What kind of doctor does a man need when planning a pregnancy? Proper pregnancy planning for men. The tests will tell you everything

According to today's data, the male factor is the cause of infertility in approximately 30% of cases, and miscarriage in 20%. In addition, many developmental defects and hereditary diseases are transmitted exclusively through the male line.

How to plan a pregnancy

Conception is the formation of a new organism in the process of fusion of an egg with a sperm. Sperm are constantly produced in the testicles, but they take 75 days to fully mature, after which they travel along the route: testicle - epididymis - seminal vesicles - prostate gland. The lifespan of sperm in the male genitals is short - 25-28 days, after which, if they do not escape, they die.

If a man is active sex life, then with each sexual intercourse, accumulated sperm are released into the urethra, and new ones mature in their place.

It is a mistake to believe that the success of conception depends primarily on the potency and sexual activity of a man. It is not uncommon for sexually weak men to have excellent sperm, and vice versa, for sexually active men, the content of sperm is reduced or there is no sperm at all. According to the literature, the number of sperm in the ejaculate and their mobility can differ several times even in the same man, depending on the period of sexual abstinence, the intensity of physical or emotional stress. So, for conception, the most optimal break between sexual intercourse is 2-3 days: this time is needed for the “maturation” of sperm, improving the quality and quantity of sperm. With a longer period of sexual abstinence, the number of sperm increases, but their motility deteriorates.

In accordance with the above, in order for sperm to be full, you need to start preparing for pregnancy no later than 3-4 months before conception.

Pregnancy planning for men

First, you should reconsider your attitude towards your usual way of life. And first of all, you need to give up bad habits. Any quantity alcohol Drinking before conception can negatively affect mental and physical development child.

In the sperm of any healthy, non-drinking man, there are 25% unhealthy cells, but their chances of participating in conception are much less than that of normal sperm.

After drinking alcohol, the chances of healthy and defective sperm are almost equal, as a result of which the “wrong” reproductive cell may participate in fertilization, which will lead to a miscarriage or the birth of a child with certain abnormalities.

Bad effect on man's abilities to childbearing and smoking. Tobacco poison destroys any cells, including germ cells, which in some cases affects the ability to conceive. If a man continues to smoke next to pregnant woman, then this habit can affect the child’s health in the form of lung dysfunction, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to giving up bad habits, try to acquire useful ones during this time. It is advisable to carry out fresh air at least 1.5 hours a day, for example, taking walks together evening time. Preparing a man for conception also involves moderate physical exercise, the main thing is not to overdo it: “overload” negatively affects the fertilizing ability of sperm.

Pregnancy planning for men: research

Young healthy men It will be enough to visit a therapist and undergo a short examination. It makes sense to pass general analysis blood and urine and tests to detect sexually transmitted infections (they not only negatively affect health, but can also lead to abnormalities in the development of the fetus, diseases of the newborn), to exclude the possibility of hepatitis B and C, syphilis and HIV. All these infections are very dangerous for the fetus.

It is also recommended to be tested for antibodies to rubella and chickenpox. If neither you nor your wife have immunity, consider vaccination. Also, during the period of preparation for pregnancy, it is advisable to get vaccinated against the flu, so as not to bring this infection to your pregnant wife. It is better to get vaccinated 3 months before the expected conception.

A blood test for Rh factor is important for couples in which the woman has negative Rh factor. If this indicator is different between partners, the woman will be advised to receive an injection of anti-Rhesus globulin before conception so that the child is born healthy.

In terms of preparing for pregnancy, it is advisable for the future father to treat all existing lesions chronic infection, the most common of which are caries and problems with the nasopharynx. Before conception, treat your teeth and monitor them closely. If you suffer from chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, you need to prevent exacerbations - washing and rinsing. The incidence of staphylococcal and streptococcal infection in newborns (which is usually blamed on the maternity hospital) could be significantly reduced if the family were not itself the source of infection.

But not all men planning to become a father need to visit a urologist and have a spermogram (sperm analysis). This is necessary in cases where pregnancy does not occur for more than one year or if the wife has had miscarriages. Also, this study can be recommended for men who have undergone genital surgery, trauma, inflammatory diseases. If you have chronic diseases and are constantly taking any medications, then consult your doctor to see if they will help negative influence for conception. If the family has hereditary diseases, the couple is recommended to undergo testing with a geneticist.

