What to feed guinea pigs at home - the best diet. What does a guinea pig eat? What is the best way to feed guinea pigs?

Caring for a furry rodent includes providing food. Its life expectancy will depend on how properly you feed your pet. Let's look at what guinea pigs eat and what they should not be given. We’ll also talk about how to organize your pet’s nutrition.


To understand what to feed your guinea pig at home, you need to read physiological characteristics this rodent. His body is structured differently from that of a human. The main difference is that intestinal motility in a rodent is much weaker than in humans. Accordingly, most foods that are palatable to humans simply cannot be given to rodents.

To properly organize feeding furry friend, think about what he eats in the wild. The diet of a domesticated rodent should not differ radically from the diet of a rodent that lives in the wild. And in the wild it feeds on various plants, grains, hay, roots, and some fruits and vegetables.

When preparing a diet for your pet, you should take into account individual characteristics animals, each of which has its own preferences. Some rodents love apples, while others prefer carrots, some like succulent food, and others like hay. This does not mean that you need to feed your pet only the foods that he likes. The diet should be well thought out and balanced. But, if possible, give preference to those products that the rodent likes. Also take into account that along with his favorite food, it is advisable to feed your ward food that he does not like, but which should be present in the diet.

You cannot leave food for future use by rodents. If you are going on a two or three day business trip, take your pet to a friend or give it to a foster home. If you give your pet to friends, instruct them on what you can and cannot feed the rodent.


Before moving directly to the description of permitted and prohibited foods, let’s make a reservation about how many times a day to feed a guinea pig. Rodents need to be fed often, but little by little. It is advisable to fill your pet's feeders 4 times a day. It is advisable to feed your ward at the same time. You should not put in a lot of food, since the small fluffy rodent is prone to stockpiling. Accordingly, the pet will try to hide food that the pet does not eat. Make sure that nothing is left in the feeders after feeding.

If you give fruits or vegetables, then after feeding, remove all the leftovers, and take the time to wash the feeders. If you do not properly care for your pet, and keeping the dishes clean is also part of the care, then your pet will certainly have stomach upsets caused by sour food. Rodent feeders should be washed without using detergents.

If you introduce a new product into your diet, do it carefully. Rodents are very sensitive to changes in food. When giving any product for the first time, observe your pet. If he shows signs of gastrointestinal dysfunction, immediately eliminate the new product from the diet.

Guinea pig diet

In the diet guinea pigs must be present:

  • grain feed;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • green feed;
  • hay and branches.

In addition to the above products, rodents need vitamin C, which is not produced in their bodies. Alternatively, add regular ascorbic acid, purchased at a pharmacy, to the water. There should be no more than 20 mg of ascorbic acid per glass of water. You can simply squeeze the juice from one fresh lemon into the water. Let’s immediately make a reservation that a furry pet should always have water in its cage.

Let's look separately at what grains and green foods rodents need. We’ll also talk about what vegetables and fruits should be given to wards, and which ones can provoke serious problems with health.

Grain feed

Grain feed is the basis of the diet. Sold in specialized stores ready-made feed for guinea pigs. They differ slightly in composition, but have a significant difference in price. The pricing policy depends not so much on the composition of the feed, but on the country of origin. Imports are more expensive than domestically produced goods. The basis of feed mixtures is oats. They may also contain wheat, corn, peas or other cereals.

You can make feed mixture at home. But, in addition to cereals and cereal crops, store-bought food contains a variety of microelements that rodents need. It is not possible to make such food at home. Therefore, preference should be given to store-bought formulations. When choosing a feed mixture, do not opt ​​for cheap items. Good feed mixtures cannot be cheap. The low pricing policy is for those feeds that have a poor composition.

Cavia Nature, Cavia Complete and Crispy Muesli from Laga Versele have proven themselves well on the market. Also popular are Little One (Little Van or Little One), Padovan, Fiory, Vitakraft, Sultan, Jr Farm. Among the domestic feed mixtures, Dusya, Vaka Lux, Chika Bio and products of the Rodnye Korma company are popular. Is not full list worthy food. Define best food for guinea pigs, due to the fact that all rodents have their own food preferences, it is not possible.

The share of grain feed in the diet of rodents is 30%.


In summer, our region is rich in various vegetables. Almost everyone who has a personal plot grows tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, eggplants and sweet red or green bell pepper. Let's figure out whether guinea pigs can eat tomatoes and other vegetables. We’ll talk about celery, cabbage, radishes and radishes separately.

