What is teaser advertising? The best examples of teaser advertising

Each of us knows what it is to tease a person in a good way by showing him something attractive. The action of teaser advertising, which is so popular these days, is based on this principle. Having appeared simultaneously with the massive spread of the Internet, this type of advertising is still the leader among many tools for increasing sales and attracting customers. Surely the inquisitive reader has already ripened the question in his head: “Teaser advertising - what is it?”

What is teaser advertising

It's simple: if you see a picture (often of provocative content) with text on the Internet, then this is a teaser. The main task is to intrigue the site visitor with this information and force him to make the transition by clicking on the picture.

There are special teaser networks where advertisements like this are placed.

Internet resources with high rankings in search engines are in great demand in these networks as platforms for placing such advertising.

Let’s say right away: there are more advantages and we will continue our story about this marketing tool by listing them.

Pros of teaser advertising

  • Teaser advertising does not require large investments

In terms of savings for successfully running several advertising campaigns, teaser advertising certainly takes almost the first place. Let's demonstrate the benefits of this aspect of teaser advertising in concrete numbers.

In most RuNet teaser networks, the cost of one click ranges from 0.5 to 3-6 rubles. Moreover, the “cheapest” include categories such as “News” and “Politics”, and the most expensive (up to 10 rubles per click) are “Products”, “Services”, “Real Estate”.

Cost per click in the Yandex advertising network - Yandex Direct - example of advertising air conditioners

  • Simplicity is another clear advantage of teaser advertising

There are many designers that help you create the necessary images with text to insert into teaser advertising blocks. They are easy to use and do not require professional design skills or mastery of sophisticated graphics packages.

Even a beginner can cope with this task. The main thing is to place the emphasis correctly, and then teaser advertising will definitely find its user.

  • Ease of setting up a teaser for the desired users

A fairly flexible system for setting up teaser advertising can be considered one of its other strengths.

The main thing is to choose specific teaser networks that you decide to work with, because a lot depends on them. But even the most modest system in terms of service settings still has targeting options.

Let's demonstrate one specific example of such a setting: the teaser will be seen only by women under 35 to 50 years old who live in Kazakhstan and are interested in the products of well-known cosmetic companies. Or the teaser will be shown on sites found by request: “Teaser advertising - what is it?”

  • Audience coverage with teaser advertising: as wide as possible

TeaserNet boasts of a figure of one billion! In last place is the well-known MarketGid service, whose results are more modest and are displayed at 2.5 million impressions per day. We can also say that teaser networks have almost completely covered the RuNet user audience with their advertising.

  • High traffic conversion rates

In terms of effective conversion of the user audience, a lot depends on the correct setup of teaser advertising. A pro can customize his teaser so that the conversion will be, according to many criteria, at least satisfactory, and at maximum - simply excellent!

Disadvantages of teaser advertising

In conclusion, it is necessary to mention the disadvantages. They are available in almost any online marketing tool, and teaser advertising is no exception. To avoid mistakes in carrying out an advertising campaign, it is better to get to know them before its launch.

  • Ineffective work with highly specialized goods

To increase sales in this way, products that are interesting to ordinary people are great.

Products that are successfully sold in teaser advertising

  1. cosmetics, creams, etc.,
  2. mobile phones, tablets and other gadgets,
  3. clothing, clothing accessories (glasses, watches, belts, etc.).

But if you use teasers to sell dental instruments, don’t expect high returns. The need for the goods from the first example and the extremely specific equipment from the second are undoubtedly different.

One more point - even general-purpose products must maintain the price-need ratio within reasonable limits. If you have a product that is prohibitively expensive, then no matter how much you advertise it on the teaser network, there will be no sales at all.

If you still have questions - what is teaser advertising, how to set it up, what it looks like, etc. - watch the video below

The question of teaser advertising, what it is, how to set up and successfully sell services and products, is the basis of marketing knowledge. It is important to understand that in addition to teaser advertising, there are many other types of advertising that will successfully sell. For effective sales, it is also necessary to test all advertisements that were launched through teaser networks, some of them will not be interesting to users of Internet resources and visits (clicks) on advertisements will be low, some, on the contrary, will be successful and conversions (efficiencies) for them will be high .

Advertising is the engine of trade. It is difficult to imagine the modern world without it. Thus, any manufacturer, releasing a new product, does not even dare to hope that it can become interesting on its own, without additional effort.

