Why does my puppy have a dry and warm nose? Why a dog has a dry nose: reasons, what to do, how to treat The puppy has a hot, dry nose, what to do

Why does a dog have a dry, hot or cold nose? The most common cause is allergies. It often occurs on low-quality plastic. An allergic reaction can also occur to dust, pollen, chemicals (including detergents), as well as certain foods.

The dog’s nose also reacts sensitively to the weather: extreme heat or, conversely, cold and wind. It may also mean that the dog is not drinking enough. A dog may catch a cold and then, in addition to a dry nose, it will have other symptoms:

  • sneezing,
  • cough,
  • runny nose,
  • hoarseness

The nose can dry out due to injury. Then swelling, swelling, scabs or ulcers may be visible on the nose. There is also an autoimmune skin disease called pemphigus. It usually appears as blisters on the dog's nose. Then they burst, and a crust forms in this place, which prevents the dog from breathing freely.

In pets, this organ is covered with mucus inside and on top. It is produced by linings (special glands). Mucus for dogs is a kind of chromatograph, an assistant through which air movement is determined. It is the moisture that covers the olfactory organ on top that helps the animal detect various odors. This is a kind of barometer of smell.

However, owners should not worry and immediately take the dog to a specialist if they notice that his nose has become hot and dry. There can be many reasons for this, not all of them indicate an animal illness. For example, a dog that has just woken up has a normally dry, warm sense of smell. It can be the same after physical activity, when the dog runs around to his heart's content, plays enough and overheats a little.

If the organ does not become moist during the period of calm of the animal, then there may be a change in the environment or stress. Emotional experiences are also characteristic of animals and cause many changes in the body.

Often a dog's sense of smell becomes dry due to allergies. Plastic dishes from which the dog eats often become the “culprit” of the problem. Allergies can also occur to pollen, dust, detergents, and certain products. If the dog is prone to allergic reactions, then owners are advised to keep a food diary in which food items are recorded and the dog’s body’s reaction to them is monitored. This will make it easier for the owner to eliminate the allergen from the diet.

The nose can become dry in response to changes in weather - heat, cold, strong wind. For example, it becomes hotter in the cold as the immune system fights the health-threatening effects of the weather. To help her, you can offer your dog a multivitamin.

If the dog’s olfactory organ remains hot and dry for a long time, then in addition to allergies, the cause may be a cold. In such cases, the dog also develops other symptoms. This is sneezing, coughing, rhinitis. After a course of therapy prescribed by the doctor, the dog recovers - and its nose returns to its normal physiological state.

A simple lack of fluid, lack of water in the drinking bowl can also lead to problems in the warm season.

Injuries are often the cause of the problem. The attentive owner discovers their consequences on his own, because there are manifestations of puffiness, swelling, and wounds. In this case, you will need to be examined by a specialist at a veterinary clinic.

Pemphigus is a specific disease that is manifested by the appearance of pimples in the form of bubbles on the nose. They burst, a crust forms, and the functioning of the lining is disrupted. In such cases, the dog should undergo histology. This is the only way to confirm the disease.

A dry and warm nose should alert the dog owner. There may be several reasons:

