Beneficial properties of black currant for humans. What vitamins are in black currants? Their effect on the body

Currants are one of the most famous and popular berries we eat. Almost every person knows about the benefits of berries. In nature, there are about 140 varieties of wild and cultivated berries, but there are three main varieties - black, red and white.

Moreover, black and red grow in forests middle zone Russia, but the white berries were bred by breeders.

IN medicinal purposes Not only the fruits are used, but also the leaves of the plant. Tea is also known to our grandmothers. The tea infusion is aromatic because the fruit and leaf are rich in oils, and is also used to cleanse the brain.

The name of the berry in Latin sounds like “ribas”, which means “rhubarb” among the Arabs. In 711, having conquered the lands from Spain, the Arabs, who loved rhubarb very much and used it for food as a seasoning and decoction, did not find the berries in those parts. Having noticed wild currants growing in the fields and forests, they paid attention to its unsurpassed aroma and piquant sour taste. The leaf and berry were used for tea and were forever loved not only by the Arabs, but also by the Spaniards.

On the lands Ancient Rus' The berry got its name thanks to strong odor. “Stink” is a strong aroma emanating from currants, which gave it its name.

The benefits of currants, according to scientists, lie in the unripe berries. Studies have shown that they contain vitamins and useful microelements 4 times more than in ripe ones. Moreover, the main health benefits and healing properties are found in fruits that grow in areas with cool but sunny summers. In the south, currants have slightly less nutritional properties, but very tasty, thanks to the large amount of sun, which has a beneficial effect on its ripening. In addition, it is the southern varieties that produce the aromatic leaves from which tea and decoction are obtained.


The berry is truly unique in its composition. It contains an abundance of microelements and nutrients such as fructose, organic acids, glucose, vitamins and minerals. Everything is used for medicinal purposes - fruits, leaves, branches and buds of the plant, and if there is good tolerance, it will not cause harm. Blackcurrant leaves consumed as tea improve immunity, and the decoction saturates the body with useful substances after long-term illnesses. The health benefits of red currant and tea from its leaves are that such a drink cleanses the body of harmful toxins, has a disinfectant effect, and prevents the formation and division of cancer cells. The berries and leaf are simply poured with boiling water, and after just a few minutes healing tea ready.

The nutritional value

The calorie content of the product is 65 kcal per 100 g.

Berry composition:

Despite vegetable origin, the berry is very rich in natural protein.


Experts say that the benefits of blackcurrant in vitamins are the basis for the healing properties of the berry. Basically, the composition includes vitamin C and vitamins of group B (except B9), PP, and E.

What vitamins are in currants, see the table:

per 100 grams of product vitamin content mg
Vitamin B3 0.3
Vitamin B5 0.4
Vitamin B6 0.13
Vitamin B 9.5
Vitamin C 200
Vitamin E 0.72


Currants are also rich in microelements:

In addition, the berry contains organic acids, pectins and essential oils. The daily requirement of the human body for vitamin C is contained in just one handful of black currants, and this is its main benefit and value for health. Interestingly, in Ancient Rus' the berry was used in the treatment of scurvy, thanks to its unique property stop and quickly clot blood. Tea made from berries was also often used in folk medicine.

Healing properties of currants

Currants can be black, red or white. Each variety is interesting with its own special beneficial properties.


Today, the healing properties of currants are used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of the following diseases:

  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines;
  • Diseases of the heart and vascular system;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Slowing down of brain functions and functioning;
  • Prevention diabetes mellitus, oncological diseases;
  • Restoring vision after surgery;
  • Gain protective functions body.

Black currant is irreplaceable and very useful in winter for colds. Both adults and children enjoy drinking blackcurrant tea. The tea is delicious and very effective. Total dessert spoon berries in a glass of boiling water at night quickly helps to cope with ARVI, fight infectious and viral diseases. The only caveat is that large quantities for children suffering allergic diseases, even tea can be harmful.


If we compare the benefits of black currant and red currant in terms of content useful substances, then differences in composition are difficult to find. Krasny is also rich in vitamins C, A, E, but contains unique nutritional supplements in the form of apple and succinic acid, carotene and pectin.