Pregnancy planning for men: healthy eating

No less important for the successful conception of a child is the nutrition of the future father. How more complete diet men, the better the quality of sperm, and the easier fertilization occurs. First of all, you need to exclude from your menu all fast food, canned, fatty, spicy food, chemical seasonings and smoked meats. The diet should contain as much as possible fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, dairy products. Eating sprouted grains of wheat, seeds, nuts, cheese and milk, liver, salmon, caviar, oysters increases testosterone levels.

Men with excess body weight should pay special attention to nutrition. The fact is that adipose tissue produces female sex hormones, blocking the production of male hormones necessary for the full formation of sperm. In obese men, the volume of sperm and the concentration of sperm in it is lower, and the number of unhealthy germ cells is higher.

Vitamins for pregnancy

In order for the fetus to develop normally in the future, you need to include in the menu folic acid, vitamins C, B, E, selenium, zinc and fatty acids.

400 mcg folic acid per day significantly reduces the level of sperm with the wrong number of chromosomes, as well as with defective chromosomes. Folic acid is found in fresh greens, cabbage, beets, carrots, bran, seeds and nuts.

Vitamin C deficiency affects the gonads, reducing sperm production and causing sperm to stick together in the ejaculate. A lot of vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, kiwi, bell pepper, greens, rose hips, green tea.

B vitamins activate metabolic processes, participate in the synthesis of DNA and hormones, improve motor activity sperm and their ability to penetrate the egg. The main sources of these vitamins are meat, eggs, dairy products and grains.

Vitamin E improves sperm quality and sperm viability, has a positive effect on their quantity and motility. With its deficiency in sperm, the percentage of immature cells increases, which reduces the chances of conception. Products containing vitamin E: vegetable oils, eggs, grain bread, buckwheat and oatmeal, legumes, nuts. Sprouted wheat grains are richest in vitamin E.

Selenium protects biological membranes from damaging effects free radicals, removes salts heavy metals, promotes sperm renewal. With a deficiency of this element, fetal malformations occur more often. Selenium is found in milk, seafood, liver, fish, and garlic.

Zinc- a component of more than a hundred enzymes, stimulates the production of testosterone and follicle-stimulating hormone, which control sperm synthesis. Zinc deficiency can lead to infertility. It is found in buckwheat, oatmeal, cheese, beans, walnuts, pumpkin seeds. The most unique product in terms of the amount of zinc is wheat bran, 1 tablespoon contains daily norm this microelement.

And still main vitamin For successful conception- this is Love. Love each other, take care of each other, spend more time together, and the baby won't keep you waiting long!

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Contrary to popular belief, a man’s role in conceiving a child does not end only with pleasant activity in bed and material support afterwards. Planning a safe and successful pregnancy is a joint process that requires the participation of both members of the couple who want to become parents healthy baby.

This article will talk about what pregnancy planning for men involves, as well as how to carry it out correctly.

Which doctor should a man consult when planning a pregnancy?

It should be said right away that not everyone knows where to start for a man who wants to become a father and how to properly plan the course of his actions when planning conception. First of all, a person is recommended to seek an initial examination from doctors, namely the following specialists:

  1. Therapist. This doctor will general examination men, ask him about complaints, measure arterial pressure and temperature. It is the therapist who will make the overall clinical picture state of a person’s health and prescribe traditional tests. Moreover, such a doctor must be informed about the presence of chronic pathologies in a man.
  2. Urologist. This doctor specializes in the functions and general condition of male reproductive system. He must assign the person a number of mandatory diagnostic studies, and also carry out initial examination human genital organs.
  3. Venereologist. A man before planning a pregnancy in mandatory must visit this doctor and check everything venereal diseases. It is strictly forbidden to begin the process of preparing for conception without a visit to a venereologist, because both parents must be completely healthy so as not to pass on their infectious diseases.
  4. Nutritionist. Such a doctor is not mandatory for men to visit when planning a pregnancy, but it is still advisable to consult him, because a nutritionist will be able to give professional advice on proper nutrition men for general strengthening body and improve sperm quality.

