Cataract and glaucoma - simultaneous treatment (drops, surgery). How do cataracts manifest and how do they differ from glaucoma?

An effective remedy for restoring vision without surgery or doctors, recommended by our readers!

How to recognize cataracts and glaucoma in time. The most dangerous diseases eye is cataract and glaucoma. If the diseases are not treated promptly, they lead to complete loss of vision.


This disease belongs to the class of difficult to diagnose illnesses, especially at an early stage. People at risk include:

  • with vitamin deficiency, diabetes;
  • survivors of radiation or eye injury;
  • living in an environmentally unfavorable area;
  • having bad habits;
  • over 40 years of age, although sometimes the disease can appear at a young age.

Heredity plays a big role. Another factor provoking the disease is taking medical supplies. Characteristic feature The disease is clouding of the lens, due to which visual acuity begins to rapidly decline.

Initial stage of cataract

In the human eye, the lens is located between the vitreous body and the lens; it acts as a lens. That is, it is responsible for receiving and refracting light rays. At birth it is transparent and elastic. With age and in the wrong way life these properties are lost. The size and density of the lens increase, which leads to disturbances in the optical power of the eye. IN cortical layers Intraocular fluid begins to accumulate between the fibers. As a result, the number of penetrating rays is reduced, the picture becomes blurry and unclear.

The period of the initial phase is 10-15 years, but in the absence of treatment and the presence of associated factors it can be reduced to 6 years. Usually, with cataracts, vision impairment affects both eyes simultaneously, but during the diagnostic process you can see varying degrees maturation of the disease.


Since the symptoms of cataracts and glaucoma are rarely well expressed at the beginning, the disease gradually develops into next stage, which complicates treatment. Therefore, people at risk should pay attention if they discover the following disorders:

  • Fuzzy image and ghosting;
  • Darkening before the eyes;
  • The appearance of flies and spots;
  • Difficulty reading and writing;
  • No pain with increased photosensitivity;
  • The color scheme of all images acquires a yellowish tint.


The disease begins when work is disrupted optic nerve. Glaucoma affects both eyes at the same time. But further development the disease progresses asymmetrically. If the disease is diagnosed late, it can lead to complete loss of vision. The development of the disease is associated with a violation of the outflow of fluid in the eye cavity. In the place of its accumulation it increases intraocular pressure what entails pathological changes.

The risk group includes people over 50 years of age, people with cardiovascular, endocrine, autonomic system, atherosclerosis, diabetes. The disease can appear after trauma to the skull.


The symptoms of glaucoma and cataracts are very similar, the main difference in glaucoma is increased tearing and increased intraocular pressure. In addition, the patient is concerned about:

  • Feeling of fullness, pain and heaviness in the eyes;
  • Shimmering black dots;
  • Sudden blurring of the image, lasting from a minute to several hours;
  • Difficulty reading, writing, watching TV;
  • Rapid eye fatigue due to eyestrain;
  • The appearance of shadows and shades of objects when looking at light;
  • Feeling of stagnation of tears, but when wiping the eye the napkin remains dry;
  • Pain in the temporal or frontal area.

Distinctive features of glaucoma upon examination

If you contact a specialist when the first symptoms appear, an ophthalmological examination will help in precise setting diagnosis. In patients with visual impairment, it is possible to identify:

  • On the outer membrane, the arteries are conically enlarged;
  • A large number of pigment spots;
  • Around blood vessels there are many small bubbles, which is why the outer shell of the eye looks slightly raised;

Relapsed disc syndrome

Retraction of the disc is characterized by three symptoms at once, which distinguish this phenomenon:

  • Changes occur in the vessels located along the edge of the eye disc, their thickness and volume decrease.
  • Blood vessels extend beyond the recess optic nerve. They are located around the retina.
  • The natural excavation of the eye has irregular dimensions. This indicator may be different for the eyes, which confirms the diagnosis, since changes in glaucoma occur asymmetrically. With long-term observation, the formation becomes larger.

