Traditional medicine for pancreatic cancer. Horsetail tea. How is cancer therapy performed?

Thanks to the development of traditional medicine, it is now possible to cure many diseases. Of course, in fairness, it should be noted that such treatment methods are sometimes quite expensive. The same cannot be said about traditional medicine. But in many cases it is no less effective, and the cost of ingredients for preparation various means much lower. This treatment applies to almost any type of disease. Pancreatic cancer is no exception. In this article we will look at treatment of pancreatic cancer with traditional methods.

Reasons for the development of gland cancer

Pancreatic cancer is an oncological disease that develops when a person suffers from chronic diseases pancreas. To diseases that provoke the occurrence cancer This type may include pancreatitis, diabetes etc. A feature of the disease is that it is prone to rapid development, as a result metastases begin, and the disease affects the liver, bones, lungs, lymph nodes, etc. The reasons that provoke the occurrence of the disease include:

Another cause of cancer is gender and age. As a rule, the disease occurs most often in women after 60 years of age.

Traditional methods of treating pancreatic cancer

In folk medicine there is great amount various methods of preparing medicines. Below we will look at the main methods and means of treatment that are considered the most effective in the fight against this disease.

ASD for pancreatic cancer>

This drug is taken from the second fraction. For reference. ASD is an antiseptic that was originally created for animals. After some time, it began to be used to treat people. Of course, during treatment with this drug you will feel some discomfort in the form of the smell of the drug, but you will not go to any lengths for the sake of healing. And so the drug normalizes digestive system, increases resistance to the negative effects of the disease.

In addition, it is a fairly strong anti-inflammatory agent. The drug eliminates severe pain, which are characteristic of this disease and stops the development of the tumor. Start taking the drug with 1 drop, dilute it in 50 ml. water. Every day the dose is increased until it reaches 35 drops. After which the dose is reduced in the reverse manner. The course of treatment can range from several weeks to a year. But between courses you must take a break.

Propolis for pancreatic cancer

This drug is not in vain used to treat cancer. After all beneficial features propolis has been known for many centuries. It is effective in treating tumors and getting rid of calluses. The product has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound-healing properties. To treat cancer, propolis can be taken in pure form, eating 3 gram pieces between meals for two weeks. You can also prepare a remedy with propolis and herbs. To do this you need to follow these steps:

  • Grind 10 grams of propolis,
  • Place the crushed propolis in a thermos,
  • Boil water and cool it a little,
  • Fill in hot water propolis in a thermos,
  • Let the product brew for a day.

The tincture is taken along with chamomile decoction twice a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 14 days.

Treatment of oncology with pancreatic soda

This treatment is also called sodotherapy. But such treatment must be carried out very carefully and carefully. It is recommended to take soda in very small doses. IN otherwise On the contrary, it can harm the body. You need to undergo soda therapy with very small doses, starting with the tip of a teaspoon. This is about a fifth of a teaspoon. Moreover, they take soda not in pure form, but in diluted form (it is diluted in half a glass of water). Maximum dose should not exceed half a teaspoon.

Herbs for gland cancer

Celandine is effective for pancreatic cancer. The most in a simple way The preparation of celandine tincture is as follows:

  • Take fresh plant stems,
  • Remove leaves from the stems and place them in a bowl.
  • Fill the stems with alcohol or vodka to the very edge of the jar.
  • Place the mixture in a dark place and let it brew for one month. After this period, strain the tincture through cheesecloth. After full procedure it will be ready to eat.
  • It is recommended to take it three times a day before meals. The dosage should not exceed half a teaspoon. The course of treatment with this remedy is three weeks, after which you should take a break.

A tincture based on celandine herb can also be prepared according to the recipe below:

  • Take one tablespoon of dry, crushed celandine and place it in a bone. Pour one glass of boiling water over the crushed raw material and let it brew for 2 hours.
  • It is advisable to infuse the mixture in a thermos. This way she can absorb all the beneficial properties of the plant. You need to take it 15-30 grams three times a day before meals.

Hemlock works very well against pancreatic cancer. Treatment with this herb should also be carried out with caution. Since hemlock juice is poisonous. And so tinctures or decoctions are prepared from the plant. Despite the large number different recipes The following is considered the most effective:

  • Take two full tablespoons of dry hemlock grass,
  • Grind the raw materials and place them in a container,
  • Fill the grass with liters of vodka or 40% alcohol,
  • Let the tincture steep for a week.

