The breakfast menu is rational nutrition. How to create a healthy menu for the week. How to properly balance your diet

We all know that we need to eat rationally. But instead, we snack on the run, abuse sweets and fatty foods, and ignore vegetables. And then we wonder why the wasp waist remains only in photographs, fat appears on the stomach, and the stomach begins to ache treacherously. The reason for such metamorphoses should be looked for in your plate. And, if you want to stay healthy, slim and cheerful, you urgently need to change your gastronomic habits and take the path of rational nutrition.

Principles of rational nutrition

Rational nutrition is the most balanced combination of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, amino acids, microelements and other substances in the human diet. Like the right approach nutrition allows you to avoid many health problems, such as immune disorders, atherosclerosis, obesity, digestive diseases, etc.

So, what are the basic principles of rational nutrition:

Principle No. 1. Moderation, moderation and moderation again!

This postulate can be considered the basic rule of rational nutrition. The amount of food that enters our body and is converted into energy must be equal to energy expenditure. But in reality, it is this principle that becomes one of the most violated.

Principle 2. All nutrients must be strictly balanced

Every day our body needs to receive approximately 70 different ingredients. Many of them are considered essential because they cannot be synthesized by the body, and the only way their income is food. The ideal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 1:1:5. For people who have average physical activity, this figure is equal to 100 g of protein, the same amount of fat and, accordingly, 400 g of carbohydrates.

Principle 3: Diet variety

Only if your diet is varied will your body be able to get all the nutrients it needs. That is why, try not to get hung up on the same products, but, on the contrary, strive to expand your menu as much as possible.

Principle 4. Compliance with diet

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner - all meals should occur at the same time. In addition, it is important to correctly “scatter” total calories for the whole day. So, breakfast should account for no more than 30% of daily calorie content, lunch can be 40%, and dinner – 20%. Another 10% should be saved for an afternoon snack or snack. By the way, nutritionists believe that the most optimal for the human body is 4 meals a day.

Balanced nutrition for weight loss

Many people who start eating healthy, after a while, are happy to note that excess weight begins to gradually go away. To activate this process, you should adhere to several simple rules, which will be an excellent addition to the principles of rational nutrition:

Monitor product compatibility

Many of us love to eat meat with potatoes, and porridge with bread... But few people know that such products are incompatible, as they are digested differently. What happens as a result of their mixing? Food is not digested properly and the cells in our body begin to starve. This contributes to overeating, and, as a result, the appearance of excess weight. We remember that it is best to eat meat with vegetables and under no circumstances combine it with flour and dairy products, eggs, or cheese. Sugar does not pair well with starches and protein foods. Any liquids should be drunk before meals. If you want to have tea afterwards, wait about thirty minutes after finishing your meal.

Drink water!

We are not talking about carbonated drinks, compotes or juices. We are talking about ordinary clean water. An adult should drink at least several glasses of water a day, but we often don’t even take a sip. And, by the way, water is irreplaceable in the process of losing weight.

Chew food thoroughly

Remember that before swallowing food, you need to make 15-30 chewing movements. Try it and see how quickly saturation comes!

Balanced nutrition: menu for the week

We offer you a weekly healthy eating menu designed for a healthy woman, which will help you change your eating habits and get rid of extra pounds.

Breakfast: oatmeal with low-fat milk, honey, a handful of any nuts. Coffee or tea.
2nd breakfast: banana and a glass of kefir.
Lunch: soup (any), chicken or fish cutlet with vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil.
Snack: small chocolate (20 grams), tea.
Dinner: fish (preferably steamed), fruit salad with yogurt.

Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with water. Coffee or tea with a teaspoon of honey.
2nd breakfast: any fruit, yogurt 6% fat.
Lunch: soup, stewed pork with vegetables, tea.
Afternoon snack: tea with marmalade or marshmallows.
Dinner: cottage cheese with raisins, fruit.

Breakfast: omelette, tea or coffee, honey with a slice bran bread.
2nd breakfast: cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream.
Lunch: soup, fish stew with vinaigrette. Tea or coffee.
Afternoon snack: fruit, half a marshmallow.
Dinner: boiled chicken, steamed broccoli.

