Badger fat from what and how to take. How to use badger fat for cough. Treats various diseases and skin lesions

Since ancient times, people have had knowledge about how useful badger fat is and how it can be used. In anticipation of the onset of winter, they hunted badgers to get this valuable fat. In those days, colds and rheumatic complications associated with them were a serious threat to life, and badger fat can work wonders. Even in the ancient manuscripts of the Catholic saint Hildegard of Bingen, there are references to its healing properties.
All living beings, no matter what species they belong to, perform a certain task, which is part of the natural interaction of all the forces of the Earth. Observations of badgers show that they spend most of their lives underground and are well prepared for this. Badgers dig shelters for themselves only in those places where the level of terrestrial radiation is high, which they need during hibernation. The fact is that radioactive radiation (primarily solar radiation, electromagnetic waves, thermal radiation, similar to that which comes from medical devices, and so on) warms their somatic cells throughout the entire period of winter dormancy. In addition, badgers, like bears, accumulate a thick layer of fat in anticipation of the onset of winter, which warms them, feeds the body with water and maintains its functions that are reduced during sleep (fat contains chemically bound water).

Action and application

Badger fat helps warm cold hands and feet. It is useful for colds. To do this, you need to smear your chest with a sufficient amount of badger fat and cover yourself with a warm towel. Badger fat has a slight characteristic odor. Its properties are similar to those of human adipose tissue, which is why it works so well. It has a regenerative effect and is used in the presence of pain in the joints, with arthritis, tendicitis, helps and has a warming effect in case of problems with the spine. Badger fat is an excellent massage tool to relieve muscle tension. It softens dry and chapped skin, and also helps the skin cleanse itself of pollutants (for example, if there are problems with the veins). To keep the skin fresh and protect it from sun exposure, you need to apply a thin layer of badger fat to the skin.
Badger fat is a pure product created by nature. The reason for its beneficial properties lies in the biologically active substances contained in it, which accumulate in the body of badgers to maintain body functions during several months of hibernation, which these animals spend without food and water. For more than two centuries, badger fat has been used in official and folk medicine as a highly effective prophylactic and curative agent.
When taken orally, it is completely absorbed in the blood, enriching the body with essential trace elements, organic acids and vitamins. In addition, it improves immunity, improves the functioning of the hematopoietic system, enhances protein metabolism. Taking badger fat helps prevent the development of various types of tuberculosis, normalize the secretory activity of the stomach and intestines, and improve mood. In addition, purulent processes slow down, fistulas and foci of infection close, wounds are cleansed, and recovery begins.

How to take badger fat inside

It is traditionally used as a general tonic after serious illnesses and injuries, for diseases of the bronchi and lungs (including tuberculosis), erosive and ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract, atherosclerosis and diseases that occur against its background (for example, with coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular accident, etc.).
Traditional medicine recommends taking a tablespoon of badger fat three times a day for three to four weeks. If badger fat is taken for the treatment of broncho-pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases or as a general tonic, it can be taken with meals.
For diseases of the stomach and duodenum (for example, with peptic ulcer), badger fat is taken 30 minutes before meals, as well as at night. In ulcerative colitis (inflammatory processes with ulceration of the wall of the large intestine), badger fat is prescribed an hour before meals and also at night.

Outdoor use

Badger fat is also widely used externally. As a wound healing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent, it is used for wounds, burns, trophic ulcers (for example, against the background of venous insufficiency), bedsores in bedridden patients. In all these cases, badger fat is applied to the edges of wounds, sometimes under a bandage. Burns can simply be lubricated with melted badger fat. During the war years, when there was not enough medicine, the hunters of Siberia and the Far East mined badger fat, which was then used in hospitals to treat gunshot wounds.
Badger fat is also used to treat diseases of the joints and spine. In inflammatory processes (arthritis, spondylitis), it is recommended to apply compresses with warm badger fat - this relieves swelling and pain well.
In case of metabolic disorders (arthrosis, osteochondrosis), badger fat is introduced into the composition of rubbing. For example, you can use this recipe: take half a glass of badger fat, melt in a water bath, add 1.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 10 drops of lavender and any coniferous essential oil and 5 drops of tea tree essential oil; mix everything thoroughly, use as a rub, store in the refrigerator.
In chronic skin diseases, badger fat should be used with caution, as it can cause allergic reactions, which will exacerbate the underlying process. But if there is no allergy, then pure badger fat will help with atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis. It is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin two to three times a day.
Finally, in the habitats of badgers, women traditionally used badger fat as a cosmetic product to prevent aging, chapping and frostbite of the skin, strengthen hair, and even for baldness. Creams based on badger fat softened the skin of the hands and feet, promoted the healing of microtraumas and cracks.
On the basis of badger fat, you can prepare such a nourishing mask for aging dry skin: melt a tablespoon of badger fat in a water bath, add a teaspoon of rosehip essential oil, 10 drops of vitamins A and E (buy at a pharmacy) and the yolk of one egg, beaten with tea a spoonful of honey; the mask is applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté for 15-20 minutes, then washed off with slightly warm water without soap.

What is useful in badger fat?

Badger fat contains many substances necessary for the body, which help to improve metabolism and strengthen immunity. Previously, badger fat was used in the treatment of severe broncho-pulmonary diseases, including for the treatment of tuberculosis. And there is an explanation for this.
Badger fat contains a lot of unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), some of which are classified as essential, since they are not produced in the human body and must be supplied with food. PUFAs are a source of cholesterol formation, which is conditionally called "useful", since it is involved in all metabolic processes and can significantly speed up metabolism. And, as you know, the work of all internal organs and the state of immunity directly depend on the correct metabolism. PUFAs also contribute to the reduction of inflammatory processes. The lack of PUFA contributes to an increase in the content of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, which is deposited in the form of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
Badger fat contains a lot of vitamins necessary for proper metabolism. Thus, vitamin A contained in it prevents relapses of chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, kidneys and urinary tract, positively affects the skin and its appendages (hair and nails), and prevents the development of malignant tumors. B group vitamins are energetics that provide energy for all biochemical metabolic processes. Badger fat also contains macro- and microelements necessary for the body.
This composition allows badger fat to have a general health effect on the body. It also has an anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory effect, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and stimulates the recovery process after past illnesses.

Indications for admission

Badger fat can be used as a general tonic, anti-inflammatory, restoring metabolism and immunity as part of the complex treatment of various diseases and conditions:
- reduced immunity, which is accompanied by frequent colds and relapses of chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases - as an immunomodulatory agent;
- the recovery period after serious illnesses and surgical operations - as a means to restore strength;
- purulent processes - abscesses, phlegmon, boils, carbuncles, acne. - stimulates the immune system and has an anti-inflammatory effect;
- trophic (exchange) ulcers, long-term non-healing wounds, bedsores - promotes healing;
- general depletion of the body resulting from starvation or after serious illnesses;
- restores normal metabolism;
- infectious and inflammatory diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system - acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, pulmonary tuberculosis - contributes to a speedy recovery;
- infectious and inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract - promotes faster recovery and prevents relapses in chronic processes;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - erosive gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum - promotes the healing of erosive and ulcerative processes;
- diseases of the circulatory system - coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, strokes and their consequences - - improves blood circulation by reducing the amount of "bad" cholesterol in the blood;
- thrombophlebitis (blockage of veins by blood clots and inflammation of the walls of the veins) - reduces the inflammatory process;
- skin aging and various skin diseases (psoriasis, neurodermatitis) - restores the normal condition of the skin.

Badger fat is sold in a pharmacy in the form of capsules or liquid, in vials. It is recommended to take it before meals, adults - a tablespoon three times a day, children - a teaspoon three times a day. After taking badger fat, it is recommended to drink a glass of hot tea or milk.

What is in badger fat and how does it work

A feature of badger fat is that it contains a variety of fatty acids, including those that are more common in plants - oleic, linolenic and linoleic. These fatty acids normalize metabolism, they are a source of the formation of "good" cholesterol, which is involved in all metabolic processes and suppress the formation of "bad" cholesterol, from which atherosclerotic plaques are formed that clog blood vessels.
A large amount of vitamins (A, group B) and minerals also contributes to the activation of metabolism. It has been established that badger fat has anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, tonic effect, inhibits the development of atherosclerosis. It is taken for lung diseases, decreased immunity, frequent colds, and in all cases when the body needs additional support.


