Unpleasant boils in dogs: signs and treatment. Causes of abscess in dogs and methods of treatment

/ Canine interdigital furunculosis (canine interdigital cysts)

Canine interdigital furunculosis (canine interdigital cysts)

Text of the article and photos from the book SMALL ANIMAL DERMATOLOGY A COLOR ATLAS AND THERAPEUTIC GUIDE 2011

Translation from English: veterinarian Vasiliev AB


Interdigital furunculosis manifests itself as single or multiple erythematous papules; firm or fluctuating nodules; or bullae (so-called “cysts”) on one or more paws, which are usually located in the interdigital areas. The lesions may be painful or pruritic, may be ulcerated, may develop fistulas with serosanguineous or purulent exudate, and may become fibrotic if prolonged. Lesions may spontaneously disappear, intensify, fade, or persist indefinitely. Regional lymphadenopathy is common, but systemic symptoms no diseases were noted. Secondary fungal and bacterial infections are common.

Interdigital cysts are common problem in short-haired dog breeds. Their severity and recurrence are often exacerbated by an underlying pruritic type of disease. Although the cause of the disease is unknown, short hairs that emerge from the damaged follicle, creating a sterile boil that subsequently becomes infected, seem to be an important component of the disease. Ingrown hairs are a key feature in the development of interdigital cysts.

Differential diagnosis


1 Based on medical history, clinical findings; excluding other differential diagnoses

2 Cytology (aspirate from nodules or unruptured interdigital cysts): (pyo)granulomatous inflammation is present with no microorganisms unless secondary infection is present.

3 Dermatohistopathology: multifocal, nodular to diffuse, (pyo)granulomatous dermatitis. Special staining does not detect infectious agents unless there is a secondary infection.

4 Microbial culture (biopsy samples): no bacteria, mycobacteria or fungi.

Treatment and prognosis

1 The clinician must be confident that the underlying cause of the interdigital furunculosis (eg. food allergy, wet environment, dirty kennel, friction in short-haired breeds) are identified and corrected.

2 If fistulous lesions are secondarily infected, appropriate antibiotics or antifungal drugs for at least 4-6 weeks.

3 For single lesions, surgical excision or laser ablation may be used.

4 Cleansing wipes (baby) wet wipes chlorhexidine-containing swabs or other antimicrobial wipes) used every 12 to 72 hours work very well. For interdigital cysts surgical removal ruptured hair follicles and ingrown hairs with needle biopsy or laser speeds up recovery. With the development of interdigital cysts local treatment dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in combination with enrofloxacin (make a 10 mg/ml solution) and steroids (dexamethasone or fluocinolone) should be used every 12 to 72 hours until the lesions resolve. To prevent recurrences, the paw should be rubbed or scraped in the direction of hair growth to remove any ingrown hair.

5 Alternatively, some dogs may have effective combination tetracycline and niacinamide. A positive response should be observed within 6 weeks after the start of treatment. Give 500 mg of each drug (dogs >10 kg) or 250 mg of each drug (dogs £10 kg) orally every 8 hours until lesions improve (approximately 2 to 3 months). Then administer each drug every 12 hours for 4 to 6 weeks, then attempting to reduce the frequency to once daily for maintenance. Rare reports suggest doxycycline 10 mg/kg every 12 hours until positive effect, then decreasing to the smallest effective dose(doxycycline can be replaced with tetracycline).

6 Rare reports indicate that treatment with cyclosporine 5 mg/kg orally every 24 hours may be effective in some dogs. Once clinical improvement is achieved (usually within 6 weeks), the dose of cyclosporine should be gradually reduced to the lowest possible dose daily or every other day to maintain remission. The addition of ketoconazole (5 to 11 mg/kg/day orally with food) to cyclosporine may allow a reduction in the dose of cyclosporine used.

