Chills during ovulation. What are the main symptoms of successful conception? The main symptoms of lack of ovulation

If a woman knows how ovulation makes her feel, this will greatly facilitate her pregnancy planning. But not every female body has a stable menstrual cycle, and therefore the time of egg maturation may vary and not correspond to your calculations.

In order to calculate the onset of ovulation day, it is proposed to carefully observe what sensations it causes during this period. It should be noted right away that the sensations during ovulation are purely subjective, and they are individual for each woman. In this article we will try to discuss what the main physical manifestations are observed during ovulation.

There are women who experience pain in their lower abdomen during ovulation. The pain is varied. They can be pulling, aching, stabbing, cutting. Painful sensations are caused by rupture of the capsule in which the follicle was located.

After this process, fluid and a small amount of blood are released from it. During ovulation, the walls of the uterus and fallopian tubes contract, the abdominal wall is in an irritated state, which explains the pain.

Painful sensations of a tingling or pulling nature before ovulation can be observed only in one half of the abdomen. It all depends on which ovary the egg matured in. Painful sensations before ovulation are short-lived, and women, as a rule, determine the onset of ovulation by them. Also at this time, there is an increase in libido, and the body itself tells the woman that it is ready for fertilization.

But another question arises: if the release of the egg from its capsule is accompanied by painful sensations and their duration is 2-3 days, and after that the temperature rises, then what could such a condition indicate? It may indicate that a woman’s body has such painful manifestations as:

  • adhesions;
  • cysts;
  • polyps;
  • inflammatory processes.

They prevent the egg from fully penetrating into the cavity of the fallopian tube.

Pain before ovulation can serve as a signal that there is a cyst in the ovary that prevents pregnancy.

Some women complain of pain in the mammary glands during and after ovulation. This is considered the normal limit, since the rupture of a follicle is a kind of start for a woman’s body, which is ready to conceive a baby. In particular, after ovulation, a restructuring of the functioning of the breast begins, the glandular tissue of which increases in size, preparing for lactation.

Sensations in the cervix

The condition of the cervix changes repeatedly before and after menstruation.

The uterus also prepares for a possible pregnancy and represents the so-called “biological entrance” for male sperm.

During ovulation, the muscles of the uterus are greatly influenced by a hormone such as estrogen, which keeps the cervix in place.

  • Immediately after your period, the uterus becomes hard and flat. It becomes like a dimple. Before the process of maturation of the egg, under the influence of estrogen, it gradually opens and rises.
  • During the ovulation process itself, the uterus is loose and soft, but after ovulation ends it becomes hard again.
  • During ovulation, there is also an increase in the size of the labia. Hormonal changes in the body also play a role here.

How can you monitor the condition of the cervix?

Undoubtedly, the most common method is ultrasound, but you can feel its changes without special equipment. For example, examine its walls by palpation.

Before carrying out the procedure, you should thoroughly disinfect your hands. To make the procedure easier, it is recommended to squat down or lean on the edge of the bathtub.

Pay attention to the consistency of the follicular fluid, which during ovulation becomes very viscous and similar to liquid egg white. But this phenomenon is not observed in all women. It’s just that the discharge is liquid, and the cervix itself is moist and warm. This is the most opportune moment to conceive.

After ovulation ends, the cervix becomes dry. For some women, during ovulation, discharge with a small admixture of blood or mucus has become common. There is nothing strange about this, since the maturation of the follicle is associated with a small amount of bleeding.

Can you feel pregnant?

Some women note that soon after ovulation they felt signs of pregnancy. But in reality, the body and its hormonal system are not able to react so sensitively to such changes in the female body. For the most part, there is a psychological moment here, and the feeling of pregnancy is nothing more than its self-hypnosis.

But, there are a number of signs that can actually be felt after the egg matures.

For example, implantation bleeding, which makes itself felt approximately 10 days after ovulation. During this time, the fertilized egg may well attach to the wall of the uterus, and this process is sometimes associated with minor bleeding. But sometimes they can become abundant. Within a short time after pregnancy, sensations in the mammary glands also change. This is the earliest sign of pregnancy. In the period of time before the implantation process, blood circulation in the uterine area increases, so many women feel the onset of pregnancy long before their period is missed.