  • The most common reason that causes a dry nose and its warming may be a cold. A loving owner should not only be able to feel the pet’s nose, but also measure its temperature. If the reading on the thermometer exceeds 39, other signs of the disease are visible (cough, sour eyes, lethargy of the dog), it is necessary to begin treating the cold.
  • Often the cause of a warm nose is an allergic reaction. Allergens surround us everywhere. Plastic dishes, household chemicals, food. Dogs, just like people, can react to allergens. If the dog reacts to the allergen, then there will be no other visible manifestations of the disease. You should contact your veterinarian to determine the cause of the allergic reaction.
  • Dry nose can occur in nursing bitches. This is considered normal, so you should not panic and call a veterinarian at home.
  • In the summer, a dog exposed to the sun for a long time can get a skin burn. The skin on the nose is not protected by hair, so sunburn is possible. If you notice a warm and dry nose on your pet, inspect the area where it was located. The doghouse should be installed in a cool place so that the animal has the opportunity to rest in the shade. In addition, you should monitor the presence of a container with cool drinking water in the pet’s access area. In the summer heat, the dog may overheat, which will also result in a dry nose.
  • In winter, when the weather is frosty and windy, the skin on a dog's nose can be exposed to natural factors. Winter cold can lead to dry nasal skin, and in more serious cases it can cause painful cracks.
  • During walks, or just in the yard, a dog can accidentally get injured. Sometimes an injury leads to symptoms such as a dry nose and a warm nose. If you notice that your dog has a warm nose, you should examine it for injuries or damage to the skin. If your pet refuses to give his paw, he most likely damaged it. It is necessary to determine the severity of the injury and seek help from a veterinary clinic, or deal with the problem yourself.
  • Stressful situations have a negative impact on the dog's body. Having become nervous, the dog may become a little sick, which causes a symptom such as a warm and dry nose.
  • A dry nose, complete with blisters that appear on it, indicates a disease such as pemphigus. It is classified as a disease of the immune system. Characteristic signs of the disease: blisters with fluid on the skin. After the bubble matures, it bursts, then dried crusts appear, which prevent the dog from breathing. The type of pathogen can be determined only after testing.
  • If, in addition to a warm nose, your dog has constipation, is lethargic, and does not want to play, you should check it for helminthiasis. Large numbers of worms accumulated in the peritoneum can cause severe intoxication of the animal. Body temperature at the same time it can either increase or decrease.
  • A warm nose can be combined with other signs of distemper. The condition of a dog with this disease is as follows: hot, dry nose, lethargy, purulent discharge from the eyes and nasal passages, refusal to eat, indigestion. The animal may have a staggering gait, drag its hind legs and roll over on its side. In severe cases, fainting or seizures.

When a dog's dry and warm nose is a sign of illness

The problem with all animal diseases is that pets cannot tell about them. Therefore, the attentive attitude and observation of the owner will help to identify signs of otitis in time:

  1. The dog scratches its ear for a long time, often shakes its head, tilting it towards the diseased organ.
  2. During examination of the affected ear, swelling, discharge with pus and an unpleasant odor are noticeable.
  3. The animal reacts painfully to touching the sore ear.
  4. The pet sleeps poorly, gets tired from lack of sleep, and becomes indifferent to food.
  5. The dog's affected ear is hot.
  6. Increased body temperature.

The causative agents of ear inflammation in animals are bacteria and fungi. Among them are staphylococci and streptococci, which are constantly present in the dog’s body, but do not multiply and do not cause harm if immunity is good. As soon as the dog’s body malfunctions, the pathogenic microflora begins to rapidly increase, which leads to various diseases.

There are breeds of dogs with drooping ears that are predisposed to this disease from the moment they are born due to the unusual structure of the organ. In such animals, the ear covers the auditory canal, complicating its ventilation and creating favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. These include spaniels and poodles.

If you notice such symptoms in your pet, immediately seek help from a veterinarian. Based on laboratory tests of a smear taken from the affected ear, he will make a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. You should not treat your four-legged friend on your own to avoid unpleasant and sad consequences.

If your dog’s nose remains dry and warm for a long time, here are the possible reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Allergy. She can be up to anything. Starting with a plastic feeding bowl (replace with a stainless steel bowl) and ending with bird cherry blossoms. Of course, it could also be a food allergy. A test and keeping a diary of the animal's diet will help you identify the allergen. You need to do this to eliminate all allergens from your dog’s life as much as possible.
  • Cold . If a dog has caught an infection, then in addition to a dry nose, it should also have other signs of the disease: sneezing, runny nose, cough. As soon as the dog is healthy, the moisture in the nose will also be restored. What to do if your dog has a runny nose, see this article.
  • Nose injury. You can determine a nasal injury yourself. It is advisable to seek treatment advice from a veterinarian if you are not experienced in treating nasal injuries.
  • Pemphigus. There is an autoimmune disease in dogs, one of the manifestations of which is the appearance of blisters on the nose, which then burst and the nose becomes covered with a crust. It should be taken into account that blisters do not only appear on the nose, but can occur throughout the body. Only with the help of histology can accurate confirmation of the disease be given.