7 For heavy, not subject to surgical treatment or multiple lesions May be effective treatment glucocorticosteroids. Prednisolone or prednisone 2-4 mg/kg orally should be given every 24 hours. Significant improvement should be observed within 1-2 weeks. After improvement (approximately 2-3 weeks), the steroid dose should be gradually reduced to the lowest dose every other day that maintains remission. In some dogs, steroid therapy may eventually be discontinued. Secondary infections are common and must be treated aggressively. The prognosis is good to cautious. Maintaining remission may require drug therapy throughout life, and interdigital fibrosis can be permanent consequence chronic cases.

Photo 1 Interdigital cyst. A large, soft cyst in the interdigital space is typical of this disease

Photo 2 Interdigital furunculosis.Severe swelling of the tissues in the interdigital space was caused by traumatic furunculosis and subsequent bacterial infection.

Photo 3 Interdigital cyst. Interdigital cyst with moist exudate and bruising in the surrounding tissue

Photo 4 Interdigital furunculosis. The fingers are spread apart, showing the interdigital space that looks like a bruise. The skin appears thin, with a focal area of ​​exudate as a focal abscess.

Photo 5 Interdigital furunculosis. The clinician applies gentle pressure to the lateral portions of the lesion to demonstrate the presence of hair within the abscess cavity. This technique is not recommended because internal damage lesions can increase cellulite and scarring.

Photo 6 Interdigital furunculosis. The extruded material includes exudate and numerous hairs. This hair acts like foreign body and a source of recurrent secondary infection.

Photo 7 Interdigital cyst. Small interdigital cyst.

Photo 8 Interdigital furunculosis. The interdigital tissue is affected due to severe pyogranulomatous infiltration, which leads to cellulite

Photo 9 Interdigital furunculosis. A marked increase in the volume of the interdigital space caused by chronic inflammation

Photo 10 Interdigital cyst. A focal interdigital cyst that has ruptured and exuded purulent exudate.

Photo 11 Interdigital furunculosis. Severe interdigital cellulite with deep ulceration.

Photo 12Interdigital cyst. This interdigital cyst ( interdigital furunculosis) was discovered only after that. how the fingers were spread apart to examine the interdigital space

Most abscesses occur in dogs due to a puncture wound (such as a bite from a dog fight or a scratch from a cat's claws). It can be caused by wild plants or twigs that leave a wound on the dog's paw. This usually happens on the pad itself, between the fingers. It is painful for the dog to step on the affected area, and it begins to limp if the interdigital fold becomes inflamed.

The abscess has a lot potential causes, but usually forms when a dog's wound becomes infected with bacteria. Pasteurella multocida is the bacteria that most often causes skin infections in dogs. Staphylococcus intermedius is another bacterium that causes abscesses and can be treated with ointment. An abscess forms when these bacteria are present and wounds are neglected.

Causes that also cause bacterial infection include sores in the mouth from sharp objects, ingrown hair. Some breeds are predisposed to developing abscesses. These include the Chinese Shar Pei, English bulldog and Labrador, remarkably, they all have short, coarse hair.

Street dogs are also prone to similar pathologies. Damage to the skin, mouth and lungs is more common in these individuals, they worse conditions residence, there is a greater likelihood of contact with sharp, dirty objects. Swallowing or inhaling herbs with pungent seeds can also cause organ damage.

Dogs that have not been spayed or neutered also tend to develop abscesses as they are more likely to fight other animals and get bitten. Old male dogs that have not been neutered are subject to more high risk prostate disease, which may include prostate abscess, and older bitches are at risk of mammary gland infection.

The disease can also affect little puppy, which pulls into the mouth various items when he is teething. In addition, his paws are softer, which indicates more likely damage, then when mechanical damage tissue between the fingers, the inflammatory process quickly begins.

Other causes of abscesses include affected anal sacs, blood infections that lead to liver abscesses, sinusitis or infections oral cavity. They can also cause a brain abscess. Almost any wound, even a small one, can become infected, leading to inflammation.