Breakfast: Cereal flakes with yoghurt, tea or coffee.
2nd breakfast: hot sandwiches without mayonnaise.
Lunch: soup, beef goulash with vegetable salad.
Afternoon snack: fruit salad.
Dinner: stewed fish with vegetables.

Breakfast: rice porridge, coffee or tea.
2nd breakfast: citrus juice with crackers.
Lunch: soup, stew with vegetable salad.
Afternoon snack: dried fruits and cocoa.
Dinner: cottage cheese casserole, tea.

Breakfast: cheesecakes from low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream. Coffee.
2nd breakfast: any fruit or berries.
Lunch: soup, rice and fish dish.
Afternoon snack: biscuit and Orange juice.
Dinner: grilled meat with vegetables.

Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, tea or coffee.
2nd breakfast: fruit salad or just tea with dried fruits.
Lunch: fried meat, any salad.
Afternoon snack: tomato juice, cheese, bread.
Dinner: sauerkraut, canned stewed meat.

Now you know the basics of healthy eating and can change your life for the better!

Rational nutrition is a diet that ensures normal functioning of a person, improves his health and prevents diseases. The principles of rational nutrition are energy balance, adherence to food intake and balanced nutrition.

The first principle of rational nutrition - energy balance - presupposes that the energy value of the daily diet corresponds to the energy expenditure of the body, no more and no less.

The second principle of rational nutrition is a balanced diet. This means that the body must receive the substances it needs, and in the quantities or proportions in which it is needed. Proteins - construction material for cells, a source of synthesis of hormones and enzymes, as well as antibodies to viruses. Fats are a storehouse of energy, nutrients and water. Carbohydrates and fiber are fuel. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in daily ration must be strictly defined.

Briefly, the norms of rational nutrition can be presented as follows:

  • animal fats - 10%;
  • vegetable fats - 12%;
  • animal proteins - 6%;
  • vegetable proteins - 7%;
  • complex carbohydrates - 60%;
  • sugar - 5%.

The third principle of rational nutrition is diet. The rational diet is characterized as follows:

  • fractional meals 3-4 times a day;
  • regular meals - always at the same time;
  • balanced nutrition;
  • last meal no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Basics of rational nutrition

The basics of rational nutrition are the following rules:

1. In order for the diet to be complete and balanced, it is necessary to consume a variety of foods containing many different nutrients, microelements, and vitamins. This way you can satisfy the body's needs in full.

2. Be sure to eat bread, grains, pasta or potatoes at every meal. These foods contain a lot of protein and carbohydrates, as well as fiber, minerals(calcium, magnesium, potassium), vitamins ( ascorbic acid, carotenoids, folic acid, vitamin B6), while in pure form These products are low in calories.

3. Vegetables and fruits (as well as legumes) are an essential component of the daily diet. You need to eat at least 500 grams of vegetables and fruits per day. Vegetables contain dietary fiber, vitamins, organic acids and antioxidants necessary for the body. Green and leafy vegetables are especially useful - spinach, broccoli, arugula, lettuce, herbs, cucumbers, Brussels sprouts.

4. Every day you need to consume dairy products low in salt and fat - this is a valuable source of calcium.

5. Replace fatty meat with fish, poultry, eggs, legumes or lean meat. They contain the same amount of protein, but there is no need to eat unnecessary animal fat - you will get the amount of animal fat required in accordance with the standards of rational nutrition from low-fat varieties of meat, fish and poultry.

6. Choose low-fat foods, give up the habit of eating bread and butter, instead of fried food, prefer boiled or baked food - fats are found everywhere, and you will certainly not be left without the portion of fats established by the standards of rational nutrition, but you should not exceed it. Instead of butter and sunflower oil, use olive oil - it contains more nutrients and antioxidants. Avoid margarines and refined oils - they contain more harmful substances than useful.

7. Limit your intake fast carbohydrates and sugars - they have no nutritional value: all they give the body is quick energy, tooth decay and metabolic imbalance. Remember that the share of fast carbohydrates according to the standards of rational nutrition is only 5% of the total daily calorie content (this is only 150-200 kcal per day).