Be sure to include cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers, zucchini, pumpkin, beets and corn in the diet of your furry pets. Since they contain sugars and acids that cause diabetes and allergies, we give vegetables in in moderation. If Jerusalem artichoke grows in the garden bed, we give it extremely rarely. We exclude young Jerusalem artichoke from the diet because it contains a large number of starch.

You should not feed rodents only bell peppers or tomatoes. Should be given every day different vegetables. As for whether guinea pigs can eat zucchini, and whether guinea pigs can eat pumpkin, both of these vegetables are not contraindicated for rodents. But experts recommend giving them no more than 3 times a week.

Can guinea pigs eat potatoes, which are the most common vegetable in our country? In addition to starch, which contributes to obesity, the vegetable contains solanine, which lowers the immunity of rodents. Accordingly, it is better to exclude potatoes from your pet’s diet.


Let's talk separately about whether guinea pigs can eat celery. This exotic one this moment vegetable, is included in almost all elite food for rodents. It is rich not only in vitamins, but also in microelements. It contains magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus. Accordingly, it must be included in your pet’s diet. Should be given to pets in moderation sauerkraut(no more than 1 tbsp every few days) and tomatoes.

Cabbage, radish, radish

Well, let’s look at whether guinea pigs can have cabbage, radishes and radishes. Experts do not recommend feeding your guinea pig cabbage. This applies not only to white cabbage, but also to Chinese cabbage. Cauliflower and broccoli are also not recommended. Some rodents have an individual intolerance to one or another variety of cabbage. And even if there is no intolerance to cabbage, this product in its raw form provokes diarrhea and flatulence. As for radishes and radishes, these vegetables can cause irritation of the mucous membranes. But it is not prohibited to give the tops of these plants to your pet.

The share of vegetables is no more than 15% of the rodent’s body weight.

Fruits and berries

Let's figure out whether guinea pigs can have strawberries or grapes, apples or pears, tangerines or mangoes, etc. All fruits and berries contain fruit acids and natural sugars to one degree or another. These substances can provoke in small rodents serious illnesses with health. Therefore, if you include them in the diet, then in small quantities. Since furry pets perceive these foods as treats, they can be given as a reward for something, or along with healthy food, which pets do not want to eat.

Traditional Russian fruits and berries

The cheapest fruits in our region are apples and pears. Therefore, first of all, let’s talk about whether guinea pigs can eat pears, and whether guinea pigs can eat apples. As for pears, they contain a large amount of sugar. Accordingly, they should be given in moderation and not every day. As for apples, this delicacy is the most harmless for rodents. But, due to the presence of fructose, we still give them in moderation. All sweet fruits and berries can be given only in small quantities. This applies to plums, cherries, cherries, strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, apricots, etc.

Your pet will enjoy eating watermelon, which appears on store shelves in the second half of summer. But, due to the fact that this berry is famous for its diuretic effect, rodents should be fed watermelon extremely rarely, and it is better to exclude it from the diet altogether.

Citrus and exotic fruits

Many people are interested in whether guinea pigs can eat kiwi, or, for example, whether guinea pigs can eat oranges. All citrus fruits should be excluded from the diet. If you really want to pamper your pet with pineapple, pomegranate, or give him avocado, melon or peach, then this should be done no more than 1-2 times a month. We give treats to our furry pet in very small quantities. It is undesirable to give persimmons to rodents, as they can cause stomach upset.

Well, let’s talk separately about whether guinea pigs can have a banana, which has not been perceived in our country for a long time as exotic fruit. Experts do not recommend giving it to rodents due to the presence of starch.

Let's immediately talk about dried fruits(raisins, dates, dried apricots, etc.). Due to the fact that they contain more fructose than fresh fruit, they are not recommended for use.

The share of fruits and berries is no more than 10% of the rodent’s body weight. We give all fruits to the pet without seeds. It is also advisable to peel them. Only melons are given along with the crust.

Green feed

Summer, unlike winter, is rich in green food, for which you don’t have to pay. Thanks to the presence of green food in the diet, the risk of gastrointestinal diseases in rodents is minimized. In addition, pets receive vitamins and microelements from plants.