But badger fat can also have side effects. Like any fat, it can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The abundance of biologically active substances creates conditions for the development of allergic reactions. Therefore, when taking badger fat, it is necessary to take into account the features of its composition, the main and side effects, as well as contraindications for admission.

The first contraindication is chronic pancreatitis
Chronic pancreatitis is a disease characterized by recurrent inflammatory processes, as a result of which the pancreatic tissue gradually loses its function and is replaced by connective tissue.
The main function of the pancreas is the secretion of digestive juice, which includes enzymes that break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates. And since in chronic pancreatitis the enzyme for splitting fats (lipase) is not produced enough, taking badger fat leads to the fact that the patient has an aggravated inflammatory process, diarrhea, abdominal pain of a shingles character, loss of appetite, aversion to fatty foods.

Second contraindication - diseases of the liver and biliary tract
Diseases of the liver and biliary tract are closely intertwined with diseases of the pancreas. The liver produces bile, which is involved in the digestion process. Bile is excreted through the bile ducts into the gallbladder, from where it is released in portions when food enters the duodenum. The common duct opens into the duodenum, which carries pancreatic juice and bile.
Therefore, diseases of the pancreas always lead to disorders of the liver and biliary tract and vice versa, diseases of the liver and biliary tract cause disturbances in the function of the pancreas.
The physiological role of bile is associated with the digestion and absorption of fat. Entering the duodenum, bile activates the lipase of pancreatic juice, thus contributing to the digestion of fat. In addition, bile is involved in the emulsification of dietary fat in the intestine, which makes it possible for its further absorption.
In violation of the formation of bile (this occurs with liver diseases), its stagnation in the biliary tract or in the gallbladder, there is a violation of the breakdown and absorption of fat. Taking badger fat in diseases of the liver and biliary tract will cause an exacerbation of the underlying disease and adversely affect the work of the pancreas.
In addition, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism. If a person lives in an area where there are no badgers, and has never consumed badger fat before, then perhaps there are not enough enzymes in his body to break it down. In this case, taking badger fat will also bring harm, not benefit. For the same reason, badger fat is contraindicated for children under six years of age.

Third contraindication - allergic processes
Allergy to badger fat is common and usually manifests itself in the form of an itchy skin rash, urticaria, Quincke's edema, and so on. Even if the manifestations of allergies are minor, badger fat should not be taken further, since allergic reactions can become more severe each time.
The use of badger fat can also cause the development of acute pancreatin, if the patient develops an allergic reaction to it in the form of acute edema of the pancreas and a violation of the outflow of digestive juice from it. This leads to the digestion of the tissue of the pancreas itself by the digestive juice, that is, to acute pancreatitis.
The reception of badger fat should be approached with caution.

The unique properties of badger fat have long been known to alternative medicine. Nature has invested biologically active substances in it, which is why this product is able to benefit a person in various diseases. In anticipation of the coming cold weather, information will become relevant: badger fat from a cough for adults, how to take it to relieve symptoms.

Does badger fat help cough?

When purchasing a product, many want to make sure - does badger fat help with coughing? This tool is widely used both independently and in combination with traditional drug therapy.

Thanks to the vitamins A, E, PP, group B present in the composition of badger fat, organic acids with bactericidal properties, carotene and minerals, it is used to treat:

  • dry and wet cough resulting from a cold of the upper respiratory tract;
  • pneumonia, asthma, pleurisy, tuberculosis;
  • chronic and characteristic "barking" cough of smokers.

After regular use of badger fat in the body, elimination of foci of inflammation and pathogens, normalization of metabolism, increased tone and activation of the protective properties of the body are noted. With a painful cough, the remedy helps soften sputum with its subsequent natural removal. Fat moisturizes the mucosa, greatly improving the process of expectoration and minimizing the frequency of attacks.

The product obtained in late autumn can bring the greatest benefit to human health. It is at this time of the year that it contains the maximum set of useful substances.

How to drink badger fat when coughing for an adult

Due to its safety, badger fat is recommended for the treatment of cough in various categories of patients, including pregnant and lactating women. The instruction attached to the product specifies in detail how to drink badger fat when coughing for an adult. According to the standard treatment regimen, the product should be consumed three times throughout the day, half an hour before meals. It is permissible to use badger fat after 3 hours after a meal.

After getting the product inside, all useful substances are completely absorbed by the body. The duration of the treatment course should be at least 1 month. Before the next dose, you will need to take a 2-4-week break.

For greater convenience, you can buy badger fat for adults in capsules. The course of therapy will also be 30 days

The greatest therapeutic effect is achieved as a result of the simultaneous internal and local use of badger fat. At the same time, topical application practically does not cause allergies.

How to treat a cough with badger fat?

To effectively eliminate the symptoms, it is necessary to have information on how to treat a cough with badger fat. The remedy can be taken both independently and in parallel with other therapeutic measures. Fat has a specific taste, so it is not always possible to use it undiluted. The product can be washed down with water, tea, herbal decoctions.

With increased sensitivity to the smell of fat, it is recommended to take it with natural honey or homemade jam. Combining the remedy with bee products is recognized in folk medicine as one of the best antitussive recipes. For this purpose, fat and honey are mixed (3: 1). Mixing the product with hot milk helps to alleviate dry cough and better sputum discharge.

When starting treatment, you should remember about the existence of contraindications. Do not use the product if the patient has:

  • allergic inflammation on the skin;
  • diseases of the digestive tract in the acute stage;
  • hypersensitivity to the product.

Ingestion of fat can cause nausea, indigestion, and allergic reactions. In this regard, before starting a treatment course, you should consult a specialist.

How to take with pneumonia in adults?

The product description most often contains information on how to take with pneumonia in adults. With inflammation of the lungs, badger fat is most effective in combination with medications. Traditionally it use daily from 2 weeks to 1 month, 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.

Regular intake of the product for pneumonia allows you to:

  • eliminate cough syndrome;
  • remove puffiness and activate secretion excretion;
  • restore inflamed lung tissue;
  • normalize the immune status of the body.

With pneumonia, as with bronchitis, badger fat from coughing for adults useful And outwardly. Local treatment promotes deep tissue heating, activates blood circulation, has an antispasmodic effect and enhances the bactericidal properties of the medications used. It is useful to rub with fat several times a day (in the area of ​​​​the sternum, back and feet). For greater effect, it is supplemented with a few drops of cedar, eucalyptus or juniper oil. Rubbing is not recommended in the acute phase of the disease and during a rise in body temperature.

The use of badger fat is shown as an enhancement of the main treatment regimen for pneumonia. Its regular intake greatly contributes to the reduction of symptoms and speedy recovery.

Badger fat how to take in capsules

In order not to feel its specific taste when swallowing badger fat, it is recommended to purchase the product in capsules. This form of the product is a dietary supplement that has a tonic, tonic and immunostimulating effect. Vitamins, minerals and other additional components are often present in preparations manufactured by various pharmaceutical companies. As a rule, the package contains 50-100 capsules.

For the category of patients who cannot tolerate the smell of a natural remedy, it is important to know: how to take badger fat in capsules? Pharmacy product for the treatment of cough is recommended for use within 1-2 months. The dosage for adults is 5-6 capsules per day. Take the drug with food. For the purpose of prevention, the course of treatment with capsules can be repeated annually up to 3 times.

Caution should be exercised in pregnant and lactating women. During this period, taking the drug is undesirable. Also, the product is contraindicated in the acute stage of diseases of the digestive tract.

Where to buy badger fat?

Having decided on the course of treatment, you need to know where to buy badger fat. An all-natural, unrefined remedy found among hunters. It must be remembered that such a product is not subject to laboratory testing and is not subject to traditional processing.

In conventional or online pharmacies, the cough product is available in the form of capsules, as part of topical rubbing preparations. A big plus of such a purchase is the availability of detailed instructions attached to the product. When buying a cough remedy based on badger oil, you need to make sure that it is made by a reliable pharmaceutical company. Only in this case, one can be sure of its authenticity and appropriate processing.