Now you know exactly why a dog has a wet and cold nose, why it needs it like that, and in what cases a dog’s nose is warm and dry. With the help of this article, we have dispelled the misconception of many novice dog breeders that if they feel a dry and hot nose on their dog, they should panic and immediately run to the veterinarian.


Diagnosis of redness of the auricle is carried out in a complex manner and includes several stages. When contacting a doctor, the specialist must collect anamnesis and conduct a clinical examination of the animal, during which the affected part of the outer and middle ear is examined.

When examining, it is important to focus on the condition of the eardrum, the skin inside and the presence of edema. Otoscopy (examination of the auricle) includes registration of possible discharge from the ear canal area, skin hyperemia, pain during palpation, and bulging of the eardrum.

If a certain pathology is suspected, specific laboratory tests are prescribed. The main ones are:

  • general blood analysis;
  • cytology of secretions (carried out to determine pathogenic microflora, diagnose possible tumor processes, autoimmune diseases, hyperplasia of sulfur-producing glands);
  • scrapings and further examination under a microscope (carried out to identify ear mites and pathogenic bacterial microflora).

Rarely, but in the absence of a reliable picture of the pathological process, a veterinary specialist may prescribe an x-ray examination to identify a neoplasm or polyps in the nasopharynx that provokes the development of otitis media.

Possible diseases and their treatment

The main task of a dog owner is to monitor the health of his ward. It is important to regularly inspect your dog’s ears, noting the slightest changes. In normal condition, the skin of the ear on the inside should have a pale pink tint and be free of foreign odors.

There are a number of reasons that provoke the development of redness in a dog’s ears. The main ones are:

  1. Insufficient ventilation. Occurs in many dogs, but mainly affects breeds with long and floppy ears. Most of the auricle closes the external auditory canal, preventing microcirculation of air masses penetrating into the area of ​​the inner ear. Accumulated excess moisture is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms. During an inflammatory process caused by bacteria, a dog develops discharge from the ear, accompanied by an unpleasant odor. It is possible and necessary to prevent inflammation in such pets by carrying out timely hygienic treatment of the auricle. Excess hair should be cut off, and the ear canal should be treated with special products to remove excess moisture and dirt.
  2. Allergic reactions. As a result of allergic reactions, not only internal organs suffer, but also external ones. Redness on the ears as a result of allergies to food with individual intolerance to certain foods is a fairly common occurrence, especially among small breeds of dogs. Products that provoke the onset of allergies can be wheat, rice or poultry, as well as granulated dry food. If a veterinarian suspects the onset of an allergy, the pet is prescribed treatment, which includes the exclusion of foods that cause a reaction, as well as the use of special antihistamines (the dosage and course of treatment must be prescribed by a qualified doctor).
  3. Foreign objects in the ears. If various insects, plants or other objects enter the external auditory canal and are exposed for a long time, the animal may experience irritation and redness in the ears. It is necessary to conduct a thorough and, most importantly, regular examination of the pet’s hearing organs after each walk in nature. It is not recommended to remove a foreign body yourself, since any careless movement can lead to more serious consequences (pushing the object into the deeper layers, where it will be much more difficult to get it out). It is advisable to contact a veterinarian who can properly restrain the animal and remove the object causing inflammation.
  4. Redness after water procedures. Quite often, dog owners pay attention to the fact that after bathing, the dog’s ears turn red on the inside. Water that gets inside the ear may not come out on its own, even if the pet actively shakes them. As a result of this, an inflammatory process occurs, which is treated by a veterinarian. Cotton pads inserted into the dog's ears before bathing will help prevent the situation. After the procedures, cotton swabs must be removed.
  5. Otodectosis. An ear infection in dogs and cats caused by ear mites. The disease can be transmitted from sick animals to healthy ones through contact. In addition to hyperemia as a result of inflammation, otodectosis is always accompanied by other characteristic symptoms - severe itching and an unpleasant odor from the ear canal area. The pet can tilt its head in one direction or the other. An accurate diagnosis can only be made in a veterinary hospital, since the diagnosis includes a scraping to determine the pathogen. Ear mites are a fairly dangerous disease, treatment of which lasts several weeks in mild forms. In advanced cases, treatment is more expensive and longer. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, otodectosis can lead to serious consequences and even complete loss of the dog’s hearing.
  6. Otitis. Inflammation that occurs inside the ear affects many pets. Otitis can occur as a result of various reasons - with a decrease in immune defense, allergic reactions, colds, proliferation of bacterial pathogenic microflora or fungi. It is extremely difficult not to notice the manifestations of otitis, because in addition to the fact that the dog has hot ears, a number of characteristic signs also arise, such as constant itching and discomfort (the animal constantly scratches its ears), refusal to eat, increased body temperature, lethargy and apathy, unpleasant odor from the ear canal. With fungal otitis, an unpleasant, sweetish odor is heard from the ear, and with bacterial purulent otitis, a specific exudate is released from the ear canal.