Moreover, often excess weight become a significant problem before conceiving a child, so a nutritionist can help you get rid of problematic kilograms and bring your weight back to normal.

  1. Geneticist. Get examined by this specialist desirable for all men who want to have healthy child. This is especially true for those people who suffer from allergic reactions, neurological pathologies and other diseases that are likely to be transmitted along a genetic line (from father to child or through paternal DNA from close blood relatives).

Important! Examination of the man, as well as general training in order to conceive a child, it must begin no less than three months before the upcoming fertilization. This is exactly how long it takes for sperm to completely renew itself and for the body to cleanse itself. If the couple does not take necessary measures according to preparation, the risk of improper conception and subsequent illnesses in the child increases significantly.

What tests should a man undergo when planning a pregnancy?

Immediately before conceiving a child, you need to make sure that none of the future parents is a carrier of infections that can be sexually transmitted. At the same time, it is important to know that hidden forms of diseases can easily occur in a man’s body, which during for long years may not manifest themselves at all, so the person will not even realize that he is sick.

If a man suffers from untreated infections, this can lead to a protracted inflammatory process and impediment to conception. More the situation is more dangerous observed in those diseases that can be transmitted from father to mother and child.

Important! Due to the fact that some antibiotics and other drugs can worsen the activity of sperm, you need to plan conception no earlier than three months (preferably six months) after taking them.

It is mandatory for a man to undergo tests when planning a pregnancy. In this case, the first thing you should do is check for sexually transmitted infections, since they can lead to defects or death of the fetus while still in the womb.

List necessary research includes screening for the following diseases:

  1. Hepatitis. It is especially important to get tested for hepatitis D, C and B, as they are by far the most common and easily transmitted.
  2. HIV test.
  3. Examination of semen and blood for ureaplasma, chlamydia lesions and candidiasis. It is also important to get tested for viral infection papillomas (HPV).
  4. To protect the fetus, you need to be tested for infections that are dangerous to the child. These include herpes, rubella and toxoplasmosis. Start planning for conception if any of the following occurs similar infections is strictly prohibited, because otherwise, the probability of miscarriage is as high as possible.
  5. Traditional DNA diagnostics and antibody testing.
  6. Blood test to identify group and Rh factor. At the same time, if the opposite Rh factor of the blood is revealed, then the woman develops Great chance immunological conflict. IN this state A pregnant woman will have to constantly undergo tests to monitor the child’s condition throughout the entire period of bearing a child.
  7. Spermogram analysis will allow you to assess the ability of sperm to conceive a child, as well as check it for a number of important indicators. With the help of this study, you can identify the problem in time and, if necessary, eliminate it with the help of properly selected treatment.
  8. A complete blood count will report the level of platelets, hemoglobin and leukocytes in the body. This in turn will indicate general state human health, as well as the presence or absence of inflammation, exhaustion, dehydration, etc.
  9. General biochemical advanced analysis. It will help assess the functioning of internal organs, as well as metabolism in the body. If the test result is poor, this may indicate poor or incomplete functioning of the internal organs, as well as a general lack of vitamins.
  10. General urine analysis. This study will help detect acute or chronic pathologies kidney or genitourinary system, which can occur in a person in a latent form. At bad analysis It is recommended that a man test his urine additional research for infections.

Important! If any sexually transmitted infection is detected in a man, treatment should be carried out on both partners, because this is the only way to completely get rid of the disease. Moreover, during this therapy, practice unprotected sex prohibited.

To further assess a man’s general health, the following studies may be prescribed:

  1. Fluorography.
  2. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
  3. Blood test for sugar levels.
  4. Blood test for thyroid condition.

Essential vitamins

You need to start taking vitamins for men and women 3-4 months before the upcoming conception, so that the body can be saturated with all the beneficial substances and fertilization occurs successfully.

Before taking these substances, you need to remember that the dosage of vitamins for men is slightly different from the standard dose for women, so it is better to consult a doctor before taking such substances.