Also for cooking remedy you can use inflorescences. To do this, you need to pick the inflorescences in advance. But please note that this procedure It is better to spend it away from the city and from highways. Once you have the inflorescences, follow these steps:

  • Fill half the jar with inflorescences,
  • Fill the jar with alcohol or vodka to the very top,

The tincture should be allowed to infuse for three weeks, after which it is ready for use. The tincture should be taken under the strict supervision of a doctor. Since hemlock, like celandine, contains a deadly poison. For the same reason, ready medicine must be hidden well out of the reach of children.

In folk medicine, flaxseed oil is used for pancreatic cancer.. Many people know the healing properties linseed oil. Thanks to your healing properties it is used for many diseases. One of the recipes for preparing a medicinal product is the following:

  • Peel the potatoes
  • Grate it on a fine grater to make a paste,
  • Extract the juice from the resulting raw materials,
  • Dilute the resulting potato juice with linseed oil.

The finished product is taken several times a day for three weeks.

Treatment of pancreatic cancer using the Shevchenko method

First of all, it should be noted that this method treatment is used for many intractable diseases. It involves cooking tinctures for pancreatic cancer. To prepare it you need to do the following:

  • Mix 40 ml of pure sunflower oil and vodka,
  • Shake the mixture thoroughly.

After you achieve a homogeneous mass, you need to drink the product in one gulp in a few sips. The mixture is drunk 20 minutes before a meal; it is strictly forbidden to drink 1 hour before a meal. The medicine is taken for 10 days in a row, after which they take a break and repeat the course. During treatment it is prohibited:

  • Meat,
  • Dairy,
  • Coffee,
  • Narcotics,
  • Sweet,
  • smoking,
  • Drink alcohol
  • Take vitamins E, A, C.

Probably, many will agree that any treatment, in addition to benefit, can also cause harm. For therapy to be effective, you must consult a doctor before undergoing it. In addition, before choosing which method or recipe to treat, carefully study the ingredients. After all, some of them may have individual intolerance.

A disease such as a malignant tumor in the pancreas develops more often in people over fifty years of age and older. It should be noted that according to research, it was possible to find out the fact that the male half of the population is prone to this disease twice as often as the female half. Pancreatic cancer can affect those who for a long time suffered from pancreatitis or the person had other chronic diseases related to the pancreas. In older people and people old age tumor development occurs very slowly, and metastases form already quite late stages.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

One of the earliest signs indicating the onset of development of pancreatic cancer is the appearance of pain in the gastric part and the area located in the left hypochondrium. At the same time, the appearance of pain occurs regardless of the consumption of food, it becomes stronger when a person tries to lie down and its character is shingles. When a malignant neoplasm develops in the head of the pancreas, this can provoke jaundice, the appearance of which is explained by the fact that the common bile duct. In many cases, a phenomenon such as jaundice can be one of the first signs indicating the development of the disease.

In addition to pain and the appearance of jaundice, people who have been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer tend to experience disturbances in the dyspeptic system. This is the appearance of diarrhea, constipation, frequent belching And occasional nausea. At the same time, a person’s body weight begins to rapidly decrease. When an elderly person begins to complain of pain, dyspepsia and begins to lose weight, the first thing to think about is possible development malignant tumor in the pancreas.

Treatment of illness using traditional medicine

If used to treat a disease medicinal methods, then in this case surgical intervention is provided. But even if the operation is successful, the survival rate of such patients does not reach even five percent. An alternative to surgery is traditional medicine. Treatment using her methods involves performing procedures to cleanse the pancreas of cholesterol plaques And harmful substances, which have accumulated in it.

Treatment by means traditional medicine prefers systematic application various tinctures and decoctions from medicinal plants, which, if the recommendations and dosages are strictly followed, give good results. There are methods that can be effective scientific explanation even traditional medicine unable. Among other things, during the treatment process it is very important to follow a routine and eat according to the diet.

For cancer of the pancreas, traditional medicine uses the following medicines:

Decoctions from the dried upper part of the Siberian princeling plant are known for their effect from the Mongolian peoples, who use it to treat malignant tumors in the pancreas, intestines and stomach cancer.