Cataracts can develop with glaucoma. Symptoms of cataracts and glaucoma that appear simultaneously early stages cause in the patient:

  • Painful sensations in the eye area;
  • Fogging of the image;
  • Dizziness, migraine;
  • Decreased light perception;
  • Double vision;
  • Myopia;
  • The appearance of flies.

Acute attack of glaucoma

Glaucoma can be open-angle, closed-angle, congenital, primary and secondary. The first two types are the most common. In the angle-closure form, exacerbation attacks occur periodically. They can be triggered by:

  • Use of tranquilizers, corticosteroids;
  • Psychological stress, stress;
  • Bad habits, coffee abuse;
  • Errors in nutrition, consumption of fatty, spicy foods;
  • Excessive physical activity.

The insidiousness of the disease lies not only in its hidden course, but also in its ability to masquerade as other diseases. At acute attack glaucoma can easily be confused with hypertensive crisis. A person feels headache, it’s hard for him to look at the light. In this condition, continuous vomiting may begin, which leads to dehydration. Heartbeat the patient slows down and heart failure occurs. Changes in the intraocular spaces also occur:

  • Watery eyes and swelling occur;
  • The mucous membranes of the eyes turn red;
  • The cornea becomes rough and dull, its sensitivity decreases;
  • The person sees poorly;
  • Intraocular pressure is significantly higher than normal;
  • The pupil dilates and stops responding to light. Its color changes to yellow with a green tint.

Therapeutic measures

Eye drops for cataracts are prescribed only at the initial stage of the disease. They contain microelements and vitamins that help slow down the rapid process of visual impairment. When the disease enters the maturation or maturity phase, surgery to replace the lens with an artificial one is recommended.

For glaucoma, the composition of the drops should have the ability to reduce the amount of fluid released, which will reduce. Very popular laser therapy, since it does not require anesthesia and provides good effect during treatment. But in the later stages of the disease, surgical intervention is required.

A universal remedy can be called eye drops 999 for cataracts and glaucoma. They help relieve fatigue and eye strain after a hard day at work or prolonged exercise. For catarrhal disorders, the lens is cleaned and the components of the eye are toned. If they are used for glaucoma, the patient's intraocular pressure decreases.

Is it possible to avoid eye diseases?

Prevention of glaucoma and cataracts involves management healthy image life, diet, refusal junk food. The intake of medications should be monitored by a doctor, especially steroids, contraceptives, antihistamines and antidepressants. In case of diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to keep sugar in the compensation stage.

Treatment of glaucoma and cataracts is possible only at the onset of the disease. Therefore, if any ophthalmological disorders occur, you should contact experienced specialist for advice. Leonid Rudnitsky describes “eye diseases glaucoma and cataracts” very well in his book. This manual is not only a medical reference book, but also a pocket advisor for patients.

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Age-related changes in the human body caused by aging create the basis on which they arise and quickly progress various diseases affecting major organs. Examples of such diseases are glaucoma and cataracts.

Glaucoma and cataract simultaneously affect the human eye quite often, despite differences in etiology and some clinical signs.

Detection of manifestations of these diseases requires taking serious and immediate treatment. Diagnosing a simultaneous manifestation transfers the situation to the category of critical.


Glaucoma is irreversible damage to the optic nerve caused by a number of factors., the main one being the increase within eye pressure(IOP). This disease is one of the most common reasons leading to blindness. According to experts, about 17% of blind people in developed countries- victims of glaucoma.

A feature of this disease is its asymptomatic course. In the early stages, it can manifest itself sluggishly with the following subjective signs:
excessively rapid fatigue of the visual organs;
the appearance of black flies flashing in the field of view;
periodic appearance of fog, blurring the visible contours of objects;
the appearance of rainbow halos surrounding light sources;
headaches and mild eye pain.

The frequency of manifestation of these signs is so low that victims find other explanations for them, without connecting them with manifestations of glaucoma. And only when the disease reaches its climax, having accidentally closed one eye, does the patient notice total loss vision with the second eye. At the same time, it is no longer possible to return what was lost, and the doctor’s only task remains to keep the patient’s vision from further degradation.