Prevention of ear diseases in dogs

To avoid trouble with your pets' ears, try to remember a few simple rules:

  • after each walk, inspect the animal’s body, paying attention to the ears;
  • do not forget to clean the external auditory canal;
  • long-eared pets need daily combing of the fur on their ears;
  • Watch what your dog eats.

These simple procedures will reduce the risk of ear problems.

An attentive dog owner always conducts regular examination of the ears, which allows timely detection of the onset of pathological processes. Do not worry if your pet secretes a small amount of a brown substance that does not have a strong unpleasant odor. This is earwax, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the hearing aid. Regular ear cleaning using special lotions will help prevent serious diseases associated with your dog's ears.

Long-eared and long-haired dog breeds require regular plucking or trimming of the hair in the ear canal. This will improve air microcirculation, preventing moisture from retaining and causing inflammation.

After long walks in nature, among tall grass or in the forest, it is necessary to inspect the dog’s ears for foreign bodies. An important role in the prevention of otitis media and other pathological conditions of the auricle is played by the general strengthening of the immune system.

Having a dog in the house is a huge responsibility for the owner. There are situations when an animal’s nose becomes dry and hot. How to react to this indicator of canine health; is a visit to the veterinarian required in all cases? It must be remembered that in addition to a dry nose, a dog may have any additional symptoms, so you should not make hasty conclusions; you need to take a closer look at the pet. What to do?

A dry and warm nose should alert the dog owner. There may be several reasons:

  • The most common reason that causes a dry nose and its warming may be a cold. A loving owner should not only be able to feel the pet’s nose, but also measure its temperature. If the reading on the thermometer exceeds 39, other signs of the disease are visible (sour eyes, lethargy of the dog), it is necessary to begin treating the cold.
  • Often the cause of a warm nose is an allergic reaction. Allergens surround us everywhere. Plastic dishes, household chemicals, food. Dogs, just like people, can react to allergens. If the dog reacts to the allergen, then there will be no other visible manifestations of the disease. You should contact your veterinarian to determine the cause of the allergic reaction.
  • Dry nose can occur in nursing bitches. This is considered normal, so you should not panic and call a veterinarian at home.
  • In the summer, a dog exposed to the sun for a long time can get a skin burn. The skin on the nose is not protected by hair, so sunburn is possible. If you notice a warm and dry nose on your pet, inspect the area where it was located. The doghouse should be installed in a cool place so that the animal has the opportunity to rest in the shade. In addition, you should monitor the presence of a container with cool drinking water in the pet’s access area. In the summer heat, the dog may overheat, which will also result in a dry nose.
  • In winter, when the weather is frosty and windy, the skin on a dog's nose can be exposed to natural factors. Winter cold can lead to dry nasal skin, and in more serious cases it can cause painful cracks.
  • During walks, or just in the yard, a dog can accidentally get injured. Sometimes an injury leads to symptoms such as a dry nose and a warm nose. If you notice that your dog has a warm nose, you should examine it for injuries or damage to the skin. If your pet refuses to give his paw, he most likely damaged it. It is necessary to determine the severity of the injury and seek help from a veterinary clinic, or deal with the problem yourself.
  • Stressful situations have a negative impact on the dog's body. Having become nervous, the dog may become a little sick, which causes a symptom such as a warm and dry nose.
  • A dry nose, complete with blisters that appear on it, indicates a disease such as pemphigus. It is classified as a disease of the immune system. Characteristic signs of the disease: blisters with fluid on the skin. After the bubble matures, it bursts, then dried crusts appear, which prevent the dog from breathing. The type of pathogen can be determined only after testing.
  • If, in addition to a warm nose, your dog is lethargic and does not want to play, you should check it for helminthiasis. Large numbers of worms accumulated in the peritoneum can cause severe intoxication of the animal. at the same time it can either increase or decrease.
  • A warm nose can be combined with other signs of distemper. The condition of a dog with this disease is as follows: hot, dry nose, lethargy, purulent discharge from the eyes and nasal passages, refusal to eat, indigestion. The animal may have a staggering gait, drag its hind legs and roll over on its side. In severe cases, fainting or.