Red currant is useful because it perfectly thins the blood and removes it from the body. excess liquid, strengthens blood vessels. All this happens thanks to high content it contains iron and potassium.

In percentage terms, there is much less vitamin C in red than in black, however, the property of lowering blood sugar is successfully used by doctors in the treatment of patients suffering from diabetes. Decoctions are also prepared from red currant leaves. The benefit of tea is that the drink becomes an indispensable assistant in the restoration of the human body after heavy operations and chemotherapy treatment. The benefits of a decoction of currant leaves include the ability to increase appetite, restore and strengthen the immune system, and remove toxic substances and active radionuclides from the body.


White currant is a berry bred by plant breeders, and it is also very beneficial for the human body. It is especially recommended for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

The white berry contains microelements and substances that increase lactose levels and have a beneficial influence on the development of bone and muscular system fetus In addition, white currants do not cause any allergic reactions, which is very important for the baby during the feeding process.

White currant berries are used to make jam and juices that strengthen the immune system and normalize function gastrointestinal tract, and the decoction and beneficial properties of currant leaf tea are known for having a choleretic and mild laxative effect.

Possible harm

No matter how beneficial currant berries are, they also have contraindications. It is advisable not to eat the berry for people suffering from thrombophlebitis. IN in this case, the harm of the berry is the content it contains large quantities vitamin K, which affects blood clotting, which can cause significant harm for patients at risk. Before using berries to treat any diseases, you must consult a doctor!

Blackcurrant berries have a distinct aroma (“currant”), from which they get their name. All over the world, black currant is considered the most beneficial berry for the beauty and health of the body. Their valuable qualities it can be preserved in any form: dried, frozen, boiled. Fresh ones are most useful ripe berries(in unripe or overripe, the amount of vitamin C is 2 times less).


Black currants must be included in the menu dietary nutrition. She has a lot dietary fiber and vitamin C, which can burn fat. The diuretic effect of the berries will help remove excess fluid from the tissues. Required chemical elements the presence of currants will not allow the body to weaken, as often happens with strict mono-diets.

The benefits of black currant berries are due to its generous composition.

It contains a significant amount of:

  • ascorbic acid ( daily norm in 25 fresh berries or 50 g jam):
  • phytoncides, anthocyanins, essential oils and tannins, thanks to which it has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • antioxidants that fight premature aging body;
  • B vitamins, which help remove radioactive substances and toxins from tissues, normalizing the functioning of the nervous system;
  • potassium regulating water balance in the body, normalizing heart rhythm;
  • iron, necessary to prevent anemia;
  • copper involved in the formation of hemoglobin;
  • manganese, providing normal height and bone formation, connective tissue, improving work immune system.

Blackcurrant is useful to consume in the following cases:

  • during the period of vitamin deficiency, viral and colds;
  • for the treatment of gastritis with low acidity;
  • for the prevention of atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, heart problems;
  • during the treatment of diphtheria, dysentery, Staphylococcus aureus For multiple magnification action of antibacterial substances;
  • during the period of recovery of the body after operations and protracted illnesses;
  • to lower pressure;
  • as a natural diuretic;
  • for the purpose of preventing diabetes mellitus, cancer;
  • during the treatment of tuberculosis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, cough;
  • for kidney and liver diseases (except hepatitis);
  • with impaired vision, including in older people;
  • to improve mood, activate brain function, prevent depression;
  • with heavy mental load, weakening of intellectual abilities;
  • to eliminate bleeding gums;
  • to preserve youthful skin.

Not only berries are useful, but also currant leaves. They can be brewed to produce tea, which has restorative, tonic, diaphoretic, cleansing, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Black currant affects the appearance not only from the inside, but also from the outside. You can use it to prepare whitening, toning, drying lotions and masks for the skin, as well as strengthening vitamin supplements for hair. It is useful to rub the pulp of the berries into the nail to prevent brittleness and delamination.


Black currants should not be consumed in large quantities.

Excessive consumption of berries can cause severe allergic reactions, especially in children, and also aggravate gastric diseases.