And here all means are good: presentations and TV spots. But, since we live in a world where the Internet reigns, your product must appear there.

Teaser advertising has become a completely new trend in the industry. Its biggest surge occurred in 2013-2014. However, in order for advertising to work for you properly, it is worth understanding it. To do this, you need to know the possible options for its implementation, the secrets of craftsmanship, because advertising should not only shout: “Buy!”, it should interest and attract. That is why everything should be harmonious: both texts and pictures.

In this article we will try to answer the question: “Teaser advertising - what is it?” See below for explanations on the topic.

Since the “teaser” is a derivative of this, its structure is based on this element. Teaser advertising is built on intrigue, understatement, and mystery. A similar effect is created through the use of short phrases that tell about the object of advertising. There is also an option when teaser advertising does not contain a new product at all. In such cases, the consumer becomes even more interested: “What is hidden there?”

A good example of intrigue in a teaser is the MTS advertising campaign. White eggs on a red background - who could know what they were talking about.

A very important element when creating teaser advertising is photos or pictures. After all, in addition to the intriguing text, the external factor is no less important for the consumer.

And here it is very important that the picture is unique. When selecting materials for a teaser, you can use original photographs or pictures created using photo editors.

An indispensable assistant in this kind of activity is the canvas program.

2. Canvas technology

The Canvas teaser advertising constructor allows you to create contextual templates, animations and just a banner. You can create 2D images using a scripting language (JavaScript). The default size of the program is 300*150, which can be changed. Canvas is used for drawing graphs in the article field, less often in game field browsers. Additionally, you can use a video in your teaser. Canvas teaser ads support .mp4, .ogg formats. All you need to do for the video to appear in your banner is to upload it.

The main advantage is the absence of links to go to advertising. The program fixed this problem for you. Thus, you get the most protected banner, which will be accessible only to living people.

Canvas minimizes the number of accidental clicks through a special indicator. Additional protection is also built through drawn elements - a set of dots, the so-called captcha.

3. Teaser advertising. Examples

As an example, imagine that you are a manufacturer of dietary yogurt for a healthy diet, and your new product needs advertising. TV spots are not affordable for you at this stage, banners do not give the desired effect, and tastings do not allow you to capture the desired audience. There is an exit! You simply must advertise your product in the teaser.

A good platform would be a women's portal. All you need to do is post the news on the website: “To effectively lose weight, eat...”. For the best effect, supplement the message with a picture suitable for the topic.

The result of placing a teaser advertisement will be that the resource visitor clicks on a link where, after reading useful information about ways to lose weight with a mention of your diet yogurt for a healthy diet, he will receive maximum useful information. Since the topic title is very relevant, you are guaranteed to get numerous clicks on your teaser ad. Thus, the goal has been achieved. The right audience is notified about the new product, and costs are minimized.

To ensure that the audience is taken to the maximum, the news can be posted on several sites.

Not only products can be presented with teaser advertising. Examples of its use also exist for pizza, sushi and other delivery services.

4. The best examples of teaser advertising

Perhaps one of the best examples of such advertising is the Nike company and its world-famous laconic logo. Without further ado, he is already a household name in the world of sports. But at the dawn of the brand’s formation, no one knew what the “tick” was hiding underneath.

The very first and quite successful example of teaser advertising was an advertisement for the coffee brand MJB Coffe. Then, back in 1906, mysterious posters with the inscription “Why?” appeared on the streets of San Francisco. However, you can’t really call them teasers, since the company has previously used this phrase in its messages. The answer to the question “Why?” was like, “MJB makes the best coffee.” Only then “Why?” became a direct association with MJB.

The best teaser advertising in Russia is an advertising campaign from MTS. The absolutely laconic logo of the updated MTS is a white egg on a red background. Seeing similar posters around the city, everyone wondered, “What are they talking about?” Just like that, simply and without a hint of mobile communications.

5. Effective teaser advertising techniques

For the work to be effective, you need to know the secrets of teaser advertising.