If we consider the problem of bloating in the very early stages of pregnancy, then it is also caused by an increased level of blood circulation in the uterine area. During this period, the blood is redistributed in such a way that much less blood flows to the intestines, and the functioning of the digestive organs becomes slower.
Toxicosis may appear as early as 7 days after fertilization.

The body has not yet had time to adapt to pregnancy, and hormonal changes are gaining momentum. Manifestations of early toxicosis can also be expressed in changes in the perception of smells and taste. From the very first days of pregnancy, the functionality of higher nervous activity changes.

Toxicosis is caused by increased production of the hormone progesterone by the body. In addition, the body is in a stressful situation, because it has to adapt to pregnancy. This explains the lethargy and weakness that is noticed soon after fertilization. Headaches and swelling of the legs and arms also often appear. It should be noted that not all women experience such sensations during pregnancy and are strictly individual in nature.

Other sensations during ovulation

The body, which is preparing for pregnancy, undergoes significant changes. Many women report experiencing an unusual surge of energy before ovulation. Those representatives of the fairer sex who are passionate about dancing and sports note that their bodies have become much more flexible.

As mentioned above, the size of the labia often increases. This is due to the active flow of blood to them, as well as to all pelvic organs.

The walls of the vagina and all erogenous zones become more sensitive. Many women develop a strong sex drive. This process takes place at the level of instinct - the woman is ready to conceive and the body gives a “hint”, because the main purpose of a woman is to give birth to offspring.

Ovulation is an important stage of the menstrual cycle during which the follicle ruptures and an egg enters the fallopian tube. This process makes fertilization and pregnancy possible. But how do you understand that ovulation has occurred?

The onset of ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and the entry of the egg into the fallopian tube is considered a kind of peak. With a cycle duration of 27 30 days of egg release can be expected at 13 16th day from the start of menstrual flow.

You need to understand that every woman’s body has its own individual characteristics. In some cases, exposure to external factors can cause disruption of the menstrual cycle, so ovulation will occur later or earlier than expected.

Fertilization does not only occur on the day of ovulation. The egg remains viable for 24 hours, and healthy sperm remain active for more than 72 hours. Therefore, conception can occur within 4 days: 3 days before and 1 day after the rupture of the follicle.

Why is ovulation determined?

The rupture of the follicle and the entry of the egg into the fallopian tube means the onset of a favorable period for conceiving a child. Therefore, determining ovulation is necessary for married couples who are carefully planning the future, and for girls who have not been able to get pregnant for a long time.

Ovulation, along with other stages of the menstrual cycle, is an indicator of a woman’s health. If a couple fails to conceive a child within 2–3 months, this may indicate the development of a pathology. A comprehensive examination of both partners will help determine the cause of the problem.

It is important to know when ovulation occurs and if a man’s spermogram is abnormal. If there is a violation of the motility, viability and number of sperm, then conception can occur only with sexual intercourse 1 day before or during the release of the egg. In such cases, it is recommended to abstain from intimacy for 2 3 days to increase sperm count and increase chances of fertilization.

There is an opinion that determining the release of an egg helps to plan the sex of the unborn child. Sperm with a Y chromosome (“male”) are highly motile, but do not live long. However, cells with the X chromosome (“female”) are active for 72 hours. Therefore, during intimacy on the day of ovulation, a boy may be born within 2 3 days before the release of the egg - girl. However, experts do not confirm this theory, because the effectiveness of the method does not exceed 50%.

Main signs (symptoms) of ovulation

How to determine whether ovulation has occurred on your own? Every woman can notice the development of some changes in the body during the release of the egg. It is worth considering each of the symptoms in more detail.

Increased libido

During ovulation, a woman's libido increases, she becomes easily excitable, and sensuality increases. This is due to an increase in the amount of androgens in the bloodstream. Also noted are memory sharpening, stress resistance, and increased endurance. Scientists have proven that during this period a woman acquires a special aroma that attracts men.

The appearance of mucous discharge

During ovulation, a woman may notice an increase in the volume of discharge, which is associated with an increase in the production of estrogen and progesterone. During this period, cervical mucus is quite liquid, sticky and viscous. Sometimes dense clots may appear in the discharge. This consistency of cervical mucus helps sperm reach the egg.

During the completion of the egg release process, a woman may notice a yellowish discharge that may have pink streaks.

Mild nagging pain in the lower abdomen

Not every woman notices the appearance of unpleasant sensations during follicle rupture. This symptom develops only in 1/5 of women. Nagging pain in some cases is accompanied by the release of a small amount of blood.