The occurrence of cataracts is clearly determined by pathological changes occurring in the lens human eye associated with age-related changes in the human body. These changes give rise to degradation of the structure of the substance that makes up the lens, its clouding and the appearance of subjective sensations of a cloudy film covering the eye.

According to WHO, this disease affects 75% of people over 65 years of age. Moreover, in Lately There is a steady shift of the disease towards rejuvenation.

Cataracts, like glaucoma, develop slowly. The formation of signs of the disease at the initial stage lasts for years, while a person may not feel the impending danger.

Possible symptoms warning of the development of cataracts are:
loss of image clarity that cannot be compensated for by glasses;
progress of myopia, sometimes leading to compensation for age-related farsightedness, which temporarily improves vision;
the appearance of rainbow halos surrounding light sources;
deterioration of color perception;
bifurcation of the contours of observed objects;
headaches and mild eye pain.
When the lens is damaged in the central part, a characteristic symptom of cataract is also an improvement in night vision with a simultaneous deterioration in vision under normal conditions.

Causes of eye damage from both glaucoma and cataracts

The cause of simultaneous damage to the eye by glaucoma and cataract is determined by the course of some internal biological processes that accompany its normal functioning.

The central element of the optical system of the eye is a biconvex lens made of glassy biological material called the lens.

The lens does not contain blood vessels and nerve endings. According to its chemical composition, it contains protein compounds, water and a number of minerals. The lens is an elastic, transparent formation fixed by the ligaments of Zinn in the ring of the ciliary body, which ensures the production of intraocular fluid by filtering blood passing through the capillaries.

Intraocular fluid first fills the cavity formed by the dorsal surface of the lens and outside vitreous body (posterior cavity), and then through the pupil enters the cavity formed by the outer surface of the iris and the cornea of ​​the eye (anterior cavity).

The pupillary edge of the iris acts as a valve that prevents the reverse flow of intraocular fluid. At the junction of the cornea and the iris, the intraocular fluid returns through a complex drainage system to the blood of the eye veins. Chemical composition intraocular fluid is similar in composition to cerebrospinal fluid.

The processes of constant formation and absorption of intraocular fluid lead to the creation of a laminar flow washing the lens, which ensures its nutrition and removal of waste products.

A certain static pressure is created inside the eye cavities, the magnitude of which is determined by the ratio of the volumes of intraocular fluid produced by the source and absorbed by the drainage system. This parameter is called IOP.

An increase in IOP in glaucoma may be due to the appearance of a tumor in the posterior cavity of the eye with back side lens, or a decrease in the outflow of intraocular fluid associated with disturbances in the drainage system.

As IOP increases, the lens may move closer to the dorsum of the iris and tightly close the pupil (pupil blockage). In this case, the posterior and anterior cavities will be isolated, which intensifies the growth of IOP in the posterior cavity.

Transmission of pressure through vitreous on the optic nerve will cause its gradual atrophy and then complete loss of transmission ability nerve impulses into the brain.

If the development of these processes is extended over time, it is possible that an increase in IOP will cause stagnation of intraocular fluid at the surface of the lens. The substance of the lens, deprived of nutrition and removal of waste products, will begin to degrade, which will lead to the appearance of cataracts.

In the case of cataracts, as the disease develops, the degraded lens thickens, its thickness increases, which reduces the volume of the eye cavities, IOP increases, and the classic picture of glaucoma appears, already described above, which complements Clinical signs lens opacities.

Is it possible to operate on glaucoma and cataract together?

The considered simplified model of the biological processes of the human eye clearly demonstrates that glaucoma and cataracts form an inseparable tandem and their simultaneous manifestation is not an accident, but rather a pattern.

An indicator of the irreversibility of pathological changes in the eye is the degree of optic nerve atrophy. Until recently, lens replacement surgery was performed when IOP was more than 25 mm Hg. Art. and simultaneous damage to the eye by glaucoma was strictly prohibited.