Due to the great popularity of the product, cases of fakes are not uncommon. When purchasing a remedy from dubious persons, one cannot be completely sure of its actual effectiveness and safety. The result obtained from pure badger fat is much higher than from its analogues with various additives. This is due to the high concentration of nutrients and the absence of synthetic ingredients.

For most users, information on the topic “badger cough fat for adults, how to take it” will bring undoubted benefits. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum about the treatment of folk remedies.

Gastritis is a common disease among people of all ages. Eating disorders, bad habits and poor-quality food poisoning provoke inflammation of the gastric mucosa. With a running process, a chronic form of the disease, a constant debilitating diet is required.

Each person suffering from pathology, after eating, feels a number of unpleasant symptoms: aching pain in the solar plexus, belching, heartburn, bad breath, diarrhea. To get rid of the disease, it is not enough just to follow the principles of proper nutrition, it is important to stimulate the regeneration of the mucous membranes. With an integrated approach, people suffering from gastritis choose non-traditional treatments.

Alternative medicine offers a wide range of natural remedies for gastritis. Among them are phytotherapy, herbal treatment, and others. Particular attention is drawn to the treatment of badger fat. The older generation knows about the beneficial properties, modern people are used to always going to the pharmacy at the slightest deterioration in general well-being. This type of treatment has stood the test of time. Follow it or ignore it - everyone decides for himself. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the nuances in order to know exactly how to properly take badger fat for gastritis.

The therapeutic effect of badger fat has been confirmed in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - ulcers and gastritis. The action consists in a positive effect on gastric secretion, normalization of acidity, healing of ulcers and the revival of intestinal microflora. Means is unique by instant absorption through walls of intestines. Useful elements enter directly into the blood, helping to better absorption.

Among folk remedies for the treatment of erosive and ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract, badger fat occupies a special place. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to use carefully. Often gastritis and ulcers further trigger a "chain reaction", improper digestion provokes diseases of the pancreas, kidneys and liver. With difficulties with the biliary tract, it is better not to overdo it with the intake of the substance.

Composition of badger fat

Badger fat becomes especially useful during the period of preparation for hibernation, when the beast stocks up food for the long winter. The concentration of vitamins is so high that the beast calmly endures cold and hunger. Fat is useful for a person, enriched with the necessary vitamins, fats, antioxidants, and biologically active substances. The value of this healing fat increases before the onset of cold weather. The rendered fat is white in color and has a thick consistency with a slight odor. If the product has turned yellow, has a rotten smell, the permissible period of use has clearly expired, or storage rules have been grossly violated. In the refrigerator at a temperature of +4-6 degrees Celsius, the product hardens. At a temperature of +20 degrees fat is easily softened.

The composition of badger fat is characterized by the presence of:

  1. Lots of vitamins. Vitamins A and E are called "growth vitamins". These enzymes primarily help to restore degenerative conditions of the mucous membranes of the stomach, treat gastritis, and are easily absorbed by the body. B vitamins help improve hematopoiesis and stabilize disruptions in hormone production.
  2. Polyunsaturated fatty acids. So called elements Omega-3 and Omega-6. The presence of substances in the human diet is especially important, the body is not able to synthesize them on its own, it only absorbs them with food. Badger fat is a storehouse of fatty acids. The mentioned antioxidants help lower cholesterol levels, accelerate the metabolism in the body, and strengthen the nervous and digestive systems to a greater extent.
  3. organic acids. They reduce the amount of deposited salts, help to absorb the necessary vitamins, and normalize gastric secretion in case of gastritis.

Benefit for health

Traditional medicine has confirmed the beneficial properties of the drug for 200 years. The therapeutic and prophylactic effect of badger fat is manifested in many aspects:

  • improves protein metabolism;
  • there is a compensation for the formation of enzymes for the proper assimilation of food with ulcers and gastritis;
  • the content of B vitamins stimulates an increase in the amount of Hb in the blood;
  • immunity is strengthened, resistance to viral and bacterial infections appears in the body;
  • the content of retinol and tocopherol multiplies the ability of body tissues to regenerate, the processes of speedy treatment of wounds and ulcers are accelerated, the walls of the stomach are enveloped in a protective film;
  • the risk of cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, thrombosis) is reduced. The content of PUFAs Omega-3 and Omega-6 lowers cholesterol levels, vascular nutrition is accelerated if the patient has cholesterol plaques that clog the circulatory system;
  • the normal hormonal background in the body is restored, fertility improves;
  • minimizes the risk of getting a malignant tumor;
  • female beauty improves, hair and nails grow much faster, the aging process of the body slows down.

How to choose and buy badger fat

When buying badger fat, make sure that the product does not contain impurities. It is important that the product is natural and obtained naturally. The best result is guaranteed in the autumn-winter period, so it is better to buy a product in late autumn or early winter.

Now there are attempts to fake the drug, natural consists of 20% fat. It is better if the product is more concentrated.

Guaranteed badger fat can be found in a pharmacy. But after passing through a number of stages of pharmacological treatment, a partial loss of useful properties is possible. When living in a region where the animal is hunted in the corresponding season, it is possible to contact the hunters, you will receive a guaranteed natural product. When choosing, it is recommended to be guided by the state of color, consistency and smell. A liter of product will cost from 3000 rubles.

How to prepare and take medicine

Badger fat is used externally and internally. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor. In the acute stage of the disease, only complex therapy will give a positive effect. If you need to use it externally, you will have to melt the substance at room temperature to a liquid consistency. In diseases of the stomach, the intake is prescribed orally. It is not recommended to heat the fat, at high temperatures most of the vitamins and beneficial acids are destroyed.

After an episode of acute gastritis, it is permissible to use badger fat in order to prevent gastrointestinal diseases and obtain the necessary vitamins for good nutrition. The medicine is taken 2-3 times before meals for 1 month. If you feel the need to repeat the procedure, the break is at least 4 weeks between doses. To achieve the best therapeutic effect, repeat the course as needed up to 3 times a year.

The amount of single use for an adult does not exceed 1 teaspoon. Children from 3 years old are also recommended to take fat in a moderate dose: if a child is 3-6 years old, 1/3 teaspoon is enough for a reception, 6-12 years old - 1/2 dessert spoon, children over 12 are prescribed 1 tsp.

If pure fat is difficult to tolerate, it is allowed to take it with other food or drinks. For example, the composition is well absorbed if dissolved in 250 ml of warm milk with honey, make a sandwich with a piece of loaf or mix with jam. From such a therapeutic effect will not decrease.


Carefully study the contraindications and make sure that the product will not cause an allergic reaction when used against gastritis. Do not prescribe medicine to pregnant and lactating women, a high concentration of biologically active substances causes allergies in a child.

Do not use badger fat for children under three years of age. If there is an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the biliary system, it is better to postpone the intake of fat. In case of individual intolerance, you should consult a doctor and stop taking the remedy even in small doses.


Not everyone knows how to take badger fat. In folk medicine, badger fat is considered a fairly powerful immunomodulator, and also a remedy for the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Why is this product useful?

The content of vitamins, minerals and other useful components in it is not questioned. Badger fat is especially rich in vitamin A, B vitamins (B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12), vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9). Due to its rich composition, treatment with badger fat effectively eliminates the symptoms of a cold, bouts of severe coughing, and helps in the treatment of diseases of the bronchi and lungs. In addition, its use is indicated in the treatment of stomach ulcers, arthritis, rheumatism (and other joint diseases), in the treatment of burns or frostbite.

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How to save useful properties?

Store badger fat in the refrigerator, at a temperature of +4 to +6 ° C. At the same time, it thickens, but as soon as badger fat enters a warm room, its consistency quickly returns to a liquid state.

Since this product is completely natural, it is almost 100% absorbed by the body. Especially important is the use of badger fat to achieve the following results:

  • improve metabolism, strengthen the body's immune defenses;
  • normalization of the stomach and intestines;
  • cancer prevention;
  • additional help in the treatment of tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.;
  • anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects on the skin;
  • restoration of hormonal levels and reproductive function in women;
  • cleansing the body of accumulated toxins and improving the psycho-emotional state of a person.