Doctors explain the development of pain syndrome by the formation of a Graafian vesicle, which stretches the ovary. In some cases, pain appears when follicular fluid enters the uterine cavity, which has a contractile effect. It should be noted that the pain syndrome is usually localized on one side: left or right. This is due to the alternate work of the ovaries.

Important! If the pain in the middle of the menstrual cycle is cutting in nature and continues for 2 3 days and interferes with a full life, then consultation with a specialist is necessary. The doctor will be able to determine the cause of the development of the unpleasant symptom and prescribe the necessary therapy.

How doctors determine the onset of ovulation

A gynecologist will help you accurately determine whether ovulation occurred. As part of a gynecological examination, a doctor will be able to determine a woman’s readiness to conceive based on the condition of her internal organs. The gynecologist may note a sharp increase in the amount of cervical fluid, softening of the cervix, and the appearance of a “pupil symptom” when mucous discharge can be seen through the cervix. Such symptoms can begin 2 days before ovulation and last 3-4 days.

An ultrasound will allow you to determine with 100% certainty the time of release of the egg. The study allows you to monitor the development of the follicle, its rupture and the release of the egg. Ultrasound monitoring is one of the most accurate methods for determining the onset of ovulation.

Biochemical screening will help accurately determine ovulation. This technique is rarely used to predict the day when an egg will be released from the follicle due to its high cost. However, it helps to accurately determine the presence of the process of release of the egg from the follicle. Therefore, a blood test is prescribed in cases where a woman cannot become pregnant for a long time.

Testing methods

How do you know when ovulation has occurred? For this purpose, it is recommended to use the following methods:

  • Test to determine ovulation. The method is based on determining the concentration of luteinizing hormone in urine. The test will allow you to accurately determine the day of ovulation, but taking certain medications may reduce the accuracy of the results.
  • A woman can measure this indicator on her own. It is enough in the morning, without leaving your bed, to measure your body temperature rectally. It is important to carry out manipulations strictly at the same time. If the indicator rises to 37.2 within a few days, this indicates the maturation of the egg and imminent ovulation. 1 day before the release of the egg, the temperature drops sharply. The technique is simple, but has low accuracy
  • Calendar method. First you need to determine the total duration of the menstrual cycle. The resulting number must be divided in half; ovulation can occur in 1 2 days before and after the received value. For example, if the cycle is 32 days, then ovulation should occur on 15 Day 17 However, any errors in nutrition, infectious diseases, or stress can affect the duration of the menstrual cycle, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of this technique

Ovulation is an important stage of the menstrual cycle, without which conceiving a child becomes impossible. Determining the time of egg release allows you to identify dysfunctions of the female reproductive organs and correctly plan your pregnancy. Remember, when figuring out the timing of ovulation, you should not focus on problems with conception. You just need to enjoy life, and pregnancy will definitely come.

The human body is truly amazing. This statement is especially true with regard to the female reproductive system. It is so complex and sometimes unpredictable that it is simply impossible to say for sure when pregnancy will occur and when it will not. But guidelines still exist. The onset of menstruation occurs regularly, which allows you to count the days of your cycle.

If a woman monitors the length of her menstrual period, she can determine the days when she is more likely to become pregnant.

The period of ovulation is that very short segment of the “lunar” cycle when a mature egg leaves the ovary and heads towards fertilization. Couples who want to become parents strive to make the most of this fertile phase. Most experts advise men and women who are having trouble getting pregnant to have sex as often as possible and not prepare themselves for a specific day. Thanks to this approach to business, a woman does not have a psychological barrier that interferes with the process of conceiving a fetus.

The only exception may be the period of menstruation, when menstrual flow may become an obstacle to sexual relations. Pregnancy should not be expected during this period.

The closer you are to ovulation, the higher the chance of conception. Therefore, many couples decide to make love more often as soon as the woman notices signs of ovulation. To understand how to determine whether a phase of the cycle favorable for conceiving a child has arrived, you should know what it is.

The role of ovulation in the body

During ovulation, a mature egg is released from the ovary to meet male reproductive cells that can fertilize it and give rise to a new life. If pregnancy does not occur, then the overgrown layer of endometrium in the uterus and the female reproductive cell leave the body during menstruation.