Highlight the following vitamins which a man needs most during the period of planning a child:

  1. Vitamin A. It has a beneficial effect on normal development nervous system, eyes, bones and heart of the fetus, and also plays a significant role in the development of the child even in the embryonic stage. Most of this vitamin observed in milk, carrots, nuts and eggs.
  2. B vitamins help saturate the blood with oxygen and have a beneficial effect on the development of the child’s nervous system. This substance is found in nuts, bananas, eggs, liver and meat.
  3. Vitamin E is very useful for men, as it has a pronounced protective effect. When planning a child, a person should consume at least 10 IU of the vitamin per day. It is found most often in cereals, butter, liver and milk.
  4. Iodine. It is needed for the production of hormones responsible for reproductive function. Daily dose iodine is 200 mg. This substance is found in fish, seaweed and seafood.
  5. Selzinc or selenium improves the functioning of the reproductive system. Its daily dosage is 100 mcg. Selenium is found in seafood, mushrooms, bran and yolks.
  6. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, normalizes the transfer of genetic information and helps in the synthesis of testosterone. Daily dosage it is 1500 mg. Rich in vitamin C are rose hips, citrus fruits, dill, cabbage and black currants.
  7. Folic acid facilitates conception and promotes the production of healthy sperm. It is found in sardines, herring and flaxseed oil.

It should be noted that not always all the necessary useful material a man can get it from his diet. It is for this reason that expectant fathers are often assigned special vitamin complexes, which contain everything necessary substances. The best drugs this group are Vitrum, Duovit, Complivit and Alphabet.

Nutritional Features

  1. Greenery.
  2. Freshly squeezed homemade juices.
  3. Various porridges.
  4. Seafood and mushrooms.
  5. Vegetables.
  6. Fruits.
  7. Boiled meat and eggs.
  8. Liver.
  9. Dried fruits.
  10. Fish.

The following products are not recommended for consumption:

  1. Alcohol in any form and quantity, especially beer, vodka and cognac.
  2. Sweets (cakes, pastries, candies).
  3. Baking and all flour products.
  4. Sweet carbonated drinks.
  5. Chocolate.
  6. Chips and crackers.
  7. Fast food.
  8. Canned vegetables.

It is also very important not to overeat and follow a certain diet.

Bad habits

If a man wants his child to be healthy and not have any defects, then he should give up bad habits at least six months before the upcoming conception. This is especially true for smoking, drinking alcohol, and especially taking any drugs.

Moreover, the use of analgesics, antidepressants, antibiotics and others greatly interfere with normal fertilization. medicines. For this reason, it is better to refuse admission in advance. similar drugs so as not to harm the unborn child.

In order for conception to be successful and lead to the birth of a healthy baby, a man is recommended to adhere to the following tips doctor:

  1. Spend more time outdoors. You can also practice active species sports that will have a good effect on sperm quality. For example, it is useful to jog, swim or ride a bike. It is important that outdoor exercise is regular.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to the men's underwear used. When planning a pregnancy, a person needs to avoid wearing too warm panties and trousers. They must be of high quality (preferably made of cotton). Also, the underwear should not squeeze anywhere or be too parky. The same applies to today’s ultra-fashionable skinny jeans, which urologists strongly advise men not to wear.
  3. You should not visit baths or saunas.
  4. Stress and anxiety should be avoided, since chronic nervous tension directly affects sperm quality and can cause problems with potency.
  5. In order for a man to fully recover and sperm to again acquire “working functions,” sexologists and reproductive system specialists advise having sex for fertilization no more than once every three days. This is the only way the fertilization process will be of the highest quality.

Moreover, it would not be amiss to discuss the upcoming period of pregnancy and its features with a woman who is ready to bear a child from a man. A couple can also turn to an experienced psychologist for advice and recommendations before the birth of a child.

All about preparing a man for conception.

Proper pregnancy planning is the key to having a strong and healthy baby. Both parents should plan a pregnancy: mom and dad. A man needs to start preparing 3 months before the desired date of conception. It is during this time that sperm renewal occurs.

Which doctor should a man see when planning a pregnancy?