What to do if your dog has a warm nose

In each specific case, it is necessary to soberly assess the situation, your strengths and the condition of the animal. Only then make a decision: show the animal to a veterinarian or help it yourself. Let's consider the main situations in which an animal may find itself.

The dog has a cold

If you suspect a cold, if the dog's condition is not critical, you can get by with home treatment, but if possible, take the animal to the veterinarian so as not to miss it. The first measures that an owner should take if their pet has a cold are the following:

  • Provide a calm environment, provide warm drinks and tasty food that the pet will definitely not refuse. To maintain strength, it is necessary for the dog to eat at least a little.
  • There should be no drafts in the place where the sick dog is resting. The room should not be too hot or too cold. It is advisable to ensure a normal temperature in the room.
  • It is necessary to go outside, because the dog needs to fulfill its physiological needs. Walking time can be limited to a quarter of an hour.
  • If the dog is freezing, you can cover it with something warm or even warm it with a heating pad.
  • You can brush your dog periodically with a brush. This massage activates the body's defenses, helps to disperse the blood and warm up.

At the initial stage of the disease, when the dog does not refuse food and drink, treatment can be carried out with the following medications: Gamavit, Amoxiclav, Cycloferon. To reduce the temperature, intramuscular injections of Analgin with Diphenhydramine are used, which are carried out 2 times a day. If treatment does not help and your dog feels worse, call your veterinarian for an examination. It is possible that the animal develops pneumonia. This condition is quite serious and cannot be dealt with without the advice of a specialist. In order to diagnose an inflammatory process in the lungs, the veterinarian must listen to the dog.

If the dog has a cough, wheezing, and there is no way to show it to the veterinarian, broad-spectrum treatment is started. In order not to disturb the intestinal microflora, you should additionally purchase a drug to normalize the microflora.

If your pet has a high fever, you should not give paracetamol-based medications, they are harmful to the animal. If you don’t know how to give injections, give an Analgin tablet, hiding it in a piece of treat.

Allergies in a pet

This condition can be caused by flowering plants, household items, woolen items, household chemicals, and food. It is quite difficult to determine the source on your own, but you can try. Try to clean the room where the dog is located without chemicals.

Carry out wet cleaning with warm water more often. Dishes must be washed daily, without using chemical dishwashing detergents. If wool, replace it with cotton. When walking your animal, avoid places where grasses and shrubs bloom. If the source of the allergy is discovered in this way, protect your pet from it.

Climatic features

If the cause of a dry nose is natural phenomena (heat, wind, scorching sun rays), you need to use cosmetics and try to protect the animal from the vicissitudes of the weather. For example, in the summer, move the booth to the shade of trees.


In this case, it is necessary to provide first aid to the pet (stop the bleeding, bandage the wound), then visit a veterinarian. If your nose is injured, you should not use alcohol, brilliant green, or iodine - this can lead to a burn to the nasal mucosa.

Worm infestations

When purchasing an animal for home, you should remember that walking your pet on the street can result in the appearance of. Therefore, all dog owners are recommended to carry out preventive cleaning with special anthelmintic drugs.

If your dog has worms, he may suffer from. Certain types of worms can be found in feces. It is advisable to get tested and begin anthelmintic treatment recommended by a specialist. Among the drugs used to treat helminthic infestations are: Pyrantel, Fenbendazole, Espirantel, Praxiquantel, Febantel.