Furry rodents should be fed dandelions, young sedge, clover, alfalfa, plantain leaves, chamomile, yarrow and tansy. You should also give your pets sprouted grains and wood lice. It is worth including greens in your diet, which without special labor can be grown on personal plot or windowsill. Animals enjoy eating arugula, basil, parsley, spinach, dill and mint. It is worth noting that dill not only improves the digestion of rodents, but also improves their appetite.

But lettuce leaves should be given carefully. Animals that are not accustomed to succulent food may experience allergic reaction. And some varieties of lettuce even have a diuretic effect and irritate the respiratory tract (cress, for example). You can try giving your pet cilantro. Some animals refuse to eat it because of the specific smell. You should include turnip tops in your diet, but experts do not recommend giving turnips themselves.

We talked above about whether guinea pigs can eat beets or carrots. Here we note that, in addition to root crops, animals can be given the tops of these vegetable crops.

Since many wild plants are poisonous, you should be very careful when collecting green food for your pets. Do not give rodents plants that are unknown to you. Don’t give your pets greens bought at the market yet. If it is treated with insecticides, the animal may get severe poisoning or die. So grow your own greens.

Hay and branches

Due to the structural features digestive tract A guinea pig simply needs hay. It is sold in pet stores. But, if there are plantings or fields nearby, you can prepare it yourself. When preparing hay, it is important to select not poisonous plants. You should not make hay from alfalfa either. It is suitable only for pregnant females and young animals. If you buy hay at a pet store, be sure to pay attention to its smell. If the hay has rotted, which is clearly noticeable by smell, then you should refuse to buy it. You shouldn't buy wet hay yet.

In addition to the fact that hay improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it allows animals to grind down their teeth. In a cage with a rodent, in addition to the feeder and drinking bowl, there must be a hay box. Do not choose miniature hay fields. The furry rodent should be given dried herbs in unlimited quantities. If there is no hay in the cage, the rodent eats sawdust. And, due to the fact that there are particles of excrement on them, this should not be allowed. Although, for the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that rodents eat their own droppings. It contains enzymes that improve the digestion process. But, if you provide your pet with proper nutrition and appropriate care, he will not have problems with digestion.

In addition to hay, pets should be given tree branches in winter. Furry pets They happily gnaw on the Christmas tree. An alternative to Christmas trees are willow or aspen branches. Branches of fruit trees and juniper should not be given to pets.

The share of hay in the diet of rodents is 20%. In winter, due to the lack of succulent feed, it increases to 40-45%.


We give our furry rodents bran several times a week. If your pet does not have health problems, then it is enough to treat him with bran 2 times a week. If his body is weakened, as can be judged by lethargic behavior and the condition of the coat, we give bran 4 times a week. We also feed the young animals bran 4 times a week. You also need to include salt in the rodent's diet, at the rate of 1.3 g for an adult and 0.5 g for a young individual.

Specialized stores sell treats for rodents, which should be treated with caution. The manufacturer writes that the delicacies offered are not only tasty, but also healthy. But, when preparing them, sugar is usually used. And it is on the list of prohibited products. Therefore, even if this treat contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements, it is not beneficial for your furry friend.

And here vitamin complexes, which are served in the same specialized stores, should be included in the diet. They strengthen the immunity of rodents and improve the condition of their coat. It is advisable to give your pet vitamin complexes in winter. In the summer he gets it all essential microelements and vitamins with juicy food and fruits. And in winter, the basis of the diet is hay and grain feed. It is difficult to obtain from them everything necessary for the normal functioning of the body. By purchasing vitamin supplements, pay attention to their composition. What your pet needs most is calcium. Therefore, it must be included in the product.

Other products

In general, these rodents can be called omnivores. But not all products are recommended for use by rodents.


Many people are interested in whether guinea pigs can have bread, and whether guinea pigs can have milk. Rodents in the wild do not eat these products, since it is not possible to obtain them. Accordingly, they are of no value to their body. Moreover, the rodent body is not able to break down lactose. Therefore, drinking milk can cause serious health problems. Milk can be given in small quantities only to young animals.


Seeds and nuts

As for whether guinea pigs can eat nuts and a variety of seeds. There are no restrictions on these food products. But their consumption leads to obesity. Therefore, we include nuts and seeds in our diet in small quantities. Among nuts, preference should be given to peanuts and walnuts. Almonds are not prohibited. As for seeds, you should give preference pumpkin seeds. Or you can give a mixture of sunflower and pumpkin seeds. We first remove the husks from all the seeds.