Black currant has the ability to increase blood clotting, which can be dangerous if you are prone to thrombosis.

The berry contains minimal amount saturated fats and carbohydrates. With the correct technology for growing black currants, nitrates and other harmful substances. Genetic modification is not used to ripen currants.

Calorie content

The calorie content of 100 g of black currant is 44 kcal, which is 2.13% of the recommended daily intake. Energy value of berries in home weight units:


A moderate amount of berries is not contraindicated during pregnancy. Expectant mothers who are prone to allergies, suffer from heartburn, and constipation should use black currants with caution. Craze for berries last weeks pregnancy may cause currant intolerance in the child in the future.

Blackcurrant is contraindicated for giving to newborns under 7 months. A child’s introduction to berries should begin with fruit drink or compote diluted with water. If the baby does not have allergic reactions, you can give him a small amount of blackcurrant puree. You should not feed your child whole berries, as they are easy to choke on.

Blackcurrant is contraindicated for use when:

  • risk of heart attack or stroke;
  • gastritis with increased acidity gastric juice;
  • ulcers;
  • hepatitis;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • allergies to this berry.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

Name of vitamin (chemical name) Content in 100 g of black currant (mg) % of the recommended norm per day
Beta carotene 0,1 5
Vitamin A (retinol) 0,017 1,7
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0,03 2,61
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0,04 2,94
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 0,4 6,13
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0,1 8,9
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 0,005 2,5
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 200 240
Vitamin E (tocopherol) 0,7 7
Vitamin H (biotin) 0,0024 0,56
Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) 0,3 1,5
Vitamin PP (niacin equivalent) 0,4 2

The most useful are black currants from local gardens. By purchasing fresh berries, it is necessary to ensure that they are whole, uncrumpled, with a characteristic aroma. Packaging with frozen blackcurrants should not contain foreign inclusions or sticky lumps, which may indicate re-freezing.

If we talk about vitamins in black currants, then it should be mentioned that these fruits are a repository of a huge number of all sorts of benefits that help protect the health of every person from a huge number of pathologies. And for those who are worried about own health and is a supporter healthy image life, black berries should become a mandatory element in the daily diet.

Beneficial properties of currant berries

Along with the fact that black currant fruits are a source of a huge number of useful substances, they are low in calories. As it turned out, energy value One black berry is 38 Kcal.

So, the composition of currant berries includes elements such as vitamins A, vitamins B, C, P and E, as well as tannins, which have a tanning effect, organic compounds acidic properties, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and a number of other components necessary for health.

Black berries contain the most vitamin C. The highest level of ascorbic acid can be observed at the time of ripening of currant fruits. Already after 2 weeks, when the fruits become ripe, 70% of ascorbic acid will already be broken down.

Vitamin C is required, first of all, to strengthen the immune system. To do this, it is enough to eat 20 berries every day. At the same time, ascorbic acid allows you to remove some toxic substances from the body and reduce the likelihood of cancer cells appearing.

Along with this, vitamin A contained in currant berries also has an oncoprotective effect and activates the immune system. Vitamin A is also beneficial for health because it ensures adequate functioning visual organ and adequate response retina to the light.

B vitamins have the following effects on the body:

  • adequate synthesis process;
  • stimulation of hormone production;
  • regulation of the process of protein absorption;
  • tones both the body as a whole and nervous system in particular.

As for the beneficial substances contained in black berries, the first thing you should pay attention to is phytoncides. The latter are useful substances that can be destroyed in the body pathogenic microorganisms and viruses, if any.

Thanks to a mineral in currant berries, such as sodium, normalization is ensured acid-base balance, and also ensures the normal functioning of the peripheral part of the nervous system.

In turn, potassium corrects arterial pressure and the rhythm of the heart muscle. Calcium and phosphorus support correct work joints. And iron and magnesium serve as assistants to the body in the production of red blood cells and prevent the development of anemia.

Red currant is considered an excellent way to combat nervous disorders. To do this, you should eat fresh berries. They are also used as multivitamin in the treatment of anemia, cough, as well as hypovitaminosis or vitamin deficiency.

