How does smoking affect bodybuilding? Consequences for humans. Why is it hard to quit smoking

All sorts of messages appear on cigarette packs: “smoking is harmful to your health,” “smoking causes cancer,” and many warnings that smoking shortens life and causes heart disease. Everyone already knows about this, and yet millions of people around the world, after reading these words, reach for another cigarette.

In our minds, athletes are those who never smoke and lead healthy image life. Is it so? Does nicotine harm bodybuilders the same as it does the average person?

Negative sides of smoking

The long-standing fact that a horse can be killed by a drop of nicotine is known to everyone. But a drop in this case is a lot. No person is able to smoke that much at one time. And yet, cigarettes containing nicotine, as well as many others chemical substances, are very dangerous to health, especially since smoking and bodybuilding are incompatible.

For the human body, even standing nearby with a smoker, cigarettes cause sometimes fatal consequences.

The most common diseases are lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, peptic ulcer, ischemic disease hearts. Contained in the resin and heavy metals affect metabolism as well as protein synthesis. Therefore, the question of the influence of smoking on bodybuilding has only one answer: “Yes!” Them more dangerous than a cigarette for bodybuilders than for ordinary people. Under heavy loads, the heart, like other organs, has to work constantly to the limit.

Cigarettes are not always used environmentally friendly clean leaves tobacco This means that the composition contains not only nicotine and tar, but also urea and ammonium nitrate.

The effect of smoking on the human body

When nicotine and other substances from cigarettes enter the lungs, the process of absorption of the chemicals into the blood immediately begins. Nicotine is then distributed through circulatory system. First under Negative influence the heart hits, the heartbeat quickens. With constant dragging on a cigarette, the lungs are destroyed, the tissues become unable to carry the necessary oxygen. Because of this, all organs of the body fall into oxygen starvation, which reduces their productivity and endurance.

Smoking and bodybuilding against this background are simply incompatible cellular level. All athletes strive to improve their qualities, lift as many kilograms as possible and increase muscle size. But after smoking a cigarette, protein synthesis decreases, making them useless physical exercise, because in this case, the growth of muscle mass slows down. And protein and, in fact, building up biceps and triceps is the main task of bodybuilders.

Misconceptions of some athletes

Nicotine can be considered a mild psychotropic substance. When it enters the bloodstream, it causes a feeling of euphoria on a short time. However, the effect does not last long, and the smoker takes up the cigarette again. Suffering from this nervous system humans, which is especially noticeable in athletes whose bodies are constantly in a state of movement.

Some bodybuilders believe that nicotine speeds up metabolism, which allows the body to burn calories and not accumulate fat, and also helps increase muscle mass. Smoking and bodybuilding, according to experts, are two completely opposite concepts that should not intersect, even if there is a theory about the benefits of nicotine.

Nicotine and bodybuilding

Almost everyone understands how smoking affects bodybuilding. This will not lead to anything good other than health problems. So how does smoking affect bodybuilders?

One of the main principles of body building exercises is endurance. Without developing this quality, it will not be possible to pump up muscles. Each activity requires patience and willpower. But, as practice shows, endurance noticeably deteriorates after nicotine and tar enter the body. And this leads to a decrease in weight lifting results; the athlete performs fewer approaches in classes. Low training intensity affects the final result.

Smoking and bodybuilding are incompatible for one more reason - carbon monoxide does not allow nutrients and vitamins to be fully absorbed. The same applies to protein, the main building material when building muscle mass. If a bodybuilder smokes, he is unlikely to get help protein shakes, which will have to be absorbed in large quantities.

During training, the body needs a large number of oxygen that enters the blood through the lungs. Smokers do not have a large lung volume; a decrease in oxygen levels leads to processes associated with changes blood pressure, hemoglobin level in the blood. This will immediately affect general condition athlete, will cause drowsiness and lethargy. If reduced vitality, there is no need to talk about effective training.

If the question arises whether smoking and bodybuilding are compatible, it is worth taking into account that nicotine excites the nervous system. The body cannot completely relax, sleep is disturbed. If such a condition becomes permanent, this indicates an imbalance in the body.

The most important factor influencing athletes to quit smoking is a decrease in testosterone levels.

How to reduce the harm of smoking?

Of course, you can talk as much as you like about painting horrible consequences, but many athletes know how smoking affects bodybuilding, and, nevertheless, cannot say goodbye to this habit.