In our country, calendula is widely known, from which an infusion is prepared. You should take the flowers and leaves of the plant in the amount of two teaspoons, then pour boiling water in the amount of two glasses and place in a warm place for two hours. After filtering, the product is consumed at least four times a day, half a glass before meals.

It is recommended to drink one hundred grams of beetroot juice six times a day, dividing the doses into equal time intervals. The juice should be drunk only on an empty stomach and warm, and it should be eaten with a piece of black bread or sauerkraut. white cabbage. In addition, beet juice can be washed down with another type of juice of the patient’s choice. People who have been diagnosed with the development of a malignant tumor in the pancreas should remember that beet juice cannot be consumed freshly prepared, since at this moment it contains volatile toxic substances V large quantities. They can cause patients dyspeptic symptoms, defined by dizziness, low blood pressure, and other symptoms. Beetroot juice should stand at room temperature for three hours, after which it should be placed in the refrigerator for further settling. In combination with juice, you need to eat boiled beets, and this should be done regularly in the amount of two hundred grams as a side dish for the second course.

In folk medicine during treatment cancerous tumors localized in the most different places, as well as for pancreatic oncology, the roots of such a plant as Amur velvet. To prepare the infusion, crushed roots in the amount of one tablespoon should be poured into 250 ml of boiling water, then brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for fifteen minutes. The container in which the infusion is prepared must be tightly closed until the product has cooled. After which it is filtered and consumed at least three times a day before eating. You should drink two tablespoons of the medicine at one time.

Among the plants that have analgesic properties, black henbane is considered the most powerful. It is also used in the development of cancer. various organs. To improve its effect, the plant is used together with speckled hemlock. The mixture is made proportionally. For one serving of henbane, take the same amount of hemlock. The infusion is prepared at ninety-six percent alcohol in a ratio of two parts of a mixture of dried plants and five parts of alcoholic liquid. It is necessary to insist for two weeks at room temperature, regularly shaking the container with the composition. Then strain and take three drops of the medicine diluted in one tablespoon of water three times a day. You should use the drug very carefully, as it is poisonous.

During pancreatic cancer, they also drink a decoction from the roots of shrubs such as black and red elderberry. It is also useful for malignant tumors developing in other internal organs. Elderberry fruits are an excellent raw material for making jam or jam. From dried berries It is recommended to brew tea. Any decoction or tea from this plant is useful to drink in unlimited quantities, since any part of the elderberry is healing.

An infusion prepared from the three-leaf plant can have a tonic effect on the entire body as a whole, improve appetite, and increase performance internal organs, promote increased secretion of the gastric membranes and have a beneficial effect on the pancreas. To prepare the infusion, take a portion dried leaves watch, which consists of one teaspoon, is poured with one glass of boiling water, and infused for one hour. Then filter and take 0.75 grams three times a day. You can also take powder prepared from the leaves of the watch. It should be taken no more than one gram at a time. The number of doses per day is three times. Any drug prepared from this plant has an antitumor effect. It is believed that due to the strengthening protective forces human body, the growth of the malignant tumor slows down.

Patients with a depleted body and the presence of cancer also benefit from eating black grapes, which have large berries.

Traditional medicine widely uses geranium root as an antitumor agent, from which decoctions are prepared. You should take no more than one tablespoon to prepare a portion of the crushed root and pour 250 ml of boiling water over it. Keep on the fire for no more than twenty minutes, while the container should be with the lid closed, after which the product is filtered and ready for use. At one time you should take one tablespoon of medicine. The number of doses is at least three times a day before starting meals thirty minutes.

Video - Treatment of the pancreas with folk remedies

Do you get sick often?

When the pancreas is attacked by a malignant tumor, cancer is diagnosed. Treatment is conservative and surgically. Therapy folk remedies refers to auxiliary methods.

Main symptoms of oncology

This disease is most often diagnosed in men 63-80 years old. Pancreatic cancer is in 3rd place among all oncological pathologies Gastrointestinal tract. In approximately 82% of patients, this disease is combined with symptoms of diabetes mellitus.

Pancreatic cancer is considered a very insidious pathology. At first it has no pronounced clinical picture and is characterized by a painless course. The first symptoms appear when the tumor reaches large sizes. The main signs of the disease include:

  1. Pain in the upper abdomen.
  2. Bloating.
  3. Nausea.
  4. Diarrhea.
  5. Steatorrhea.
  6. Change in color of stool.
  7. Darkening of urine.
  8. Decreased appetite.
  9. Sudden weight loss.