According to scientists, inclusion in daily diet Black currant fruits help prevent the occurrence of so-called Alzheimer's disease. For older people, currant berries are useful because they prevent the deterioration of mental activity.

Small black currant berries are considered an excellent way to prevent the development of diabetes. Along with this, black berries are very beneficial for the kidneys and liver.

Application of currant leaves

There is absolutely no harm from currant leaves. But, if you make tea from currant leaves, it will have a general strengthening effect on the body. Vitamin C, which is part of a plant from the gooseberry family, makes tea made from currant leaves an excellent means of combating rheumatism, eliminating the process inflammatory in nature and releases the body from various toxins and wastes. It is thanks to these qualities that black berries are present as an ingredient in huge quantities. folk recipes, designed to treat gout, gastritis, as well as pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

The leaves of the gooseberry plant must be brewed and left to steep for 30 minutes. The resulting infusion expels excess uric and puric acid from the body. This tool It can also be used as a remedy that gives a mild laxative effect.

In addition, if you have various dermatological problems and a rash appears, you can also take a bath, adding a decoction of currant leaves to it, which will eliminate the problem.

Possible harm from eating currants

Due to the fact that currant berries are saturated with phenolic compounds and vitamin K, they are not recommended in the presence of thrombophlebitis. In the case of uncontrolled and prolonged consumption of currant berries, the blood clotting rate will be excessively high.

For those people who have an excessively high level of acidity in the stomach or have developed stomach and duodenal ulcers, the fruit is contraindicated. Despite the fact that currants are recommended for liver pathologies, they should not be consumed if hepatitis develops.

Blackcurrant juice is not recommended for stroke or thrombosis.

Natural blackcurrant juice can cause allergies, especially in children, despite the fact that, within reasonable limits, it helps to increase hemoglobin levels. In addition, among medical specialists There is an opinion that during the period of bearing a baby it is better to avoid consuming currant juice.

Blackcurrant contains a number of useful substances and vitamins. However, to achieve positive effect consumption of currant berries should be avoided existing recommendations and take into account existing contraindications. And only in this case will you be able to enjoy the excellent taste of red and black currant berries and saturate your body with much-needed elements.

85. Currants pureed with sugar for the winter, which will not ferment

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Black currant - beneficial properties and contraindications

What is healthy about blackcurrant, what vitamins does it contain? What contraindications exist for eating the berries of this shrub?

A little about currants

Currant is a shrub that belongs to the gooseberry family. The height of the bush in some cases can reach 2 m. However, such large bushes are extremely rare. Currants bloom in May-June, and the fruits ripen in July-August. Depending on the ripening period of the berries, early, mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties are distinguished.

The berries are planted in autumn. And after 2-3 years the bush begins to bear fruit.

The characteristics of the fruit are as follows: these berries are black in color, have round shape. They have a distinct pleasant smell. In some cases, the plant may have fruits of a rich red, purple or brown hue.

Berries must be picked as soon as they are ripe. This is not due to the fact that the fruits begin to crumble, but to the fact that they quickly lose vitamin C. So, if you do not harvest, then in 1.5-2 weeks up to 75% of vitamin C can be lost.

Blackcurrant is an important ingredient in many culinary dishes. It is used in the preparation of all kinds of homemade preparations - preserves, jams, compotes, jellies. The berries make delicious jelly, wine, sauces and marinades for meat, poultry and fish. It is worth noting that many preparations that are pickled or salted also include currant leaves. They give food a specific rich aroma and taste.

Black currant is the most useful and healing berry. This can be explained quite simply: it contains great amount variety of vitamins and useful substances. Among them are vitamins B, C, P, E, A (carotene), vitamins K, pectin, phosphoric acid, essential oil, tannins, salts of phosphorus, potassium and iron. Great benefit They also carry leaves of the bush, especially young shoots. They include vitamin C, magnesium, phytoncides, manganese, copper, lead, silver, sulfur, essential oil.

Blackcurrant is popularly known as the main source of vitamin C. It is enough to eat 20-25 berries a day to give the body the required amount of vitamin C.