Is it possible to reduce the consequences of smoking? First, you need to try to give up cigarettes before training and immediately after, which will allow the blood to fill with oxygen and restore heart rate.

Increased doses of vitamins will restore the deficiency useful substances in tissues. Need to consume more fresh vegetables and fruits, increase your protein intake in an easily digestible form.

Quitting smoking is the main task

No matter how difficult it may be, quitting smoking is worth it for both ordinary people and bodybuilders.

There are many ways to do this. Currently available for purchase medications that will help you cope without stress with a habit that is harmful to a healthy lifestyle.

You can use tablets, chewing gum or patches. The advice of those who were able to quit and their support also helps. But in the best possible way is the cultivation of willpower. After all, without these qualities, even the best doctor will not help you cope with a bad habit.

Good day, dear readers! Today we will continue our “health” conversations and talk about very interesting topic– smoking and bodybuilding. At first glance, it may seem that everything here is extremely clear - this is bad, period. However, many do not realize the full detrimental scale of the impact of the infection on their body, and no, no, they will “grind” it with a cigarette. So, in this article we will try to reveal in as much detail as possible the issues of the influence of nicotine specifically on the body of an athlete training with weights.

Well, the scope of work is clear, let’s begin educational activities.

Smoking and bodybuilding: are they compatible?

In one of our previous articles, in particular in this one, we talked about alcohol and the degree of its effect on the body. However, in humans the green serpent is far from only weakness, hand in hand with him goes his true friend and comrade - smoker. Everyone has been telling us since school that smoking is bad, smoking is poison, and so on. But ready-made bodybuilders with good habits, but they come ordinary people with all your “worldly rubbish”. Most people try with a hot iron to get rid of everything that pulls them down, but some believe that sometimes (i.e. when you really want it) You can afford to smoke.

I’m not going to wag my finger here and say, ah-ah-ah, how bad, go to the corner - no. My goal is to convey information about smoking and bodybuilding as truthfully as possible, its negative factors, i.e. give you food for thought and describe specific steps that will help get rid of this infection. Next, the choice is yours: follow them or leave everything as is, without changes. After all, we have democracy in our country, and it seems to be the same on the project. So let's get down to specifics.

Smoking and bodybuilding: what is a cigarette

What is a cigarette? I would give it this definition - it is a beautiful and streamlined form of deliberate harm to one’s body. The most clearly “nutritional” composition of a cigarette is reflected in the following image (I think comments are unnecessary).

The most “useful” substances in a cigarette are: liquid tar, carbon monoxide and nicotine. First (70% which enters the lungs when inhaled) causes enormous harm lung tissue– local protection decreases, respiratory failure develops. Poisonous gas (carbon monoxide) gradually replaces oxygen, and the composition of the smoker’s blood changes to 15% consists of it. Oxygen reduction (decreased ability of red blood cells to deliver oxygen to organs and tissues) leads to problems with muscle growth, they do not fully recover and poorly absorb nutrients, for example, the main building block of muscles.

Lastly, nicotine is psychotropic substance, which is absorbed through the blood and already through 6-8 seconds makes itself known to the brain, disrupting conductivity nerve receptors. If a person is a heavy smoker, then nicotine can radically change his psyche (turn from calm to hot-tempered and irritated). Any athlete needs to know that smoking has the following negative effects on the body:

  • protein synthesis activity decreases;
  • Myostatin levels increase (causes delay muscle growth) and MAFbx enzyme (breaks down proteins into amino acids);
  • metabolism changes;
  • heartbeat increases by 30% (compared to non-smoker);
  • narrowing of small blood vessels skin;
  • the load on cardiovascular system;
  • blood pressure increases;
  • the secretion of stress hormones increases (including);
  • the performance of a smoking jock on 20% lower than its non-smoking brother;
  • shortness of breath occurs, which prevents you from performing high-intensity exercises, including cardio sessions.

This is the colorful bouquet a person receives as a result of his love relationship with a cigarette. All these factors leave their mark on the results of training in. Those. if you worked hard for a month, went towards your goal and decided to “whirl” in acrid smoke on the weekend, then even 1-2 cigarettes every month can negate all your efforts in the gym.