The term ovulation describes both this process of egg release and the short time period of the menstrual period during which pregnancy can begin. Sometimes it lasts only a few hours, and sometimes it reaches 2 days.

Before the egg leaves its “home”, it is inside in “waiting mode” for its time, along with hundreds of thousands of its own kind. Throughout the childbearing period of a woman's life, they take turns to mature and make an "attempt to escape", leaving others to wait for their time. If a girl has regular periods, then she does not need to track signs of ovulation in order to determine the optimal period for conception. The calendar method will allow her to know exactly the time when the egg will be released from the ovary and fertilization will be most likely.

What sensations will help determine the onset of ovulation?

Although there are various methods for determining the onset of ovulation, often a woman simply needs to listen carefully to the changes occurring in her body approximately in the middle of the 28-day menstrual period. What symptoms of ovulation can be noticed by the fairer sex?

It all can start with a change in general condition. A woman’s health may worsen on days 13-15 of her cycle. Due to changes in hormonal levels, sometimes mild discomfort and even noticeable pain occurs. Due to hormonal changes, the onset of ovulation is indicated by breast swelling and accompanying pain. But all this is not the main symptoms of ovulation.

One of the main signs of ovulation in a woman is pain in the lower abdomen. Nagging pain usually occurs on one side. Such sensations are associated with the release of the egg from the follicle. Sometimes this process takes place in a few minutes and is almost unnoticed by the woman, and sometimes it takes 1-2 days while the cell travels through the thin fallopian tubes. However, some women do not feel any pain in the lower abdomen during ovulation. If you are one of them, do not be afraid that something is wrong with your body. The presence or absence of pain during ovulation does not indicate problems with this phase.

A change in a woman's mood can be a symptom of ovulation. Due to changes in hormonal levels during ovulation, representatives of the fairer sex may experience a state of tearfulness and irritability in waves.

The hormonal state also affects eating habits. Foods that a woman usually likes may seem unpalatable and even bitter before ovulation and during this phase. Ordinary, and sometimes pleasant, odors can provoke nausea and vomiting. The reasons for all the changes, sometimes shocking to other people, are signs of ovulation caused by changes in hormone levels.
Another symptom of ovulation is increased sexual desire. During the period when conceiving a child is most likely, a woman’s body tells her that she needs to take advantage of this special moment to get pregnant. This trend reveals the wisdom of nature with which the human body is designed. A woman’s particularly strong sexual desire on days 13-15 of the menstrual cycle may indicate the onset of the ovulation phase.

It is worth noting that during menstruation, when bleeding can become an obstacle to lovemaking, a woman may experience a particularly strong attraction to a man. This unusual increase in desire during menstruation is also due to surges in hormone levels in the body.

Clear signs of a fertile phase

Every woman ovulates differently. However, there are symptoms observed when a mature egg is released, which are repeated in almost every representative of the fairer sex.

Discharge is a factor by which one can fairly accurately conclude that ovulation is already occurring or will occur soon. First, changes in hormone levels affect the consistency of mucus. Vaginal discharge acquires a viscous structure, reminiscent of egg white. If you take a “sample” of the discharge and open your fingers, it will stretch between your fingers in the form of a thread. Secondly, the amount of discharge increases rapidly compared to the “dry” days immediately after menstruation.

Before and during ovulation, the discharge noticeably increases in volume and changes consistency, signaling to the woman that the body is ready to conceive.

A gynecologist who has been monitoring a woman’s health for some time can easily notice the day of ovulation. The days in the middle of the menstrual cycle are characterized by changes in the condition of the cervix. It changes its position a little, opens up, becomes looser and softer.

Determining ovulation by temperature and calculations

With a regular cycle, you can determine the days of ovulation using the calendar method. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a simple thermometer and a basal temperature chart. Starting from the first day of the menstrual period, it is necessary to measure your body temperature every morning.

An important point: measurements must be taken in a state of complete rest. It is recommended to do this without even getting out of bed.

The basal temperature is affected by the woman’s well-being, alcohol or medication intake, physical activity, stress, insomnia and many other factors that occurred on the day before the measurements were taken. It is advisable to note all these nuances in the graphics in the form of a comment.

To be consistent, it is important to make entries in a special schedule, a template for which can easily be found on the Internet. In a situation where a woman is not sick, her body temperature will be stable. On a certain day before ovulation, it will drop sharply and then begin to rise again. Such a jump in the temperature curve is a sign that the ideal days for conception have arrived.