Here are five effective techniques:

  1. Parallel advertising of your partners' products and services. This is based on the general promotion of goods in similar thematic groups within one affiliate network. So, let’s say, through one affiliate network you can promote clothes, shoes, and related accessories. Networks such as Recreativ.ru, Trafmag.com, Tovarro.ru and partly Marketgid.com are suitable for working with such a group. To promote body, face, and cosmetic products, it is better to choose a well-known affiliate network for the female audience Ladycenter.ru.
  2. Availability of landing page and metrics. First, let's define what a landing page is - this is, first of all, your main platform. It is with its help that you will be able to track all movements in the traffic of your teaser advertising. Statistical data will best show the effectiveness of your platform. To create statistical information, an auxiliary program such as Metrica is used. It exists both on the basis of the Google browser and Yandex. It is Metrica that makes it possible to imagine exactly where the main income comes from and where the largest number of clicks are collected. Metrica also helps you learn about the shortcomings of teaser advertising by showing it from the reverse side. Using this program, you get the opportunity to increase your income from teaser advertising by 2-3 times.
  3. High-quality descriptions for teasers. In addition to attractive and intriguing text, this also includes animated teaser images. Particular attention should be paid to the title. It should be bright, noticeable, but must contain the essence of your advertising and the advertised product. The brighter the headline, the more likely it is to get clicks.
  4. Determine the target audience for your product. Once you clearly identify the audience for whom your product is prepared, you can create the maximum conditions for attracting it. First of all, the essence of this secret of teaser advertising lies in the limited possibility of advertising on the Internet. To be effective, you need to clearly understand on which sites your teaser advertising will be visible.
  5. The last secret is analysis. This is the most important condition for the effectiveness of any business, since a correct analysis of the company’s test version will allow us to understand and imagine the future of advertising and the likelihood of its relaunch. It is these conclusions that will allow us to understand future income. Here you need to track everything: starting from the number of clicks, profit from registration. Analyze the attractiveness of certain headlines.

6. Teaser advertising. Stages of creation

In fact, the practice of Western companies has shown that “mysterious” advertising can be used even at the stage of launching production. That is, precisely when the audience has no idea what we are talking about. But it’s more important not to make a wish, but to surprise and intrigue.

If you need a teaser It is important to highlight two main stages of its creation:

  1. Teaser appears. The essence of this step lies in creating the intrigue itself, which will lure the consumer.
  2. Revision release. This stage implies a detailed acquaintance with the content of the teaser, i.e. it provides a story about the product and service that are subject to advertising.

Examples of such instant teasers are advertisements for shaving cream from Burma Shave. The company's slogan read: "Girls pray/For men/to have faces/Without stubble/Burma Shave." The company took place in 1925 in the USA.

Another example is the advertising of the coffee company Starbucks, which for a long time managed just fine without advertising. And for the new year 2005 I decided to launch a teaser. The advertisement was published by the New York Times. The essence of the advertisement was that from page to page the number of mugs with the company's coffee grew until it formed the Starbucks branded calendar for 2005.

When creating a teaser, it is important to remember that the written text must not contain errors; it must encourage action. As mentioned above, teaser advertising with its content should promise to solve the problem. Thus, the transition from an interesting title should immediately lead to the text with the answer to the question of concern.

You should not pay much attention to highlighting text with characters. It is enough to make a few highlights to attract the audience. The teaser should be simply noticeable, designed for a specific audience, then the result will be what is needed.

If you want a positive result from your campaign, then you should remember the main secrets of its creation. Do not forget about the simplicity of the slogans, the riddle, the intrigue. Choose high-quality, unique pictures. Remember that your teaser advertising should be such that you yourself react to it.

The problem with modern advertising is that it is faced with the need to solve conflicting problems: to attract attention and not irritate, to increase brand awareness and not to get bored. In fact, it is a constant balancing act between various prohibitions, and financial limits only complicate the task.

    • Components of teaser advertising
    • The meaning of text for teaser advertising
    • The best teaser advertisement: an effective solution to a problem
    • The best teaser advertising in numbers
    • What influences the success of teaser advertising?
    • The best teaser advertising: three advantages

This is why many companies today prefer teaser advertising. It is based on an unusual picture that stands out and involuntarily catches the eye. Moreover, often it can be something awkward, unimaginable - something that you involuntarily want to take a closer look at in order to understand how this can be.

Attracting attention and arousing interest are important stages, in fact, half the way to making a purchase. Such interest often leads to a transition to the advertiser’s website. The reader is caught by a trigger and their curiosity is aroused. As a result, he has a desire to understand what is happening, that is, to obtain some information. At the same time, he becomes susceptible to advertising.