As a malignant tumor develops, it blocks the duct through which bile is released into the intestines. All components are collected in the blood. On this background skin covering And eye whites acquire a yellowish tint.

Another symptom of oncology is severe itching all over the body. It occurs due to blockage of the bile ducts.

Features of treatment with folk remedies

The main goals of treatment for pancreatic cancer are to stop the growth of pathological cells and eliminate the tumor. The second priority is to prevent metastasis and stabilize the body's condition.

Folk remedies against tumor growth

Herbs for oncology have been used since ancient times. The main antitumor drugs include:

  • Golden mustache;
  • sandy immortelle;
  • marsh calamus;
  • hemlock;
  • horsetail.

For cooking healing agent From the golden mustache, you need to carefully chop the plant stem, then pour it with high-quality alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. It is recommended to infuse the drug away from ultraviolet rays, for 2-3 days. Then the medicine should be carefully filtered. You should drink this infusion 1 teaspoon after meals.

Sandy immortelle flowers are used for pancreatic cancer. To prepare the drug, you must carefully grind 2 tablespoons of the main ingredient. Then you need to pour 400 ml of the mixture. boiling water, leave for 120 minutes. Then the infusion is filtered and 100 ml is drunk. half an hour before meals.

To prepare a decoction of marsh calamus, you need to grind 1 tablespoon. spoon of root of the main ingredient, pour 300 ml. just boiled water, boil for 15 minutes. It is recommended to take the drug 0.5 cups, 3 times/24 hours before meals.

You can also make a tincture from marsh calamus. To do this, you need to grind the root of the plant, pour it with 70% alcohol, observing the proportions of 1:5. It is recommended to infuse the product for 12 hours, drink 22 drops before meals.

Good for coping with cancer field horsetail. A decoction is prepared from this plant, which is recommended to be drunk as tea. A handful of dry horsetail is poured into 1/2 liter of boiling water and boiled over low heat for 5 minutes. Then the solution is cooled to room temperature; there is no need to filter it. It is recommended to drink this tea between meals until the condition improves.

The most effective folk remedy used for pancreatic cancer is hemlock. This is a toxic herb. Its use helps to alleviate the condition and inhibit rapidly dividing pathological cells. It is recommended to combine hemlock with black henbane. To prepare the potion, you need to mix these plants in proportions of 1 to 1, add alcohol. It is recommended to infuse the product for 14 days. Before use, the medicine should be gently shaken, then strained thoroughly. Take 3 drops three times in 24 hours, after diluting 1 tbsp. boiled water.

Treatment of cancer with restorative agents

The development of cancerous tumors is often accompanied by bleeding. This is due to tumor growth nearby authorities. Hemostatic herbs can help with pancreatic cancer. Best effect has Amur velvet. Great benefit Regenerating plants bring the body.

Thyme helps a lot. Its use helps cleanse circulatory system from toxins, the accumulation of which is caused by the activity of pathological cells. Also, taking a decoction from this plant helps normalize metabolic processes. To prepare the potion, add 1 tablespoon of dry thyme to freshly boiled water and leave for 15 minutes. It is recommended to take the medicine 3 times/24 hours, 50 ml each.

A strengthening herbal mixture has a remarkable effect, including:

  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • sagebrush;
  • sage;
  • St. John's wort.

1 tablespoon of the mixture should be brewed in 200 ml. just boiled water, strain, divide into 3 parts. The drug should be taken before meals, throughout the day.

Dark red beet juice helps prolong a patient’s life and significantly improve its quality. The use of this remedy helps to relieve pain syndrome, normalize appetite, increase hemoglobin levels.

Beetroot juice is drunk during chemotherapy. Its use is accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of leukocytes in the blood. The initial dosage is 2-3 spoons/24 hours. Over time, it increases to 1/2 liter. Drink beet juice preferably heated, you can eat it with black bread. Before use, the product must be infused for at least 3 hours, since fresh drink contains volatile toxic compounds.

Treatment of cancer with herbal teas

Resorting to traditional treatment pancreatic cancer, special emphasis should be placed on the use herbal infusions. Collection No. 1 has a remarkable effect. To prepare it you need to take 30 grams. saponaria root, rue leaves, 40 g each. willow bark, burdock root, 50 g each. St. John's wort, birch leaf.