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Based on good practice, veterinary doctors distinguish the following reasons for the development of pustular infection in dogs:

  • Coarse skin. Wigul in bad weather, morning in the chest area leads to the accumulation of bruises and saw on the surface of the outside and the skin of the skin, curling and provoking the development of boils.
  • Unsatisfied minds are tired. Back to front, stretch, cut, change temperature conditions in the application lead to the destruction of the natural dry balance of the skin.

A stray dog ​​with a weakened immune system

Any abscess is an inflammation that requires maintenance therapy or treatment. According to the recommendations of dog handlers and the rules for keeping pets, the dog should be examined by the owner after each walk for ticks, injuries, and bites. The most common causes of suppuration are injuries received in a fight. When fighting, animals use all their strength and “arsenal” - claws and teeth.

Types and forms of abscesses

As in humans, abscesses can be characterized by different locations and characteristics of the inflammatory process. So, they are:

  • External, superficial (on the ear), internal or deep. Accordingly, they can be on the skin, in the deeper subcutaneous layers, under the skin itself (in the muscles), or even in internal organs.

In veterinary medicine, there are several criteria by which abscesses are classified.

Morphological composition purulent formations and bacteria that provoke the process:

  • benign;
  • malignant.

Clinical manifestations:

  • hot or spicy;
  • cold, or chronic.

Location of the lesion:

  • superficial, which develops into skin and subcutaneous tissues;
  • deep, which can be subfascial, intermuscular, intramuscular, subperiosteal, bone, subperitoneal, abscess of organs and glands, depending on the location.

In veterinary medicine, there are several criteria by which abscesses are classified.

How to treat the disease

The best option is to stop the proliferation of bacteria by supporting the immune system - a course of vitamins, immunostimulants, enhanced nutrition, peace. Topically applied:

  • Strict hygiene.
  • Alcohol compresses thin the skin.
  • Compresses made from “tightening” ointments (ichthyol, Vishnevsky) - accelerate the process of “maturation” and breakthrough.
  • Painkillers, novocaine compresses or injections.
  • Independent opening with a cross-shaped incision and cleansing of pus, only when the boil is fully “ripened”.

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≫ More information on the topic: http://vashipitomcy.ru/publ/sobaki/bolezni/diagnostiruem_i_lechim_furunkul_u_sobaki/26-1-0-859

Treatment of the disease is carried out according to different methods. The veterinarian must prescribe a course of general and local therapy or recommend surgery.

You will need: Vishnevsky ointment, ichthyol, warming alcohol infusions, novocaine, syringes, gloves, gauze cuts, cotton sponges, plaster, dressing bandage, medical mesh, Chlorphilipt, solution for soaking the bandage.

Apply bandages from ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky until the skin becomes thinner. Visually, you should see pus under the skin.

How to cure your pet if you find an abscess?

You will need: Vishnevsky ointment, ichthyol, warming alcohol infusions, novocaine, syringes, gloves, gauze cuts, cotton sponges, plaster, dressing bandage, medical mesh, Chlorphilipt, solution for soaking the bandage.

Be careful! An abscess cannot be heated if its root cause is pathological. Heating helps speed up the process of wound breakthrough if the infection is introduced from the outside and the suppuration is on the surface of the skin.

Apply bandages made from ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky until the skin becomes thinner. Visually, you should see pus under the skin.

The bandage is changed 5-6 times a day and is well fixed. After opening the wound (this can happen arbitrarily), watch the edges of the tear; they should not close until the wound is completely cleansed.

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Assess the condition and mood of the animal, wash the wound as often as possible and continue to apply the ointment. If a crust has formed, soak it and remove it.

The bandage is removed when pure ichor oozes from the wound, without any admixture of blood or other impurities.

Note! If you have furunculosis, you should not bathe your dog.