During the existence of teaser advertising, a considerable number of interesting advertising techniques were invented that made it possible to attract a large number of visitors to the site and significantly increase the click-through rate of such advertising. Nowadays, there are a large number of various teaser networks that allow you to quickly bring together an advertiser and a person selling advertising space on their own website.

Components of teaser advertising

A teaser is an online advertising format that combines a graphic image and some text (headline and informational text itself). This is one of the main differences between teaser advertising and any other. Let's look at the most important elements of teaser advertising, and also pay attention to examples of teasers.


This is a picture, most often square, maybe 100 by 100 pixels or more. The image is necessary to attract the attention of visitors, so it must be bright and attractive, otherwise visitors simply will not click on it. Almost every advertising network that deals with teaser advertising on the Internet has a considerable library of images that can be used for its own advertising.


Without a good headline, teaser advertising will not work, which is why you should always pay attention to it. The headline should be as attractive as possible so that after reading it there is a desire to click on the advertisement. Brevity is the sister of talent, and in this case this expression is absolutely accurate, since the title must be short (so that it fits in the space allocated for advertising) and as informative as possible.

Examples of such headings can be found on the Internet. If you visit different sites where there are teaser advertisements, and some headline lasts especially long, this is most likely an effective example of well-written text.


The text can contain information that complements the title, as if explaining what is said in the title. Usually the text is limited to 200 characters, which is not so little, however, we should also not forget that the text should be understandable to as many people as possible, so brevity and conciseness are also very important here. Otherwise, teaser advertising will not justify itself.

The meaning of text for teaser advertising

The teaser works not only due to the image. A skillfully asked question, as well as a provocative proposal, can hook just as much. By the way, text authors were among the first to notice this effect and began to actively use it.

Well, who doesn’t want to find out what really threatens his life? Moreover, when behind the facade of a friend there may be something sinister hiding that you don’t even suspect...

The fear trigger works as well as any other. It forces a person to shake himself up and at the same time reduces his criticality. What you need for advertising!

The best teaser advertisement: an effective solution to a problem

Marketers have long known very well: what will sell is what satisfies needs or cleverly imitates the satisfaction of needs. Teasers can either simply attract attention or touch on basic needs: for example, to be safe, and then offer the advertiser the desired remedy as a solution to the problem. If we are talking about antiseptics, then it is worth recalling the threat of bacteria; if about castles, then about crime, etc.

However, teaser advertising does not always work on fear. Sometimes it attracts, creating the appearance of a profitable business offer.

However, sometimes this is not only for the public. Many advertisers actually post information about promotions in this way. And since there are now so many different offers on the Internet, competent presentation is very important.

Pay attention to the last image: the background is black. Firstly, there is nothing distracting, on the contrary, everything else looks bright (and the transition button stands out the most). Secondly, this color is traditionally associated with the world of business, with business proposals. The letters are quite bright, but do not irritate the eyes. And, finally, the image of a successful person, clearly happy with everything. In general - a classic of the genre.

However, this is just one example of teaser advertising. In fact, they are very, very different. Moreover, many exit in stages. In the first part, the consumer is intrigued. In the second, they give the answer or offer to solve the riddle yourself.

Watch the video on the topic:

The best teaser advertising in numbers

At the beginning of autumn 2017, the cost of one click on a teaser advertisement was approximately 50 kopecks in national currency. However, many companies focus on the budget as a whole, and not on the price per attracted person. On average, for the development of an advertising campaign (we are talking specifically about a teaser) in September they took an amount from $200 to $1000. However, large projects could cost several thousand.

What does this amount include? Working with graphics (pictures) and text content, adding content to the site, correcting errors if any. Plus, sometimes the teaser itself can be supported by additional actions: posting information about an advertising campaign on the artist’s websites, organizing promotions, etc. In this case, we are already talking about a whole range of activities that are evaluated in their entirety.

The total cost is greatly influenced by who exactly took on the work. Freelancers usually charge lower than companies. For companies from Kyiv and Moscow, the price list will be different. There is a difference between metropolitan and regional advertisers. In a word, the spread is very large. A large advertising campaign can cost $3,000-4,000. But the return from it is corresponding.

What influences the success of teaser advertising?

Not everything that appears on the market actually works. Sometimes the teaser is too annoying instead of attracting attention. From time to time it is placed in the wrong place: promises to talk about the reasons for the collapse of a famous stock exchange on an entertainment website are as inappropriate as information about secrets from the lives of stars on a business portal.