Of all the cereals that can be seen on store shelves, the diet of rodents can only include cereals, ground into fine grains. But you shouldn’t pamper your pets with them often. If oats are present in the diet, then this is quite enough. It is strictly forbidden to give boiled porridge to rodents. It will cause digestive problems. After all, in nature they eat only raw foods.

Prohibited Products

Well, let’s make a reservation about what you should not feed your guinea pig. There is a taboo on onions and green onions, which are toxic to rodents. Rhubarb, which contains large amounts of oxalic acid, is not recommended for consumption. For the same reason, sorrel is taboo. You should also not include eggs, which contain animal protein, in your diet. Even one egg can harm a pet’s body. Well, sugar, which causes diabetes, is prohibited.

It is strictly forbidden to give rodents herbs that contain poison: fern, aloe, celandine, snowdrop, foxglove, honeysuckle, etc. We will not list all the plants, due to the fact that there are a lot of them. In order not to harm your pet, it is enough to give only those green foods that you know and which are included in the list of approved products for small rodents.


We figured out how to feed guinea pigs, tried to consider as thoroughly as possible whether guinea pigs can have bell peppers or other vegetables, whether strawberries and other berries are good for guinea pigs, whether fruits and vegetables should be included in their diet. flour products. We also talked about what not to feed guinea pigs.

To correctly compose your pet’s diet, you should create a table for yourself consisting of 3 columns. In the first column we indicate products that must be included in the pet’s diet. The second column displays foods that can be given in moderation. In the third column we indicate which foods are strictly prohibited to give to rodents. We hang this table-reminder near the cage with a furry pet.

For a guinea pig it is very important varied diet, including not only dry food, hay and grass, but also fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits. But not all foods will benefit these pets, so when feeding them the question arises: “What vegetables can guinea pigs eat?” Let's look at this issue.

To provide your pet with everything essential vitamins and microelements, you need to include fresh vegetables and fruits in his diet. They must be given in small quantity, about 80-120 grams per day, thoroughly washed before feeding and cut into pieces, but do not grate. The pieces should be small so that the pig can eat them completely. Uneaten pieces must be immediately removed from the cage and thrown away, preventing them from rotting. Spoiled and rotten food should not be fed to guinea pigs.

It is best to use products grown in your own garden or garden. But if your land plot or you don’t have a summer house, it is advisable to buy vegetables, herbs and fruits in season, avoiding those grown with the use of pesticides and processed different drugs products.

Let's figure out what vegetables guinea pigs can eat and how they are good for your pets.


Most often, owners are interested in whether guinea pigs can eat cucumbers. These vegetables contain 2-6% dry matter - sugars, fiber, protein, some vitamins and microelements. 94-98% of the total mass of a cucumber is water, so this vegetable has little nutritional value. But, despite this, cucumber helps the rodent’s body digest other foods and absorb fats. You can give cucumbers to guinea pigs in small quantities and, preferably, your own, since poisoning often occurs due to the nitrates contained in purchased cucumbers. Overfeeding cucumbers can lead to digestive problems.


When asked if guinea pigs can eat zucchini, the answer is yes. The pulp of this vegetable contains up to 12% dry substances, of which pectin substances, sugars, vitamins and minerals. Young zucchini fruits are suitable as food for pets.

Radishes and radishes

If you have a lot of radishes growing in your garden and you want to feed them to your pet, but you don’t know whether guinea pigs can eat radishes, then it’s better not to do this. After all, radishes and radishes contain a large amount essential oils, feeding of which can lead to irritation of the mucous membranes and respiratory tract in the pet and the occurrence of bloating. It’s better to offer tops from these vegetables.


Can guinea pigs eat tomatoes? These vegetables contain vitamins A and C, macro- and microelements, pectins and organic acids. Pets can only eat mature vegetables, since green ones contain solanine - poisonous substance, which is destroyed when tomatoes ripen. Pigs should not have green parts of tomatoes - tops and leaves. Tomatoes should be fed in small quantities and only from your garden. Overfeeding tomatoes can cause diarrhea.

Green pea

Guinea pigs can eat peas as a green food, just like other legumes. You can also give some young green peas along with the pods, only in limited quantities. It is not recommended to feed dry peas to pigs, although they are added to some dry food for these animals.