Our ancestors noticed its beneficial properties more than 2 centuries ago, and since then it has been an essential component of many medicines in the field of traditional medicine. Badger fat obtained in late autumn, before the badger goes into hibernation for the winter, has the greatest value. At this time, the concentration of nutrients in it is maximum, which guarantees its beneficial effect on the human body. The easiest way to assess the quality of badger fat is by its appearance and smell. Properly rendered badger fat looks like a thick mass of white or slightly yellowish color, with a slight, subtle odor. If the product has a pronounced bitter or sour taste, rich color, or an unpleasant odor, this means that the shelf life of such fat has already expired, or that it was stored incorrectly. In any case, you should not buy such a product.

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In what cases is badger fat taken?

Sometimes it happens that milk cannot be used due to lactose intolerance, in which case milk is replaced with rosehip broth with the addition of a small amount of honey.

In the case of bronchitis, badger fat is recommended not only to be taken orally, but also to rub it on the chest, back and soles of the feet. It is believed that the first results of treatment become noticeable after 3-4 days from the start of the medication, but the full course of treatment is 10 days.

For the treatment of bronchitis in a child, 100 g of badger fat is mixed with butter and 6 tsp. cocoa powder. In addition, 100 g of grated dark chocolate can also be added there. Children will be happy to take the resulting remedy 3 times a day.

It is recommended to use badger fat for the treatment of bronchitis, tuberculosis and coughs of any origin. So, to get rid of dry cough, it is recommended to take this product diluted with a small amount of warm milk, in a ratio of 3:1. Take this drug should be half an hour before meals, at least 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l. for 1 reception. For children, the dosage will be slightly less - in the amount of 1 tsp. Such a drink can significantly reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract of a sick person and eliminate the feeling of weakness and fatigue.

For more complex cases, for example, in the treatment of tuberculosis, it will take much longer to take badger fat with milk - at least a month.

Then you need to take a break for a couple of weeks, and then repeat the course.
Another recipe for the treatment of tuberculosis involves the preparation of a mixture of 10 lemons ground in a meat grinder, mixed with beaten eggs, 500 ml of cognac and 1 liter of honey. To this mass, add 1 liter of badger fat and take the resulting remedy 3 times a day, 1/3 cup.

For general strengthening of the stomach and improving metabolism, increasing appetite 1 tbsp. l. badger fat is mixed with a glass of ground walnuts and 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice. After insisting this mass in a cool place for a day, the product can be used for its intended purpose. This recipe is especially relevant for children and adolescents who have reduced immunity.

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cooking recipes

In addition, there is a recipe for a general tonic made from badger fat, which can be used both internally and externally, in the form of rubbing. The so-called "Tibetan recipe" involves the preparation of a mixture of: 100 g of badger fat, 100 g of cocoa powder, 100 ml of alcohol, 5 tbsp. l. honey, 5 tbsp. l. butter, ¼ tbsp. aloe juice, mummy and propolis, taken in the same proportion - 5 g each.
In winter, cosmetics based on badger fat are very popular, which are beneficial not only for the skin of the face, but also have a positive effect on the condition of hair and nails.

Added to the mask for the face and décolleté, badger fat improves the overall appearance and condition of the skin, removing fine lines. In addition, this cream prevents dehydration of the skin, removes dryness and flaking, and has a nourishing effect.
A homemade face cream can help in solving the problem of acne, and also has a rejuvenating and tonic effect. To prepare it, you need: mix 3 tbsp. l. badger fat with 3 tbsp. l. cocoa butter. Add 2 tsp to this mixture. wheat germ oil and 6 drops each of rosewood and geranium essential oils. Mix all components thoroughly and store in a dark glass container in the refrigerator. Apply this remedy at bedtime, applying a small amount of the composition to cleansed skin.

With increased fragility of nails and hair, it makes sense to prepare a remedy consisting of 2 tbsp. l. badger fat and half a bar of dark chocolate. All ingredients are melted in a water bath, adding a few drops of any essential oil of your choice, after which the resulting composition is applied to the hair or nails for 10-15 minutes.
Although treatment with badger fat is effective and safe in most cases, nevertheless, like any product, this remedy has contraindications for use. So, it is better to refuse to take this remedy in the presence of intestinal obstruction, diabetes mellitus, cholecystitis and gallbladder diseases, during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, it is not recommended to give this product to children under 3 years of age.

This product is poorly tolerated by people who have problems with the function of the pancreas and liver. In such a situation, it is difficult for the body to adapt and produce enough bile and enzymes to break down badger fat and completely process it.
Adverse reactions that can be caused by taking badger fat are manifested in the form of nausea, indigestion, and diarrhea. Individual allergic reactions are possible, therefore, if any of the listed signs appear, it is better to refuse to use badger fat and consult a specialist.

Traditional medicine offers many time-tested and positively used recipes from centuries of wisdom. In the old days, there was no concept of antibiotics, as well as medicines themselves in principle, so the success of treatment depended solely on the knowledge of the local healer. Badger fat, which our article will tell you about, was rightfully considered one of the most effective means of treating lung diseases, colds and general weakness.

The use of this miracle drug, like any medicine, requires a responsible approach. The most useful and effective is fat harvested before hibernation. The content of useful trace elements, vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids is simply a record. It is this rich composition that allows the animal to overwinter without problems, and also does without food and water for six months.

The healing properties of badger fat are still not fully understood, but even incomplete information allows us to talk about the uniqueness of such a remedy. It is very important to use a high quality product.

The distinguishing characteristics of fresh fat will be color. It varies from pure white to cream, but by no means yellow - this is a sign of stale product.

Fat also has a characteristic odor that makes eating it an overwhelming task for many, and it is especially difficult to get a child to endure such treatment. To kill the characteristic aftertaste, you can use honey, sweet syrups and spicy flavors. Even if this does not help, you can simply purchase a modern analogue at the pharmacy - badger fat in capsules.

What is useful badger fat

  • Vitamins A, E, PP and B groups. These are the most important elements that regulate the work of the whole organism, being responsible for its proper functioning. Especially useful are the so-called beauty vitamins (A and E) for healthy skin and hair. That is why badger fat is often used in home cosmetology.
  • Oleic acid is an excellent prevention of cancer. This property is especially often used in the treatment of cancer at an early stage. It is important to comply with the recommended dosages, as well as continue traditional therapy, coupled with folk remedies.
  • Linolenic and linoleic acid provides the heart and blood vessels with everything they need. This useful property is used in the treatment of vascular diseases, varicose veins and many others.
  • Organic acids give the product bactericidal properties.

The benefits of badger fat have long been known, but right now this product has become popular again. Most modern people are disillusioned with "traditional" medicine, they are turning to the origins in search of a truly effective, and most importantly, natural medicine.

The use of badger fat is not an absolute panacea, but in some cases it can significantly improve the patient's condition, contributing to his speedy recovery in combination with medical treatment methods.

What treats badger fat

  • Colds.
  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract: tracheitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and others.
  • Pulmonary ailments: pneumonia, tuberculosis, asthma, pleurisy and others.
  • The initial stage of silicosis (occupational disease of heavy industry workers).
  • It is useful for general exhaustion or decrease in protective forces (immunity), including after illnesses.
  • Decreased hemoglobin, anemia of varying degrees.
  • Diseases of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, especially in the treatment of ulcers and erosions.
  • Atherosclerosis in complex therapy.
  • Helps lower blood pressure.
  • Normalizes the hormonal background, is used in the treatment of the endocrine system.
  • To increase potency in men.
  • Treatment of dysfunction of the reproductive system in women.

How to use it correctly for a speedy recovery is described below.

The use of badger fat in diseases

The main treatment regimen must be agreed with the attending physician. You should not drink badger fat with bronchitis and completely abandon antibiotics. This drug can significantly relieve cough and quickly restore lung tissue, but it cannot completely replace therapy. Of course, if we are talking about a cold or the initial stage of bronchitis, a complex effect will help stop the disease, but if the inflammation progresses further, it is better to resort to more traditional methods of treatment.