8. Drink water. For an adult (not an athlete) daily norm water - 2 liters, for an athlete - 3-3.5 liters. Water is essential for everyone chemical reactions in the body, without it you simply cannot live.

9. Usage rate table salt for an adult - 6 g per day. A modern person consumes about 18 g of table salt per day. Avoid eating salty, smoked and canned food, learn to eat lightly salted foods.

10. The body mass index (BMI) value is calculated using the formula: (weight in kg) divided by height in meters squared. If your BMI is less than 18.5, you are underweight; if your BMI is more than 25, you are overweight. Control your weight.

11. Maximum acceptable by standards For a balanced diet, the daily dose of alcohol is 20 grams of pure alcohol. Even a single excess of this dose can harm the body. Daily drinking of alcohol will sooner or later develop into alcoholism. Be smart about your alcohol consumption, and when you do drink it, choose natural ones. alcoholic drinks- wine, cognac.

12. The basis of a balanced diet is healthy natural food. Try to replace everything unnatural in your diet with natural ones.

Organizing healthy nutrition

If at home you can organize your diet in accordance with the principles and fundamentals of rational nutrition, then outside the home, organizing rational nutrition may encounter certain difficulties. This is due to the fact that in most establishments Catering they use mayonnaise, preservatives, not the most quality products, flavorings - such foods may satisfy your hunger, but most likely will not benefit you. If you have the opportunity to take home-cooked food with you to work or school, use it. If this is not possible, use our tips for organizing healthy meals outside the home.

In the supermarket you can buy fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads and dairy products(kefir, yogurt).

Now there are many eco-cafes, cafes vegetarian cuisine, some establishments will offer you diet menu. Many establishments have Lenten menu- during the corresponding fast, choose dishes from it.

On vacation, choose restaurants with homemade, traditional cuisine for the area. In warm countries, try to eat as much fruit as possible; in seaside resorts, seafood. Avoid unfamiliar foods. If you are not satisfied with the breakfast at your hotel, do not skimp on your health, have breakfast in a good cafe.

Healthy nutrition menu

The balanced diet menu, as mentioned above, consists of natural, fresh products. Mayonnaise, sausage, French fries, chips, cola - all this should be excluded from the balanced diet menu. Consume fresh and processed vegetables and fruits (especially local ones), home-cooked poultry, fish and meat (lean varieties), grains and legumes, and dairy and fermented milk products. Canned food (with the exception of homemade preparations for the winter) and smoked meats also have no place in the balanced diet menu. Don’t get carried away with natural coffee, and completely eliminate instant coffee from your diet; drink more pure still water, green tea, herbal infusions.

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A balanced diet has positive influence for the entire human body. After just 2-3 weeks of proper nutrition, you will noticeably transform. Your hair, nails, skin, teeth and everything internal organs– will receive all necessary and useful components from food every day, and your health will be strong and your mood will be excellent. It’s easy to create a weekly diet if you know the basics of proper and balanced nutrition. Every day we need a sufficient amount of calories for good functioning. Number of proteins in daily diet nutrition should be 20-30%, carbohydrates 50-60%, fats 10-20% so that you have energy for the whole day, and your figure is slim and muscles are toned.

List healthy products that should be in your diet every day:

  • Vegetables;
  • Fruits;
  • Berries;
  • Dairy products with a small amount of fat;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • Lean meat, poultry;
  • Porridge, cereals, durum pasta;
  • Chicken eggs;
  • Products with vegetable fat: olive oil etc.;

List of products that should be limited:

  • Baking, dough, White bread, baked goods;
  • Sausages, sausage;
  • Mayonnaise, sauces containing fat;
  • Canned meat;
  • Egg yolks;
  • Products with big amount animal fat;
  • Convenience foods, fast food;
  • Alcoholic drinks;

It is advisable to exclude unhealthy foods from your diet completely, or allow yourself something from the list one day for a week junk food to unload your nervous system and relax.