Carrots are very healthy vegetable, containing pectin, carotene, vitamins C, E, K, group B, microelements. Substances contained in carrots have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the pig’s body, which improves the pet’s vision, hearing, and condition of the skin and coat. You can also feed carrot tops, which are also useful. Eating this vegetable may cause your pet's urine to turn orange.


Beets are good for guinea pigs because they contain many vitamins and minerals. But beets should be given in small quantities, as they weaken. This vegetable is not given to piglets under two months old, pregnant or lactating pigs. Can be fed beet tops, some pigs eat it even better than root vegetables. After eating beets, the droppings and urine of pigs turn red.


But whether guinea pigs can have potatoes is of interest to most guinea pig breeders. Potatoes contain a large amount of starch, proteins, and vitamins. It is not recommended to give potatoes to guinea pigs. Raw potatoes contains hard-to-digest starch, so if you decide to give your pet potatoes, then give them a very small amount. Green tubers, green sprouts and potato tops contain a lot of poisonous solanine. Therefore, tubers that have turned green and have been stored for a long time should not be fed.


Can guinea pigs eat cabbage? There is an opinion that cabbage is contraindicated for guinea pigs, that this vegetable causes problems with digestive system. In fact, cabbage is a healthy vegetable containing a lot of protein, vitamins and microelements.

If you have a healthy pet, not prone to bloating, and you gradually and in small quantities introduce cabbage and other succulent foods into the diet, then your guinea pig will not have problems with digestion. And if you do not follow your pet’s diet and immediately introduce new foods without accustoming your pig to them, then problems with the intestines cannot be avoided. Small amounts of cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and kohlrabi can be fed infrequently. Do not feed early, greenhouse cabbage.


Bell pepper contains large amounts of ascorbic acid and carotene. Before offering this vegetable to your pet, you must remove green part and seeds. Pepper should only be given in season, which is not grown in a greenhouse. Hot varieties of pepper should not be given to guinea pigs - they irritate the mucous membranes.


Rutabaga contains fiber, glucose, proteins, vitamins and minerals. These nutritious and vitamin-rich vegetables are good to feed to pets, with late autumn until early spring, when there is no large selection vegetables and greens.


Guinea pigs can be given corn stalks and leaves. The leaves can be fed either fresh or dry. But it is undesirable to give grains, since they contain a large amount of starch, are poorly digestible and contribute to obesity.


Can guinea pigs eat pumpkin? Pumpkin pulp is rich in fiber, proteins, sugar, vitamins, macro- and microelements. Pumpkin is very healthy for guinea pigs and can be fed along with the rind. The seeds also contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. Feeding pumpkin seeds helps prevent helminths. Guinea pigs can be offered all types of pumpkins that are edible to humans.

Jerusalem artichoke

The entire Jerusalem artichoke plant, leaves, flowers, roots, is edible for guinea pigs. Jerusalem artichoke contains a large amount of fiber and essential amino acids– lysine, leicine, arginine. Root vegetables contain inulin, a natural analogue of insulin, which is why Jerusalem artichoke is recommended for those prone to diabetes mellitus. But root vegetables should not be given to marine animals often, since they are considered concentrated feed, and young tubers contain poorly digestible starch, which can cause intestinal disorders.


Guinea pigs can be given a little watermelon during the summer season. Try to give ripe pulp, and it is advisable not to give the white part closer to the rind, since it is in this part that nitrates accumulate. For the same reason, pigs should not be given early vegetables. Watermelon is a diuretic, so indulge your pet with it infrequently.


The same goes for melon. This vegetable is given from your own garden or purchased in season. It is also not recommended to give melon frequently; it is very sweet and can contribute to the development of diabetes.

We tried to consider in as much detail as possible and give answers to the question “What vegetables can guinea pigs eat?” As you can see, most vegetables are not only possible, but also should be given to guinea pigs. The most important thing is that it is correctly composed and balanced diet your pet, including products raised without chemicals. To keep your guinea pig healthy and happy, follow proper nutrition and the pet will thank you with its playful behavior and healthy appearance.

So, we have dealt with the question of what vegetables can guinea pigs eat, but we described whether your pet can eat grass in , perhaps you will be interested in this information.

What vegetables can guinea pigs eat?