Such an operation served as a trigger for further growth of IOP, stimulated further progress glaucomatous lesions and complete atrophy optic nerve.

Treatment of such complex pathologies was carried out in two stages, separated by at least a month. The first stage consisted of an anti-glaucoma operation that normalized IOP, or at least reduced it to acceptable limits. The second stage was devoted to the fight against cataracts: removal of the degraded lens and implantation of an artificial one.

IN in some cases, at the initial stage of glaucoma, some surgeons decided to break the established taboo. But this happened only when the increase in IOP was due to significant thickening of the degraded lens. Removing it and implanting an artificial one, without any additional measures to combat glaucoma, led to normalization of IOP and restoration of vision.

Modern world practice of surgical ophthalmology is based on the technique of one-stage surgical treatment of the diseases in question.

What are the advantages of complex glaucoma and cataract surgery?

Treatment of a patient with a history of simultaneous eye damage from glaucoma and cataract during two consecutive operations spaced apart in time has always presented a certain difficulty for both the doctor and the patient.

The doctor was forced to plan his time taking into account the need to organize the second operating phase, the moment of which was largely determined by the condition and readiness of the patient.

For the patient, this approach significantly increased the time postoperative rehabilitation both social and visual. The stress of two consecutive operations and the need to undergo a cycle of preoperative examinations twice had a depressing effect on his psychophysical state.

And, taking into account his advanced age and the list of accompanying ailments, the period of treatment turned into a tough test, both for the patients themselves and for relatives.

Cardiovascular and cardiac diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diabetes mellitus and the like could not only adjust the plan therapeutic measures, but also completely disavow it.

How is surgery to remove glaucoma and cataracts performed?

Modern world practice of surgical ophthalmology is based on the technique of simultaneous surgical treatment of these diseases.

The algorithm of this technique is constructed as follows:
removal of the degraded lens;
antiglaucoma measures;
implantation using a minimum number of incisions artificial lens.
Using this approach is low-traumatic and, as practice has shown, safe and effective.

Complex techniques using phacoemulsification of cataracts in conjunction with non-penetrating glaucoma surgery have become widespread.

Their use prevents sharp drop IOP at the first stage of the operation and allows for a controlled reduction in IOP at the second. This approach minimizes the risk of complications both during the operation and during the postoperative period.

The techniques used in the first two stages of the operation, together with the technology of minimally invasive surgical access used for implantation of an artificial lens, provide the patient with restoration of vision immediately upon completion of anesthesia and, if the requirements of the rehabilitation period are met, are preserved for a sufficiently long time. long term.

Cataract surgery

It should be noted that the described methods are well tested and have long been widely used by ophthalmological clinics of the Russian Federation in the treatment of various eye diseases, such as:
retinal detachment;
cataract and glaucoma at the same time;
hemorrhages into the vitreous body.

Contraindications to complex surgery

Like any surgical intervention, complex surgery to eliminate glaucoma and cataracts has a number of contraindications:
1. First of all, lack of light perception, indicating optic nerve atrophy. In this case, the operation does not make sense.
2. Presence of infectious inflammatory ophthalmic lesions choroid eyes, iris and conjunctiva. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, which reduces the risk of possible postoperative complications.
3. The presence of decompensated somatic diseases (diabetes mellitus; progressive development multiple sclerosis; recent stroke or heart attack; oncology).
4. Some diseases of a psychoneurological nature.
5. Pregnancy or lactation, which prevents the use of antibacterial, sedatives and analgesics necessary for medical support of surgical measures.

IN the latter case the operation must be postponed until the process is completed breastfeeding child.

Recovery and rehabilitation after removal of glaucoma and cataracts

Patient's behavior in postoperative period is a key factor in consolidating the success of the operation.

Since, for the most part, operations to remove glaucoma and replace the lens are performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia, then the patient leaves the walls medical center already several hours after the end of the procedure.