Good health of parents plays a major role in the conception and birth of a child. Therefore, the first thing a man should do is go to the doctor. You can be examined in a public clinic or in a private one. In a public clinic, the process can take much longer than in a private clinic.

First, send the future dad to a urologist. Or better yet, see a urologist-andrologist. Urology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that interfere with conception. The andrologist is responsible for reproductive health men. In addition to the urologist, you need to go to a therapist for general examination health.

Typically, men are reluctant to see a doctor. It's connected with psychological reasons. The fear of appearing inferior and insolvent greatly hurts the pride of men. If your man flatly refuses to go to the doctor, try to convince him of the correctness of this decision.

Not only mom, but also dad should prepare for pregnancy

Tests for men when planning pregnancy

The following tests are mandatory when planning pregnancy:

Test for sexually transmitted infections (STDs)

Important: Sexual infections in men most often occur in a latent form and do not appear outwardly in any way. However, these infections negatively affect conception.

But even if conception occurred with an existing STD, pathogens of infectious diseases can harm the fetus.

It is imperative to conduct a study to identify pathogens of sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, trichomonas, gonococci, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gardella). It is also necessary to be examined for the presence oncogenic types human papilloma virus.

There are several methods of testing for STDs:

  • PCR— a smear is taken from the urethral mucosa (the method is considered the most accurate)
  • ELISA— the presence of antibodies in the blood to infectious pathogens is determined
  • Bakposev

Blood test for HIV, hepatitis C and B

Important: Get tested for HIV doctors They advise all people, regardless of whether they are planning a pregnancy.

But if we're talking about If a man and a woman are planning a child, then donating blood to detect these diseases is extremely necessary. HIV and hepatitis C and B are harmful not only to the fetus, but also to the parents.

Blood tests for TORCH infections

TORCH infections include:

  • rubella
  • cytomegalovirus
  • herpes
  • toxoplasmosis

These infections are fraught with infection of the fetus in the womb and further damage to systems and organs.

General analysis of urine and blood

These tests reflect the man's overall health. Treatment of almost all diseases begins with the donation of urine and blood.

Blood chemistry

The functioning of the liver, kidneys, spleen, etc. is determined. On the day of the test, it is important not to eat anything until the blood is drawn.

Before conception you need to undergo a series of tests

Examination of men when planning pregnancy

Important: If a couple is unable to conceive a child after prolonged attempts, the man is recommended to undergo a more thorough examination.


This type of examination shows whether a man is able to conceive a child. naturally. The sperm is examined under a microscope. The motility, quantity, and concentration of sperm are determined.

Study of prostate secretion

Detection and treatment of inflammation in the prostate.

Blood test for hormones

The level of hormones important during conception is examined: testosterone, also insulin and gonadotropic hormones.

Determination of blood group and Rh factor

Blood testing for group membership and determination of the Rh factor is not necessary if the man already knows these data. If you don’t know, then you need to donate blood. Based on the results, you can determine what blood type the child will have.

Important: The Rh factor must be established if the expectant mother of the child is negative. There is a possibility of Rh conflict between mother and fetus, which can cause a miscarriage.

If a man, like his chosen one, has a negative Rh factor, there will be no Rh conflict. In any case, the doctor leading the pregnancy must be aware and prepared.

Dad and baby

Nutrition for men when planning pregnancy

  1. Anyone who wants to become a father should give preference to meat, fish, greens, fruits and vegetables, nuts
  2. From sweets, flour products V large quantities, carbonated water, fatty and spicy foods should be avoided

Adequate nutrition is very important step on the way to procreation. Along with the products, a man receives useful substances that affect the quality of sperm.

To procreate, a man's diet must be varied.

What vitamins should a man take when planning a pregnancy?

Vitamins supplied through food may not be enough. The main vitamins that have a beneficial effect on conception are:

  • Folic acid
  • Selenium
  • L-carnitine
  • Vitamins C and E

Vitamin E for men when planning pregnancy

  • Vitamin E affects male fertility. The higher your fertility, the greater your chances of creating offspring.
  • Vitamin E improves sperm motility and viability.

Omega-3 for men when planning pregnancy

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids have a beneficial effect on sperm maturation. With enough of these substances, sperm become elastic and mobile, which increases the chances of getting pregnant.

