. When using it, a tolerable pain and tingling sensation is felt. After application, you must wait until the glue dries and turns into a thin film. Does not require rinsing. After a while, the film will peel off on its own.

The regeneration process directly depends on the quality of processing of the fresh wound. If you are injured, you can lubricate the affected area with silver ointment or use a wound spray. Such disinfectants disarm germs, which means that the skin will quickly recover.

A humid environment does not speed up healing, but provokes the proliferation of microbes. How to dry the wound? Streptocide tablets will cope perfectly with this task. They need to be crushed and the powder sprinkled on the wound. Streptocide will not only dry it out, but also relieve fever, kill harmful bacteria, and heal the cut.

If streptocide is not in the medicine cabinet, you can use calendula ointment. It will disinfect and dry the affected skin, relieve inflammation. The product does not burn, does not cause allergies, and can be used for children.

Traditional methods of healing cuts

Traditional and alternative medicine offers many methods on how to quickly heal a wound. They say that with the help of nature’s gifts, even deep cuts can be healed easily and quickly. The healer's wisdom has more than once confirmed its competence. Why not try it! The following methods are worth testing in practice.

1. Aloe kills bacteria and helps tighten the affected dermis. The leaves should be peeled and crushed into a paste. The mixture is often applied to the wound and bandaged.
2. Honey has been proven to heal. If there is no allergy, apply this wound healing agent to a gauze bandage and bandage it to the cut.
3. Coconut oil is said to not only speed up the process of cell division, but also disinfect. They need to frequently lubricate the cut; there is no need to cover a shallow wound with a bandage or plaster.
4. Green tea extract combined with Vaseline dries and heals the wound. Homemade wound healing ointment is applied twice a day to the wound.

Before treating wounds with folk remedies, you should carefully examine the injury. In some cases, self-medication is inappropriate. Not every time a person cuts himself, he rushes to the hospital. And stop the bleeding, and really help yourself on your own. But you always need to soberly assess the situation. In case of deep and extensive injury, it is wiser to visit a doctor.

Read also:

Reasons why nosebleeds appear in adults and children, methods to stop bleeding All about iodine burns
First aid for thermal burns, medical and traditional methods of its treatment Symptoms and treatment of rib fracture
What to do if a cat bites you and your finger (arm or leg) swells?

In everyday life, there is always a fairly high probability of receiving various injuries - abrasions, punctures, cuts. Housewives receive such injuries much more often - in the kitchen from the sharp edge of a can of canned food, from a knife, a piece of glass, etc. Men can get injured in their garages, and then, with hope in their eyes and a sense of pride, they raise their finger to the keepers of the home so that they take pity on them and provide first aid. In this article we will tell you in detail how to wash a wound and what to do to make it heal faster. Of course, this only applies to those injuries that do not require stitches or a visit to a medical facility at all.

The fact that the wound needs to be disinfected and washed is, in general, no secret to anyone, but only a few do it correctly. Many home “healers” wash burns with peroxide, fill wounds with iodine and do other stupid things. In fact, each antiseptic has its own purpose, let’s try to understand this issue in detail.

What is it intended for?

This product is used to disinfect non-bleeding superficial wounds, as well as to treat wound edges and skin for burns and non-purulent inflammations.


In the form of an iodine network, this medicine perfectly helps with muscle inflammation - neuralgia and myositis, having an excellent absorbable and long-lasting disinfecting effect.


People with fair skin and hair are often allergic to iodine. This remedy is contraindicated for acne, hyperthyroidism, and skin ulcers. Iodine is good for stopping bleeding, but not for washing wounds. If iodine gets into a deep wound, a brown mark may remain in this place.

What is it intended for?

Zelenka perfectly disinfects the skin during various purulent inflammations - furunculosis, pyoderma, etc.


When treating wound edges, it provides a long-lasting disinfecting effect.


It does not stop bleeding and cannot be used to wash wounds. If it gets into a deep wound, it can leave a green mark forever.

Hydrogen peroxide

What is it intended for?

Peroxide is used to wash and disinfect any wounds, including deep ones, rinse the mouth for sore throat and stomatitis, douche for various gynecological diseases and use it to stop bleeding.


Excellent blood clotting, preventing bleeding.


The disinfection effect is short-lived and weak compared to other means.


What is it intended for?

Alcohol kills all germs in non-bleeding superficial wounds.


Being a powerful antiseptic, alcohol effectively relieves swelling due to mastitis, panaritium and other subcutaneous inflammations, and has an excellent absorbable effect.


Alcohol can cause burns, so it is not suitable for washing wounds and is not used to stop bleeding.


What is it intended for?

Chlorhexidine is used to treat any wounds or burns.


Has a strong long-lasting disinfection effect. It even acts on pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases, so it can be used to prevent chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, ureoplasmosis, etc., by washing the genitals with it and instilling it into the urethra.


May cause itching and dry skin, dermatitis in the area of ​​application. This product does not have a hemostatic effect.

So, let's summarize. You can lubricate a normal abrasion with brilliant green, alcohol, chlorhexidine or iodine of your choice. A wound that is bleeding must first be washed with hydrogen peroxide, then its edges should be lubricated with brilliant green or iodine or washed with chlorhexidine. After washing, apply a dry, sterile bandage and cotton wool bandage to the wound. For boils and burns, lubricate the skin on the sore spot with brilliant green, chlorhexidine or iodine, then apply a sterile bandage.