In addition, you need to be able to select the text, the picture, and the role model for the photo. Otherwise, the effect may be the opposite.

After all, a person, looking at an advertisement for another product, imagines himself in the place of the model after he has used this product. And if the result is, say, scary, it is unlikely to attract clients. Although, of course, a lot depends on what effect they were going to achieve initially. At times, healthy hysteria can trigger an avalanche of reposts. However, betting on a shock is a rather risky move: you can get a backlash.

  1. Originality of the idea. Consumers are tired of monotony and it is difficult to surprise them. At the same time, the target audience needs fresh thoughts and images. This can be seen at least by the way she reacts to them.
  2. Time to deploy the entire advertising campaign. It should not be too big, otherwise the audience will lose interest.
  3. Unambiguity of emerging associations. It is extremely unfortunate when advertising paid for by one company begins to work for the success of another. Or when a teaser evokes a completely different reaction than the advertiser expected.

Of course, a competent approach, quality of implementation, and finances are also important. But these are general points that are relevant for everything, not just teaser advertising.

The best teaser advertising: three advantages

This method of promoting a product, service or brand attracts many.

  1. Teaser blocks are quite flexible; they are not caught by some utilities that actively fight advertising. Which has a positive effect on the number of transitions.
  2. Another advantage is profitability. The payback here is many times higher than that of contextual advertising or other methods.
  3. And finally, targeting. Thanks to teaser networks, information about your product or brand can be distributed among many consumers. Moreover, the customer can influence the sample to a greater extent on demographic or geographic grounds than in other cases.

In addition, such advertising is easy to reconfigure. With its help, you can both introduce the market to a new product (or company) and encourage you to take certain actions: register, become a partner, buy goods, etc.

In a word, the best teaser advertising today is capable of what contextual, banner, etc. advertising cannot do or offer. Of course, sometimes teaser advertising may not be very effective, and yet the teaser continues to be one of the best promotion tools On the market.

Teaser advertising on the Internet is a functional tool for influencing psychology and generating sales. When visiting websites in search of the information you need, you might see pictures with intriguing titles that motivate you to go to the site and get more information.

These are the pictures that are called . In order for the user to become interested and decide to go to the site, the teaser and the title should be as closely related as possible.

So what is teaser advertising? Let's look at examples. You decided to watch a new episode of your favorite TV series, went to the site and saw a small picture on the right side. She wears a fancy watch and the headline: only today for residents of your city a 50 percent discount + a wallet as a gift. Hurry up to buy! If the advertising worked correctly, you will find yourself on the site and order the product.

Imagine also that you are a student who doesn’t want to write a term paper, but really wants to relax with an interesting film in an online cinema. When you visit the site you will see a teaser: We'll do your coursework in a week. 50 percent off only now. A click will follow and your problem will be solved.

If in both cases there is no transition or order, it means the target audience was chosen incorrectly or the teaser was not good enough. Teasers are posted on partner websites. In order to select the target audience as accurately as possible and gain access to sites, it is necessary.

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of teaser advertising on the Internet.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's start with the advantages.

1. Relatively low cost per click. Thanks to the low cost per click, you can use different targeting settings for one product. This will allow you to test your hypotheses and not spend your entire budget.

The more clicks you get, the more information you will have to analyze your target audience. In this way, you can get the most accurate “portrait” of your customers and run your ads at maximum speed, targeting them.

2. Wide audience coverage. Thanks to teaser advertising, you will get a wide audience reach. As a rule, this audience will expand every day, as webmasters with new sites are connected to the system. If your product is aimed at a wide audience, teaser advertising will become an inexhaustible source of traffic.

3. Wide range of targeting options. Thanks to targeting settings, you can choose your target audience in the most optimal way. All you have to do is personalize your ad and the results will not be long in coming. You can target by GEO, time, gender, age and even the user’s mobile device.

For example, you can show advertising only to women in Samara under thirty years old, from seven to eight in the evening. It might look like this: citizen N is riding on the bus and thinking about how she can make an appointment for a manicure today, or better yet, do it right away. However, there is no way to make it today; we still have to prepare dinner.

While scrolling through a women's forum or a cute blog, she will see a teaser: Do you want a manicure, but don't have time? There is a 30 percent discount especially for you, we are open until ten in the evening. The result will most likely please you. And her too. Effective teaser advertising at its best.