To make sure that the cycle is stable, you need to repeat the basal temperature measurements the next month. If the jump occurs on the same day of the cycle as a month ago, then it can be argued that the ovulation phase begins on this day. To be completely sure that the BT schedule is correct, doctors recommend recording readings for at least 3-4 months.

Most women don't even measure their basal temperature to determine the days when they are most likely to become pregnant. They simply divide the length of the menstrual cycle in half and get the day of ovulation. The correctness of such a simple calculation is often confirmed by the discharge, pain and changes in well-being characteristic of this phase.

Late ovulation

There is a category of representatives of the fairer sex who do not have health problems, but they notice that signs of ovulation appear much later than in the middle of the menstrual period. Closer to the onset of menstruation, the discharge changes its character and other signs appear, indicating the onset of a favorable phase for conception. Why is this happening?

Due to certain factors, the egg takes longer to mature than it should. Couples who were unable to get pregnant the first time, having learned about this feature of the female body, plan to have more sex in the days before the onset of menstruation. This is when some women ovulate.

The cause of late ovulation may be stress, illness and other “troubles” that befall the fair half of humanity. In such a situation, it takes time for the cycle to recover. If ovulation occurs with a significant delay from time to time, you should consult a gynecologist, since this may not just be an individual characteristic of the body, but a symptom of some hormonal imbalances.

Laboratory signs

A woman may clearly feel the signs of ovulation before ovulation, or she may feel absolutely nothing. The discharge may be the same as on other days, and the state of health may not raise any questions at all. But changes in the body still occur. This fact can be confirmed by a blood test that shows the readiness of the egg for fertilization.

An analysis of the level of pituitary hormones can help to understand whether ovulation is occurring, the signs of which may be invisible to the woman herself. For the release of a mature female reproductive cell from the ovary, the influence of luteinizing hormone is necessary, causing rupture of the membrane. As a rule, the pituitary gland begins to create an optimal supply of a new substance on the 12-13th day of the menstrual period, and this process lasts about a day and a half. If the blood test for the level of luteinizing hormone is high, it means that the woman is in the time period of the cycle before ovulation.

A common way to determine the onset of ovulation, the symptoms of which are not clearly noticeable, is a urine test. A woman can do it herself at home. Pharmacies sell so-called ovulation analyzers, which resemble a test strip to determine pregnancy.

The principle of operation of this “tool” is exactly the same as that of a pregnancy test: a strip is lowered into a vessel with urine for a few seconds, after which you need to give it time to lie on a flat surface. Within 5-10 minutes the result will be known: if only one line is visible on the test, then the level of luteinizing hormone is still low, which means ovulation has not yet occurred. When the ovulatory phase begins, the test will show 2 stripes, which indicates a growing level of the hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Next, it's a matter of the brightness of the stripes. If they become the same color, then now is the most optimal time for pregnancy.

Using tests twice a day, you can find out the moment when an egg leaves the ovary with an accuracy of several hours. It is advisable to start testing 1-2 days before the expected date of ovulation. If you use an ovulation test every day throughout your cycle, you can spend a lot of money. When there is a need to know exactly the ideal moment for pregnancy, it is better to “listen” to your body. Characteristic discharge, mood swings, pain in the lower abdomen - all this will help determine the days when the time for the release of an egg ready for fertilization is approaching. When there are 1-2 days left before ovulation, then you can resort to special tests to determine it.

100% method - ultrasound

If it is difficult to independently determine the signs of ovulation, you should seek help from specialists. Using an ultrasound, you can determine almost certainly how soon the egg will be released. This becomes possible due to an increase in the size of the follicle, from which the mature female reproductive cell emerges.

Based on certain standards for egg size and endometrial thickness, a doctor can easily determine when the ideal days for conceiving a child will come.

In order for the indicators to be accurate, it is necessary to begin ultrasound monitoring several days before expected ovulation. On days 7-10 of the cycle (depending on its total duration), the woman needs to undergo an initial ultrasound examination. With its help, you can figure out how quickly the follicles increase in size and how rapidly the endometrial layer grows in the uterus. If the endometrium is still thin and the follicles are small, the diagnosis should be repeated after 1-2 days. Taking these indications into account, an ultrasound will help determine when the ideal time for pregnancy is. This method is often used by women prone to early or late ovulation.