Badger cough fat

The amino acids and vitamins that are part of the fat contribute to the thinning and removal of sputum from the bronchi and lungs. In addition, badger fat has long been famous for its beneficial effect on the regeneration of lung tissue. This property is successfully used in the treatment of severe forms of pneumonia, tuberculosis, and even as a restorative agent in the initial stages of lung cancer. Do you want something interesting?

How to take with bronchitis

A tablespoon of melted fat at room temperature for adults. It is recommended to use before meals, mixing it with tea, milk or sweet drinks.

For children aged 6 to 10 years, half a teaspoon is enough; over ten years old, you can give a whole one. The duration of treatment is at least a week, even if the improvement occurred earlier.

Badger cough fat can be given to children in the form of chocolate butter. To do this, melt a bar of dark chocolate and mix it with three tablespoons of fat and sugar.

Vanilla sugar and cinnamon can be added to the mixture to kill the characteristic smell. After cooling, you can divide the pasta into portions, give the child along with cookies or bread.

Effective treatment for tuberculosis

Unfortunately, badger fat will not be able to completely cure this terrible disease, but its effectiveness will be useful to the patient as a tonic and restorative remedy. It is good to use it for weight gain after illness. To do this, you need to stock up on remarkable patience: taking the remedy must be continued for many months.

To enhance the effectiveness, it is desirable to prepare such a drug: three tablespoons of badger fat add two tablespoons of crushed aloe (which is at least three years old), as well as one cognac and dry cocoa powder. The resulting mixture should not be harvested for future use, the maximum effect will be from a fresh portion. The daily dose is one tablespoon on an empty stomach.

Treatment of ulcers and gastritis

Equal proportions of fresh milk and badger fat are brought to a boil, and then a little honey is added. Drink a warm decoction of a quarter cup two hours before meals. The course of treatment is at least two weeks. How to drink badger fat so as not to smell bad? You can add vanilla, cocoa or cinnamon to the decoction. Spices will kill the characteristic aroma, and the drug will be made even more useful.

Treatment of otitis media and inflammation

Inflammation of the middle ear is an unpleasant, moreover, very painful condition. To relieve pain and safely wait for the opportunity to see a doctor, use the following remedy. Equal proportions of badger and chicken fat, as well as freshly squeezed onion juice, are mixed and instilled a few drops into the sore ear.

External use of badger fat

Warm compresses from this product give a good effect. Thus, inflammatory processes in the joints, muscle pain and rheumatism are treated. To do this, you need to heat the fat a little, and then apply it to the pre-steamed area. To enhance the positive effect, you can add essential and natural oils to the mixture.

Rubbing and warm fat compresses are excellent. To do this, a small amount of the product is applied to the back and chest area, wrapped tightly and left overnight. Thus, even small children can be treated, only a consultation with a pediatrician is first necessary.

Strengthening the immune system and treating anemia

A breakdown and a tendency to frequent colds can signal the fall of the main "defenders" of the body. Immunity can be boosted with a simple home remedy: equal parts fat, walnuts, honey, raisins and dried apricots. The solid particles are crushed, melt the fat and honey a little, mix everything until smooth.

Give a teaspoon of this remedy daily to the child before breakfast. At the age of three to six years, the dose is one third of a teaspoon. Adults take a tablespoon, teenagers - one teaspoon. Badger fat for children can also be given in the form of capsules, as well as mixing it with milk or tea.

An old Tibetan recipe for anemia:

  • Badger fat - 100 grams.
  • Flower honey - 100 grams.
  • Cocoa powder - 100 grams.
  • Butter - 50 grams.
  • Chopped aloe - 50 grams.
  • Propolis and mummy, 5 grams each.

Mix everything, take according to the above scheme: adults - a tablespoon, for children, the dosage decreases in direct proportion to age.

It is not known whether it is true that this truly original recipe came to us from Tibet, but many patients prone to anemia, as well as during the recovery period after illnesses, have already been able to verify its effectiveness.

Cosmetic application in the form of creams and masks

For the preparation of homemade masks, this valuable product for fatty acids is perfect. Among other things, badger fat will successfully replace lanolin - a natural basis for creams and nourishing masks.

To do this, equal proportions of badger fat and natural oil are mixed in a warm state. Essential oils with a favorite smell can be added to the mixture so that the product does not give off a sharper aroma characteristic of the drug. This homemade cream can be stored in the refrigerator for a short time. It is a very good remedy for nourishing dry skin and also suitable as a protective antifreeze.

Excellent cream - treatment for cracked feet:

  • Badger fat - 50 grams.
  • Beeswax - 10 grams.
  • Almond oil (can be replaced with any suitable) - 25 ml.
  • Vodka - 30 grams.
  • Pharmaceutical lecithin - 1 teaspoon.
  • Essential oil (lavender, tea tree, lemon or whatever you like) - 20 drops.

Mix all the ingredients well, use the finished mixture every day on problem areas of the body.

Badger fat contraindications

Despite the list of useful substances in the composition, this product also has its own characteristics, so it may not be suitable for treatment in a number of individual cases. Badger fat when coughing is now most often used in the form of capsules, so the discomfort from taking the drug inside is completely excluded. At the same time, manufacturers can additionally equip the medicine with other additives - honey and extracts of medicinal herbs.

  • Children's age up to three years. Often the instructions indicate the age of up to six or eight years, but externally this remedy can be used earlier, and internally not earlier than three years.
  • The question remains ambiguous: badger fat during pregnancy - good or bad? It is known for sure that in the first trimester the use of this product will give an additional load on the liver and pancreas, which is now working in an enhanced mode. It is also not recommended to drink it, so as not to provoke or increase toxicosis. Outwardly, this remedy can be used at any time, inside - only according to the testimony of a doctor.
  • Individual intolerance is an absolute contraindication. And often even changing the dosage form does not give a positive result. In this case, you need to look for other means with a similar effect.
  • Exacerbation of diseases of the pancreas and liver also does not contribute to the use of badger fat. An important component of treatment for such diseases is a special diet, so the use of fatty foods, even for therapeutic purposes, is unacceptable.

Side effects in case of misuse or intolerance to such a drug is considered such a reaction of the body as vomiting and diarrhea. In some cases, dermatological pathology may appear: rash, itching and urticaria on the skin. If the drug does not suit you, it is better to stop treatment by contacting a specialist for additional advice.

Its use requires agreement with the attending physician, often as an additional tool in complex therapy. Instructions for the use of badger fat describe possible contraindications, especially with regard to childhood, when a pediatrician's consultation will be mandatory. It is very good to use it as a warming external agent, there are even cosmetic recipes for this. What helps badger fat and how to use it, our article will tell you.

Badger fat. Beneficial features. Application. Treatment. Reviews

Irina08/04/2014Badger fat. Beneficial features. Application. Treatment. Reviews

My dear readers, today we will talk about the beneficial properties, application and treatment of badger fat. Now is summer, and this time is usually perceived by us as a period of recovery and rest. So far, I don’t want to think about next autumn at all, or rather about that cold-wet period, which we usually associate with colds and other unpleasant sores. In order not to get sick later, we are now trying with might and main to strengthen our immunity - rest, vitamin nutrition. But for the future, we must always be ready to deal with any cold that encroaches on our health.

That's just the hero of my today's article - badger fat is interesting in that it can become not only a treatment, but also become an excellent prevention for the disease season. The tool, let's say, is unconventional, but quite effective. So I think it's worth getting to know him.

I myself opened it a very long time ago, when I was undergoing a very serious treatment with my daughter. And now, after chemotherapy, she began to have a terrible cough. Wherever I just did not turn, than we were not treated, but badger fat and oats helped us cope with the problem. I talked in detail about how I treated my daughter with oats in the article Healing properties of oats, and today we’ll talk about badger fat. My reviews of badger fat and the reviews of those people to whom I recommended it are very encouraging. In the article I will share the recipes that we used.