To prepare the drug, you need to pour 1 spoon of raw material with a glass of just boiled water. Cover tightly with a lid, cook the medicine for 5 minutes, then leave for 10 minutes, strain thoroughly. Drink three times/24 hours, 1 cup before meals. To improve the effect, this collection must be combined with other anti-cancer drugs.

  1. Wormwood - 10 gr.
  2. Myrtle sprigs - 20 gr.
  3. Nettle leaves - 50 gr.
  4. Yarrow - 30 gr.
  5. Nettle root - 30 gr.

2 tablespoons of raw material should be poured into 150 ml. just boiled water, cover tightly, wrap, leave for 10 minutes, then strain well. You need to drink the decoction warm, twice/24 hours, half an hour before meals. The disease must be treated with this drug before full recovery strength

When treating pancreatic cancer with traditional methods, one should not forget about sage. This drink helps rapid recovery body. To prepare tea, you need to brew 1 handful of the plant in a large thermos. You need to drink the drink throughout the day.

Comment on diet

Treatment with folk remedies for pancreatic cancer is combined with diet.

The patient undertakes to follow it throughout his life. Food is steamed, sometimes baking is allowed. It is important to avoid fatty, spicy, salty and smoked foods. It is recommended to refuse fermented milk products. Before eating porridges, they should be thoroughly wiped through a strainer. The same should be done with boiled vegetables. You need to exclude alcohol, coffee, soda, pastries, and store-bought sweets from the menu. Meals should be regular. It is important to sit down to eat at the same time.

The method helps well therapeutic fasting. At stage 1, it is important to give up eggs and meat. This helps stop the growth of malignant cells and remove toxins from the body. For the first few days, a person should refuse food. The duration of fasting should not exceed 2 days. The dietary course must be repeated every 7 days.

Having refused food, you need to lean on nettle or chamomile tea. Very useful natural vegetable juices. They need to be prepared by carefully passing the product through a strainer. The pulp is not very beneficial for the health of the pancreas.

Good health to all, dear readers! Today we'll talk O complex problem. I will share recipes that a family close to me used when grief came to them. A man has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

The doctors said that there was nothing they could do to help, that the patient would not live long. But the relatives had no right to give up and give up. On the contrary, they tried to maintain his faith in life and began to fight for it. The search for treatment methods began, consultations with herbalists and healers began, and as a result, a set of recipes was formed, which began to be used. That's what they did.

Taking tinctures of rhodiola, peony and chaga

In the evening before bed - 1 tsp. Peony tinctures.

Antitumor collection

All components included in it are taken in equal proportions: sheet walnut(can be replaced with pine nut shells). You will also need licorice root, burdock, herb shepherd's purse, peppermint, horse sorrel, horsetail, nettle, wormwood, clover, sage, knotweed. Calendula flowers, birch and strawberry leaves. 1 tbsp. collection brew 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for an hour, strain. Drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Reception of the monastery collection by Fr. George


In addition, he took multivitamins and fresh vegetable juices, especially carrot and potato juices. This treatment continued for six months.

Features of treatment

It should be noted that the patient drank tinctures of rhodiola and peony for 2 months, then took a break for 2 weeks, during which he took 1 tablespoon at night. polyphepane to cleanse the body.

Then he continued taking Rhodiola and Peony again. As the treatment progressed, the relative’s pain initially subsided, but severe itching of the upper half of the body developed, which lasted for about two months and then stopped.


Six months later, the pancreas was examined. The results were amazing: the tumor disappeared without a trace. It's been two years since I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The former patient is doing well. But he continues to take the same mixture for prevention, as well as celandine and plantain (in courses of 1 month, with 1-2 week breaks). And so far so good!

So we can say with confidence that we have defeated cancer. Very great importance in the fight against it, he has faith in life and the support of loved ones. Black currants, strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blueberries and pomegranate are also protectors against cancer. Good luck to everyone in your treatment and patience.

Discussions on the topic of oncology

Recently, a friend of mine, a middle-aged woman, returned from a healer... The fact is that she atrophic gastritis, anemia develops, hemoglobin decreases. The local doctor insists on FGDS (fibrogastroduadenoscopy or, as people say, “swallow the probe”).