At the same time, he receives a brochure that regulates his behavior for the next 30 days, a list of medications needed in the future, the procedure for taking them and the date of the next consultation with a doctor.

The main responsibility of the patient during this period is to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions, take care of the operated eye and follow hygiene requirements preventing the possibility of infection. Daily routine, restrictions physical activity and minimizing loads on visual apparatus(reading, TV, computer).

How suitable are you for complex surgery?

If you suspect eye damage from the disease in question, first of all, you need to contact your attending physician, who will refer the patient for a consultation with an ophthalmologist.

An ophthalmologist will advise you on your suitability for surgery to remove glaucoma and cataracts.

When the suspected diagnosis is confirmed, the attending physician involves other specialists in the examination: a cardiologist, an endocrinologist and a neurologist. Based on the latter's recommendations, the commission's advisory circle can be expanded.

At the same time, the general practitioner refers the patient to conduct general medical laboratory tests. A commission of specialists, headed by a general practitioner, decides on the need to refer the patient for surgery to a specialized ophthalmological center.

In this case, the commission is guided by the existing list of contraindications, in which age restrictions are not provided.

After the patient has chosen a specific ophthalmological center, his actions are determined by the recommendations received in consultation with a specialist from this center. If necessary, the patient can seek help from another specialized medical organization.

It must be taken into account that average cost carrying out a commercial operation for the treatment of glaucoma and lens replacement in the Russian Federation is 75,000 rubles.

The decision to conduct simultaneous operation when the eye is affected by glaucoma and cataracts, the patient should take a conscious step towards the need to preserve vision. Such an operation is quite possible and does not require a long rehabilitation period.

Videos about glaucoma and cataracts

Videos about the treatment of cataracts and glaucoma at the same time:

What are cataracts and glaucoma:

Patients diagnosed with both cataracts and glaucoma require special treatment. To improve the prognosis for successful recovery and recovery, it is important to identify the problem in its early stages. Cataract treatment is often carried out surgically, but glaucoma is more difficult to fight. Therefore, if a person notices all the signs of these diseases, it is better not to hesitate to visit an ophthalmologist.

Causes of pathologies and differences

Glaucoma and cataracts are common eye diseases that can occur at the same time, but their causes differ.

It is in etiology that the main difference between diseases lies. Cataracts are more common in older patients. The pathology can be asymptomatic, while pathological changes are observed in the structure of the lens, which gradually becomes cloudy and deformed. The main cause of cataracts is irreversible age-related processes in the body. However, the disease often develops as a result of injury, congenital anomalies structure of the visual system, radiation exposure.

With glaucoma, a person's intraocular pressure increases. The main reason the development of such a disease is a violation of the process of removing intraocular fluid due to pathological deformation drainage system. Glaucoma manifests itself at any age and quickly moves into a progressive stage, accompanied by pathological symptoms.

The reasons for the development of pathologies are different, but the diseases can occur together and, as a result, a person can lose vision.

The differences between glaucoma and cataracts are that in the first case, intraocular pressure increases and deformation and atrophy of the optic nerve occurs, and in the second, deformation processes affect the eye lens, which ceases to perform its functions. However, diseases have common features- they are equally dangerous and lead to complete loss of vision if they are not treated in the early stages.

How are they connected?

Development of glaucoma and untimely treatment often causes cataracts. The fact is that impaired circulation of intraocular fluid leads to deterioration of blood circulation within the ocular structures, and this, in turn, contributes to ischemia of surrounding tissues and clouding of the lens. Or, on the contrary, with progressive cataracts, the function of the drainage system is disrupted, as a result of which intraocular pressure increases, which is the trigger for the occurrence of glaucoma.

Symptoms of simultaneous flow

If glaucoma and cataract occur simultaneously, the patient will not be able to help but notice the first signs, since they are clearly pronounced. The longer the disorders progress, the more dangerous they become, because they have a negative impact not only on visual system, but also for the entire body as a whole. Characteristic symptoms Cataracts and glaucoma are:

Symptoms of the development of diseases are almost similar: dark spots And blurred image before your eyes.
  • deterioration in the quality of vision, especially at night;
  • fog in the eyes, unclear outline of the objects being examined, black dots and spots;
  • image distortion;
  • constant migraines, dizziness;
  • problems with visualizing distant objects;
  • deformation and redness of the cornea;
  • fast fatiguability eye;
  • increased photophobia;
  • tearfulness;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane.