≫ More information

In order to recognize and identify the symptoms of your beloved pet’s disease in time, you should pay attention to everything in time external changes. Every change in behavior, lethargy, lack of appetite or obvious skin changes indicate the presence of certain diseases in the dog. Treating a dog at home is extremely dangerous. When certain symptoms You should seek help from veterinary specialists. Furunculosis is one of the most common diseases in dogs. What is he? How to recognize the symptoms of the disease in time?

Furunculosis- a disease that is bacterial in nature. Furunculosis is accompanied purulent inflammation sebaceous gland and inflammation of the hair follicle in a dog. The main form of infection is considered to be contact between a pet and low immunity dogs. Furunculosis is accompanied by the formation of boils in the dog’s body and is considered a fairly common disease.

Furuncle– a dense swelling in the shape of a cone, very painful for the animal. With the development and growth of the boil, it matures and reaches the size of a hazelnut. If a yellow-gray spot appears at the top of the boil, it means that the core of the boil has been formed. At the base of the shaft is hair. Opening of the boil can occur spontaneously. But, in such cases, the accumulated pus comes out and affects other areas of the skin, and new boils form.

Causes of inflammation

The main cause of furunculosis is staphylococcus. To a number of other reasons we can add:

  • Skin impurities.
  • Abrasions on the dog's body.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Anemia, loss of strength.
  • Stress in an animal.
  • Hypovitaminosis.

Signs of an inflammatory process

With furunculosis in a dog, the following signs of the disease can be identified:

  1. A small knot around a dog's hair.
  2. Dense swelling, reddish in color.
  3. Painful sensations in the animal upon contact with the swelling.
  4. Over time, a yellow-gray spot appears at the site of the swelling.
  5. Spontaneous opening of the boil after some time.

Stages and forms of the inflammatory process

The inflammatory process begins immediately after the staphylococcus bacteria enters the skin pore. The bacterium actively multiplies and causes inflammation in the skin tissues. The inflammatory process occurs in the following stages:

  • initial stage. The first stage is characterized by redness of the skin, increased body temperature of the dog, and swelling of the affected area.
  • Progressive stage. Characterized by enlargement of the affected area of ​​skin and painful sensations. If a boil forms on the paw, the dog will begin to limp; if there is a boil on the armpits or thighs, it will be difficult for her to sit and run.
  • Acute stage. Fever body, the animal’s weakness and general malaise appear.

Furunculosis in dogs manifests itself in three forms. Each of which depends on general condition pet and its predisposition. In the local form, a single inflammation forms. In this case, it is better to make an incision under anesthesia without waiting for the boil to mature. Several foci of the inflammatory process are observed in the localized form of furunculosis. To establish the causes, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics. General form, subsequently becomes chronic.

Inflamed boils appear on different parts animal body. When the boil ripens, it is recommended to open it. You should not treat your dog on your own; it is important to seek help from a specialist.

Prevention and treatment of furunculosis

To avoid and maintain the overall favorable condition of the dog, care should be taken to a course of vitamins, proper nutrition and rest for your pet. On the area affected by the boil, cut off the skin and treat with an alcohol solution. On first, initial stage, alcohol-containing dressings are used. This method allows you to interrupt the development of the boil.

At the stage of maturation and formation of the boil core, bandages with a solution of magnesium sulfate are used. After opening the boil, the wound is treated with a solution of brilliant green or zinc ointment to choose from. Let us highlight several main rules in the treatment of furunculosis:

  1. Maintaining proper nutrition.
  2. Compliance with hygienic standards for caring for the dog.
  3. Compresses made from ointments, which allow the process to accelerate and break the boil.
  4. Drugs with analgesic effect.
  5. Novocaine compresses.
  6. You can open a boil yourself only when it is fully mature, adhering to the basic rules of hygiene and care after opening.

In cases of infection, long-term antibiotic therapy is prescribed. Like others inflammatory processes, furunculosis manifests itself in several stages, treatment is also carried out different ways. The duration of treatment can take up to several months.