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Black currants contain a large amount of vitamins. And no other berry can compare with currants. Therefore, it is very often included in a healthy diet. It has a beneficial effect on the immune system, increasing it and general health person. The plant belongs to prophylactic agents prescribed for problems with work of cardio-vascular system. Renders good action for people with Alzheimer's disease and malignant tumors. Currants prevent the development of such unpleasant diseases, like diabetes, eye diseases, has a beneficial effect on memory and brain function in older people.

The berry has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys, liver and respiratory tract. Currants are prescribed for people suffering from atherosclerosis.

Antioxidant properties give the fruit anti-inflammatory, restorative and disinfectant properties. Therefore, berries are also used to improve general condition patient after surgery.

Compote and juice from the plant are indicated for such health problems as anemia, stomach diseases, bleeding gums, and hypertension. The decoction is also used to combat coughs and sore throats.

Berries useful shrub widely used in cosmetology. They are added to various cosmetical tools. With their help, you can strengthen your nails if you lubricate them and the skin around them with currant juice. It helps get rid of skin problems - freckles, pimples, age spots - and improves its color.

It is important to note that the fruits of the plant retain their healing properties both in the process of preparing homemade preparations and when frozen.

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Benefits of green bushes

The leaves and buds of the bush are also very useful. It’s not for nothing that bush greens were always added to tea, which made the drink fragrant and invigorating. The leaves contain many active and tannin substances, essential oils, and vitamins. Located in greenery more vitamin With than in the berries themselves. Therefore, it has found use as an antiseptic and a remedy with good anti-inflammatory, diuretic and cleansing properties.

The most commonly used are infusions. The medicinal liquid removes excess uric and puric acid, therefore it is prescribed to people suffering from metabolic problems and bleeding.

Young leaves have the best beneficial properties, so it is better to collect them in the spring. You can make compotes, decoctions, infusions, and teas from them.

You can also make vinegar. It is done as follows. Fresh leaves are placed in a glass jar and filled with cold boiled water. You must first dissolve sugar in water, of which 100 g is taken per 1 liter. After this, the jar is closed with gauze and left for 2 months. After the specified period, the vinegar is filtered and poured into containers.

An infusion from the leaves of the plant has a positive effect on the condition skin, allows you to get rid of rashes and various diseases.

The etymology of the name black currant goes back to a word like “currant”, meaning “strong smell” in translation from the Old Russian language. And this is really justified, since among all types, it is black currant that has a noticeable aroma not only of the fruits themselves, but also of leaves, buds and twigs. In this article we will look at what vitamins black currants contain.

The currant bush is part of the gooseberry family and can grow up to two meters in height. Most often, currants bloom in May and June, and the berries ripen in mid and late summer. Currant bushes are planted in autumn in previously prepared soil. Usually after planting they bear fruit in the second or third year. There are early, mid- and late-ripening fruits. Fruits differ large sizes, have a round shape. This is very fragrant berries, which, in addition to black, can also have purple, dark red, and sometimes brown shades. It is worth noting that ripe fruits need to be collected after two weeks, since they can lose up to seventy percent of vitamin C.

Where is currant used?

Blackcurrant is used in a wide variety of varieties culinary arts, jelly, preserves, compotes, jellies, desserts, jams, sauces, and wine are made from it. It is also added to baked goods and used in marinades for fish and meat. It is very valuable that even cooked blackcurrant retains its healing properties.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits this berry brings. It is a source of vitamins and helps protect the entire body from various diseases. Those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle and care about their well-being should include black currants in their diet. So, what vitamins do blackcurrants contain?

Composition characteristics

Blackcurrant is a real treasure trove healing substances, its berries contain a high content of vitamins such as A, B, E, P. It also contains pectin, phosphoric acid, sugars, essential oil, tannins, potassium, phosphorus and iron salts, vitamin K.

The leaves contain not only vitamin C, but also manganese, phytoncides, silver, magnesium, lead, essential oil, sulfur and copper.