Ovulation is the phase of a woman’s menstrual cycle when a mature egg is released from the follicle into the abdominal cavity. This is how doctors define this term. What should a woman know about this important period? What are the symptoms of ovulation? How to calculate its onset?

Menstrual cycle length and ovulation

First of all, we note that ovulation in the female body is an opportunity, endowed by nature, to conceive a child. Finding the happiness of motherhood begins precisely during this important period. Without the release of an egg, it is impossible for it to be fertilized by a sperm, which means it is impossible to conceive a baby.

Each woman develops her own menstrual cycle with age. This is the number of days from the first day of menstruation to the first day of the next menstruation. Typically, girls begin menstruation or, as they are called, menstruation at 13-14 years of age, although today the timing of the onset of menstruation in girls who have begun to physically develop faster is shifting to an earlier date. Sometimes it's 9 years.

To accurately determine the date of ovulation, you should know exactly the duration of your menstrual cycle. Its normal length is from 21 to 35 calendar days. For various reasons, the cycle can be shortened or lengthened. Sometimes it crashes.

Ovulation occurs only once in the menstrual cycle. This happens in the middle of the cycle. If it lasts 28 days, then the egg is released approximately on the 13-14th day. This is the date of ovulation.

How does ovulation occur in women?

A woman has follicles in each ovary. These are small bubbles that mature every month in one of the ovaries. A fully matured “bubble” is up to 24 mm in diameter. Such a follicle is dominant, that is, it is from it that a mature egg is released during the period of ovulation.

The first phase of the cycle is called preovulatory. During this period, the follicle undergoes changes. In it, under the influence of estrogen, the level of luteinizing hormone increases. The second phase is the ovulatory phase, when the follicle ruptures and the egg is released. How long does the ovulation period last? This is approximately 48 hours. At this time, the female cell is waiting for fertilization, it is ready for conception, having entered the uterine (fallopian) tube. There she awaits her future fate, which provides for two options - fertilization or non-fertilization. If during these 48 hours a sperm enters the fallopian tube, it moves towards the egg and tries to penetrate it. A healthy sperm can do this. The process of fusion of egg and sperm continues with cell division, that is, conception.

When the egg does not wait for fertilization, it simply dies. Then, along with the endometrial layer, it is rejected - and menstrual bleeding occurs.

Systematic occurrence of ovulation

Does ovulation always occur during a regular menstrual cycle? Gynecologists have the concept of an “anovulatory cycle.” This is a cycle when ovulation simply does not occur. And this happens in completely healthy women. In most cases, ovulation occurs monthly, but anovulatory cycles occur 2-3 times a year. The ovaries can simply “rest”; the follicle in them does not mature.

You should also be aware that ovulation can be late or early.

For example, with a 28-day cycle, it can occur on the 8th day and on the 18th.

The reasons for the shift in ovulation most often in our time in women are severe stress. Experts note this. Also, shifts in the onset of ovulation occur due to poor nutrition and rhythm of life, illness and the use of hormone-containing drugs.

Symptoms of ovulation

Different women experience different signs of this important period. About 20% of girls note that this is a rather painful process for them.

Ovulation pain is similar to menstrual pain, but it is not as severe. For some girls, pain during ovulation is cramping in nature, for others it is nagging, and for others, they do not feel anything at all. Ovulation is sometimes accompanied by dizziness and nausea, fever and weakness. This is more typical for nulliparous women.

The degree of pain of ovulation is influenced by the woman’s health and the general condition of her body.

Especially for- Elena TOLOCHIK

ON A NOTE! Sometimes multiple occur, most often their number reaches two. They occur 24-48 hours apart.

Male reproductive cells, compared to female ones, have more prolonged activity. Bypassing all obstacles and getting into the fallopian tubes, they are able to wait for 5-7 days, usually 3-5.

ON A NOTE! The presence of the ability to bear children can be indicated by the combination of all signs. Individual factors may also be present.

It is recommended to have sexual intercourse exactly when the woman feels the main symptoms of impending pregnancy. You can also confirm your guesses using ultrasound. In front of the dominant follicle is already fully formed. Its dimensions must exceed 18 mm, and at this stage it must be more than 10 mm.

Secondary signs

Some women recognize that it is approaching by individual symptoms. Such signs are secondary, since they do not appear in all girls or not in every cycle.

Secondary signs that may indicate readiness for fertilization.