Smoking and bodybuilding: the benefits of pure nicotine

It would be unfair not to mention the positive (how!) effects of using “pure” nicotine, for example:

  • used for the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease (dementia);
  • small doses of nicotine can destroy cancer cells;
  • digestive processes are activated;
  • increases the ability to get rid of excess fat;
  • allows you to concentrate more, speeds up decision-making processes;

Thus, positive effects from consuming nicotine (without impurities) are also present, but this does not mean that you should start leading a healthy lifestyle with a cigarette puff.

If we consider the root of the evil of smoking, then most often it is unawareness. This means that a person’s body movements have already become so automatic that the brain simply “does not turn on” by default and does not follow the sequence of actions. It turns out that we do not record the entire sequence of steps preceding the tightening and do everything according to the program written down on the crust.

Besides the fact that smoking is bad habit, this is also a rather expensive process. Many people complain that they don’t have enough money to go on vacation, let’s look at the numbers and do the math. Price 1 average pack of cigarettes - 1,5 dollar, multiply by 365 days a year, we get 550 dollars. This is comparable to a luxury trip to Turkey, at least for 2 weeks. Therefore, choose: either rest or smoke.


Every cigarette you smoke takes away from your river of life. 5 minutes. 6 years of life - this is how many people deliberately take away from themselves if they smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day.

Smoking and bodybuilding: how to quit smoking

Well, now let’s imagine the situation that after reading an article about smoking and bodybuilding, you really realized all the “disgustingness” of cigarettes and wanted (with all my soul and body) quit smoking. Then the following practical advice will help you get rid of this addiction.

So, write down:

Come up with a reason and make a clear plan to quit smoking

Without a cause there will be no effect, so find it. Plan what and how you will do, what stages will follow step by step.

"Declaration" technique

State publicly (for example, in your social network) that you commit to quit smoking by a specific date. Set a price for your word, i.e. what will you do (maybe give away) if you don’t keep your promise. Make a game out of it, as much as possible more people is watching you and then it will be harder for you to “merge.”

Change your morning routine

If your morning starts with a couple of cups of coffee and a couple of cigarettes, then try waking yourself up a little differently. Start your morning with contrast shower and a glass of natural juice.

Replace smoking attributes

Instead of holding a lighter, cigarettes and ashtray in your hands, replace them with rosary beads, chewing gum or sucking candy.

21 day rule

It has been scientifically proven that it takes 21 days to break a habit or build a new one. In the first two weeks it will be very difficult for you, but then everything will go much easier.

Avoid smoking areas

Try not to communicate with those you know who smoke (or warn them not to say “no-no” in front of you). Avoid bars, clubs, etc. similar establishments where everyone grinds non-stop. Non-smoking rooms are your saving island.

Technical tricks

Gradually switch to smoking without puffs and increase the average time between the first cigarette and the desire to smoke again. Try to smoke on time (let's say every hour), and not when there was a free minute. Read Allen Carr's book: easy way quit smoking.”

Make others hate you

Nothing motivates more than the desire to please people. Get high on the board, go to public transport during rush hour and start flirting with a pretty girl. If she is not wearing a gas mask, then your communication is unlikely to last long (if it happens at all).

Modern technologies

Replace a regular cigarette its electronic counterpart.

By following these simple rules, you will greatly increase the likelihood that cigarettes will disappear from your life forever.

Well, before finishing our article, for those who like to tar, I collected the following data. Find your friend on the black list and think about the fact that maybe it’s time to go down to the bottom of the list, what’s the point in holding the palm?

Phew, well, I think we're done with the main part.


In conclusion, I will say that for me personally (to the author of these lines) It’s not giving up smoking, but generally its conscious absence as a habit, that allows you to calmly run half-marathons, swim (without stopping) the entire 35 a minute session in the pool and also gives all sorts of other additional goodies :). Well, that’s all, our article on the topic of smoking and bodybuilding has come to an end.

I think you have learned a lot of useful things, which means that you are one step closer to your goal called - I am the owner of a sculpted body. All the best and see you in touch!

PS. I’m always happy to answer your questions, comments and other miscellaneous things, write, good gentlemen.

Find out how smoking cigarettes affects the body during exercise professional sports, in particular bodybuilding, is desired by everyone who would like to pump up, but remains hostage to an addiction. Nicotine addiction negatively affects any body, but for people who subject their body to constant training and stress, smoking can be a decisive factor in giving up sports, because for them the risk of developing pathologies of the cardiovascular system increases several times.