Treatment should be aimed at maintaining the animal's internal strength. It is advisable to contact a veterinary clinic, as the disease is quite serious and can result in the death of your pet.

When not to worry

A dry and warm nose is not always an indicator of a canine disease. If the dog is behaving as usual, cheerful and playful, there is most likely no cause for concern. Observe the animal, give it food and water.

A warm nose is not the main indicator, so you cannot react sharply to this symptom alone. Maybe the dog was tired and nervous, which caused the nose to become warm and dry. Warm noses occur in puppies, nursing animals, and pets that have just woken up. If there are no other, more serious symptoms of disease, then there is also no reason to worry. I hope we answered the question: “Why does a dog have a dry nose?”

Pets are unable to communicate when they feel unwell. But a caring owner can always notice this himself based on various signs. One of the main indicators of a dog’s well-being is the condition of the nasal mucosa.

The mucous membrane can be dry or moist, hot, warm or cool, clean, with ulcers or wounds. All violations indicate that the functions of this organ are not fully performed, and the reason may lie in both pathology and external conditions.

In dogs, unlike humans, the mucous membrane is located not only inside the nostrils, but also on the surface of the olfactory organ. It contains a large number of small glands that constantly secrete a mucous secretion. This lubricant performs an important function: it contributes to the perception and enhancement of all odors that surround the animal. As you know, for a dog, smell plays the role of the most important sense with which the pet navigates the surrounding world, so the loss of this ability is reflected in general behavior.

In order for the humidity to be maintained at the desired level, the nose should be moderately cool. When its temperature rises, the mucous membrane dries out faster than a new secretion can be produced.

Exceptions to the rules

Despite the fact that a moist and cool nose is considered normal, there are cases when temporary dryness does not indicate a possible serious illness.

If dryness appears for the first time, it is important to pay attention to the following factors:

  • After a long sleep, the earlobe is often warmer and drier than usual. It goes away within a few minutes of waking up.
  • Allergy. The most common cause of allergic reactions in pet dogs is feeders made of plastic or other materials. The best option is a stainless steel bowl, which almost never causes allergies.
  • On the hottest days, the air becomes too dry, which affects both the mucous membranes of dogs and people. The unpleasant sensation will quickly pass after treating the earlobe with water or a weak solution of calendula.
  • Insufficient hydration sometimes appears due to injury. It does not necessarily manifest itself externally, but if a dog hits its nose, the functioning of the glands may be disrupted for a short time, after which it will recover on its own.
  • After severe physical fatigue, the condition of the mucous membrane may worsen, but as soon as the animal rests, all indicators will return to normal.
  • Moral worries and stress affect dogs no less than their owners. The cause of a dry nose is often fear, separation from someone in the household, or other dog troubles. When a puppy moves to a new home, this picture is considered typical. Everything will be restored as soon as the adaptation period ends and the pet gets used to its new place of residence.

In all of the above cases, in a healthy dog, the condition of the nose becomes normal within a short time after the irritating factor is eliminated.

Cold nose

A too cold surface of the lobe may be a sign of a significant decrease in the animal’s body temperature. The rest of the body is covered with fur, so it is the nose that gives an idea of ​​the coolness of the skin.

There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • hypothermia;
  • colds or viruses;
  • serious malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs.

In this case, the main signals indicating that the dog urgently needs to be shown to a specialist are:

  • dull or watery eyes;
  • bloodless gums;
  • cold surface of the ears;
  • wheezing.

Hot and dry

Too high a temperature in the nasal mucosa is almost always combined with dryness. This symptom always indicates a disease that causes fever. The reasons for this include infectious pathology or significant trauma, as well as an inflammatory process. First of all, it is important to make sure that the dog is not experiencing heatstroke.

Immediate contact with a veterinarian is necessary in cases where a hot and dry nose is combined with the following symptoms:

  • weakness, lethargy and sleeping longer than usual;
  • constant desire to drink;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased irritability and aggression;
  • the dog tries to hide in a secluded place where no one will disturb him;
  • obvious intestinal disorders (diarrhea, vomiting);
  • swelling of the nose;
  • blisters and peeling on the mucous membrane;
  • frequent sneezing and paroxysmal cough, runny nose;
  • hoarse voice.