4. With a properly selected teaser with a catchy headline, the conversion will be high.

5. You have at your disposal a large number of teaser networks tailored to a specific topic. Some networks may be completely dedicated to adult traffic, others to entertainment content (for example, casinos or poker).

6. Teasers are quite easy to create. It will not require a staff that can absorb any budget. You can do it yourself or use ready-made teasers.

1. This type is often relevant only for consumer goods and services. News and content intended for a wide audience will also work well. Advertise goods and services. It is much more difficult to work with goods and services of narrow consumption (be it specialized equipment or a narrow segment of specialized services), although it is possible.

2. Incorrectly composed teasers can reduce the effectiveness of the campaign to a minimum.

3. When creating teasers, it is worth considering the effect of “banner blindness”. Imagine a teaser about a new weight loss drug (before and after picture, headline). So, competitors often like to create similar teasers with or without changes. They become boring to the audience and thus cease to be perceived. This is “banner blindness”. After analyzing competitors' advertising materials, you will understand how to create a teaser that will be noticed.

4. Some webmasters like to mix in low-quality traffic. They are subsequently excluded from the system. However, with this kind of traffic, you may spend your budget and not get results. In order to minimize the risk, use analytics tools and do not forget to create black sheets.

1. Before you start, find out what type of traffic can be purchased in the selected teaser network. Its main types are: news, entertainment and adult (traffic for adults). Typically, teaser networks are dominated by mixed traffic. Once you find out which of the listed types the teaser network uses, you can evaluate the audience. Knowing your audience will allow you to set up basic targeting more effectively. Also, the approach to creating creatives and moderation requirements depend on the type of traffic.

2. Use targeting. There are two ways here: based on knowing the type of traffic and your audience, you can customize targeting for your segment. Or set up targeting a wide audience, then use analytics to obtain a portrait of the target audience in the selected teaser network and create a new campaign. The choice of approaches depends on the budget.

3. Don't forget to use macros. Macros are special structures that allow you to obtain maximum information for each transferred user. The more macros, the more transparent the statistics and the higher the understanding of the audience you need.

4. Use postback. With its help, you will find out from which platform the client who left the request came from.

5. Don't forget about black and white lists. They will allow you to disable sites with low conversion or receive traffic only from the sites you need. A little later we will look at them in more detail.

The importance of black and white sheets

Once you have started generating traffic and receiving detailed statistics (if you have used the recommendations presented earlier), you will be able to find out from which sites you receive conversions, and which sites do not work or give very low conversions. Platforms without conversions simply eat up your budget, so you should disable them. To do this, we will need the function of creating a blacklist.

However, black sheet is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you save your budget, on the other hand, you can disable sites that will work perfectly with other creatives. Whether it’s worth adding the site to the blacklist or whether you need to try other creatives is up to you to decide. Often the decision is made based on experience and budget.

The white sheet is used to make a list of sites where you have good conversion. This is a great tool, but there is a nuance here.

A white list reduces the amount of purchased traffic and creatives will have to be updated more often. For a white list, we recommend creating a separate campaign and adding new sites to it.

Products and services for advertising

  1. Products for health.
  2. Cosmetics and perfumes.
  3. Weight loss products.
  4. Products for adults.
  5. Fashion accessories and their replicas.
  6. Replicas of watches.
  7. Copies of top smartphones.

In demand in the service sector:

  1. gambling (casino, poker, binary options);
  2. mobile subscriptions;
  3. acquaintance;
  4. loans;
  5. systems for making money on the Internet.

This is an incomplete range of services that are well suited for advertising on teaser networks. Based on it, you can understand whether the niche you have chosen is worth testing.

Netizer formats

Advertisers can also work with non-teaser traffic formats. Let's take three formats as an example. If you want to test a new offer, have a small budget, or want more traffic, you should try Clickander.

– a format whose operating principle is as follows: the user enters the site, clicks on any area of ​​it. At this moment, the advertiser’s website opens in a new tab. This type of advertising does not in any way prevent the user from interacting with the site. By minimizing the window, he will see the advertiser’s website and, if the offer catches his eye, he will perform the action you require.

If you want to work with mobile subscriptions, you should also pay attention to the following non-teaser formats:

Mobile Blind. The visitor is immediately redirected to the advertiser’s website without noticing the substitution (in the same tab). Suitable for mobile traffic only. The format does not harm the site’s position in organic search engine results.