Interesting fact: Scientific research prove that nicotine negatively affects the production of proteins, which is the main criterion for gaining muscle mass; accordingly, it is much more difficult for smokers to gain the necessary mass than for followers of a healthy lifestyle.

About the dangers of smoking

The raw materials for the production of cigarettes contain more than four thousand harmful chemical compounds. The most dangerous of them are: nicotine, benzopyrene, carbon monoxide and toxic resins. In addition to these substances, cigarettes contain fertilizer residues (saltpeter, urea). The effect of nicotine on the human body is determined by the cumulative effect, which causes physiological dependence And withdrawal syndrome with a lack of this substance in the blood. The smoker's constant companions are:

  • tachycardia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • motor impairment;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • neurodestruction of brain cells.

When carbon monoxide is inhaled, oxygen starvation occurs, which, with increased physical activity, leads to severe soreness, stretching of muscles and joints. Naturally, if you rock and smoke, it will not be easy to achieve the desired result. Most bodybuilders try to consume as much as possible more protein To accelerate the growth of muscle mass, smokers should know that if you combine cigarettes and exercise in the gym, neither protein supplements, nor specially designed protein nutrition systems will give the desired effect.

The tars that predominate in tobacco raw materials have a negative effect on the respiratory system. Even people far from sports know that for effective training plays a major role correct breathing. Bodybuilders who smoke spend more time doing exercises, they can perform a limited number of approaches, and they often suffer from shortness of breath and a feeling of lack of oxygen.

Possible consequences

Inhaling cigarette smoke has a negative impact on any body. Many athletes wonder whether it is possible to smoke while exercising in the gym. From experts in the field cardiovascular pathologies The main recommendation for athletes who smoke is to choose between gym and nicotine.

Rocking exercise and constant smoking can ultimately lead to an exacerbation of many diseases. The fact is that when playing sports, heart rhythms accelerate, and the heart muscle requires more oxygen supply.

Nicotine, in turn, blocks its access; the smoker’s blood is simply not able to transport a sufficient amount of oxygen, which will ultimately lead to hypertrophy of the walls of one of the ventricles.

In addition, rocking and a passion for tobacco are guaranteed to create arterial hypertension. How? Any physical activity is associated with a short-term increase in blood pressure, this is associated with the release of the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine into the blood and an increase in body temperature. Each smoked cigarette has approximately the same property, only the increase in pressure is caused by the vasoconstrictor properties of nicotine in combination with carbon monoxide.

Accordingly, a smoking bodybuilder’s blood pressure is constantly higher than normal, which threatens chronic hypertension.

Hypertension in athletes during training manifests itself in the form of a sharp pulsation in the temples, tinnitus, the appearance of bright flashes before the eyes, and increased heartbeat. Main danger hypertension is that with regular exercise and smoking, its symptoms become worse for a person commonplace. Meanwhile, atherosclerosis and renal failure develop.

The effect of cigarettes on the skeletal and muscular systems of athletes

Evidence that smoking and the gym are incompatible concepts was provided by scientists from one of the leading US institutes of physiology, who performed autopsies on the organs of smokers who were engaged in intense training. Studies have shown that bodybuilders who are addicted to cigarettes have very high risks broken bones and strained muscles. Smoking interferes with the absorption of vitamins and useful microelements from food, this leads to the fact that even the most minor injury requires more time to recover.

In addition, substances contained in cigarette smoke negatively affect endocrine system men and weaken the production of the hormone testosterone, without which positive dynamics in gaining muscle mass is impossible. Thus, exercise in the gym combined with regular inhalation of tobacco smoke will do more harm than good.

Nicotine addiction is one of the most destructive habits for an athlete. Those who are interested in exercise equipment need to decide: either you smoke, or you become a full-fledged athlete and healthy person- There is no third.

They talk and write about the dangers of smoking so much and often that even children know about it from a young age. But still, getting rid of this addiction is not so easy, and many people no longer even try to fight it. Exists special category smokers are athletes who not only train, but also “tar like locomotives.” Among such athletes there are also a large number of bodybuilders who believe that there is nothing wrong with this, and smoking does not in any way negatively affect them. sports results, but on the contrary, it even helps.

Since we have a democracy, we do not impose our opinion on anyone, but simply want to convey as much as possible whether bodybuilding and smoking are compatible, and what impact this habit has on the athlete’s body. So let's get started.