What treatment is prescribed?

Complex therapy

On initial stages development of glaucoma treatment is conservative. Prevent disease progression and restore visual function means that normalize the circulation of intraocular fluid help, as well as medications that inhibit the production aqueous humor. Vitamins and dietary supplements are required to strengthen visual structures.

If the cataract does not progress, the specialist may prescribe drug treatment, without surgical intervention.

Regarding cataracts and how to treat them, doctors have different opinions. Because medications are unable to completely cure the disease, then as long as it is not complicated, the doctor can advise surgical treatment. However, when the disease does not progress, surgery is not performed, but the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • normalizing electrolyte metabolism, which helps reduce lens dehydration;
  • improving metabolism in intraocular structures;
  • restoring oxidative processes in the lens.

When is surgery necessary?

The more advanced the disease, the more dangerous it is for the patient’s health, so removal of cataracts and glaucoma is prescribed in extreme cases, if there is no effect from conservative methods. If the diseases occur simultaneously, eye surgery will be required in several stages. This procedure is dangerous and is often accompanied by complications, and the rehabilitation period is extended over time, which negatively affects emotional state sick. The sequence of surgery for cataracts and glaucoma is as follows:

  • The deformed lens is removed.
  • An operation is performed to normalize the outflow of intraocular fluid. The following types of surgery can be performed:
    • canaloplasty;
    • trabeculectomy;
    • laser correction;
    • installation of a shunt tube or valve implant.
    • However, not all patients are allowed to undergo such an operation, as it is considered complex. Contraindications to surgery are:

Glaucoma and cataracts are complex diseases of the visual organs, often leading to its irreversible loss. The symptomatic course of each of them has its own characteristics, but sometimes it happens that both diseases develop simultaneously. Thorough diagnosis and emergency medical therapy are the only the right conditions to prevent complications.

Clinical picture of cataract development

A pathological process in the eye, in which clouding of the lens is observed, is defined in medicine as a cataract. There is a decrease in the basic functions of the lens, light refraction, and its transparency. Ophthalmologists believe that cataracts are formed on the basis of natural age-related changes. Clouding of the lens does not always occur simultaneously with the aging of the body. Degenerative visual impairment can occur as a result of:

  • hereditary pathologies;
  • metabolic diseases, including diabetes;
  • there is glaucoma or high degree of myopia;
  • intoxications of various nature, even medicinal;
  • exposure to radioactive, ultraviolet or x-rays.

Cataracts may not appear clearly, but fundamental feature there will be a decrease in visual acuity. Cataracts are diagnosed by specialists as a progressive disease. The patient begins to react worse to light, objects seem to be split into two, and may be confused in determining color. It is worth noting that cataracts require immediate correction, not only because vision deteriorates. Treatment will help return the patient to normal life. Improve its quality and restore lost social connections.

Before the main stage of treatment, the use of any specific methods, cataracts require diagnosis. As a result, cataracts are eliminated in the most effective ways to stop the development complex process. are not always considered as the only correct option elimination clinical manifestations which are caused by cataracts. Absolute treatment depends only on surgical therapy. Glaucoma is treated using a similar scheme.

Important! Vision can be impaired either very quickly or slowly. Not every patient pays attention to the fact that cataracts are already developing, wasting precious time on treatment. But it is efficiency that can help get rid of this complex disease like cataracts, forever.

Experts recommend taking into account the risk group first and not ignoring suspicious symptoms. Cataract with early diagnosis is treated faster, even in the most elderly patient. It must be remembered that each method requires individual approach and a thorough history of chronic illnesses.