So, badger fat is known to us as a "grandmother's" recipe for health. And no wonder. After all, it is now pharmacology that offers us a thousand and one medicines for everything, anything. But before there was no such diversity, and people, perhaps because of this, preferred to be treated with so-called folk methods. Today, many also opt for natural products and try to make the most of everything that nature gives us to help their health. Well, in order to understand that badger fat is really a tool that deserves at least interest, I want to tell you about its beneficial properties and its scope.

Badger fat. Compound. Benefit for health.

Badger fat is its reserve for the period of hibernation. Therefore, it contains a sufficient amount of all kinds of useful and nutritious substances in order to calmly spend the winter. These substances are also useful to humans, because all of them are vitamins and elements necessary to maintain our health, and sometimes even treat them. Badger fat contains:

  1. Vitamins. It is especially rich in vitamins A and E. They are also known as growth vitamins, activate regeneration processes, promote healing and tissue renewal. Strengthens skin, hair and nails. Another group of vitamins - B (B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12) is useful for our hormonal levels to be stable and not to fail. They also have a positive effect on the processes of hematopoiesis.
  2. Badger fat is especially rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (for example, Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9). Our body does not synthesize them itself, so you need to get them only from the outside, with food. They have an antioxidant effect. They improve metabolic processes in the body, strengthen the nervous, cardiovascular, reproductive, digestive, endocrine systems. Regulate blood sugar levels. And their most famous and important property is to prevent the development of cancer.
  3. Helps with pain in the joints and spine.
  4. Protects skin from sun exposure.
  5. Rejuvenates the skin of the face.
  6. Improves blood formation.
  7. The general beneficial property of all components of badger fat is to strengthen and maintain immunity, increase the body's resistance, and restore it. Therefore, badger fat has long been considered an excellent restorative and supportive remedy, and sometimes the number one cure for flu and colds. Let's find out how badger fat can be used.

Badger fat. Application. Treatment with badger fat

Regular use of badger fat can speed up recovery and increase the effectiveness of the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Problems of the digestive system (gastritis with increased acidity of the stomach, gastroduodenitis, colitis, enterocolitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers)
  • Diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system (varicose veins, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis)
  • Inflammation of the urinary tract
  • Diseases of the respiratory organs (pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections, chronic tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma and even tuberculosis)
  • Skin injuries and other problems associated with the integrity of the skin (scratches, cuts, abrasions, cracks, ulcers, stretch marks, frostbite and burns, insect bites, acne, lichen, urticaria, eczema, atopic dermatitis)
  • Problems of the musculoskeletal system. It is used for osteochondrosis, treatment of arthrosis, arthritis, osteoporosis, fractures and sprains
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system in women and men (infertility, prostatitis, cervical erosion, prostate adenoma)
  • And badger fat is also useful for those who want to restore immunity after a long illness, quickly increase their efficiency.
  • It is used for exhaustion and dystrophy, as a remedy to help overcome drug intoxication. That is, when the body is weakened not only by a long illness, but also by endless medication.
  • It also rejuvenates the skin of the face.

I suggest watching a video about badger fat.

Badger fat. Application. Recipes

Badger fat to improve immunity. Recipe.

We mix 100 g of badger fat, 100 g of honey, 50 g of raisins and 50 g of dried apricots and 100 g of chopped walnuts (you can twist them in a meat grinder). The course is one month, 1 tablespoon per day. On an empty stomach.

Badger fat for colds, reduced immunity, respiratory diseases. Tibetan recipe.

Mix 100 g of badger fat, honey and cocoa powder into a homogeneous mass. Add 50 g of aloe pulp, 50 g of butter, 2 g of mummy, 1 g of propolis and a teaspoon of alcohol (94%). The resulting product can be used inside one tablespoon, washed down or mixed with a glass of hot milk. You need to drink in small sips a couple of hours before meals. Consume two to three times a day. You can also do rubbing with this mixture, after diluting a teaspoon of the product in a glass of water. Before going to bed, rub the chest, back and feet.

Badger fat for sports injuries, sprains, muscle pain. Ointment with badger fat

Prepare the mixture for rubbing: mix 100 ml of badger fat with 10 drops of rosemary essential oil, add 30 ml of wheat germ oil, 10 drops of lavender essential oil and 5 drops of tea tree or mint essential oil. It is best to rub problem areas after a hot bath or bath.

The use of badger fat for ulcers, gastritis with high acidity, chronic pancreatitis without exacerbation.

Badger fat is used for 1 tbsp. spoon in the morning two hours before meals on an empty stomach.

Badger fat from coughing for bronchitis, tracheitis, ENT diseases.

Badger fat cough externally.

The most popular use of badger fat is badger fat for bronchitis and respiratory diseases. That is, badger fat is quite effective in coughing. It can be applied inside and outside. Outwardly, you can simply rub the chest. To do this, get badger fat from the refrigerator, set aside a portion for one rubbing, leave it at room temperature for an hour. Rub into chest and back. Avoid only the area of ​​the heart. That is, we rub the entire area, as we put mustard plasters. After that, it is desirable to wrap this area. I then sewed two scarves together for my daughter and wrapped them crosswise. At least for an hour or two. Good for the night.

Badger fat cough inside.

For this, there is the following delicious recipe:

Melt 100 g of dark chocolate in a water bath with 100 g of butter. Next, add 8 dessert spoons of badger fat and 6 small spoons of cocoa to the slightly cooled mass. It turns out a thick aromatic mass, which can even be smeared on bread and eat a delicious healing sandwich.

The fact is that in its pure form, badger fat does not have a very pleasant taste and smell. And in this form, the tool is much more pleasant to use.

Of course, you can just eat it in its pure form or drink it with milk. Usual dosage for treating cough: 1 tablespoon three times daily one hour before meals for two weeks. Here we choose what we like. By the way, you can also mix badger fat with honey, raspberry jam, grated blackcurrant, drink rosehip broth. Usually badger fat is mixed with another component in a ratio of 3:1.

Badger fat for children

Badger fat is also used for children to cure coughs, especially dry or lingering ones. But you need to know that up to 2-3 years of age, it is not recommended for babies to use badger fat inside. You can do rubbing the chest, back, feet. I wrote about this already above. Older children (after 3 years old) badger fat can be given in small quantities and to improve the taste it is better to mix with jam or honey.

How to take badger fat

For prevention or treatment, badger fat is consumed two or three times a day on an empty stomach one hour before meals. Usually the course lasts one month. You can repeat the prophylaxis after a break of three to four weeks. The course can be repeated 2-3 times a year.

Badger fat capsules. Price

It is very convenient to use it. The only caveat, pay attention to whether there are any other additional additives so as not to provoke allergic reactions. The capsules are very convenient to drink. No smell, no taste. Carefully read the instructions for use, dosage. And check with your doctor. The package usually contains 100 capsules. It would be nice to drink 2-3 packs per course.

Badger fat for adults: the volume of each dose is 1 dessert spoon in its pure form. If badger fat was mixed with honey or jam, then the serving will be 1 tablespoon. If you take it in capsules, again, see the instructions on the package.

The price of badger fat in capsules in our pharmacies is 100-200 rubles per pack. It all depends on the manufacturer. Often there are promotions. Not so long ago I bought badger fat in capsules, hygienic lipstick was also attached to it, and also with badger fat.

Badger fat for children:

A single dose should not exceed 1/3 teaspoon (for children 3-6 years old) ½ teaspoon (for children 6-12 years old)

1 teaspoon (for children 12-16 years old). I emphasize again - this is one portion of the three recommended daily. In capsules, also see the instructions on the package.

And of course, before using badger fat by children, it is better to get the approval of the attending physician for this.

Badger fat. Contraindications for use

  • Diseases of the pancreas and liver.
  • Pancreatitis in acute form.
  • Cholelithiasis in the acute stage.
  • Age up to 3 years.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Individual intolerance.

It is important to know that badger fat can cause an allergy or an adverse reaction in the form of nausea. Then the reception should be stopped and consult a doctor.

Where to buy badger fat. Badger fat capsules

Badger fat is a specific product that requires compliance with all harvesting rules. Perhaps someone makes it at home, but these should be people whom you absolutely trust. You can buy from familiar hunters, if there are such people in your environment. If you doubt the quality of badger fat, I still recommend buying it at a pharmacy. Usually there it is sold in capsules, and instructions for use are attached to it.