What does a cigarette consist of?

Let's first figure out what is included in such an “invention” of mankind as a cigarette. A “beautiful stick” with a streamlined shape contains tobacco, which, in turn, consists of many elements that have a negative impact on the performance of the body as a whole and on many of its systems. Moreover, the athlete conducting regular workouts, the harm increases many times over.

Let's look at the most famous and hazardous components released by smoking:

  • Nicotine is a psychotropic substance (the so-called “nervous poison”). Absorbed into the blood within 6-8 seconds, it has a powerful effect on the blood vessels of the brain by narrowing them, and also creates barriers to the conductivity of nerve receptors. This causes an increase in blood pressure and an increase in the load on the heart through increased heart rate. This component also causes an increase in the production of stress hormones, as a result of which regular mood swings are observed - a person turns from calm to hot-tempered and irritated;
  • Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that, after entering the blood, forms a tight compound with hemoglobin. Over time, it accumulates and makes up about 15% in the body of a heavy smoker. In this case, oxygen “starvation” occurs, leading to disruption normal height muscle mass and absorption nutrients, as well as negative changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • Liquid resin - at the first “heaviness” it falls on the surface of the lungs and settles in the form of solid particles, causing irreparable harm lung tissue, which manifests itself in the development respiratory failure, up to chronic bronchitis.

And this is far from full list substances that adversely affect health. Only in good tobacco there are about four thousand such elements. But not all modern enterprises produce products from high-quality raw materials, so the risk to the body increases many times due to the presence of additional harmful elements in cigarettes. This is especially true for cheap tobacco products.

The effects of smoking on the bodybuilder's body

We have dealt with the harmful substances in cigarettes. Let us consider how smoking specifically affects the health of an athlete in general, and on some body systems individually:

  • First of all there is a defeat breathing apparatus, since the smoke first passes through this system. At first it may seem that everything is normal and there are no changes. But over time, shortness of breath appears, making it difficult to master high-intensity exercises and conduct cardio classes. This affects not only results in bodybuilding, but also in other sports, such as swimming or running;
  • The level of stress on the cardiovascular system increases, which leads to an increase in heart rate by 30% compared to a non-smoking athlete, and blood pressure levels increase. There is also a narrowing of the smallest blood vessels skin. As a result, sporting achievements decrease, and the risk of earning serious illness the heart rate, on the contrary, increases;
  • There are negative changes in metabolism, causing delay muscle growth. This is due to the fact that protein from food and additional additives It just stops being absorbed normally. At the same time, body weight decreases and muscle activity decreases, which in turn increases the risk of injury when working with heavy weights;
  • Coordination of actions is impaired, reaction speed decreases - this is how the smoker’s nervous system perceives the regular intake of toxins and poisons contained in tobacco into the body. This is also accompanied by frequent dizziness and insomnia;
  • Tobacco smoking is the cause of many concomitant diseases, among which: infertility, cancer, blindness, ulcer. This list can be continued for a very long time.

From the above, we can conclude that bodybuilding and cigarettes are categorically incompatible, because all the factors described create a very serious obstacle both to achievements in the sports field and in ordinary life outside of it.

But what to do if a person has been under the influence of smoking for many years, and cannot quickly “jump off” this bad habit, but also wants to play sports? After all, get rid of nicotine addiction at the snap of your fingers it is simply impossible.

Although the compatibility of tobacco and bodybuilding is denied, you can at least try to minimize the harm from smoking. There are a few simple rules for this:

  • Before training, you should not “tar” for about a couple of hours, so that the heart and respiratory organs have time to recover from vascular spasm;
  • A cigarette after a workout usually leads to lethargy and lack of performance. The worst thing that can happen is internal suffocation. This is due to the fact that instead of replenishing oxygen, harmful substances enter the body. tobacco smoke. Therefore, you should not take even one small puff for at least half an hour after completing a lesson, or even better - an hour, ideally - never;
  • It is necessary to gradually switch to lighter ones tobacco products with reduced percentage nicotine and tar. At the same time, the load on the heart and lungs will decrease at least slightly;
  • Increase the pace physical activity you need to gradually, as well as try to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke.

Many athletes say that when they began to intensively engage in heavy sports, the desire to smoke simply disappeared, and there was no time for it. Therefore, it is better to try to exercise more or fill the time intervals with other interesting hobbies to avoid boredom or bad mood the hand did not reach for the pack.