Etiology of glaucoma

Glaucoma is characterized by a set of pathological disorders associated with increased intraocular pressure. Glaucoma causes damage to the retina and optic nerve. Ophthalmologists include injuries, various surgical interventions, disturbances in the functioning of the tear fluid. Glaucoma often develops simultaneously with cataracts.

The difference between cataracts and glaucoma worries many patients. Especially when making two diagnoses at once. Glaucoma causes acute inflammation, the predisposing cause is, sharp increase intraocular pressure. The patient suffers from pain, the whites turn red, circles appear before the eyes, and vision decreases. The following can provoke an attack of deterioration in health when glaucoma occurs:

  • emotional stress;
  • physical stress;
  • negative reaction to eye drops;
  • being in the dark;
  • excessive fluid intake.

Glaucoma is diagnosed in mandatory only after ophthalmoscopy. An important condition which is measuring intraocular pressure and identifying the condition of the retina. It is recommended to remove the cause of glaucoma using special drops. Surgical method improve the outflow of fluid inside the eyeball.

The advantage of laser surgery when glaucoma has formed is that it can be performed on an outpatient basis. The price is quite affordable and the whole process is quick. Rehabilitation period, after surgery, glaucoma proceeds without complications.

It is worth noting that if glaucoma is advanced, laser surgery contraindicated. Sometimes it's only possible general treatment, combined with physiotherapy and hirudotherapy. At home, hot foot baths and laxatives are indicated. However, sooner or later, glaucoma leads to a situation where the patient seeks help from doctors.

Traditional medicine treatment

In folk healing, to eliminate all symptoms, even when glaucoma, and even more so cataracts have already progressed, they are used medicinal plants, collected in May. It is important to prepare them only under the sun and it is strictly contraindicated to use not freshly prepared infusions in treatment. For lotions when glaucoma is inflamed, the use of a decoction based on a collection of stinging nettle, lily of the valley and strawberry leaves is recommended. The crushed raw materials are poured in equal parts with boiling water (2 cups) and infused for about 8 hours. Before the procedure, you need to add 1 tsp to the product. baking soda.

An infusion of dill seeds is very popular. It is often used when glaucoma has already begun to cause significant symptoms. Grind one teaspoon of seeds and pour a glass of boiling water and leave for at least 1 hour. Treatment dose is 1 tbsp. spoon immediately before eating. Course therapy – 14 days. A break of 10 days is important, and then the course is repeated by analogy, glaucoma will begin to recede. You cannot prepare the decoction for future use. It should be fresh every morning and used immediately. When glaucoma appears, it is useful to use the product several times a year. Cataracts are treated similarly, but over longer periods.

There are also unique honey recipes, preserved for several centuries. Many patients are of the opinion that honey enhances the effect of any medicinal ointments for the eyes when glaucoma just begins to cause painful attacks. The bactericidal and analgesic effect of this drug is simply irreplaceable in the relief of inflammatory processes organs of vision. This issue is acute during periods when glaucoma worsens.

It is especially useful for cataracts to combine honey with other bee products. Most often used in preparing lotions are royal jelly, pollen, propolis, and wax. For intraocular pressure caused by glaucoma, honey should be diluted with boiled water, apply as drops. This method requires consultation with your doctor.

The patient should use the methods with caution home treatment. Glaucoma can manifest itself literally in a matter of days, under absolutely any unfavorable factors.

Preventive measures to prevent diseases

Almost everything pathological disorders vision problems begin with minor problems. Inflammation of the eyelid, bags under the eyes, tearing may be signs ordinary fatigue. However, if such signs develop, it is often necessary to find the reasons, which in most cases indicate serious malfunctions in the body. The most common of them are cataracts, and glaucoma is a little less common. Prevention of cataracts and glaucoma is important not only for the risk group based on hereditary factor also for people who have hazardous conditions work. Although the basic precautions in this case will be slightly different. Undoubtedly, this is also important when senior age period. Indeed, in old age, cataracts, along with glaucoma, occur much more often.