You should know that good quality badger fat is a mass of white or beige, or rather, cream color with a specific smell. Thick in consistency when taken out of the fridge. Yellow color, rancid and sour smell are signs of a poor-quality, most likely expired product. Under no circumstances should you use this.

Badger fat. How to store

It is better to keep badger fat in a glass container in a dry, dark place (for example, in a refrigerator) at a temperature of +4 to -20 ° C.

Here are the benefits for today. And for the soul, we will listen to Bach Partita No. 6-David Fray. I introduced you to a wonderful French pianist. One of my favorite pianists. Yesterday there was a special mood, I listened to Bach in his performance. David is so different. Extraordinary, subtle musician. And his performance of Bach just shocked me. I share with you. I don't know how close everything will be, but this music is about eternity, the soul, a new dimension... He has such a special playing style. You will not confuse with anyone. David very subtly conveys to us everything that the composer wanted to say.

I wish you all good health. Be wise. Choose everything that nature gives us.

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Badger fat: what useful properties are hidden in it. What are the benefits and harms for the human body brings badger fat

The use of badger fat as an effective drug and body care product has long been known.

The ability of wild animals to accumulate a significant amount of valuable and useful substances in their fat has been scientifically proven.

Badger fat is no exception.

It is considered an effective tool in medicine and cosmetology, used in the treatment of diseases, health promotion, improving the condition of the whole body.

Badger fat: composition, how to use

Badger fat is a product obtained by rendering subcutaneous fat from a badger. A powerful preventive and healing effect is achieved due to the presence of useful and valuable substances in it:

Polyunsaturated acids omega - group. They are able to improve all metabolic processes, nourish organ tissues, have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The human body does not synthesize them on its own, so their intake from the outside is important.

Vitamins E and A have a high antioxidant activity, affect all regenerative processes, are indispensable for the growth and development of the body, enhance the effect of polyunsaturated acids.

Vitamins of group B. Regulate protein, fat, water-salt, carbohydrate metabolic processes, affect immunity, blood circulation, mental abilities, hormone balance, full-fledged work of the eyes, nervous system.

Vitamin K is important for normal blood clotting and proper liver function.

Nutritional value: 100g contains

Proteins - 0g;

Carbohydrates - 0g;

Fats - 99.8 gr.

Badger fat has a high calorie content, 100g contains 898.2 kcal.

The presence in the composition of substances valuable for the whole organism is the reason for the use of badger fat in medicine and cosmetology.

Application in medicine. It is successfully used in treatment as the main therapeutic agent, as well as an auxiliary one in combination with pharmaceutical preparations. A wide range of applications is associated with its properties. Fat has: antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bactericidal, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, antiviral, tonic, wound healing, regenerating, anti-sclerotic effects.

Use in cosmetology. Masks and creams that have badger fat among the components affect the skin: make it supple, elastic, fresh, prevent premature aging and the formation of wrinkles. A good effect is shown by products for the care of problematic and dry skin, which contain moisturizers and badger fat.

At home, you can lubricate the skin with this product daily. It will protect it from sunburn, frostbite, chapping, and heal microcracks.

Mask against acne: you should take a small amount of dark chocolate, melt it, add fat, mix. It is applied to the skin of the face for 15-20 minutes.

Night cream: cocoa butter and badger fat are taken in the same volume, melted, 1 tbsp of jojoba oil and 10-15 drops of essential oil are added. The prepared cream is stored in a glass container in a dark, cool place.

Badger fat is good for hair. A small amount of it relieves hair of dryness, brittleness, makes them obedient, shiny, smooth. Its daily rubbing into the hair roots stops hair loss.

Badger fat: what are the benefits for the body

Badger fat, as a drug, has a comprehensive effect on the human body. The benefits of badger fat are that

Improves protein metabolism;

Affects the activity of the digestive organs;

Able to compensate for the violation in the formation of enzymes in case of malnutrition;

Significantly increases a person's resistance to the influence of various infectious or viral diseases;

Stimulates regeneration processes in tissues and cells, heals existing erosions, ulcers;

Protects the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, enveloping them;

Improves the work of the heart and all blood vessels;

Reduces the risk of formation and development of atherosclerosis, thrombosis;

Restores the volume of hormones;

Reduces the possibility of oncological neoplasms;

Affects hair, skin and nails, slows down aging.

Its systematic use significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment and prevention measures for the following diseases:

Digestive organs: gastritis, duodenal and stomach ulcers, colitis, gastroduodenitis, enterocolitis;

Heart and blood vessels: varicose veins, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis;

Skin: cuts, abrasions, scratches, trophic ulcers, cracks, bedsores, stretch marks, frostbite, burns, fistulas, insect bites, boils, acne, lichen, urticaria, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis;

Respiratory system: laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pleurisy, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis and silicosis of the lungs;

urinary system;

Musculoskeletal system: rickets, osteochondrosis, arthritis, osteoporosis, myositis, osteomyelitis, sprains of tendons and ligaments, fractures;

Female and male genital organs: prostatitis, infertility, adenoma, cervical erosion.

The use of fat is also beneficial for the body when:

A significant decrease in immunity;

Restoration of working capacity, strength after surgery or a long illness;

Anorexia, dystrophy;

Recovery after drug intoxication, which was provoked by their prolonged use.

Badger fat should be taken three times a day before meals. The dose for an adult is 1 dessert spoon, and when combined with honey - 1 tbsp. The duration of admission should not exceed a month. Treatment and prevention can be performed up to 3 times a year with a mandatory break of 3-4 weeks.

Badger fat should be melted at room temperature before taking. It is important to remember that heating the product leads to a decrease in the number of valuable substances and useful properties.

Badger fat: what is the harm to health

Badger fat is one of the few alternative medicines that have been recognized by mainstream medicine. The tool is able in some situations to show side effects and be completely contraindicated for use in treatment. It cannot be accepted:

People with diseases of the liver, kidneys, pancreas;

In the presence of stones in the kidneys and bile ducts;

In chronic form of pancreatitis;

With a tendency to any type of dermatitis, and the presence of individual intolerance to it excludes the possibility of treatment;

Children under 3 years old.

Pregnancy, the period of breastfeeding do not belong to a complete contraindication in the treatment of diseases with badger fat. During this period, they should be treated with the permission of the doctor and under his full control.

Exceeding the required dosage in treatment, improper storage conditions, poor quality of the product can lead to weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. To avoid these conditions, it is important to know how to store and select badger fat.

The best place to buy is a pharmacy. Available in capsules or vials. At home, it should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 5C in a dark place (it keeps well and retains its properties in the refrigerator).

Indicators of high-quality fat are color (white or slightly yellowish), the presence of a special smell and taste. The main reference point for freshness and quality is the expiration date indicated on the package.

Badger fat for children: good or bad

No one doubts the benefits of badger fat. It is also useful for children. But the high concentration of nutrients and active substances, allergenicity, make it a contraindicated remedy for use in the treatment of babies under 3 years old.

When treating children older than 3 years, parents must strictly adhere to the dosage. A single dose of fat is:

Children from 3 to 6 years old - 1/3h l;

From 6 to 12 years old - 1/2 h l;

After 12 years - 1 tsp.

Exceeding the indicated doses can negatively affect the child's body: signs of allergies, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, upset stools may appear. Duration of treatment - no more than 5 days.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to check the child's reaction to fat. It is necessary to apply a small amount of it on the elbow bend and wait a while. The absence of changes in the skin is an indication for the external use of fat. To check the body's reaction to the internal intake of the drug, it is necessary to give the child 1/4 h l of fat and observe the child's behavior. If within 3-4 hours nothing changes in the behavior and condition of the baby, fat can be safely used as a medicine.

Due to the special taste and smell, children often refuse to take it. To hide them, you can mix the product with:

liquid honey;

Favorite jam;

Fresh berries grated with sugar;

Rosehip decoction;

Melted chocolate butter.

Older children should be explained that this medicine and its use will quickly cope with the disease.

In the absence of contraindications, badger fat is allowed to be given for prophylaxis for immune support and protection against viral or infectious diseases.