There has always been and will always be disagreement among smoking and non-smoking athletes that smoking does not have any negative impact on athletic performance.

In this article we will not describe ways to get rid of the influence of smoking. There are many books and material on the Internet for this. As for bodybuilding, everyone must decide for themselves whether it is possible or not to combine training with smoking. But, nevertheless, by giving up this bad habit, you can feel much better, and your body will tell you “Thank you!” and will thank the increased physical activity, which will help you achieve new successes and records in “heavy” sports.

Video: Smoking and bodybuilding - are they compatible?

People who regularly go to the gym are always in excellent health. physical fitness and are resistant to force loads. A healthy lifestyle helps them with this. Are bad habits compatible with sports achievements?

Cigarette smoke – is it so harmful for athletes?

IN cigarette smoke contains too much carbon monoxide. Inhaling this gas reduces the amount of oxygen in the body, which is important for athletes. In particular, due to oxygen, endurance indicators increase. However, if a bodybuilder is addicted to cigarettes, then endurance is out of the question. In addition, muscle performance decreases. Also due to harmful substances contained in carbon monoxide, vision may decrease.

Smoking and bodybuilding: harm or benefit?

U smoking people performance deterioration is observed respiratory system, namely, breathing becomes difficult. Healthy lungs very important in sports. And due to neglect of the rules of a healthy lifestyle, diseases such as:

  • Bronchitis.
  • Asthma.
  • Lungs' cancer.
  • Emphysema.

If smoking has led an athlete to the above diseases, then he no longer belongs in the gym. Smoking bodybuilders get tired much faster than non-smokers and often complain of shortness of breath. Even if you work out regularly all month, and on the weekend you want to indulge, then literally 2-3 cigarettes a week will ruin all your efforts.

The effect of smoking on the cardiovascular system of a bodybuilder

Cigarette smoke negatively affects a bodybuilder's heart. The harmful particles that make up cigarettes (nicotine, tar, cyanide) “compress” the blood vessels, and the blood is filled with bad microelements. As a result, blood pressure increases and blood supply to the muscles decreases. Athletes who engage in bad habits significantly increase the load on the heart, and also increase the risk of many diseases.

What do the skeletal structures and muscles of smoking bodybuilders look like?

Now you know the answer to the question “are bodybuilding and smoking compatible?” Answer: “Definitely not!” And this has been proven by scientists.

Research results have shown that athletes who smoke have a higher risk of getting a fracture.

Due to weakness muscle tissue You can easily get a sprain. Harmful tobacco substances deprive the body of vitamins, especially calcium. And this element is so necessary for bones. Smoking causes athletes the following problems:

  • Bones become fragile, therefore, the body recovers more slowly after injury.
  • Blood supply to internal organs deteriorates.
  • The amount of nutrients that athletes need for the development of bones, ligaments and tendons is reduced.

Among athletes, the question of smoking is the most lively topic. You already know the answer: “Cigarettes harm any person, be it an athlete or an ordinary person.”

Negative effects of cigarettes on the body:

  • Decreased endurance and performance (muscle building and physique formation after training directly depend on these indicators.
  • Decreased resistance to stressful situations.
  • Death of cells, including muscle cells.
  • Increased load on the heart.
  • Changes in blood clotting and metabolism.

Thus, the load on the body of a smoking athlete increases many times over! Nicotine is bad for cleansing respiratory tract, since all the “trash” is deposited in the lungs and bronchi. In addition, the production of testosterone, a hormone that regulates muscle growth, sharply decreases. This bad habit needs to be eradicated, as it has bad influence for bodybuilding.


The fashion for a healthy lifestyle has absorbed many people. However, not everyone understands that the effect of training in the gym will only be if you completely give up cigarettes. Of course, quitting smoking in 1 day is almost impossible. But still, try not to poison your body with nicotine smoke at least 2 hours before and after training. If you do not comply with this condition, all efforts will be in vain. In addition, athletes who smoke should adhere to a diet that promotes synthesis. Include in your daily ration chicken, beef, legumes, bran, nuts, seeds. These foods are rich in zinc, which is important for muscle growth. The listed products contain many vitamins and other healthy microelements.

Healthy pumped up muscles and a cigarette are incomparable concepts! If you want to engage in professional bodybuilding and be the owner of beautiful muscles, then stop smoking!