Watch useful video No. 1:


  • Breakfast – Buckwheat porridge, boiled egg, apple.
  • Lunch – Chicken in the oven, vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack – cottage cheese, delicious berries.
  • Dinner – Corn porridge with feta cheese and vegetables.
  • Breakfast - cottage cheese with sour cream or yogurt, honey, pieces of fruit or berries, toast.
  • Lunch - pilaf, fresh cucumbers or tomatoes.
  • Afternoon snack – bread with cheese and juice.
  • Dinner – Lean meat and grilled vegetables.
  • Breakfast - oatmeal with pieces of fruit, green tea, apple.
  • Lunch – borscht with herbs and sour cream, chicken fillet, Borodino bread.
  • Afternoon snack – Low-fat yogurt with nuts.
  • Dinner – Stuffed zucchini, fish in batter.
  • Breakfast – cottage cheese casserole, orange, cocoa.
  • Dinner - mashed potatoes with chicken cutlets, tea.
  • Afternoon snack – grapefruit, a handful of nuts.
  • Dinner – Steamed lean meat in a slow cooker, fresh vegetables, compote.
  • Breakfast – jelly with oatmeal cookies and cheese.
  • Lunch – diet pizza, vegetable salad, fruit drink.
  • Afternoon snack – fruit salad.
  • Dinner – Baked chicken with vegetables, tea.
  • Breakfast – Lazy dumplings or cheesecakes, black tea.
  • Lunch – stuffed eggplant, fish fillet with lemon.
  • Afternoon snack – apple or banana, juice.
  • Dinner – Tuna salad, chicken fillet.


  • Breakfast - omelet with herbs, tomatoes, fruit juice.
  • Lunch – Rice with chicken cutlet, vinaigrette, tea.
  • Afternoon snack – yogurt, jelly.
  • Dinner – Steamed fish, vegetables, tea.

Watch useful video No. 2:

One of the most common in our time is the desire to lose weight and have beautiful body without flaws. However, not everyone succeeds in achieving what they want. There are plenty of reasons. Let's take a closer look at the principles of proper nutrition. After all, you can’t do without following a precise schedule and giving up some products. Let's find out what is included in the diet of such a diet and learn how to correctly compile your menu using tables.

So, before looking at the tables, you need to thoroughly study the main components of a rational, healthy diet. And there are several of them:

  • do not forget to have breakfast in the morning and generally eat at a time, do not skip meals at other times of the day, eat little but often;
  • do not fill your stomach to the point of an unpleasant feeling of overeating; after eating, there should be some feeling of malnutrition;
  • eat food that is typical for your region of residence;
  • Drink more fluids, give up sweet drinks, soda, and full-fat milk;
  • do not use frying for cooking; your gastrointestinal tract will prefer boiled, baked, or steamed food;
  • reduce your salt intake, and if you allow yourself alcoholic drinks on holidays, then drink not a lot of red wine.

To function normally, our body needs to receive proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and microelements. Without these components, a number of problems arise. But when consuming fats, carbohydrates or other components, you should give preference to the following types of products:

  • low fat milk;
  • bread containing wholemeal flour;
  • useful baked potato or boiled in their uniforms;
  • It is preferable to choose from meat products low-fat varieties: chicken, beef, turkey;
  • better for cooking porridge whole grains(corn, barley, oats);
  • It’s good if you switch to low-fat varieties of fish and be sure to eat fish dishes at least three times a week.

Below is a meal plan for one week - for every day.

In case of incorrect use of various incompatible products Too much time is spent digesting food and getting rid of toxins. The body is slagging, useful material are partially not absorbed. To avoid this, you need to eat foods that are compatible with each other. To do this, just study Herbert Shelton’s table; it describes what is best to eat and with what.

Green squares indicate foods that are excellent for joint digestion by the stomach, red - acceptable, yellow - food that is undesirable to eat together, and white - food that is not compatible. Any meat and fish dishes are very difficult to digest in our body. It is better to eat such food with non-starchy, green vegetables.

Know that the period of time between eating incompatible foods should be at least two hours.

Why does a person sometimes feel heavy after eating? This is a consequence of mixing incompatible dishes. For example, by consuming protein and carbohydrate foods, you may feel unpleasant feelings in a stomach. This happens because some products require processing acidic environment, and for others - alkaline. As a result, the environment is neutralized. The result is a process of fermentation, rotting food, and discomfort in the abdominal cavity.