Lite Blind. The first time you click on any area in the adjacent tab, the advertiser’s website opens. The visitor's attention moves to it, and the webmaster's site remains open in the next tab (inactive).

Having mastered them, you will be able to receive a lot of traffic, which will be good to convert and generate profit.

Cost of teaser advertising

So, the advertising format has been chosen, the creatives are ready. Now you need to understand how much one click costs within teaser advertising on the Internet. It is different in each teaser network. Let's look at the average cost per click on VisitWeb. Let's choose the most popular formats: teasers and clickers.

The average cost of clickander traffic in different categories is as follows:

  1. Adult-themed products (desktop and mobile) - from 10 kopecks to 4 rubles per click, depending on targeting settings.
  2. Vapclick adult themes from 50 kopecks to 4 rubles 70 kopecks, depending on the operator and targeting settings.
  3. Gambling from 10 kopecks to 2 rubles 10 kopecks, depending on targeting settings.
  4. Beauty and health from 5 kopecks to three rubles, depending on targeting settings.
  • Adult-themed products (desktop and mobile) from 20 kopecks to 4 rubles 70 kopecks per click, depending on targeting settings.
  • Wapclick adult themes - from 70 kopecks to 5 rubles 70 kopecks, depending on the operator and targeting settings.
  • Gambling from 15 kopecks to 6 rubles 10 kopecks, depending on targeting settings.
  • Beauty and health from 15 kopecks to 6 rubles 10 kopecks, depending on targeting settings.

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Comes from the English word “Teaser” - teaser. And teasing is just about it.

It's like the tabloids, the headlines are loud and intriguing, but the only difference is that it's on the Internet. Websites can provide not only gossip and dubious facts, but also useful information that can be useful to the average person. For advertisers, promoting their products or services is like being featured on the front page of a newspaper, and the larger the newspaper's circulation, the greater the success. But this does not mean that only quantity matters.

Advertising consists of a banner and a provocative text message that attracts attention and increases the click-through rate of the ad. A psychological factor plays a role here: curiosity. Intrigue, hints and secrets are the engines of a competent teaser campaign.

How it works: at the first step, a twist, some intrigue, a mystery are thought out. Next is the publication of the essence of the secret, revealing the riddle immediately or after a certain period of time.
There are settings for implementation, for example, different types of targeting:

  • Geotargeting - ads are shown to specific specified territories.
  • By thematic sites.
  • Socio-demographic - by age, gender, income level, etc.
  • By show time.

Teaser ads are used to attract traffic from other thematic resources. Advertising banners do not name a specific product or service; they show understatement so that the visitor himself goes through and finds out all the answers. It is advisable that the ads and the site be similar in theme - due to the discrepancy, such advertising will be ineffective.

Pay attention to the location of the teaser banner: it should not interfere with viewing the material, but also so that the visitor can notice.

What are teasers used for?

  1. To sell a product.
  2. Presentation of a new product.
  3. Receiving a profit.
  4. Collect contact information.
  5. Increase traffic.
  6. When there is nowhere else to advertise.

In 1998, the Dodge automobile company adopted its company motto “Different” in red and white. There is no mention of the company itself. However, a similar teaser slogan from Apple was previously released, which was also red and white, and sounded similar - “Think Different”. Naturally, the Americans believed that Dodge was advertising the new iMac, and not cars at all.

Here's another example of a failed attempt. Mobile phone brand AT&T Wireless launched a large-scale teaser campaign in 2002. They showed valuable moments from a person’s life and then asked the question “What does mLife mean?” But Americans perceived this advertising differently and attributed it to the famous insurance agency Met Life.

An example of our compatriots. In 1998, the Komersant publishing house organized an advertising campaign for one of its magazines: billboards with various questions began to appear in the city, for example, “Where is the wife?” Then, with the help of the press, television, radio, they answered questions: “The wife is at home. Monthly magazine "Brownie".

Types of teaser advertising for the site

First of all, you should remember that the images should not contain government symbols, photos of politicians or pornographic materials. They should also not be repulsive, frightening or shocking. Let's look at the setup methods:

  1. Target. The properties of a product or service, offers, promotions, bonuses are described - everything is to the point. Higher cost per click, smaller audience, but there will definitely be conversions from interested people.
  2. Yellow. Topics: shocking photos or illnesses of celebrities, miracle cures for all possible illnesses, scandals and promises of all types. Usually, users are attracted by a deliciously designed teaser, but they quickly leave the site, barely reading the answer to the question, which sometimes is not as biting and informative as the headlines screamed.