It is believed that furunculosis is inflamed by dirt. Take care of your dog. Wash your paws after walks and take care of your pet’s hygiene. It is important to follow the recommendations for the use of vitamins and proper nutrition. The percentage of infection is minimized if all preventive recommendations are followed.

Complications and consequences of furunculosis

First of all, furunculosis is a very painful inflammatory complication. Furunculosis entails a number of complications and obvious threats to the life and health of the dog. It is important to determine the cause of inflammation. In this case, it will be much easier to cure furunculosis.

Boils can provoke inflammation of the animal's brain, sepsis or kidney problems. Due to such serious consequences, it is highly recommended not to start furunculosis, but to contact in time veterinarian for further treatment.

Staphylococcus aureus and white are bacteria that live on the body, in any room, on the street, on all surfaces, clothing, personal belongings, and even in hospital wards. The bacterium is conditionally safe and cannot cause harm to the body with strong immunity. But with a decrease in immune defense, staphylococci cause a number of diseases, and a boil in a dog is no exception.

Incredible! The conditionally safe bacterium staphylococcus can kill a person with low level immunity.

Furunculosis is a full-fledged bacterial disease, accompanied by purulent inflammation of the sebaceous gland and hair follicle. Infection occurs by contact, the main reason is skin pollution and low immunity. Given activity and regular walks, boils most often occur on the dog’s front legs, more precisely, between the pads or pads (the skin is constantly injured by the road surface).

Important! Furunculosis occurs due to infection by staphylococci, but it is useless to treat the dog “in a circle” by eliminating the bacteria with antibiotics! We need to find and stop the root cause.

A boil on a dog’s back most often occurs as a consequence of a deviation in the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Inflammations on the face, chin, and behind the ears occur when scratching, possible reasonsskin diseases, allergies. Areas of the body that are not protected by fur quickly become dirty due to the mixing of sebum and dust - the main cause of inflammation in the abdomen. You can continue to list the “reasons”, but the reason always lies in a weak immune defense, because bacteria live on healthy dogs without causing harm.

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The main reasons for weakened immunity are as follows:

  • Sudden change in temperature or air humidity.
  • Bad ecology.
  • Chronic pathologies.
  • Anemia, loss of strength.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Regular treatment with antibiotics.

Note! Breed characteristics largely influence the predisposition to furunculosis and dogs with folded skin are more susceptible to the disease.

What does a boil look like, stages and forms of progression?

Inflammation begins when bacteria enter a skin pore. In a bag with hair follicle the bacterium begins to actively multiply, causing inflammation that affects sebaceous gland and adjacent “loose” skin tissue. The course of the disease is divided into the following stages:

  • Initial– redness, increase local temperature, swelling The skin is thick and tense.
  • Progressive– the inflamed area clearly increases, pain appears – see photo. Lameness is observed if there is a boil on the dog’s paw, it is difficult for the animal to sit or run, or there is inflammation on the buttocks or armpits. Most often, furunculosis is diagnosed at a progressive stage, the problem is solved with a simple operation.
  • Acute– the dog’s temperature rises, malaise and weakness are observed. If the boil is on the stomach or other area without fur, pus can be seen under the skin.

Depending on the general health of the pet and breed predisposition, three forms of furunculosis can be observed:

  • Local– inflammation is limited to a single boil, is irreversibly cured with the right approach. Before treating a boil yourself, keep in mind that a small incision under local anesthesia will solve the problem instantly, “natural” maturation will drag on for a long period.
  • Localized– on one area of ​​the skin (face, paw, abdomen, armpits) several foci of inflammation are observed at once. Requires extensive diagnostics and identification of root causes.
  • General- more often, chronic form. Boils appear with indefinite frequency on different parts of the body. Treatment includes complex supportive therapy and opening of mature boils. It is highly not recommended to treat it yourself - it is useless.