To lose those extra hated pounds, there is a special diet in which you need to count the number of kilocalories consumed per day. This method It’s quite simple; you need to consume fewer calories than you burn in a day. This is precisely why food calorie tables have been compiled.

His well-being, performance and health directly depend on what a person eats. Proper nutrition is the basis of a healthy lifestyle. Specialists in the field of nutrition - nutritionists, technologists, nutritionists - have long studied the composition of all kinds of products and established standards for the consumption of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements and vitamins.

The number of meals during the day depends on the state of a person’s health: for some diseases, frequent split meals are recommended; for deficiencies of certain substances, it is recommended special diets. The majority of people adhere to a simple routine: breakfast, afternoon snack, lunch, dinner. You just need to develop the right eating habits: you will have to give up something, replacing harmful and useless foods with healthy and nutritious ones.

The morning meal should account for 40% of the nutritional value of the entire daily diet. Healthy breakfast- This:

  1. Porridge. Cereals are the basis of the nutrition pyramid, as they contain the optimal amount of vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates. Oatmeal, barley, millet, buckwheat porridge are most preferred as the first food of the day: they provide energy, improve digestion and metabolism, and have a positive effect on the gastric mucosa. It is advisable to cook porridge with low-fat milk, in a 1:1 ratio with water. For improvement taste qualities Dried fruits can be added to porridge.
  2. Wholemeal bread or crispbread. It is not advisable to eat pastry products or white bread for breakfast. Whole grain bread, rye flour, with the addition of bran, is an ideal addition to breakfast, because it is rich in B vitamins, has a positive effect on metabolism and does not burden the body with extra calories.
  3. Drink. Best for breakfast green tea and dried fruit compote. The first is useful for antioxidants and has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, the second is the presence of harmless sugar, as well as microelements such as potassium and magnesium.

Eating between breakfast and lunch takes up 10% of the nutritional value of the daily diet. Includes:

  1. Fruits. It is better to prefer green apples and bananas, because they do not contain excess sugars and are rich in iron, potassium, and vitamins. According to recommendations World Organization Healthcare daily norm vegetables and fruits is 400 g. In the afternoon you can partially fulfill this norm by eating, for example, two apples, or one apple and a banana.
  2. Drink. In the afternoon you can drink a glass of tea or compote, or plain water.

This meal accounts for 25% of the nutritional value. Includes:

  1. Soup. The first course can be anything: vegetable, meat, with or without legumes; either creamy soup, eintopf or classic “liquid” soup. However, soups with by-products: smoked meats, sausages, and semi-finished products are undesirable.
  2. Bread or crispbread.
  3. Drink. Weak tea (black, green), compote, or a decoction of dried rose hips are suitable. The latter is a record holder for vitamin C content, which improves blood properties and promotes iron absorption. Rosehip also contains essential oils, phosphorus and magnesium salts, vitamins K and B2, phytoncides.

It is advisable that this meal occurs at least 3 hours before bedtime. Contains 25% of the daily nutritional value.

  1. Meat or a fish dish. Fish contains zinc and selenium, which strengthen the immune system, as well as vitamin D and trace elements. The meat should be lean: lean pork, beef, rabbit or turkey. Zinc and protein promote production immune cells and muscle growth, and iron helps synthesize hemoglobin, which is necessary for the transfer of oxygen to cells. It is better to steam fish and meat dishes; you can also stew and bake.
  2. Garnish. Potatoes, rice (preferably brown), buckwheat, pasta - these are the dishes that can complement meat or fish. Pasta and potatoes should be eaten no more than twice a week, as they are high-carbohydrate foods.
    Once or twice a week meat dish can be replaced with a serving of peas or beans. In general, all legumes are rich in protein and microelements, and red beans contain iron, vitamin B6, and strengthen the immune system. The amino acids tryptophan, methionine and tyrosine contained in beans have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  3. Salad. Must consist of fresh vegetables, suitable as a refill vegetable oils: olive, vegetable, flaxseed, pumpkin, sesame and others. Vitamin E in their composition stimulates the synthesis of lymphocytes - cells immune system, and protects body cells from damage as a result of exposure various factors. You can add nuts to salads for piquancy and greater benefits.