After all, atrophic gastritis with low acidity is often one of the indicators of degeneration of the gastric epithelium, its hyperplasia. The woman refuses. And then the healer said: “Everything is fine, you don’t need to be examined.”

But she doesn’t know that ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), which in a woman is over forty, is a sure sign of some kind of inflammatory process in the body.

It is not clear to an ignorant person that his so-called oncological diagnostic coefficient is higher than 1.5. And this coefficient is determined by the ratio of fibrinogen - an acute phase protein - and albumin - a finely dispersed protein in a biochemical blood test.

The formula is simple:

Formula of laboratory oncodiagnostic coefficient (LODC) = fibrinogen (g/l) / 0.1 x albumin (g/l)

The probability of a malignant tumor with LODC values: – up to 0.8 – the probability of developing a malignant tumor is low; – 0.8 or more – high, it is better to hurry for examination. Perhaps the tumor is still at an early stage, when it is clinically “silent”.

Inflammation is the body's defense

Today it has already been proven that even in a tumor 2 mm in size, necrosis begins, and a typical inflammatory reaction develops. The fact is that the body protects itself from tumors through inflammation and necrosis. Dysproteinemia develops, i.e. the ratio of blood plasma proteins is disrupted.

Detection of such changes in the composition of blood plasma in practically healthy people allows one to suspect malignant tumor, especially if these changes are persistent.

Laziness or fear?

Today it is difficult to “drive” a man after 50 years into a men’s examination room. A woman cannot be forced to go for an annual examination to a gynecologist. A lady of Balzac's age does not even know that a simple smear can easily reveal atypical cells, proliferation of the epithelium. We need to talk about this and even shout about it.

Nothing, it will pass...

There is a steady growth of advanced tumors, even those of seemingly open localization. An ulcer has appeared on the mammary gland... The woman reassures herself: “It’s okay, it will go away.” And then he comes to the doctor with an almost decomposed chest, when it is no longer possible to help.

Where is the ratio of fibrinogen and albumin? And if the doctor sounds the alarm, they get offended. What tumor markers are there?! After all, you don’t want to think about it when you still feel good.

The sooner you detect it, the fewer problems there are.

Meanwhile, early detection malignant neoplasms even in practically healthy people gives a very high chance of complete cure. After all, it is not the tumor itself that is dangerous, but its distant pieces - metastases. This is already a difficult-to-treat stage of the disease, when treatment does not help. This is why it is so important to identify the disease at an early stage.

That’s why you don’t need to reassure yourself with a healer, but go for a diagnosis as early as possible. Currently there are various methods examinations are quite simple and informative. A biochemical analysis blood tests are performed in a clinic in any regional center.

The most important thing is to overcome the psychological barrier associated with the fear of detecting a tumor.

Traditional methods of treating pancreatic cancer can alleviate the patient's condition, but do not affect the cause of the disease; there is no data on increasing the survival rate of such patients. The feasibility of this kind of methods is questionable, since cancer of this localization requires immediate surgical intervention. All other methods of official or traditional medicine make sense after the tumor has been eliminated or in the later stages, when the main goal of treatment is to reduce pain and other symptoms of cancer.

Pancreatic cancer (diagram)

Pancreatic cancer is the cause of death in every fourth cancer patient. The life prognosis for this condition is “conditionally unfavorable.” Every seventh patient dies during surgery, and without intervention, half of patients with this diagnosis die within a year.

Modern medicine cannot cure pancreatic cancer conservative methods. Even successful tumor removal is associated with only a 60% five-year survival rate. There is no confirmed data on the cure of such processes using traditional methods.

It is worth noting that cancer of this location can camouflage itself for a long time, so no traditional methods therapy for early stages doesn't exist at all. As a rule, we are talking only about supplementing with herbal medicines symptomatic treatment, which helps reduce pain and stress, making life easier for the patient and his loved ones.

Cancer is accompanied inflammatory process, as well as an increase in the size of the entire organ or part of it. In the first case, symptoms predominate acute pancreatitis (burning pain), and in the second - hepatitis (jaundice and heaviness in the right hypochondrium).

Part medicinal plants help reduce inflammation and pain, some improve liver function (jaundice goes away), there is a group of herbal medicines that act as cytostatics - they slow down the growth of tumor cells.