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Making a diet for a guinea pig: This question tops the list of tasks that we mentally form when carefully carrying home a funny pet from the pet store. What do guinea pigs eat? Offhand, each of us will say that this must be some kind of grass and grains, perhaps bread. Yes, I remember the seller talked about hay, recommended some kind of food... What kind of food do rodents like? How much grain can they be given per day? What products are included in the ideal menu for rodents of the pig family?



Of course, you can reduce feeding your pet to giving him “store-bought” food twice a day. He will eat it, but is it right to eat it? – Yes, if the animal was imposed on you, and your humanistic principle obliges you to give it food. No, if the guinea pig appeared in your house for a reason. In this case, you care about the state of her health and whether she will live a year longer.

When deciding what to feed your guinea pig, it is better to choose between the following options:

  • mixed nutrition;
  • natural diet.

Mixed nutrition involves feeding both ready-made grain or granulated mixtures and juicy fresh food. Such food can be fruits, melons (melon), sorrel...

Organization at home natural nutrition will require a lot of effort from the owner. But the feeding process will bring immeasurably more pleasure! And the result is active healthy pet with shiny fur - it will certainly please you!

Berries and fruits

Fresh fruits and berries are not only treats for guinea pigs, but also vitamins and minerals that pets need. Fruit can be given daily, depending on your pig's personal preferences and veterinarian recommendations.

As general recommendation Experts advise not to overfeed your pig with sweet fruits. Like no other pet rodent, guinea pigs are susceptible to frequent disorders digestion. And an overabundance of tangerines, apples, and pears on the animal menu can lead to failures of this kind.

Tangerines should be given to your pet with special caution. On the one hand, the pig’s body does not produce vitamin C, richest source which are citrus fruits. On the other hand, tangerines belong to the group allergenic products. Tangerines can be offered a slice a day, carefully observing the reaction of the pig’s body.

Green feed

Rodents of the pig family love green food. When collecting dandelion or alfalfa leaves for your pet, choose places away from busy highways.

Rodents of the pig family happily eat clover, nettles, Chinese cabbage leaves, and sorrel. Greens can be selected individually, experimenting with foliage (celery, fennel, basil), shoots and excluding bulbous vegetables. Whatever greens you choose, sorrel, spinach, lettuce - everything that guinea pigs eat must be washed.

In winter, the choice of green food inevitably narrows to the store assortment. So that your pet can eat as many types of succulent greens as possible in winter, you can grow green food yourself. The owner of a guinea pig shares tips on how to do this in this video.

In addition, for the winter it is necessary to prepare hay for the pigs, by eating which the rodents wear down their teeth. Branches of fruit trees are also suitable for stitching.

You can also dry the leaves of sorrel, alfalfa, and clover. Even in dried form, these products contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements.

With the onset of spring, dry hay is gradually replaced by seasonal greens. This transition should be controlled, it should be as gentle as possible so as not to provoke digestive upset. It is not recommended to give grass that is wet from dew or rain to pets.

Grain feed

One of the components of a properly formulated guinea pig diet is grain feed. Rodents will eat wheat, corn, barley grains, lentils, peas, soybeans, sunflower seeds, and oats. You can also give them corn grains in small quantities.

In a properly designed pig menu, the share of grain feed should not exceed a third of the total food volume.

What are the consequences of an excess of grain in a pet’s diet?

  1. Overly nutritious grain feed will inevitably lead to excess weight gain.
  2. Grains are a source of a number of vitamins and microelements, but not all. By increasing the proportion of grain feed, the owner thereby reduces the intake of those substances into the animal’s body. useful substances, which are not present in grain. – They are present in greens, fruits and berries that a pet could eat in a day with a different ratio of diet components.

The animal eats grains only raw. An exception is made only for bread, which some pigs love so much. It is not recommended to give fresh white bread, let alone black bread - only well-dried bread! Rather, it should be bread crumbs. Feel free to give your pet a cracker or two a day: she will sharpen her teeth on it. In addition, the pig’s body will receive the full range of B vitamins contained in the bread.

Combined feeds

Delicate greens, fragrant berries, ripe fruits, juicy vegetables and shoots, fragrant hay in sufficiently provides the rodent body necessary substances. It is natural and the most best diet for your pet, which is only possible to provide at home.

At the same time, they attract attention different types good feed with herbal and fruit granules. Mixtures may also contain different kinds grains, honey, dried fruits. And, although rodents of the pig family could easily do without granulated food, some owners still buy ready-made mixtures for their pets.