During the day, each person should drink at least 2-2.5 liters of water (in the absence of contraindications), because pure water helps remove toxins, stabilize water-electrolyte balance; serves as a means of preventing constipation, dyskinesia biliary tract and skin problems. You can drink water between meals, especially during physical activity.

Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir or liquid natural yogurt without additives, because fermented milk products are necessary every day: they contain easily digestible calcium and vitamin D, and also improve digestion. Kefir with low fat content, no more than 1%, is preferable, and yogurt should be either homemade, made using a special starter, or store-bought, but also live, with minimum period suitability.

Subject to correct mode nutrition chances for healthy long life increase significantly, and the quality of this life only improves.

Most often, attempts to lose weight, improve your health, and “start a new life” begin with a search for a diet. There are hundreds of them: Kremlin, Japanese, melon, Atkins, Dukan...

But when the diet ends, disappointment inevitably sets in - the weight returns, the skin condition worsens again, everything disappears. positive effects, obtained with such hard work...

Meanwhile, there is a method that is devoid of all the disadvantages of diets (slowing metabolism, lack of minerals and vitamins, a meager range of products) - balanced diet. It covers all the body's nutritional needs and invariably leads to improved health and normal weight. It is a healthy and smarter alternative to diets.

The term “rational” means “reasonable, expedient.” What kind of nutrition is considered “reasonable” for the body? How does it differ from diets, and is it so difficult to eat right?

The approach is based on the principle that the optimal amount of calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements should be supplied with food.

Its main qualities are balance and variety, individual adjustment for each specific person. It is also taken into account that cooking should not take much time.

Rule 1: Sufficient calories. Typically, all diets are based on a primitive reduction in calories. Neither initial height, nor type of activity are taken into account. But it’s obvious that a tall builder needs many times more energy than a miniature secretary.

A balanced diet means that you should consume approximately as many calories as you expend, and if you want to lose weight, less. The number of calories is calculated individually in each case. There are many methods and formulas for this, the simplest of which is current weight (in kg) *24. Approximately, a woman of average height and build needs 1500 kcal to maintain weight, and 1300 kcal to lose weight.

A chronic lack of calories leads to a gradual slowdown in metabolism, while an excess leads to obesity. To maintain an attractive appearance and health, balance is important.

Rule 2: Correct ratio proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Three pieces of cake – exactly 1500 kcal! But with such a diet you will not lose weight and, moreover, you will not become healthier. In addition to calories, you need to consider the balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Often, in our diet (especially those with a sweet tooth) there is a strong bias towards carbohydrates. On the contrary, there is not enough protein. For the normal functioning of the body (hematopoietic system, cell renewal, immune function), a woman needs at least 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of weight, with intense sports – 2 grams. For a man this is 2 and 3-4 grams, respectively.

Many people, in an effort to lose weight, avoid fat. But a completely low-fat diet invariably leads to deterioration of the skin, hair, and malfunctions. hormonal system. Fats must be present in a balanced diet: for healthy women– 1 gr. per kilogram of weight, for men – 1-2 grams. At a minimum, at least half of all fats should be of plant origin.

The remaining calories (about 40%) can be obtained from carbohydrates, giving preference to whole cereals, rye or whole grain bread, and legumes.

Rule 3. More vitamins! Vitamins are vital, and it is better to get them not from synthetic complexes, but from vegetables, fruits and other healthy foods.

With proper nutrition, it is not difficult to cover the body’s need for vitamins and microelements: it is enough to eat 5 fruits or vegetables (potatoes don’t count!) per day, preferably in fresh, and eat enough protein products of animal origin.

Rule 4. Regime is important. When organizing your meals, it is important to pay attention to how often and at what intervals you will eat food.

The optimal amount is 4 times a day, in small portions, and most of the calories and carbohydrate-rich foods should be consumed in the first half of the day.

Rule 5. Down with monotony! For many proper nutrition associated with boredom and bland foods. But that's not true. With a balanced diet, spices and seasonings are not prohibited, and from time to time you can treat yourself to something sweet and unhealthy, reducing the calorie content the next day.

Today - fish, tomorrow - grilled meat, every other day - pilaf. Such nutrition can hardly be called boring and monotonous, and this is its main difference from strict diets.