Experts offer a list of the most effective preventive methods emergence possible risk when or complex glaucoma:

They often cause a lot of trouble for patients. Restrictions in movement, refusal to read, difficulties in daily activities and this is only a small part of all the problems in living conditions. Psychological and physical injuries caused by cataracts knock a person out of the rhythm of activity. Ophthalmologists strongly recommend the use preventive measures relieving disorders caused by cataracts. Timely appeal see a doctor when glaucoma is just starting to bother you, immediate therapy if necessary - all these steps will help avoid difficulties and complications in treatment.

Glaucoma and cataracts of the eye

Glaucoma and cataracts of the eye

Glaucoma and cataracts - eye diseases, which appear mainly in old age. Many people confuse these diagnoses, believing that they are similar or somehow related. In fact, only some symptoms may be similar. But the course of the disease, causes and consequences are radically different. How is cataract different from glaucoma?

Distribution and prognosis

Glaucoma occurs much less frequently - in approximately 1.5% of patients with any eye diseases. While cataracts affect 75% of patients whose age has exceeded 60-65. That is, for 1 case of glaucoma there are approximately 70 cases of cataracts. However, in Russia the number of people sick with these diseases is over last years has increased significantly. This is largely due to the fact that it has increased and average duration life.

Blindness due to cataracts according to world organization healthcare in 47.9% of all blind people. In total, that's 20 million people worldwide! This outcome of the disease is common if the patient does not see a doctor and does not take any measures to restore vision. The percentage of people blind as a result of glaucoma is 12.3% among all blind patients. If left untreated, the disease progresses rapidly, resulting in complete blindness. This process is irreversible and vision is restored.


The signs of glaucoma and cataracts are largely similar - decreased visual acuity, visual effects in the form of midges, lightning, veils, and rapid eye fatigue. But there are symptoms characteristic of each type of disease that allow them to be differentiated. Thus, glaucoma is accompanied by frequent and sharp attacks of headaches, increased tearing, and a feeling of high hydration of the eyes. Looking at a light source, the patient sees rainbow circles. While cataracts are characterized by deterioration of vision in bright light, a decrease in the ability to distinguish colors. The contours of objects are blurry, making it difficult to read small print.


Majority diagnostic measures for these diseases coincide. Visometry, ophthalmoscopy, determination of visual fields, and gonioscopy are routinely performed. For cataracts, ophthalmometry, refractometry, and ultrasound biomicroscopy are also prescribed. Detection of glaucoma is carried out first of all by tonometry, which allows you to determine the level of intraocular pressure.


The main goal in the treatment of glaucoma is to reduce intraocular pressure. To do this, they take a whole range of measures: make an appointment special drugs, adjust the patient’s lifestyle and nutrition, carry out surgical procedures, improving the outflow of intraocular fluid. If this secondary disease, then all measures are directed against the cause that caused it. It should be understood that the manipulations are aimed at preserving the remaining vision. If a person has already lost 30-40% of his visual abilities, then he will not be able to restore them. The ophthalmologist's goal is to preserve what is left.

Cataracts are treated mainly surgically. Conservative technique It is advisable only at the very beginning of the disease. With the help of special drops, it is possible to stop the formation of new opacities and “freeze” vision at the same level. However, gradually the number of opaque cavities will increase. Therefore the only one effective method To get rid of this pathology - remove the affected lens and install an artificial one in its place. As a result, the patient’s vision returns in full, and he can quickly return to the normal rhythm of life.


The cost of surgery for glaucoma ranges from 9 to 80 thousand rubles. It depends on the chosen medical tactics. The cheapest cost (10-15 thousand) is drainage limbosclerectomy. The most expensive method (about 50 thousand rubles) is surgery with implantation of the Ahmed valve. Price conservative treatment depends on the clinic you go to: how much does one appointment with an ophthalmologist cost, what is the price of the medications you take.

Cataract surgery will cost a little more. The operation to remove the lens and install an acrylic implant will cost at least 25 thousand rubles. The upper limit has not been established and can reach 150 and even 200 thousand.