It's good if the dog can measure the temperature. The values ​​for this parameter differ for dogs of different ages and sizes, and also change in pregnant or lactating bitches.

First aid

If a hot and dry nose is detected in an animal, it is necessary to identify the underlying cause. This can be done professionally at a veterinary clinic. It is possible that in addition to a visual examination, you will have to undergo tests.

But until the dog is taken to the clinic, its condition can be alleviated using basic techniques. To do this you need to follow these tips:

  • provide your pet with constant access to water;
  • in case of allergies, remove all flowering plants from the apartment;
  • in winter, lubricate the nasal mucosa with cotton wool soaked in water or a weak saline solution;
  • treat the earlobe with an ointment based on calendula extract or fresh aloe juice.

The owner must remember that it is impossible to give the animal any medications before examination by a specialist: this may disrupt the overall picture of the disease or affect the tests that will be prescribed to find the cause.

The condition of the nose is the main parameter by which it is easy to monitor changes occurring in the dog, so it needs to be monitored periodically, comparing it with the norm in a healthy dog. By monitoring it, you can quickly detect the onset of pathological processes and promptly provide first aid to your pet.

Any owner knows that if a dog has a dry nose, close attention must be paid to its well-being. Among the many different reasons, there are completely harmless ones. It is necessary to understand what may be associated with dry nose and what measures should be taken.

A dog’s sense of smell is so developed that it can sense not only odors that are elusive to humans, but also the slightest vibrations in the air. The glands located inside and outside the olfactory organ secrete a special secretion. If the pet's body is functioning normally, the skin of the nose is moist and cool. The opposite condition is not always an indicator of any pathology.

There are several completely harmless factors that explain why a dog has a dry nose. . These include:

  • Dream. During this period, metabolic processes slow down, secretory function decreases, so for another 15–20 minutes after waking up, the animal’s nose remains dry and warm.
  • Overwork. During physical exertion, during prolonged active play, the nose dries out.
  • Reaction to windy weather. Animals are very sensitive to weather conditions.
  • Change of teeth in a puppy.
  • Period of hormonal changes (pregnancy, estrus).
  • The first day after birth.
  • Individual features of the structure of the organ and metabolic rate lead to the fact that the animal experiences a dry nose throughout its life.

As a result of the above reasons, the olfactory organ remains dry for a short period of time. When this symptom appears for several hours and additional ones are observed along with it, we can assume the onset of a disease.

When a dog's dry nose is a sign of illness

Other accompanying symptoms indicate a deterioration in the pet’s well-being:

  • Lethargy. The dog strives to retire, hide in a dark place, loses interest in games and entertainment.
  • Aggression. May appear as a result of increased irritability caused by illness.
  • Scratching the muzzle.
  • The fur takes on a tousled appearance.
  • Breathing is difficult, wheezing is heard. Sneezing and coughing begins.
  • Abnormal stool. Eating grass often causes your dog to vomit.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • No appetite. This indicator does not change without a good reason.

If, along with the fact that the dog has a warm and dry nose, any of the listed symptoms are present, it is necessary to show the pet to a doctor. Timely treatment of an existing disease significantly increases the chances of recovery. If the cause of dryness is any pathology, the veterinarian will tell you what to do. He will first establish a diagnosis by conducting the necessary examination. Excessive dryness may indicate various pathologies.


This is one of the most common causes of a dry nose in dogs. Along with this symptom, many others arise. The animal rubs its face with its paws and itches incessantly. Dandruff forms, the skin begins to peel, and the coat becomes too dry. All actions are aimed at identifying the allergen. Its role may include food, pollen from flowering plants, and house dust. Often a bowl made of synthetic materials is an allergen, so it is recommended to replace it with a ceramic or metal one.

It is necessary to exclude the dog from contact with synthetics, woolen fabric, rubber, and polymers. You should not bathe your pet, especially with detergents. You will have to temporarily stop using household chemicals when cleaning your apartment. When walking your dog, you should avoid flowering plants and carefully monitor its condition. Be sure to write down everything that had to be excluded. As soon as an improvement in the dog’s well-being is noticed, the list is presented to the veterinarian. Tests sometimes help determine the allergen.