Multivitamins for men when planning pregnancy

There are multivitamins for men that can help them become fathers. Here are the names of some of them:

  1. Spermactiv
  2. Speroton
  3. Orthomol
  4. Spermstrong

Important: To choose a multivitamin, you must consult an andrologist. This specialist deals with issues of the male reproductive system. Only a specialist will be able to determine in what dosage and what vitamins a man’s body needs.

Speroton - multivitamins for conception

Can a man drink alcohol when planning a pregnancy?

Men are often interested in the question of whether it is possible to drink alcohol when planning a child. The answer is categorical - No.

  • Some men are sure that they should only give up strong alcoholic drinks. However, even alcoholic drinks with a low percentage of alcohol (for example, beer) can have a detrimental effect on the health of the fetus.
  • The semen of a non-drinking man contains about a quarter of damaged sperm. That's a lot, you might think. But if a man drinks alcohol, the percentage of defective sperm increases. Hence there is a risk of conceiving an unhealthy child
  • Smoking has the same negative impact. It's better to refuse bad habits, because the health of the unborn baby is at stake

Important: Alcohol should be completely eliminated three months before the desired conception. It is during this time that the sperm are completely renewed.

Alcohol - no

A competent approach to conception is an indicator of a man’s responsible attitude towards impending fatherhood. Such a man will be a loving and caring father. Support your man in his desire to continue a healthy birth.

Video: Preparing for a man to conceive

The concept of pregnancy planning includes a whole complex mandatory measures which will help you begin to prepare for the birth of a child: at this time a woman should not take contraceptives, and consult a doctor. A married couple will be able to conceive a healthy baby after checking their health for infections, giving up alcohol, smoking, and eating harmful products, follow a routine, breathe fresh air more often, and get proper rest. Tests will show whether treatment is needed medicines.

What is pregnancy planning

In order for a healthy baby to be born, a couple of spouses must make a lot of effort and properly prepare for the upcoming pregnancy. Planning activities will help avoid possible complications, carry, give birth to a healthy baby. Specialists will eliminate factors harmful to the couple and give good advice. Many women have a chance of becoming pregnant. The process of conception is facilitated by:

  • visits to doctors by both spouses;
  • consultation with a gynecologist for a woman;
  • collected tests;
  • selected favorable moment using the conception calendar;
  • elimination of genital tract infections.

How to plan a pregnancy

Married couple must decide what steps to take so that pregnancy occurs and the child is born full-fledged. How to plan a pregnancy? Planning and preparation should begin with a visit to the doctor, consultation with a gynecologist. Medical examination will help identify the presence of infections in the body, any chronic disease. The gynecologist will examine the woman’s uterus and give detailed advice on planning. Correctly drawing up a planning calendar will help the family avoid mistakes and confidently go through all stages of preparation.

What you need to know

Find out what you need to know when planning a pregnancy. Find out:

  • how good and strong your health is at the time of conception;
  • how to calculate the moment of ovulation;
  • what vaccinations to get to avoid infectious diseases (hepatitis, chickenpox, rubella);
  • which vitamin preparations take to increase the body's resistance;
  • how to give up completely hormonal drugs, other medications;
  • what will help you not to drink alcoholic beverages, not to smoke;
  • what tests need to be taken;
  • how to correctly create a normal diet, eliminate diets/fasting.

Where to begin

After visiting the doctor, you need to fill out general calendar planning. List point by point all the activities that the family must complete so that the probability of conception becomes almost one hundred percent. A few months before pregnancy, it is worth checking all vital signs. internal organs(liver, kidneys, heart, lungs). It's time to visit doctors (generalist, gynecologist, ENT, dentist), if necessary, an infectious disease specialist, a psychiatrist. It is important to do it on time necessary vaccinations. It is possible to conceive and bear a healthy baby if parents follow the doctor’s advice.