Tincture of aconite and schemes for its use

Aconite reduces the rate of spread malignant processes

It is believed that this poisonous plant reduces the rate of spread of malignant processes, but there is no evidence or research of this.

The course starts with one drop per two tablespoons warm water, half an hour before meals. Then increase the number of drops to 20 (+1 drop every day), diluting in three tablespoons of water. After the peak concentration, titrate the number of drops back in the same way, to 1 per day.

Drink the product after stirring it in small sips. You may feel unwell in the form of dizziness - this indicates that the body is not adapting quickly enough. In this case, the dosage is not increased until the patient's condition normalizes.

Forced application scheme. At healthy kidneys and in the absence of obvious contraindications, the frequency of administration is increased to 3 times a day, drop by drop, the dose increases daily up to 60 drops.

The substance is poisonous, use only after consultation with a doctor. May cause worsening jaundice, not indicated for renal failure, hepatitis.

Preparation of aconite tincture and precautions

We wash 100g of aconite root, put it in a liter jar, and pour boiling water over it. After steaming for an hour, chop the roots on a board and return them to the jar with the same water. After that we fill medical alcohol(1:1) and leave in the dark for 3 weeks.

Tincture of aconite is poison. Keep out of reach (preferably locked).

Experimenting with doses on your own is life-threatening. It is impossible to determine the dose by eye; you must use a pipette.

Do not touch the mucous membranes (especially the eyes) with your hands while wearing aconite. open wounds. If the substance gets into your eyes, wash them with running water.

Reducing pain with henbane

Henbane – good remedy in pain

Analgesics are recommended for patients with pancreatic cancer, including narcotic drugs. However, many patients prefer to use herbal remedies.

Henbane is a good remedy for pain. Used in combination with hemlock. The mixture (1:1) of plants is filled with alcohol (2:5). The product is infused for two weeks in a warm, dark place.

Before use, shake the product and strain. Take 3 drops per tablespoon 3 times a day.

Currently, safer and more powerful synthetic analgesics are in short supply. Taking this into account, as well as the severity pain in the condition described, it makes no sense to use henbane at all.

Henbane is a poisonous plant; use only after consultation with an oncologist.

Herbal immunostimulants

Cancer cells secrete special cytotoxic substances that inhibit immune system. During oncological processes, the immune system is suppressed, which accelerates the development of the tumor, since there is nothing to oppose to the altered cells. In contrast to this, there are chemical and plant immunostimulants.

Potato flowers are used both as an independent remedy and in combination.

The easiest way is to pour a tablespoon of flowers into a glass of boiling water (after 3 hours of infusion) and take half an hour before meals for 2 weeks.

Immunity stimulating agents (photo)

Infusion of potato flowers, calamus and wormwood:

  • 3 tablespoons of wormwood root;
  • 2 spoons of potato flowers;
  • 1 calendula;
  • 1 calamus rhizome.

A spoonful of the finished mixture is infused in 100 ml of boiling water. The product is consumed 3 times a day, half a glass.

To enhance the effect, the collection is taken in parallel with aqueous extract propolis (3p/day, a tablespoon).

Decoction of golden mustache. After grinding, two sheets of mustache (about 20 cm) are poured with half a liter of boiling water, boiled for a quarter of an hour, wrapped and left for 12 hours. The product stores well even without refrigeration. Take 50 ml 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals.

Amur velvet decoction. The crushed rhizome of the plant is poured with boiling water (a glass per tablespoon) and boiled over low heat for a quarter of an hour. After infusion (4 hours) and cooling and straining, take 30 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Natural tonic – tincture of three-leaf watch

Elderberry decoction. The rhizome is used (prepared similarly to the recipe above). Elderberry jam has a similar (albeit less pronounced) effect. Blood red geranium rhizomes are used in a similar way.

Tincture of three-leaf watch. Used as a tonic for symptoms of intoxication due to the oncological process (weight loss, apathy, drowsiness). A teaspoon of dry leaves is infused for 3 hours in a glass of boiling water/cooled/filtered). Take 3 times a day.

Tincture of calendula flowers. Dessert spoon pour 400 ml of boiling water/infuse/strain for 2 hours. Take half a glass 4 times a day before meals.

Traditional methods do not replace medical prescriptions; they can only be used as adjuvant therapy after agreement with the oncologist.

Video: treatment of pancreatic cancer with folk remedies