30 minutes before meals, the child can be given 1 tsp of the mixture:

100g honey, 100g fat, 100g walnuts, 100g dried apricots, 100g raisins. Everything is crushed and mixed.

Even if the child could not avoid infection, taking this mixture, he will endure the disease much easier and recover faster without consequences.

The decision to use badger fat as an internal medicine should be made by the parents together with the pediatrician. Calmly, without fear for the health of the child, fat can be used externally. They rub the legs, back, chest with a cold and wrap the child in a blanket.

Badger fat is called the elixir of health, longevity and beauty. Its harm and benefit to the body will depend on compliance with the norm of the dosage taken and the adequacy of the application.

What is useful badger fat

The benefits of wild animal fat have been known for a long time. People have noticed that bears, marmots, badgers and other animals that hibernate in the spring look quite cheerful and healthy. The subcutaneous fat accumulated over the summer helps these animals successfully endure long-term starvation.

Shooting began in late autumn, when the badgers gained the greatest body weight. The hunter who caught the badger provided his family with meat, valuable fur and fat, which was used for medicinal purposes. In healers' reference books of the 18th-19th centuries. you can find recipes for various potions using badger fat. The healing properties of this product are also recognized by modern medicine.

It is very easy to check the quality of badger fat purchased on the market: put a small lump in your palm and observe its condition. Natural badger fat begins to melt after a few seconds.

    To protect your body from seasonal colds and viral infections, you can use badger fat mixed with other healing products. For example, with raspberry or blackcurrant jam, good honey, decoctions of medicinal plants. The medicine is taken for 2 weeks in the dining room three times a day before meals, in the next 14 days - at the same dose in the morning and at bedtime. For children, depending on age, 1-2 teaspoons of badger fat is enough for each dose.

    The following composition has a positive effect on the body's defenses: flower honey, badger fat, finely chopped dried apricots, raisins, walnuts. All products must be taken in equal proportions, mix well. You should eat 1 tablespoon of vitamin paste for a month daily before each meal. For babies, the portion of the medicine is reduced to 1 dessert spoon.

    With wet and dry coughs, heated badger fat is used to rub the sternum area. You can also take the fat internally by mixing it with honey, milk, rosehip syrup, and an alcoholic tincture of echinacea or licorice root. Take the medicine in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed. Recommended dose: adults - 1 tablespoon, children - half a tablespoon.

    For the treatment of acute bronchitis, badger fat is used in its pure form without additives. It is enough to eat 1 tablespoon of the product once a day to get rid of the symptoms of the disease. Children from 8 to 10 years old should be given 1/2 teaspoon of fat, older ones - 1 teaspoon.

    With laryngitis, accompanied by inflammation of the ligaments and loss of voice, this method helps well: eat a piece of black bread smeared with badger fat with a few tablespoons of raspberry jam, washed down with any herbal infusion.

    Badger fat is often used as an aid in the treatment of tuberculosis. Of course, fat cannot completely get rid of this disease, but it will contribute to the renewal of lung tissues and the overall strengthening of the body. To prepare a healing elixir, take 3 tbsp. spoons of badger fat, 2 tbsp. spoons of aloe leaf passed through a meat grinder, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cocoa powder and 1 teaspoon brandy. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. The resulting portion of the medicine is eaten daily on an empty stomach in the morning or before lunch.

    In case of inflammation of the middle ear, 2-3 drops of badger fat mixed with an equal amount of chicken fat are instilled into the ear canal.

    For people suffering from sciatica, osteochondrosis, arthritis and other similar diseases, badger fat will help get rid of pain. Fat is rubbed into the back and joints, after warming up the body under a hot shower or bath. You can also prepare an anesthetic ointment: for 4 tbsp. spoons of badger fat take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil, bring to a homogeneous mass in a water bath, after cooling, add 10-15 drops of any aromatic oil, such as lavender, lemon, coniferous, tea tree. Pour the mixture into a glass jar with a lid and store in the refrigerator.

    Taking badger fat inside makes up for the deficiency of polyunsaturated acids in the body, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and the condition of blood vessels. Fat is useful for ischemia, hypertension, coronary insufficiency. The use of badger fat is recommended as a prophylactic for atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, and oncological diseases.

    Badger fat is very useful for people who have undergone surgery, chemotherapy, long-term antibiotic treatment. The product is recommended for patients suffering from dystrophy, cachexia, nervous or physical exhaustion. Due to the 100% digestibility of the components of badger fat by the body, its use helps to quickly restore working capacity, restore lost vitality.

    Vitamins and microelements contained in badger fat endow this product with bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of fat has a positive effect on the kidneys, prevents the formation of stones. Taking badger fat is recommended for cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis. It has been proven that the healing product is able to completely cure these diseases.

    The use of badger fat is recommended for gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis and other pathologies of the stomach and intestines. The treatment course is 3-4 weeks, one spoonful of fat per reception before breakfast and shortly before dinner. For the same purpose, a mixture of equal amounts of badger fat, milk and honey is used.

    Badger fat heals wounds, abrasions, frostbite, sun and thermal burns well. The antiseptic properties of the product make it possible to use it in the treatment of dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, purulent fistulas, trophic ulcers. Fat lubricates the skin of bedridden patients to prevent bedsores.

    With weakened and split ends, as well as with their loss, it is recommended to rub badger fat heated in a water bath into the scalp daily. From above, the head is wrapped with plastic wrap and tied with a warm scarf or towel. The course of treatment is 1 month.

    You can also prepare the following composition: mix 25 grams of badger fat, honey, burdock oil and a teaspoon of onion juice, add 4-5 drops of mint or clove oil. The mixture is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair, kept for 1-2 hours, and then washed off with warm water in the shower.

    Masks, which include badger fat, rejuvenate the skin, relieve dryness and wrinkles.

    To prepare a vitamin night cream, pour the same amount of melted cocoa butter into 50 grams of badger fat, add a tablespoon of jojoba oil and a few drops of any aromatic oil. The cream is stored in the refrigerator and used to care for the skin of the face, hands, neck.

    To eliminate acne, they make such a mask: melt a spoonful of badger fat, add the same amount of bitter chocolate. The warm mixture should be kept on the face for 10-15 minutes.

    An ointment made from 50 grams of badger fat, 1 tablespoon of almond oil, 1 teaspoon of beeswax helps to fight roughness and cracked heels. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, heated in a water bath. When the mixture has cooled, add a teaspoon of glycerin and 7-8 drops of an antiseptic oil extract, such as tea tree, to it.

The general rule when using badger fat internally: you should not eat more than 1 tablespoon of the product at a time. Fat is washed down with warm tea or milk, jammed with jam or honey. In pharmacies, you can find dietary supplements containing badger fat enclosed in gelatin capsules. Take these drugs according to the instructions that come with the package.

Women who are expecting the birth of a baby can take badger fat only under strict medical supervision. At the initial stages of fetal development, the liver of the expectant mother experiences increased stress, so during this period the use of fat is highly undesirable.

Babies under 8 years old should not be given badger fat inside without prior consultation with a doctor: the liver of a growing organism may not be able to cope with the load. With a cold, you can rub fat on the chest, back and feet of the child. For these purposes, it is convenient to use the cream "Badger", specially designed for children. The drug has antiseptic and analgesic properties, as well as a warming effect.

For children over 8 years old, badger fat is best given in combination with sweet fruit syrups, natural honey, and homemade jam. To make the taste of fat more pleasant, you can melt it with butter, add chocolate and cocoa powder. The mass spread on bread is offered to the child in the form of a sandwich for dessert. From the age of twelve, pharmacy capsules with badger fat can already be used to treat childhood diseases.

Folk healers have long used badger fat to treat coughs, inflammation in the bronchi and lungs, to strengthen the immune system, eliminate skin problems, and enhance hair growth. External use of the product, as a rule, is not accompanied by undesirable effects. When using badger fat inside, the following contraindications should be considered:

Some people may experience individual intolerance to the product, both for external and internal use. In the event of unpleasant symptoms, the intake of badger fat should be stopped and consult a doctor who will tell you the methods of treatment that are acceptable to you.