It is worth noting that vitamin C is contained in black currants in such large quantities that to maintain daily requirement person in ascorbic acid You only need to eat twenty berries every day. Many people are interested in what vitamins black currants contain.

Useful properties of berries

Black currants contain much more healing substances, minerals and vitamins than other berries. That is why it is a product of measured and healthy eating, which increases the stability of the immune system, strengthens and heals the body as a whole, and is beneficial for a variety of diseases.

What diseases does it help with?

In addition, black currant is excellent remedy for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases, Alzheimer's disease, malignant tumors. It prevents diabetes and visual impairment, prevents weakening intellectual abilities elderly people.

Black currant is also beneficial for diseases of the liver, kidneys, and respiratory tract. It is recommended to consume this berry in the presence of progressive atherosclerosis. We now know what vitamin K content is in black currants.

In order for the body to function fully, it is necessary not only vitamin C, which is contained in large quantities in black currants, but also anthocyanidins, which have antioxidant characteristics, due to which the berry has an anti-inflammatory, disinfectant effect, and is used in the treatment of sore throat. What vitamins are contained in black currants? This is a common question.

All the benefits of juice

Juice made from black currant has an excellent restorative effect and is therefore especially useful during periods of weakening of the body or after surgery.

Berry decoction provides invaluable assistance for gastritis and peptic ulcers(like the stomach, and so duodenum), with anemia and hypertension, as well as with bleeding gums. During severe cough you need to take blackcurrant juice combined with sugar and honey.

Since this berry is a strong antiseptic, it helps in the fight against sore throat: to do this, you need to gargle with juice mixed with water.

A very important quality of black currant is the preservation of all its healing properties during home preparation. This also applies to freezing.

Black currant is also used to strengthen nails. To do this, you need to rub it directly into the nail and into the skin around it. Currant is a good helper in the fight against freckles and age spots, gives the skin a lighter shade.

What vitamins are present in blackcurrant, namely in the leaves?

What benefits do the leaves provide?

Blackcurrant leaves are not only the main component of a very delicious tea, but also have a general strengthening effect on the body, have healing properties due to the fact that they contain tanning and biologically active substances, phytoncides, essential oils and vitamins. Interestingly, they contain even more vitamin C than berries, and therefore they are used as an antiseptic, tonic, antirheumatic, cleansing, anti-inflammatory and diuretic.

Blackcurrant leaves are also used for therapy cardiovascular diseases, for gout and gastritis. As remedy an infusion made on their basis is used. It helps eliminate excess uric and puric acid from the body, and is also used as a gentle laxative for bleeding and metabolic disorders. What vitamins are present in black and red currants?

Use in folk medicine

In folk medicine, it is recommended to use decoctions of blackcurrant buds, branches and leaves for the treatment of eye diseases, exudative diathesis and dermatitis. In the past, scrofula in children was treated with blackcurrant leaves.

To make a decoction, infusion or tea, both fresh and pre-dried leaves are taken, preferably young. From such leaves you can make vitamin drink, strengthening the immune system in spring and summer. For this boiled water mixed with any sour juice, and then you need to pour this mixture over blackcurrant leaves, leave for 24 hours, then strain and drink half a glass every day, adding sugar if desired.

Fruit vinegar

You can also make fruit vinegar from the leaves. For this fresh leaves put in a jar, pour chilled boiled water, sugar is added to them at a ratio of one hundred grams per liter. Then you need to cover the resulting mass with gauze and ferment for two months, then strain and bottle it. These are the vitamins that black currants are rich in.

A decoction based on currant leaves is added to baths to treat rashes and various skin diseases.

Since the leaves have a unique aroma, they are an important component in the processes of pickling, canning and salting. Often the leaves themselves are also preserved, and then added to dishes of vegetables, fish, meat, and salads, adding piquancy and promoting vitaminization.

For canning, it is necessary to select fairly large, but at the same time tender, blackcurrant leaves. They are washed well, placed tightly in a glass container and filled with brine (three hundred grams of salt per liter of water is added).

In addition, the bright aroma of currants benefits the garden and vegetable garden, since for many pests it is Strong smell is intolerable.

We looked at what vitamins are present in black currants.