But, no matter how much manufacturers claim the exceptional benefits of ready-made mixtures, you should not make even a seemingly standard food the basis of a pig’s diet.

And you shouldn’t offer your pet food that contains:

  • bone meal (in the wild, rodents of the pig family do not consume products of animal origin!);
  • preservatives;
  • corn based syrup;
  • fructose;
  • nuts.

Water and salt

The drinking bowl should be filled with fresh water once a day. If a rodent eats a mixed diet, it will drink more water than if it were on natural diet. After all, juicy green food contains a lot of liquid, unlike dehydrated food.

If the animal's body does not receive enough fluid, the pet risks getting sick. Organs will be affected genitourinary system, in which stones can form.

The pet needs salt. Like a block of chalk, a wheel of salt is placed between the bars of the cage. Salt contains minerals necessary for normal development rodent. Feeling a lack of these substances, the guinea pig licks the wheel.

Pink wheel with salt

“Forbidden fruits” for rodents

What should you not feed guinea pigs? These rodents are not just vegetarians, they are vegans. That is, in the wild adult pig It wouldn’t even occur to you to drink milk, much less eat meat. Guinea pigs are not predators.

At home, when preparing food for your pet, you need to take into account the following food taboos:

  • milk, cheese, cottage cheese;
  • meat fish;
  • porridge;
  • vegetable stew;
  • raw potatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • night blindness;
  • fern;
  • wild rosemary;
  • sow thistle;
  • stick;
  • celandine;
  • fighter.

Overripe (or unripe) fruits, rotten vegetables, damp grains, expired feed, food from the owner’s table - all this is also “forbidden fruit” for rodents.

Although sorrel is included in the list of permitted foods, it should be given to the pig in small quantities.

Feeding regimen and technique

Healthy adult guinea pigs are fed twice a day, while pregnant guinea pigs and babies are fed up to four times a day. With two meals a day, rodents are offered succulent food for “breakfast,” and grain or a grain mixture and greens are prepared for “dinner.” IN winter time greens are replaced (or supplemented) with hay.

It may be an unpleasant surprise for first-time owners to learn that pigs (even piglets!) eat their own feces. But this is how nature has established it: it is in this unusual way that colonies beneficial bacteria enter the pig's body. If you do not allow your pet and her cubs to eat your litter, this will immediately have a negative impact on the health of the animals.

Daily ration

Once the owner decides what to feed the guinea pig, he should pay attention to feeding standards.

Let's give an example daily ration adult from the pig family:

Some veterinarians recommend feeding guinea pigs milk in the amount of 0.025 liters per day, regardless of season and age. Let us beg to differ with them. Rodents should not be accustomed to milk, because nature has not provided their body with enzymes that help digest dairy products.

You should be careful about your pet, because the given nutritional standards may vary depending on:

  • degree of animal activity;
  • health conditions;
  • age.

So, pregnant females need more food. Therefore, the volume of food eaten for them increases by 30%.

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Video “What to feed guinea pigs?”

Proper feeding of a guinea pig

Adult guinea pigs are fed 2-3 times a day. Portion for one feeding – 2 tbsp. spoons of food. If you feed 2 times a day, then give 3 tbsp. spoons of food at a time. The bowl of food should always be in the cage; it does not need to be removed. Even if the pig doesn't eat right away, it will definitely eat later.

There must be hay in the cage and grass in the summer. In summer you can use hay (dried grass) and fresh grass. Hay helps to wear down teeth (20 teeth: 4 incisors and 16 molars), and has a beneficial effect on the digestion process. The grass is a rich source of vitamins and also has a beneficial effect on the digestion process.

Feed and pure water must be present in the pet's cage at all times. If the pig eats food, then in between it will eat hay. Leaving a pig hungry for any length of time will have an adverse effect on its health.

In the morning, succulent food is given - 160 g. Pregnant and lactating females, including Skinny guinea pigs - morning and evening.

Skinnies differ from other guinea pigs not only in their appearance, but also in their appetite. Skinny guinea pigs are fed 3-4 times a day or 2-3 times, but in this case the portion of food should be larger.

The size of the drinking bowl for a guinea pig is at least 250 ml. “Vitamin C” is added to the drinking bowl. One of the features of the guinea pig's body is that ascorbic acid it is not produced. Vitamin C dosage per drinking bowl with a volume of 250 ml. – 5 – 25 mg., depending on the time of year. In winter, more “Vitamin C” is given than in summer. Since ascorbic acid easily enters into chemical reactions. The solution must be changed daily. If a guinea pig receives vitamins in a complex that already contains Vitamin C, then there is no need to give it additionally.