A disease with this name is often found in dogs, accompanied not only by a dry nose, but also by the appearance of blisters on it - bubbles filled with liquid. When ripe, they burst, leaving behind dried crusts. The accumulation of bubbles prevents the dog from breathing normally. Factors that provoke the development of the disease are the use of certain medications, an infectious disease, and ultraviolet irradiation.

Pemphigus on a dog's nose

The type of pathogen can only be determined based on test results. Depending on this, treatment is prescribed.


A dog's dry nose can be caused by a cold. It is manifested by apathy, drowsiness, wheezing and sneezing. Possible increase in temperature. Even if you manage to alleviate your pet’s condition at home, it must be shown to a veterinarian to prevent the development of pneumonia. Otherwise, serious long-term treatment will be required using antibiotics, IVs and other procedures.

The disease in its advanced stage can lead to the death of the pet. Therefore, it is important to start treatment when the first symptoms appear, without ignoring the dog’s dry nose. Self-medication is unacceptable if pneumonia or bronchitis is suspected. First aid measures to help alleviate the condition:

  • Create a calm environment. The dog needs to be offered tasty food and provided with drink.
  • Maintaining optimal room temperature. It shouldn't be too hot or cold. It is important to ensure that there are no drafts.
  • Reducing walking time to 15 minutes.
  • If your pet has severe chills, you should cover it with a warm blanket or place a heating pad next to it.
  • Combing wool with a brush. As a result of this massage, blood circulation improves and protective forces are activated.

When there is no opportunity to show the dog to a doctor, and wheezing, coughing, and other symptoms intensify, it is necessary to use broad-spectrum antibiotics. Additionally, you will need medications that normalize the intestinal microflora.


Worm infestation is accompanied by constipation, temperature fluctuations, and signs of intoxication. The dog becomes lethargic and loses interest in life. Severe damage leads to bulging of the peritoneum. Therefore, if you find your pet has a dry, warm nose and any of the above symptoms, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian. Once the test results are received, appropriate anthelmintic treatment will be prescribed. Typically, Espirantel, Febantel, and Pyrantel are used for this purpose. Carrying out regular deworming eliminates the possibility of infection with worms.


A warm nose may be a sign of a more serious disease - distemper. The dog has a depressed state, which worsens more and more if measures are not taken. The animal refuses to eat, becomes weaker, and the digestion process is disrupted. Pus accumulates in the eyes, near the nasal passages. The nose dries out, becoming not just warm, but even hot. When walking, the dog staggers, falling on its side. In advanced cases, convulsions and fainting are possible.


A most dangerous disease that can be transmitted to people and other animals. It is classified as incurable. In addition to signs characteristic of many other diseases, rabies is distinguished by the symptom of photophobia. At the initial stage, the dog does not refuse water, but later begins to experience fear of it. A dry and hot nose is one of the first signs of illness. The infected animal must be euthanized.

Other causes of dry nose in dogs

Such a sign is not always a reason to immediately consult a doctor. You just need to know what it means if a dog has a dry nose, and study all the possible causes of this phenomenon. This may be due to injury. Therefore, the animal must be examined, given first aid and taken to a veterinarian. A dog's sense of smell is hundreds of times more sensitive than a human's. The slightest scratch caused by cat claws or branches causes pain in the pet. As a result, the tip of the nose dries out and becomes hot. It is unacceptable to treat the wound with iodine or brilliant green - this can aggravate the pain syndrome.

Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause skin burns that are not protected by fur. The nose is the first to suffer. The booth must be installed in such a way that the dog has the opportunity to hide from the sun.

In winter, one of the reasons why a dog’s nose is dry and cracked is severe frost and wind. Under the influence of these natural factors, painful cracks form on the nose.

If a dog has a cold and dry nose, this may be a sign of hypothermia, as well as a decrease in body temperature. A similar symptom, combined with pale gums and dull eyes, is a reason to seek veterinary help.

When dry nose is associated with physiological characteristics or climatic conditions, it is enough to lubricate it with Vaseline or vegetable oil. Careful monitoring of your pet will help to detect an incipient disease in time.

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