To make sure that eating rationally is not at all difficult, check out sample menu for a week.

Monday Buckwheat porridge, egg, grapefruit or orange Borsch, chicken cutlet, carrot and prune salad, bread Unsweetened yogurt, a handful of nuts Baked cod with zucchini
Tuesday Cottage cheese with berries or honey, toast Baked chicken, hot salad from vegetables Boiled egg, cucumber or tomato Asian brown rice with vegetables and spices
Wednesday Oatmeal with baked apples or banana, cheese Pilaf, cucumber salad and tomato Cottage cheese, fresh berries Omelette, vegetable stew, whole wheat bread
Thursday Cottage cheese casserole, grapefruit or orange Vegetable soup, cutlet, baked potato Peanut butter or cheese crispbreads Polenta ( corn porridge) with cheese and fresh vegetables
Friday Fried eggs, Rye bread, cucumber or tomato Potatoes in skins salty fish, pickled vegetables Banana, walnuts Grilled meat and vegetables
Saturday Lazy dumplings or cheesecakes Pizza, salad of greens and vegetables (without mayonnaise) Jelly with fruits Baked chicken with vegetables
Sunday Fruit salad, unsweetened yogurt or kefir Stuffed peppers or eggplants (with rice and cheese) Ice cream or cake Tuna or hake baked with tomatoes
  • Depending on the rhythm of life and personal preferences, the afternoon snack can be replaced with a second breakfast or divided into two meals.
  • To avoid getting bored with proper nutrition, try to include foods with different flavors in your menu every day: salty cheese, sweet fruits, spicy vegetables or soup, spicy meat.
  • If you have to eat outside the home, for example, in the canteen at work, at a party, in a restaurant, choose win-win and safest combinations - meat or fish with stewed vegetables or salad, soup, borscht, egg or cottage cheese dishes.
  • A healthy diet is not a reason to refuse meetings with friends and holidays. Choose the least calorie-dense meals and snacks and compensate for overeating fasting days. Naturally, such “belly celebrations” should not happen very often.

A balanced diet is a healthy, balanced, good nutrition, compiled taking into account many factors: a person’s age, gender, state of health, characteristics of the body.

A healthy diet is the key to health, especially in modern world, Where human body suffers from the current environmental situation. In addition, in the frantic pace of life, a person often has no time to balance his diet, which leads to disruptions in work digestive system and serious illnesses.

The diet must be strictly followed. A person composes it in accordance with the recommendations of doctors and his lifestyle.

1-2 times a week you can arrange fasting days with kefir, light, quickly digestible fruits and vegetables.

If you eat according to the above principles, you can significantly improve your health, strengthen your immune system and protect your body from many diseases that arise due to poor nutrition. It is impossible to lead a healthy lifestyle without regulating your diet.

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Each product we absorb, in addition to taste, color and smell, has its own composition and calorie content. Taken together, the products form a “bouquet of balanced nutrition” on our table. What does it include?

That's right: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals. From this company fats and carbohydrates the most persecuted. They are considered the reason overweight. So do we need them? If this is the source of figure problems, can we ignore them altogether? Let's figure it out.

Who is who

In order for us to be healthy and delight others with slimness and beauty, the “food bouquet” must be composed correctly and harmoniously. That is why the ratio of the main components - proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the daily diet should be 1:1:4 .


Carbohydrates play the role of energy substances in the human body. This is “fuel” for the body. The final product of their breakdown - glucose - is actively used by the nervous, muscular and other systems. Lack of glucose is expressed in the following manifestations: loss of strength, reluctance to do anything, inability to concentrate on performing certain tasks, increased nervousness, irritability.

There are 3 types of carbohydrates: Refined(white sugar, white flour, polished rice). Energy value theirs is high, but the biological one is very doubtful. Abroad, nutritionists advise giving preference to analogues of these products - yellow or brown sugar, wholemeal flour, brown rice.

Simple containing easily broken down sugars (honey, fruits, some vegetables). They are well and quickly absorbed, providing a quick but short-term energy boost.

Complex(bread, potatoes, vegetables, grains, nuts). Provide prolonged, stable energy to the body. Their disadvantage is that unclaimed energy goes into the energy depot, that is, into fat.