Cabbage (in small quantities!)
Cucumber (summer)
Leaf salad ( favorite treat, given only in summer)
Sweet pepper (green, yellow, red)
Sweet corn (not canned)

Berries and fruits:
Pears (in small quantities)
dried rose hips (added to feed)

Parsley (not for pregnant pigs)
Nettle (dried)
thousand leaves

Grain feed
It is not advisable to feed guinea pigs with a single grain mixture, but simply, it is impossible - their productivity decreases and obesity in the pig is possible, which contributes to the appearance of various diseases. This is explained by the fact that grain mixtures, despite their high energy nutritional value, are deficient in some vital important amino acids, minerals and vitamins (A 1, B 12, C, D). To increase the value of feed, it is necessary to include in the diet in addition to grain mixtures: hay, root vegetables, vegetables and fruits; in summer - fresh grass (various plants). Some plants are poisonous to guinea pigs and other animals - see poisonous plants...

Table salt
Should be included in the diet: for young animals - 0.5 g, for adults - 1 - 2 g. Per animal per day.

Hay, dry food and water should always be in the cage!

Over time, pets become real members of the family. Caring for them takes some time and effort, however, it only brings joy and pleasure to happy pet owners. The guinea pig is a fairly popular species of animal that lives in people's homes. Today, we will deal with questions about the nutrition of these creatures. So:

What to feed your guinea pig?

Here are the main foods your domestic animal if he is a guinea pig:

  • Hay and granulated dry food are the basis of the diet at any time of the year.
  • A variety of fresh vegetables in small quantities and leafy greens. Greens should form the bulk of the herbal supplements in your guinea pig's diet.
  • Some fruits in small quantities.
  • Kale, spinach, turnips, herbs, parsley, romaine lettuce and dandelion leaves.
  • Carrots and carrot tops.
  • Green and red fruits of bell pepper.
  • Apples, apricots, bananas.
  • Blueberries, cantaloupe.
  • Grapes and oranges.
  • Strawberries and tomatoes.
  • Various plants without pesticides. For example, grass, dandelion, clover and gerbil. These plants are especially nutritious when fresh.

It should be noted that any greens must be introduced into the animal’s diet gradually. Otherwise, the guinea pig may develop indigestion.

The most important thing in a guinea pig's diet is vitamin C. The fact is that the body of this animal does not produce vitamin C, like human body. Due to the lack of vitamin C, your guinea pig can get scurvy. Daily norm vitamin C for guinea pigs is 10-30 mg. To meet the vitamin C needs of a normal, medium-sized guinea pig, you need to feed it a set of fresh vegetables combined with good specialized food. Food must be stored in a cool and dry place. This is necessary so that it retains all its vitamins. Some of them are destroyed under the influence of an aggressive external environment.

What should you not feed guinea pigs?

  • Never feed your guinea pigs expired or spoiled specialized food.
  • You should not feed guinea pigs food that contains: nuts, seeds, dried fruits, corn products, animal products, beet pulp and other fillers.
  • Do not give your guinea pig food that contains increased content sugars and products with high content preservatives and biochemical additives.
  • You should avoid the presence of iceberg lettuce leaves in your diet. It contains a small supply of nutrients.
  • You should not give guinea pigs foods such as broccoli, cauliflower, white cabbage, Chinese cabbage. These products will lead to gas formation in the food tract.
  • Starchy vegetables should be avoided in the diet. For example, potatoes.

How many times should you feed your guinea pig?

The basic rule when feeding guinea pigs is as follows. There should be much more food than a guinea pig can consume. Dosed and one-time feeding regimens for guinea pigs are not allowed. It is important to keep the bowl full in the area where your guinea pig lives. Due to the peculiarity physiological structure, the guinea pig dies from starvation after one or two days. You may simply not notice how she dies. Remember that the pig must always have food, otherwise it will not survive.

Here are the basic tenets of proper nutrition for a guinea pig. Look after your pet and love it. Only you are responsible for the life of this creature. It depends on you, so don't let it down. Remember that your favorite animal is not a toy - it is a very complex living organism, which, by the way, has a soul, just like a person. Do you have a soul?