To a woman

To achieve pregnancy and the safe birth of a baby, a woman must start with the following steps:

  • visit a gynecologist, find out useful recommendations, adviсe;
  • donate blood for general analysis, biochemistry;
  • check urine;
  • take smears to check for sexually transmitted infections;
  • undergo examination of the pelvic organs using ultrasound;
  • check blood for antibodies to viral diseases(herpes, rubella);
  • get tested for HIV, hepatitis B and C;
  • donate blood to check blood sugar levels;
  • assess the condition of the uterus and ovaries;
  • check the female genital organs.

To a man

What steps should a man take to ensure that his sperm is viable and complete? It is advisable for a man to start:

  • do a general blood and urine test;
  • get checked for any infection, inflammatory processes;
  • donate secretions for flora;
  • for high-quality, motile sperm, monitor the temperature in groin area(sperm do not tolerate temperature regime over 33-35 degrees);
  • reduce to a minimum, completely abstain from alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • to synthesize sperm in the volumes necessary for pregnancy, reduce sex to 1-2 per week.

When to plan

Highest probability conceiving a baby happens healthy couple. Planning for conception and the age of the expectant mother and father are interconnected; a young body is stronger, more resilient, and healthier. You can plan to conceive if you have a chronic disease future mom I completed a course of treatment and am absolutely healthy. Ideally, both parents have given up bad habits, get plenty of rest, spend a lot of time in the fresh air, and eat right. The female body harm caused by uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking, sedentary lifestyle life.


There is a certain list of tests that a woman and a man must undergo during this crucial period of time. Both future parents must pass the following:

  • analysis to determine blood group and Rh factor to exclude pathology of fetal development;
  • smears, blood for the presence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • analysis for HIV, hepatitis;
  • general, biochemical analysis blood, which shows general health;
  • get tested for antibodies;
  • OAM (general urinalysis);
  • genetic tests(if needed);
  • research on the quality and quantity of sex hormones produced by expectant mothers and fathers.

What to drink when planning pregnancy

Planned pregnancy and childbirth proceed safely if the girl is serious about taking vitamins. Recommended to take:

  1. Folic acid - it will prevent fetal development abnormalities. It synthesizes DNA, participates in the process of hematopoiesis, cell division, and forms nervous system. Taking folic acid is recommended in all trimesters of pregnancy.
  2. Potassium iodide replenishes iodine deficiency in the body.
  3. Vitamin E helps you bear a healthy baby.

Planning pregnancy with an irregular cycle

Irregular menstrual cycles significantly reduce the chances of getting pregnant. Early toxicosis is considered a sign of pregnancy. To increase the likelihood of an event occurring, you need to:

  • undergo an examination by a gynecologist;
  • calculate ovulation dates;
  • drink decoctions of oregano and linden, which normalize the cycle;
  • bring your own weight back to normal; it is difficult for a thin or overweight woman to conceive a child;
  • Regular high-quality sex brings the cycle back to normal;
  • treat the nervous system with sedatives and herbs.

Floor planning

Methods that allow you to plan the gender of your future baby are often discussed. It is stated that on gender a child can be influenced by food. If included in daily diet dishes of meat, mushrooms, potatoes, eat bananas, oranges, then there will be a boy. Girls influence gender formation raw cabbage, nuts, beans, onions, peppers. Positive reviews and a high (not 100% probability) is the planning technique for sorting male and female chromosomes in sperm during IVF. They try to plan the gender of the child using calculations based on:

  • ovulation date;
  • year of birth of partners;
  • "renewal" of blood.

Planning for pregnancy after pregnancy

If everything went well in previous pregnancies, then the chances of getting pregnant again are very high. The optimal interval between births is two years, during which time the body is fully restored and ready for the birth of babies, next pregnancy is running well. A time gap of less than one year risks miscarriages. With a frozen pregnancy, if the first or second miscarriage occurs, the body recovers within three to four years. All processes in a pregnant woman’s body intensify, so it must rest.

How to increase the chance of pregnancy

You can plan the timing of pregnancy and increase the likelihood of its occurrence during the period of ovulation, when the egg can be fertilized within 2 days. The fertile period lasts from 6 to 8 days. Frequent sex promotes activity and sperm renewal. After sexual intercourse, it is best to relax, lie quietly on your side or back. It is important to refuse:

  • from douching;
  • from using toilet soap and detergents.