By time they are distinguished:

  • Short-term or one-time advertising. The visitor immediately receives answers after reading the proposed material.
  • Long-term. It is used for serious programs when the secret is revealed within a few weeks.

Advantages and disadvantages of teaser advertising


  • Original, unobtrusive - a properly designed ad is always pleasing to the eye, and there are no limits to imagination; any original ideas will be a plus.
  • High efficiency - the highlight is intriguing and therefore teasers have a high click-through rate;
  • Simple production that does not require costs - you do not need to understand modern technologies to create a teaser, just follow the specified algorithm. You don’t need a designer for professional design or a copywriter for quality texts;
  • Targeting - allows you to select an audience based on various criteria;
  • Low prices for advertisers;
  • Wide choice of target audience;
  • Variety of accommodation sites;
  • Suitable for any goods and services;
  • There are no restrictions on phrases, unlike contextual advertising.


  • Unsuccessful promotion causes losses.
  • Not suitable for narrow subject matter products.
  • Oversaturation of advertising blocks reduces the perception of information.
  • Shadow business and low quality traffic: robots, not real people, can be used to boost clicks.
  • Visitors quickly get used to the appearance, and they stop reacting. It is necessary to periodically think through and update advertisements.
  • Ad blockers successfully hide teasers from web resources.
  • Search engines strictly monitor and apply filters if they don’t like the site.
  • Quickly leave the site - immediately after receiving a response.

Methods for promoting teasers

The first strategy is this: set the lowest cost per click and buy the highest. Cheap teasers will compete poorly, but a large number will allow you to get ahead of your competitors.

The second strategy is the opposite of the first: now indicate the highest cost per impression, the ad will gain popularity, even if its click-through rate was very low at first.

And finally, third: choose the average price of competitors and exclude from targeting the territory in which promotion is required. After success on another geographical site, you can move to the initially required one. At the same time, the price can be gradually reduced, and traffic will remain high.

Additional earnings from teaser advertising

Owners of web resources place teaser ads, and the more clicks users make, the more earnings they will earn. But you should not clutter the page, since visitors do not like advertising sites, and search engines take measures in the form of various filters. You can get high income if your site meets certain criteria:

  • Thematic content;
  • Good choice of teaser platform;
  • A large number of unique visitors;
  • Ad filter. Will allow you to avoid shocking content on your resource;
  • Constant growth of the site in search engines.

Problems of making money on teasers

  • Search engines apply filters;
  • Some ads are hidden by blockers;
  • The click-through rate depends on the website design and the location of the teaser;
  • Same type of teasers that visitors begin to ignore.

Rules for successful teaser advertising

  1. Think over the highlight of the teaser, which will attract attention and harmoniously reveal itself on the resource itself.
  2. Experiment. Run different ad designs and analyze their effectiveness.
  3. Don't know how to write or format? Focus on the user: what does he need? What will you be interested in?
  4. Choose a bright, attractive image. Don't overload it with unnecessary parts.
  5. Place ads that are similar in topic to the resource.
  6. Meet teaser campaign deadlines.
  7. Describe teasers clearly and check spelling: incorrect spelling of words reduces the credibility of the resource.
  8. Choose your target audience wisely.
  9. Take a closer look at your competitors and study their strategies.
  10. Regularly monitor the effectiveness of promotion to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the site. And also, in order not to fall for unscrupulous owners who can be connected by bots, because payment is based on clicks: this way they will earn more. Do not neglect services for identifying “live” people and robots.
  11. Pay attention to the appearance: the teaser should fit harmoniously into the design of the resource.
  12. Make sure your ad topics are relevant to your visitors.
  13. There is no chaotic arrangement throughout the page; teasers do not interfere with viewing and do not take up most of the material.
  14. Advertising only brings people. Visitors can leave immediately after reading the answer. Only the quality of the site increases conversion.

Common mistakes

  • Wrong choice of audience;
  • Submission of false information;
  • Not creative and banal teasers that do not interest the reader;
  • Lack of analytics and tracking of traffic brought by bots.

Optimization of teaser advertising

  1. Analysis and blocking of resources from which robots, not people, come.
  2. Check and disable teasers that bring little traffic.
  3. Updating ads that you are already used to.