Carbohydrates in the diet should be represented mainly by foods with low glycemic index (cabbage, legumes, tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh fruits, green vegetables). These are "good" carbohydrates.

As for carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, they are present in potatoes, carrots, beets, bananas, as well as in white and brown bread, sugar, corn, white rice, and dough. The calorie content of potatoes, for example, is 83 kcal per 100 g, which is 2-3 times more than the calorie content of other vegetables. But you cannot completely exclude potatoes from your diet - they are valuable and nutritious product. Carrots and bananas should also be eaten, but in moderation. The remaining vegetables, being low-calorie, provide a feeling of fullness. In addition, they are a rich source of vitamins and mineral salts, and the fiber they contain promotes better bowel movements. Carbohydrates with a high glycemic index are stored for immediate storage and stored as body fat. This is especially true for sweets such as chocolate and pies, which also contain a large number of fats, which replenish fat reserves. The situation is different with fruit sugar (fructose), contained in fruits. Fructose does not enter the blood so quickly and is converted much more slowly during metabolism.


When we hear the word “fat,” most of us involuntarily have not the most pleasant associations. Fat is bad, harmful, it makes you fat and causes cellulite. And we begin to look for low-fat foods, renounce tempting delicacies and starve ourselves. Is it necessary to do this?

Not all fats are created equal, but we need them all. Thus, you should not completely abandon them. Like carbohydrates, fats serve as a source of energy for the body. The only difference is that carbohydrates are burned quickly, and fats are stored “in reserve.” They are a long-term energy source. Fats have low thermal conductivity and protect the body from hypothermia. Included in cell walls, intracellular formations, nerve tissue. Participate in maintaining hormonal balance.

Another function of fats is to supply the body with fat soluble vitamins and other biologically active substances.

A lack of fat in the diet can result in excessively dry skin, brittle hair and nails.

There are two main types of fats: saturated and unsaturated. The names come from them chemical composition. Unsaturated fats are healthier than saturated fats. They are absorbed faster and, importantly, are less deposited on the walls of blood vessels.

Sources of saturated fats are animal products: meat, eggs, dairy products. Liquid fats(oils) are mostly represented unsaturated fats, and only some (for example, coconut or palm oil) are saturated. Polyunsaturated fats - the most useful! They are rich in avocado, peanuts, olive, corn, soy and sunflower oil, fish oil, almonds.

It is impossible not to say about the fats included in the composition fatty acids. They help build and maintain vital cellular structure important organs. Fatty acid, called basic (or essential), like proteins, cannot be synthesized in the body, while others are produced by the liver during the processing of fats supplied with food.

When purchasing products, read labels carefully. Special attention pay attention to the word “hydrogenated” - it’s very unhealthy fat, both for children and adults. Such fats are obtained by artificially processing plant fats to make them close to saturated. They are used to give some finished products oily taste. Such fats increase cholesterol levels in the blood; They are included in some pastry creams, desserts, chocolate, sometimes they are added to dough for friability, and hydrogenated cocoa butter is also found.

Keep in mind that cholesterol is also “bad”(low density lipoproteins) and “good” (lipoproteins high density). "Good" cholesterol is important for balance metabolic processes. And if there is not enough of it, the body begins to synthesize its own cholesterol, but it is no longer useful.

As you can see, fats play an important role in the body, and they cannot be completely excluded from the diet.

  • Nutritionists recommend eating apples every day. They contain a lot of easily digestible fiber, which lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, few calories and a sea of ​​vitamins. Other options for enriching your diet with fiber are increasing your consumption of grain products (particularly at breakfast) and legumes. Among the products of the same name, it is reasonable to increase the consumption of those where more high content fiber (for example, black bread instead of white).
  • Calories are much easier to absorb from drinks, so be careful with cocktails and alcohol. The ideal drinks to keep your figure slim are: spring water and herbal teas.
  • The daily diet should include dairy products with low fat content (kefir, yogurt, low-fat cheese, yogurt).
  • Cook as often as possible vegetable soups. And instead fried potatoes serve as a side dish canned peas or beans, stewed cabbage or fresh vegetable salad.